• Published 5th Sep 2022
  • 1,195 Views, 22 Comments

Opaline - WhiteSails

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Opaline Chapter 11

As the guards of Canterlot Castle patrolled the various halls and walkways, all was quiet in the city. A large harvest moon lit up the dull brownish-red sky; we'll all other light came from homes, parks, and shops littered all over the capital city. A lone Royal guard walked over to the parapet of a castle wall. His eyes moved from side to side scanning the surroundings, he peered into the courtyard, the area of which was lit by the light from the moon, and castle. The light only seemed to show a few neatly trimmed bushes and shrubs. Not seeing anything out of the ordinary the guard then swiftly turned around and trotted away to patrol the other section of the castle’s wall. But it was in this short movement of the guard that somepony would be able to slip through.

Opaline quickly pressed her body against the castle wall. She moved swiftly running to the corner of the wall before diving behind a bush. The sound of glass bottles rattling together in her saddlebag was thankfully drowned out by the trotting of hooves coming from the royal guards above her. Opaline took a moment to lay still, listening out for the movements of the guards. Once the sound of their hoof steps grew quieter, she quickly got up and rushed to the other end of the courtyard. There she climbed through a small gap in the wall and into the area where the castle's back entrance was located. Opaline had been thankful for the time she had spent in Canterlot when she was younger. There had been many episodes of boredom for her where she would watch the movements of the royal guards from high above in the castle. She'd memorize the movements and schedules of which they marched in their patrols and how they fulfilled their duties. Opaline stopped once again behind the corner of a wall. She carefully peaked out to see what the guards were doing. She saw a pair of royal guards both stationed on either side of the castle's back entrance. Opaline Pushed away her cloak and reached into her saddlebag. She felt around feeling small glass bottles before pulling out a small note scrap. If her time in Canterlot and the notes she had taken severed her right the placement of the guard's changes around every hour. Opaline then retrieved a small timepiece. It read ten fifty-nine, which meant that within a moment the royal guards would switch. And at that moment of time where the guards would switch there would be a small window of around fifteen seconds where the back door entrance would be completely unsupervised. Opaline remembered that hallways lined both sides of the wall near the back entrance which would allow her to quickly dive into cover before anypony could come around and possibly notice her.

Opaline had carefully planned out everything from the movement of the guards, to making sure that it was just Twilight alone in the city and not in the company of her Friends. There was nothing that would deter her from her plan of taking the unity crystals and their magic for herself. She had even set fire to the shack she had spent her time in to make sure all evidence of her being there was destroyed. She hated the isolation she had felt there, it drove her insane from being alone for that long. Opaline was confident that she would succeed. She moved closer and soon, just as she had planned, she bore witness to the changing of the guards. Both guards walked in a line before turning to face each other. They both then stepped back and raised their heads before turning to the door and walking toward it. Now was Opaline's chance. Both guards with their unicorn magic opened the large wooden doors before proceeding in. Opaline quickly leaped up and in no time at all rushed into one of the dark hallways inside the castle unseen.

She was now once again in the royal palace. Instead of a feeling of giddy she possibly would have as a filly when entering the palace, all she felt was confidence. She was there for a reason, and she had a job she was going to finish. Opaline then quietly walked out of the darkness. The large hallway was completely devoid of anypony. The unicorn was easily able to maneuver her way through the castle, ducking behind walls and into empty rooms when she would hear anypony coming. The movement of the guards was incredibly predictable. Their patterns had not changed in the slightest since her time with Twilight.

Opaline in no time at all found herself getting closer to where she wanted to go. She was somewhat surprised it had been this easy to sneak into the castle. Suddenly Opaline heard hoof steps coming closer to her. She dove into an empty room to her side to avoid being seen. She listened as the steps grew closer to her location. She soon began to fear that she’d become too cocky and that in her trek through the castle, she alerted some of the guards. But she soon realized that the stepping of hooves was only coming from a lone pony. Opaline carefully peaked her head out ever so slightly well hovering her hoof over her saddlebag ready to retrieve a potion if needed. A Small light then illuminated the hallway in a dim orange glow and the figure of a pony was soon visible to her. By the sound of a magical aura and the hovering of the light Opaline was able to deduce that the pony was a unicorn. She slowly reached down, popping open her bag in anticipation that she’d need to grab a potion. But Opaline was then surprised to see just who this pony was. It was not a royal guard at all but instead, a pony that angered her just as much as Twilight Sparkle. It was Luster Dawn, the new student of Twilight and who she saw as her replacement. The pony was holding both a candle and a book with her magic. Opaline watched as the mare slowly trotted past her completely unaware of her presence, evidently being too distracted by the book she was reading. The pony then walked down to the end of the hall and descended a pair of stairs. The light from her candle soon grew dimmer before completely disappearing altogether. Opaline walked out of the room she was hiding in. She smirked as she found it amusing that the incompetence of Twilight’s new student was so high, that she didn't even have to use one of her valuable potions to dispatch her.

Opaline reached a long hallway after climbing many flights of stairs. She looked around and noticed a balcony to her right that overlooked a large lobby. She walked closer and peered over the side of the railing. She noticed a group of about four guards below her. She watched as the guards chatted completely unaware of the unicorn above them. Opaline had been somewhat curious about the potency of her potions, and she felt a sudden urge to test one as the fewer guards patrolling the area could only benefit her. She slowly opened her saddlebag and pulled out a random potion. She stared at it for a moment looking at the nauseating green liquid that filled and bubbled in the bottle. She then leaned over the railing and dropped the potion directly onto the guards. She saw the small glass bottle explode into hundreds of glass shards startling the guards. The Guards quickly looked up at her.

“Hey wh-!” one guard shouted before quickly stopping.

Opaline then watched as the four guards began to stumble around. Their faces quickly turned pale from the gruesome smell coming from the area from which the potion had been dropped. Opaline laughed as she watched the scene, finding it amusing to see the well-trained and disciplined guards quickly become sick and break their routine from something as tiny as a small potion. Quickly the guards fell to the floor groaning from the intense bout of nausea caused by the potion. Opaline quickly turned around and ran away from the scene giggling to herself. Every time Opaline would stumble upon any guards in the castle, she’d deploy the potions she had brewed. Before watching their various reactions, and responses to her creations. Some would faint, some would get sick or dizzy, and some would run around unsure of what was happening before succumbing to the concoction. Opaline found it delightful as she was finally feeling a release. Getting out all those years worth of anger and disappointment that she had felt. She was keen on causing as much damage as possible on her trek through the castle but doing so in a quiet manner.

After what felt like hours of her trekking through the castle she finally got where she wanted to be. The area of the castle where the unity crystals were housed. Opaline Stood in the darkness of the long hallway. She could see a Pair of royal guards stationed in front of the hall leading to her crystals. She quickly grabbed a purple potion from her saddlebag before continuing to walk toward the two guards. She watched as both guards suddenly noticed her and turned pointing their spears at her. Opaline threw the small purple potion in their direction, watching as it hit the ground and shattered. The purple liquid released a visible fume that quickly found its way into the two guards' noses. The Two guards quickly toppled over from breathing it in. There wasn’t anything a sleep potion couldn’t do, Opaline thought to herself. Opaline walked over the two guards and into the hallway leading to the crystals.

The tall stone walls of the castle hall soon were replaced by the golden railing and marble parapet walkway that was open to the night air. Opaline began to feel her heart pound in her chest. This was it, she thought to herself, it was the end of the line from here. Opaline stopped as a bright light beamed into her face, she looked on and saw the three crystals housed in a small, rounded balcony. A large golden rot iron dome was all that lay above the crystals, she looked on with wonder at the sight. The brightly colored beams of different magic generated from the crystals shinned brighter than a Moring sun. The beam flowed upward through a large circular opening in the dome and into the night sky. The prisbeam emitted a beautiful rhythmic hum. Opaline walked closer; she could see the three crystals were held tightly together and suspended in the air within the beam of magic. She could feel the power they radiated. It was like nothing she had ever felt before. She felt herself being drawn toward them not too dissimilar as a bug to light. She stepped closer, examining the three crystals, they were the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her life. The idea of all the power they held blossomed in her mind. And soon she thought, it would all be hers. Opaline unbuttoned her cloak and threw it away from her, it fell to the ground before a gust of wind picked it up and floated it off the balcony and into the night. She knew that these crystals would hold all the power she needed. But she was unsure of just how powerful they actually were. She turned and dug around in her saddlebag. She then pulled out a small golden pocket mirror decorated with an alicorn design. The mirror itself was nothing special, just something she had come to acquire over the years. But she was curious and unsure of what would happen if a solid object made contact with the beam from the crystals. And she wasn’t keen on finding out until she tested it. Without a second thought, Opaline then tossed the small mirror into the magical beam. She watched, seeing that as soon as it contacted the beam of magic all gravity seemingly stopped. It then stood suspended in the air for a moment. Before It was zapped by small bolts of magic. Gravity then quickly returned, and it flew behind the crystals in the direction it was originally tossed landing with a clunk. Opaline walked around the beam and to the mirror. It lay on the ground seemingly unaffected but also unbroken.

“Hmph” is all she muttered in response. She was incredibly intrigued by the magical beam generated by the crystals.

Opaline then turned around and took a few steps closer. She lifted one of her hooves and held it to the beam. She suddenly felt a sensation that she could only describe as one similar to putting a limb under running water. But after only a few seconds the sensation quickly paved the way for one of pins and needles before quickly turning numb. She quickly pulled her hoof away. She then looked down at her hoof. The sensation of numbness quickly dissipated before returning back to normal. She shook her hoof before looking at the crystals once again. They felt as though they were calling to her. It felt so stimulating, their power feeling as though it was calling out for her and her alone to seize them. Opaline’s eyes opened wide she could feel both her hoofs raising to grab the crystals. All that power. All that magic. It could be hers right now.

Opaline was suddenly startled when a voice called out her name. One that she recognized and one she expected to eventually hear.

“Opaline is that you?” Twilight called out; her voice radiated a tone of surprise.

“Well look who it is!” Opaline shouted.

The Princess was surprised by the sudden appearance of Opaline. She felt a wave of emotion begin to overcome her as she looked at the unicorn before her. “Opaline, is that you?” Twilight said. “I-I...” The alicorn was unable to get her words out.

“I had a feeling I'd bump into you again,” said Opaline. “But I wouldn’t think you’d care this much to see me.” she stepped forward.

Twilight stood still for a moment. “Opaline I-” But the princess was interrupted before she could continue.

“You were expecting me, weren't you?” said Opaline. “You knew I was coming, didn’t you?”

Twilight was silent. She looked upon the unicorn's appearance. Opaline was much larger than the last time they had been together. Her mane was longer, her hooves now adorned with gauntlets, the metal shined in the glow of the moon and the crystals. Twilight could see the small quintuple-pointed symbols on them. They had been the same she’d found when looking into the disharmony in Equestria. They were the mark of Opaline and the pony she had become.

“ANSWER ME SPARKLE!” Opaline Yelled baring her teeth. Twilight stood silent not responding to her demand. “I always knew deep down you were weak,” Opaline said at Twilight's lack of response before swiftly turning around, redirecting her attention back to the crystals.

“Opaline, I've missed you so much,” Twilight then said her tone radiating a melancholy sadness.

Opaline snapped back toward her former teacher. “Missed me!?” She said Offended. “you've missed me?!” Opaline chuckled. “Well, maybe you should have done better at holding onto me!”

“Opaline this isn't you!” Twilight called out full of emotion.

“isn't me!? Isn't me!?” Opaline said surprised “Well maybe you didn’t even know me.”

“Please Opaline try to understand! I know you, the real you! And this isn't you!” Twilight Shouted out trying to plead with the unicorn.

Opaline grabbed her now empty saddlebag and slammed it on the ground in anger. Twilight looked down at it. Seeing only a dull brown leather saddlebag and no longer a bright green one adorned with her cutie mark.

“Get out of my way Princess before you get any more hurt.” Opaline Growled.

“Is this what you have come to? Where is that starry-eyed filly that loved me so much? Please Opaline just think, use your head I know how smart you are! You are so much more than this! Please, I can help you! I can help you learn magic! We can work out our differences and put everything right. You just need to trust me, Opaline! Please.” Twilight begged fruitlessly. The Princess could feel the tears beginning to swell up in her eyes. “If not for me then for yourself.”

Opaline Slammed her hoof down her anger exploding inside her to heights she'd never felt before. “YOUR SUCH A FOOL TWILIGHT! YOU HAD ALL THE CHANCES TO HELP ME, AND NOW YOU TRY TO PLEAD WITH ME BECAUSE YOU KNOW IM A THREAT!” Opaline Raised her hoof and pointed it behind her to the crystals.

“You never gave me magic, but you had enough to make these!? Why?” Opaline shouted demanding an explanation.

Twilight hesitated unsure of what to say. She hoped an explanation might help resolve the situation as unrealistically as that sounded. But she was also afraid that Opaline already knew the answer and was only waiting for the princess to confirm her suspicions. Twilight still felt a deep sense of regret within her. It was after all her decision to pick a student who had no magic. Even Twilight still didn’t fully know why she had picked Opaline out of the many hundreds of promising candidates in the various magic or friendship schools she ran. Perhaps it was out of some kind of pity, she had chosen a student like Opaline because she could simply never imagine what it would be like to live without magic. Or perhaps because as ruler of Equestria she felt pressured to carry on the tradition of picking a student to soon become the next in line for a successor?
Had she been too confident that all she needed to do was step aside in Opaline's learning and let her have room to grow and not let her be an ever-watching presence? Twilight had learned from many years of experience with ponies, that everyone had their own rate at which they learned things. Twilight had always hoped that Opaline could demonstrate the proper characteristics she had when she was Celestia's student. She’d also hoped that maybe Opaline wouldn’t need her help and could possibly find magic on her own. Or perhaps even if Opaline was unable to find a way to use magic, she could find an equivalent to make her just as happy either by means of Twilight's teachings or by the resources provided to her. Or could it just have been that Opaline was just bound to become her own pony no matter what she did? Was it in her nature to lash out and only do things that she wanted and to not obey the commands and orders of others?

Twilight breathed in before explaining as simply as she could. “I never gave you magic because I knew you had it in you to obtain it. Whether it meant you displayed incredible talent or the means of finding it on your own.” I always knew you were special.” Twilight then Approached her former student. “But I also did what I had to Opaline. I did it to protect Equestria and you.”

“ME!?” Opaline shouted in anger.

Twilight lifted her hoof trying hard to calm the pony down. “Opaline I-”


Opaline then pushed Twilight away from her for the second time. Twilight quickly recovered and stabilized herself from Opaline's assault. The princess looked at her former pupil with horror. This was no longer the filly who loved her. She was now a random mare, a stranger who only looked like Opaline and shared her name.

Opaline then suddenly slowly began to back up toward the unity crystals behind her. Her face of anger and rage quickly turned into one of menacing intent.

“You are a fool Sparkle, and you must think I'm a fool to accept such hollow offers.” Opaline grinned at the princess. “But I'm not going to play your games anymore Princess. I, the all-powerful Opaline, am going to fix everything! And I will start by getting my magic!” Opaline then turned around and sprinted directly toward the crystals before jumping directly into the beam of magical energy.

“Opaline NO!” shouted Twilight.

But it was too late. Opaline’s body made contact with the crystals. The unicorn felt herself get forcibly tugged by beams of magic that instantly began to pierce into her body. A bright flash of light lit up the entire area as if it were day. Twilight put her hoof in front of her to shield her eyes from the bright light. The magical energy flowed throughout Opaline's body. She felt her horn begin to grow crooked and the sensation of bone and feathers protruding from her back. All the magic in Equestria flowed through her. The feeling was beyond any explanation. Twilight watched as the pony's transformation took place in front of her.

“Opaline...” was the only word the princess could find herself uttering.

The three crystals began to violently shake. Small cracks began to grow all over from the intense rays of magic they were rapidly releasing. The amount of hate and anger that Opaline had spent her life building up clashed with the peaceful aura they produced. Already weakened due to the rapid and sudden release of magic, topped with the large amounts of hate that radiated from Opaline, and the simple fact that they were doing something Twilight had never designed them to do, the crystals split from one another. The Light that had engulfed the area grew brighter than the sun and an explosion rang out destroying the features of the tower before quickly being extinguished. Twilight lowered her hoof and looked on in front of her. The crystals fell to the ground with a loud crash emitting smoke from the intense release of magic. Twilight then watched as Opaline's figure emerged in front of her. A pair of large wings suddenly spread out from the pony. All that magic from the crystals had turned Opaline into the highest for any pony could take, an alicorn. Opaline stepped forward in her new form. She looked down and to her sides and to her newly acquired wings. She then looked up to her forehead which was lit up in a bright hue of magical fire. She then began to laugh.


“Opaline what have you done?” said Twilight, her eyes and face wide with shock and horror.

Opaline then clapped her hooves together in joy. “Oh, this feels amazing princess!” laughing once more.

Twilight looked at Opaline. The effects of all the magic from the unity crystals had changed her. She was now almost the same height as Princess. Her horn was curved, it emitted a white flame and sparks. No Pony had ever had that much magic before. Opaline had wings, and her mane flowed with magic like hers. And White mist emanated from Opaline's eyes.

“What was it you said about those crystals hmmm?” inquired Opaline “They had All the world's magic in them? And now all that magic is in me? Would that mean I'm more powerful than you now?” Opaline grinned as she watched her words be processed by the princess.

“I believe a little test of power is in order wouldn’t you agree?” Opaline said before charging up her horn.

A bright beam of purple magic then shot out of Opaline's horn with pinpoint accuracy. Opaline swiftly turned her beam and aimed it directly at one of the many towers that lined Canterlots skyline. With almost no effort the beam met with the white stone of the castle tower. It instantly cut clean through the foundation splitting the tower in half. Twilight watched as a large cloud of dust shot from the destroyed area of the tower before it fell and collapsed into a pile of rubble raining down on the city below.

Opaline continued to laugh hysterically at her newfound power. Twilight stood still like a statue she was petrified; she knew that something like that would have only injured many of the citizens below them in the city, but she was unable to move she was afraid. She was afraid of what Opaline had become. She knew she had to do something. But what could she do? Everything was happening so fast it was overwhelming.

Opaline turned her head back around to meet the gaze of the princess. “You know I think with this newfound power I will have the ability to rule over all Equestria as Princess! Opaline then stopped for a moment snickering to herself before continuing. “No Queen!” Opaline lifted her head making a sinister expression to Twilight. “But first I'll have to deal with you.”

Twilight knew that even her powers we nothing compared to Opalines. She needed to get her out and far away from Canterlot before she could cause any damage and possibly hurt any more ponies. Twilight then Flocked her wings and with great speed jumped into the air and High above Opaline to fly away.

“A USELESS GESTURE I HAVE YOU IN CHECKMATE!” Shouted Opaline, she then flocked her Newly acquired wings before flying after Twilight.

Twilight Flew faster than she had done ever before. She wanted to try to get Opaline away from the populated city, but she was unsure of the pony's plan and the patterns of which she might attack. Opaline now possessed all the world's magic. This would make her in theory more powerful than even Twilight herself. She couldn’t get close as it would all but result in her defeat. But giving Opaline space would only allow her attacks to cause more damage. Twilight needed to do something fast. Suddenly a realization came to the princess's mind. Of the one possible advantage she might have over Opaline. If the ways in which Opaline had acted in her life proved one thing to her It was that Opaline could act extremely irrationally. She saw it when Opaline used dragon fire, she saw it countless times she was her student, and she saw it when power had slipped from Opaline's hooves. Opaline would almost instantly go mad with the newly obtained magic she possessed. Instead of her looking at the situation rationally and using her power sparingly and effectively. Opaline would let her rage for the princess drive her. Another added benefit to this was that Opaline had no experience or prior training in learning how to use magic. She would all but definitely try to see the extent of her new powers without trying to learn how to properly and effectively use them first. The princess then landed on a dome of one of the towers. She looked up to see Opaline's figure in front of the moon. A bright beam of magic came right at her. Twilight swerved out of the way, nearly missing the beam which blew away half the roof of the tower.

“IT FEELS AMAZING ALL THIS MAGIC!” Opaline screamed. She then with her magic lifted up the spire of a nearby tower off its foundation and threw it at Twilight. Twilight quickly hit the spire with a spell teleporting it far away from the city.

Twilight then flew away from Opaline. She rushed past the buildings of Canterlot and over various landmarks and streets. Well, flying she could see ponies below her looking up at her, most likely drawn out from the sounds of Opaline’s attacks. Opaline raced close behind the princess. She grabbed a cart that was parked on one of the streets and threw it at Twilight. Twilight dodged this attack, the cart exploding into shards of wood upon making contact with a building near the princess. Opaline then blasted beams of magic at Twilight as she flew on with Twilight narrowly dodging these as well.
“GET BACK HER NOW!” Opaline screamed.

Twilight didn’t want to use her magic to fight Opaline. She had been with this pony since she was a filly, and the idea of possibly harming her sickened Twilight. But at the same time, Twilight had a duty to protect her citizens and Equestria from any and all threats. She looked back down at the ponies below her, now running away to avoid the battle. It didn't matter if the threat was a pony she had been with since fillyhood. It was still a threat and she needed to think of other ponies besides herself. Twilight then flew to one of the many towers around her. She positioned her back hooves in front of her and used the tower's base to jump and swiftly turn around toward Opaline. She then reluctantly charged up her horn with her own attack unconsciously making it less powerful than it should be. A few beams of magic shot out of Twilight's horn peppering the area around Opaline. Smoke was kicked up from roofs as Opaline swiftly flew around Twilight's attack.
“You're going to have to try harder than that!” the Alicorn then screamed out.

Opaline then fired a ball of magic at Twilight. The princess teleported out of the way as the spell exploded behind her. Well, Twilight was dodging various other attacks, she noticed down below her that the royal guards were preparing to aid her in the battle against Opaline. She knew those ponies would stand no chance against Opaline’s new power. Opaline stopped her attack for a moment and observed Twilight’s line of sight. The alicorn then saw the guards Twilight was looking down at. Twilight turned her head back to Opaline and saw that she was beginning to charge up her horn to shoot at the royal guards. Twilight then flew with incredible speed and tackled Opaline in the air. Opaline’s magical beam went projecting through the night sky cutting down various buildings that were in its path. Twilight then Quickly gathered the guards with her magic and teleported them away to a safer location.

“HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME!” Opaline screamed. She then slashed at Twilight with her horn before kicking her away.
Opaline then shot the princess in her wing. Twilight screamed in shock and pain before losing her ability to fly quickly plummeting down to the city below.

Opaline watched as Twilight fell below her. The princess' crown slipped from her head symbolizing to Opaline that Twilight was no longer the one in control of their engagement. Twilight fell through the roof of a castle hall crashing down onto the floor with tremendous force. The princess lay still for a moment. She coughed from all the dust in the air that had been caused by the fall through the castle. Twilight then slowly lifted one of her hooves before slowly picking herself back up. She groaned in pain. The thought of Opaline and what she could do if she wasn’t stopped rang loudly in her mind. Opaline slowly flew down before landing just above the gaping hole in the hall's roof.

“Are you still at it?” she asked surprised. She flew down to meet Twilight. “I'm surprised you were bested this easily where is that powerful alicorn I spent my youth reading about?” Opaline then placed her hoof on Twilight's head and shoved her back down to the ground. Twilight felt tears run down her face. She couldn’t do this she couldn’t bring herself to hurt Opaline. Opaline then lowered her head down and whispered in the princess's ear. “I'm sure your friends won't be too difficult either.”

Twilight suddenly felt a wave of anger rush over her at the statement Opaline had made. She realized that Opaline had been playing her the whole time, Opaline knew fighting her former student would be hard for her to do. And her Inability to act would give Opaline an opportunity to beat her.

Twilight screamed in rage at this realization and at Opaline's comment. “You leave them of this!” she shouted before exploding upward. Her movement threw Opaline across the room.

Twilight then flew out of the hall. Opaline quickly followed. They battled, exchanging shots and beams of magic. Twilight teleported around rapidly making herself a difficult target. Opaline lit up her horn and quickly whipped her head in Twilight's direction. A spread of magic then came at Twilight. The princess quickly threw up a magical shield to protect herself. As the spread hit her barrier, she could feel herself getting pushed back as the wall of protective magic began to crack. She then teleported away at the moment her shield shattered. Opaline looked on unsure of where Twilight had gone. She looked around igniting her horn in case the Princess reappeared at any moment to attack her. Opaline backed up well doing so. When one of her back hoofs moved away from her body. She heard a small click sound. She quickly reacted by flying out of the way just in time to avoid a barrage of magical rays. She then heard another click from her new position and then another. Opaline deployed a defensive shield as magic rained down all around her. Twilight had trapped her in an area surrounded by a magical defense that covered the area in a complete three hundred and sixty defense trapping her. It was cast to shoot out at even the slightest of movements. After a moment of relentless attack, the beams raining down on Opaline stopped. Opaline then dissolved her shield. She looked up to see Twilight above her. Twilight glared down at her.

“I must admit I'm impressed you’ve made it this long!” Opaline shouted up to her. Twilight didn't respond. “But if I was in your position I'd stop now!” Opaline then smirked at the princess. “I’d hate for it to be renamed to “the mane 5.”

Twilight clenched her teeth in anger. She teleported behind Opaline and grabbed her with her magic before throwing her far away into the distance. She watched as the figure of Opaline grew smaller and smaller before disappearing into the distance. At that moment Twilight realized what she had just done. She had given into her anger and rage just as Opaline had done. She felt ashamed of herself for not keeping her mind clear and her emotions in check. She knew what she had been trying to do would and probably did physically hurt Opaline. It made Twilight upset with herself that this had happened under her rule. Twilight closed her eyes she felt her heart racing in her chest as she breathed in deeply. She was suddenly hit by a beam of energy that sent her flying into a nearby Tower.

Twilight let out a groan. She saw she was embedded into the stone inside a room in the tall tower. She looked around trying to determine where the magical blast had come from. She now understood that if Opaline defeated her, she would also have no problem defeating the rest of her friends. It all depended on her, the security of Equestria, the protection of her citizens, and the survival of her friends were all in her hooves. She needed to stop hesitating and just defeat Opaline now as quickly as possible. She thought back to moments before when Opaline had gained her power. In that memory, her mind began to gravitate to the crystals that Opaline had abused. If the crystals could have given Opaline that power could there possibly be a way for her to reverse, it? Could she possibly find a way to remove the magic from Opaline?

“SPARKLE SHOW YOURSELF NOW!” Opaline's voice called out.

Twilight charged up a powerful spell and went flying full speed out of the tower in a last-ditch effort to finally finish Opaline's reign of terror before it could even truly begin. The moment Twilight burst out of the rubble she instantly stopped. Her facial expression turned to one of unease. She saw Opaline flying directly in front of her. But she wasn’t flying toward or away from her, she was merely hovering. Opaline was holding a pony in her grasp. One that Twilight would never have thought or wanted to see anywhere near the evil Alicorn. It was Luster Dawn.

“In case you're wondering I drained her magic!” Opaline called out to Twilight.
“Twilight!” cried out Luster Dawn.

Twilight stopped the magic emitting from her horn. She looked on with concern. She could see Opaline’s devious grin as she Tightly held her student in her grip. She could see the exhaustion on the face of her student. It was clear the draining of her magic had taken a toll on her. Opaline's eyes were crazed, her pupils were red, and her mane was messy from the fighting, Sparkes of magical energy zapped all over the pony's body. She gripped Luster closely to her body squeezing her to make sure she wouldn’t let go.

“Opaline, what are you doing?” Twilight Questioned.

“I'm giving you a choice. My whole life I felt as if you were in control of my every action and now, I am the one holding the cards.” Opaline smirked. I know we are both equally matched in power. And we can continue to fight until all of Equestria has been turned to ash. Or you can end this all now!

Twilight quelled the remainder of the magic in her horn. She stopped for a moment in hesitation “What do you want Opaline?” she then asked.

“Your magic!” Opaline called out.

Twilight perked up her ears in surprise. Luster looked back in forth confused and scared.

“Give me the rest of your magic! All of it! And you, your friends, and this pony here can live the rest of your lives with me as Queen!”

Twilight clenched up at Opaline's deal. Her head began to pound as she tried to process the alicorn's offer.

“Or you could just Stop me! But if you do your student here will serve as a constant reminder of me and your failures. I want you to know that everything will be mine one way or another no matter any means I might deploy to defeat you. I drained her magic so even if you deny my request your student here will live the rest of her life like I did. Magicless! And who's to say that her inability to use magic won't lead her down the same path as me?”

“Don't do it please Twilight!” Luster Cried out to her teacher.

Opaline looked at the expressions and body language of Twilight. It was delightful to see such a powerful pony scared of her and her power, it brought joy to every fiber of Opaline's being. Twilight hung her head low. She was presented with a discussion she was not ready to make. She looked back up. Seeing the expressions of both ponies she had called students and saw as daughters. Opaline’s face radiated anger and hatred. Luster’s radiated fear and anguish.

“Opaline please don’t do this! I can still give you a chance! You can keep your power just give her back to me!” Twilight Bargained fruitlessly.

“NO!” Opaline shouted.

There would be no satisfying Opaline Twilight thought to herself. Opaline was so far gone, so far removed from reality that she was only going to be stopped if she got her way. There would be no way to stop her via the means of magic, or discussion. Twilight realized something. She was going to have to banish Opaline. Send her someplace far away where she wouldn't be able to hurt any more ponies just as Celestia had done before her. Twilight felt as if she was an idiot for letting history repeat itself. But what other choice did she have now? She saw just how unhinged Opaline had become and the damage she had caused. And now she was planning who knows what by using Luster as a bargaining chip. Opaline began to quickly grow impatient from the princess' lack of response to her offer she had no way of telling just what the princesses might be scheming it might be in her best interest to dispose of both her and her replacement now before they could interfere any longer in her plans for Equestria.

“I knew you wouldn’t be able to do it.” She said. Opaline looked Twilight directly in the eyes before letting go of Luster letting the pony fall. “Oops!” Opaline then said covering her mouth with her hoof.

“NOOOOOO!” Twilight cried out before diving after her student.

Twilight knew Luster wouldn’t be able to avoid the ground in time. Twilight Quickly snatched Luster in the air before teleporting herself and her student to the other end of the castle. Twilight placed Luster down on the stone floor. Twilight then hugged Luster tightly.

“I'm so sorry this had to happen to you Luster,” Twilight said Well tears and emotion flowed from her.

“It's okay Princess.” luster said back.

Twilight took a moment longer to hug her student. “Luster I'm going to have to call upon you to do for me.” Twilight then let her grip go of Luster.

“What is it, princess?” Luster responded curiously.

“I need you to bring me the crystals. You remember where they are?” Twilight asked.

Luster nodded her head in response.

“Good.” is all the princess replied. Twilight then teleported away entrusting her student to retrieve the unity crystals for her plan.

Once Twilight came back to the battlefield in the sky where she and Opaline had been fighting, she quickly blasted a containment bubble at Opaline. She knew that it would only hold for a moment, but it was a moment more she could let Luster have. Twilight's new goal was to try and tire out Opaline to make sure that eventually, she could get close when the moment was right. She saw Opaline Quickley shatter the bubble and pursue after her. Twilight swirled and dove around the Canterlot skyline flying past buildings and castle towers making sure her movements were quick and erratic. Twilight knew it must seem strange to her student for her not to retrieve the crystals for herself. But Twilight knew Opaline was truly only after her and she feared her suddenly grabbing the crystals would alert Opaline who would then try to target and possibly destroy them. The crystals were too important to Twilight's new plan and she needed to make sure that they would remain away from Opaline until just the right time.

Luster Stood for a moment looking out a large hole in the wall of the castle. She then quickly raced down the hall. Royal guards and royal servants ran past her trying to escape the onslaught. Luster swerved her way through large chunks of stone wall and rubble that had fallen from the battle. Every few moments the castle would shake, and dust would fall from the ceiling. Luster had no way of knowing what was going on outside the castle walls. She ran up a flight of stairs that would lead her to the crystals. Luster had known of Opaline. There had been a few times in her and Twilight's relationship where the princess had mentioned a student before her. From what Luster could get from the princess and public records she understood the two had parted on not-so-good terms. But to the extent of which Luster was unable to deduce. She had come back to Canterlot to meet with Twilight and tell her about the various friends and journeys she had made. Luster then collapsed on the stairs. She felt her body give out under her. It had been the magic that Opaline had drained from her.

Moments before the battle had begun, she had been in her room in the castle. She had sat at her desk studying when large rumbles suddenly shook her room. She got up and sprinted out to find out what was going on only to find the hallways completely deserted. When she looked out a window, she saw the sight of beams of magic and bursts of light brightening up the night sky. She immediately understood something bad was happening and raced down the halls to see what she could do to possibly help. Before suddenly she was teleported out of the castle and into the magical aura of a Purple alicorn. There had only been a few moments in Luster's life where she had been truly frightened. And the moment she gazed upon this alicorn was the most defining one of them all. She floated there helplessly as this large pony grew nearer. She could see the Firey hate that filled her eyes. She then watched as the alicorn began to drain her magic in front of her. Luster felt the energy ripped from her body as the magic then made its way into Opaline’s horn. The pony then hoovered her toward her and tightly squeezed onto her. When She was being held in the grips of the alicorn she saw then Twilight suddenly burst from the ruins of a tower seemingly ready to attack them. She then saw the expression of Twilight's face at the sight of her and the sinister alicorn she was immediately able to deduce just who this alicorn was.

Luster's mind then snapped back to the task at hoof. She raised her body from the stairwell. She needed to help Twilight end this terror before it got any worse. The adrenaline soon overpowered the fatigue in her, and she trekked on with swift determination. She soon made it to the walkway leading to where the crystals had been. She ran with great speed, the sounds of magical battle roaring behind her. She then suddenly halted. The small little area where the crystals were had been seemingly blown away. Large masses of stone and bent railing covered the area. And the crystals were nowhere to be found.

“Oh No”. Luster muttered to herself. But she knew that she couldn’t give up now. The crystals must be somewhere here. A gust of wind then blew around luster reminding her of the urgency of her task. She got down and began moving debris searching for the crystals.

“Come on, come on, come on!” she said panicked.

She pushed away some railing and then discovered the Pegasus crystal underneath. Luster felt a sense of relief to have found one of the crystals. It was a good sign and must mean the other two were still there. Luster then began rummaging again. She quickly discovered the earth pony crystal between a few chucks of stone.

“That's two!” she said aloud.

Suddenly a bright beam of magic whizzed past her. Luster jumped out of the way as the beam cut through half of the balcony. She then looked forward to seeing that the blast had uncovered the final remaining crystal which was situated extremely close to the edge of the part of the balcony that had been blown away. Luster then dove toward it without a moment of hesitation. But the sudden vibration of lusters body caused the last crystal to roll off the edge. Without a thought luster quickly engaged her horn and luckily caught the crystal. She then hovered it over to her. Her magic quickly sputtered out and the crystal fell into her hooves. She smirked for a moment, realizing that Opaline hadn't drained as much magic as she thought she did.

“Twilight!” luster then called out into the night.

Twilight’s head turned in the direction of the shout and she teleported to its location. She then grabbed Luster and the crystals and teleported once again to the outskirts of Canterlot. She placed Luster down in a grassy field and then quickly hugged her.

“Thank you luster. You have saved more than you know.” Twilight then took a few breaths of air. Before hugging Luster tighter. She knew this might be the last time she would ever see her again. Twilight then collected the crystals and teleported away.

Opaline Flew around the city. “TWILIGHT SPARKLE WHERE ARE YOU!” she screamed “ARE YOU FINISHED NOW!?” Opaline then flew down to the ground.

She put a hoof down and looked all around her. Twilight was nowhere to be found. She then looked around at the smoldering pieces of rubble that lay all around her from her and Twilight's battle. Suddenly a bright flash of light lit up everything around the alicorn.

“There you are!” she said smirking before teleporting to the light's location.

Opaline Teleported in only to feel wrapped in beams of magical energy. She then slashed with a beam of her magic to cut herself free, but the beams quickly regenerated and wrapped tighter around her. As Opaline struggled to break free the bright light in front of her grew dimmer before going out, revealing the princess. Opaline paused at the sight of Twilight.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING LET ME GO!” she shouted.

Twilight was silent, she then summoned in the crystals. Opaline watched as Twilight closed her eyes and tilted her head back before quickly bobbing it back to the crystals. The princess's horn then lit up and a beam of purple magic hit the crystals. The three crystals began to spin around the princess. Opaline’s face of anger turned to one of fear at the Princess’ actions. More beams of light then redated out of the crystals and then surrounded Opaline encasing her.
Opaline began to Panic “No! NO! STOP!” she screamed out. But Twilight didn’t react to Opaline and then within a flash, the two ponies were gone.

Opaline opened her eyes. She was in a dark stone room. She looked around panicked and confused, unsure of just where she was. The stone was cold and damp and the only light was that of the moon pouring in through the windows above her. Opaline went to use her horn to illuminate the area. But nothing happened.

“No!” she shouted panicked. Opaline then went to try again. But once more nothing came out of her horn. “Work! Work! oh please work!” she then shouted panicked by the lack of magic.

“It's no use Opaline,” said Twilight's voice said behind her shaky and out of breath.

Opaline turned around behind her to fight the alicorn but then suddenly stopped. She was expecting the large figure of Twilight behind her. But instead, she was met with a pony half the size of herself. She watched as Twilight took a moment gasping for breath. Her head was pointed to the ground and a fine pink smoke radiated off of her. Twilight then looked up at Opaline. Opaline was dumbfounded by the new appearance of the princess. Twilight looked as how she did before she became the ruler of Equestria. Pieces of her golden armor lay all around her having seemingly fallen off by the sudden decrease in her size. Her mane no longer flowed with magic, it lay at the sides of her neck and her forehead still and motionless. Her wings hung at her side small and unmoving, and her cutie mark was gone.

“Twilight what have you done?” Opaline asked. But Twilight remained silent. “IM ASKING YOU TWILIGHT WHAT DID YOU DO JUST NOW!” Opaline then shouted.

The princess lifted her head and looked at Opaline before speaking. “I've stopped you.” is all she responded with.
Opaline instantly went to shoot a spell at the princess but once again nothing was produced.

“Your magic is gone, Opaline.” Twilight said. “it's back in the crystals. You can't use it anymore.”

Opaline backed up in fear. “No No NO!” she shouted.

“you're not going to hurt any pony anymore. You can't.” Twilight then began to walk forward to Opaline. “This place is a castle I had renovated. When it was made and why doesn't matter anymore as it will now be your new home. I knew deep down inside I might have to use it to banish some pony and I knew I couldn't bring myself to do something as Celestia had done, it seemed too Cruel.” Opaline began to Back up from the Princess approaching her. Twilight continued again. “you'll be safe here and in return Equestria will as well.”

Opaline hit the wall behind her. Twilight approached Opaline before stopping directly in front of the alicorn's neck. She then looked up and directly into Opaline's eyes. Opaline felt repulsed and disgusted by the sight of the princess. Her vibrant colors were now replaced with dull ones. And her eyes were colorless and devoid of anything.

“I used all my magic to contain you and protect all of Equestria. You won't be able to leave. You can't.” Twilight then poked Opaline’s chest with her hoof. “I had such hopes for you, you could have been so much more.”
Opaline fell to the ground shaking in fear. “STOP! PLEASE!” she shouted as tears began to flow from her eyes. Twilight backed up from her.

“I'm sorry Opaline for all of it. I'm sorry it had to be this way. I didn't want this to happen.” Twilight lowered her head. “I loved you like a daughter. And it pains me to do this.” Twilight then turned around and began to walk away from the Alicorn now laying on the ground.

The once great Opaline Arcana a pony who singly hoofedly almost brought down all Equestria utilizing division. And was able to briefly steal all magic in the world for herself. Now lay on the damp cold floor of a castle far away from any pony civilization, curled up in a ball from fear.

“I'll come back for you one day I promise you that,” Twilight said.

Opaline raised her head and looked up at Twilight. She watched as the pony she had once admired began to walk away from her. Opaline then called out to the princess. The small innocent filly inside her took control of her for that brief moment. “Don't leave me I'm scared!” she shouted out.

Twilight stopped. “Goodbye Opaline.” is all she said. Opaline then watched as the princess faded away in front of her. Opaline was left in complete silence. She lowered her head down and closed her eyes.

Author's Note:

This is officially where the Gen 4 part of the story concludes. everything from here on out will all be pre-ang. I hope you have fun reading this part it was incredibly fun to write!