• Published 20th Sep 2012
  • 2,663 Views, 125 Comments

Together Forever - CodenameOne

Spike learns his true sexuality and adjusts with the changes in his life that come with it.

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Chapter Ten: ...And everyone else's

Foreword: so it's been a few weeks, and I've counted all the votes I'm gonna get, and it looks like there will be NO sex for this story. Fine with me, just means less work. As for why it took so long to update, I forgot I had this chapter completed, and I wanted to wait for all the votes to come in. I can't promise anything for the next update, I've been feeling kind of down lately and with the dark places this story's going to go to I just haven't been wanting to write them.



Chapter Ten
...And everyone else's

"I can't believe you, Rarity!" Twilight exclaimed, standing before her fellow Unicorn in her shop. The two had been arguing over what had transpired yesterday for the past twenty minutes.

Rarity had a black eye, which she apparently got from fighting Lily.

"And I can't believe you support that kind of atrocity! Think about what they might be doing when you let Spike spend the night there! The kind of things they might be doing behind closed doors! And then there's the risk of them corrupting the foals; the last thing I want to hear is that any one of the colt's at school came out and told everypony he's gay" Rarity protested.

"What they do in private is none of our business; they're perfectly free under Celestia's rule to be together, whether you like it or not! And they're not going to 'corrupt' the foals; contrary to what you believe gays don't go around brainwashing straight ponies. If anything it's you that has been brainwashed into believing this crap!" Twilight declared, snorting in anger.

"How dare you! What I have been taught is absolutely proper and right! If Celestia intended for stallions to be together then why would she have made mares, hm?" the fashionista questioned.

"Celestia didn't make our species, Rarity, evolution did. And evolution also created the genes that make a stallion attracted to another stallion, or a mare attracted to another mare."

"Hmph! Unbelievable, Twilight Sparkle; that you, a mare of logic and facts, can find that two males falling in love and having relations can be normal" Rarity stated, turning away from the lavender Unicorn.

Twilight shook her head and left Carousel Boutique, making sure the door was slammed extra hard.


Upon returning to the library Twilight found Spike and Lickety sitting on the couch together, the two of them looking at her expectantly.

"How did it go?" Spike asked.

Instead of answering, Twilight found herself questioning; what if Rarity was right? What if it is wrong for two people of the same sex to be in love? What if Spike is corrupted, brainwashed, and indoctrinated? What if it is sick and wrong?

Taking a good look at Spike Twilight shook her head; it was different, but it was perfectly fine, and Rarity would have to come around eventually.

"Rarity's just shocked by it all, Spike; you pined after her for years. I imagine this is her way of dealing with rejection. She'll come around soon" Twilight assured him.

The Dragon shook his head. "She tried to kidnap me, said she knew a spell that could break my brainwashing and turn me back to normal. For Celestia's sake, she knocked out my coltfriend!" Spike exclaimed.

"And I'm sure she'll apologise when the time comes" Twilight responded.

A knock at the door caught their attention and Twilight went over to open it, surprised to see all of her friends, minus Rarity, standing before her.

"We heard what happened! Is Spike OK? What about his friend?" Rainbow Dash asked, impatiently looking past Twilight to see the two boys sitting on the couch.

"They're fine, girls, both of them; Rarity's just a little loopy right now" the lavender Unicorn replied.

"Can we come in?" Applejack said.


Twilight stepped aside to make room for the other four mares and closed the door, following them over to the middle of the foyer where they were all now sitting.

"So...what happened, exactly? We heard from Lily and the rest of the Flower trio that Rarity had flipped out, knocked some colt unconscious, and had tried to kidnap Spike! What was all this about?!" Rainbow yelled.

Twilight looked at Spike and he nodded; it was time.

"Girls... Spike is gay. Rarity...doesn't like this, to say the least" Twilight told them, waiting patiently as they looked around at each other, wondering what to say.

"Um...what?" Applejack said, confused.

"He's gay, a coltcuddler, homosexual, all those things" Twilight repeated.

Applejack frowned and looked down at the floor before standing up, saying "I better go before ah'm guilty of knocking someone out, too" before heading for the door and leaving the library.

The group was silent for several seconds before Spike spoke up and said "well, thanks for that load of confidence, AJ."

"Wow" Rainbow said before refocusing her attention on the two boys. "So, you're gay, Spike? That's cool, I still got your back!"

"You do? Thanks, Rainbow!" Spike exclaimed.

"I got your back too, silly!" Pinkie told him, bouncing in place.

"As do I" Fluttershy said.

"Thanks, guys, it's great to have such amazing friends such as you" Spike smiled, beckoning to them for a group hug which they all gladly joined.


By the next day the secret was out across Ponyville; Spike was gay. Most ponies reacted with shock at the fact that the young Dragon who loved a local mare for all of his time in the town suddenly came out.

Lickety's schoolmates and friends were also surprised to learn that he was bi, and especially his close friends like Rumble, Pipsqueak, and Featherweight.

Of course they promised him they would always be friends, no matter what, which Spike found kind of sweet.

Applejack had taken a little convincing, but eventually she accepted who Spike was; she was just a little concerned for Applebloom. Turns out AJ had also believed that gays were created through some kind of brainwashing.

A quick lesson from Twilight had settled her fears.

Now a new day had dawned and Spike was feeling great, like a weight had been lifted after coming out, and he was on his way to spend time with his special somepony.

A quick knock on the door and it opened in record time, Lickety standing in the doorway. The two shared a quick hug and a kiss before the colt practically dragged Spike in.

"Ooh, my! Somepony's excited to see me" Spike declared, smiling down at Lickety as he held him in his hooves.

"Sorry, I've just been down from all the negativity lately. It'll feel good to be with someone who can make me happy" Lickety said.

"Awww" Spike replied, giving the colt another kiss.

The two sat on the couch and cuddled together, content to just lie with each other.

"So what do you want to do today?" Lickety asked.

"To be honest I just feel like lying here and maybe watching a movie" the Dragon answered, leaning back into the pillow and closing his eyes.

Lickety perked up and hopped off the couch, rousing Spike who looked up at him.

"I know just the movie; wait here."

And so Spike waited, sprawled out on the couch and folding his hands behind his head, absolutely happy with life. Sure there were a few things going on, like the issue with Rarity, but for now Spike forgot all about that and relaxed.

Soon Lickety came back holding two tape reels, hooking them up on the projector behind the couch and pulling down the screen in front of it.

He turned the lights off and closed the curtains.

"What movie are we watching?" Spike inquired, watching as Lickety dramatically turned around, a devilish grin on his face.


Spike's eyes widened and he smiled, sitting upright on the couch. "Really? Oh Lickety, I've wanting to see that movie for months! How did you know?"

"Just a guess" the colt replied.

"Pretty good for a guess."

Lickety merely smiled and said "I'll go make the popcorn" before dashing off into the kitchen.


Later that night, after being terrified out of his wits for most of the movie, Spike had bid Lickety a goodbye kiss and headed back to the library, leaving Lickety alone at home.

Knowing that it was getting late the colt was about to go to bed when a knock came to the door; his mother had been at work all afternoon and was most likely just now getting home. Normally she would've come in on her own, but the door was locked.

"Shoot. OK, I'm coming" Lickety said, turning back from the stairs and heading for the door as the pony outside knocked again.

Lickety unlocked and opened the door, surprised to see not his mother but rather an adult stallion with a Terracotta-color coat, a dark brown mane, and yellow eyes. He lacked a cutie mark, or at least a normal cutie mark, as all that was on his flank were a dozen circular scars caused by something.

The stallion grabbed Lickety by the mane and pulled him up-right, punching a hoof directly into the young colt's stomach.

He was strong.

Lickety yelped in pain and fell to the floor as the stallion let go, kicking him hard in the ribs while he was down.

The stallion smiled and kicked Lickety in the ribs once again, making the colt yell in pain.

"Buck "shot" Smiles*, remember that name, fag, because it's the name of the stallion that's about to wreck your shit."


Author's Note:

*This is the OC of my friend Blackburn; he requested that Buckshot Smiles be put in the story as a strong anti-gay activist.

On the topic of "Ponytheus", if you can't/haven't guessed it's a play on Prometheus, a movie I still haven't seen but desperately want to. Speaking of scary movies or movies that can/should be scary I saw Silent Hill: Revelation recently and it was pretty damn good. Didn't stray too far from Silent Hill 3 and was actually pretty terrifying, especially that horrifying mannequin spider.

Legal Note: Spike the Dragon, Lickety Split, and all related characters belong to Hasbro. Buckshot Smiles belongs to Michael Blackburn and Blackburn Industries.