• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 9,292 Views, 865 Comments

The Gemmed Satyr - The Rarispy

(The Gems Trilogy: Episode 2) Rarity is desperate to find her special somepony, but somepony else has a crush on her...

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Remorse, Regret, and Realization

This just keeps jumping from bad to horrible.

I didn’t mean for all of this to happen. Oh… how I wish I could just go back in time and start all over again, and not make the same mistakes.

Poor Fluttershy.

How could I think that she would be joking about such a tender, serious subject? What a terrible friend I am, to believe that Fluttershy would harbor such a sadistic sense of humor.

I was trying to find my special somepony. But in the end, I’m still single, Fluttershy doesn’t want anything to do with me, and now I’m probably the most hated mare in all of Equestria. I’m going to lose my confidence, my business, my friends, my sister… Probably even my parents if word of this reaches them all the way in Fillydelphia.

I’m going to lose everything. And all because I’m the most insensitive, uncaring jerk in Equestria. Of all the worst things that could happen, this is the WORST…


No. It’s not even worth it. Feeling sorry for myself isn’t going to make the complete obliteration of everything I love and cherish any slower.

Some element of generosity I am.

“Well… at least you’ll never hate me, right Opal?”

“Mmm… moww.”

And… she’s walking away. Fantastic. Even my own cat has turned on me.

What could possibly shed a light of hope on all of this misery? Maybe I should just be like Fluttershy, and hide myself under these covers forever…

It’s not like anypony would miss me, right?

Good times and bad times

Hmm— huh?

What’s that?

I can count on being with you

Where is that singing coming from?

It sounds… so beautiful…

Have to catch up when I see you

Is that… Sweetie Belle? Oh, my. I never knew she had such a— such a lovely voice…

And you are the reason I can make it through

This song… it reminds me of something.

I'm so glad that I met you, being with me whenever

It reminds me of—


We're made for each other forever

Of the day that we first met…

“Oh, my! Are you all right?”

The lost yellow filly, a pegasus fallen from Cloudsdale…

“Hello, there. What’s your name? Are you lost?”

“I— Uh, I…”

Just like a river that flows

“Don’t worry. You don’t need to be afraid of me. I promise I won’t hurt you. Please, I just want to help…”

“My— my name is Fluttershy…”

“What was that?”

“My name is F-Fluttershy.”

Just like the stars in the dark night

And then, all those years later…

“Oh, hello there! You must be the two pegasi that Pinkie Pie was telling me about!” She extended her hoof to us. “The name’s Rarity, pleased to make your acquaintance.”

Lead me in the storm

The chance reunion…

“Your name’s Fluttershy? … I thought you looked familiar! It’s you, isn’t it? That yellow pegasi I met some eleven or twelve years ago, lost from her family in Cloudsdale? That was you!”

“Uh, I… yes. That was, that was me.”

Lead me in the dark

“Oh my word, what are the odds?

What were the odds indeed?

Such wonderful memories… And yet, still something doesn’t add up.

Rainbow Dash told me that Fluttershy has been in love with me ever since she moved into Ponyville. But… it never seemed like she did; she never tried to tell me before now.

You are the light of my life


“I completely revised it and I know you’re going to love it! Just wait one moment. I just have to… finish this last stitch. It’ll take only a moment.”

“Oh… okay.” Shuffling her hoof on the ground… looking in every direction…

I can count on being with you

“Excuse me, Rarity?”


“Well, we’re waiting, um… can I share with you something… sort of important?”

“Of course. What is it?”

I thank you for staying so true

“Well, it’s just that, um… I was kind of, hoping to— I, I don’t… You see, I—”

Oh, my. Was she— she was, wasn’t she?

The more that I think about it… she actually did this quite a lot.

“Ooh! Hold that thought for a minute, Fluttershy! It’s finished! Now put it on!”

“Oh. Um… okay.”

You are my lifetime and true friend

“What do you think?”

“I… love it.”

“Oh, you’re just saying that.”

“She even tried to offer me an exclusive contract. ‘Seven thousand bits a year! It is the perfect offer, how could you refuse this?’”

“Oh, my. Well, they do say that Photo Finish doesn’t like to lose a valuable client easily.”

“I’m so happy that’s all over. I know I said this already… but I hate modeling so much.”

“But look on the bright side. It’s all over now. Just you and me together, the best of friends, in a spa. Where can we go wrong?”

Where did we go wrong, indeed?

“Truth be told, perhaps I shouldn’t ask you to model for my anymore, no matter how desperate I am.”

“Oh, that’s okay, Rarity. For you, I’d be happy to model anytime.”

My heart will always be with you

“But darling, you just said you hate modeling. I wouldn’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

“Well yes, but… I wouldn’t disappoint you either, Rarity. After all, that’s what friends are for, right?”

“Hmm. True. Very true. “

I will be there when you need me

“I love you, Rarity.”

“Ohh, I love you too, Fluttershy. You’re the best friend anypony could have!”

“Umm, no, I don’t… I don’t mean it like that. You see, I really love you. Like, like—”

And I know you'll do the same

“Hi, girls!”


“Twilight, darling! I wasn’t expecting to see you here!”

“Well, I had nothing else to do, so I was wondering if, maybe I could join you girls?”

“Mmm, fine by me. Is that alright with you Fluttershy?”

“Um… sure, I… guess.”

I can see you, I can hear you in my heart

“Now what were you saying before, dear?”

“Oh, um… well, I was just saying that— that this is… so relaxing. Yes. Now this is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.”

“Isn’t it, though?”

Fluttershy… what have I done?

We were once the best of friends. You and I, always sticking our necks out for each other. Always hanging out, sharing our secrets and skills.

You will be here if I need you

I helped you learn to sew, and you even taught me a few things about it. That time I lent you my umbrella for the harsh April rains. The red and purple scarf you knitted me that saved me during the bracing December winters.

No matter which way or when. Neither rain nor snow, we’ve always been there for each other, together.

I will never have to guess

I should’ve been a better friend. I should’ve seen all those signs. I shouldn’t have treated you like that. You don’t deserve it. You’re such a perfect pony. You have a brilliant personality, always so kind and… very, very sweet. You’re full of nothing but compassion for all of your friends, and the animals of the forest you dedicate yourself to taking care of.

Because we are very special friends

And you’re so beautiful. If you weren’t so shy, I bet you could land yourself a date much easier than I could. You have such a wonderfully flowing pink mane and tail, and such a magnificent yellow coat. And those pearly turquoise eyes…

Wait, what? What am I even saying? I don’t— I don’t think of my friend Fluttershy in that sort of way… do I?

Memories you can recall with me any time of day

I love stallions, right?

She’s my friend, my best friend even. We share so many common interests and pet peeves… We’re like sisters, but— but not.

I-I don’t know. I mean, it’s not like she isn’t a lovable pony. In fact, she’s probably the cleverest, most intelligent… most beautiful… and sweetest pony that— that I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.

You can reach out, you can ask me with your soul

No… could it be true? Am I… am I love in Fluttershy? No, no! I like stallions! I need my prince! My shining, heroic prince to come and… save me.

I will answer when you call me, I will come no matter how

Oh, who am I kidding? Really, just who am I kidding?

It’s her. It’s always been her. I just couldn’t bear to admit it. Fluttershy is much more than a friend to me. She’s the one I want to be with…

Because we are very special friends

Fluttershy, I love you too.

Author's Note:

In case you're wondering, the song is "Dear My Friend" by Brent Cash from the video game Sonic Unleashed. I was originally going to write an original song for this sequence, but when I heard that track, I realized that it fit perfectly.

Also, if you guys can tell me your thoughts on Rarity's ending monologue, that'd be great. I spent a lot of time thinking about how to go through with it and trying not to make it sound like a forced, "Wave a magic wand and now you love Fluttershy" sort of thing. But I'm still a bit unsure I pulled it off well enough...