• Published 23rd Sep 2022
  • 558 Views, 2 Comments

How I Married Narvi Love - Xx soul sorrow xX

Rainbow find love with an unlikely bachlore...

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4: Collecting Over Due Detts

The train braked hard and awoke the two lovers from their slumber. They sit up from the bed and take off the covers and get up and off the train. The smell of diesel and smell coarse through there vains waking them up more. He wipe her brow and she got a rust. Rainbow looked up and saw some fat buildings. Wasn’t until she then she realized she was in the big city...

Arvii looked and saw the fat buildings too and he knew they were there. The bing.cuty. Narvii turned to Rainbow dash and said “we are here… the big city.” she smiled and looked at the city. Around them were the buidlindgs and the cars and they were there also. They were there in the city...Rainbow ran and grabbed Narvi by the hoof to a stand where they sell hot dog and ice cream cons . Rainbow ordered za Big Cone Extreme it had chocolate of the river grande. She shared it with Narvii and Narvii said “thank you grabber” Rainbow gave him cranberry look. Like a ship in the night of old. Narvii said “Okay Grabber we must go into the clubs and locate him. The man.” Rainbow and the guy look at the locket narvii had around he’s neck. They grey horse and monocle looked soffisticated.

Narvii looked shakier then an chihuahua in the slammer. He gulped in some flem and said “The grey horse here is… name Eefore. He is me brother.” Rainbow look at him again bigger than before. “He abused me……..” Rainbow gasped at his words.

They go to the clubs and ponies looked at them weird. Rainbow held close onto her new love Narvii and Narvii blush like beetle in the sunbathing hours. The sun was hot on the pavement of the concrete jungle which did not help. Narvii gathered himself and pull up rainbow’s pants as to not get touched while in the presence of people after the vulernable pair. Rainbow grasped his hand tightly and he felt safe. They enter a big club of called The Blood Love Cannibal Club (FYI READER NOTE this is not cannibal club this is fictional it based on a inside joke its cool pls dont take this too far its merely a joke). Narvii looked at Grabber and said “This is where he usually hands out in his free time.”

Rainbow looked around. A man pony was naked and female ponies surrounded him like mustard gone bad. They sound stay away. The man smack the butts of the girl ones. Rainbow look away but found another female pony with visible ribs and starvation was on a pole doing a jig. Things were getting crazy. It smelled like alchol. Rainbow reckognizesd the stank smell of vodka on the rocks like a sweaty gin. Many rooms lines a hallway and people were going in and out of them smell bad like rancid. It smell like an old stains. Narvii gasped and duck and brought rainbow to his level. Listen Bitch I found him. Eefore is in the corner drinking alcholhol with the Bitches. This is what the when we do our plan. Listen closely Bitch. Said Narvii.

The plan
When the brisket is “ready” call the phrase, we will get it. We can search the area and grab them before too late. Take the shot on 5. I will count when it. Okay? Do not hesitate. you only get a chance to do this. We are in this together. And I appreciate you helping me. .. Nobody would ever do such a thing. Take this weapon and use it. It will be handy. Take my number. Call me before the Act. I will whistle it will Be the sign.

Rainbow cried and nodded her head.

Narvii ran away and they gave the signal and then they did. They did it! They got a hold on Eefore and trapped him in a sackie. They carried him to a back room and nobody noticed…..

They dump Eeefore into a chair with the sackie on he’s head…

They take it off to reveal his features. His monocle is crooked. He was tied up from the scheme. They feed the prisoner can of spam and some carrot shreddles. Eefore was starving as a prisoner of war. To him this was paradise compared to the torture. Narvii cracked him knuckles and slam Eefore's neck against the floor….

“Brother… its been a long time” said Eefore said

Narvii licked his lips and shushed the horse.

“I am struggling here on my last straw I need money to pay for my medication of my condition for the eyeball. You will provide me the goods. The money. You promised if you used my eyeball condition you would sell to make back money that I could use to for my own GAINS. But no instead you use it and now I suffer. Trying to run? To hide? It will not work….”

He looked to Rainbow and smirk.

“Because now I have her. My grabber,”

Eefore was terrified of the dash. He shiver and shake and sliver in the chair and Narvii punched him.

“Tell me where the money is, brother.”

“I dont have it yet”

Before he continue narvii punch again. Tell me more he said.

He called Eefore a flea bag and then Eefoe said “Listen brother, I have entrusted a child to bring me the money. I sold off the drugs and used the money to pay debt but I have a kid doing the deeds to get it back for me”

“Narvii said” “what does that mean?"

Eefore spit out a tooth and blood clot. “Idiot… I stole the wedding ring from Troi.” (yellow horse). Narvii drop Eefore on the pavement and think and ponder,

“Thats right Narvii I stole it and give it to the kid but stole it again and then Troi want it back but I have it but the child must pay me and the Troi and I have it to sell and to Troi.” Narvii smile because he brother knew what he was doing…

“If you want extra more money go to the kid and beat him up”

Narvii said like :yeah and they went.