• Published 23rd Oct 2022
  • 252 Views, 3 Comments

The Astonishing, Alarming, And Awesome Adventures Of Aphidgust Airin Adrigal the Eighteenth - Discombobulated Soul

Years after the School of Friendship began its existence, the timid Breezies are finally ready to send an ambassador to try out the curriculum. What is this Breezie's story? What epic tales are about to unfold?

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In The Beginning, Aphidgust Left His Home And Ventured Forth Into The Great Unknown

All this time, every moment in my entire existence in this life, I have been training.

Diligently, I've been honing my considerable skills and increasing my incredible natural talents. For years now, all I've done is prepare for one magnificent mission. One could say I've spent my life burdened with a glorious purpose. 'What is this inconceivable goal?' I can hear you asking. 'What could possibly require so much effort from so admirable a Breezie that it'd take his whole life to be ready?

Attending the School Of Friendship!

No, wait, it sounds really stupid when I say it like that.

Listen, I am the chosen one! The one selected to represent my entire race! I'm practically the only ambassador the Breezies have had in I-can't-remember-how-long-because-I-never-paid-attention-in-history!

Yes, yes, you may clap now. I know, I know I'm incredible, thanks for stating the obvious, puff-brain.

There I was, up in my luxurious upstairs bedroom, where I lived in the largest house in the world. I hail from a long line of only the most prestigious members of our race, the Adrigals, and we accept only the best for our day-to-day lives. I had just finished with packing my baskets for the imminent departure into Equestria, and I felt only the most immense satisfaction and eagerness for the upcoming journey.

Nope, not a speck of any other emotions to be found in my being just then, no sirree. I most definitely was not feeling any sort of anxiety, or dread, or fear, or unease, or angst, or hunger, or-

"{HA!}" Said I, with all the confidence I could project as I unflinchingly stared myself down in the mirror. "{Ha! I have been waiting so long for this and I am all too ready! Soon, I will be living in a giant world of mountain-tall creatures for the foreseeable future and I have absolutely no misgivings about it whatsoever!}"

Having determinedly spoken these truthful words, I donned my baskets and purposefully marched down the stairs, my antenna twitching with absolutely nothing other than the excitement of what was soon to come. Really, I have no reason to be afraid. I couldn't possibly be more prepared for this! Years of preparation, of diligent (At least, diligent in the things that mattered) training in all areas of Breezie culture. I've even thoroughly practiced my Equestrian to the point that my tutor said I was fluent! Or, at least, that's what I thought he said, I couldn't really be sure.

Hey, gimmie a break, okay? Equestrian is such a hard language! Every word has, like, three different meanings! And don't get me started on the seriously overcomplicated grammar.

No, really, don't. I don't even wanna think about it.

It took all of forty seconds to exit my enormous house, and I took immense pride in that fact, seeing as most Breezie homes take less than ten to exit. Smirking to myself as I fastened my baskets, I launched into the air, carefully navigating to travel along the correct wind-path.

Breezies don't like walking, you see, and most of us can't fly under our own power. But we took care of that conundrum cycles ago by constructing large fans to move the air past residential areas and all throughout town. Don't ask me how they're powered, because it's a closely-kept secret.


I'm kidding, they're powered by our magic. It's pretty versatile stuff with a whole host of uses, and we're mostly limited by how little we can use at one time.

Luckily, I don't have that problem.

My smirk grew substantially as I thrusted my hind hooves behind me and with a burst of Airin began rocketing forward at immense speeds that would tear any sane Breezie to shreds. I passed by several others on the same wind-path, my wake leaving them spiraling out of control.

I didn't care, instead speeding up as I reached the town proper and diving straight to the ground, landing in an epic pose without braking whatsoever and also without breaking anything whatsoever. I slowly lifted my head to gaze at my adoring fans, which consisted of the entire town and probably my entire race.

I'm kind of a big deal, you know. Ambassador for all Breezies and all that. I've had scores of adoring fans since the moment I was born, each excitedly reading the news reports about my progress as I grew up. Each heavily invested in my development and often watching me practice my powers. Each dependent on my not screwing up or ever failing, pushing me to succeed or else face the disappointment of my entire species. That was fine. After all, how could I not succeed at something?

I hovered in the air, waving at my fans while propelling myself forward with the tiniest use of Airin from my back. The crowd cheered, throwing flower petals at me as several reached out in hopes of getting a high hoof, which I magnanimously provided.


My smirk widened even further, baring some teeth as I pointed my forehoof in what I thought was maybe the direction the voice had come from.

"{Thank you, random citizen!}" Said I, finally reaching the end of the impromptu runway and coming to a halt just before the stone wall where the portal to Equestria would appear. I sighed heavily in what was most certainly annoyance and definitely not relief upon realizing that the gateway was not yet open. Instead, it looked like my old fluff-brain of a dad was going to give another one of his infamous speeches. I could tell because he was at the end of the runway and rested his hoof on my back in his classic 'proud father' gesture.


"{We are gathered here today to celebrate the departure of our beloved Aphidgust Airin Adrigal the Eighteenth!}" I rolled my eyes and faced the crowd as they gathered together, submitting to another boring speech. "{Ever since he emerged from his egg I new he was the one. Today, I, Aphidgust Airin Adrigal the Seventeenth, congratulate him as a proud father and a good friend should!}" More cheers and another eye roll from me as I gave my markedly-taller dad my finest deadpan. Either he didn't see it or he didn't care, because he continued with his boring announcements.

"{And ever since his mother and clutchmates passed away in a tragic accident, my son has been training even more diligently to prepare for exactly this moment!}" I sighed, absently combing through my right wing membrane in a quest to find and eliminate dust particles that may interfere with the channeling.

"Tell us something don't know we." I muttered in Equestrian as I picked at the membrane with my antennae.

Now, you must understand, going to Equestria after all this anticipation was not exactly appealing, but listening to another one of my dad's recycled speeches? No thank you. I'd rather get this show on the road early than suffer through one of those again.

So, I decided to do just that.

My cocky smirk returned as I concentrated on the feeling of buzzing energy filling my hooves. A slight twisting of them in the ground was all the warning anybreezie got before I released a small amount of Airin and launched into the sky with a great rush of wind. Breezies scattered every which way, carried along the twisting air currents by their untrained wings as I released yet another portion of my power, rocketing towards the stone wall that would soon become my exit.

My trusty wings directed the airflow along their many facets, subtly enchanting it with power before funneling it directly into my Airin core. The Airin reacted to the newly enchanted breeze, releasing a flood of raw Breezie magic into my surrounding area.

Now came the hard part. I had to focus quite hard to draw that Breezie magic back into my grasp, preventing it from melding back into the ambient magic of our world. From there, all I had to do was recite the incantation, and the portal to Equestria was opened solely by my own effort instead of that of a whole town's worth of Breezies doing a day-long ritual.

As you can see, I'm pretty awesome.

I shot through the swiftly-shutting portal with one last burst of Airin, emptying the energy from my hind legs in order to close the distance in time. I could open it, sure, but delaying its inevitable closing for the weeks required to harvest pollen was a skill that was quite beyond my considerable talents.

Finally, I was through and into the massive world of ponies.

No, I did not immediately scratch at the stone wall where the portal had been in a blind panic. Why would you even ask such a thing? I was prepared for this! I had been in Equestria before!


It didn't matter, because I soon turned and began resolutely hovering through the tunnel, head held high and a confident, not-at-all-faked grin on my face.

My faked grin fell away immediately upon witnessing the absolutely enormous shadow of a giant figure blocking the light ahead. A gargantuan horn easily twice my height lit with a light-blue glow, illuminating a freaking massive face.

"Oh, you're out early! Aphidgust, right? I'm Starlight Glimmer, your new headmare!"

The pony's voice reverberated through the stone tunnel and echoed straight through my skull, rattling my brains and shaking my delicate Breezie skeleton to its core.

The last sight I observed before collapsing in an unconscious heap was the concerned visage of a colossal unicorn, and my last waking thought was the following:

Holy Levinger, I'm so not ready for this.