• Published 9th Sep 2022
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Approaching Apotheosis - KKSlider

When the days draw short and the nights grow long, the line between friend and foe becomes harder to see. The formerly-human King Phasma must stand strong with his friends against the encroaching dark.

  • ...

14- Fates

Pharynx shivered in his greatcoat.

Staring at the body of a dead immortal felt strange. It was like Pharynx was seeing something that he shouldn't be, that he was committing a sin by merely witnessing the confirmation that even royals can die.

The feeling of wrongness was accompanied by an increasingly-familiar sense of dread. Soon, lings will be looking at him in the same way.

Pharynx tore his gaze away from the Skeleton King and stared at the changeling addressing him.

"What?" He asked.

"... I said that the last of the wagons are down," Cricket repeated. "Everyling is present and accounted for and all the wagons are ready for unloading. What are your orders?"

"Oh," Pharynx mumbled. "Yes. I want teams to scout out the Palace, find rooms for storage, sleeping quarters, and-"

"We've already done that, Prince Pharynx," Cricket cut him off. "As you ordered."

"Hmph, good," Pharynx grunted.

".... What are our orders, My Prince?" Cricket asked, patience clearly wearing thin.

Pharynx resisted the urge to glance back at the skeleton wearing the mesmerizing crown, "Unload the wagons. Start a guard rotation for keeping an eye on the food storage, as well as the perimeter of the castle."

"Very good, My Prince. And the rest of the lings?"

"The rest?" Pharynx repeated.

"The rest of the changelings. You know, the ones that aren't Red Right Hoof soldiers?"

Pharynx blanked.

Cricket sighed, "The ponies will be here in four days. I suggest we make sure we have heating, security, physical food, and adequate lighting by then."

Pharynx nodded, "Sounds good. Let's get lights up first, as we need to see, followed by heating. Assemble teams to place heating enchantments on the rooms we'll be using." Pharynx shivered and pulled the collar of his coat tighter around his neck, "The sooner we can get warm, the better."

"I can agree with that," Cricket muttered. "When will we hold our first meeting?"

"Meeting?" Pharynx asked. "Aren't we talking right now?"

"Meeting with the whole colony," Cricket elaborated.

"Feh. The Q- former Queen Chrysalis didn't meet with the Fourth Hive. Why should I?"

"King Phasma met with the Fifth Hive when it was this small," Cricket glared at Pharynx. "It's important to meet the drones and understand what problems they're facing. You shouldn't use Chrysalis as a role model."

"... Probably not," Pharynx admitted.

'But that brings me back to square one; what the hell am I supposed to be doing?'

“Tomorrow morning?” Cricket suggested.

He nodded, “After breakfast. Let’s have the dining hall heated before then. Dormitories first, then the dining hall. After we’ve got that done, we can start thinking about making things habitable for the walking food.”


“Walking food,” Pharynx insisted. “They can stay in our city if they want, but the price they will have to pay will be us making snide remarks behind their backs– in addition to whatever deal Phasma worked out with them.”

Cricket sighed, “This is going to be a long assignment.”

“Anything else?” Pharynx asked, turning back to the dead King.

“... What do we do about him? Or the… crown?”

“Leave it. The last thing I want is the whole containment spell failing because we decided to give the poor bastard a proper send-off. No one is to touch the skeleton or even come within ten hooves of the thing without my explicit permission.”

“Prince Pharynx…. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” he dismissed without a thought.

“I’m an infiltrator, My Prince. You can’t exactly lie to me and get away with it.”

“What, you all can taste changeling emotions, too?” Pharynx dismissed with half of a thought.

“No,” the errant drone continued, “but you don’t need to be an empath to see that something troubles you.”

Now there were too many uncomfortable thoughts that Pharynx would have liked to keep suppressed. Thoughts of a battle yet to be waged, an end that Pharynx didn’t want, and pile of bodies– with his own on top.

‘So much damn blood.’

Pharynx was pulled out of his memory when Cricket placed a hoof on his shoulder.

“My Prince?”

He grunted and knocked her hoof away, “Get back to work, Cricket, or I’ll find you more work to keep you busy.”

Sometimes, I hated politics. Their ceaseless demand for perfection and effort wore me down like how rain weathers a mountain down to its bedrock. There was no guidebook for politics. No formulas to remember without understanding. No teacher to help me figure things out.

“Every action matters,” I said. “Big or small, everything we do is magnified a hundred times in everyone’s eyes. As it stands, there are only bad memories between ponies and changelings. Actions that stained the streets of every town and city south of the North Meridian line with the blood and fear of the invasion. We consecrate the fallen and their sacrifices. We set hard goals for our guards and soldiers to meet. We put changelings and ponies together in a room and expect them to make friends. To an extent, they do– but we should be doing more than setting hard goals and demanding quotas from our people. Let’s start giving them more positive memories.”

The three Princesses nodded along.

“A celebration should be held,” I continued. “One to mark the beginnings of changeling-pony relations not with a war, but a celebration that the fighting is over. We can give the Red Right Hoof and Royal Guard a night to celebrate, get drunk, and make fools of themselves together. We can give the ponies, drones, and thestrals living in Canterlot a reason to break out the good wine and toast to a future worth fighting for.”

I paused, cringing inwardly when I remembered that I was the sole supplier of alcohol and that my words might be considered self-promoting.


“Equestria’s next upcoming holiday celebrates the end of hatred between its tribes,” I began again. “Hearth’s Warming: a day to gather around a warm fire, share a hot meal, and chase away the dark with laughter and kindness. Perhaps one day, we newcomers to Equestria will be welcomed as equals by the fire. But we must let that happen naturally. Forcing our new relationship upon ponies may be seen as possessive, dismissive, and outright malicious by the more conservative minds of Equestria. Instead, I propose a new holiday, one marked a month earlier, to celebrate newfound friends.”

The changelings nodded along this time; Thorax in particular seemed happy.

“With the full backing and blessings of the Princesses of Equestria,” I said, gesturing to the three seated alicorns, “and with the approval of both changelings and thestrals,” I then gestured to the few seated changelings and thestrals present, “I introduce to you all: Lantern Night. The streets and skies of Equestria will be filled with light, from Princess Luna’s Aurora Borealis to paper lanterns lifting into the sky…”

I continued my presentation with only half of a mind paying attention. Every single seat in the chamber was taken– though I was not so disillusioned as to believe that every pony was here for me. It was very rare for the Princess to visit the Parliament of The Principality of Equestria. Now, for the first time ever, all three Princesses were present.

I could have been giving a lecture on the value of gray paint and useless paperwork and still would have had a full house.

All two hundred and ninety-five Members of Parliament were present, consisting of everything from elected officials from city-states to the landed gentry and their inherited titles. Accompanying them were approximately five hundred staff members in the outermost seating layer– including the members of the press and other agencies of Equestria’s sprawling government here to witness the events of today. The viewing gallery above the chamber was packed with a few hundred more observers, many resorting to standing to fit in.

The announcement of a brand new government holiday that had the backing of three Princesses and one Foreign-ish King was going to spread like wildfire. As I paused for breath in between practiced lines, I spied countless reporters frantically writing down my entire speech verbatim. Here and there, video cameras were recording the session, allowed in for the first time in Equestrian history. Their black-and-white footage would be replayed with the more-primitive audio recording, viewed all across the nation.

‘And likely repeated over radios once those start making their rounds in Equestria. Alas, that venture has had significant delays… Then again, I am more-or-less kickstarting the entire electronics economics sector. The amount of progress the Doubles have had is already extremely impressive. Which reminds me, I need to invite them over for dinner soon…’

The assembled ponies clapped their hooves as I finished my presentation. The holiday itself was an ambitious bid concocted by me and Bray Call to associate changelings and thestrals with a brand-new paid holiday. Elements had been grifted from the Chinese New Year celebration back on earth, with many more native elements thrown in. There were plans to prepare thestral recipes and share some of the more simplistic changeling artwork and gifts– though these would be woodcarvings and toys rather than the traditional Uttu-fang carvings and… toys.

Toys are toys. Every foal loves them.

There were other elements to the celebration. Stuff like food and…. music. I was never one for holiday parties, anyways.

The Crown would be hosting the centerpiece of the celebration: a massive feast in the Palace, with everyone who was someone attending. It was planned to be slightly smaller in scale compared to the Grand Galloping Gala, but equal in ambition. Since there wasn’t a huge Hearth’s Warming party hosted at the Palace– Celestia had always kept that holiday for herself– the nobles and well-to-do of Equestria would practically throw themselves at a new, official social club gathering that proved their social status. Especially since it didn’t actually interfere with their own personal parties. The holiday was being put before the Parliament as a proposal, but its implementation was as sure as the fact that the sun would rise in the morning tomorrow.

“I would like to turn the podium over to my assistant, Bray Call, who helped in no small manner to make this dream a reality.”

I stepped back and gestured for Bray Call to take up the podium, nodded once to the Princesses to show my official appreciation for the opportunity, and sat down in the changeling section to the side of the center dias in the chamber. The Magistrate of Equestria introduced Bray Call before she started her own presentation on the different celebration plans.

“Not good enough for Hearth’s Warming?” Coxa whispered to me as I sat next to him.

“I’d rather not give the more touchy ponies a reason to think we’re taking away their holiday,” I whispered back.

“A more forceful response might actually be better, though. We certainly can’t let them entertain the idea that they have a voice in us staying.”

“In due time,” I said, ending the conversation.

I tried to gauge the Parliament's feelings. Unfortunately, with so many ponies in one single room, I was only able to discern the emotions of the ones closest to me. Sure, every pony was smiling and looking on with rapt attention, but that hardly meant that these politicians were pleased. I could imagine that most were happy, as this was something the nobles never stopped pestering Celestia for– a form of official Hearths Warming party at the Palace, but there were plenty of bad eggs that would see it as nothing more than changeling interference in Equestria.

Whoever these dissenters were, they were wise enough to keep smiling and approve of the holiday.

'Smile and wave, boys, smile and wave.'

Luna trotted in place, “Phasma! Why didn’t you tell me that you were planning such a venture?! I could barely contain my excitement in that forum!”

I chuckled, “I, uh, didn’t think that you’d be so excited…”

“You jest! A holiday that takes place during the night, featuring my thestrals and the rarest works of art that I can feature in the sky above?! I feel like a teenager again, first experiencing what it’s like to paint the night’s canvas! Ooh, I have so many ideas! This is brilliant!”

“You know, when you state the obvious like that, it makes me seem like a moron for not including you from the beginning,” I said, smiling sheepishly.

Luna leaned over and pressed her cheek against mine, sighing contently. Quietly, I took a sip of the offered love as she nuzzled me.

“Hindsight always reveals the best path. What matters is that this is not set in stone yet. You have also left plenty of ways for me to be included, and you did give me a heads-up before today. I would have just preferred being included from the start… No matter! I can drown you in my plans and ideas now since the Parliament has approved of the official holiday! Where is young Bray Call? I wish to include her in these brainstorming sessions– as well as embrace her with strength enough to crack ribs! Which reminds me–”

Luna grabbed me and lifted me off the ground in a hug, squeezing hard, burying her face against my chest.

“This is a joyous day! Thank you, Phasma!”

“Love you, too, Luna. Now, uh, can you put me down? People are staring.”

She laughed and set me down, “Oh relax. What is so wrong about a show of affection?”

“It’s embarrassing,” I said quietly.

Luna pressed her nose against the underside of my chin, “But you love it.”


Luna set me down and we gathered ourselves, recomposing and pretending to be the stiff-back royals some thought us to be. I was not lying when I told her that people were staring; we were currently sitting on a bench at the edge of Canterlot’s central plaza, ponies milling about around the massive square centered around the Palace.

One particular pony caught my eye. She was a pink unicorn with a red mane and a strawberry Cutie Mark. I could have sworn that when she walked by and stared at us, I caught a whiff of pure hatred and anger. She turned away when the mare she was walking with not-so-subtly punched her in the shoulder.

‘I wouldn’t be surprised if many ponies here have a deep-rooted hatred of me. I did burn down a lot of homes during the first invasion.’

“Phasma, is your schedule for tomorrow important?”


Luna tapped her hooves together, “I need to ask for a favor. What are you busy with?”

I shrugged, “I’ve got a meeting with the Canterlot Social Society for the festival. Is your favor important? I can miss this meeting if need be.”

“I see,” Luna said. “I accidentally double-booked two meetings for the same afternoon. I have to run a charity event in Manehattan to raise funds for a new school there, as well as visit the Wonderbolts Academy near Cloudsdale for an official inspection of the Wonderbolt training initiative. I would be in your debt if you could complete the Wonderbolt observation for me.”

“Errr, I get that the Fifth Hive is your ally and all that, but this sounds like it’s a visit from the Equestrian Crown, official inspection and all that. I don’t exactly have jurisdiction or authority in Equestrian matters.”

Luna nodded, “You are correct in that assumption. However, that is exactly why I want you to attend that function. In addition to your presence doing the opposite of rousing support in Manehattan, you acting as an official representative for the Crown will further cement our two kingdom’s relationship.”

“As well as implicitly imply that I speak with your voice on Equestrian matters,” I added. “We’re not married, Luna. Will that cause problems?”

“The nobility are throwing up as much of a fuss as can be expected already. This will not worsen anything. This is just one military meeting, Phasma. Do not overthink it. Your importance in the Canterlot Confederacy can give you any legitimate excuse for attending demonstrations and inspections for our military. But I really do not think that anypony will raise a fuss over this. The Wonderbolts all know the importance of this upcoming war.”

“... They’ll be disappointed when they see me and not their Princess, but I’ll go.”

Luna grunted, “I doubt there will be much disappointment.”

“Oh please, you’re an adorable pony princess. People love you– especially since you’ve done so much to help out Canterlot following Daybreaker’s rise.”

“These are not Canterlot citizens, they are the pegasi primarily from Cloudsdale. They will have a neutral opinion of me at best, as I have had little interaction with either the Wonderbolts or Cloudsdale.”

“I’m sure you have a lot of fans in Equestria already. And if you don’t, I’ll have to work twice as hard to make you feel good,” I said, giving her a kiss.

“I am not saying no to more affection,” Luna grinned, “but what is a fan? I assume you do not mean the tool used to cool off somepony.”

“People who are excited to see you and are followers of your work. You know, someone who… worships is too strong of a word, perhaps some lesser version of that? You get the idea.” I sighed, “I’ll send someone in my stead to the Canterlot Society or whatever. It’s not something that’s worth your time. It was hardly even worth my time, to be honest.”

“Canterlot Social Society,” Luna corrected. “Funny you should mention them, I had to deal with their bureaucracy when handling the Grand Galloping Gala. I can write a personal apology letter for your replacement to deliver. It should smooth over any feathers that will be ruffled by your absence.”


Luna chuckled, “You do not have to thank me for doing a favor for me. Now, I believe that we have conversed for long enough! I see an ice-treat vendor over yonder and I intend on buying the biggest confection they have!”

I laughed, “You can tone down the ye ol’ Equish, Luna.”

“Nay, for our fans are present! Hello to you, good pony! And you, madam!”

“Rykard. Step forward.”

The blind griffon did as he was ordered.

King Cyne looked fondly down on the smaller griffon, “I… need to thank you, Rykard. With your help, I was able to say goodbye to Lothar. In fact, if it wasn’t for that damned poison….” The Hero sighed, “What’s done is done. We had a farewell. You were put in danger that night due to how close you were to me. You did all within your efforts to save my best friend, and you eased his passage. For that, I owe you. If there is any boon within my power to bestow that you desire, all you need to do is ask.”

The blind griffon swallowed nervously, “If only… All I wish is to return to my old life.”

Cyne looked around the tent at his followers, “Something we can all relate to. I cannot bring the past back to the present, no matter how much power the Heroes have bestowed upon me.”

“I know, My King.”

“There is something that we can offer,” came a whisper from the pendant hanging from the King’s neck. “Clear away the old bones of yesterday’s hunt and start again.”

“... What I can offer you is a new beginning,” Cyne said. “A place within Griffonia, a place at my table. There is always use for a healer as skilled as yourself.”

Rykard frowned, “I’m no skilled healer, King Cyne. I just had the right amount of knowledge to use at the right time.”

King Cyne gestured to several of the older griffons assembled– then chided himself for forgetting that Rykard was blind.

“There are griffons here that you can study under. Ones who will hone your skill. I offer this in gratitude for being there that night with us.”

“But Your Majesty, I am blind–”

“A trial you will no doubt overcome,” Cyne interrupted. “Anygriff that I stick you with will be forced to be patient and help you find a way. So says I, King Cyne Frostwing. Will you accept?”

The smaller griffon considered the offer. Several soldiers assembled jeered at him, saying there was nothing to think about.

“I will need to swear an oath?” Rykard asked.

“Of course.”

“I… will need to think about it, My King. May I present an answer tonight?”

Cyne nodded, then spoke aloud, “Yes, that is fine. Just do not tarry, Rykard. We will move against Cardinal Farvald soon. The rest of you, eat well tonight. Tomorrow, we fly. Dismissed.”

The griffons filed out of the large tent, with Rykard lagging behind. Once everygriff had left, Cyne ran a claw down the silver chain, down to the green gem that lay slotted in twisted gold framing.

“What did he think, Gristle?” He whispered, slipping back into his old Angriver accent.

“The rooster will accept,” Empress Gristle cooed.

“I didn’t ask what his decision was– no one is foolish enough to refuse a gift from a king! I asked what did he think? Was he excited? Afraid? Did he anticipate this?”

The gem’s spirit mumbled, “As you said, great King, only a fool–”

“Now is not the time for riddles,” Cyne growled. “I thought we were past this. An answer. Give me an answer.”

“... I do not know,” Gristle admitted.


“If I knew that, I would have warned you,” Gristle insisted.

“.... Perhaps,” Cyne admitted. “I’ll just have to keep an eye on him, then.”

Perhaps? You witless cock, have I not steered you truly so far?!”

Cyne glanced down at the gem and forced himself to stop rubbing it.

'Lothar is gone. Gone. Now all I have left is this has-been Empress to talk to. Damn them. Damn them! Damn the Idols and damn the Heroes!'

“... It happened again,” he whispered. “The Heroes have spoken.”


“Last night. I… had my meal, and in my content sleep, they came to me.”

Gristle paused, “... When the powers above move pieces, entire kingdoms rise and fall. What did they say?”

Cyne grimaced, “They have… ‘hedged their bets,’ as they put it.”

“... They never say anything straight, do they?” Gristle mused.

The King shook his head, “Considering how many opaque and confusing riddles, metaphors, and prophecies you rattled on about when I first found you, it’s no surprise. Any luck communicating with the Heroes yourself?”

“No,” Gristle said quickly. “Hedged their bets…. Now what could that mean?”

Cyne glanced around the tent and whispered in an even quieter tone, “... I wasn’t alone last night. There was somegriff else there, in the dream with me. It was Cardinal Farvald, the spineless bastard! He was… He was as big as I am, Gristle! He’s a bloody Hero! The bastards above have made sure that no matter the outcome of this war, they’ll come out on top!”

Author's Note:

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