• Published 27th Aug 2022
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My Little Pony: Clash of Dragons - RobtheMorpherPony

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Chapter 21: Clash of Dragons - The Battle

Cynder entered the arena area that Blue Ember set up. "Seems there's no low you won't stoop to just to get my attention." Cynder said. "...Well you have it now. So, how about you admit to the crime you committed and turn yourself in while you can still do so willingly." She added.

"Says the one who still has yet to pay for the crimes she brought on. You think I care that you were corrupted? Do you even realize what one of the dragons that were killed was?!" Blue Ember exclaimed. "I'm talking about the one known as Ignantus. He did not have to die. But you...you killed him." She added.

"If anyone killed Ignantus it was himself. Spyro was there and would gladly back me up on that." Cynder said.

"That Purple Dragon could just be covering for you just because he doesn't want to comprehend that his own mate would be guilty of cold bloody murder." Blue Ember said. "You may have pulled the wool over the eyes of others, but you'll never do so for me." She added.

"...You've become blinded by your rage. And if you continue to be guided by it, it'll bring you to ruin." Cynder said.


"...So be it. For you own sake, I can't afford to lose to you." Cynder said.

The Fallen Dragon Lord
Blue Ember

Blue Ember began the battle by taking to the skies and Cynder followed close behind. And the Air element helped with that aspect.

"What the...you can use the Air Element? But your so closely associated with the shadows!" Blue Ember said.

"If there's one thing I can thank Malafor for, it's giving me the same capabilities Spyro has: The ability to master more than one element. And I won't hesitate use them on someone like you to stop you from crossing a line you can't uncross." Cynder said.

"SAYS THE BUCKING MURDERER!" Blue Ember said. The two dragons began battling it out in the sky, with Blue Ember trying to use her fire breath but Ember countered with a Poison breath. "Poison too?!" Blue Ember said.

"Funny enough, I always found myself more attuned to the Poison Element. Not the Shadow one dragons associated me with. I think I may have originally been intended to become a Poison Dragon." Cynder admitted.

"...I think your lying. You were always meant to be a Shadow Dragon!" Blue Ember said before suddenly Cynder Vanished. "What the--" Blue Ember said before getting hit from behind by Cynder and some kind of Shadow energy.

"And that also plays into the fact that, Poison is the only element I seem the most attuned to be spewing out of my mouth. The others have their uses, but I definatly find Poison as more my speed." Cynder said. As Blue Ember suddenly charged ahead again, she was knocked down by a Fear Element Punch. And it was hard.

"Ugh...Your...strong..." Blue Ember said.

"Did you expect anything less? Spike is my son, and you got your tail handed to you very quickly." Cynder said. "And that was because he would not show restraint over your broken promise. But I am simply going to make sure you realize just how underclassed you are compared to me." She added.

"...I must...I have to avenge Ignatus..." Blue Ember said, trying to get up.

"...I didn't want to have to do this. But maybe you'd rather see the scene for yourself." Cynder said before envoloping Blue Ember with Shadow Fog.

"Wha-what is this?!" Ember said. She recieved no answer. Just that she felt something happening around her. There was a scene playing out before her, it was of Ignatus's sacrifice. "YOU CAN'T FULL ME WITH YOUR ILLUSIONS CYNDER!" Ember said. But then she saw Spyro momentairly go dark. "W-what the...Spyro was never said to have gone dark at all." Ember said. "Wha-what happened to him?" She added.

The fog lifted, and Cynder was seen normal. "Do you remember what happened with Gaul, the Ape King? The official report is that Spyro had defeated him and he was killed by Malafor. But this was not the case." Cynder said. "In reality, Spyro had fallen into the well of souls, and it turned him into a corrupted dragon known as Dark Spyro. This Dark Spyro outright killed Gaul, and it was me who saved him from that corruption. But it seemed the process wasn't perfect. Spyro began to lose himself after Ignatus sacrificed himself, and I managed to bring him out of it before it got too far." She added. "These reports were never mentioned because if word got out that another Purple Dragon had gotten a taste of the dark side, well..." Cynder trailed off. "...I don't need to tell you what that would've done in regard to the war, now do I?" She asked.

"...Creatures of all kinds would lose hope, and the war would be believed to have been lost..." Blue Ember said. "That's why the lies were created and passed down weren't they? They wanted to make sure you took the full blame." She added.

"Not quite. It's true I did bad things, but only as a pawn of Malafor. And Spyro? He was forced to be a different pawn so all the apes could parish." Cynder explained.

"...All this time..." Blue Ember began to tear up and break down.

"Do you see now where your arrogance has lead you? It's not too late to try and start again you know. All it takes is being able to do the right thing." Cynder said.

"I still can't face the dragon lands again. Not like this." Blue Ember said.

"Then don't. Find new ventures. You've got your whole life ahead of you. Don't throw my mercy away." Cynder said. "Where you go from here, that's on you." She added.

"I'm afraid it's not." A voice called out. It was some of the royal guards. "Under the authority of the High Court, Ember is being taken in for a trial that, should she be found guilty during, will effect your Society too." The royal guard said.

Arc 5: Clash of Dragons

Author's Note:

Yep. Thought the story would just end there did you? Surprise. There's one more story arc on the horizons. And while it'll probably be as short as this one, that's to be expected considering it'll set up that side story needing to be told that I brought up before.

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