• Published 23rd Sep 2022
  • 579 Views, 3 Comments

A long walk down a Dark Road - Chaos Nightmare

Follow the Tale of a wanderer in Equestria as they try to find they're place in the world while shaping it

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Chapter 1: The challenge

Author's Note:

And we are back, sorry for the 5 month hiatus and the disappearance of this story. I explained in my recent blog post I ran into a wall making Shining Armor a protagonist. And so I have fixed it by changing it to Trixie.

I also got an acquaintance to check over the story chapters and help me improve.

In the city of Canterlot, a blue unicorn sits in the hallway to the throne room of the castle. As she waited, some passing guards whispered to each other. Probably gossiping about her failure in Ponyville no doubt. The blue unicorn, Trixie, sighed as this had been a recurring thing in the past two months, ever since her trip to Ponyville. Though she knew it would all be over soon enough.

“Miss Lulamoon, Princess Celestia will see you now.” The assistant to the princess answered as the door to the throne room opened.

Trixie rose from her seat and began to walk into the great hall of Celestia. As she walked towards the throne she noticed some glass art that depicted the recent defeat of Nightmare Moon. “Miss Lulamoon, what may I help you with?” Princess Celestia greeted.

Trixie bowed and lowered her head greeting the Princess. This wasn’t the first time she met Celestia, all though this was the first time as Trixie. “Hello your highness, I have a problem. See, a few months ago, and I’m sure you’ve heard this through rumors and the such, i had an encounter in the town of Ponyville with your student Twilight Sparkle-”

“Oh you're that Trixie.” Celestia interrupted, her eyes narrowing for a brief moment.

“Er- yes. Well, I guess I can skip the majority of the explanation and say that I overheard her letter to you and I want to correct some things she omitted.”

Celestia looked confused. “What do you mean?”

“Well, for starters, she made me seem like I was bullying her friends. In reality, I was trying to do my performance while they were heckleing me. See I’m a Traveling Magician and I had decided to perform in Ponyville. I take it you’ve also heard the Ursa Minor part, but did she tell you what punishment she gave to the two colts who agitated the Ursa Minor?”

“No, but judging by the fact that you are bringing it up it's something noteworthy.”

“Mustache spell.”

Celestia took a second to fully understand what she just said, due to its absurdity. “Did you say she punished them... with a mustache spell?” As Trixie nodded Celestia looked worried. “So what is it you wish for?” Celestia asked, concerned.

“Well as much as I want compensation I don’t think it will fix the damage to my reputation, see for the past few months after my trip to Ponyville, I’ve tried to forget about it as just a bad show. Though, due to those two colts and your student’s actions I’ve been mocked and unable to gain any work due to it.”

“So you want a formal apology from my student and compensation? Unfortunately I’ll need to run a minor investigation into this before I can give your request any thought.”

Trixie sighed before saying “Then by my legal right, I enact dueling law C-147, from the 16th amendment.”

Celestia couldn’t help but stare at her in shock.. “Miss Lulamoon, you don’t need to do anything that drastic. The investigation will only take a month tops.”

“A month I don’t have, I spent the last of my bits coming here. I don't really have any other options.”

Celestia somberly sighed. “Well as much as I don’t advise doing that, you are in your legal right. Miss Inkwell, bring me my writing quill.”

Five hours passed as Twilight frantically walked the halls of Canterlot train station. “Twilight, there must be a good reason why Celestia called you here on such short notice.” Her dragon assistant/little brother said, trying to reassure her.

“Unfortunately it isn’t, Twily.” A Royal guard spoke from behind her.

“Shining Armor?” Twilight asked, surprised.

“Celestia asked me to bring you to the castle and fill you in on the situation.”

“Why what's going on?” Spike asked.

“Well, you remember two colts bringing an Ursa Minor from the Everfree forest to prove some magician was everything she claimed to be?”

“You mean Trixie? Yeah why?”

“Well it seems that Trixie brought up some things you failed to mention to the Princess.” Shining explained.

“What sort of things? I was thorough in my friendship report.”

“Well for starters did you really have to give those two colts a reward for doing something so dangerous?” Shining armor berated his sister as Twilight’s face went red when he said that in embarrassment. “Well that and the fact your friends antagonized her would have been enough for our family to have to pay for damages. But it seems Trixie is impatient, or more accurately so out of money that she couldn’t wait for the month to have an investigation done.”

“Investigation, why would there be an investigation?” Spike asked.

“Here’s the thing, you handled the situation with Trixie and those two colts poorly. You claimed she was a bully, and had rewarded the two colts for doing property damage and reckless endangerment, then framing as a moral victory when she ran.” Shining pointed out, “These things alone would have gotten you a bad grade, but due to Trixie’s reputation being damaged the investigation would have shown how much you, and our family would have had to pay her in damages.” Shining explained.

“But Snips and Snails were just colts so putting them through any other punishment would have just been cruel”

“Unfortunately, Celestia doesn’t see it that way. She would see your punishment more as a reward that would encourage them to do more reckless acts like that in the future. But back to why I mentioned Trixie is being impatient, see she put down an old dueling law where if she wins the investigation is skipped and she gets her bits, but if she loses her case is thrown out.”

“Wow, she must be desperate if she’s willing to risk a guaranteed win.” Spike said as Twilight glared at him “What? Shining said so himself she was guaranteed to get bits from our family.”

As the two arrived at the castle, Shining looked at the ground. “The duel will be tomorrow. However due to the Coltbelt law I’m going to have to have guards escort you to your room. Where you will be unable to leave till the duel.”

“Coltbelt law isn’t a house arrest law?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, unfortunately since you are technically a guilty party in this case, you do fall into this law.” Shining explained with some guilt on his face. “Spike can also not stay with you as per the law. I’ll take him back to Mom and Dad’s place.”

“Don’t worry Twilight, I'm sure you’ll beat Trixie.” Spike said as two guards escorted Twilight to her room.