• Published 5th Sep 2022
  • 293 Views, 3 Comments

The Perfect Pair - CarolineCheney

I was teleported to equestria where I spent most of my life. When I get back to my world, I reunite with an old friend.

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Chapter 5: Where Am I?

Foxy was walking up to me as I was sitting at a table drawing.

"Hoy there, lassie!" Foxy said sitting down next to me. I liked hanging out with him, since he's the only friend I got here.

"Hi Foxy!"

"whatcha drawin'?"

"You and me! Wanna see?"

"Sure!" He took the drawing out of my hand to look at it. I could see a smile creeping onto his face.

"Looks great, lassie!" He said as he gave me back the drawing.

"Thanks!" Then Foxy looked at me with a serious expression.

"Hey, lassie? Can I ask ye somethin'?"


"Well, I know how much ye like comin' 'ere, an' I was worried about when ye stop comin' when ye're older. So when that time comes, promise ye won't forget me?" I couldn't believe he was asking something like this. Of course I won't stop coming back. Besides, if I do, I'd never forget my own friend!

"I promise!" I say. And then Foxy pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks lassie, means a lot."

I woke up to a headache so bad, it may as well have been trampled over by a stampede of bison. I get up to my hooves to look at my surroundings. My heart then sank once I found out where I was. I was in the same place as my dreams. It was just like the first dream, but it was dark and gave me chills. Wait, if I'm in the same place as my dreams, could this 'Pirate's Cove' thing be in the same place? Welp, there's only one way to find out! I cast a light spell to see a bit better and make my way through what looked like the dining room. It was full of tables with confetti tablecloths, party hats, and chairs. once I got to the hallway, I was shocked to find that Pirate's Cove, was indeed, in the same place. I crossed the hall to get inside to see what's in there. And maybe afterwards I can explore the rest of the place. It was just like in the first dream, except there were benches for the audience to sit and watch the show. I could see that the purple starred curtain was closed, and there was a sign in front of it perched in the sand that read 'Sorry, Out Of Order'. As I made my way to the curtain to see what was inside, I felt a bit of excitement rushing through me of what could be in there. When I opened the curtains, I was shocked by what was inside. Sitting against the wall, was the fox from those dreams, but was as beat-up as he was in the second one, and it was staring at me with it's one uncovered, glowing, golden eye. I didn't know what to do or say. It felt like we were staring at each other forever, even though it could've been a few seconds. I wanted to run, fly, teleport, anything to get me out of there. But I also wanted to hug it, since it looks like it's been through a lot. But before I made up my mind, it started to stand on its hind legs, rusted joints creaking as it did so. And once it was standing, it slowly walked up to me, with curiosity on its face. All I could do was stand there with wide eyes as it got closer and closer. When it was a few feet from me, it spoke in the same voice as it did in my dreams.

"W-w-who ar-r-re y-y-ye? Wha-a-at-t-t ar-r-re ye-e-e?" Like in the dream, it stuttered as it spoke. I couldn't move. Couldn't speak. But eventually, I was able to get words out of my mouth.

"I-I'm a pony. A-and my name is Caroline." When I said that, its eyes went wide, its ears drooped, and its jaw dropped simultaneously. I didn't know whether I did or said something wrong.

"C-C-Car-r-rol-l-line-e-e?" It asked in genuine surprise. Apparently, it can feel emotions. I nodded in confusion.

"Yeah? Is something wrong?" Wait, why was I asking it if something was bothering it? It's a robot for crying out loud! But it does seem to be able to express emotions, since a smile was creeping up its face, and tears seem to be ready to come down its face, and even it’s ears perked up a little. Apparently, it can cry too. Before I could do or say anything, however, it rushed up to me and wrapped me into a hug, lifting me off the ground in the process.

"N-n-n o, l-l-las-s-ssie. Not-t-thin's wron-n-ng." It said with happiness in its voice. I literally didn't know what to do or say, but all I knew was that I couldn't breath.

"Uh, hey. Uh, Fox Guy? I can't breath. Can you put me down please?" It relented, and as it put me down, I could feel the relief of air entering and exiting my lungs. When I looked back up at it though, I was surprised that it seemed, hurt.

"Y-y-ye don-n-n't r-r-remem-m-mber m-m-me?" It sounded sad. I kinda felt bad for it. But I was also confused. Was I supposed to remember it?

"Uh, was I supposed to remember you? Cause, you popped up in my dreams recently, but other than that, no." I didn't think its face could look sadder, but it did, and its ears drooped further. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know this thing! I decided that the best thing to do was leave.

"Ooookay then. Imma just gonna leave, so I won't be bothering you anymore." I say as I turn to leave. But as soon as I turned around, I felt a metallic hook rest upon my shoulder. And as soon as it touched my fur, my blood started to run cold.

"W-w-wait! P-p-please don-n-n't l-l-leav-v-ve! I-I-I jus-s-st g-g-got ye-e-e b-b-back! Its voice sounded like the bot was about to cry. I didn't know what to do at this point. Though come to think of it, where was I supposed to go once I leave this place? And if there really are different creatures here, what would they think of me? Would they think I'm some sort of monster? Would they make me an attraction? Would they put me in a laboratory and do experiments on me? The last one made me shudder. I had no other options. I looked back at the fox, who was still waiting for my answer.

"Alright, I'll stay." I finally say. Once I said that, its face lit up and it let me on the stage. It was a little tricky, and I had to hover a bit to get on. I walked in, and the fox closed the curtains behind me incasing us in darkness other than the light from my horn and its glowing eyes.

"Say, you know my name, but what's yours?" I ask. I probably knew the answer, but I just wanted to be sure.

"I-i-it b-b-be Fox-x-xy, l-l-lassie." It said. Welp, I was right about its-no, his name.