• Published 20th Sep 2012
  • 2,826 Views, 71 Comments

Switchy Pie - AleximusPrime

Pinkie and Twilight get their minds switched and hilarity ensues...

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A Bit of a Mix-up

CHAPTER 2 - A Bit of a Mix-up

The next day, Twilight spent hours working on the spell Pinkie asked her to use. It sure was one tough spell and required much studying. Twilight used it several times on Spike for a few quick seconds but it wasn’t quite as good as she was expecting, but she was slowly starting to understand the basics and how it worked. She was finally ready to make the spell last about a day, but she decided to use that one when Pinkie would arrive later that night since she wouldn’t want to change Spike for too long.

“Okay, Spike, I’m gonna make it last about two minutes now.” Twilight explained to her dragon companion. “Now what would you like me to make you like this time?”

“I dunno, we’ve tried several different emotions already: excited, bored, angry, quiet……I can’t think of much more... OOOOH! I know what! Make me romantic!” he said excitedly.

“Romantic? Spike, does this have anything to do with Rarity?”

“Well, Pinkie says she wants you to turn her serious for a day so she can get practice with it. Maybe if you make me romantic for a few minutes, I’ll learn how I can get Rarity’s attention! Besides, Rarity isn’t gonna come in here, and Pinkie already knows about my secret crush on her anyhow.”

“Whatever you say, Romeo.” Twilight giggled as her horn started glowing with magical light. She closed her eyes and groaned a little as the magic increased and Spike started levitating a little in the air. His eyes started glowing and he started getting all fidgety from the transformation, but in just a few seconds, the glowing stopped and Spike had landed back on the ground.

“Wow, that time was a little harder……my head even kinda hurts now.” she said rubbing her hoof against the side of her head. “So, how do you feel, Spike?”

At first Spike just stared into space trying to recollect himself after the change. Then he perked up and started to speak.

“Feel……feel? Oh words cannot express how I feel, Twilight my friend!” he said romantically. “Why, I feel as though thine own heart is aflutter in deep passionate love!”

“Oh dear…” Twilight said sarcastically.

“Oh Rarity, if only you were here! Why, I would show you the path to my heart, and you would open thine to me, and they would be as one, and we would be such kindred spirits!”

“Ok, I think I get it, Spike. Don’t get to comfortable; we’ve gotten through about a minute of the spell.”

“Spell, oh spell, if only thy power would last forever!”

Just then there was a knock on the door and Pinkie’s voice could be heard. “Hey Twilight, can I come in?” she asked.

“Oh, hey Pinkie. Come in, but be warned, Spike has a little bit of a temporary change that might be a bit too silly for you to handle…” she called.

The door opened and Pinkie and Peachy walked in. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash appeared right behind them, and then Applejack, and then Fluttershy and Rarity! Pinkie had invited the whole entourage without telling Twilight first!

“Whoa, hold on a minute! What is everypony doing here?!” Twilight asked Pinkie worriedly.

“Pinkie says you’re gonna do a pretty advanced spell on her, so we all decided to come and watch and cheer you on!” replied Rainbow Dash.

“But, Rarity……you’re here…”

“Why yes, Darling…” said the lovely purple-haired mare to Twilight. “Is there a problem with that?”

“Oh, of course not, it’s just……Spike……Spike is…” but it was too late. Spike came up right by Rarity and took her hoof in his hand.

“Oh Lady Rarity! My lovely, sweet rose! How I long for thee!” he said amorously gazing into her eyes.

“Um……hehe, this isn’t what it looks like guys…” Twilight said while the others giggled at the sight.

“Um……Spike? Are you alright, Darling?” Rarity asked him puzzled.

“Oh I haven’t felt this good in years, my love! Oh how lovely you are! My heart, it beats for you! Feel it!” he said putting her hoof to his chest.

“Uh, yes Spike, I feel it, it feels fine, but why are you…”

“Oh Rarity, you have captured my heart! It beats on and on and……and I…..I…..” the spell started to wear off on him.

“I……huh……wha……AGH, RARITY!!!” he said jumping backwards with his face blushing beat red.

“Uh, Spike? Are you feeling better now?” Rarity asked him.

“OH MAN! RARITY, I UH……I……I WAS JUST……I WAS…...I GOTTA GO, BYE!!” he said zooming off to another room in the library.

Everyone else laughed out loud as Spike closed the door behind him. Twilight stepped forward to explain what had happened.

“Um…well that was rather odd.” said Rarity. “Is he alright, Twilight?”

“Oh he’s fine girls. I was testing the personality spell on him and I made him a bit too romantic I guess.” Twilight explained.

“Oh, so he was just acting it out?”

“Of course, we all know Spike isn’t that much of a Casanova! Hehehe…” Twilight said trying to cover up the tension in her voice.

“So Twilight, are you ready to make me different too?” Pinkie added in eagerly.

“Oh yeah… I’m ready Pinkie, but why did you invite everyone over here without my permission? Why did you even tell them about this?”

“Because Silly, they should know I’m gonna change, they’re my friends, I wouldn’t want them to get worried. I think they’ll all like seeing you do this spell anyhow, it’ll be cool!”

“But Pinkie, I’m kinda under pressure here, I just spent hours studying it and I think I have it down, but I dunno about doing it in front of an audience…”

“You’ll be alright, Twi.” Applejack reassured her. “We’re your friends, we ain’t gonna laugh at ya or somethin!”

“I know you won’t, I just hope I can do this with you all here. I didn’t know you were all gonna be here.”

“You’ll be ok, Twilight.” Fluttershy told her. “We know you’re the most powerful unicorn in all of Ponyville, you can’t mess up.”

Twilight gulped. “Uh, hehe…… yeah, I guess…”

“Well everybody, you ready to see the magic work?” Pinkie said jumping in front of Twilight to get ready for the spell.

“We are, Sis, but you be careful, ok?” Peachy said.

“Don’t you worry your pretty little heads about me; Twilight has this whole thing under control! Dontcha Twilight?”

“Of course, of course…” Twilight said nervously. She wasn’t quite sure if the spell was going to end too well for her. The last time she used it on Spike, her head hurt for a few moments, what would it do to her this time? Knock her out?

“You can do it, Twilight! We’re countin on ya!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

“Alright everypony. But let’s remember, this isn’t something I wanna be known for, this is only a test; an experiment to let Pinkie see which personality fits her best, and she won’t change forever, got it?”

“We got it, Twilight.” Peachy said.

“Are you ready Pinkie?”

“Ready when you are!” Pinkie said excitedly bouncing up and down on her hooves.

“Alright, now hold still, this might get pretty crazy.”

Twilight closed her eyes and lowered her horn. The horn started to glow with light and was getting brighter and brighter. Pinkie started to glow and started floating off of the ground. She wiggled her legs in excitement and closed her eyes with a big grin waiting for the effect of the spell to take place. All the other ponies stared in wonder at the light. Twilight’s horn started shooting little sparks of energy. She was using a great amount of power, even more than the time she had to defeat the Ursa Minor. Suddenly, Twilight started floating off the ground and was glowing with light too. Spike came out of the room he ran into earlier. He was so embarrassed that he had forgotten to come out and watch.

“Sorry about earlier girls, Twilight sure is good with that spell!” he apologized trying to cover it up.

“Um, Spike? Is this how it’s s’posed to be goin?” Applejack asked pointing to Twilight and Pinkie.

“Whoa……gee, I don’t remember it being like this. Twilight shouldn’t be floating like that. Hey, what’s going on? It’s like she’s using the spell on both of them or something!” he said alarmed.

Glittery sparks were spinning around both of them and they both started yelling in pain while the glow was getting more intense. Spike and the others were being blinded by the light.

“TWILIGHT, STOP! YOU’RE USING TOO MUCH POWER!!!” shouted Spike covering his eyes.


Then a huge burst of light shone from both Pinkie and Twilight as they were screaming in pain and a beam of electricity appeared between them shocking them both.

“PINKIIIIIIIIIIE!” shouted Peachy as there was an explosion of brightness encompassing the whole library. Then all the light was gone and Pinkie and Twilight fell down right on top of each other unconscious.

“TWILIGHT, TWILIGHT ARE YOU OKAY?!?” shouted Spike rushing over to his unicorn friend trying to wake her up.

“OH TWILIGHT, PINKIE, ARE THEY GOING TO BE ALRIGHT?!?” Rarity shouted very worried.

“I dunno, that wasn’t how it was supposed to be!” Spike said. “I dunno why it affected her too, but it somehow did and that’s not a good sign!”

“PINKIE, PINKIE, WAKE UP, SIS!!” shouted Peachy shaking her sister’s head back and forth. Suddenly, Pinkie started moving and opening her eyes.

“Ugggghhh………uh…huh…..wha……” she groaned getting up slowly. Her hair was all messed up from the electrical burst.

“How are you? Do you feel ok?” Rainbow Dash asked her.

“Uh………I……yeah…I…I feel……” her eyes opened wider and she put her hoof on her head. Her voice was the same, yet she didn’t have the overjoyed happy tone like usual, she seemed to be talking a little more intelligently now.

“Wow, I feel different… very different! I think it really worked, I feel so much more intelligent now! Wow, I feel like I could just take on the whole world!” She slowly got up on all fours and walked around the library. “Seeing all these books makes me think I could just read all of them and understand them! I’m just like Twilight! The spell worked girls, it really worked!” she had such a happy look on her face as if she was about to cry, but she didn’t bounce around on her hoofs and go crazy like usual.

“AWESOME!!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“Oh Pinkie, we’re so happy for you!” Fluttershy added.

“Wow, guess it really did work!” said Spike forgetting about Twilight.

“Oh I’m so happy! This feels amazing, I’ve never felt like this before, it’s like I just went through years of intense schooling or studies like Twilight did!” she then walked over to a nearby mirror. “Wow, same old Pinkie on the outside, but now it’s time for a big change! Oh, my hair is a mess, hehe…” she said pushing it back a little with her hooves as she turned away from the mirror back to her friends. She moved her bangs to the side a little to reveal a pink unicorn horn on top of her forehead. Everyone gasped at the sight of the horn.

“PI-PI-PI-PINKIE, YOU……YOU HAVE A…!” Rarity was stuttering in amazement.

“Huh? What? What do I have?!”


“A WHAT?!?” Pinkie turned around to look at herself in the mirror again, and to her surprise they were right! She was unicorn! “WHAT THE HAY?!? I wasn’t supposed to be turned into a unicorn! Why did she do that?!”

“Maybe that’s why everythin was all crazy and bright! I reckon Twilight used so much magic she made ya into a unicorn too, Pinkie!” said Applejack.

“Um……guys?” said Spike as everyone turned over to him. “She did more than turn Pinkie into a unicorn…” He turned a still unconscious Twilight over on her belly and lifted her mane up to reveal a bare forehead!

“WHAT?!?!? She gave ME her horn?!?” Pinkie screamed.

“Wait, if you got the horn from her because she switched it, then……what happened to Twilight’s personality?” Peachy asked. Everyone gasped and then gathered around Twilight to wake her up this time.

“Twilight?” said Spike shaking her a little. She started to open her eyes and put her head up. Her hair was also messed up from the zap.

“Uh……huh?” she said looking around confused.

“Do you feel alright?” asked Pinkie.

“Uh……I……why is everyone staring at me?” Twilight said looking at her friends awkwardly.

“Eh, she seems to be normal…” Pinkie said under her breath, but she was very wrong.

“OOOH! Are we playing a staring contest?! I love staring contests!!!” Twilight shouted excitedly and as everyone’s jaws dropped and their pupils shrunk in their eyes. “Wow, you guys are really good at this! I’ve never seen anyone open their eyes so big like that before! HEHEHE!” she giggled.

“What………have I just let happen……” Pinkie said horrified.