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Chapter 13) Building Stormbreaker / The Plan to Kill Grogar

Celaneo led Rainbow Dash, Zipp Storm, and Sparky Sparkeroni deep into the Forge of Nidavellir... into a sublevel only a few knew of, where the most powerful weapons were kept, until they were ready to be wielded. .

Celaneo reached for a lever on the wall and pulled it.

A huge metal brick, with Asgardian symbols etched into the surface, descended before everyone, as Celaneo showed it to his guests.

Zipp raised an eyebrow, clearly unsure what to make of it.

"The plan is to hit Grogar... with a brick?"

“It's a cast… of a queen's weapon” Celaneo explained, as Rainbow Dash gazed at the brick in fascination “Destined to be the greatest in Asgard. In theory, it could even summon the Bifrost…”

"Did it have a name?" Rainbow Dash asked.


"Wow…" Zipp said, a hint of amazement in his voice.

“And how do we do it?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“You would have to restart the Forge…” Celaneo explained, as she looked at the sleeping star of Nidavellir “Awakening the heart… of a dying star”.

Faced with those conditions, Rainbow Dash just smiled. With a knowing look at Zipp, she knew exactly what to do.

“Zipp… turn on the capsule…”

Emerging from the wreckage of the crashed ship, the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy decided to explore the wasteland that was Grogar's planet and gather the resources needed to defeat a common enemy.

With the arrival of Grogar, everyone had a chance to defeat him once and for all, but they needed to plan and prepare. The planet wasn't a very nice place. It was more than a wasteland.

Long stretches of rock and desert and little plant life (at least in this part of the planet), with debris everywhere… from crashed ships or floating cities…

“What has happened to this planet?” Sunny commented, as she checked some readings with a small device “It's eight degrees off axis. The force of gravity goes in all directions…”

As she explained, Izzy was evidently enjoying how little gravity was there, while taking long jumps.

Twilight, on the other hand, stored the information she had gotten from the Guardians, but she remained focused on the real target: Grogar.

"We have an advantage: he is coming towards us. We'll use it. Alright, I have a plan… or the beginning of one” she explained slowly, as she went through half a billion things at once “We pin him down and get what we want. We won't fight that guy, we just want the Gauntlet and-".

As Luster paid close attention and Sunny nodded in vague agreement... Pipp yawned.

“Are you yawning… while I'm explaining it?” Twilight asked sarcastically "Huh? Did you hear what I've said?"

"I stopped listening... when you said the plan..." Pipp said, embarrassed.

"Okay, Mrs Clean is going her way..." Twilight said.

"You see, the don't improvise thing isn't something that they usually do... they" Sunny explained.

“And… what exactly do they do?” Luster asked.

Give breads… like cakes” Izzy answered.

Twilight could only be left incredulous with the current situation.

“Okay, come closer, please…” Twilight requested, as she gestured to the group “Mrs Lady, can you ask her people to form a circle?"

"Mrs Lady…" Sunny said, a little annoyed by the nickname "With Star-Lady I'm fine..."

"We have to converge" Twilight explained "Because if our brave attitude is the only thing that-"

"Dude, don't call us brave. We don't know what it means. We're optimistic, yes” Sunny explained, cutting her off “I like your plan, except it sucks. So let me make the plan, and that way it might be very good".

“Tell him about the dance duel to save the universe” Pipp commented, and it was impossible to tell if he was serious or sarcastic.

"What dance duel?"

Sensing that she was quickly losing what little respect Twilight had for her, Sunny quickly gestured for her friend to shut up about her.

"It's no big deal…"

"Like in the movie, Footloose?" Luster asked.

"Just like in Footloose!" Sunny said excitedly, seeing that someone in the group understood her "Is it still the best movie ever?"

“It never has been” she said, making Sunny frown sadly.

"You don't play along, okay?" Twilight ordered Luster "Flash Gordon isn't going to help us..."

"Flash Gordon? By the way, that's a compliment. Don't forget, I'm half human” Sunny said, before pointing at Twilight “If 50% of me is stupid…You're 100%”.

“Your calculations amaze me…”

At that moment, Izzy realized something.

"Excuse me..." Izzy said to the group "But... does your friend... do that often?"

Twilight looked where Izzy was looking… and blinked in some amazement.

Dr. Star Swirl was sitting in a classic meditation pose, floating in midair and covered in the cosmic green energy of the Time Stone. His head would turn, trembling from side to side, and his expression would change from curious to confused, to horrified, to determined...

All in seconds… without even opening your eyes.

“Star Swirl! Is everything okay?" Twilight called.

For a long moment, he didn't respond… until finally, the glow faded and Star Swirl landed on the ground, gasping and wide-eyed.

Twilight took him by the arms, stabilizing him.

"He's already back..."

"What was that?" Luster asked.

Star Swirl took a few breaths before he could speak.

“I have envisioned… all possible futures… to see the denouements… of the conflict to come…”

“How many has you seen?” Sunny asked, fearful of knowing the answer.

"Fourteen million six hundred five..."

They all took that in, amazed by the number. Such a trip might have shattered a normal mind, but Star Swirl seemed coherent enough, if a little shaken.

However, Twilight asked another question. One that she needed answered.

"And in how many did we win?"

Looking into Twilight's eyes, Star Swirl replied solemnly.


Author's Note:

As Rainbow Dash prepares to create her new weapon, the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy plan their ambush against Grogar.

During the planning, Star Swirl uses the power of the Time Stone, only to discover something shocking: of all possible futures... in just one, the heroes will win.