• Published 3rd Oct 2022
  • 494 Views, 23 Comments

The Legion Of Hope - Discombobulated Soul

Dark days have come across the land. The wicked ponies have finally conquered the last of the free peoples. But hope remains present in the smallest possible form. Can harmony prevail even now, with only three individuals to sustain it?

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The Strike Team

"Your Royal highness' strike team has been called and are en route right now, your majesties." The irritating messenger scurried away from the jet of flame, but wasn't fast enough to avoid getting a good portion of his tail roasted off.

"If you continue attacking our servants, sister, they will not want to stay for much longer." Equestrian Queen Daybreaker snorted with displeasure at the statement, giving her coruler a dismissive side-eye.

"Nonsense, Moon. They will serve me and obey my orders, or else see just how nasty I can be." Queen Nightmare Moon glared as she frowned back, shifting her bat wings to a nigh imperceptible degree.

"Oh, we know how nasty you can be. And did we not tell you to call us by our full name? It is a gesture that we have no issues giving to you, Daybreaker." The white alicorn scoffed, that single careless action sending a modest wave of air and force throughout the throne room.

"That's because my name is so much cooler than yours. Shorter, too." Nightmare Moon huffed at this, but restrained herself from responding, instead simply turning her gaze to the ornate double doors at the far end of the room. Heh, she was always the more mature one. That just makes her all the more fun to tease. And beat mercilessly in battle.

The doors opened, admitting six ponies that both Queens were very familiar with. They were led by a dark purple alicorn in front, who confidently strode forward, giving her rulers a cocky smirk.

"'Sup, Daybreaker? Got a new mission for us?" The ruler in question narrowed her dark eyes at her apprentice, frowning lightly in a disdainful scowl.

"You would do well to address me by my title, Twilit Strike. Remember your place as my disciple, and show proper respect befitting my status." But the alicorn waved a dismissive hoof, stopping just before the thrones and paying absolutely no heed to her muttering teammates.

"Yeah, yeah, respect and discipline and all that jazz. So, what's the assignment? Do we get to bash some skulls in?" Pink beamed at this, grinning maniacally as she waved an overeager hoof.

"Ooh! Ooh! I love bashing skulls in! Can we do that?! Pleeeaase?!"

Daybreaker rolled her fiery eyes, clicking her tongue as she gestured for her sister to continue with the explanation. I grow bored with these ponies already. Some day, I just want to fry them all to crisps, and them feed those crisps to the manticore. But then we'd be stuck with even more incompetent minions. Oh, the dilemma of a ruler such as I.

"When the invasion of the Changeling Loyalists was finished, we discovered that Queen Chrysalis and her advisor, Lord Tirek, were both unaccounted for. They are suspected to still be in the Changeling kingdom, as we're constantly patrolling the borders in search of them. Your mission is to track down and end these individuals, by any means you deem fit." The six ponies collectively groaned, shooting each other incensed glares at the synchronization.

"But, that's so boring! Come on, just a little assassination assignment?! Don't you have something better to use us for?" Daybreaker snorted flames at the impertinent outburst from Dash, her features growing enraged as her Godly Presence intensified. Nightmare Moon, however, was much more collected, as always, and responded with her usual cool, detached, infuriatingly dispassionate tone.

"Nay, Dash. The captured changelings still have that bothersome quality called Hope. They are Hopeful for the future, so long as their queen remains free. In order to break them sufficiently, we must end her, so that they feel their connection to her die." The Night Queen blinked a long, drawn out blink. "If you successfully complete your mission, we will allow you one changeling each to do with as you see fit. That includes torture." Collective cheers echoed throughout the room, and Twilit Strike pranced back toward the doors, her tail wagging eagerly.

"Come on then, everypony! Let's go kill some enemies! Follow me!" The strike team seemed significantly less enthusiastic about that last suggestion, but they still reluctantly did as they were told. Their hoofsteps eventually faded away, leaving just the two rulers to sit in their room.

"You do realize, Daybreaker, that the only reason they follow your pupil is because they fear our might, correct?"

The Day Queen laughed heartily, absently ringing an enchanted bell off to the side. I'm in the mood to roast some creatures.

"Yes, Moon, I'm well aware. Why, that Fluttersly pony would probably shank her if she thought she'd get away with it. Luckily, they all know better, hm?" Nightmare Moon nodded once in agreement, turning her gaze to a levitated book she was holding.

A few moments passed in silence before the doors opened once more. They did so only briefly, and just long enough to allow a protesting yak to be shoved inside.

"NO! WAIT! YINTUK HAS FAMILY! WIFE AND KIDS! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" Daybreaker chuckled, lighting her horn to slowly drag her entertainment closer. She grinned back at his terrified eyes, licking her lips gleefully as he continued to protest softly.

Nightmare Moon sighed once, turning a page as she read on. The only other sounds were the desperate shrieks of a soul being tortured and the great roar of flames consuming him. Oh, how bothersome. I think I lost my page.

Author's Note:

Bit of a short one this time around, but I figured I needed something Halloweeny and also to foreshadow the mane six's arrival. Hope y'all enjoyed!