• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 3,335 Views, 60 Comments

Why am I Angel Bunny?! - Wiggidy

How the hell did I get here?! Why am I a small bunny belonging to my favorite pony ever?!

  • ...

Dude, WTF?

I honestly don't know what the fuck happened. One minute I'm strolling through the park, minding my own business, and then all of a sudden I'm thirsty. No biggie. So I make my way over to the water fountains and take a drink. For some reason, something feels off. One of those "Weird for weird's sake" feelings. I sneeze, and suddenly everything's fucking HUGE! And something's covering my eyes. I lift them off my face, and BAM! Fuckin rabbit ears that are attached to my goddamn skull. Weird shit? I think so. Add the fact that I'm somehow on the edge of a forest overlooking a cottage, and you've got some serious dope right there. Or, it would be dope, if there was more trippy shit goin on.

I stood there for a full minute, just staring at the primitive looking cottage in front of me. After overcoming the initial shock, I did what any normal person would do- scream my ass off and totally flip my shit. Which, in hindsight, wasn't smart, because I'm now being obsessed over by a butter yellow Pegasus that's at least 6 times bigger than I am.


I screamed at the top of my lungs as the realization hit. I wasn't in the park! I wasn't at home! Hell, I was pretty sure I wasn't even on earth anymore. Two reasons:
1) It was colorful out here. I mean really colorful. As in "Holy shit, this literally hurts my eyes to see everything" colorful.

2) There was some freaky shit about that forest. It was high noon, but there was absolute zero light penetrating those trees.
But more important things had presented themselves to me. Things like- HOLY SHIT THERE'S A GOD DAMN MONSTER HEADING RIGHT FOR ME!!! I saw a giant four legged monster thundering up to me and high-tailed it out of there. Or, I tried to. The big beast got to me before I could sprint away and drew me up into her crushing grip of death. Horrors beyond my wildest nightmares were about to come true! The crunching of bones and snapping of tendons as I would be painfully eaten alive were anticipated... But weren't coming. I looked up in confusion. The great beastie stared back at me. Not in hunger, more like... Concern. Fear even. I was beyond confused. Even more so as the thing spoke up.
"What's wrong Angel Bunny?!" it asked in fear. I sat for a minute, my eyes wide as saucers.
What the.. her voice sounded awfully familiar. Almost exactly like.... No, that's just insane. I looked around, finding my surroundings to be more farmiliar with each passing second.

There was no way in hell I could just randomly teleport into Equestria. My Little Pony wasn't real! It just didn't make any sense. And yet here it was, quite literally staring me in the face.
"Angel Bunny?!" Fluttershy was looking at me with real concern now. And she called me Angel Bunny? Why would she... I looked down at myself. No longer was I a 6"2' human being. I had a tiny little body covered in white fur, long slender hind legs, smaller fore legs, a short little stub of a muzzle, a pink nose, and whiskers. I sat there for another minute before I gave a long gasp and had a revelation.

My eyes are composed of cells.
Those cells are composed of molecules.
Those molecules are composed of atoms.
According to some scientists, those atoms (if broken down) contained entire universes, which in turn contained galaxies, which in turn contained solar systems, which contained planets, which contained biological organisms, which are exact copies of us only infinitely smaller.
Which have eyes.
Everything smallish is a small version of something big? Check. I understand everything? Check. It all made sense now. I was somehow trapped in Angel Bunny's body. That's right, I was the pet of the best pony ever. And now she was holding me. My mouth began working, trying to make sounds. Fluttershy watched me for a moment before bringing me into a warm embrace.
"It's okay Angel, just calm down. It's okay. Just take it easy." she attempted to reassure me. It wasn't effective. I just hung in her grasp, my mouth gaping open and closed like a fish. Eventually my brain rebooted my mouth.
"Fluttershy?!" I had to make sure my brain wasn't fucking with me. Fluttershy gave a gasp of her own and held me at arm's (legs?) length.
"You can talk Angel?" Mother of god... I was here for reals.
"Oh...My...Sweet...Baby...Jesus..." Fluttershy looked at me with extreme confusion.
"W-what?" Although I knew where I was, I was having trouble expressing my discovery.
"I... You... It's the... By your... In...wow." That was all I remember saying before passing out. At least, I think I passed out. Don't really remember what happened after that.