• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Helluva Honeymoon

*Ryōta’s POV*

Mmm… Another beautiful morning, and my first morning on my Honeymoon with my beautiful wife, Loona. I woke up and saw ourselves the same as last night. *Chuckle* The food from this dimension really is something else. I also noticed us hugging each other while we were asleep.

Loona spoke "*Sleeptalking* Mmm… So good… So big…"

Hehe, maybe Loona’s right. Maybe the both of us will have changed by the time we come back from our honeymoon. I then kissed Loona on the lips as she kissed me back, slowly waking up as both of us moaned softly from the kiss.

I spoke "Hey puppy."

Loona giggles "Mmm… Morning, ya scorching stallion."

I nibble on Loona's ear, causing her tail to wag.

But then Loona nibbled my ear back, causing my tail to wag and my wings to flare up.

A chakat that had the exact same fur color as Honeystar gallops past the room while screaming Jasmine's name.

Honeystar screams "JASMINE!!!"

“Hmm?” Loona and I noticed before our stomachs growled.

I ask "Wasn't that the hybrid?"

Loona spoke "*Bringing out some food for us* Yeah."

I spoke "I wonder what happened to hir."

Honeystar calls out for Jasmine.

Honeystar groans "Where is that stupid draconequus?"

Jasmine asks "*Pops up behind hir* You called?"

Honeystar spoke "As you can see, I got a problem... I can't retake my original form since I was in chakat morph for more than two hours."

Jasmine spoke "Hmm… That’s a tough one. I got a potion made by my mom that could help, but it’s experimental and I don’t know if it’s permanent or not. If you wanna use it it’s your call, I mean we could try another way."

Honeystar spoke "I'm what a purebred Andalite would call a nothlit. Meaning I can't retake my original form ever again and not even alicorn magic can fix it."

Jasmine spoke "Calm down, Honeystar. For Draconequui, the impossible is quite possible, even by a small margin."

Arcana spoke "Jasmine! I thought I told you this already. Once an Andalite goes past the two hour time limit for a morph, they can never go back to their original form ever again. And the same goes for Honeystar, shi will remain a chakat for the rest of hir life."

Jasmine spoke "Calm down, grandma. I know I’m not a certain Ketran, but I’m still gonna try."

Honeystar spoke "I'm going to have to stop you there Jasmine, your grandma is right though. I did this to myself and there's no way to fix it. The other Andalites refuse to help me since I was banished."

Jasmine spoke "Hey! I’m not just gonna do nothing while a friend suffer! I know there’s a way to fix it! I know you can be an exception, Honeystar!"

Honeystar spoke "Seerow's sake! Even if I did get my morphing ability back, my current form will be my default form for life!"

Jasmine spoke "So? At least you’ll be able to transform into half-Andalite again!"

Honeystar spoke "Yeah but like I said, I can't stay in a morph for more than two hours at a time and..."

A warning alarm went off suddenly.

Honeystar spoke "Oh hell no... I was afraid this would happen!"

Mia spoke "*over the intercom* Attention all Cuddle Hotel staff and guests! We have a code gray! Repeat, we have a code gray!"

Honeystar snarls "Oh shit! We got Yeerk trouble!"

Jasmine spoke "*Tick mark* Oh for the love of… These butterfly alien ripoffs are really starting to tick me off."

Honeystar spoke "We don't know what planet they're targeting though."

Jasmine spoke "*Looking through submarine scope* especially since they’re small."

Danyelle pops up suddenly.

Danyelle spoke "They attacked the Mushroom Kingdom! Princess Peach had to issue an evacuation but that only made things worse!"

Jasmine growls "Of all the…! If only there was an Ant-Man or a Wasp with us."

Danyelle spoke "Do you WANT to deal with a screaming wolf and a screaming Vaporeon? Don't mention bugs with either of them nearby!"

Jasmine spoke "I didn’t say we needed bugs. I’m saying we need smaller help to deal with this."

Danyelle spoke "Wait… Stand Users can shrink their Stands to go inside others! Joseph told me about when he was attacked by a Stand called the Lovers!"

Jasmine asks "*Bead of sweat* As in the Tarot Card?"

Midnight pops up but he wasn't himself.

Danyelle spoke "SHIT! Something's wrong with Midnight!"

I nip at Loona's neck, causing her to moan.

Loona was rubbing my fat belly as I rubbed hers.

Loona asks "How was breakfast?"

“Delicious, just like you, LooLoo.” I smiled.

Loona asks "Thanks, RyōRyō. I enjoyed it myself. Whaddya say we go places in the hotel and in Blobtopia?"

I chuckle "Sure thing puppy."

Loona and I then got dressed in our normal clothes and went outside of our suite, now finding ourselves back to normal.

“Maybe we learned something new.” I smiled.

Loona giggles "Maybe."

Jasmine then approached us, a little roughed up. “So, I guess you two want a tour?”

Loona spoke "Hehe, yeah."

Danyelle had gone off to the Mushroom Kingdom to get rid of the controlled Toads since they could be replaced anyways.

Midnight spoke "Sorry about that mess Jas, I wasn't myself!"

Jasmine asks "No biggie. But the Mushroom Kingdom suffered quite a blow. I just hope there won’t be any madness from that. Anyway, you two ready?"

“You bet.” Loona and I answered.

Jasmine took Loona and I on a tour throughout the hotel and across Blobtopia as we were leaving the Fashion Restaurant, having had ourselves some lunch, leaving Loona and I 1,000 pounds since we didn’t seem to mind it.

Jasmine asks "How was the food?"

Loona spoke "Hehe, real good."

I spoke "With Danyelle off in the Mushroom Kingdom, she won't be seeing how fat Loona and I are."

Jasmine soon led Loona and I to the Weight Prison as we looked around before seeing a cell having a female 5 quintillion pound Decatty wearing a pink thongkini with orange stripes as she simply sat on her butt.

Jasmine spoke "Okay, Jessebelle, time for your appointment again."

Jessebelle spoke "*Sniffle!* Okay…"

Jessebelle struggled to get up onto her feet before scooting her back against the wall and used it to stand up, though barely. Seemed like she went through a lot.

I ask "Isn't she the brat that tried to...?"

Jasmine spoke "Yeah, but ever since she was thrown in here and fattened up, she’s been down in the dumps. So for inmates like her, psychiatrist appointment are scheduled."

Loona asks "Hmm… I noticed a forest outside the city, can we explore there?"

Jasmine spoke "The Tri-Matter Forest? I guess so, *Gives Loona and I two potions* but I recommend drinking these potions before either of you do. Also, there’s a village on the other side of it. Two others headed for the forest as I gave them the same potions as I gave to you both not too long ago."

“Thanks, we will.” I said as Loona and I started heading out while somehow reverting back to normal in case Danyelle came by all of a sudden.

Jasmine spoke "Oh! I should warn you! *As we headed out* Avoid the Airwood Pumppeckers! Don’t provoke the Liquid Slimes! And keep your eyes peeled for Food Flowers!"

Loona and I left the Weight Prison as Jasmine donned a psychiatrist outfit and glasses.

Jasmine asks "*With a German accent* Now, let us go to my office now, ja?

Later, Loona and I were at the entrance of the Tri-Matter Forest.

Loona asks "So, you ready, Ryōta?"

I chuckle "Of course Puppy."

The two of us brought out the potions Jasmine gave us and gulped them down.

“Then let’s go.” I declared as we started walking into the Tri-Matter Forest.

I drape a wing over Loona's shoulders, making her giggle.

Loona spoke "I wonder why it’s called the Tri-Matter Forest."

“Beats me.” I shrugged before getting spooky dramatic with a shadow over my face. “Maybe because this forest is composed of gas, liquid and solid, with the dangers living in there each based on those three.”

Loona giggled as I chuckled.

Loona spoke "I didn’t know you had a sense of humor, comedy boy."

I chuckle "I have my aunt's sense of humor."

After a little while, we saw a woodpecker-like bird, except its beak was a hand air pump for balloons.

“A woodpecker?” Loona and I wondered as the odd bird poked its beak into the hole of a tree before pulling its head back while leaving the tip of its beak in the hole with a small tube connected between the beak and its tip. It then pushed, blowing air into the tree as it inflated a bit. After a few more pumps, it disconnected from the hole before the tree deflated back to normal, blowing out berries and nuts for it to eat as the bird caught them before flying off.

I whisper "No, that was an Airwood Pumppecker... Jasmine warned us about them."

We noticed two more Pumppeckers as they spotted us with a gleam in their eyes before they suddenly vanished while flying. They must be good at flying silently and stealthily.

Loona spoke "Right, avoid the Airwood Pumppeckers."

We were about to try and sneak past them before Loona suddenly yelped.

“You okay?” I asked before I yelped too. We looked down behind, seeing the two birds poking their beaks in our buttholes and pumping air into us. We tried getting them off us as our bellies were the first to start inflating, but their grip strength was better than we thought. Other parts of us started inflating too before soon all parts of the two of us started inflating as we started feeling a bit hot with us blushing. But then Loona grabbed me by the shoulders, panting and tail wagging.

Loona spoke "Please… Kiss me!"

I somehow instinctively took in a deep breath, with Loona doing the same thing before the two of us kissed while blowing air into each other, inflating ourselves even faster as our clothes started getting small and tight. Loona and I kept puffkissing each other while embracing, but it wasn’t long before our clothes snapped off of us.

*One Hour Later…*

Well… That happened. But at least the two birds flew off and away from us now.

Loona spoke "Damn… Those potions really did help."

“Yeah, not to mention our clothes are back on us, fully repaired.” I agreed before the two of us blushed, still remembering what we did with each other while being inflated like that.

Loona asks "What happens in this forest, stays in this forest. Agreed?"

I spoke "Agreed..."

I soon had a magic barrier up around Loona and myself to prevent more attacks by the pumppeckers.

We then moved forward, before we later saw a lake with all kinds and colors of slimes partying around it, both big and small.

I whisper "Liquid slimes.... Jasmine told us not to provoke them... Let's take the long way around the lake."

Loona spoke "Right. Don’t provoke the Liquid Slimes."

We slowly snuck around, making sure we didn’t trip over anything. But for some reason, I couldn’t help but feel like we’d still be okay even if I hadn’t casted the barrier. We soon got past the lake.

I ask "Hungry?"

Loona spoke "A little."

“Same here.” I admitted.

We soon found ourselves moving across a flower field.

Loona spoke "And keep our eyes peeled for-"

But then pollen was sprayed at us, making us feel a little sleepy.

Loona spoke "*Yawn!* Food Flowers…"

But the barrier had shielded Loona and I from the pollen.

“We better keep moving.” I said as we kept moving forward as we soon got past the area.

Loona spoke "Okay, the village isn’t far now."

I spoke "Good thing I had that barrier up the whole time since the pumppecker problem."

A glow was seen under my pants.

“What the?!” I gasped in surprise.

Loona giggles "seems like someone got his cutie mark."

“Awesome!!!” I cheered before Loona and I noticed the village entrance up ahead.

I spoke "Well, we made it without any problems."

Loona spoke "Yeah."

But when we got past the gate, a group of four 1,000 pound sumo women confronted me. One of them looks like a Snorlax Poke-Mobian, another looked like a walrus Mobian, the third looked like a Kori Bustard Ornithian, and the last one looked like a baphomet from Hell/Tartarus. As they were about to attack, Loona got in front to protect me.

I ask "Loona, what is going on here?"

Loona asks "How should I know?!"

A familiar voice asks "Wait! Loona and Prince Ryōta?"

The four stopped as Applejack showed up, though wearing farmer/sumo wrestler clothing while looking like a 1,000 pound sumo wrestler.

Applejack spoke "Girls, take it easy! They’re friends! *As the four backed off* Sorry about that. Crosswind an’ Ah got here yesterday, havin’ a run in with those Airwood Pumppeckers, Liquid Slimes and Food Flowers, but Jasmine’s potions really helped save our hides. We then got ta this village, before we found out it was a Sumo Amazon Village, but they don’t seem ta mind herms. Funny story was Crosswind an’ I were sent here on a Friendship Mission."

I ask "But weren't you called to the Mushroom Kingdom though Applejack?"

Applejack spoke "That was Twilight."

I spoke "Danyelle called her via telepathy."

Applejack spoke "Anywho, Crosswind and Ah think we figured out the Friendship Problem. Ya see, the residents of the village don’t take to kindly to males, this bein’ an Amazon Village an’ all. They git along well with females, an’ like Ah said before, they don’t mind herms. Jasmine asked Crosswind an’ Ah ta help."

Crosswind spoke "Hence the nasty looks they're giving to the Prince of the Sun."

“Well, this’ll be tough.” I admitted.

But then mine and Loona’s stomachs growled.

Crosswind chuckles "Sounds like yer hungry again."

“Yeah, really hungry.” I admitted.

Crosswind spoke "Ah doubt the leader would let a guy into the village."

Loona asks "I can at least try to convince her to let Ryōta stay for a while. What does this leader look like?"

Applejack spoke "Well, she’s a real glutton, that’s fer sure."

Now that I notice, Crosswind was wearing a crop top while she looked like a 1,000 pound sumo wrestler.

I spoke "I hope it works out..."

To be Continued...

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