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Little Lost Gryphontaur

*Twilight's POV*

I spoke "Okay everyone, I just received word that a gryphontaur girl has gone missing but I don't know what world she has ended up in. Sonic will be the one to get in touch with the other Smashers to see if Grace has ended up in their world by mistake. Danyelle and I will get in touch with the Zone Cops to see if they can help."

Sonic spoke "Knowing Ganondorf, he might hurt Grace. He's that evil. But I know Link and Zelda would protect the girl if she ended up in Hyrule."

Rimuru spoke "For all we know, she could be in my world."

Blaze spoke "She could be anywhere though."

I spoke "Which is why Danyelle, Lillian, Tails and Michiru will be checking Rimuru's world."

Other Fluttershy spoke "Uh… I can come too, if you need me."

The rock-like changeling spoke "I volunteer as well."

I spoke "You two could check Twiliterasu's world though..."

Lillian spoke "Wait, we might need their help, just in case."

Danyelle spoke "Wait, I haven’t seen you before."

Kragg spoke "My apologies. I am Kragg, the Earth’s Bastion."

I spoke "*Ahem*!"

Rimuru spoke "She has a point, my world isn't exactly peaceful due to the amount of monsters... Such as kobolds, dragonewts, kijin and orcs..."

Flutters spoke "I’m not really scared of those anymore, ever since meeting Miia and the other Demihumans in another world."

Danyelle spoke "Not to mention, I'm the ambassador for all monsters.... Including harpies and lamias."

Flutters spoke "Well, the world I’m referring to has humans, monsters, which were also known as demihumans in that world, coexist."

A screech was heard before a harpy flew overhead.

To the surprise of many, Zecora had gotten turned into a lamia.

Zecora spoke "Sssssomething issss wrong with me...."

Avdol appeared as well, having been turned into a golden hawk hippogriff. “Indeed, something has occurred.”

Suddenly, I was halfway between my normal form and kyubi form.

Danyelle spoke "As if things couldn't get weirder..."

Sonic spoke "Next thing we know, Rarity's a sphinx...."

“Wait, what?” I asked in confusion.

A loud yowl was heard from Rarity's place since Sweetie Belle had somehow become a sphinx.

Aphmau exclaims "Oh come on! What’s next? Annoying Orange teaming up with Ein?"

Dusk spoke "I'll go check on Sweetie...."

The young alicorn flew off to check on Sweetie Belle.

Dusk asks "Sweetie Belle, is everything okay?"

Sweetie Belle stammers "S-Something happened to me!"

Dusk spoke "You look cute as a sphinx."

Sweetie Belle asks "R-Really?"

Dusk spoke "Yeah really plus I think you might have had a sphinx in your family...."

Sweetie Belle asks "R-Rarity?"

A few pinfeathers were starting to appear on Rarity's back since there were wings developing.

Rarity spoke "darn itchy back...."

Sweetie Belle gasps "You’re growing wings!"

Blizzardstar spoke "Too bad it won't affect me though since I'm a taur."

Vetur then showed up. “I’ll be working on necklaces and other trinkets that’ll help return you guys to normal, but it’ll absorb the forms you in, so you can turn into that form at any time once I give you the finished models.”

Dusk spoke "About that.... Rarity and Sweetie have a sphinx in their ancestry...."

Vetur spoke "Whoa! Maybe I should make trinkets that can help them fully transform into a sphinx or unicorn."

Rarity spoke "No thanks dear, I prefer to stay as a mix of both forms."

“Okay.” Vetur said, accepting Rarity’s choice, before sensing two new presences. “Looks like two newcomers to Ponyville are here. Heh. And whaddya know? They’re like a gender-bender version of Spike and pre-alicorn Twilight.”

Rarity spoke "And knowing Pinkie, she'd probably throw a welcome party for them since we haven't gotten another friendly dragon since Spike's parents moved into town."

Vetur asks "What about Shigechi?"

Rarity spoke "I think he chose to live in the Crystal Empire...."

Vetur asks "Why though?"

Rarity spoke "I think it was because Cynder had scared the cuss out of him or something..."

Vetur spoke "But Cynder told me she didn’t mean to. And Josuke told me that he’s a great friend."

Rarity spoke "But if that Malefor jerk comes back, he'll have more than just Spyro and Cynder to deal with though."

Vetur asks "Heehee! No doubt about that! And how was your time with Blizzardstar at the Chuddle Hotel?"

Blizzardstar spoke "Let's just say that I'm now expecting a child, as is Rarity. But with her being a pseudo-alicorn, the odds that our third child having a pair of wings has gone up a little bit."

Vetur spoke "Huh. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if both of them were born on the same day."

Rarity spoke "Blizz and I haven't thought about names yet but we do know that these two will be hermaphrodites though."

Blizzardstar spoke "But the child from me might have the torso of a male, just checking the possibilities."

Rarity spoke "But isn't Golden Apple a hermaphrodite too? Hir father may be a pony but Crosswind's a ponykat..."

Blizzardstar spoke "Yes, I know, but me and Danyelle have seen some rare Chakats with male torsos."

Rarity spoke "Then they're not true chakats."

Blizzardstar asks "Huh?"

Rarity spoke "Cat-taurs are either male or female, chakats have both reproductive organs."

Blizzardstar spoke "I guess that me and Dany's minds were just playing tricks on us."

Rarity giggles "No wonder why some of the other chakats call you a dumbass cyro but you know what? You're my dumbass cyro."

Blizzardstar purred lustfully as she nuzzled Rarity. "Don't make me peak again, Rarity."

Sweetie Belle asks "Wait Rarity... Don't you, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy have an alicorn's lifespan after that strange booming voice?"

Rarity spoke "that was temporary though."

Vetur spoke "I think the wings were temporary, but what if... No, it's too soon to assume that."

The wings were soon fully developed.

Rarity spoke "Guess I'll need flying lessons and preening lessons soon."

Sweetie Belle spoke "Me too... But Scootaloo is gonna be jealous."

Rarity spoke "I don't get it Sweetie. But you forget, Scootaloo can fly now."

Sweetie spoke "Oh right, I keep forgetting about that. But it was funny when that penguin had pranked Rainbow."

Rarity giggled in agreement. "Yes, that was amusing. Cody told us that he pranked someone called Big Z."

Blizzardstar chuckles "That was pretty funny."

Dusk chuckles "Hehe! Maybe we should go to a beach and try surfing sometime."

Vetur spoke "Yeah. But let’s go outside first."

Rarity giggles "We got all kinds of crazy in town anyway. Ranging from chaotic crazy to hyper crazy. Not to mention alicorns and demons too...."

But then Yakko, Wakko and Dot showed up as diamond dogs.

Yakko spoke "Crazy places are all the rage these days."

Danyelle spoke "You three again? I thought I told you...."

Wakko spoke "We just wanted to have fun."

Dot: "Besides, I’m curious of where Fluttershy lives."

Danyelle growls at the trio in an alpha-queen manner.

Wakko spoke "Guess we were barking up the wrong tree."

Yakko spoke "Dog pun! Someone keep count, ‘cause there’s gonna be way too many by the end of this chapter."

Danyelle spoke "Mess with this cat and you'll get the claws."

Dot spoke "Wow, I guess the pun counter only responds to animal puns."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah but don't ask my brother about his past, he doesn't like talking about it."

Yakko spoke "I guess that puts a burr under his saddle."

Several ponies glare at Yakko for that pun.

Rarity spoke "That wasn't funny..."

Yakko spoke "Guess that was a little hot under the collar."

Dot spoke "That’s never getting old."

Danyelle spoke "Now that was an insult to all firebenders..."

Yakko spoke "Guess that ruffled your feathers."

Lillian groans "Bird, gryphon and hippogriff insult..."

Yakko spoke "I guess that tipped the scales a bit much."

Cynder tail slaps the trio, sending them flying.

Cynder growls "That was insulting to all dragons..."

Danyelle spoke "That really made my fur stand on end."

I spoke "Least Kurama isn't gonna be a bitch about it..."

Yakko, Wakko and Dot came back.

Yakko complains "Okay, that was NOT funny. Besides, what you did was killing two- I mean, that joke was being defi- Can’t we just get this roll- Are there any sayings that aren’t animal-based?!"

Danyelle retorts "You want some cheese with that whine?"

Yakko Wakko and Dot brought out Pun Guns and zapped Danyelle, who comically coughed out a puff of smoke with soot on her. “Worth it.”

Danyelle growls "You three have five seconds to run before I ROAST YOU ALIVE!!!"

The three Warners screamed as they did Wild takes before bolting out of here.

Danyelle yowls loud as she flew after the trio, blasting them with fire.

The Warners dodged the fire as they ran into a tunnel, while Danyelle followed, only to crash into the tunnel, which was revealed to be a painting on a wall.

Danyelle spat out a fang that had come loose from the impact.

Danyelle spoke "Those little shits are gonna pay..."

Josuke then showed up, grabbing the fang. “Let me help.” Josuke put that fang in Danyelle’s mouth and it was restored back to its normal self and position thanks to Shining Diamond’s power, as if the impact never happened.

Danyelle spoke "Thanks dude, too bad that it doesn't work on Lucy's teeth since she has two missing already."

Giorno then showed up with Amara. “I can help with that, but it might be painful.”

Lucy spoke "I'm fine guys, you don't have to do anything and..."

A pained roar cut Lucy off.

Michiru bolts off to her and Nazuna's place.

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me we might have two new sirens soon."

I ask "That's what, eleven sirens now?"

Lillian spoke Yeah."

A portal opened up before a pink haired kijin female stepped through with Grace following her.

Shuna asks "Sorry to interrupt but did someone lose a child?"

Adagio and Aria were bickering as usual.

Adagio growls "If that old fart finds out that we're back in Equestria, he'll banish us again!"

Aria growls "Like hell that would happen! Danyelle made the choice to bring us back!"

The two sirens keep bickering.

Sonata whimpers "I don't want to be banished..."

Starlight saw the two of them. “Me and the others that were reformed won’t let that happen.”

Adagio spoke "You don't know our past though pony. Sonata, Aria and I nearly ruined Equestria a thousand years ago... And if Starswirl finds out that there are other sirens, he'll banish them as well as us!"

I spoke "As far as anypony knows, he and the other pillars are still trapped and I have no idea where their artifacts are."

Spyro had the fireproof shield, Netitus, on claw since he had scared the crap out of Garble to get it back.

Spyro spoke "I found this in the dragon lands though."

I gasp "That's one of the six items we need! We still need the other five though."

Katie was on Lillian's back.

Lillian asks "Have you thought of a name for your child yet?"

Carmina spoke "Well, it’s harder to think of than I thought it would be."

I ask "Why not name him after your brother?"

Carmina asks "A-Are you sure?"

Matias then appeared in his spirit form, which the baby just gooed at, trying to reach him.

Matias spoke "It’s your choice, sis. But I’m cool with whatever name you pick."

Danyelle spoke "It helps keep the memory alive. I had a relative named Irene but I never met her yet my firstborn inherited that name."

Carmina spoke "Matias it is then."

But then ink started being created from Matias’ hair as it swirled around him.

Danyelle spoke "Whoa… Wait until Korra hears this…"

Korra asks "What the cuss do you mean fuzzball?"

Danyelle spoke "I think that Carmina’s son, Matias, is the very first inkbender."

Korra spoke "I'm afraid I can't train him once he's older.... I know next to nothing about inkbending since none of my past lives had it."

Adagio blurted out "I've got a crush on Sonia!"

It felt like the entire world stopped moving.

I spoke "I so did NOT see that coming...."

Danyelle spoke "Just like Treble."

Treble spoke "Don't make me tail slap you hairball."

Danyelle spoke "I’m just saying."

Treble asks "What's your opinion Sonia?"

Sonia was blushing madly.

Adagio spoke "Way to go dumbass! You broke her!"

Treble growls "You're the dumbass!"

The two sirens started fighting with each other.

Aria spoke "Guess that leaves me still single..."

But then a portal opened, before Boom Knuckles fell out.

Danyelle spoke "Speaking of the Knucklehead..."

Phantom spoke "Hey Knux!"

Knux asks "Sonic? This is where you were?"

Phantom spoke "Yeah but call me Phantom since there's a Sonic in this realm already."

Knux asks "Phantom?"

Phantom spoke "Yeah, it's something that the two tailed cat came up with so that she could figure out which Sonic was her adopted brother."

Knux asks "Okay. If you say so- What’s wrong with her?"

Knux pointed to an unconscious Aria who fainted at the sight of him with a blush.

Danyelle spoke "That's Aria Blaze, one of the five true sirens there is. The other four are Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, Treble and Operetta."

Yakko, Wakko and Dot came back again.

Yakko spoke "Sheesh, this is getting a bit rough."

Wakko and Dot glared at Yakko.

Yakko spoke "I didn’t know that was a pun, I swear!"


Danyelle chases the trio.

The Warners scream "GAAAAAAH!"

The three Warners ran away really fast, right into a portal back to their water tower before the portal closed immediately, leaving Danyelle behind.

Phantom spoke "Don't mind her Knux, she's got a short temper but only the ultima can put a stop to it though."

Lillian: And it looks like Aph is on her way here now.

But Danyelle used a warp ring straight to the tower before beating the tar out of the trio.

Danyelle: *Sigh* I feel better now.

A voice asks "Who was that you beat?"

Danyelle growls "Who are you?"

The voice asks "Wait, you really forgot?"

Danyelle looked behind and saw the Warners, uninjured and completely well, as if they weren’t beaten up in the first place.

Danyelle shot fire from her mouth at the trio.

The three dodged the fire.

Yakko spoke "Okay, this is definitely getting hairy.

Yakko then suddenly grabbed the pun counter. “We appreciate your help, but the chapter’s almost over. You’re free.” Yakko said as the pun counter whimpered like a puppy before jumping away into the distance.


Yakko spoke "Uh-oh! We’ll need a little anesthesia to calm her down!"

But suddenly, the trio found themselves pinned to the ground.

Danyelle growls "If you ever come near me again, let's just say it WON'T be pretty..."

Yakko spoke "Seriously Danyelle, you’ll wanna calm down."

Aphmau shouts "DANYELLE!!!"

Ben spoke "Let me deal with her Aph, she's full on queen mode and won't listen to an ultima."

Aphmau spoke "Alright, but please make sure she doesn’t turn out like Nightmare Moon."

Ben spoke "There can never be another Nightmare Moon, we had Eggman to blame for Nightfall's creation though. DANYELLE ALISHA MARRIE HIKARI! STAND DOWN THIS INSTANT!!!"

Danyelle asks "H-Huh?"

Ben spoke "You went ballistic and I had to resort to using your full name to calm you down."

Danyelle whimpers "I-I-I’m sorry. It’s just that these-these Warners just fire up this cat!"

Yakko spoke "We never really meant to make you this mad. No kidding, dark-side mad is never a good sign."

Danyelle spoke "It's worse if said cat has firebending...."

Ben spoke "Maybe we should take a vacation to help you can down."

Danyelle spoke "And bring the kids along as well."
