• Published 8th Oct 2022
  • 4,350 Views, 1,124 Comments

Cinematic Adventures: Batman Begins - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike travel to Gotham City where they help billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne clean up the crime laced city. To do that, they must first become something more than what they are.

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The next morning, following the fear gas attack upon Gotham and the death of Ra’s Al Ghul, construction crews were busy clearing the debris of Wayne Enterprises. Heading the operation was none other than Lucius Fox, wearing a white hard hat. Just then, Mr. Earle arrived on the site and stalked toward Lucius with a livid expression. Lucius saw his approach and tapped the hard hat he wore on his head.

“This is a hard hat area,” He warned.

What are you doing here, Fox?” Earle demanded angrily, ignoring the warning. “I seem to remember firing you.”

Lucius nodded with a gesture toward the clean-up operation.

“Might be something to do with my new job as head of Wayne Enterprises,” He answered. “Didn’t you get the memo?”

“Apparently he didn’t.”

The two men turned to their side seeing John Wycliffe approaching them. Much like Lucius, he also wore a hard hat and three-piece suit.

“You really should get a hard hat Bill,” John warned Earle. “Wouldn’t want you to get hurt or have someone throw you out.”

Earle ignored him, glaring outright toward Lucius.

“Whose authority?” He demanded furiously.

Instead of answering, Lucius and John pointed toward a familiar Rolls Royce that was idling nearby, and Earle stormed toward it. Lucius and John both quietly smiled before resuming their work. Reaching the car, Earle banged on the window until Bruce Wayne rolled it down with an inquiring look.


“You think you have authority to decide who runs this company, Bruce?” Earle demanded loudly.

“It is my company,” Bruce reminded him.

“Not anymore,” Earle countered smugly. “Wayne Enterprises went public a week ago—”

“And I bought most of the shares,” Bruce interrupted. “A controlling interest in fact. Through various charitable foundations, trusts and so forth. Look, it’s all a bit technical, but the important thing is… my company’s future is secure.”

Earle just stared at the young man in shock as he stepped out of the Rolls Royce.

“Oh, I nearly forgot,” Bruce remembered. “I do have one more surprise for you, Mr. Earle. Or rather, theydo.”

Bruce pointed behind Earle and the older man turned around to see the Mane Six and Spike, in their human forms, walking towards them with a few police officers in tow.

“This is him, officer,” Twilight pointed to Earle.

“What is the meaning of this?” Earle asked confused.

The two cops approached Earle, one of them snatched his hands and placed handcuffs on him.

“William Earle, you’re under arrest,” The cop spoke, tightening the cuffs.

“What?!” Earle exclaimed in shock. “On what charges?!”

“For conspiring with a terrorist organization,” The officer responded. “And orchestrating the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne.”

“This is outrageous!” Earle shouted. “I’ve been a loyal member of Wayne Enterprises for years.”

“And you’ve also been the Grandmaster of the Court of Owls as well,” Twilight argued.

Earle just stared at her, the torches of confusion burning greatly in his eyes.

“What on Earth are you talking about?” he asked.

Twilight procured from behind her back a series of snapshots and copies of incriminating documents found in Earle’s offices.

“We found these documents on your personal computer in which you and a few others plotted the murders of the Wayne’s,” Twilight explained.

“You broke into my office?!” Earle exclaimed angrily.

“Don’t go tryin’ tah change the subject!” Applejack snapped. “Y’all wanted the Wayne’s outta the way so you could take the company public and make a small fortune off the sale.”

“So you and your cohorts paid a desperate man to commit murder,” Rarity added. “With the Wayne’s gone, their business would fall into your hands.”

“But you needed to cover your tracks,” Spike continued. “So you and the other Court members blew the whistle on Joe Chill and arranged to have him locked up in Arkham Asylum on insanity watch.”

“You knew nobody would believe an insane man committed for murder,” Fluttershy added.

“You, Mr. Earle, are a very, very bad man,” Pinkie said disappointed. “And to think I was actually considering making you a cake out of kindness and friendship.”

Earle wasn’t even given an opportunity to speak, as he was dragged away to a nearby police car while reading the man’s rights.

“You have the right to remain silent,” The officer read. “If you give up this right, anything you say can and willbe used against you in a court of law.”

The officers loaded Earle into the back of the car and began to drive off into Gotham. Bruce and the rest of the group watched with satisfaction as the police car disappeared from sight.

“I’ve been waiting to see that happen since we got back,” Bruce smiled.

“Now with the Grandmaster of the Court locked up, it’s sure to throw a wrench in their plans for the future,” Twilight declared happily.

Bruce nodded in agreement before hopping back into the car. He nodded to Alfred, and they drove off back towards Wayne Manor. This left the Mane Six and Spike standing on the sidewalk. The sound of someone approaching caused them to turn just as Sonata Dusk cautiously walked towards them. Her head was bowed in shame, she fumbled with her long hair nervously. The group crossed their arms and looked at her skeptically but still gave her a chance to speak.

“I know you have no reason to trust me, especially after all the things I’ve done,” Sonata spoke shamefully. “I just wanted to let you all know… I’m sorry. I’ve done horrible things, caused so much chaos and pain, and for what? All for the love of those who never loved me back. I know that’s no excuse for my actions, and I’m not asking for forgiveness. I just want you to know I regret what I’ve done to you and all of Equestria. So I’ll leave you all alone. You’ll never see or hear from me again.”

Sonata just turned and started to walk away slowly until…


Sonata Dusk slowly turned back just as Twilight herself walked towards her. The princess stopped before the siren girl with a serious look on her face.

“You’re right… you have done horrible things in the past,” Twilight spoke honestly. “I can’t say we can just bury that under the carpet, nor can I promise forgiveness is going to be easy.”

Sonata nodded slowly, as if she already expected that. But then, to her surprise, a warm smile formed on Twilight’s face. Kindness itself made its way especially in her eyes.

“However… you stepped up and did the right thing when it really mattered,” She said appreciatively. “You stood against your own sisters just to help us. Because of that, we’re all alive right now. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve earned at least ‘one’ chance at redemption.”

She extended her hand for Sonata to shake. The blue siren stared at her and her outstretched hand in shock. And she thought to herself, even after all she did in the past, before her was a pony offering her a chance to redeem herself. Which was more than when she and her family were initially banished from Equestria entirely. But never once did she think anything like this would happen for her.

With a smile on her face and a tear in her eye, Sonata Dusk reached out and grasped Twilight’s hand. They both shook on it before eventually pulling away as the rest of the group came up alongside them.

“What do you guys think?” Twilight asked them. “Are you okay with this?”

“Well… she did save our hides,” Applejack smiled. “Any pony willin’ tah risk their lives fer us, ah’d say they deserve a chance.”

“I’ll be honest, I hated her guts a while back,” Rainbow spoke honestly. “But now when I look at her, I guess I don’t quite wanna kick her in the head that much.”

“That’s… a start,” Twilight said awkwardly.

“Darling, I wouldn’t be the Element of Generosity if I was unable to offer some pony a second chance,” Rarity nodded. “After what you’ve done for us, you’ve more than earned it.”

“I’ve always believed any pony can change if shown a little kindness,” Fluttershy said. “If Discord can change thanks to kindness, I’m confident in Sonata.”

Sonata turned nervously toward Spike, who pondered over it for a moment. But without so much a word, he merely nodded his head silently with a tiny smile. Maybe he wasn’t quite so sure about Sonata, but he’d give her a chance anyway. Just to hear such words from the other Elements, Sonata cracked a small smile.

“I guess all that’s left for me is deciding what I should do now,” Sonata told them. “I can’t very well go back to the Dark Order, not after what I did to my sisters. I don’t really wanna go back there anyway… but I can’t stay in Gotham either.”

“Well, there’s a simple answer to that,” Pinkie smiled happily. “You should come back to Ponyville with us. I’ll throw you the biggest welcome party you’ve ever seen. There’ll be cake, balloons, streamers pinatas, games, and all around fun, fun, fun!”

“For realsies?” She asked surprised. “You sure you’re okay with this?”

“Of course!” Twilight nodded. “Granted, we’d have to arrange some living quarters for you, and find you a job so you can support yourself. But what better place to start fresh than in Ponyville? I learned about the magic of friendship there, and it will help teach you as well.”

Sonata could feel a single tear of joy rolling down her cheek, as she smiled with a nod of her head in approval. With her decision made, Twilight smiled in return and used her magic to teleport them back to Wayne Manor. For now, there was one last thing to do before returning to Equestria.


As Alfred drove Bruce back to Wayne Manor in the Rolls Royce, both men were discussing the morning’s newspaper. The paper had a large picture and article about Batman spread across the front page.

“Batman may have made the front page,” Alfred announced. “But Bruce Wayne got pushed to page 8.”

Bruce took the newspaper, opened to page 8, and chuckled at the title:

‘Drunken Billionaire burns down house’

And located underneath the title was a black-and-white photo featuring the ruins of Wayne Manor.

“Well, the important news is on the front page, and that’s what matters,” Bruce stated. “And as for what they say about me, our home won’t be in ruins forever.”

Alfred nodded, knowing this young charge was absolutely right.


Meanwhile, across the city, a very irate Black Mask burst into the penthouse office. He was soaking wet after being hurled through the air by that plant and had to swim across the Gotham river to get to shore. Thankfully, when he got there, he was fortunate that some of his crew were able to recover him and get him to safety. However, at this moment, none of them felt particularly safe as Black Mask roared in anger.


He flipped a nearby table over, causing everything in and on it to crash to the floor. The thugs who escorted their boss stood back waiting for his anger to subside.

“I can’t believe I trusted the word of that stupid plant bitch!” He growled. “I swear, when I get my hands on her again, I’ll tear her freaking heart out!”

“What about the Bat, boss?” One thug asked nervously.

“I’ll kill him too!” Black Mask yelled. “Him and those four legged freaks of his.”

Black Mask trudged towards the giant window that looked over Gotham and stared out toward the scarred city. One of the thugs slowly approached with great hesitation.

“What should we do now, boss?” He asked.

Black Mask just stood silent for a moment as he contemplated his next move. Just then, an idea came to his head so good he released a low chuckle.

“First things first, we raise the stakes,” He declared. “I was originally going to offer a million dollars to whoever killed the Bat and his little freaks, but now I’m raising it to fifty million. Fifty million to anyone who kills the Bat and his friends, but if they make that plant bitch suffer, I’ll double it. Spread the message out to every scumbag in the city!”

The thugs nodded in agreement, leaving the office to get to work on their boss’s requests. Black Mask turned back to look out the window with a smirk on his unmasked face. He knew raising the bounty on the Bat and the Power Ponies meant that there would be killers of all sorts wanting to claim it. By raising the price, the number was surely going to go up.

One way or another, he was going to make sure the Bat and those Power Ponies were dead.


Later that same day, Alfred was supervising the workers, who were sifting through the smoking ruins of what was once Wayne Manor. He nodded to Rachel the moment she arrived, directing her to what was left of the backyard. She was glad she wore her traditional boots as she picked her way through the smoking remnants of the greenhouse and found Bruce Wayne, who was hammering a board across the disused well. The remainder of the Mane Six and Spike did their best to help Bruce with the work.

Bruce looked up having heard her coming thanks to the soot-stained broken glass on the ground. She nodded to her, then turned back to the well.

“Do you remember the day I fell?”

Rachel nodded, remembering that day all too clearly.

“Of course,” She recalled. “I was so scared for you. I’ve spent a lot of time being scared for you.”

“Rachel… I’m—” Bruce began.

“No, Bruce,” She interrupted. “I’m sorry. The day Chill died – I said terrible things…”

True things,” Bruce added. “Justice is about more than revenge.”

“I never stopped thinking about you,” She admitted, smiling slightly. “About us… when I heard you were back… I started to hope—”

She was cut off when Bruce kissed her, and she returned the kiss for a moment before pulling back with a regretful expression.

“Then I found out about your mask,” She said.

“Batman’s just a symbol, Rachel,” Bruce assured her.

Rachel shook her head and gently brushed his face with her fingers.

This is your mask,” She explained. “Your real face is the one criminals now fear. The man I loved… the man who vanished… never came back at all. But maybe he’s still out there somewhere. Maybe one day, when Gotham no longer needs Batman, I’ll see him again.”

This gave Bruce hope as he glanced at the newly covered well.

“As I sat there, I knew… I could sense it,” He muttered.

“What?” Rachel asked.

He looked back at her, taking her hand.

“That things would never be the same.”

Once the well was completely sealed up, Bruce and Rachel walked together through the ruins.

“Well, you proved me wrong,” Rachel smiled, shaking her head.

“About what?” Ben inquired.

“Your father would be proud of you,” Rachel responded. “Just as I am.”

She started to walk away while Bruce crouched down and dug through the debris until he pulled out his father’s stethoscope; she stopped in her tracks, then turned back.

“What will you do?” She asked, referring to the manor.

Bruce glanced at the ruins, what little remained of his home, then turned back toward her.

“I’m going to rebuild it just the way it was,” He spoke honestly, with purpose. “Brick for brick.”

Rachel nodded, then walked off. For a moment, Bruce stared after her wistfully until Alfred approached. When they together, they walked side-by-side through the smoking ruins.

Just the way it was, sir?” The older man asked.

“Yes, why?” He asked.

“I thought we might take the opportunity of making some improvements to the foundation,” Alfred suggested.

Bruce quickly caught on to what his old friend meant.

“In the southeast corner?” He guessed.

Precisely, sir,” Alfred nodded, smiling.

Just then, a gust of wind picked up and the Equestrians turned their eyes from their work to the crystal portal back to Equestria opening up. The Mane Six, Spike, and Sonata all looked at it with smiles on their faces.

“Guess it’s time to go,” Twilight said.

They all turned back around as Bruce, Alfred, and even Rachel made their way to their side. They all looked upon their equine friends with smiles on their faces.

“Well, what can I say?” Bruce smirked. “It’s sure been one hell of an adventure.”

“Ya got that right, sugar cube,” Applejack nodded.

“Busting up bad guys, driving tanks, and meeting awesome new friends,” Rainbow listed. “This epic adventure is just another Tuesday for us.”

“I haven’t exactly gotten to know you all very well,” Rachel smiled regretfully. “Still, I’m thankful to have met you and for keeping Bruce safe.”

“Don’t worry about that, darling,” Rarity assured her. “I have a feeling we’ll be back here again in the future.”

“Oh totally, come the sequel you’ll have plenty of times to get to know us,” Pinkie smiled. “Hear it’s quite a crowd favorite.”

“Anyways… as long as there’s plenty of crime here to solve, we’ll be back,” Spike assured.

“If any of you ever find yourselves in Gotham again, just know you’re always welcome to Wayne Manor,” Alfred smiled at them.

“Could you give my thanks to Detective Gordon again?” Sonata asked hopefully. “He’s a good man; Gotham needs more people like him.”

“No problem,” Rachel assured. “I’ll be sure to tell him. I promise.”

The Mane Six, Spike, and Sonata all turned back toward the portal. But before they took a step, Twilight turned toward Sonata, who still retained a sad look on her face… a painfully worried expression to boot.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, concerned.

“It’s just… I don’t know if I’ll truly be welcome in Ponyville,” Sonata admitted. “I’m not exactly a ponyafter all.”

“Pony or not… you’re one of us now Sonata Dusk,” Twilight assured. “Let no pony tell you any different.”

Nodding with a light smile, Sonata slowly took her footsteps through the portal until she was fully enveloped by the light. One by one, the remainder of the Equestrians followed Sonata through the portal until all that remained was Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Together they turned back. Not just toward the friends they were leaving behind, but the very world of Gotham itself.

“You know… Gotham may still be a city of crime, but there’s some parts about it that are nice,” Spike spoke. “Least you and Bruce finally took care of those Al Ghuls. Now that they’re both out of the picture, we won’t have to worry about them anymore. Right, Twi?”

But of course, Twilight Sparkle didn’t quite answer the question. Silently, she looked out toward the distance… and she couldn’t help but reminisce about her last encounter with one particular Al Ghul.


“You did not save this city, Twilight Sparkle,” Duscan spoke under his breath. “You just delayed the inevitable.”

“If there are consequences,” Twilight declared, turning toward him. “My friends and I will be ready for what’s coming.”

Duscan did not answer with any witty remark… nor did he turn to acknowledge the princess. Again acting in defiance, he stubbornly kept his gaze toward the smoldering mess before him.

“I know what you’re thinking, princess,” Duscan spoke, breaking the silence. “You’ve hungered for this all your life. You won’t get a better shot than this; how right you should kill with magic.”

Indeed, Twilight Sparkle slowly turned toward Duscan and it was true that she could see he was in no position to get away. The Masked Matterhorn may have had limits, but as an alicorn princess… there was no question Twilight Sparkle was powerful. All she’d need was one clear shot, right toward Duscan’s exposed head, and it would be the end of it. But instead, as she conjured a heavy glow of her horn and Duscan anticipated his end… she instead used her magic to explode the ice prison encasing him and he fell forward, so weak he could barely catch himself.

“Get out of here,” Twilight Sparkle ordered. “Clear out of here!”

“Don’t think freeing me will make any difference,” Duscan warned. “The League knew we’d never go home after this mission; we declared ourselves dead. I had a destiny; I was to die in that blaze with my father and my fellow assassins. But you… you cheated me out of it! What you want, you stole it. I can never forgive you; you’re no worse than man.”

“… You are wrong, Duscan. Always have been wrong. I am only a mare who sees a free man now, there are no conditions… no bargains… no petitions. You’ve lost today; you now have a chance to move on.”

“I didn’t lose… you’ve just prolonged your doom.”

With what strength Duscan mustered, he slowly picked himself upon his feet and for a moment he stood inches from the alicorn princess. But since he was in no shape for a fight, he slowly stepped away from the alicorn toward the very edge of the roof they stood on. For a moment, he stood there eyeing the horizon where an unknown destination was waiting. But he knew somehow he couldn’t go back to the life you had before.

“Our paths will cross again Twilight,” Duscan spoke, barely looking back. “You dishonored my legacy, saving my life… twice. I won’t share the same mercy when we meet in combat; when I’m through with you, no one will ‘ever’ remember you.”

“Maybe…” Twilight slowly nodded. “But when everyone finds out that you’re alive once again, because I saved you… they will ‘never’ let you forget it.”

Duscan only glared toward Twilight Sparkle, who merely looked back with a calm expression. She held her footing as Duscan turned from the mare entirely, then jumped his way off the roof to make his escape. While the princess had no idea if she did the right thing, even holding to the slightest hope that Duscan could change, she did not pursue him… she did not call out for him to stop. As far as she was concerned… their battle was already over and what happened next… that was in his hands now…


“Twi?” Spike spoke. “Twilight?”

Twilight stirred herself back to reality, as her attention returned to Spike. The dragon teen was a tad confused over how quiet his friend was.

“You heard what I said?” Spike asked.

“… The Al Ghuls are gone, Spike,” Twilight reassured. “We have no reason to worry about them, anymore.”

With that settled, Twilight Sparkle and Spike finally merged through the portal and the doorway slowly closed shut behind them. Without doubt, the pair along with all their friends were so thankfully to finally return to their families in Equestria. Only now, they were bringing a new addition to their motley little family… someone new to teach about the ways of friendship, no matter how long it takes.

None of them took notice, however, of a lone figure watching from the bushes. The figure that of a man wearing an Arkham Asylum jumpsuit, staring toward the space where the crystal portal once stood. A man with large, crazy eyes… eyes that never blinked once… the eyes… of a killer…


A few nights later…

A new sign appeared in the sky above Gotham City… a bat symbol beamed onto the clouds by way of a spotlight that sat on the roof of the police station. A bat-shaped metal stencil was bolted to the spotlight. Standing nearby, Gordon sipped coffee from a Styrofoam cup when a rapping sound on metal drew his attention. He turned and saw the dark knight standing on the other side of the spotlight, nodding toward it.

“Nice,” Batman said.

“Couldn’t find any mob bosses to strap to the light,” Gordon replied.

Soon as he finished his coffee and crushed the cup, Gordon turned the spotlight off. The two men now stood staring at each other in the darkness.

“Well, sergeant?” The Dark Knight asked.

“It’s lieutenant, now,” Gordon corrected him. “Commissioner Loeb had to promote me, and he had to disband the task force hunting you. Amazing what saving a city can do for your image.”

While caught off guard by the promotion, nevertheless the Batman was pleased just the same.

“Then things are better,” Batman nodded.

“You’ve started something,” He confirmed. “Bent cops are running scared; hope on the streets…”

He trailed off thoughtfully, recalling how quickly Flass had resigned after the incident in the Narrows.

“But?” The Dark Knight inquired.

“But there’s a lot of weirdness out there right now,” Gordon explained. “The Narrows is lost… we still haven’t picked up Crane or half the inmates of Arkham that he freed…”

“We will,” Batman promised. “Gotham will return to normal.”

“Will it?” Gordon asked, skeptically. “What about escalation?”

“Escalation?” Batman echoed.

We start carrying semiautomatics,” Gordon explained. “They buy automatics… we start wearing Kevlar, theybuy armor-piercing rounds…”

The Dark Knight nodded, getting the idea, but he could sense there was something else going on.


“I never said thank you,” Gordon told him.

The Dark Knight looked back at him, his cloak billowing around him with the lights of Gotham lighting the night sky.

“And you’ll never have to.”

He then dropped from the rooftop, gliding across the night wind. Gordon couldn’t help but smile. While he didn’t know what the future held for Gotham City, nor did he know what other sinister forces bumped in the night. But he did know one thing:

The Dark Knight was on the job.


Back at Arkham Asylum, the doctors and guards started getting things back in place as they locked up the few escaped inmates. Work was starting up as usual for one doctor in particular, Dr. Harleen Quinzel. Even after nearly being killed a few short days ago, Quinzel was back on duty. Suffice to say, many doctors, guards, and even the other staff were extremely shocked to find the Doctor walking through the front doors of the asylum after such a short absence.

“Dr. Quinzel!” The receptionist gasped.

“Good morning, Melissa,” Dr. Quinzel greeted kindly. “Another day on the grind, wouldn’t you say?”

“Are you sure you should be back so soon, Dr. Quinzel?” Melissa asked skeptically. “After all, you nearly died a few days ago. I wouldn’t blame you if you stayed away a while longer.”

“Nah, I’m alright now,” Dr. Quinzel assured her. “Honestly, sitting around at home gets really boring, really quickly. I figured it’s best to get back to work as soon as possible.

“Alright,” She relented, sighing. “If you’re sure.”

“So… who do you got for me to look into today?” Harleen asked.

“Now that you mention it, a new one came in recently,” Melissa informed her, handing the file. “Quite the rap sheet on this one. Armed robbery, arson, torture, the list goes on. He’s got a little taste for the theatrics, like you.”

“I’ll get right to work then,” Dr. Quinzel smiled.

She proceeded to make her way down the halls with her heels clicking on the floor the whole way. Eventually, she wound up outside a maximum security cell where her current patient was held. She nodded to the guard on duty to let her in. The guard unlocked the door, which slowly opened wide enough for the doctor to enter. As she entered, she noticed it was a rather dark room with only a single lightbulb illuminating the area.

She noticed her patient lying on a cot in the corner where the light wasn’t reaching all that much. This way, she couldn’t quite see her patient. But nevertheless, she walked inside and sat on the one chair set up in the midst of the room. She grabbed her pen off her clipboard and immediately went to work.

“Good morning, my name is Dr. Harleen Quinzel,” She greeted. “But you can just call me Harley, everyone else does. So why don’t we get started today by telling me why you’re here.”

The many lying in the corner slowly turned his head to look at the doctor. Just enough for her to see a large red smirk across his ghost-white face.

“Well… I guess you could say that everything started with one… bad… day…”


Across the city, at Wycliffe Industries, John Wycliffe entered the offices of his business. He worked his way toward the direction of his own office. Along the way, he passed his receptionist, Tessa Richards, who gave her boss a smile upon seeing him.

“Good day, Mr. Wycliffe,” She greeted. “What brings you in today? I thought you were on vacation with your family.

“Indeed, I am,” John nodded. “Unfortunately, I have an important meeting to attend to till then. I should be in and out quickly.”

“Very well, sir,” Tessa nodded. “I hope you have a great vacation.”

John merely nodded in response as he entered his office and closed the door behind him. Walking toward the large window in his office, he looked out toward Gotham. After all that has happened recently, this city was never going to be the same again. There was so much to rebuild, many criminals to round up, and so much damage to fix. Nonetheless, even between the chaos and destruction, Gotham still prevailed and showcased its might.

A small smile formed on John’s face as he turned around and pressed a small red button under his desk. Doing so opened a tiny secret compartment along the office wall, opening it up to reveal the Grandmasters golden owl mask. John approached the mask and lifted it up before placing it over his face.

Closing the compartment, the Grandmaster walked toward a bookcase in the corner. Reaching out, he grasped a single book in the dead center of the shelf and gave a pull. The book came out partially, activating a hidden switch that opened another wall and revealed a hidden elevator.

Entering the elevator, the Grandmaster pushed a button to close the doors. The elevator began to plummet downward leading the man to God only knows where. Eventually, the elevator came to a halt and the doors opened to a dark passageway. He proceeded to cross the dark corridor before eventually coming to a set of large oak doors. When he pushed them open, he walked out into the Court of Owls’ meeting chamber where all the members sat. He made his way over and took his seat at the throne at the head of the table.

“Members of the Court, our plans have worked perfectly,” The Grandmaster announced. “William Earle has been taken into custody under the presumption of leading this Court.”

He turned his head toward Joseph and Maria Powers, who sat beside him wearing their masks.

“You’ve done well planting evidence to condemn Earle,” He commented. “Now Bruce Wayne and his friends trust me completely.”

“Your deception is a work of genius, Grandmaster,” Joseph praised. “Now that they trust you, it will only make it easier to put our plans back in motion.”

“I do have one question,” Maria added. “What is our next course of action?”

The Grandmaster folded his hands in front of his golden mask, showing off his ring which displayed the symbol of the Court as he contemplated what comes next.

“Gotham must still face judgment,” He spoke. “Ra’s Al Ghul and the League of Shadows are no more. Their ambition blinded them to just how far they had fallen. We must succeed where they have failed.”

He leaned forward to address all the Court members in attendance.

“It is high time we unleashed them unto the Earth.”

Every member of the Court began to look about, breaking out into murmurs of uncertainty.

“Are you quite certain the time is right, sir?” Another member asked.

“Indeed,” The Grandmaster nodded. “Are they ready?”

“They are,” Another member nodded. “Follow me, I will show you.”

The Court member and the Grandmaster stood up from their seats and made their way down another corridor. Pushing open another set of doors, they ventured into a giant dark chamber filled from floor to ceiling with thousands of cryogenic pods.

The Grandmaster stepped forward toward the control panel, where he flipped a few switches and pulled a lever. Doing so caused all the pods in the room to simultaneously open, slowly. From within the pods, thousands of twisted and demented creatures arose from within. All of them resembled reanimated corpses garbed in dark clothing, wearing strange owl-like cowls over their heads.

The Grandmaster watched in satisfaction, as their newly awoken weapons, the Talons, arose from their pods. Many of them screeched and moved about in pure animalistic fashion until many of them stood at attention before the Grandmaster.

“Our personal instruments of destruction are ready,” He commented. “At long last, Judgment Day has come to Gotham… and then, the world will know our true power.”

The End

Author's Note:

With this chapter now complete, we are finished for the rest of 2022. We hope you all enjoyed this story and we will see you all again for the next one at the beginning of the new year. Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year 🌲

Comments ( 73 )

Merry Christmas indeed.

“ We start carrying semiautomatics,” Gordon explained. “ They buy automatics… we start wearing Kevlar, they buy armor-piercing rounds…”

We make a good movie about escalation, we rehash the Ra's al Ghul bullshit in the following one.

What is the next movie/story going to be?

oh, and I really liked it. The best of everything

I’m-a coming! Wait for me!

And so, we finally come to the end of this story in which our heroes have finally succeeded in taking down one imposing threat to Gotham City. Granted, the place is definitely a mess what with all the chaos that had been happening in the wake of the assault by the Al Ghul's, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow, the Dazzlings, Chrysalis... boy that's a lot of names (I didn't even mention Black Mask). But either way, it'll take a bit of time for a full recovery to commence for this city but so long as its people still have the will to move on, they'll pull through somehow.

But of course, not everything is at ease. Turns out our Princess had a slight hand (Or hoof) as to how one villain may still be roaming about, Black Mask has made an INSANE bounty against his new enemies, there's a stalker on the prowl (Who I bet 'no one' can figure out who it is), and the man we 'thought' to be the Grandmaster of the Court of Owls... was not who it seemed. But I'll let you see for yourself.

Yep. And now that we finally managed to get through this project, Mr. Enigma and I can enjoy a nice relaxing Christmas break. We should be back in business by new year's or later.

Dang, mind blown, another epic conclusion, fantastic job Drama and Lord E, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to both of you XD

An epic conclusion to another satisfying project to chalk off the to-do list. And we're not even finished with this season yet.

While we don't know when we'll be able to cover the next Batman film in this one trilogy, we do know that the second one will without question be one of the most intense. Especially with the introduction of one of the most famous DC villains of all time.

Oh, man! Didn't expect Earle to be set up by Wycliffe. Bottom line: you did another amazing job, Double E! You and Dramamaster did very well with this story. I'm looking forward to how Sonata develops in further stories.

We knew fans were in for a shock with that little method of 'misdirection'. You think you know who's the mastermind behind a very secretive group, but Mr. Enigma and I knew that most of our fans really had 'no idea' what we were up to. The very surprise upon finding out who's in charge the whole time... that reaction made our efforts to deliver this revelation very satisfying.

So Gotham is safer to some extent but there is still trouble in that city. And now Harley is treating the very person that’s gonna turn her mad like him. And it looks like Sonata is finally getting her shot at redemption. I can’t wait to see the next adventure come next year. Until then Happy Holidays

I feel so bad for Harley especially what's going to happen to her. But she wanted to go back to work, and she asked to have this one patient. Course, if we know anything about who she's working with, her life will change and likely not for the better I'll say this much.

As for Sonata, we do have to wonder this one question: Where does she go from here? Now that she has fully stood up against her own family, the family who abandoned her, where does this new beginning lead for this one Siren?

Здравствуйте extremeenigma02 я хочу сказать вам что мне очень понравилось Кинематографческие приключения: Бэтмен начало и я буду ждать ваших новых рассказов и extremeenigma02 вы после нового года создадите новую серию рассказов Кинематографческие приключений но на этот раз вы напишите о трилогии Трансформеры. Extremeenigma02 пожалуйста ответьте на мой вопрос хорошо я буду ждать вашего ответа.

For those who don't know what this 'Zotow' guy just said, fortunately I was able to translate it from 'Russian' (Which is apparently the dialect in his post) to 'English':

Hello extremeenigma02 I want to tell you that I really enjoyed Cinematic Adventures: Batman Begins and I will be waiting for your new stories and extremeenigma02 you will after the new year create a new series of short stories Cinematic Adventures but this time you will write about the Trilogy Transformers. Extremeenigma02 please answer my question well I will wait for your answer.

I'm just going to state this much... I don't like the use of the word 'will' in his sentence. It always sounds too demanding. Not really a 'big' problem, I'm just nitpicking.

Merry Christmas

Another adventure that ends. So it's not going to be like in Star Wars, and there will be a break between parts of the trilogy. Gotham is safe, the League of Shadows has fallen, and our group has a new member; if this is not a victory, nothing is. I'm sure Sonata, Eric and Carrie will get along pretty well.
But the ending... what a plot twist. I already assumed that Earle was not The Grandmaster, but that John Wycliffe was, what a surprise. Dr. Harleen Quinzel has met a patient who needs no introduction, one look is enough to tell that he is someone who would like to put a "permanent smile" on your face, especially if you've had a bad day. And who is that guy with the mustache who was watching The Mane 6 return to Equestria? He reminds me a bit of a murderer in real life.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. The year and the story may be over, but the adventure is far from over. We'll see you next year with more, but not better, because it's impossible, here at Cinematic Adventures.

Yeah... we're just going to give everyone a chance to figure out who the mustache man with the big eyes is. The only ones who know who he is, unless I'm wrong, are Mr. Enigma and myself. Let's just say he's 'been around' for a while.

Such a amazing and wonderful end to this! I’m, VERY happy for Sonata and her path of redemption I’m looking forward to seeing how it will go.

Looking, forward to the next adventure!

Until then, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you both Mr.E and Drama

The next morning, following the fear gas attack upon Gotham and the death of Ra’s Al Ghul, construction crews were busy clearing the debris of Wayne Enterprises. Heading the operation was none other than Lucius Fox, wearing a white hard hat. Just then, Mr. Earle arrived on the site and stalked toward Lucius with a livid expression. Lucius saw his approach and tapped the hard hat he wore on his head.

“This is a hard hat area,” He warned.

What are you doing here, Fox?” Earle demanded angrily, ignoring the warning. “I seem to remember firing you.”

Lucius nodded with a gesture toward the clean-up operation.

“Might be something to do with my new job as head of Wayne Enterprises,” He answered. “Didn’t you get the memo?”

“Apparently he didn’t.”

The two men turned to their side seeing John Wycliffe approaching them. Much like Lucius, he also wore a hard hat and three-piece suit.

“You really should get a hard hat Bill,” John warned Earle. “Wouldn’t want you to get hurt or have someone throw you out.”

Earle ignored him, glaring outright toward Lucius.

“Whose authority?” He demanded furiously.

Instead of answering, Lucius and John pointed toward a familiar Rolls Royce that was idling nearby, and Earle stormed toward it. Lucius and John both quietly smiled before resuming their work. Reaching the car, Earle banged on the window until Bruce Wayne rolled it down with an inquiring look.


“You think you have authority to decide who runs this company, Bruce?” Earle demanded loudly.

“It is my company,” Bruce reminded him.

“Not anymore,” Earle countered smugly. “Wayne Enterprises went public a week ago—”

“And I bought most of the shares,” Bruce interrupted. “A controlling interest in fact. Through various charitable foundations, trusts and so forth. Look, it’s all a bit technical, but the important thing is… my company’s future is secure.”

Earle just stared at the young man in shock as he stepped out of the Rolls Royce.

“Oh, I nearly forgot,” Bruce remembered. “I do have one more surprise for you, Mr. Earle. Or rather, theydo.”

Bruce pointed behind Earle and the older man turned around to see the Mane Six and Spike, in their human forms, walking towards them with a few police officers in tow.

“This is him, officer,” Twilight pointed to Earle.

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: You know what to do.

“What is the meaning of this?” Earle asked confused.

The two cops approached Earle, one of them snatched his hands and placed handcuffs on him.

“William Earle, you’re under arrest,” The cop spoke, tightening the cuffs.

“What?!” Earle exclaimed in shock. “On what charges?!”

“For conspiring with a terrorist organization,” The officer responded. “And orchestrating the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne.”

“This is outrageous!” Earle shouted. “I’ve been a loyal member of Wayne Enterprises for years.”

“And you’ve also been the Grandmaster of the Court of Owls as well,” Twilight argued.

Earle just stared at her, the torches of confusion burning greatly in his eyes.

“What on Earth are you talking about?” he asked.

Twilight procured from behind her back a series of snapshots and copies of incriminating documents found in Earle’s offices.

“We found these documents on your personal computer in which you and a few others plotted the murders of the Wayne’s,” Twilight explained.

“You broke into my office?!” Earle exclaimed angrily.

“Don’t go tryin’ tah change the subject!” Applejack snapped. “Y’all wanted the Wayne’s outta the way so you could take the company public and make a small fortune off the sale.”

“So you and your cohorts paid a desperate man to commit murder,” Rarity added. “With the Wayne’s gone, their business would fall into your hands.”

“But you needed to cover your tracks,” Spike continued. “So you and the other Court members blew the whistle on Joe Chill and arranged to have him locked up in Arkham Asylum on insanity watch.”

“You knew nobody would believe an insane man committed for murder,” Fluttershy added.

“You, Mr. Earle, are a very, very bad man,” Pinkie said disappointed. “And to think I was actually considering making you a cake out of kindness and friendship.”

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: *shakes head* For Shame.

Earle wasn’t even given an opportunity to speak, as he was dragged away to a nearby police car while reading the man’s rights.

“You have the right to remain silent,” The officer read. “If you give up this right, anything you say can and willbe used against you in a court of law.”

The officers loaded Earle into the back of the car and began to drive off into Gotham. Bruce and the rest of the group watched with satisfaction as the police car disappeared from sight.

“I’ve been waiting to see that happen since we got back,” Bruce smiled.

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: I believe ya Bruce. *pats him on the back*

“Now with the Grandmaster of the Court locked up, it’s sure to throw a wrench in their plans for the future,” Twilight declared happily.

Bruce nodded in agreement before hopping back into the car. He nodded to Alfred, and they drove off back towards Wayne Manor. This left the Mane Six and Spike standing on the sidewalk. The sound of someone approaching caused them to turn just as Sonata Dusk cautiously walked towards them. Her head was bowed in shame, she fumbled with her long hair nervously. The group crossed their arms and looked at her skeptically but still gave her a chance to speak.

“I know you have no reason to trust me, especially after all the things I’ve done,” Sonata spoke shamefully. “I just wanted to let you all know… I’m sorry. I’ve done horrible things, caused so much chaos and pain, and for what? All for the love of those who never loved me back. I know that’s no excuse for my actions, and I’m not asking for forgiveness. I just want you to know I regret what I’ve done to you and all of Equestria. So I’ll leave you all alone. You’ll never see or hear from me again.”

Sonata just turned and started to walk away slowly until…


Sonata Dusk slowly turned back just as Twilight herself walked towards her. The princess stopped before the siren girl with a serious look on her face.

“You’re right… you have done horrible things in the past,” Twilight spoke honestly. “I can’t say we can just bury that under the carpet, nor can I promise forgiveness is going to be easy.”

Sonata nodded slowly, as if she already expected that. But then, to her surprise, a warm smile formed on Twilight’s face. Kindness itself made its way especially in her eyes.

“However… you stepped up and did the right thing when it really mattered,” She said appreciatively. “You stood against your own sisters just to help us. Because of that, we’re all alive right now. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve earned at least ‘one’ chance at redemption.”

She extended her hand for Sonata to shake. The blue siren stared at her and her outstretched hand in shock. And she thought to herself, even after all she did in the past, before her was a pony offering her a chance to redeem herself. Which was more than when she and her family were initially banished from Equestria entirely. But never once did she think anything like this would happen for her.

With a smile on her face and a tear in her eye, Sonata Dusk reached out and grasped Twilight’s hand. They both shook on it before eventually pulling away as the rest of the group came up alongside them.

“What do you guys think?” Twilight asked them. “Are you okay with this?”

“Well… she did save our hides,” Applejack smiled. “Any pony willin’ tah risk their lives fer us, ah’d say they deserve a chance.”

“I’ll be honest, I hated her guts a while back,” Rainbow spoke honestly. “But now when I look at her, I guess I don’t quite wanna kick her in the head that much.”

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: *rubs temples*

“That’s… a start,” Twilight said awkwardly.

“Darling, I wouldn’t be the Element of Generosity if I was unable to offer some pony a second chance,” Rarity nodded. “After what you’ve done for us, you’ve more than earned it.”

“I’ve always believed any pony can change if shown a little kindness,” Fluttershy said. “If Discord can change thanks to kindness, I’m confident in Sonata.”

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: Being a christian, I've learned that it's best to forgive anyone who did harm to you. So I long with the other offer my friendship.

Sonata turned nervously toward Spike, who pondered over it for a moment. But without so much a word, he merely nodded his head silently with a tiny smile. Maybe he wasn’t quite so sure about Sonata, but he’d give her a chance anyway. Just to hear such words from the other Elements, Sonata cracked a small smile.

“I guess all that’s left for me is deciding what I should do now,” Sonata told them. “I can’t very well go back to the Dark Order, not after what I did to my sisters. I don’t really wanna go back there anyway… but I can’t stay in Gotham either.”

“Well, there’s a simple answer to that,” Pinkie smiled happily. “You should come back to Ponyville with us. I’ll throw you the biggest welcome party you’ve ever seen. There’ll be cake, balloons, streamers pinatas, games, and all around fun, fun, fun!”

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: *rolls eyes with a smile* Same old Pinkie.

“For realsies?” She asked surprised. “You sure you’re okay with this?”

“Of course!” Twilight nodded. “Granted, we’d have to arrange some living quarters for you, and find you a job so you can support yourself. But what better place to start fresh than in Ponyville? I learned about the magic of friendship there, and it will help teach you as well.”

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: She's right you know. It even helped me make friends to love and cherish.

Sonata could feel a single tear of joy rolling down her cheek, as she smiled with a nod of her head in approval. With her decision made, Twilight smiled in return and used her magic to teleport them back to Wayne Manor. For now, there was one last thing to do before returning to Equestria.


As Alfred drove Bruce back to Wayne Manor in the Rolls Royce, both men were discussing the morning’s newspaper. The paper had a large picture and article about Batman spread across the front page.

“Batman may have made the front page,” Alfred announced. “But Bruce Wayne got pushed to page 8.”

Bruce took the newspaper, opened to page 8, and chuckled at the title:

‘Drunken Billionaire burns down house’

And located underneath the title was a black-and-white photo featuring the ruins of Wayne Manor.

“Well, the important news is on the front page, and that’s what matters,” Bruce stated. “And as for what they say about me, our home won’t be in ruins forever.”

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: *in the back seat with Bruce* Very true Bruce. We will rebuild the foundation to how it was, if not better than before.

Alfred nodded, knowing this young charge was absolutely right.


Later that same day, Alfred was supervising the workers, who were sifting through the smoking ruins of what was once Wayne Manor. He nodded to Rachel the moment she arrived, directing her to what was left of the backyard. She was glad she wore her traditional boots as she picked her way through the smoking remnants of the greenhouse and found Bruce Wayne, who was hammering a board across the disused well. The remainder of the Mane Six and Spike did their best to help Bruce with the work.

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: *helping out* Well hello Rachel.

Bruce looked up having heard her coming thanks to the soot-stained broken glass on the ground. She nodded to her, then turned back to the well.

“Do you remember the day I fell?”

Rachel nodded, remembering that day all too clearly.

“Of course,” She recalled. “I was so scared for you. I’ve spent a lot of time being scared for you.”

“Rachel… I’m—” Bruce began.

“No, Bruce,” She interrupted. “I’m sorry. The day Chill died – I said terrible things…”

True things,” Bruce added. “Justice is about more than revenge.”

“I never stopped thinking about you,” She admitted, smiling slightly. “About us… when I heard you were back… I started to hope—”

She was cut off when Bruce kissed her, and she returned the kiss for a moment before pulling back with a regretful expression.

“Then I found out about your mask,” She said.

“Batman’s just a symbol, Rachel,” Bruce assured her.

Rachel shook her head and gently brushed his face with her fingers.

This is your mask,” She explained. “Your real face is the one criminals now fear. The man I loved… the man who vanished… never came back at all. But maybe he’s still out there somewhere. Maybe one day, when Gotham no longer needs Batman, I’ll see him again.”

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: She's right Bruce, maybe someday, when things are a lot more peaceful in Gotham, you two might be able to have your happiness together.

This gave Bruce hope as he glanced at the newly covered well.

“As I sat there, I knew… I could sense it,” He muttered.

“What?” Rachel asked.

He looked back at her, taking her hand.

“That things would never be the same.”

Once the well was completely sealed up, Bruce and Rachel walked together through the ruins.

“Well, you proved me wrong,” Rachel smiled, shaking her head.

“About what?” Ben inquired.

“Your father would be proud of you,” Rachel responded. “Just as I am.”

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: He most certainly would be.

She started to walk away while Bruce crouched down and dug through the debris until he pulled out his father’s stethoscope; she stopped in her tracks, then turned back.

“What will you do?” She asked, referring to the manor.

Bruce glanced at the ruins, what little remained of his home, then turned back toward her.

“I’m going to rebuild it just the way it was,” He spoke honestly, with purpose. “Brick for brick.”

Rachel nodded, then walked off. For a moment, Bruce stared after her wistfully until Alfred approached. When they together, they walked side-by-side through the smoking ruins.

Just the way it was, sir?” The older man asked.

“Yes, why?” He asked.

“I thought we might take the opportunity of making some improvements to the foundation,” Alfred suggested.

Bruce quickly caught on to what his old friend meant.

“In the southeast corner?” He guessed.

Precisely, sir,” Alfred nodded, smiling.

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: That's a fine idea. With maybe more room for more gadgets.

Bruce: Including yours?

Me: You bet.

Just then, a gust of wind picked up and the Equestrians turned their eyes from their work to the crystal portal back to Equestria opening up. The Mane Six, Spike, and Sonata all looked at it with smiles on their faces.

“Guess it’s time to go,” Twilight said.

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: So it is. What a ride it's been.

Mina: This has been a dream come true for me, going to a comic book world and fighting alongside the hero!~ I can't wait to do it again!

They all turned back around as Bruce, Alfred, and even Rachel made their way to their side. They all looked upon their equine friends with smiles on their faces.

“Well, what can I say?” Bruce smirked. “It’s sure been one hell of an adventure.”

“Ya got that right, sugar cube,” Applejack nodded.

“Busting up bad guys, driving tanks, and meeting awesome new friends,” Rainbow listed. “This epic adventure is just another Tuesday for us.”

“I haven’t exactly gotten to know you all very well,” Rachel smiled regretfully. “Still, I’m thankful to have met you and for keeping Bruce safe.”

“Don’t worry about that, darling,” Rarity assured her. “I have a feeling we’ll be back here again in the future.”

“Oh totally, come the sequel you’ll have plenty of times to get to know us,” Pinkie smiled. “Hear it’s quite a crowd favorite.”

“Anyways… as long as there’s plenty of crime here to solve, we’ll be back,” Spike assured.

“If any of you ever find yourselves in Gotham again, just know you’re always welcome to Wayne Manor,” Alfred smiled at them.

“Could you give my thanks to Detective Gordon again?” Sonata asked hopefully. “He’s a good man; Gotham needs more people like him.”

“No problem,” Rachel assured. “I’ll be sure to tell him. I promise.”

Hunter's Extra Cut

Bruce: Hunter, it's been an honor working alongside you. Look forward to our next mission together.

Me: Same here, partner.

*We shake hand and hoof*

Me: Let's go home ponies, and dragon.

The Mane Six, Spike, and Sonata all turned back toward the portal. But before they took a step, Twilight turned toward Sonata, who still retained a sad look on her face… a painfully worried expression to boot.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, concerned.

“It’s just… I don’t know if I’ll truly be welcome in Ponyville,” Sonata admitted. “I’m not exactly a ponyafter all.”

“Pony or not… you’re one of us now Sonata Dusk,” Twilight assured. “Let no pony tell you any different.”

Nodding with a light smile, Sonata slowly took her footsteps through the portal until she was fully enveloped by the light. One by one, the remainder of the Equestrians followed Sonata through the portal until all that remained was Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Together they turned back. Not just toward the friends they were leaving behind, but the very world of Gotham itself.

“You know… Gotham may still be a city of crime, but there’s some parts about it that are nice,” Spike spoke. “Least you and Bruce finally took care of those Al Ghuls. Now that they’re both out of the picture, we won’t have to worry about them anymore. Right, Twi?”

But of course, Twilight Sparkle didn’t quite answer the question. Silently, she looked out toward the distance… and she couldn’t help but reminisce about her last encounter with one particular Al Ghul.


“You did not save this city, Twilight Sparkle,” Duscan spoke under his breath. “You just delayed the inevitable.”

“If there are consequences,” Twilight declared, turning toward him. “My friends and I will be ready for what’s coming.”

Duscan did not answer with any witty remark… nor did he turn to acknowledge the princess. Again acting in defiance, he stubbornly kept his gaze toward the smoldering mess before him.

“I know what you’re thinking, princess,” Duscan spoke, breaking the silence. “You’ve hungered for this all your life. You won’t get a better shot than this; how right you should kill with magic.”

Indeed, Twilight Sparkle slowly turned toward Duscan and it was true that she could see he was in no position to get away. The Masked Matterhorn may have had limits, but as an alicorn princess… there was no question Twilight Sparkle was powerful. All she’d need was one clear shot, right toward Duscan’s exposed head, and it would be the end of it. But instead, as she conjured a heavy glow of her horn and Duscan anticipated his end… she instead used her magic to explode the ice prison encasing him and he fell forward, so weak he could barely catch himself.

“Get out of here,” Twilight Sparkle ordered. “Clear out of here!”

“Don’t think freeing me will make any difference,” Duscan warned. “The League knew we’d never go home after this mission; we declared ourselves dead. I had a destiny; I was to die in that blaze with my father and my fellow assassins. But you… you cheated me out of it! What you want, you stole it. I can never forgive you; you’re no worse than man.”

“… You are wrong, Duscan. Always have been wrong. I am only a mare who sees a free man now, there are no conditions… no bargains… no petitions. You’ve lost today; you now have a chance to move on.”

“I didn’t lose… you’ve just prolonged your doom.”

With what strength Duscan mustered, he slowly picked himself upon his feet and for a moment he stood inches from the alicorn princess. But since he was in no shape for a fight, he slowly stepped away from the alicorn toward the very edge of the roof they stood on. For a moment, he stood there eyeing the horizon where an unknown destination was waiting. But he knew somehow he couldn’t go back to the life you had before.

“Our paths will cross again Twilight,” Duscan spoke, barely looking back. “You dishonored my legacy, saving my life… twice. I won’t share the same mercy when we meet in combat; when I’m through with you, no one will ‘ever’ remember you.”

“Maybe…” Twilight slowly nodded. “But when everyone finds out that you’re alive once again, because I saved you… they will ‘never’ let you forget it.”

Duscan only glared toward Twilight Sparkle, who merely looked back with a calm expression. She held her footing as Duscan turned from the mare entirely, then jumped his way off the roof to make his escape. While the princess had no idea if she did the right thing, even holding to the slightest hope that Duscan could change, she did not pursue him… she did not call out for him to stop. As far as she was concerned… their battle was already over and what happened next… that was in his hands now…


“Twi?” Spike spoke. “Twilight?”

Twilight stirred herself back to reality, as her attention returned to Spike. The dragon teen was a tad confused over how quiet his friend was.

“You heard what I said?” Spike asked.

“… The Al Ghuls are gone, Spike,” Twilight reassured. “We have no reason to worry about them, anymore.”

Hunter's Extra Cut

Bruce: You're right Twilight. No need to worry about them anymore. With Batman around, I'd say most everyone will have better days.

With that settled, Twilight Sparkle and Spike finally merged through the portal and the doorway slowly closed shut behind them. Without doubt, the pair along with all their friends were so thankfully to finally return to their families in Equestria. Only now, they were bringing a new addition to their motley little family… someone new to teach about the ways of friendship, no matter how long it takes.

None of them took notice, however, of a lone figure watching from the bushes. The figure that of a man wearing an Arkham Asylum jumpsuit, staring toward the space where the crystal portal once stood. A man with large, crazy eyes… eyes that never blinked once… the eyes… of a killer…


Expectations for the movie ranged from moderate to low, which originated from the poor reception of Batman & Robin that was credited with stalling the Batman film series in 1997. In 2005, after premiering in Tokyo on May 31st, the film was released a month later on June 15th.

It received highly positive reviews from critics, who deemed the film an improvement over the Schumacher films, with praise aimed at the more mature tone and character-driven storyline, Bale's performance, musical score, direction, the deeper psychological focus and added layers of depth to the titular character's motives and the emotional weight compared to previous Batman films. The film grossed over $371.9 million worldwide, becoming the ninth-highest-grossing film of the year and was the second highest grossing Batman film at the time behind Tim Burton's Batman.

Receiving a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Cinematography, the film elevated Bale to leading man status while it made Nolan a high-profile director.

Since its release, Batman Begins has been critically reassessed and it has been considered to be one of the best superhero films ever made, one of the best Batman films ever made, and has often been cited as one of the most influential films of the 2000s. It was credited for revitalizing the hero in popular culture, shifting towards a darker and more serious tone and style. The film even helped popularise the term reboot in Hollywood, inspiring studios and filmmakers to revive franchises with realistic and serious tones.

Bruce Wayne, I await our next mission together.

“We found these documents on your personal computer in which you and a few others plotted the murders of the Wayne’s,” Twilight explained.

Again! Probably should’ve deleted those when the job was done!

Comment posted by Phantom-Dragon deleted Dec 21st, 2022








Discord's Theatre, Galaxy Branch

The next morning, following the fear gas attack upon Gotham and the death of Ra’s Al Ghul, construction crews were busy clearing the debris of Wayne Enterprises. Heading the operation was none other than Lucius Fox, wearing a white hard hat. Just then, Mr. Earle arrived on the site and stalked toward Lucius with a livid expression. Lucius saw his approach and tapped the hard hat he wore on his head.

“This is a hard hat area,” He warned.

What are you doing here, Fox?” Earle demanded angrily, ignoring the warning. “I seem to remember firing you.”

Lucius nodded with a gesture toward the clean-up operation.

“Might be something to do with my new job as head of Wayne Enterprises,” He answered. “Didn’t you get the memo?”

“Apparently he didn’t.”

The two men turned to their side seeing John Wycliffe approaching them. Much like Lucius, he also wore a hard hat and three-piece suit.

“You really should get a hard hat Bill,” John warned Earle. “Wouldn’t want you to get hurt or have someone throw you out.”

Earle ignored him, glaring outright toward Lucius.

“Whose authority?” He demanded furiously.

Instead of answering, Lucius and John pointed toward a familiar Rolls Royce that was idling nearby, and Earle stormed toward it. Lucius and John both quietly smiled before resuming their work. Reaching the car, Earle banged on the window until Bruce Wayne rolled it down with an inquiring look.

Postwar: *Chuckles* Who else but Bruce Wayne.

Katochi: He's really good at masking himself.

Sunset Shimmer: That's batman for you.

“You think you have authority to decide who runs this company, Bruce?” Earle demanded loudly.

“It is my company,” Bruce reminded him.

“Not anymore,” Earle countered smugly. “Wayne Enterprises went public a week ago—”

“And I bought most of the shares,” Bruce interrupted. “A controlling interest in fact. Through various charitable foundations, trusts and so forth. Look, it’s all a bit technical, but the important thing is… my company’s future is secure.”

Earle just stared at the young man in shock as he stepped out of the Rolls Royce.

“Oh, I nearly forgot,” Bruce remembered. “I do have one more surprise for you, Mr. Earle. Or rather, theydo.”

Bruce pointed behind Earle and the older man turned around to see the Mane Six and Spike, in their human forms, walking towards them with a few police officers in tow.

Zatt: Oooh, someone's in trouble.

Petro: Got that right. *High fives Zatt*

“This is him, officer,” Twilight pointed to Earle.

“What is the meaning of this?” Earle asked confused.

The two cops approached Earle, one of them snatched his hands and placed handcuffs on him.

“William Earle, you’re under arrest,” The cop spoke, tightening the cuffs.

“What?!” Earle exclaimed in shock. “On what charges?!”

“For conspiring with a terrorist organization,” The officer responded. “And orchestrating the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne.”

“This is outrageous!” Earle shouted. “I’ve been a loyal member of Wayne Enterprises for years.”

“And you’ve also been the Grandmaster of the Court of Owls as well,” Twilight argued.

Earle just stared at her, the torches of confusion burning greatly in his eyes.

“What on Earth are you talking about?” he asked.

Twilight procured from behind her back a series of snapshots and copies of incriminating documents found in Earle’s offices.

“We found these documents on your personal computer in which you and a few others plotted the murders of the Wayne’s,” Twilight explained.

“You broke into my office?!” Earle exclaimed angrily.

“Don’t go tryin’ tah change the subject!” Applejack snapped. “Y’all wanted the Wayne’s outta the way so you could take the company public and make a small fortune off the sale.”

“So you and your cohorts paid a desperate man to commit murder,” Rarity added. “With the Wayne’s gone, their business would fall into your hands.”

“But you needed to cover your tracks,” Spike continued. “So you and the other Court members blew the whistle on Joe Chill and arranged to have him locked up in Arkham Asylum on insanity watch.”

“You knew nobody would believe an insane man committed for murder,” Fluttershy added.

“You, Mr. Earle, are a very, very bad man,” Pinkie said disappointed. “And to think I was actually considering making you a cake out of kindness and friendship.”

Earle wasn’t even given an opportunity to speak, as he was dragged away to a nearby police car while reading the man’s rights.

“You have the right to remain silent,” The officer read. “If you give up this right, anything you say can and willbe used against you in a court of law.”

The officers loaded Earle into the back of the car and began to drive off into Gotham. Bruce and the rest of the group watched with satisfaction as the police car disappeared from sight.

“I’ve been waiting to see that happen since we got back,” Bruce smiled.

“Now with the Grandmaster of the Court locked up, it’s sure to throw a wrench in their plans for the future,” Twilight declared happily.

Postwar on the other hand, wasn't convinced. He took a good look at Earle, and realized that it was actual confusion, and not the face of a culprit. Something's definitely off.

Bruce nodded in agreement before hopping back into the car. He nodded to Alfred, and they drove off back towards Wayne Manor. This left the Mane Six and Spike standing on the sidewalk. The sound of someone approaching caused them to turn just as Sonata Dusk cautiously walked towards them. Her head was bowed in shame, she fumbled with her long hair nervously. The group crossed their arms and looked at her skeptically but still gave her a chance to speak.

“I know you have no reason to trust me, especially after all the things I’ve done,” Sonata spoke shamefully. “I just wanted to let you all know… I’m sorry. I’ve done horrible things, caused so much chaos and pain, and for what? All for the love of those who never loved me back. I know that’s no excuse for my actions, and I’m not asking for forgiveness. I just want you to know I regret what I’ve done to you and all of Equestria. So I’ll leave you all alone. You’ll never see or hear from me again.”

Sonata just turned and started to walk away slowly until…


Sonata Dusk slowly turned back just as Twilight herself walked towards her. The princess stopped before the siren girl with a serious look on her face.

“You’re right… you have done horrible things in the past,” Twilight spoke honestly. “I can’t say we can just bury that under the carpet, nor can I promise forgiveness is going to be easy.”

Sonata nodded slowly, as if she already expected that. But then, to her surprise, a warm smile formed on Twilight’s face. Kindness itself made its way especially in her eyes.

“However… you stepped up and did the right thing when it really mattered,” She said appreciatively. “You stood against your own sisters just to help us. Because of that, we’re all alive right now. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve earned at least ‘one’ chance at redemption.”

She extended her hand for Sonata to shake. The blue siren stared at her and her outstretched hand in shock. And she thought to herself, even after all she did in the past, before her was a pony offering her a chance to redeem herself. Which was more than when she and her family were initially banished from Equestria entirely. But never once did she think anything like this would happen for her.

With a smile on her face and a tear in her eye, Sonata Dusk reached out and grasped Twilight’s hand. They both shook on it before eventually pulling away as the rest of the group came up alongside them.

“What do you guys think?” Twilight asked them. “Are you okay with this?”

“Well… she did save our hides,” Applejack smiled. “Any pony willin’ tah risk their lives fer us, ah’d say they deserve a chance.”

“I’ll be honest, I hated her guts a while back,” Rainbow spoke honestly. “But now when I look at her, I guess I don’t quite wanna kick her in the head that much.”

“That’s… a start,” Twilight said awkwardly.

“Darling, I wouldn’t be the Element of Generosity if I was unable to offer some pony a second chance,” Rarity nodded. “After what you’ve done for us, you’ve more than earned it.”

“I’ve always believed any pony can change if shown a little kindness,” Fluttershy said. “If Discord can change thanks to kindness, I’m confident in Sonata.”

Sonata turned nervously toward Spike, who pondered over it for a moment. But without so much a word, he merely nodded his head silently with a tiny smile. Maybe he wasn’t quite so sure about Sonata, but he’d give her a chance anyway. Just to hear such words from the other Elements, Sonata cracked a small smile.

“I guess all that’s left for me is deciding what I should do now,” Sonata told them. “I can’t very well go back to the Dark Order, not after what I did to my sisters. I don’t really wanna go back there anyway… but I can’t stay in Gotham either.”

“Well, there’s a simple answer to that,” Pinkie smiled happily. “You should come back to Ponyville with us. I’ll throw you the biggest welcome party you’ve ever seen. There’ll be cake, balloons, streamers pinatas, games, and all around fun, fun, fun!”

“For realsies?” She asked surprised. “You sure you’re okay with this?”

“Of course!” Twilight nodded. “Granted, we’d have to arrange some living quarters for you, and find you a job so you can support yourself. But what better place to start fresh than in Ponyville? I learned about the magic of friendship there, and it will help teach you as well.”

Sonata could feel a single tear of joy rolling down her cheek, as she smiled with a nod of her head in approval. With her decision made, Twilight smiled in return and used her magic to teleport them back to Wayne Manor. For now, there was one last thing to do before returning to Equestria.

Sunset Shimmer: *smiling for Sonata* I'm glad one of them saw the light.

Postwar: True that. The other two are a lost cause.

Meanwhile, across the city, a very irate Black Mask burst into the penthouse office. He was soaking wet after being hurled through the air by that plant and had to swim across the Gotham river to get to shore. Thankfully, when he got there, he was fortunate that some of his crew were able to recover him and get him to safety. However, at this moment, none of them felt particularly safe as Black Mask roared in anger.


He flipped a nearby table over, causing everything in and on it to crash to the floor. The thugs who escorted their boss stood back waiting for his anger to subside.

“I can’t believe I trusted the word of that stupid plant bitch!” He growled. “I swear, when I get my hands on her again, I’ll tear her freaking heart out!”

“What about the Bat, boss?” One thug asked nervously.

“I’ll kill him too!” Black Mask yelled. “Him and those four legged freaks of his.”

Black Mask trudged towards the giant window that looked over Gotham and stared out toward the scarred city. One of the thugs slowly approached with great hesitation.

“What should we do now, boss?” He asked.

Black Mask just stood silent for a moment as he contemplated his next move. Just then, an idea came to his head so good he released a low chuckle.

“First things first, we raise the stakes,” He declared. “I was originally going to offer a million dollars to whoever killed the Bat and his little freaks, but now I’m raising it to fifty million. Fifty million to anyone who kills the Bat and his friends, but if they make that plant bitch suffer, I’ll double it. Spread the message out to every scumbag in the city!”

The thugs nodded in agreement, leaving the office to get to work on their boss’s requests. Black Mask turned back to look out the window with a smirk on his unmasked face. He knew raising the bounty on the Bat and the Power Ponies meant that there would be killers of all sorts wanting to claim it. By raising the price, the number was surely going to go up.

One way or another, he was going to make sure the Bat and those Power Ponies were dead.

Postwar: Ho boy. Something tells me the next time they get there, it won't end well.

Sunset Shimmer: No kidding.

Ahsoka Tano: They'll be prepared. They always are.

Bruce looked up having heard her coming thanks to the soot-stained broken glass on the ground. She nodded to her, then turned back to the well.

“Do you remember the day I fell?”

Rachel nodded, remembering that day all too clearly.

“Of course,” She recalled. “I was so scared for you. I’ve spent a lot of time being scared for you.”

“Rachel… I’m—” Bruce began.

“No, Bruce,” She interrupted. “I’m sorry. The day Chill died – I said terrible things…”

True things,” Bruce added. “Justice is about more than revenge.”

“I never stopped thinking about you,” She admitted, smiling slightly. “About us… when I heard you were back… I started to hope—”

She was cut off when Bruce kissed her, and she returned the kiss for a moment before pulling back with a regretful expression.

“Then I found out about your mask,” She said.

“Batman’s just a symbol, Rachel,” Bruce assured her.

Rachel shook her head and gently brushed his face with her fingers.

This is your mask,” She explained. “Your real face is the one criminals now fear. The man I loved… the man who vanished… never came back at all. But maybe he’s still out there somewhere. Maybe one day, when Gotham no longer needs Batman, I’ll see him again.”

This gave Bruce hope as he glanced at the newly covered well.

“As I sat there, I knew… I could sense it,” He muttered.

“What?” Rachel asked.

He looked back at her, taking her hand.

“That things would never be the same.”

Once the well was completely sealed up, Bruce and Rachel walked together through the ruins.

“Well, you proved me wrong,” Rachel smiled, shaking her head.

“About what?” Ben inquired.

“Your father would be proud of you,” Rachel responded. “Just as I am.”

She started to walk away while Bruce crouched down and dug through the debris until he pulled out his father’s stethoscope; she stopped in her tracks, then turned back.

“What will you do?” She asked, referring to the manor.

Bruce glanced at the ruins, what little remained of his home, then turned back toward her.

“I’m going to rebuild it just the way it was,” He spoke honestly, with purpose. “Brick for brick.”

Rachel nodded, then walked off. For a moment, Bruce stared after her wistfully until Alfred approached. When they together, they walked side-by-side through the smoking ruins.

Just the way it was, sir?” The older man asked.

“Yes, why?” He asked.

“I thought we might take the opportunity of making some improvements to the foundation,” Alfred suggested.

Bruce quickly caught on to what his old friend meant.

“In the southeast corner?” He guessed.

Precisely, sir,” Alfred nodded, smiling.

Sunset Shimmer: I'm glad to see Rachael and Bruce are on good terms.

Katochi: And that Alfred wants to make some changes in the rebuilding. *giggles*.

Just then, a gust of wind picked up and the Equestrians turned their eyes from their work to the crystal portal back to Equestria opening up. The Mane Six, Spike, and Sonata all looked at it with smiles on their faces.

“Guess it’s time to go,” Twilight said.

They all turned back around as Bruce, Alfred, and even Rachel made their way to their side. They all looked upon their equine friends with smiles on their faces.

“Well, what can I say?” Bruce smirked. “It’s sure been one hell of an adventure.”

“Ya got that right, sugar cube,” Applejack nodded.

“Busting up bad guys, driving tanks, and meeting awesome new friends,” Rainbow listed. “This epic adventure is just another Tuesday for us.”

“I haven’t exactly gotten to know you all very well,” Rachel smiled regretfully. “Still, I’m thankful to have met you and for keeping Bruce safe.”

“Don’t worry about that, darling,” Rarity assured her. “I have a feeling we’ll be back here again in the future.”

“Oh totally, come the sequel you’ll have plenty of times to get to know us,” Pinkie smiled. “Hear it’s quite a crowd favorite.”

“Anyways… as long as there’s plenty of crime here to solve, we’ll be back,” Spike assured.

“If any of you ever find yourselves in Gotham again, just know you’re always welcome to Wayne Manor,” Alfred smiled at them.

“Could you give my thanks to Detective Gordon again?” Sonata asked hopefully. “He’s a good man; Gotham needs more people like him.”

“No problem,” Rachel assured. “I’ll be sure to tell him. I promise.”

Ganodi: You know, I don't know if it would be possible. But in a strange way, I really want to meet Gordon too one day.

Everyone else voices in agreement.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, concerned.

“It’s just… I don’t know if I’ll truly be welcome in Ponyville,” Sonata admitted. “I’m not exactly a ponyafter all.”

“Pony or not… you’re one of us now Sonata Dusk,” Twilight assured. “Let no pony tell you any different.”

Nodding with a light smile, Sonata slowly took her footsteps through the portal until she was fully enveloped by the light. One by one, the remainder of the Equestrians followed Sonata through the portal until all that remained was Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Together they turned back. Not just toward the friends they were leaving behind, but the very world of Gotham itself.

“You know… Gotham may still be a city of crime, but there’s some parts about it that are nice,” Spike spoke. “Least you and Bruce finally took care of those Al Ghuls. Now that they’re both out of the picture, we won’t have to worry about them anymore. Right, Twi?”

But of course, Twilight Sparkle didn’t quite answer the question. Silently, she looked out toward the distance… and she couldn’t help but reminisce about her last encounter with one particular Al Ghul.


“You did not save this city, Twilight Sparkle,” Duscan spoke under his breath. “You just delayed the inevitable.”

“If there are consequences,” Twilight declared, turning toward him. “My friends and I will be ready for what’s coming.”

Duscan did not answer with any witty remark… nor did he turn to acknowledge the princess. Again acting in defiance, he stubbornly kept his gaze toward the smoldering mess before him.

“I know what you’re thinking, princess,” Duscan spoke, breaking the silence. “You’ve hungered for this all your life. You won’t get a better shot than this; how right you should kill with magic.”

Indeed, Twilight Sparkle slowly turned toward Duscan and it was true that she could see he was in no position to get away. The Masked Matterhorn may have had limits, but as an alicorn princess… there was no question Twilight Sparkle was powerful. All she’d need was one clear shot, right toward Duscan’s exposed head, and it would be the end of it. But instead, as she conjured a heavy glow of her horn and Duscan anticipated his end… she instead used her magic to explode the ice prison encasing him and he fell forward, so weak he could barely catch himself.

“Get out of here,” Twilight Sparkle ordered. “Clear out of here!”

“Don’t think freeing me will make any difference,” Duscan warned. “The League knew we’d never go home after this mission; we declared ourselves dead. I had a destiny; I was to die in that blaze with my father and my fellow assassins. But you… you cheated me out of it! What you want, you stole it. I can never forgive you; you’re no worse than man.”

“… You are wrong, Duscan. Always have been wrong. I am only a mare who sees a free man now, there are no conditions… no bargains… no petitions. You’ve lost today; you now have a chance to move on.”

“I didn’t lose… you’ve just prolonged your doom.”

With what strength Duscan mustered, he slowly picked himself upon his feet and for a moment he stood inches from the alicorn princess. But since he was in no shape for a fight, he slowly stepped away from the alicorn toward the very edge of the roof they stood on. For a moment, he stood there eyeing the horizon where an unknown destination was waiting. But he knew somehow he couldn’t go back to the life you had before.

“Our paths will cross again Twilight,” Duscan spoke, barely looking back. “You dishonored my legacy, saving my life… twice. I won’t share the same mercy when we meet in combat; when I’m through with you, no one will ‘ever’ remember you.”

“Maybe…” Twilight slowly nodded. “But when everyone finds out that you’re alive once again, because I saved you… they will ‘never’ let you forget it.”

Duscan only glared toward Twilight Sparkle, who merely looked back with a calm expression. She held her footing as Duscan turned from the mare entirely, then jumped his way off the roof to make his escape. While the princess had no idea if she did the right thing, even holding to the slightest hope that Duscan could change, she did not pursue him… she did not call out for him to stop. As far as she was concerned… their battle was already over and what happened next… that was in his hands now…


“Twi?” Spike spoke. “Twilight?”

Twilight stirred herself back to reality, as her attention returned to Spike. The dragon teen was a tad confused over how quiet his friend was.

“You heard what I said?” Spike asked.

“… The Al Ghuls are gone, Spike,” Twilight reassured. “We have no reason to worry about them, anymore.”

Postwar: Classic thinking back on what the villain said.

Sunset Shimmer: They're going to be in for a long journey.

With that settled, Twilight Sparkle and Spike finally merged through the portal and the doorway slowly closed shut behind them. Without doubt, the pair along with all their friends were so thankfully to finally return to their families in Equestria. Only now, they were bringing a new addition to their motley little family… someone new to teach about the ways of friendship, no matter how long it takes.

None of them took notice, however, of a lone figure watching from the bushes. The figure that of a man wearing an Arkham Asylum jumpsuit, staring toward the space where the crystal portal once stood. A man with large, crazy eyes… eyes that never blinked once… the eyes… of a killer…


Sunset began to worry, with Postwar concerned for their safety.

A few nights later…

A new sign appeared in the sky above Gotham City… a bat symbol beamed onto the clouds by way of a spotlight that sat on the roof of the police station. A bat-shaped metal stencil was bolted to the spotlight. Standing nearby, Gordon sipped coffee from a Styrofoam cup when a rapping sound on metal drew his attention. He turned and saw the dark knight standing on the other side of the spotlight, nodding toward it.

“Nice,” Batman said.

“Couldn’t find any mob bosses to strap to the light,” Gordon replied.

Soon as he finished his coffee and crushed the cup, Gordon turned the spotlight off. The two men now stood staring at each other in the darkness.

“Well, sergeant?” The Dark Knight asked.

“It’s lieutenant, now,” Gordon corrected him. “Commissioner Loeb had to promote me, and he had to disband the task force hunting you. Amazing what saving a city can do for your image.”

While caught off guard by the promotion, nevertheless the Batman was pleased just the same.

“Then things are better,” Batman nodded.

“You’ve started something,” He confirmed. “Bent cops are running scared; hope on the streets…”

He trailed off thoughtfully, recalling how quickly Flass had resigned after the incident in the Narrows.

“But?” The Dark Knight inquired.

“But there’s a lot of weirdness out there right now,” Gordon explained. “The Narrows is lost… we still haven’t picked up Crane or half the inmates of Arkham that he freed…”

“We will,” Batman promised. “Gotham will return to normal.”

“Will it?” Gordon asked, skeptically. “What about escalation?”

“Escalation?” Batman echoed.

We start carrying semiautomatics,” Gordon explained. “They buy automatics… we start wearing Kevlar, theybuy armor-piercing rounds…”

The Dark Knight nodded, getting the idea, but he could sense there was something else going on.


“I never said thank you,” Gordon told him.

The Dark Knight looked back at him, his cloak billowing around him with the lights of Gotham lighting the night sky.

“And you’ll never have to.”

He then dropped from the rooftop, gliding across the night wind. Gordon couldn’t help but smile. While he didn’t know what the future held for Gotham City, nor did he know what other sinister forces bumped in the night. But he did know one thing:

The Dark Knight was on the job.

Postwar: A hero's work is never done.

Sunset Shimmer: You can say that again.

Ben Solo: Now I also want to help people wherever they need it.

Back at Arkham Asylum, the doctors and guards started getting things back in place as they locked up the few escaped inmates. Work was starting up as usual for one doctor in particular, Dr. Harleen Quinzel. Even after nearly being killed a few short days ago, Quinzel was back on duty. Suffice to say, many doctors, guards, and even the other staff were extremely shocked to find the Doctor walking through the front doors of the asylum after such a short absence.

“Dr. Quinzel!” The receptionist gasped.

“Good morning, Melissa,” Dr. Quinzel greeted kindly. “Another day on the grind, wouldn’t you say?”

“Are you sure you should be back so soon, Dr. Quinzel?” Melissa asked skeptically. “After all, you nearly died a few days ago. I wouldn’t blame you if you stayed away a while longer.”

“Nah, I’m alright now,” Dr. Quinzel assured her. “Honestly, sitting around at home gets really boring, really quickly. I figured it’s best to get back to work as soon as possible.

“Alright,” She relented, sighing. “If you’re sure.”

“So… who do you got for me to look into today?” Harleen asked.

“Now that you mention it, a new one came in recently,” Melissa informed her, handing the file. “Quite the rap sheet on this one. Armed robbery, arson, torture, the list goes on. He’s got a little taste for the theatrics, like you.”

“I’ll get right to work then,” Dr. Quinzel smiled.

She proceeded to make her way down the halls with her heels clicking on the floor the whole way. Eventually, she wound up outside a maximum security cell where her current patient was held. She nodded to the guard on duty to let her in. The guard unlocked the door, which slowly opened wide enough for the doctor to enter. As she entered, she noticed it was a rather dark room with only a single lightbulb illuminating the area.

She noticed her patient lying on a cot in the corner where the light wasn’t reaching all that much. This way, she couldn’t quite see her patient. But nevertheless, she walked inside and sat on the one chair set up in the midst of the room. She grabbed her pen off her clipboard and immediately went to work.

“Good morning, my name is Dr. Harleen Quinzel,” She greeted. “But you can just call me Harley, everyone else does. So why don’t we get started today by telling me why you’re here.”

The many lying in the corner slowly turned his head to look at the doctor. Just enough for her to see a large red smirk across his ghost-white face.

“Well… I guess you could say that everything started with one… bad… day…”

All: *minus Sunset and Postwar* Whoa.

Cal Kestis: That's the Joker?

Galen Marek: I can sense the darkness within him. Much darker than anyone could ever imagine.

Across the city, at Wycliffe Industries, John Wycliffe entered the offices of his business. He worked his way toward the direction of his own office. Along the way, he passed his receptionist, Tessa Richards, who gave her boss a smile upon seeing him.

“Good day, Mr. Wycliffe,” She greeted. “What brings you in today? I thought you were on vacation with your family.

“Indeed, I am,” John nodded. “Unfortunately, I have an important meeting to attend to till then. I should be in and out quickly.”

“Very well, sir,” Tessa nodded. “I hope you have a great vacation.”

John merely nodded in response as he entered his office and closed the door behind him. Walking toward the large window in his office, he looked out toward Gotham. After all that has happened recently, this city was never going to be the same again. There was so much to rebuild, many criminals to round up, and so much damage to fix. Nonetheless, even between the chaos and destruction, Gotham still prevailed and showcased its might.

A small smile formed on John’s face as he turned around and pressed a small red button under his desk. Doing so opened a tiny secret compartment along the office wall, opening it up to reveal the Grandmasters golden owl mask. John approached the mask and lifted it up before placing it over his face.

They were shocked to see who it was.

Sunset Shimmer: John was the traitor?!

Postwar then messaged the CA group, filling them in and showing them the footage at the same time.

“Members of the Court, our plans have worked perfectly,” The Grandmaster announced. “William Earle has been taken into custody under the presumption of leading this Court.”

He turned his head toward Joseph and Maria Powers, who sat beside him wearing their masks.

“You’ve done well planting evidence to condemn Earle,” He commented. “Now Bruce Wayne and his friends trust me completely.”

“Your deception is a work of genius, Grandmaster,” Joseph praised. “Now that they trust you, it will only make it easier to put our plans back in motion.”

“I do have one question,” Maria added. “What is our next course of action?”

The Grandmaster folded his hands in front of his golden mask, showing off his ring which displayed the symbol of the Court as he contemplated what comes next.

“Gotham must still face judgment,” He spoke. “Ra’s Al Ghul and the League of Shadows are no more. Their ambition blinded them to just how far they had fallen. We must succeed where they have failed.”

He leaned forward to address all the Court members in attendance.

“It is high time we unleashed them unto the Earth.”

Every member of the Court began to look about, breaking out into murmurs of uncertainty.

“Are you quite certain the time is right, sir?” Another member asked.

“Indeed,” The Grandmaster nodded. “Are they ready?”

“They are,” Another member nodded. “Follow me, I will show you.”

The Court member and the Grandmaster stood up from their seats and made their way down another corridor. Pushing open another set of doors, they ventured into a giant dark chamber filled from floor to ceiling with thousands of cryogenic pods.


The Grandmaster stepped forward toward the control panel, where he flipped a few switches and pulled a lever. Doing so caused all the pods in the room to simultaneously open, slowly. From within the pods, thousands of twisted and demented creatures arose from within. All of them resembled reanimated corpses garbed in dark clothing, wearing strange owl-like cowls over their heads.


The Grandmaster watched in satisfaction, as their newly awoken weapons, the Talons, arose from their pods. Many of them screeched and moved about in pure animalistic fashion until many of them stood at attention before the Grandmaster.

“Our personal instruments of destruction are ready,” He commented. “At long last, Judgment Day has come to Gotham… and then, the world will know our true power.”

Petro: This, is very bad.

Postwar: It is. *stood up and looked at them* Well, I gotta get going. I need to report in to the group. I'll see you around soon.

Everyone stood up and greeted him goodbye.

Sunset Shimmer: See you soon.

Postwar: Right back at ya.

The two gave one another a fist bump and parted ways before Roland entered his own portal.

Looking back at your previous entries, the mood seemed to change between light, dark, and somewhere in between. I look forward to the next Cinematic Adventure. And in the meantime, merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


Bonus Chapter

It was now late at night, and Twilight decided to stand on the balcony for fresh air, feeling the cool breeze.

Postwar: Rough day?

Twilight looked to her right and saw a familiar entity, holding out two hot chocolate mugs. Twilight smiled and used her magic to lift the mug and pull it close to her.

Twilight: You might say that. *takes a sip as Postwar stood next to her, watching over Ponyville*. So, how's Sunset Shimmer doing?

Postwar: Eh, so far so good. She's still training a new apprentice to ensure he stays on the good path. But she still feels a little homesick. Don't worry, when the time comes, she'll visit.

Twilight: I'm glad.

Postwar: Plus we've been watching for some time. And...How's Sonata doing?

Twilight: She's...crying in some nights. She still can't believe her own sisters would turn on her like that. I guess power overthrew their reason to love their family.

Postwar: Yeah, it's the thing with Tirek all over again. It may come as a shock to you, but they tried to kidnap Sunset again.

Twilight: What?!

Postwar: Don't worry, I fought them to a standstill.

Twilight: How so?

Postwar: Well for one thing, I know every trick that every single Jedi and Sith throughout history knew at their peak. That's about ten thousand years worth. *Looks at Twilight* I tried to convince them otherwise, but they were dead set on their path. Plus i tried to convince Sonata to leave her sisters, because they constantly treated her like garbage.

Twilight: One thing that bothered me. If they wanted Sonata to die, why did they drag her with them in the first place?

Postwar: Considering that she's the obedient one in the family. Unlike the fish face loser twins.

Twilight: Still, I'm glad Sonata turned good in the end. She could use some friends in her life.

Postwar: Though I would've thought that she'd go to Canterlot High, to help apologize for what she did.

Twilight: I'll take care of that soon. But until then, she'll need time to recover.

Postwar: I understand. *Looks ahead and felt guilty* Also, I'm sorry.

Twilight: Huh? For what?

Postwar: The magical artifacts that the Seed family and Court of Owls used, they were from the CA arsenal.

Twilight: What?! How?!

Postwar: Apparently the Dark Order sent their spies inside of our HQ. They've been secretly stealing most of our artifacts before we even realized it. We only used them for major threats like the Order. And to have all that happen under our nose?

Twilight: *placed her hoof on his leg* It's alright. You did your best, and that's enough.

Postwar: *Smiles* Thanks. But just so you know, Chrysalis and the Dazzlings took off with a few items.

Twilight: What kind of items?

Postwar: That much, I'm not sure, but for whatever it is, it won't be good. But as long as we're still breathing, you can count on us to be on your side. Also...we never got the chance for you to save Phantom. He means a lot to us.

Twilight: You're welcome. *finishes the hot chocolate, with Postwar making both hers and his cup disappear* Well, I hope our paths cross again. And thank you for continuing to tell me about Sunset.

Postwar: Hey, you're just worried about her, which is good. The world needs folks like you.

Twilight couldn't help but smile as the two of them hugged.

Twilight: I'll see you soon.

Postwar: Thanks, and say hi to Storm Shield for me.

Postwar soon walks through his own makeshift portal and headed to another destination.


Canterlot City

Shortly after his visit, Postwar climbed out of another portal, wearing casual clothing and was now at Canterlot City, thankfully it's still day outside. He looked up at his list and saw Sci-Twi's name on the top.

Postwar: Okay then, time to keep my promise on filling the others in. Couldn't back out even if I wanted to. Made a Pinkie Promise.

He walked down the sidewalk, which was close to a cafe.

Postwar: Alright, let's see, the first one on the list is...

Girl: Whoa!!

He suddenly bumped into someone, causing to fall flat on his butt. He quickly got up on his knees and saw he made a mess.

Postwar: Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry.

Girl: No, it's okay. I didn't watch where I was going either.

However, the moment they looked at one another, they were both speechless. For the girl...it couldn't be...

This was her, her human counterpart!!

The two of you looked at one another in awe, surprise, and also couldn't take their eyes off of one another.

Postwar: Uh...hi.

Girl: Hi there, um...

The two of them got up whilst shyly helping one another.

Postwar: Sorry about that.

Girl: I-it's okay. No harm done.

Postwar: I'm...Postwar. Nice to meet you.

Sunset Shimmer: Same here, I'm Sunset Shimmer.

Postwar: So uh...coffee?

Sunset Shimmer: Uh...sure...I'd like that.

The two of them sat down on the table and began to have a chat, whilst they would wait for their coffee at the same time. Postwar then realized deep within. He found his soulmate.

Actually Postwar, I did a little bit of investigating myself and I found something gerund interesting. When we received those artifacts, they all came from a very magical place filled with powerful magic users.

Whoa really? But... Where could they have come from?

They come from a land called Misthaven. Although we probably know it best by what the inhabitants call it…the Enchanted Forest


Whoa...I did not know that.

Tune in next time folks.
Same Bat-time!
Same Bat-channel!

Future G5

Discord Memorial Cinema

Me: The final stretch at last.

The next morning, following the fear gas attack upon Gotham and the death of Ra’s Al Ghul, construction crews were busy clearing the debris of Wayne Enterprises. Heading the operation was none other than Lucius Fox, wearing a white hard hat. Just then, Mr. Earle arrived on the site and stalked toward Lucius with a livid expression. Lucius saw his approach and tapped the hard hat he wore on his head.

“This is a hard hat area,” He warned.

“What are you doing here, Fox?” Earle demanded angrily, ignoring the warning. “I seem to remember firing you.”

Hitch: For nefarious purposes, mind you!

Lucius nodded with a gesture toward the clean-up operation.

“Might be something to do with my new job as head of Wayne Enterprises,” He answered. “Didn’t you get the memo?”

“Apparently he didn’t.”

The two men turned to their side seeing John Wycliffe approaching them. Much like Lucius, he also wore a hard hat and three-piece suit.

Me: I keep forgetting that guy exists. I guarantee that’s gonna come back to bite me. (drinks)

“You really should get a hard hat Bill,” John warned Earle. “Wouldn’t want you to get hurt or have someone throw you out.”

Earle ignored him, glaring outright toward Lucius.

“Whose authority?” He demanded furiously.

Instead of answering, Lucius and John pointed toward a familiar Rolls Royce that was idling nearby, and Earle stormed toward it. Lucius and John both quietly smiled before resuming their work. Reaching the car, Earle banged on the window until Bruce Wayne rolled it down with an inquiring look.

Zipp: Does this mean what I think it means?

Sunny: I believe Bruce is now the head of the company!

Pipp: Ye~ah~, Brucie~!


“You think you have authority to decide who runs this company, Bruce?” Earle demanded loudly.

“It is my company,” Bruce reminded him.

“Not anymore,” Earle countered smugly. “Wayne Enterprises went public a week ago—”

“And I bought most of the shares,” Bruce interrupted. “A controlling interest in fact. Through various charitable foundations, trusts and so forth. Look, it’s all a bit technical, but the important thing is… my company’s future is secure.”

Earle just stared at the young man in shock as he stepped out of the Rolls Royce.

“Oh, I nearly forgot,” Bruce remembered. “I do have one more surprise for you, Mr. Earle. Or rather, they do.”

Bruce pointed behind Earle and the older man turned around to see the Mane Six and Spike, in their human forms, walking towards them with a few police officers in tow.

Hitch: We got him, now! Yeah!

“This is him, officer,” Twilight pointed to Earle.

“What is the meaning of this?” Earle asked, confused.

The two cops approached Earle, one of them snatched his hands and placed handcuffs on him.

“William Earle, you’re under arrest,” The cop spoke, tightening the cuffs.

“What?!” Earle exclaimed in shock. “On what charges?!”

“For conspiring with a terrorist organization,” The officer responded. “And orchestrating the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne.”

“This is outrageous!” Earle shouted. “I’ve been a loyal member of Wayne Enterprises for years.”

“And you’ve also been the Grandmaster of the Court of Owls as well,” Twilight argued.

Earle just stared at her, the torches of confusion burning greatly in his eyes.

“What on Earth are you talking about?” he asked.

Twilight procured from behind her back a series of snapshots and copies of incriminating documents found in Earle’s offices.

“We found these documents on your personal computer in which you and a few others plotted the murders of the Wayne’s,” Twilight explained.

“You broke into my office?!” Earle exclaimed angrily.

Hitch: They did?

Zipp: You forgot?

Hitch: In one ear and out the other.

Zipp: Ah, gotcha!

“Don’t go tryin’ tah change the subject!” Applejack snapped. “Y’all wanted the Wayne’s outta the way so you could take the company public and make a small fortune off the sale.”

“So you and your cohorts paid a desperate man to commit murder,” Rarity added. “With the Wayne’s gone, their business would fall into your hands.”

“But you needed to cover your tracks,” Spike continued. “So you and the other Court members blew the whistle on Joe Chill and arranged to have him locked up in Arkham Asylum on insanity watch.”

“You knew nobody would believe an insane man committed for murder,” Fluttershy added.

“You, Mr. Earle, are a very, very bad man,” Pinkie said disappointed. “And to think I was actually considering making you a cake out of kindness and friendship.”

Earle wasn’t even given an opportunity to speak, as he was dragged away to a nearby police car while reading the man’s rights.

“You have the right to remain silent,” the officer read. “If you give up this right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”

Me: And so on and so forth, something about representing yourself if you can’t afford an attorney.

Hitch: Actually, it’s “one will be present to you—”

Me: MO~ving right along!

The officers loaded Earle into the back of the car and began to drive off into Gotham. Bruce and the rest of the group watched with satisfaction as the police car disappeared from sight.

“I’ve been waiting to see that happen since we got back,” Bruce smiled.

“Now with the Grandmaster of the Court locked up, it’s sure to throw a wrench in their plans for the future,” Twilight declared happily.

Sunny: I knew they could do it!

Bruce nodded in agreement before hopping back into the car. He nodded to Alfred, and they drove off back towards Wayne Manor.

Me: Bye, Bruce!

Pipp: Wait, he’s just leaving like that?

Me: Not the movie, but maybe I’m just teasing you.

Pipp: (cutely grumbles)

This left the Mane Six and Spike standing on the sidewalk. The sound of someone approaching caused them to turn just as Sonata Dusk cautiously walked towards them. Her head was bowed in shame, she fumbled with her long hair nervously. The group crossed their arms and looked at her skeptically, but still gave her a chance to speak.

“I know you have no reason to trust me, especially after all the things I’ve done,” Sonata spoke shamefully. “I just wanted to let you all know… I’m sorry. I’ve done horrible things, caused so much chaos and pain, and for what? All for the love of those who never loved me back. I know that’s no excuse for my actions, and I’m not asking for forgiveness. I just want you to know I regret what I’ve done to you and all of Equestria. So I’ll leave you all alone. You’ll never see or hear from me again.”

Sunny: Aww! Poor Sonata!

Me: Poor girl’s been through way too much crap to last two lifetimes. (drinks) Ever since she was young she never received the love that she should have, (drinks) all because she thinks differently. (drinks) It’s disgusting.

Zipp: …Yeah. Yeah, it certainly is.

Sonata just turned and started to walk away slowly until…


Sonata Dusk slowly turned back just as Twilight herself walked towards her. The princess stopped before the siren girl with a serious look on her face.

“You’re right… you have done horrible things in the past,” Twilight spoke honestly. “I can’t say we can just bury that under the carpet, nor can I promise forgiveness is going to be easy.”

Sonata nodded slowly, as if she already expected that. But then, to her surprise, a warm smile formed on Twilight’s face. Kindness itself made its way especially in her eyes.

“However… you stepped up and did the right thing when it really mattered,” She said appreciatively. “You stood against your own sisters just to help us. Because of that, we’re all alive right now. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve earned at least ‘one’ chance at redemption.”

Zipp: Wait, seriously? Even after the whole: “torturing Sunset Shimmer” thing?

Sunny: I think she deserves her chance!

Pipp: I agree!

She extended her hand for Sonata to shake. The blue siren stared at her and her outstretched hand in shock. And she thought to herself, even after all she did in the past, before her was a pony offering her a chance to redeem herself. Which was more than when she and her family were initially banished from Equestria entirely. But never once did she think anything like this would happen for her.

With a smile on her face and a tear in her eye, Sonata Dusk reached out and grasped Twilight’s hand. They both shook on it before eventually pulling away as the rest of the group came up alongside them.

“What do you guys think?” Twilight asked them. “Are you okay with this?”

“Well… she did save our hides,” Applejack smiled. “Any pony willin’ tah risk their lives fer us, ah’d say they deserve a chance.”

“I’ll be honest, I hated her guts a while back,” Rainbow spoke honestly. “But now when I look at her, I guess I don’t quite wanna kick her in the head that much.”

“That’s… a start,” Twilight said awkwardly.

“Darling, I wouldn’t be the Element of Generosity if I was unable to offer some pony a second chance,” Rarity nodded. “After what you’ve done for us, you’ve more than earned it.”

“I’ve always believed any pony can change if shown a little kindness,” Fluttershy said. “If Discord can change thanks to kindness, I’m confident in Sonata.”

Sonata turned nervously toward Spike, who pondered over it for a moment. But without so much a word, he merely nodded his head silently with a tiny smile. Maybe he wasn’t quite so sure about Sonata, but he’d give her a chance anyway. Just to hear such words from the other Elements, Sonata cracked a small smile.

Sunny: Yay, Sonata!

Hitch: I hope that they can help Sonata on the right path to good.

Sparky: (babbles, agrees)

“I guess all that’s left for me is deciding what I should do now,” Sonata told them. “I can’t very well go back to the Dark Order, not after what I did to my sisters. I don’t really wanna go back there anyway… but I can’t stay in Gotham either.”

“Well, there’s a simple answer to that,” Pinkie smiled happily. “You should come back to Ponyville with us. I’ll throw you the biggest welcome party you’ve ever seen. There’ll be cake, balloons, streamers, pinatas, games, and all around fun, fun, fun!”

“For realsies?” She asked surprised. “You sure you’re okay with this?”

“Of course!” Twilight nodded. “Granted, we’d have to arrange some living quarters for you, and find you a job so you can support yourself. But what better place to start fresh than in Ponyville? I learned about the magic of friendship there, and it will help teach you as well.”

Sonata could feel a single tear of joy rolling down her cheek, as she smiled with a nod of her head in approval. With her decision made, Twilight smiled in return and used her magic to teleport them back to Wayne Manor. For now, there was one last thing to do before returning to Equestria.

Me: Honestly, I’m glad Sonata’s getting the break she deserves. (drinks) Perhaps going forward she’ll finally come into her own. I wonder what she’s going to do?

Pipp: Wait, what about Brucie?

As Alfred drove Bruce back to Wayne Manor in the Rolls Royce, both men were discussing the morning’s newspaper. The paper had a large picture and article about Batman spread across the front page.

“Batman may have made the front page,” Alfred announced. “But Bruce Wayne got pushed to page 8.”

Bruce took the newspaper, opened to page 8, and chuckled at the title:

Drunken Billionaire burns down house

And located underneath the title was a black-and-white photo featuring the ruins of Wayne Manor.

“Well, the important news is on the front page, and that’s what matters,” Bruce stated. “And as for what they say about me, our home won’t be in ruins forever.”

Alfred nodded, knowing this young charge was absolutely right.

Me: (drinks) God, I miss newspapers so much.

Pipp: Do you seriously not have a phone?

Me: Yeah, it’s attached to the front desk: aquamarine, keypad, and from the year 1962. (drinks) It’s efficient. I just can’t get cell service out here; like I care.

Meanwhile, across the city, a very irate Black Mask burst into the penthouse office. He was soaking wet after being hurled through the air by that plant and had to swim across the Gotham river to get to shore. Thankfully, when he got there, he was fortunate that some of his crew were able to recover him and get him to safety. However, at this moment, none of them felt particularly safe as Black Mask roared in anger.


Me: Oh! I thought Black Mask and Earle were the same person. (drinks) My bad.

Zipp: I thought he died.

Hitch: I mean…he was certainly thrown far enough.

He flipped a nearby table over, causing everything in and on it to crash to the floor. The thugs who escorted their boss stood back waiting for his anger to subside.

“I can’t believe I trusted the word of that stupid plant bitch!” He growled. “I swear, when I get my hands on her again, I’ll tear her freaking heart out!”

“What about the Bat, boss?” One thug asked nervously.

“I’ll kill him too!” Black Mask yelled. “Him and those four legged freaks of his.”

Zipp: This guy’s got an explosive temper.

Me: Anger makes you stupid. (drinks) I speak from experience.

Black Mask trudged towards the giant window that looked over Gotham and stared out toward the scarred city. One of the thugs slowly approached with great hesitation.

“What should we do now, boss?” He asked.

Black Mask just stood silent for a moment as he contemplated his next move. Just then, an idea came to his head so good he released a low chuckle.

“First things first, we raise the stakes,” He declared. “I was originally going to offer a million dollars to whoever killed the Bat and his little freaks, but now I’m raising it to fifty million. Fifty million to anyone who kills the Bat and his friends, but if they make that plant bitch suffer, I’ll double it. Spread the message out to every scumbag in the city!”

Phyllis: Fifty million dollar bounty?!

Alphabittle: That’s guaranteed to attract any money-grubby person alive in the entire city.

The thugs nodded in agreement, leaving the office to get to work on their boss’s requests. Black Mask turned back to look out the window with a smirk on his unmasked face. He knew raising the bounty on the Bat and the Power Ponies meant that there would be killers of all sorts wanting to claim it. By raising the price, the number was surely going to go up.

One way or another, he was going to make sure the Bat and those Power Ponies were dead.

Me: Jam packing the next movie with as many villains as possible, eh? (drinks)

Sunny: Next movie?

Me: This is the first in a trilogy, though we’ll probably catch up in Gotham sometime much later.

Zipp: I think you’ve told us that already.

Me: It’s not my fault you guys seem to keep forgetting that. (drinks)

Later that same day, Alfred was supervising the workers, who were sifting through the smoking ruins of what was once Wayne Manor. He nodded to Rachel the moment she arrived, directing her to what was left of the backyard. She was glad she wore her traditional boots as she picked her way through the smoking remnants of the greenhouse and found Bruce Wayne, who was hammering a board across the disused well. The remainder of the Mane Six and Spike did their best to help Bruce with the work.

Me: I was right. This isn’t goodbye just yet.

Bruce looked up having heard her coming thanks to the soot-stained broken glass on the ground. She nodded to her, then turned back to the well.

“Do you remember the day I fell?”

Rachel nodded, remembering that day all too clearly.

“Of course,” She recalled. “I was so scared for you. I’ve spent a lot of time being scared for you.”

“Rachel… I’m—” Bruce began.

“No, Bruce,” She interrupted. “I’m sorry. The day Chill died—I said terrible things…”

“True things,” Bruce added. “Justice is about more than revenge.”

“I never stopped thinking about you,” She admitted, smiling slightly. “About us… when I heard you were back… I started to hope—”

She was cut off when Bruce kissed her, and she returned the kiss for a moment before pulling back with a regretful expression.

Pipp: A happy ending?

Zipp: I’m…not sure.

“Then I found out about your mask,” She said.

“Batman’s just a symbol, Rachel,” Bruce assured her.

Rachel shook her head and gently brushed his face with her fingers.

“This is your mask,” She explained. “Your real face is the one criminals now fear. The man I loved… the man who vanished… never came back at all. But maybe he’s still out there somewhere. Maybe one day, when Gotham no longer needs Batman, I’ll see him again.”

This gave Bruce hope as he glanced at the newly covered well.

“As I sat there, I knew… I could sense it,” he muttered.

“What?” Rachel asked.

He looked back at her, taking her hand.

“That things would never be the same.”

Once the well was completely sealed up, Bruce and Rachel walked together through the ruins.

“Well, you proved me wrong,” Rachel smiled, shaking her head.

“About what?” Ben inquired.

“Your father would be proud of you,” Rachel responded. “Just as I am.”

Sunny: Aww!

Pipp: I’m proud too, Brucie!

She started to walk away while Bruce crouched down and dug through the debris until he pulled out his father’s stethoscope; she stopped in her tracks, then turned back.

“What will you do?” She asked, referring to the manor.

Bruce glanced at the ruins, what little remained of his home, then turned back toward her.

“I’m going to rebuild it just the way it was,” He spoke honestly, with purpose. “Brick for brick.”

Rachel nodded, then walked off.

Sunny: Will they get back together?

Me: Mmm…nope.

Sunny/Pipp: What?!

Me: To be honest: it just wasn’t the main focus of the film, or even the subplots. (drinks) In my opinion: Rachel and Bruce broke up that day at Chill’s trial.

Pipp: No!

Me: They’ll be fine.

For a moment, Bruce stared after her wistfully until Alfred approached. When they were together, they walked side-by-side through the smoking ruins.

“Just the way it was, sir?” The older man asked.

“Yes, why?” He asked.

“I thought we might take the opportunity of making some improvements to the foundation,” Alfred suggested.

Bruce quickly caught on to what his old friend meant.

“In the southeast corner?” He guessed.

“Precisely, sir,” Alfred nodded, smiling.

Me: Ah, sneaky sneaky.

Zipp: What?

Me: Well, you can’t have Batman without the Batcave.

Pipp: Can we see it?

Me: I think we already did; pre-renovation.

Just then, a gust of wind picked up and the Equestrians turned their eyes from their work to the crystal portal back to Equestria opening up. The Mane Six, Spike, and Sonata all looked at it with smiles on their faces.

“Guess it’s time to go,” Twilight said.

Me: It’s like the powers that be recognized this as the ending for their involvement. (drinks)

They all turned back around as Bruce, Alfred, and even Rachel made their way to their side. They all looked upon their equine friends with smiles on their faces.

“Well, what can I say?” Bruce smirked. “It’s sure been one hell of an adventure.”

“Ya got that right, sugar cube,” Applejack nodded.

“Busting up bad guys, driving tanks, and meeting awesome new friends,” Rainbow listed. “This epic adventure is just another Tuesday for us.”

“I haven’t exactly gotten to know you all very well,” Rachel smiled regretfully. “Still, I’m thankful to have met you and for keeping Bruce safe.”

“Don’t worry about that, darling,” Rarity assured her. “I have a feeling we’ll be back here again in the future.”

“Oh totally, come the sequel you’ll have plenty of time to get to know us,” Pinkie smiled. “Hear it’s quite a crowd favorite.”

Me: For sure. (drinks) Maybe there could be some more influence from Matt Reeves and Tim Burton the second time around. (drinks) I miss the gothic aesthetic of the other movies.

Zipp: (shakes her head) I for one can’t wait to see them return.

“Anyways… as long as there’s plenty of crime here to solve, we’ll be back,” Spike assured.

“If any of you ever find yourselves in Gotham again, just know you’re always welcome to Wayne Manor,” Alfred smiled at them.

“Could you give my thanks to Detective Gordon again?” Sonata asked hopefully. “He’s a good man; Gotham needs more people like him.”

Hitch: I wholeheartedly agree!

“No problem,” Rachel assured. “I’ll be sure to tell him. I promise.”

The Mane Six, Spike, and Sonata all turned back toward the portal. But before they took a step, Twilight turned toward Sonata, who still retained a sad look on her face… a painfully worried expression to boot.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, concerned.

“It’s just… I don’t know if I’ll truly be welcome in Ponyville,” Sonata admitted. “I’m not exactly a pony, after all.”

“Pony or not… you’re one of us now Sonata Dusk,” Twilight assured. “Let no pony tell you any different.”

Nodding with a light smile, Sonata slowly took her footsteps through the portal until she was fully enveloped by the light. One by one, the remainder of the Equestrians followed Sonata through the portal until all that remained was Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Together they turned back. Not just toward the friends they were leaving behind, but the very world of Gotham itself.

“You know… Gotham may still be a city of crime, but there’s some parts about it that are nice,” Spike spoke. “Least you and Bruce finally took care of those Al Ghuls. Now that they’re both out of the picture, we won’t have to worry about them anymore. Right, Twi?”

But of course, Twilight Sparkle didn’t quite answer the question. Silently, she looked out toward the distance… and she couldn’t help but reminisce about her last encounter with one particular Al Ghul.

Hitch: (accusatory) What exactly did she do with Duscan?

Zipp: I hope he’s dead.

Sunny: Zipp!

Zipp: What?

“You did not save this city, Twilight Sparkle,” Duscan spoke under his breath. “You just delayed the inevitable.”

“If there are consequences,” Twilight declared, turning toward him. “My friends and I will be ready for what’s coming.”

Duscan did not answer with any witty remark… nor did he turn to acknowledge the princess. Again acting in defiance, he stubbornly kept his gaze toward the smoldering mess before him.

“I know what you’re thinking, princess,” Duscan spoke, breaking the silence. “You’ve hungered for this all your life. You won’t get a better shot than this; how right you should kill with magic.”

Indeed, Twilight Sparkle slowly turned toward Duscan and it was true that she could see he was in no position to get away. The Masked Matterhorn may have had limits, but as an alicorn princess… there was no question Twilight Sparkle was powerful. All she’d need was one clear shot, right toward Duscan’s exposed head, and it would be the end of it. But instead, as she conjured a heavy glow of her horn and Duscan anticipated his end… she instead used her magic to explode the ice prison encasing him and he fell forward, so weak he could barely catch himself.

“Get out of here,” Twilight Sparkle ordered. “Clear out of here!”

“Don’t think freeing me will make any difference,” Duscan warned. “The League knew we’d never go home after this mission; we declared ourselves dead. I had a destiny; I was to die in that blaze with my father and my fellow assassins. But you… you cheated me out of it! What you want, you stole it. I can never forgive you; you’re no worse than man.”

“… You are wrong, Duscan. Always have been wrong. I am only a mare who sees a free man now, there are no conditions… no bargains… no petitions. You’ve lost today; you now have a chance to move on.”

“I didn’t lose… you’ve just prolonged your doom.”

With what strength Duscan mustered, he slowly picked himself upon his feet and for a moment he stood inches from the alicorn princess. But since he was in no shape for a fight, he slowly stepped away from the alicorn toward the very edge of the roof they stood on. For a moment, he stood there eyeing the horizon where an unknown destination was waiting. But he knew somehow he couldn’t go back to the life you had before.

“Our paths will cross again Twilight,” Duscan spoke, barely looking back. “You dishonored my legacy, saving my life… twice. I won’t share the same mercy when we meet in combat; when I’m through with you, no one will ‘ever’ remember you.”

“Maybe…” Twilight slowly nodded. “But when everyone finds out that you’re alive once again, because I saved you… they will ‘never’ let you forget it.”

Duscan only glared toward Twilight Sparkle, who merely looked back with a calm expression. She held her footing as Duscan turned from the mare entirely, then jumped his way off the roof to make his escape. While the princess had no idea if she did the right thing, even holding to the slightest hope that Duscan could change, she did not pursue him… she did not call out for him to stop. As far as she was concerned… their battle was already over and what happened next… that was in his hands now…

Zipp: I knew she’d let him go.

Hitch: She just let a criminal run free!

Me: To be honest…(drinks)…I need to stop caring when watching these movies. I have no doubt that dude will make a reappearance: most likely in the sequel.

Sunny: She spared him because she’s the better pony.

Hitch: All this letting the criminals run free is making me frustrated.

Zipp: Same here, buddy.

“Twi?” Spike spoke. “Twilight?”

Twilight stirred herself back to reality, as her attention returned to Spike. The dragon teen was a tad confused over how quiet his friend was.

“You heard what I said?” Spike asked.

“… The Al Ghuls are gone, Spike,” Twilight reassured. “We have no reason to worry about them anymore.”

Hitch: I mean…she’s technically not wrong? But not exactly right, either.

With that settled, Twilight Sparkle and Spike finally merged through the portal and the doorway slowly closed shut behind them. Without doubt, the pair along with all their friends were so thankful to finally return to their families in Equestria. Only now, they were bringing a new addition to their motley little family… someone new to teach about the ways of friendship, no matter how long it takes.

None of them took notice, however, of a lone figure watching from the bushes. The figure was that of a man wearing an Arkham Asylum jumpsuit, staring toward the space where the crystal portal once stood. A man with large, crazy eyes… eyes that never blinked once… the eyes… of a killer…


Sunny: Who—who’s him?

Me: (drinks) I’ve given up on getting angry at all these foreshadowing. They’re much more efficient than Netflix does them, that’s for sure.

Zipp: (sarcasm) Gee, thanks a lot.

Me: You’re welcome, Officer Krupke.

Pipp: (giggles)

A few nights later…

A new sign appeared in the sky above Gotham City… a bat symbol beamed onto the clouds by way of a spotlight that sat on the roof of the police station. A bat-shaped metal stencil was bolted to the spotlight. Standing nearby, Gordon sipped coffee from a Styrofoam cup when a rapping sound on metal drew his attention. He turned and saw the dark knight standing on the other side of the spotlight, nodding toward it.

“Nice,” Batman said.

“Couldn’t find any mob bosses to strap to the light,” Gordon replied.

Me: Yes! They got the Bat-Signal up and running!

Hitch: Seriously? He gets his own signal in the sky?! That is so cool!

Zipp: Our sheriff’s found his brand new hero.

Soon, as he finished his coffee and crushed the cup, Gordon turned the spotlight off. The two men now stood staring at each other in the darkness.

“Well, sergeant?” The Dark Knight asked.

“It’s lieutenant now,” Gordon corrected him. “Commissioner Loeb had to promote me, and he had to disband the task force hunting you. Amazing what saving a city can do for your image.”

Hitch: Hey! He got a promotion! And well-deserved, too!

Zipp: (smiles) Good for him.

Pipp: I hope he strives to set a better example for the Gotham police.

While caught off guard by the promotion, nevertheless the Batman was pleased just the same.

“Then things are better,” Batman nodded.

“You’ve started something,” He confirmed. “Bent cops are running scared; hope on the streets…”

He trailed off thoughtfully, recalling how quickly Flass had resigned after the incident in the Narrows.

“But?” The Dark Knight inquired.

“But there’s a lot of weirdness out there right now,” Gordon explained. “The Narrows is lost… we still haven’t picked up Crane or half the inmates of Arkham that he freed…”

“We will,” Batman promised. “Gotham will return to normal.”

“Will it?” Gordon asked, skeptically. “What about escalation?”

“Escalation?” Batman echoed.

“We start carrying semi-automatics,” Gordon explained. “They buy automatics… we start wearing Kevlar, they buy armor-piercing rounds…”

Me: As the police officers become more weaponized, so do the criminals. (drinks) One of my least favorite cycles of all time.

Sunny: (grins) Try thinking positive!

Me: Okay…I have full faith in what Lt. Gordon and Batman will accomplish for the City. That better?

Sunny: Much better!

The Dark Knight nodded, getting the idea, but he could sense there was something else going on.


“I never said thank you,” Gordon told him.

The Dark Knight looked back at him, his cloak billowing around him with the lights of Gotham lighting the night sky.

“And you’ll never have to.”

He then dropped from the rooftop, gliding across the night wind. Gordon couldn’t help but smile. While he didn’t know what the future held for Gotham City, nor did he know what other sinister forces bumped in the night. But he did know one thing:

The Dark Knight was on the job.

Me: And thus begins the tenure of the Dark Knight of Gotham City. 

Zipp: Ah, I see what you did there.

Me: Yes well, that’s the end of the movie everyone. Thank you all for coming, and have a happy Nightmare Night; I know I will.

Sunny: Thank you for having us here, and good luck with running the place!

Me: Thanks, Sunny.

The projector whirred the end credits over the screen as I ushered out the patrons. Sunny and the others were the first to leave, followed by Phyllis and the Earth-Ponies and the Pegasi.

Me: Love the dress, Rocky.

Rocky: (as Emily) O-Oh, well, t-t-thank you.

Jazz: (as Victor) He really wanted to be the Corpse Bride, and I made the dress and everything. I was hoping to wear it myself, but…

Rocky: I just like wearing dresses! (embarrassed) I-I just…l-like doing it.

Me: I love the costume, buddy. Did you do the makeup yourself?

Rocky: (sheepish) No…Jazz helped me with that.

Me: Well, good luck tonight. Happy Nightmare Night.

Rocky/Jazz: You too! (realizes something, then laughs while exiting)

Alphabittle: It’s not often you see a stallion wearing a dress.

Me: What about you then?

Alphabittle: It’s not a dress, it’s a kilt. There’s a difference.

Me: Is that your beard or did you dye it yellow?

Alphabittle: It’s fake, for your information, though I couldn’t bring my bagpipes.

Me: I love the hat, by the way. Happy Nightmare Night.

Alphabittle: Watch out for the Ghostlight!

Me: I will! (I sit while drinking in the light of the lobby, and then Sprout emerges) The movie's finished by the way. You look a little pale.

Sprout: I’m going straight to bed when I get home.

Me: Happy Nightmare Night!

Sprout: Whatever.

I shook my head as the stallion left the building. I went over to shut down the lobby and close up when I found the last remaining patron stalking around the door to the Projection Room.

Me: You need to leave. I’m about to close up.

Misty: O-Oh, r-r-right. I’ll just…just be leaving now.

She was about to leave when I called out to her.

Me: Just a minute! (tosses the pocket-mirror) You dropped this earlier. Have a Happy Nightmare Night, and watch out for the Ghostlight!

Misty: G-G-G-G-G-Ghostlight?!

Me: Goodnight~!

I then shut down the lights in the cinema, leaving the environment darkened under the moonless night and Misty out in the middle of nowhere. I watched as she stepped on a twig, cracking it, before galloping off to who knows where. I then locked up the doors, taking out my flask.

Me: (to reader) Well, that’s the end of the main story, but I’ve got a few epilogues before I call it quits before the holidays. I've already read the foreshadowing, so until then, y’all take it easy.


Shadow's Extra cut

Me:(walks up to Phantom)"you gotta an plan, if not, Me and Pyro are open to any ideas you got".


Epilogue One:

Misty galloped as fast as she could until she finally emerged from the forest to the familiar and somewhat comforting sight of Opaline’s castle. At the moment, she was more concerned about being safe from the horrors of Nightmare Night rather than Opaline’s wrath.

Though, once inside the castle, she calmed herself as she neared her room. Once a little more calm, her mind wandered back to the Projector of the theater. There was something about it that appealed to her, powerful and magical at the same time—

Opaline: MISTY!!!

She immediately froze at the sound and sight of the alicorn, hoping to shrink out of sight from the angered look on her face.

Misty: H-H-Hello, O-Opaline. H-H-Happy N-Nightmare Nigh—

Opaline: I don’t care about some stupid long-forgotten holiday of the ditsant past, Misty! What I do care about is the fact that you didn’t keep me in touch with the movie!

Misty: I-It wasn’t my fault, honest! I must’ve lost it but I watched—

Opaline: I don’t care for your excuses! It’s giving me a headache, as is the very sight of you! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT, YOU USELESS WASTE OF SPACE!!!

Misty didn’t need to be told twice. She just ran out of sight from the irate alicorn.

Opaline: AND DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING BACK, BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT LEAVING THIS CASTLE FOR THE NEXT TWO MOVIES!!! (sighs) What is it going to take to get what I want from that filly? Is there anything she can do right?

Out of sight, Misty burst into her room, near sobbing she leapt onto her bed.  In the mess, she accidentally knocked her nightstand, sending her lamp crashing to the floor, shattering the light into complete darkness. Frightened by all belief, Misty buried herself beneath the covers, shivering and sobbing into her pillow, cursing herself for being so useless.

Misty: (sobbing) I just want a cutie mark like every-pony else. Is that too much to ask? Why can’t I do anything right? No-pony wants to be my friend. Why should they be? I’m worthless. Misty the worthless mark-less unicorn freak!


Oh, so that's it! Well, I can't wait to see it come next year!

She proceeded to make her way down the halls with her heels clicking on the floor the whole way. Eventually, she wound up outside a maximum security cell where her current patient was held. She nodded to the guard on duty to let her in. The guard unlocked the door, which slowly opened wide enough for the doctor to enter. As she entered, she noticed it was a rather dark room with only a single lightbulb illuminating the area.

She noticed her patient lying on a cot in the corner where the light wasn’t reaching all that much. This way, she couldn’t quite see her patient. But nevertheless, she walked inside and sat on the one chair set up in the midst of the room. She grabbed her pen off her clipboard and immediately went to work.

“Good morning, my name is Dr. Harleen Quinzel,” She greeted. “But you can just call me Harley, everyone else does. So why don’t we get started today by telling me why you’re here.”

The many lying in the corner slowly turned his head to look at the doctor. Just enough for her to see a large red smirk across his ghost-white face.

“Well… I guess you could say that everything started with one… bad… day…”

I got a bad feeling what's going to happen comes "The Dark Knight".


Canterlot Mall Theater, Discord's Branch

The next morning, following the fear gas attack upon Gotham and the death of Ra’s Al Ghul, construction crews were busy clearing the debris of Wayne Enterprises. Heading the operation was none other than Lucius Fox, wearing a white hard hat. Just then, Mr. Earle arrived on the site and stalked toward Lucius with a livid expression. Lucius saw his approach and tapped the hard hat he wore on his head.

“This is a hard hat area,” He warned.

What are you doing here, Fox?” Earle demanded angrily, ignoring the warning. “I seem to remember firing you.”

Lucius nodded with a gesture toward the clean-up operation.

“Might be something to do with my new job as head of Wayne Enterprises,” He answered. “Didn’t you get the memo?”

“Apparently he didn’t.”

The two men turned to their side seeing John Wycliffe approaching them. Much like Lucius, he also wore a hard hat and three-piece suit.

“You really should get a hard hat Bill,” John warned Earle. “Wouldn’t want you to get hurt or have someone throw you out.”

Earle ignored him, glaring outright toward Lucius.

“Whose authority?” He demanded furiously.

Instead of answering, Lucius and John pointed toward a familiar Rolls Royce that was idling nearby, and Earle stormed toward it. Lucius and John both quietly smiled before resuming their work. Reaching the car, Earle banged on the window until Bruce Wayne rolled it down with an inquiring look.

Arctic: haha, knew it was Bruce

Rainbow: I’m, liking where this is going to. (She said with a small smirk)

“You think you have authority to decide who runs this company, Bruce?” Earle demanded loudly.

“It is my company,” Bruce reminded him.

“Not anymore,” Earle countered smugly. “Wayne Enterprises went public a week ago—”

“And I bought most of the shares,” Bruce interrupted. “A controlling interest in fact. Through various charitable foundations, trusts and so forth. Look, it’s all a bit technical, but the important thing is… my company’s future is secure.”

Earle just stared at the young man in shock as he stepped out of the Rolls Royce.

“Oh, I nearly forgot,” Bruce remembered. “I do have one more surprise for you, Mr. Earle. Or rather, theydo.”

Bruce pointed behind Earle and the older man turned around to see the Mane Six and Spike, in their human forms, walking towards them with a few police officers in tow.

Sci-Twi: And, he is busted.

Juniper: So true, karma finally gotten to him

Applejack: Eeyup.

“This is him, officer,” Twilight pointed to Earle.

“What is the meaning of this?” Earle asked confused.

The two cops approached Earle, one of them snatched his hands and placed handcuffs on him.

“William Earle, you’re under arrest,” The cop spoke, tightening the cuffs.

“What?!” Earle exclaimed in shock. “On what charges?!”

“For conspiring with a terrorist organization,” The officer responded. “And orchestrating the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne.”

“This is outrageous!” Earle shouted. “I’ve been a loyal member of Wayne Enterprises for years.”

“And you’ve also been the Grandmaster of the Court of Owls as well,” Twilight argued.

Earle just stared at her, the torches of confusion burning greatly in his eyes.

“What on Earth are you talking about?” he asked.

Twilight procured from behind her back a series of snapshots and copies of incriminating documents found in Earle’s offices.

“We found these documents on your personal computer in which you and a few others plotted the murders of the Wayne’s,” Twilight explained.

“You broke into my office?!” Earle exclaimed angrily.

“Don’t go tryin’ tah change the subject!” Applejack snapped. “Y’all wanted the Wayne’s outta the way so you could take the company public and make a small fortune off the sale.”

“So you and your cohorts paid a desperate man to commit murder,” Rarity added. “With the Wayne’s gone, their business would fall into your hands.”

“But you needed to cover your tracks,” Spike continued. “So you and the other Court members blew the whistle on Joe Chill and arranged to have him locked up in Arkham Asylum on insanity watch.”

“You knew nobody would believe an insane man committed for murder,” Fluttershy added.

“You, Mr. Earle, are a very, very bad man,” Pinkie said disappointed. “And to think I was actually considering making you a cake out of kindness and friendship.”

Earle wasn’t even given an opportunity to speak, as he was dragged away to a nearby police car while reading the man’s rights.

“You have the right to remain silent,” The officer read. “If you give up this right, anything you say can and willbe used against you in a court of law.”

The officers loaded Earle into the back of the car and began to drive off into Gotham. Bruce and the rest of the group watched with satisfaction as the police car disappeared from sight.

“I’ve been waiting to see that happen since we got back,” Bruce smiled.

“Now with the Grandmaster of the Court locked up, it’s sure to throw a wrench in their plans for the future,” Twilight declared happily.

Rarity: Good Riddance. His gone

Pinkie: Yeah! That, meanie gonna be lock up for good now

Arctic: (he nods as he looks at the party girl) Indeed Pinkie. (He then starts to think to himself) Still, why do I feel.. unease. He denied it and..look actually confused

Bruce nodded in agreement before hopping back into the car. He nodded to Alfred, and they drove off back towards Wayne Manor. This left the Mane Six and Spike standing on the sidewalk. The sound of someone approaching caused them to turn just as Sonata Dusk cautiously walked towards them. Her head was bowed in shame, she fumbled with her long hair nervously. The group crossed their arms and looked at her skeptically but still gave her a chance to speak.

“I know you have no reason to trust me, especially after all the things I’ve done,” Sonata spoke shamefully. “I just wanted to let you all know… I’m sorry. I’ve done horrible things, caused so much chaos and pain, and for what? All for the love of those who never loved me back. I know that’s no excuse for my actions, and I’m not asking for forgiveness. I just want you to know I regret what I’ve done to you and all of Equestria. So I’ll leave you all alone. You’ll never see or hear from me again.”

Sonata just turned and started to walk away slowly until…


Sonata Dusk slowly turned back just as Twilight herself walked towards her. The princess stopped before the siren girl with a serious look on her face.

“You’re right… you have done horrible things in the past,” Twilight spoke honestly. “I can’t say we can just bury that under the carpet, nor can I promise forgiveness is going to be easy.”

Sonata nodded slowly, as if she already expected that. But then, to her surprise, a warm smile formed on Twilight’s face. Kindness itself made its way especially in her eyes.

“However… you stepped up and did the right thing when it really mattered,” She said appreciatively. “You stood against your own sisters just to help us. Because of that, we’re all alive right now. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve earned at least ‘one’ chance at redemption.”

She extended her hand for Sonata to shake. The blue siren stared at her and her outstretched hand in shock. And she thought to herself, even after all she did in the past, before her was a pony offering her a chance to redeem herself. Which was more than when she and her family were initially banished from Equestria entirely. But never once did she think anything like this would happen for her.

With a smile on her face and a tear in her eye, Sonata Dusk reached out and grasped Twilight’s hand. They both shook on it before eventually pulling away as the rest of the group came up alongside them.

“What do you guys think?” Twilight asked them. “Are you okay with this?”

“Well… she did save our hides,” Applejack smiled. “Any pony willin’ tah risk their lives fer us, ah’d say they deserve a chance.”

“I’ll be honest, I hated her guts a while back,” Rainbow spoke honestly. “But now when I look at her, I guess I don’t quite wanna kick her in the head that much.”

“That’s… a start,” Twilight said awkwardly.

“Darling, I wouldn’t be the Element of Generosity if I was unable to offer some pony a second chance,” Rarity nodded. “After what you’ve done for us, you’ve more than earned it.”

“I’ve always believed any pony can change if shown a little kindness,” Fluttershy said. “If Discord can change thanks to kindness, I’m confident in Sonata.”

Sonata turned nervously toward Spike, who pondered over it for a moment. But without so much a word, he merely nodded his head silently with a tiny smile. Maybe he wasn’t quite so sure about Sonata, but he’d give her a chance anyway. Just to hear such words from the other Elements, Sonata cracked a small smile.

“I guess all that’s left for me is deciding what I should do now,” Sonata told them. “I can’t very well go back to the Dark Order, not after what I did to my sisters. I don’t really wanna go back there anyway… but I can’t stay in Gotham either.”

“Well, there’s a simple answer to that,” Pinkie smiled happily. “You should come back to Ponyville with us. I’ll throw you the biggest welcome party you’ve ever seen. There’ll be cake, balloons, streamers pinatas, games, and all around fun, fun, fun!”

“For realsies?” She asked surprised. “You sure you’re okay with this?”

“Of course!” Twilight nodded. “Granted, we’d have to arrange some living quarters for you, and find you a job so you can support yourself. But what better place to start fresh than in Ponyville? I learned about the magic of friendship there, and it will help teach you as well.”

Sonata could feel a single tear of joy rolling down her cheek, as she smiled with a nod of her head in approval. With her decision made, Twilight smiled in return and used her magic to teleport them back to Wayne Manor. For now, there was one last thing to do before returning to Equestria.

Pinkie: I’m so happy for Sonata! She, really deserves this second chance (she said with a smile)

Her friends nod in approval at this. After, what she did to save twilight and her friends. They, agree Sonata deserves her chance of redemption and are happy with her new path with people that would truly care about her

Arctic: So proud of you Sonata. We all are. (He then thinks to himself) perhaps. I can, go visit her from time to time (he mentioned in your thoughts)

Meanwhile, across the city, a very irate Black Mask burst into the penthouse office. He was soaking wet after being hurled through the air by that plant and had to swim across the Gotham river to get to shore. Thankfully, when he got there, he was fortunate that some of his crew were able to recover him and get him to safety. However, at this moment, none of them felt particularly safe as Black Mask roared in anger.


He flipped a nearby table over, causing everything in and on it to crash to the floor. The thugs who escorted their boss stood back waiting for his anger to subside.

“I can’t believe I trusted the word of that stupid plant bitch!” He growled. “I swear, when I get my hands on her again, I’ll tear her freaking heart out!”

“What about the Bat, boss?” One thug asked nervously.

“I’ll kill him too!” Black Mask yelled. “Him and those four legged freaks of his.”

Black Mask trudged towards the giant window that looked over Gotham and stared out toward the scarred city. One of the thugs slowly approached with great hesitation.

“What should we do now, boss?” He asked.

Black Mask just stood silent for a moment as he contemplated his next move. Just then, an idea came to his head so good he released a low chuckle.

“First things first, we raise the stakes,” He declared. “I was originally going to offer a million dollars to whoever killed the Bat and his little freaks, but now I’m raising it to fifty million. Fifty million to anyone who kills the Bat and his friends, but if they make that plant bitch suffer, I’ll double it. Spread the message out to every scumbag in the city!”

The thugs nodded in agreement, leaving the office to get to work on their boss’s requests. Black Mask turned back to look out the window with a smirk on his unmasked face. He knew raising the bounty on the Bat and the Power Ponies meant that there would be killers of all sorts wanting to claim it. By raising the price, the number was surely going to go up.

One way or another, he was going to make sure the Bat and those Power Ponies were dead.

Juniper: Oh no, someone sounds even more mad then before

Sci-Twi: Yeah, but like before, they’ll be ready and for whoever else he might have hired to.

Bruce looked up having heard her coming thanks to the soot-stained broken glass on the ground. She nodded to her, then turned back to the well.

“Do you remember the day I fell?”

Rachel nodded, remembering that day all too clearly.

“Of course,” She recalled. “I was so scared for you. I’ve spent a lot of time being scared for you.”

“Rachel… I’m—” Bruce began.

“No, Bruce,” She interrupted. “I’m sorry. The day Chill died – I said terrible things…”

True things,” Bruce added. “Justice is about more than revenge.”

“I never stopped thinking about you,” She admitted, smiling slightly. “About us… when I heard you were back… I started to hope—”

She was cut off when Bruce kissed her, and she returned the kiss for a moment before pulling back with a regretful expression.

“Then I found out about your mask,” She said.

“Batman’s just a symbol, Rachel,” Bruce assured her.

Rachel shook her head and gently brushed his face with her fingers.

This is your mask,” She explained. “Your real face is the one criminals now fear. The man I loved… the man who vanished… never came back at all. But maybe he’s still out there somewhere. Maybe one day, when Gotham no longer needs Batman, I’ll see him again.”

This gave Bruce hope as he glanced at the newly covered well.

“As I sat there, I knew… I could sense it,” He muttered.

“What?” Rachel asked.

He looked back at her, taking her hand.

“That things would never be the same.”

Once the well was completely sealed up, Bruce and Rachel walked together through the ruins.

“Well, you proved me wrong,” Rachel smiled, shaking her head.

“About what?” Ben inquired.

“Your father would be proud of you,” Rachel responded. “Just as I am.”

She started to walk away while Bruce crouched down and dug through the debris until he pulled out his father’s stethoscope; she stopped in her tracks, then turned back.

“What will you do?” She asked, referring to the manor.

Bruce glanced at the ruins, what little remained of his home, then turned back toward her.

“I’m going to rebuild it just the way it was,” He spoke honestly, with purpose. “Brick for brick.”

Rachel nodded, then walked off. For a moment, Bruce stared after her wistfully until Alfred approached. When they together, they walked side-by-side through the smoking ruins.

Just the way it was, sir?” The older man asked.

“Yes, why?” He asked.

“I thought we might take the opportunity of making some improvements to the foundation,” Alfred suggested.

Bruce quickly caught on to what his old friend meant.

“In the southeast corner?” He guessed.

Precisely, sir,” Alfred nodded, smiling.

Rarity: How sweet, it’s lovely to see the two of them getting along still

Just then, a gust of wind picked up and the Equestrians turned their eyes from their work to the crystal portal back to Equestria opening up. The Mane Six, Spike, and Sonata all looked at it with smiles on their faces.

“Guess it’s time to go,” Twilight said.

They all turned back around as Bruce, Alfred, and even Rachel made their way to their side. They all looked upon their equine friends with smiles on their faces.

“Well, what can I say?” Bruce smirked. “It’s sure been one hell of an adventure.”

“Ya got that right, sugar cube,” Applejack nodded.

“Busting up bad guys, driving tanks, and meeting awesome new friends,” Rainbow listed. “This epic adventure is just another Tuesday for us.”

“I haven’t exactly gotten to know you all very well,” Rachel smiled regretfully. “Still, I’m thankful to have met you and for keeping Bruce safe.”

“Don’t worry about that, darling,” Rarity assured her. “I have a feeling we’ll be back here again in the future.”

“Oh totally, come the sequel you’ll have plenty of times to get to know us,” Pinkie smiled. “Hear it’s quite a crowd favorite.”

“Anyways… as long as there’s plenty of crime here to solve, we’ll be back,” Spike assured.

“If any of you ever find yourselves in Gotham again, just know you’re always welcome to Wayne Manor,” Alfred smiled at them.

“Could you give my thanks to Detective Gordon again?” Sonata asked hopefully. “He’s a good man; Gotham needs more people like him.”

“No problem,” Rachel assured. “I’ll be sure to tell him. I promise.”

Juniper: Man, wish we had an officer like Gordon.

Rainbow: Yeah, he be someone I like to be around with

Applejack: And, can be a great father figure to (she said nodding her head)

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, concerned.

“It’s just… I don’t know if I’ll truly be welcome in Ponyville,” Sonata admitted. “I’m not exactly a ponyafter all.”

“Pony or not… you’re one of us now Sonata Dusk,” Twilight assured. “Let no pony tell you any different.”

Nodding with a light smile, Sonata slowly took her footsteps through the portal until she was fully enveloped by the light. One by one, the remainder of the Equestrians followed Sonata through the portal until all that remained was Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Together they turned back. Not just toward the friends they were leaving behind, but the very world of Gotham itself.

“You know… Gotham may still be a city of crime, but there’s some parts about it that are nice,” Spike spoke. “Least you and Bruce finally took care of those Al Ghuls. Now that they’re both out of the picture, we won’t have to worry about them anymore. Right, Twi?”

But of course, Twilight Sparkle didn’t quite answer the question. Silently, she looked out toward the distance… and she couldn’t help but reminisce about her last encounter with one particular Al Ghul.


“You did not save this city, Twilight Sparkle,” Duscan spoke under his breath. “You just delayed the inevitable.”

“If there are consequences,” Twilight declared, turning toward him. “My friends and I will be ready for what’s coming.”

Duscan did not answer with any witty remark… nor did he turn to acknowledge the princess. Again acting in defiance, he stubbornly kept his gaze toward the smoldering mess before him.

“I know what you’re thinking, princess,” Duscan spoke, breaking the silence. “You’ve hungered for this all your life. You won’t get a better shot than this; how right you should kill with magic.”

Indeed, Twilight Sparkle slowly turned toward Duscan and it was true that she could see he was in no position to get away. The Masked Matterhorn may have had limits, but as an alicorn princess… there was no question Twilight Sparkle was powerful. All she’d need was one clear shot, right toward Duscan’s exposed head, and it would be the end of it. But instead, as she conjured a heavy glow of her horn and Duscan anticipated his end… she instead used her magic to explode the ice prison encasing him and he fell forward, so weak he could barely catch himself.

“Get out of here,” Twilight Sparkle ordered. “Clear out of here!”

“Don’t think freeing me will make any difference,” Duscan warned. “The League knew we’d never go home after this mission; we declared ourselves dead. I had a destiny; I was to die in that blaze with my father and my fellow assassins. But you… you cheated me out of it! What you want, you stole it. I can never forgive you; you’re no worse than man.”

“… You are wrong, Duscan. Always have been wrong. I am only a mare who sees a free man now, there are no conditions… no bargains… no petitions. You’ve lost today; you now have a chance to move on.”

“I didn’t lose… you’ve just prolonged your doom.”

With what strength Duscan mustered, he slowly picked himself upon his feet and for a moment he stood inches from the alicorn princess. But since he was in no shape for a fight, he slowly stepped away from the alicorn toward the very edge of the roof they stood on. For a moment, he stood there eyeing the horizon where an unknown destination was waiting. But he knew somehow he couldn’t go back to the life you had before.

“Our paths will cross again Twilight,” Duscan spoke, barely looking back. “You dishonored my legacy, saving my life… twice. I won’t share the same mercy when we meet in combat; when I’m through with you, no one will ‘ever’ remember you.”

“Maybe…” Twilight slowly nodded. “But when everyone finds out that you’re alive once again, because I saved you… they will ‘never’ let you forget it.”

Duscan only glared toward Twilight Sparkle, who merely looked back with a calm expression. She held her footing as Duscan turned from the mare entirely, then jumped his way off the roof to make his escape. While the princess had no idea if she did the right thing, even holding to the slightest hope that Duscan could change, she did not pursue him… she did not call out for him to stop. As far as she was concerned… their battle was already over and what happened next… that was in his hands now…


“Twi?” Spike spoke. “Twilight?”

Twilight stirred herself back to reality, as her attention returned to Spike. The dragon teen was a tad confused over how quiet his friend was.

“You heard what I said?” Spike asked.

“… The Al Ghuls are gone, Spike,” Twilight reassured. “We have no reason to worry about them, anymore.”

Fluttershy: I-I hope it’ll be ok.

Arctic: I’m sure it will Fluttershy, or at least I hope so (he said to her)

With that settled, Twilight Sparkle and Spike finally merged through the portal and the doorway slowly closed shut behind them. Without doubt, the pair along with all their friends were so thankfully to finally return to their families in Equestria. Only now, they were bringing a new addition to their motley little family… someone new to teach about the ways of friendship, no matter how long it takes.

None of them took notice, however, of a lone figure watching from the bushes. The figure that of a man wearing an Arkham Asylum jumpsuit, staring toward the space where the crystal portal once stood. A man with large, crazy eyes… eyes that never blinked once… the eyes… of a killer…


The group grew a bit nervous from this and worry seeing the look in of the man eyes

A few nights later…

A new sign appeared in the sky above Gotham City… a bat symbol beamed onto the clouds by way of a spotlight that sat on the roof of the police station. A bat-shaped metal stencil was bolted to the spotlight. Standing nearby, Gordon sipped coffee from a Styrofoam cup when a rapping sound on metal drew his attention. He turned and saw the dark knight standing on the other side of the spotlight, nodding toward it.

“Nice,” Batman said.

“Couldn’t find any mob bosses to strap to the light,” Gordon replied.

Soon as he finished his coffee and crushed the cup, Gordon turned the spotlight off. The two men now stood staring at each other in the darkness.

“Well, sergeant?” The Dark Knight asked.

“It’s lieutenant, now,” Gordon corrected him. “Commissioner Loeb had to promote me, and he had to disband the task force hunting you. Amazing what saving a city can do for your image.”

While caught off guard by the promotion, nevertheless the Batman was pleased just the same.

“Then things are better,” Batman nodded.

“You’ve started something,” He confirmed. “Bent cops are running scared; hope on the streets…”

He trailed off thoughtfully, recalling how quickly Flass had resigned after the incident in the Narrows.

“But?” The Dark Knight inquired.

“But there’s a lot of weirdness out there right now,” Gordon explained. “The Narrows is lost… we still haven’t picked up Crane or half the inmates of Arkham that he freed…”

“We will,” Batman promised. “Gotham will return to normal.”

“Will it?” Gordon asked, skeptically. “What about escalation?”

“Escalation?” Batman echoed.

We start carrying semiautomatics,” Gordon explained. “They buy automatics… we start wearing Kevlar, theybuy armor-piercing rounds…”

The Dark Knight nodded, getting the idea, but he could sense there was something else going on.


“I never said thank you,” Gordon told him.

The Dark Knight looked back at him, his cloak billowing around him with the lights of Gotham lighting the night sky.

“And you’ll never have to.”

He then dropped from the rooftop, gliding across the night wind. Gordon couldn’t help but smile. While he didn’t know what the future held for Gotham City, nor did he know what other sinister forces bumped in the night. But he did know one thing:

The Dark Knight was on the job.

Arctic: Off he goes, into the night to protect Gotham once again

Sci-Twi: a job of a hero.

Back at Arkham Asylum, the doctors and guards started getting things back in place as they locked up the few escaped inmates. Work was starting up as usual for one doctor in particular, Dr. Harleen Quinzel. Even after nearly being killed a few short days ago, Quinzel was back on duty. Suffice to say, many doctors, guards, and even the other staff were extremely shocked to find the Doctor walking through the front doors of the asylum after such a short absence.

“Dr. Quinzel!” The receptionist gasped.

“Good morning, Melissa,” Dr. Quinzel greeted kindly. “Another day on the grind, wouldn’t you say?”

“Are you sure you should be back so soon, Dr. Quinzel?” Melissa asked skeptically. “After all, you nearly died a few days ago. I wouldn’t blame you if you stayed away a while longer.”

“Nah, I’m alright now,” Dr. Quinzel assured her. “Honestly, sitting around at home gets really boring, really quickly. I figured it’s best to get back to work as soon as possible.

“Alright,” She relented, sighing. “If you’re sure.”

“So… who do you got for me to look into today?” Harleen asked.

“Now that you mention it, a new one came in recently,” Melissa informed her, handing the file. “Quite the rap sheet on this one. Armed robbery, arson, torture, the list goes on. He’s got a little taste for the theatrics, like you.”

“I’ll get right to work then,” Dr. Quinzel smiled.

She proceeded to make her way down the halls with her heels clicking on the floor the whole way. Eventually, she wound up outside a maximum security cell where her current patient was held. She nodded to the guard on duty to let her in. The guard unlocked the door, which slowly opened wide enough for the doctor to enter. As she entered, she noticed it was a rather dark room with only a single lightbulb illuminating the area.

She noticed her patient lying on a cot in the corner where the light wasn’t reaching all that much. This way, she couldn’t quite see her patient. But nevertheless, she walked inside and sat on the one chair set up in the midst of the room. She grabbed her pen off her clipboard and immediately went to work.

“Good morning, my name is Dr. Harleen Quinzel,” She greeted. “But you can just call me Harley, everyone else does. So why don’t we get started today by telling me why you’re here.”

The man lying in the corner slowly turned his head to look at the doctor. Just enough for her to see a large red smirk across his ghost-white face.

“Well… I guess you could say that everything started with one… bad… day…”

The Equestrian Girls and Juniper couldn’t help feel a sudden shiver go up their spine seeing the person Harley was talking to.

Arctic: Joker..(he said to himself knowing full well who the person is)

Across the city, at Wycliffe Industries, John Wycliffe entered the offices of his business. He worked his way toward the direction of his own office. Along the way, he passed his receptionist, Tessa Richards, who gave her boss a smile upon seeing him.

“Good day, Mr. Wycliffe,” She greeted. “What brings you in today? I thought you were on vacation with your family.

“Indeed, I am,” John nodded. “Unfortunately, I have an important meeting to attend to till then. I should be in and out quickly.”

“Very well, sir,” Tessa nodded. “I hope you have a great vacation.”

John merely nodded in response as he entered his office and closed the door behind him. Walking toward the large window in his office, he looked out toward Gotham. After all that has happened recently, this city was never going to be the same again. There was so much to rebuild, many criminals to round up, and so much damage to fix. Nonetheless, even between the chaos and destruction, Gotham still prevailed and showcased its might.

A small smile formed on John’s face as he turned around and pressed a small red button under his desk. Doing so opened a tiny secret compartment along the office wall, opening it up to reveal the Grandmasters golden owl mask. John approached the mask and lifted it up before placing it over his face.

Sci-Twi & Juniper: Wait…What?! (They both said together as the others gasps in shock to)

Arctic:John..it was him

“Members of the Court, our plans have worked perfectly,” The Grandmaster announced. “William Earle has been taken into custody under the presumption of leading this Court.”

He turned his head toward Joseph and Maria Powers, who sat beside him wearing their masks.

“You’ve done well planting evidence to condemn Earle,” He commented. “Now Bruce Wayne and his friends trust me completely.”

“Your deception is a work of genius, Grandmaster,” Joseph praised. “Now that they trust you, it will only make it easier to put our plans back in motion.”

“I do have one question,” Maria added. “What is our next course of action?”

The Grandmaster folded his hands in front of his golden mask, showing off his ring which displayed the symbol of the Court as he contemplated what comes next.

“Gotham must still face judgment,” He spoke. “Ra’s Al Ghul and the League of Shadows are no more. Their ambition blinded them to just how far they had fallen. We must succeed where they have failed.”

He leaned forward to address all the Court members in attendance.

“It is high time we unleashed them unto the Earth.”

Every member of the Court began to look about, breaking out into murmurs of uncertainty.

“Are you quite certain the time is right, sir?” Another member asked.

“Indeed,” The Grandmaster nodded. “Are they ready?”

“They are,” Another member nodded. “Follow me, I will show you.”

The Court member and the Grandmaster stood up from their seats and made their way down another corridor. Pushing open another set of doors, they ventured into a giant dark chamber filled from floor to ceiling with thousands of cryogenic pods.

The Grandmaster stepped forward toward the control panel, where he flipped a few switches and pulled a lever. Doing so caused all the pods in the room to simultaneously open, slowly. From within the pods, thousands of twisted and demented creatures arose from within. All of them resembled reanimated corpses garbed in dark clothing, wearing strange owl-like cowls over their heads.


The Grandmaster watched in satisfaction, as their newly awoken weapons, the Talons, arose from their pods. Many of them screeched and moved about in pure animalistic fashion until many of them stood at attention before the Grandmaster.

“Our personal instruments of destruction are ready,” He commented. “At long last, Judgment Day has come to Gotham… and then, the world will know our true power.”

Juniper: Not good. Not good at all

Arctic: Definitely not (he said nodding his head)

Moments later when they’re leaving the theater

Pinkie: Do you really, have to go (she ask a bit sadly)

Arctic: Yeah, sorry Pinkie. But, I have to go and report back.

Sci-Twi: Well, I hope you can come back when you have some free time

Rainbow: Yeah! You’re, a cool guy to hang with to.

Applejack: Plus, it be nice to have a new face around here and it be mighty nice to know you more

Arctic: (he chuckles a bit and smiles softly) well, will see and it was fun hanging out with you all to. And, don’t mind sharing some stuff about myself sometime

Fluttershy: Have a safe travel back. (She said with

Juniper: See you around Ace

Rarity: Until next time, darling

Ace nods his and was about to head off until he heard some footsteps as he looked over seeing Rarity.

Rarity: Oh, one more thing before you go

Arctic: What is it Rarity? (He ask as he watch her lean in a bit

Rarity: (she then whispers into her ear) If you happen, to run into Sonata. Do give are regards.. and I wish you the best of luck with her(she said with a small giggle)

Arctic: (he would blush a little from that last part) y-yeah. Will do Rarity (he said as he walked off)

Juniper: (coming up to Rarity) Hey Rarity, what did you say into his ear? (She ask curiously at the fashionista

Rarity: (would smile and giggle a bit) Oh, nothing special. (She said as she glance over to Ace leaving) Nothing at all


You're doing great! I don't know who's giving all these downvotes, but good on you for ignoring the hate.


Can't wait to see what comes next!

Let's hope it's worth the wait.

Well, it's getting late and I'm pretty beat (And not just because of all the work I did on my part to help Mr. Enigma).

Think I'll read the rest of the commentary tomorrow.

See you in the morning.


Well we've got some much needed karma, but it seems the court is still in business. As for that other guy watching... yeah he has me curious. I also see the Joker tease was a bit different from the movie there, though as usual I'm sure the guy still has his multiple choice backstory.

Honestly before I found out about future works I kind of ran on the assumption it was going to be a back-to-back trilogy kind of like with Star Wars, but I do admit it is better this way. I feel the Star Wars direction work because of the arc going on with everyone continuing in a serialized fashion, particularly with Sunny. Here I feel we can take a break from Gotham.

Also, really jinxing it there with Rachel, Pinkie x.x; I wonder if she's the only one who will notice the recasting next time.

I'm happy Sonata is on the good side.

1. More about mystery man will be revealed in due time. But for the time being, we're leaving it up to everyone else to try and guess who it is (No, I don't mean the mystery man Quinzell is working with).

2. You'd think that's what we were planning, but we decided to go a more different route. Always trying something a little different each season. Besides, we have 'big' plans for the season finale. But don't worry, the Power Ponies will be back in Gotham again.

3. Yeah... especially after what happens in a particular scene that always had my heart ripped out. But I will agree, if any pony can spot a key difference (Aside from Rarity with her attention-to-detail schtick), Pinkie would recognize that this Rachel is a 'slightly' different version. Unless we were to pretend it's the same actress. Just as we could 'pretend' that instead of Bale's raspy rendition of Batman, we can imagine it was either Michael Keaton or the late Kevin Conroy.

It'll definitely be a new experience for Sonata Dusk. A Siren growing up with the ponies. It'll take a bit of time to adjust to this new lifestyle, and it'll still take time for every pony to fully forgive Siren. After all, she had been partly responsible for what occurred thousands of years during the time of Starswirl the Bearded... but if there was ever a time to see another side of Sonata, who really 'wants' to change, there's no better time than today.


Shadow's Extra cut

As everyone else is celebrating. I walked up to Poison Ivy and saw that she had the key around her neck, I reached down and took it off of her.

Me:"Thanks for the key, Ivy".

Poison Ivy:"No, that's mine, she's mine child"!!!.

Me:"Not anymore, She is Princess luna's child and she will be surprised to see her again, as for you, Arkham Asylum will be pleased to have you off the streets and if were you, I would be thinking of finding a new place to stay after you have been released, cause your old home is up in flames and I took back what my family protect and keep safe".

Poison Ivy gave a shocked look, and as The Arkham Guards were dragging her to her cell, her shocked look turn into a angry look and she yelled at Shadow.


She finished yelling as she was drag into the next room and Shadow said.

Me:"Til the day I kicked the bucket, yeah like that's going to happen".

A fantastic end to this story! See you in 2023!


The extra cut below is from the combined collaboration between me and Hunter.

Extra Cut

After our epic battle against Poison Ivy, the Dazzlings, minus Sonata, and the League of Assassins, my group and I find ourselves back to the beginning, with I.M.P.

Blitzo: "Okay. Now that that's settled." (Whips out a sniper rifle) "Time to finish the job!"

*Suddenly out of a portal came none other than Charlie, daughter of Satan, Princess of Hell*

Moxxie: Princess Charlie?!

Me: Princess?

Carrie and Derrick: Princess?

Krystal: Princess?

Isabelle *says the same thing but in her language*

Hunter: *remembering her* Charlie!

Charlie: Hold it right there Blitzo!

Blitzo: Uh the O is silent now.

Charlie: Don't talk, listen! I've busy getting my hotel idea in shape when I hear you trying to attack friends of my friend while trying to kill two innocent people?!

Blitzo: Hey come on Princess, it's only business.

Charlie: From what I see, these two are the victims, not your foolish, insane clients.

Blitzo: Hey, our clients payed us handsomely! Besides, I need the money to keep business rolling and to pay for my horse related fun shit.

*Hearing this, a light bulb goes off in my head. Thinking fast, I snapped my fingers*

Me: “Riddle me this, Blitz. You wouldn’t kill a pony, even if you’re paid to, would you?”

Blitzo: “Of course not! What kind of sicko would hurt a horse?”

Me: “Well, fun fact, Carrie’s a horse too!”

Blitzo: “Huh?”

[Hunter and Charlie turn Carrie into her Equestrian pony form]


Moxxie: “Uh, sir? Technically, she’s not defenseless. She’s got friends protect—“ (Gets kicked between the legs by Blitzo)

Blitzo: “Our contract with Margaret White and that Chris bitch is henceforth null and void. It’s obvious, we now have a new target. Or two.”

Millie: “And who are they sir?”

Blitzo: “The bitches who think they can trick me into shooting a pony! That’s who!”

Charlie: (To Blitzo) "Or...you should let the authority take care of those two, personally. As Princess of Hell, I will see to it that they receive the proper care and induct them into my rehabilitation program so that they can repent of their sins."

Loona: (To Charlie) "Good luck with that."

Blitzo: (To Charlie) "Whatever you say Princess. But anyone who wanted me to kill adorable horses deserved to be in Hell!" (To Loona) "C'mon, Loona! Let's go home! And tell those bitches they ain't gettin' their refunds!"

Loona: (Whips out the grimoire) "Best idea I've heard since we came here..." (Opens up a portal) "And besides...Tex just invited me to another Hellhound party! And oh yeah. Octavia just called me. Something about her dad wanting to have a word with you, Blitz."

Blitzo: "I'll bet he does..." (Suddenly, his phone rang, to which Blitzo immediately answered) "Coming, Stolas...sir."

With that, Blitzo was the first to enter the portal and returns to Hell, with Moxxie and Millie following.

Moxxie: (To Millie) "Y'know, what I like after a long day at work? That I get to ride you like there's no tomorrow."

Millie: (To Moxxie) "Moxxie, you handsome devil you." (Proceeds to make out with Moxxie on their way into the portal)

Hunter: Thanks for stopping by to help us Charlie.

Charlie: Don't mention it. When I heard who I.M.P was targeting an innocent girl, I just had to step in and stop the hunt.

Hunter: Well. I hope you do well on your Hotel.

Charlie: Thanks. I believe it'll work.

Hunter: You know if you'd like, we could have our C.A staff send you a magic screen so you, the hotel, Stolis and I.M.P can watch the adventures of Twilight and her friends.

Charlie: I'd love that!~

*Hunter and Charlie then hug each other like good friends do*

Hunter: Good luck Charlie, and tell your staff I said hi.

Charlie: I'll do just that. *winks and walks back through the portal*

Me: (to Hunter) You two are friends?

Hunter: It's a long story, really. *rubs the back of his neck smiling sheepishly*

Loona was just about to leave, when...

Carrie White: "Hey, Loona?" (Runs up to the hellhound) "Thank you. Y'know...for not killing me..."

Loona: (To Carrie) "Yeah, well...you're welcome... But don't think I did it because I like you. I'm just doing it so that...you wouldn't try and kill me when you're later reborn as a sinner..."

Carrie White: "Huh? What...What do you mean?"

Loona: "Here's something you gotta know, kid. Demons, which I mean sinners, are made when humans die. And with there being so many sinners in Hell, then that means there are way worst shitty humans in this world and the next. And you're no different from your mom and...this Chris. Humans and demons are all alike. Just pieces of shit. No good humans, no good demons. Just shit."

Derick: (To Loona) "That's not true! Sure, we messed up a lot of things, now and then. But we've also been working hard to change that, even if things don't go the way we want them to. Sometimes, being humans means you gotta accept your own flaws and move on with your life to change yourself for the better, helping other people, and not being hell-bent on destroying other lives!"

Derick's words seemed to invoke something in Loona, as she looked at the boy with a wide eyes of shocking inspiration. But she quickly huff and puffed her nose to regain her composure. Or more likely to hide a feeling.

Loona: "Whatever. Just...try not to die a sinner..." (Loona was about to leave, when she stopped and tossed a note to Carrie) "Here...in case you...wanna call, or whatever..."

With that, Loona disappeared out of sight in the portal, leaving Carrie and Derick to open up the note, seeing a set of phone numbers. Loona's phone number.

Henry King: "Carrie..."

Carrie looked up and finds herself in the mindscape of her mind. She looked up to see the mysterious Henry King she's been in contact with for some time.


Carrie White: "Henry King..."

Henry King: "You did well, Carrie. You've exceeded my expectations."

Carrie White: "Thank you...I guess. But how do you know so much about my powers? And why did you help me?"

Henry King: "Let's just say I did one small thing for you. One day, maybe, you can return the favor."

With that, Henry King turned and leave, disappearing out of the mindscape, when Derick snapped her back to reality.

Derick: "Hey Carrie. You okay? For a moment, you just zoned out for a couple of minutes there..."

Carrie White: "I'm...I'm fine...I think."

Meanwhile, back at Discord's Theater

The next morning, following the fear gas attack upon Gotham and the death of Ra’s Al Ghul, construction crews were busy clearing the debris of Wayne Enterprises. Heading the operation was none other than Lucius Fox, wearing a white hard hat. Just then, Mr. Earle arrived on the site and stalked toward Lucius with a livid expression.

Diamond Tiara: "Mayday, mayday, here comes corrupt businessman and prime suspect."

What are you doing here, Fox?” Earle demanded angrily, ignoring the warning. “I seem to remember firing you.”

Lucius nodded with a gesture toward the clean-up operation.

“Might be something to do with my new job as head of Wayne Enterprises,” He answered. “Didn’t you get the memo?”

Diamond Tiara: "If he did, then he wouldn't be marching onto the scene, like he owned the place,."

“Apparently he didn’t.”

Big Mac: "Nope."

The two men turned to their side seeing John Wycliffe approaching them. Much like Lucius, he also wore a hard hat and three-piece suit.

“You really should get a hard hat Bill,” John warned Earle. “Wouldn’t want you to get hurt or have someone throw you out.”

Capper Dapperpaws: "He says it like it's a bad thing..."

Earle ignored him, glaring outright toward Lucius.

“Whose authority?” He demanded furiously.

Instead of answering, Lucius and John pointed toward a familiar Rolls Royce that was idling nearby, and Earle stormed toward it. Lucius and John both quietly smiled before resuming their work. Reaching the car, Earle banged on the window until Bruce Wayne rolled it down with an inquiring look.


“You think you have authority to decide who runs this company, Bruce?” Earle demanded loudly.

Diamond Tiara: "Uh...is that a rhetorical question?"

“It is my company,” Bruce reminded him.

Big Mac: "Eeyup."

“Not anymore,” Earle countered smugly. “Wayne Enterprises went public a week ago—”

“And I bought most of the shares,” Bruce interrupted. “A controlling interest in fact. Through various charitable foundations, trusts and so forth. Look, it’s all a bit technical, but the important thing is… my company’s future is secure.”

Big Mac: "Eeyup!"

Fancy Pants: "I say, such a savvy businessman if I see one. Good on you, old sport!"

Sassy Saddles: "Here here!"

Earle just stared at the young man in shock as he stepped out of the Rolls Royce.

“Oh, I nearly forgot,” Bruce remembered. “I do have one more surprise for you, Mr. Earle. Or rather, theydo.”

Bruce pointed behind Earle and the older man turned around to see the Mane Six and Spike, in their human forms, walking towards them with a few police officers in tow.

“This is him, officer,” Twilight pointed to Earle.

Gilda: "Ooh, this ought to be good."

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: You know what to do.

Phantom's Extra Cut

Me: "I'm definitely not going to miss this."

“What is the meaning of this?” Earle asked confused.

The two cops approached Earle, one of them snatched his hands and placed handcuffs on him.

“William Earle, you’re under arrest,” The cop spoke, tightening the cuffs.

Shining Armor: "Yeah!"

Tempest Shadow: "Now you're talking!"

Bulk Biceps: "YEEEEAAAAAHHHH!!!"

“What?!” Earle exclaimed in shock. “On what charges?!”

“For conspiring with a terrorist organization,” The officer responded. “And orchestrating the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne.”

“This is outrageous!” Earle shouted. “I’ve been a loyal member of Wayne Enterprises for years.”

“And you’ve also been the Grandmaster of the Court of Owls as well,” Twilight argued.

Earle just stared at her, the torches of confusion burning greatly in his eyes.

“What on Earth are you talking about?” he asked.

Twilight procured from behind her back a series of snapshots and copies of incriminating documents found in Earle’s offices.

“We found these documents on your personal computer in which you and a few others plotted the murders of the Wayne’s,” Twilight explained.

“You broke into my office?!” Earle exclaimed angrily.

“Don’t go tryin’ tah change the subject!” Applejack snapped. “Y’all wanted the Wayne’s outta the way so you could take the company public and make a small fortune off the sale.”

“So you and your cohorts paid a desperate man to commit murder,” Rarity added. “With the Wayne’s gone, their business would fall into your hands.”

“But you needed to cover your tracks,” Spike continued. “So you and the other Court members blew the whistle on Joe Chill and arranged to have him locked up in Arkham Asylum on insanity watch.”

“You knew nobody would believe an insane man committed for murder,” Fluttershy added.

“You, Mr. Earle, are a very, very bad man,” Pinkie said disappointed. “And to think I was actually considering making you a cake out of kindness and friendship.”

Everyone in the audience all shook their heads in disgusts at Mr. Earle.

Eric Bischoff: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. Shame, shame, shame..."

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: *shakes head* For Shame.

Phantom's Extra Cut

Me: "But also...BUSTED!!!"

Earle wasn’t even given an opportunity to speak, as he was dragged away to a nearby police car while reading the man’s rights.

“You have the right to remain silent,” The officer read. “If you give up this right, anything you say can and willbe used against you in a court of law.”

The officers loaded Earle into the back of the car and began to drive off into Gotham. Bruce and the rest of the group watched with satisfaction as the police car disappeared from sight.

“I’ve been waiting to see that happen since we got back,” Bruce smiled.

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: I believe ya Bruce. *pats him on the back*

“Now with the Grandmaster of the Court locked up, it’s sure to throw a wrench in their plans for the future,” Twilight declared happily.

Big Mac: "Yup!"

Phantom's Extra Cut

Me: "Yeah....no...maybe. I...don't jinx it, Twilight... If I know my supervillains, it's that they always have a backup plan, or two..."

Bruce nodded in agreement before hopping back into the car. He nodded to Alfred, and they drove off back towards Wayne Manor. This left the Mane Six and Spike standing on the sidewalk. The sound of someone approaching caused them to turn just as Sonata Dusk cautiously walked towards them. Her head was bowed in shame, she fumbled with her long hair nervously. The group crossed their arms and looked at her skeptically but still gave her a chance to speak.

“I know you have no reason to trust me, especially after all the things I’ve done,” Sonata spoke shamefully. “I just wanted to let you all know… I’m sorry. I’ve done horrible things, caused so much chaos and pain, and for what? All for the love of those who never loved me back. I know that’s no excuse for my actions, and I’m not asking for forgiveness. I just want you to know I regret what I’ve done to you and all of Equestria. So I’ll leave you all alone. You’ll never see or hear from me again.”

Sonata just turned and started to walk away slowly until…


Sonata Dusk slowly turned back just as Twilight herself walked towards her. The princess stopped before the siren girl with a serious look on her face.

“You’re right… you have done horrible things in the past,” Twilight spoke honestly. “I can’t say we can just bury that under the carpet, nor can I promise forgiveness is going to be easy.”

Many former baddies in the audience all exchanged agreements.

Starlight Glimmer: "I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I've been there before."

Trixie: "Yeah."

Thorax: "Ditto."

Tempest Shadow: "And I've got the flying foods to show for it..."

Princess Luna: "It's not worth letting our anger and hatreds control our actions that we would later come to regret...Nor is it ever healthy to be in a toxic relationship, even if it was out of love and loyalty...."

Sonata nodded slowly, as if she already expected that. But then, to her surprise, a warm smile formed on Twilight’s face. Kindness itself made its way especially in her eyes.

“However… you stepped up and did the right thing when it really mattered,” She said appreciatively. “You stood against your own sisters just to help us. Because of that, we’re all alive right now. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve earned at least ‘one’ chance at redemption.”

She extended her hand for Sonata to shake. The blue siren stared at her and her outstretched hand in shock. And she thought to herself, even after all she did in the past, before her was a pony offering her a chance to redeem herself. Which was more than when she and her family were initially banished from Equestria entirely. But never once did she think anything like this would happen for her.

With a smile on her face and a tear in her eye, Sonata Dusk reached out and grasped Twilight’s hand.

Sweetie Belle: (Starry eyes) *Gasps*

Starlight Glimmer: "I don't believe it!"

Starswirl the Bearded: (To Starlight) "Nor I!"

Capper Dapperpaws: (To Stygian) "So...we got ourselves a new gal pal, eh? A new addition to the Nightmare Knights?"

Stygian: (To Capper) "I'd say so. But let's see what our friends think..."

They both shook on it before eventually pulling away as the rest of the group came up alongside them.

“What do you guys think?” Twilight asked them. “Are you okay with this?”

“Well… she did save our hides,” Applejack smiled. “Any pony willin’ tah risk their lives fer us, ah’d say they deserve a chance.”

“I’ll be honest, I hated her guts a while back,” Rainbow spoke honestly. “But now when I look at her, I guess I don’t quite wanna kick her in the head that much.”

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: *rubs temples*

Phantom's Extra Cut

Me: "Thanks for killing the mood, Rainbow..."

“That’s… a start,” Twilight said awkwardly.

“Darling, I wouldn’t be the Element of Generosity if I was unable to offer some pony a second chance,” Rarity nodded. “After what you’ve done for us, you’ve more than earned it.”

“I’ve always believed any pony can change if shown a little kindness,” Fluttershy said. “If Discord can change thanks to kindness, I’m confident in Sonata.”

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: Being a christian, I've learned that it's best to forgive anyone who did harm to you. So I long with the other offer my friendship.

Phantom's Extra Cut

Me: "...Somehow, I've always known Sonata would come through for us...better late than never..."

Sonata turned nervously toward Spike, who pondered over it for a moment. But without so much a word, he merely nodded his head silently with a tiny smile. Maybe he wasn’t quite so sure about Sonata, but he’d give her a chance anyway. Just to hear such words from the other Elements, Sonata cracked a small smile.

“I guess all that’s left for me is deciding what I should do now,” Sonata told them. “I can’t very well go back to the Dark Order, not after what I did to my sisters. I don’t really wanna go back there anyway… but I can’t stay in Gotham either.”

“Well, there’s a simple answer to that,” Pinkie smiled happily. “You should come back to Ponyville with us. I’ll throw you the biggest welcome party you’ve ever seen. There’ll be cake, balloons, streamers pinatas, games, and all around fun, fun, fun!”

Cheese Sandwich: "OOH! And I'll play the accordion!" (Whips out his accordion with Lil'Cheese dancing along)

Mr. Cake: "We'll supply the cakes!"

Diamond Tiara: "I call dibs on the Willy Wonka products we've kept in storage!"

Party Favor: "LET'S PARTY!!!"

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: *rolls eyes with a smile* Same old Pinkie.

“For realsies?” She asked surprised. “You sure you’re okay with this?”

“Of course!” Twilight nodded. “Granted, we’d have to arrange some living quarters for you, and find you a job so you can support yourself. But what better place to start fresh than in Ponyville? I learned about the magic of friendship there, and it will help teach you as well.”

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: She's right you know. It even helped me make friends to love and cherish.

Phantom's Extra Cut

Me: (To Sonata) "And as always, at Discord's Theater, we serve Tacos, every Tuesdays. Choco Taco, Spaghetti Taco, Taco Supreme, you name 'em, we got 'em. Y'know, whenever you're hungry."

Sonata could feel a single tear of joy rolling down her cheek, as she smiled with a nod of her head in approval.

Audience: "YAY!!!!"


As Alfred drove Bruce back to Wayne Manor in the Rolls Royce, both men were discussing the morning’s newspaper. The paper had a large picture and article about Batman spread across the front page.

“Batman may have made the front page,” Alfred announced. “But Bruce Wayne got pushed to page 8.”

Bruce took the newspaper, opened to page 8, and chuckled at the title:

‘Drunken Billionaire burns down house’

Almost the entire audience struggled to stifle a snicker, and some chuckles.

Diamond Tiara: (Chuckling) "That's not even half of the truth."

Silver Spoon: "Nope."

And located underneath the title was a black-and-white photo featuring the ruins of Wayne Manor.

“Well, the important news is on the front page, and that’s what matters,” Bruce stated. “And as for what they say about me, our home won’t be in ruins forever.”

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: *in the back seat with Bruce* Very true Bruce. We will rebuild the foundation to how it was, if not better than before.

Alfred nodded, knowing this young charge was absolutely right.

Mare-Do-Well: "Are they thinking what I'm thinking?"

Derpy: "I think so, MDW! But Bumblebee is too yellow for Batman's black and very, very dark gray."

Meanwhile, across the city, a very irate Black Mask burst into the penthouse office.

Diamond Tiara: "Oh, look who's still alive."

Silver Spoon: "And soaking wet to show for it."


He flipped a nearby table over, causing everything in and on it to crash to the floor. The thugs who escorted their boss stood back waiting for his anger to subside.

“I can’t believe I trusted the word of that stupid plant bitch!” He growled. “I swear, when I get my hands on her again, I’ll tear her freaking heart out!”

“What about the Bat, boss?” One thug asked nervously.

“I’ll kill him too!” Black Mask yelled. “Him and those four legged freaks of his.”

Gilda: "And dragon?"

Gabby: (Outrage) "GILDA!!?"

Gilda: (Shrugs innocently) "What? He forgot about Spike, so...I'm just pointing him out..."

Black Mask trudged towards the giant window that looked over Gotham and stared out toward the scarred city. One of the thugs slowly approached with great hesitation.

“What should we do now, boss?” He asked.

Black Mask just stood silent for a moment as he contemplated his next move. Just then, an idea came to his head so good he released a low chuckle.

Crazy Steve: "He's not even doing the Dr. Evil pinky thing!"

“First things first, we raise the stakes,” He declared. “I was originally going to offer a million dollars to whoever killed the Bat and his little freaks, but now I’m raising it to fifty million. Fifty million to anyone who kills the Bat and his friends, but if they make that plant bitch suffer, I’ll double it. Spread the message out to every scumbag in the city!”

The thugs nodded in agreement, leaving the office to get to work on their boss’s requests.

Chummer: (Whistles) "Fifty million times two is 100 millions. We could clean up!" (Receives a death glare from Capper) "If we're criminals, that is, which we've given up a long time ago..."

Later that same day, Alfred was supervising the workers, who were sifting through the smoking ruins of what was once Wayne Manor.

Fancy Pants: "I'm certain that mansion has seen better days..."

He nodded to Rachel the moment she arrived, directing her to what was left of the backyard. She was glad she wore her traditional boots as she picked her way through the smoking remnants of the greenhouse and found Bruce Wayne, who was hammering a board across the disused well. The remainder of the Mane Six and Spike did their best to help Bruce with the work.

Phantom's Extra Cut

My group and I, including Hunter, and Shadow also pitched in to help with whatever we can to restore all of Wayne Manor to its former glory.

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: *helping out* Well hello Rachel.

Bruce looked up having heard her coming thanks to the soot-stained broken glass on the ground. He nodded to her, then turned back to the well.

“Do you remember the day I fell?”

Rachel nodded, remembering that day all too clearly.

“Of course,” She recalled. “I was so scared for you. I’ve spent a lot of time being scared for you.”

Princess Luna looked up with heartfelt eyes and nodded in sympathy.

“Rachel… I’m—” Bruce began.

“No, Bruce,” She interrupted. “I’m sorry. The day Chill died – I said terrible things…”

True things,” Bruce added. “Justice is about more than revenge.”

Big Mac: "Yup."

“I never stopped thinking about you,” She admitted, smiling slightly. “About us… when I heard you were back… I started to hope—”

She was cut off when Bruce kissed her, and she returned the kiss for a moment before pulling back with a regretful expression.

Most of the Audience: "Awwww~!"

Gilda: "EW!" (Coves her eyes) "Warn me next time this stuff happens, okay?"

“Then I found out about your mask,” She said.

“Batman’s just a symbol, Rachel,” Bruce assured her.

Rachel shook her head and gently brushed his face with her fingers.

This is your mask,” She explained. “Your real face is the one criminals now fear. The man I loved… the man who vanished… never came back at all. But maybe he’s still out there somewhere. Maybe one day, when Gotham no longer needs Batman, I’ll see him again.”

Mare-Do-Well: "Uh...can someone run that by me again? Because I'm so lost..."

Big Mac: (To Mare-Do-Well) "What Rachel is trying to say was that...Bruce Wayne has now become the Batman. He is Batman. He's the hero of Gotham City, whilst Bruce Wayne is...just a man. A secret identity. And until the day comes when Gotham City has become a better city, without Batman, Bruce Wayne can never have a normal life with Rachel. In other words...there can be no Rachel for Bruce Wayne, with Batman."

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: She's right Bruce, maybe someday, when things are a lot more peaceful in Gotham, you two might be able to have your happiness together.

This gave Bruce hope as he glanced at the newly covered well.

“As I sat there, I knew… I could sense it,” He muttered.

“What?” Rachel asked.

He looked back at her, taking her hand.

“That things would never be the same.”

Once the well was completely sealed up, Bruce and Rachel walked together through the ruins.

“Well, you proved me wrong,” Rachel smiled, shaking her head.

“About what?” Ben inquired.

“Your father would be proud of you,” Rachel responded. “Just as I am.”

Big Mac: "Yup."

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: He most certainly would be.

She started to walk away while Bruce crouched down and dug through the debris until he pulled out his father’s stethoscope; she stopped in her tracks, then turned back.

“What will you do?” She asked, referring to the manor.

Bruce glanced at the ruins, what little remained of his home, then turned back toward her.

“I’m going to rebuild it just the way it was,” He spoke honestly, with purpose. “Brick for brick.”

Big Daddy McColts: "Now that's a lot of work for one man. Need any help?"

Rachel nodded, then walked off. For a moment, Bruce stared after her wistfully until Alfred approached. When they together, they walked side-by-side through the smoking ruins.

Just the way it was, sir?” The older man asked.

“Yes, why?” He asked.

“I thought we might take the opportunity of making some improvements to the foundation,” Alfred suggested.

Bruce quickly caught on to what his old friend meant.

“In the southeast corner?” He guessed.

Precisely, sir,” Alfred nodded, smiling.

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: That's a fine idea. With maybe more room for more gadgets.

Bruce: Including yours?

Me: You bet.

Just then, a gust of wind picked up and the Equestrians turned their eyes from their work to the crystal portal back to Equestria opening up. The Mane Six, Spike, and Sonata all looked at it with smiles on their faces.

“Guess it’s time to go,” Twilight said.

Hunter's Extra Cut

Me: So it is. What a ride it's been.

Mina: This has been a dream come true for me, going to a comic book world and fighting alongside the hero!~ I can't wait to do it again!

Phantom's Extra Cut

Derick: (Agreeing with Mina) "Me too! Except hopefully next time, we don't get targeted by a team of assassins sent from Hell to kill us."

Carrie White: "I don't know. It was kind of exciting. Besides, those imps are...kinda okay. And Loona's not so bad...for a hellhound. And besides..." (Turns to Krystal and Isabelle) "We did made some new friends."

Krystal: (To Carrie White) "I don't understand the entirety of the nature of why we are here. But perhaps we are fated for this encounter. Only time will tell."

Isabelle: *Says something in animalise*

Me: (Stretched my arms) "Welp. After, not one, but two Cinematic Adventure where I'm a background guest-star, there's nothing I'd like to do more than to go back home to Equestria, with my wife, Rain Shine, at her village." (I turned to Krystal and Isabelle) "So, what do you say? You both coming?"

Isabelle said something in animalise, while Krystal read my thoughts and was suprised.

Krystal: (To me) "You mean for us to come and stay with you, in Equestria, in your abode?"

Me: "If that's okay, with you that is. I mean, I'm sure Fluttershy would be more than welcome to have a guest or two, at her cottage, if you're..." (Isabelle said something to me in animalese) "Huh? What was that?"

Krystal: (Smiling) "She said we would love that!"

Me: (To Krystal) "And hopefully, we'll find a way to get you both back home. Wherever it is..."

They all turned back around as Bruce, Alfred, and even Rachel made their way to their side. They all looked upon their equine friends with smiles on their faces.

“Well, what can I say?” Bruce smirked. “It’s sure been one hell of an adventure.”

“Ya got that right, sugar cube,” Applejack nodded.

“Busting up bad guys, driving tanks, and meeting awesome new friends,” Rainbow listed. “This epic adventure is just another Tuesday for us.”

Eric Bischoff: "Really? If that's just another Tuesday, then what would be a Monday then?"

Silver Shill: (To Eric Bischoff) "That would be a bad day for Steve." (Points to Crazy Steve doing another of his usual antics)

Crazy Steve: (Screaming at a changeling who tries to steal Pharynx's 24/7 Championship Belt) "SIT DOWN!!!"

“I haven’t exactly gotten to know you all very well,” Rachel smiled regretfully. “Still, I’m thankful to have met you and for keeping Bruce safe.”

“Don’t worry about that, darling,” Rarity assured her. “I have a feeling we’ll be back here again in the future.”

“Oh totally, come the sequel you’ll have plenty of times to get to know us,” Pinkie smiled. “Hear it’s quite a crowd favorite.”

Phantom's Extra Cut

Me: (Spoiler alert triggered) "NO SPOILERS, PINKIE!!!" (I pounced on Pinkie Pie and clobbered her) "Uh...did I just do that?"

Pinkie Pie: (Speaks to me in agony) "That was unnecessary!"

“Anyways… as long as there’s plenty of crime here to solve, we’ll be back,” Spike assured.

“If any of you ever find yourselves in Gotham again, just know you’re always welcome to Wayne Manor,” Alfred smiled at them.

“Could you give my thanks to Detective Gordon again?” Sonata asked hopefully. “He’s a good man; Gotham needs more people like him.”

Shining Armor: "I couldn't agree more."

Big Mac: "Yup!"

“No problem,” Rachel assured. “I’ll be sure to tell him. I promise.”

Hunter's Extra Cut

Bruce: Hunter, it's been an honor working alongside you. Look forward to our next mission together.

Me: Same here, partner.

*We shake hand and hoof*

Me: Let's go home ponies, and dragon.

The Mane Six, Spike, and Sonata all turned back toward the portal. But before they took a step, Twilight turned toward Sonata, who still retained a sad look on her face… a painfully worried expression to boot.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, concerned.

“It’s just… I don’t know if I’ll truly be welcome in Ponyville,” Sonata admitted. “I’m not exactly a ponyafter all.”

“Pony or not… you’re one of us now Sonata Dusk,” Twilight assured. “Let no pony tell you any different.”

Big Mac: "Nope."

Extra Cut

Me: "Ditto. But..." (I leaned in close to Sonata) "You might want to steer clear of Crazy Steve and his...enchiladas. He's still on edge since that time you and your sisters attacked him, Discord, and Storm Shield before WWE."

Nodding with a light smile, Sonata slowly took her footsteps through the portal until she was fully enveloped by the light. One by one, the remainder of the Equestrians followed Sonata through the portal until all that remained was Twilight Sparkle and Spike.

Extra Cut

Me: (To Hunter, Shadow, and the rest of our group) "Hold on tight everyone. GERONIMOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

And we all disappeared out of sight.

Discord: "HEEEEYYYY!!!!" (Comes running after us, barely out of his superhero costume) "HEY WAIT FOR MEEEEEEEEE!!!!" (Disappears into the portal with us.

Discord's Theater – Ponyville

As soon as we had entered the portal, we all found ourselves exiting the portal and into Discord's Theater, into the theater room where our friends and loved ones were waiting for us. Plus, upon arriving, Sonata had changed back into her true siren form...which is very big...about Queen Novo's size, give or take.



Pharynx: (Bug eyes in horror) "COUNTESS COLORATURA!!!"

In the meantime, everyone all gathered around us to welcome us home.

Rarity goes to hug both Eric, their daughter, Sweetie Belle, and family.

Apple Family: "APPLEJACK!!!"

Zephyr Breeze: "RAINBOWS!!!" (Rainbow dodges Zephyr's embrace, causing him to trip) "Whoa!" (Crashes into Tempest Shadow, spilling chocolate pudding on her face) "Uh oh. I'm gonna get pummeled, aren't I?"

Tempest Shadow: (Death glares at Zephyr Breeze) "YUP!"

Zephyr Breeze is blasting off again.


Pinkie Pie: (Bouncing) "Where's my Lil'Cheese?" (Lil'Cheese pops out of her mane) "There he is!" (Hugs both her son and husband)

Fluttershy: (Stretches her wings) "Home sweet home." (Turns to Carrie and Derick and they shared hug, then turned to Discord) "Discord. Get up..."

Krystal: (To Fluttershy) "So...this is...your precious Discord Theater? How...unusual."

Isabelle: *Says something in animalese*

Fluttershy: (To Isabelle) "Oh, yes! There's lots to see in this town of ours. I hope you enjoy your stay here, until we find a way to get you two home."

While Hunter and Mina leave to bond over some stuff, I walked over to Rain Shine.

Me: "Rain Shine!" (I run up to my wife with outstretched arms)

Rain Shine: (To me) "Honey!" (She galloped over to me for a kiss) "You said you wouldn't be working tonight..."

Me: "I know, I know. And I'm sorry. It's just that...the Dazzlings attacked, our friends needed to chase after them. Then, Carrie and Derick suddenly jumped into the portal, and I followed after them and now, here I am with our friends, old and new." (Looked over to Eric Bischoff and Stone Cold Steve Austin) "Whoa...Eric Bischoff? Stone Cold Steve Austin? What are you guys doing here?"

Eric Bischoff: (To me) "I was called to fill in for you, by your boss."

Stone Cold Steve Austin: (To me) "And I'm here because...your security stinks..."

Me: (To Stone Cold Steve Austin) "I don't blame you."

Autumn Blaze: (To me) "Speaking of which. Where is that Sonata girl? I'm kinda looking forward to meeting her."

Me: "Uh..." (Looked around) "Sonata? Sonata?"

Sonata Dusk: (Raises a...a flipper?) "Present!" (Gets up with Pharynx stuck to her chest, before he peels off and falls to the floor) "Oopsie."

Random Dude: *Gasps* (Points at Sonata Dusk) "SHE TACKLED PHARYNX!!!"

Thorax: *Gasps* "PHARYNX!" (Holds Pharynx's hoof) "Speak to me. Say something!"

Pharynx: (In a helium voice) "I'm only 3 ½ years old!" (Proceeds to burble his lips)

At that moment, on cue, Lucky Clover appeared and made the count.


Lucky Clover: (Tapping with his hooves) "ONE! TWO! THREE!!!"

Lucky Clover: (Holds up Sonata's hooves) "THE NEW 24/7 CHAMPIOOOOOOOOONNNNN!!!!" (Shakes Sonata's hooves and gives her the belt) "Congratulations, Sonata! You are now the holder of this valuable and elusive 24/7 Championship Belt!"

Sonata Dusks: (Looks at the belt in her hooves) "Omigosh! For realsies?!"

Me: (Looks at her with a sorry look) "Uh, Sonata? You should run..."

Sonata Dusk: (To me) "Run? Run where?" (Notices every greedy looks set on her now) "Uh...why is everyone looking at me like this?"

Sunburst: (With a mischievous look) "Y'know...as much as I've forgiven you...I still wanted to avenge for what you did to Sunset...And this is such a golden opportunity I can't pass up to watch."

Garble: "That's...my...gold!" *HIC*

Trixie: (Her eyes fixated on the 24/7 Championship Belt) "Me precious!" *HIC*

Crazy Steve: (Glares at Sonata Dusk) "You. Ate. My. Enchilada."

Sonata Dusk: (Sweat drops) "Uh..." (Looks to me, Hunter, Shadow, and others for help)

Me: (Along with everyone else who are sane) "RUN!"

The Gold Fevers: "GET HER!!!"

Sonata Dusk: (Screaming for her life) "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"


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