• Published 8th Sep 2022
  • 1,020 Views, 30 Comments

Black as Sin - BearstarSeraph

Vegeta gives pony obsessed Bulla the dragon balls, what could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Chapter 15: Caramelized Curls

Chapter 15: Caramelized Curls

In the hospital wing, Princess Luna has set up a makeshift office in a room across the hall from Vegeta’s.

“An unknown healing spell? Can you trace it?”

“I’m sorry Princess Luna,” Captain Hawkeye said, “But none of the staff has witnessed anything like this before. It appears to have a nexus next to the heart, but there’s no object there to serve that purpose. It seems to have altered his blood somehow. His tests not only don’t register it as equine, it no longer registers as anything. It has no magic signature at all, and yet this change has triggered his rapid healing. It is not natural.”

“Vegeta’s species has no internal magic,” Luna thought, “And Twilight’s scan at the cliff gave the same result.”

She put her right hoof to her mouth to cover a yawn. “Excuse me,” she said, lowering it. She stood, “Let’s go see what this is then.”

She walked across the hallway.

Vegeta was lying with his eyes closed.

“Hello, Princess Luna. Let me guess, there’s something wrong with my tests…”

“How did thee know it was us?” she asked, surprised.

Vegeta opened his eyes slightly, “Your horseshoes sound different than the others.”

“Th-You could tell by such a small sound?”

“Even the slightest of noises can be an assassin in the dark,” Vegeta smirked, “Or give you away if you’re the assassin.”

“I see,” Luna said curtly. “A stallion as yourself would notice such things.”

Vegeta raised his head off the pillow. “Any elite warrior worth his salt should notice such things.” He placed his head back down, “So what’s wrong with the tests?”

“The doctors hath noticed something off and asked me to examine.”

“Well get on with it. I am your pincushion.”

“Thy wife must have the patience of a saint to put up with thy sarcasm,” she walked around the bed.

“Nah. It’s actually been one 20-year-long argument,” he smirked.

Luna lowered her glowing horn, “We shalt not begin to understand thee.”

“Probably for the best.”

Luna raised her head. Vegeta saw the perplexed look on her face.

“Well?” Vegeta’s voice quivered slightly.

“Tis vexing,” she said, confused. “But we cannot deny the results.”

“Which are?”

“There is a trace of harmony magic within thee. It is healing thee rapidly, but the exact spell is unknown. I believe it is suppressing thy magic and elevating thy native powers. When thee first came, the blood thou left at the cliff reacted as if it did not exist when it was tested, but by the time of your bath it acted normally. Thy blood is again acting as if it does not exist. If thy healing powers are as thou describe in thy native form, this accelerated healing could be a predictable outcome.”

“Why would it react like it’s not there?” he asked, just as confused.

“All things possess magic in this world. The thought of something naturally not having it has never been encountered.”

Vegeta furrowed his eyebrows, “It’s invisible… Tell me. The alarms and warning systems this nation has. If…”

Luna’s eyes widened. “It would not trigger,” she cut him off. “Oh dear.”

Vegeta closed his eyes, “That’s what I was afraid of…” He opened them again, “So how soon will I be out of here now?”

“It is too soon to tell,” Vegeta heard Captain Hawkeye from farther off, probably near the door. “But in this short time there has been a very noticeable difference. We will need to observe this phenomenon for some time before we can make any predictions.”

“So how many more checks do you feel comfortable with before you plot the curve?”

“Wha…?” he heard.

Vegeta rolled his eyes, “You’re talking to the husband of the woman who invented time travel. You don’t live in dorkville for two decades and not pick up some numericables.” He crosses his eyes and sticks out his tongue out the side of his mouth.

“That’s not…”

“If you could see his facial expression doctor, you could see his sarcasm.”

“Ah… Forgive me, your Highness,” the doctor bowed his head.

Vegeta rolled his eyes, “Has it been 20 minutes yet?”

“30 actually,” Luna said, “But Discord is doing poorly. Your intuition was correct on more serious injury. But now that we know about this spell, I hesitate exposing him to it so soon. Allow us to discuss with him before we decide.”

Vegeta watched her trot out of sight and heard her leave the room. Then he thought of something.

“Hey Doc?”

“Yes Prince Vegeta?”

“When’s food?”

Vegeta can tell it will not be a good answer by the hesitation.


Yep, called it,” Vegeta thought.

“… With your blood work ineffective, it is safer to feed you on a normal schedule than on the accelerated one you requested.”

“How soon then?”

“Exactly an hour and a half. It is 4:30.”

Vegeta sighed, “This has to be the longest afternoon ever…”


“Ah, here we are. Canterlot’s Royal Company House.” Fancy Pants said as the carriage came to a stop. “Stay in here. I’ll be back shortly.” He hopped out of the carriage and trotted in.

The clerk looked up from her book when the doorbell rang.

“Hello, Turtle Dove. How are you this fine afternoon.”

“Hello Fancy Pants,” the white earth pony with blonde hair smiled, “Royal Seal thought you would be by, so we pulled a copy of Blue Skies Air Yachts’ certificate, bylaws, and stock history.” She tapped the first of several stacks of books.

“Truly? By Celestia that’s wonderful. Tell Royal Seal thank you for me.”

“I will,” she said ducking under the counter. She came back up with a clipboard in her mouth. She set it down. “Just fill out the checkout papers and you’ll be on your way.”

Fancy Pants smiled and trotted over to the counter. He picked up the quill and began signing his name for the list of books. “So tell me, how’s your sister Dainty Dove doing in Manehatten?”

“Quite well, thank you for asking.”

“That’s good to hear. Tell her Fleur and I look forward to dinner when her fashion shows bring us to Manehatten in three months.”

“I will.” Then she scowled. “Fancy Pants…”

He froze and looked up.

“I don’t care much for Aquafina and Trident after what they’ve done. But I do care about Sea Swirl. Do whatever you can.”

Fancy Pants nodded. “I intend to.”


Above the working floor, Royal Scroll peeked through his office’s curtains out over the room. He watches Fancy Pants leave with the books in his magic.

He let go of the blinds and they snapped back into place. “He’s taken the books,” he said, turning back into the room.

“Good,” Poppycock smiled, “With that enchantment on the final pages, he’ll never know there was never a stock split to include the baby.”


Turtle Dove walked out with Fancy Pants and waved goodbye as the carriage pulled away.

Unbeknownst to everyone, someone else was watching the carriage pull away from the rooftops.


Vegeta snapped his eyes open. “What was that?” he thought at the shiver that just went down his back.

Vegeta raised his head at the knock at his door. He saw Luna smiling, “Discord is prepared Prince Vegeta.” She walked into the room. Behind her a bed was rolled in.

“You look like crap,” Vegeta said.

Discord chuckled, “I’ve had worse.”


“Close. The mana filaments in my arms are burned all the way into my shoulders and back.”

As Discord was positioned, Celestia walked in. “You have a detailed eye, Prince Vegeta. If you had not spoken up, Discord was just going to push through the pain thinking it was temporary.”

“I haven’t been told what you need me for yet.”

“That must wait until the dreamscape,” Celestia said.

Vegeta looked at the door, “No pink one?”

“Nay, Princess Cadence will not be joining us for this sojourn,” Luna said.

Celestia lay on the floor. “Doctors. Leave us.”

They all bowed and walked past.

Luna positioned herself next to her sister. “Is everypony ready?”

“As I’ll ever be,” Vegeta placed his head on the pillow.

“Yep,” Discord said, shuffling into his pillow.

“Then let us begin,” Luna said, flashing her horn.


Celestia, Luna and Discord stood before the Gryphon Embassy.

“Wait,” Celestia looked around, “Where is…?”

“Up here.”

The three looked up and saw Vegeta hovering in the air. Celestia and Luna cringed realizing he was wearing a leather jacket.

Vegeta landed.

“So, this is what you really look like,” Discord chuckled, “You’re one odd looking bastard. And I know odd.” He walked over and circled him, “I have never seen clothing like this either.” He lifted Vegeta’s arm, “What on Equis are you wearing?”

Vegeta ripped his arm away. “My motorcycle jacket and boots, blue jeans and a red t-shirt.” He turned to the building. “So, what am I looking at?”

“This is the Holy Gryphon Empire’s Embassy,” Celestia said, “I recently gave a prominent political dissident sanctuary here in Equestria, and greatly dishonored the ambassador’s family in the process. They are a proud, predatory species bound by honor.” She glanced at Vegeta, “Much as your own kind.” Celestia turned back to the building, “I asked Discord to watch over the embassy to gauge their reaction, but he saw things he could not explain, except with ‘Magic without magic’. Since your kind’s technology is described similarly, I wanted your opinion.”

“Then let’s get started. Where to first?”

“I’d say the machine in the basement,” Discord said, “It was making non magical electricity to run the other things.”

Vegeta nodded. Then he noticed the huge flagpole. He walked over and put his hand on it. “Is this connected to anything inside?”

“Yes,” Discord said surprised, “There is a clicking machine in there they apparently are using to communicate over the aether without disturbing it.”

He looked at Discord, “What’s Aether?”

“It is the magic that permeates all things,” Celestia said. “It enfolds the whole of Equis from the deepest stones to the highest clouds. The sun and moon also have their own aether fields.”

“And you can communicate through it by sending pulses between machines?”

“Of course, magic wielders have been using it between themselves since before Luna and I were born. But things like radio are much more recent.”

Vegeta looked back at the flagpole.

“What is it?” Luna asked.

“Won’t know until we get inside,” Vegeta said, taking his hand off of it, “Let’s go.”


“Good Stars, I’m in one of Trunk’s Steampunk fantasies.”

“A what?” Discord asked, beating the princesses.

“A fictional Earth story set in a time period called the Victorian era, after the queen who ruled over it. Like 50 years or something.”

“How can you tell?” Luna asked.

Vegeta pointed at wires running along the top of the wall, “This is knob and tube wiring.”

“It is odd,” Celestia says, “I haven’t seen such things in almost two hundred years.”

“How long has it been for thee?” Luna asked.

“For Earth, I honestly don’t know. My guess would be before unification since those stories involve war between rival domestic nations.” He looked at Discord, “These wires connect the generator to this clicker and the flagpole?”

“Yep. But like I told Celestia, there’s no magic.” He pointed, “The second door leads to the basement.”

Vegeta jogged over and opened the door.


The group was standing in the basement, gawking at two large machines connected by belts to a third.

“You did not mention they were this large,” Celestia said.

“These aren’t that large,” Vegeta said noticeably annoyed, “More like medium small.”

He walked over and leaned on the top of one looking at the back, “Did you get a look on the inside of one of these?”

“I actually saw this one being repaired,” Discord said walking to the other one.

Vegeta hopped on top of the other one, “Show me.”

Discord began playing the movie. “I made it permeable so you can move through it.”

Vegeta saw several creatures, half bird half cat. He tilted his head, “These are griffons?”

“Yes,” Celestia said. Luna nodded.

Vegeta squatted down to watch them work. Something about their language sounded familiar as they squawked.

Ich… ein… lachen… delicatessen…

“Deli…” he thought, “Oh. These things are based on Germany.” He lowered his brow, “Definitely one of Earth’s more notable warrior tribes. Need to watch them.”

“Thou see something Prince Vegeta?”

“Not far enough yet to tell… wait never mind. This is a diesel engine. No spark plugs. What are they saying?”

“Mostly talking about… eating meat,” he could hear Celestia’s disgust. “Wait, you cannot understand them?”


“Once you are well, perhaps we should look into translation spells for you now that we know you recognize this technology.”

“What is diesel?” Discord asked.

“A liquid fuel made from what you call ‘griffin fire’. Although I smell oil lubricants, I don’t smell the fuel itself.”

“It’s been jerry-rigged to use magic,” Discord began, “It is the reason…”

“Holy fuck! It cracked a piston,” Vegeta said leaning forward through the illusion, “No other wear on it either. Oh my Stars. Almost in half.”

“I assume from thy foul words that tis severe damage?” Luna asked.

“Very.” Vegeta put his face deep into the engine, “I don’t see any cracks in the engine block though. That would be fatal.”

“To the machine or the operator?” Luna asked.

“Depends on how close you’re standing,” Vegeta said standing up himself. He walked over to the working machine following the belts to the third. “Did you see how this one works?”

“Yes, let me fast forward.”

Vegeta could almost swear he heard the squeaking noise and saw the white lines of a VHS as the scene jumped to one of the griffons unscrewing the plating.

The other griffon shouted.

“He said, ‘Don’t kill yourself on that thing’.” Celestia said.

Vegeta knelt getting a good look inside before the plating is put back on. “It’s a static charger. Copper brushes rubbing against a belt.”

“Static?” Luna tilted her head. “Th-you mean like a balloon standing up a mane?”

Vegeta looked up at her, “How is natural lightning made here?”

“Magic,” the three said at once.

“Jinx!” Discord yelled.

“I’m my world,” Vegeta said standing, “Lightning is the discharge of static caused by ice crystals bumping into each other in violent storms. A single bolt has the power to kill dozens up to a mile away, plunge cities into darkness, and cause fires that sweep across hundreds of square miles in less than thirty minutes. It is an uncontrollable and lethal force, ignored at one’s peril.” He smiled seeing their dropped jaws. “And all that from a party trick,” he smirked.

“And thou say such power lies within our world? Hidden from us in plain sight?”

“Electromagnetism, Strong Force, Weak Force, Gravity. The four fundamental forces that control the universe. Unified, they give full power to control reality itself. Magic is magic, but all it does is manipulate these things. Electromagnetism is the most powerful and easiest to manipulate, even without magic. For most civilizations it is the first learned and first mastered. You. Are. The. Exception. NOT. The. Rule. Everything you believe of the world outside your small sphere is completely wrong if you do not recognize this simple thing.” Vegeta gestured to the electric generator.

Vegeta saw all three of them were offended. Celestia twitched. Luna scowled. Discord crossed his arms.

Vegeta tilted his head slightly. “The truth hurts, don’t it?” he said sarcastically.

“Last I checked, I’m the one who is supposed to mock and annoy…” Discord started.

Vegeta suddenly sprinted past them.

They turned and saw him trying to pick up an item leaning against some boxes in the corner.

“Discord! What is this?” he demanded, pulling with what they thought was all his strength. He even had a foot on a wooden crate.

“I didn’t pay attention to that stuff,” Discord said. “It’s just a picture.”

Vegeta stopped trying to pick it up and knelt down. He held his hand out but hesitated to touch it, only slowly moving his hand up and down the object.

The three walked over.

“Are you… scared?” Celestia asked, seeing his face.

“I don’t see what the big deal is?” Discord said, leaning over Vegeta and twisting his head in a full circle before his body unwinds.

“No wooden construction… Stamped metal… machine worked… mass production…” Vegeta mumbled.

“Prince Vegeta?” Luna asked.

“Shenlong what have you done…”


The carriage pulled up to one of many gates in a row of large mansions. Fancy Pants leaned out of the window and lit his horn. A pattern lit up on the metal and the gates slid open.

He pulled his head back in. “Runic lock. Only responds to select spellcaster’s signatures. Everypony else needs to be rung in,” he smiled.

As they pulled up to the gate a pastel blue unicorn maid with black hair ran out the door. “My lordship, we weren’t expecting you home so soon.”

Fancy Pants chuckled and his horn lit up. “I can tell by the flour on your uniform, my dear,” he said, wiping her dress and straightening her crooked bonnet. “We have two guests for dinner,” he sidestepped as Bocce, then Rarity made their way out of the carriage. “Is it possible to have a late afternoon tea for the four of us?”

“Yes. We will prepare it right away,” she bowed, “Which room will you be hosting our guests?”

“Hmmm.” Fancy Pants scratched his chin. “Oh, why not in the upper parlor? It is a lovely day. We can throw the Prench doors open and enjoy the fresh air from the balcony.”

“As you wish,” she bowed.

Fancy Pants then levitated the stacks of books out of the carriage.

“Sir, shall I send for a footstallion?”

“No, that’s quite alright, my dear. We are in a bit of a hurry. Just prepare our tea and snacks for now.”

“As you wish,” she bowed again and left.


Fancy Pants opened the doors to the balcony. He took a deep breath. “Ah… what a lovely sunny day. The pegasi really outdid themselves today.” He turned around and lit his horn. The table and four chairs floated over, “Let’s enjoy the sunshine.”

Fleur dis Lee sat down next to the window, “Bocce, come over and sit by me.” She tapped on the inner chair.

Bocce sat down with Fleur between him and the doors. Rarity sat next to her on the left.

Fancy Pants sorted through the stacks of books. He pulled out twelve books and gave each person three. “These are the ones marked as bylaws. We need to find anything relating to 11%.”


On the other side of Canterlot, they were being watched through binoculars.

“Ziel gefunden. Warte auf Bestätigung. (Target located. Awaiting confirmation.)”


Two hours later, another tea party is being held.

“Here are the drinks and meals you ordered, your Majesties, Ladies,” a footstallion bowed as more footstallions and maids brought in several carts of sandwiches and sweets.

“Alright!” Rainbow Dash tapped her front hooves together, “I’m starving!” She flew up to the carts.

“Thank you very much,” Twilight thanked the staff. “You may wait out in the hall.”

“As you wish,” he bowed.

The staff left.

“Oh boy! Oh boy!” Pinkie Pie bounced over.

“Which one is the strawberries?” Bulla asked excitedly.

“Here you go,” Pinkie handed her a plate.

Bulla carefully took the plate and walked with three hooves over to her seat.

Suddenly Pinkie began to shake like a rattlesnake.

“Oh nonononono,” Pinkie said, bolting from the tea party. She headed to the balcony and pulled a rope from her mane and belayed down.

“Hey Pinkie?!” Rainbow Dash said coming to the balcony.

The others were a close second.

“What the hay’s put the fire under her fetlocks?” Applejack said.

“Did you see which way she went, Dash?” Twilight asked.

“Ran towards the gardens’ exit,” she answered.

“Is something wrong with Daddy again?”

They all turned around and saw Bulla trembling.

“Don’t worry,” Twilight smiled, “Your Daddy’s room is on the complete opposite side of the palace. She went the wrong way if it was him, and the ‘Pinkie Sense’ never lies.”

“Yeah, she’ll be fine. Now let’s get back to food.” Rainbow Dash darted to the table filled with a real meal instead of pretend, “I’m hungry enough to eat a haystack.”

Twilight and Applejack returned to the table, but Fluttershy hesitated.

“She… seemed… scared,” she said.


Pinkie Pie was putting every ounce of earth pony strength into her hooves, leaving cracked pavestones, a trail of flames and startled pedestrians in her wake.

Tears welled up and her hair flattened. “Nonononono. I’m not going to make it!” she thought, “Why did I panic and run off? If I had only told Rainbow Dash…” Her hair popped back up and her eyes narrowed in determination “Wait. That’s it! Come on Pinkie Pie, just like you always do. Just like HE said.”

Pinkie Pie began taking giant leaps into the air. After several she noticed she was going farther as she descended slower. Finally, when her hooves went to hit the ground, it was nothing but air. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Pinkie screamed as she ran higher and higher, leaving petrified ponies and a three-carriage pileup behind.


“Oh, all this legalese is making my eyes cross,” Rarity said, taking off her red glasses with her magic then rubbing the center of her eyes with her hoof.

“Yes, these bylaws are more complicated than normal,” Fancy Pants said, “Seems the lawyer was a little overzealous. All noble companies have their own internal quirks, but these traditions are never articulated in this detail to the public. Must have been a young buck just out of college who hadn’t had the ‘This is how the real world works.’ talk yet or too idealistic to listen. I hope the poor chap isn’t blacklisted over this.”

“Duke Fancy Pants,” Bocce stood up from his chair, “This page has the words 11% on it.” He turned the book around in his magic. “Something about stock splitting and ownership.”

Fancy Pants took the booklet, flipped a few pages back and began reading. Fleur dis Lee stood and walked over to read over her husband’s shoulder.


On the other side of Canterlot, there was a click.


Fancy lowered the pages and looked at Bocce “By Celestia, I think you…”

Suddenly the table and its content went flying as something impacted them.


The chaos and screams across the way satisfied the shadow and it disappeared.

In the mass of tables, chairs, table cloths, formerly fine china, and the tea and sandwiches, there was a mass of pink tangled over one of brown. Rarity recognized the cutie mark.

“Pinkie Pie!” Rarity fumed as she pulled a table cloth and other carnage off of them. Pinkie’s torso is covered in blood from a gaping hole in her barrel.

Fleur screamed. Soon joined by the maids who came running.

Rarity held Pinkie as her hair went flat. “Pinkie Sense… Murder… Brown… Hide…”

She stopped moving, eyes still open.


Vegeta gasped and gripped his heart with his right hand. “Pinkie Pie…” he whispered as he turned and sat leaning against crates with his back.

“Prince Vegeta?” Celestia said as she and her sister rushed over.

“Do we need to wake and call the doctors?” Luna asked.

“Something is wrong with Pinkie Pie!” Vegeta shouted visibly in pain. “Don’t ask me how, I just know! Wake us up and find her! Now! Now! It feels like she’s dying!”