• Published 3rd Oct 2022
  • 2,294 Views, 269 Comments

Forgotten Bygones - Catpaw616

Starlight, Trixie, and Discord are treated like enemies again, but how? And why?

  • ...

Chapter 15: Paranoia

"Twilight, darling!" Rarity exclaimed to her friend. "Calm down before you start to pass out!"

Twilight, who was sitting in her chair in the throne room, was breathing in and out of a paper bag, and looked at Rarity with a deeply worried expression. "How can I calm down if we are resorting to hurt actual royalty!"

"You're royalty, and we have helped you get back to normal." Trixie told her with an annoyed eyeroll. "I don't see what the big deal is."

"We?" Starlight looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

Trixie lightly chuckled while rubbing her neck nervously.

"It certainly is a big deal!" Rainbow told the unicorn. "We're dealing with the ponies who carry the sun and the moon everyday!"

"Plus, they are actual princesses." Applejack said, then she cast a nervous look at Twilight. "No offense."

But Twilight was so fixated on her breathing that she didn't even notice.

"We are taking so many risks with this!" Pinkie shouted. "If I were part of this, and it failed, they'll probably ban me from planning parties ever again!" she then immediately tucked her hooves in and rocked herself in fright.

"That probably won't happen," Fluttershy reassured her while petting her mane. She looked at the others. "But I also agree with her. What if we failed to bring them back to normal?"

"We would probably be sentenced to the dungeons for an even longer time." Trixie nervously added. "Or worse..."

"We would probably be turned to stone." Discord added, with nervousness and sadness starting to reach him.

"I doubt Celestia would turn us into stone." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Without us, Equestria is practically doomed!"

"I meant us." Discord said, while pointing at himself, Trixie, and Starlight. "After all, they only see us as evil villains. Rotten to the core, with no redeeming qualties in sight." Discord ended bitterly.

"We won't let that happen." Applejack said boldly. "Right girls?"

They all nodded except for Twilight, who continued breathing into her bag.

"I think I should get another replacement bag." Spike said while giving Twilight an annoyed but worried look.

"If we're going to do this, we need a foolproof plan." Starlight told them. "One tiny screw up would lead to destruction."

Twilight suddenly stopped gasping and looked at the others, her eyes narrowed in fear.

"Uh... let's not resort to that just yet." Twilight started to raise her hooves. Trixie noticed that Twilight was starting to sweat. She did want the princesses to remember them... right?

"What else can we do?" Discord said as he crossed his arms. "I don't suppose you can come up with another idea that would make the princesses forgive us again."

"No... but-" Twilight was about to speak, before Discord interrupted her again.

"So unless anyone here has an idea to make Celestia and Luna forgive us without the force of brutality, then they should say it now!" Discord turned and raised his voice to the gang.

Trixie, Starlight, Rarity, and Applejack just shrugged, while Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, all pondered, but eventually gave up.

"That's what I thought." Discord huffed while putting on a smirk towards Twilight.

"This can't be the right answer." Twilight whispered to herself. "It can't."

Twilight immediately got off of her throne. "I can't do this. You're all making a big mistake if you even think about touching them!"

Trixie couldn't believe what she just heard. "How dare you?" she exclaimed angrily as she immediately stepped up.

"Trixie!" Starlight whispered nervously, but she ignored her.

"Does the thought of us hurting your precious teachers hurt you?" Trixie told the alicorn off in a mocking tone. "Well, princess, this isn't the time to go protective mode over them. We are in a dire situation right now. We are wanted criminals, and people are scared of us. Now we have a chance to easily avert that!"

Twilight was about to object, but Trixie continued on.

"It's as if you care more about the other princess than you care about us." Trixie said bitterly. "Do you know what would happen if we left Celestia and Luna unchecked? They could sent their royal guards to hunt us down, or even Luna would start giving us potential nightmares!"

Twilight gasped at her words. "They would never do that!"

"You wouldn't think they would, but we wouldn't have expected you to teleport Starlight to who knows where!" Trixie pointed out. "What makes you think they won't do the same?"

Then Trixie took it one step further. "Who's side are you on?"

"You guys, of couse!" Twilight looked surprised by her question.

"Doesn't seem like it." Trixie narrowed her eyes.

Twilight narrowed her eyes back.

"Ok, ok, ok." Applejack nervously laughed as she got in between the two mares. "This is starting to get out of hand."

"I agree." Twilight nodded, before giving Trixie a cold look. "And I want no part of it."

Twilight turned her back and left the throne room. Spike, while looking back in an apologetic expression, had followed her out.

Trixie breathed in and she sat down. She now started to think if she should feel regretful by what she said.

"I'll go talk to Twilight." Starlight told her friend reassuredly. She was about to leave the room, before her tail was caught by Rarity's aura.

"It's probably best if she handled her feelings alone." Rarity told her.

Trixie just rolled her eyes. "Does she have to act like a big baby about everything?"

"Any topic about Celestia and Luna freaks her out, and the thought of hurting them probably took a big toll on her." Fluttershy explained to her softly. "I sure would."

"Besides, you can't exactly blame her for being afraid of them getting hurt by us." Rainbow Dash agreed.

"Do you think some vanilla covered cupcakes will help her get better?" Pinkie Pie asked as she pulled a random note out of her frizzy mane.

"Cupcakes can't solve this matter, Pinkie!" Applejack groaned in annoyance.

"If you think about it, it practically does!" Pinkie Pie said bubbly, ignoring what Applejack said.

While the five were watching, and Discord was just sitting there, Trixie looked and noticed that Starlight was nowhere in sight.

Trixie smiled with an eyeroll. Classic Starlight.

It was midnight, and Starlight, Trixie, and Discord, were all in Starlight's room, guessing and coming up with a plan to bring Celestia and Luna back to normal. So far, they came up with nothing.

That is until Discord lifted his lion finger. "I got it! We sneak behind Celestia and we will somehow put a magic blocker on her horn! She wouldn't even notice!" he cackled.

"That sounds good," Starlight agreed. "but we don't know where she puts them."

"We'll find out once we get there." Discord muttered. He looked outside Starlight's window. "Its getting late. Since Twilight banned me from sleeping in her room, she had resorted my to the couch." he said, while he ended with a yawn.

"Good night you two." Discord left the room as he waved goodbye with his bird claw. To which Trixie and Starlight waved back.

After Discord left, Starlight started to yawn too. "I agree, it is getting late." she said. "I think I will turn in."

"Honestly, me too." Trixie agreed as well. "My eyelids are starting to fall down."

The two hugged each other goodnight, and before Trixie left the room, Starlight wanted to tell her one thing.

"Listen, about the fight you and Twilight had earlier... I... I think you should-"

"Apologize?" Trixie interrupted her before sighing. "I was about to do that. I shouldn't have said those things to Twilight when she was probably just concerned about our safety as well."

"I don't know what her motives are, but Twilight means well." Starlight said to her before putting a hoof around her neck. "She always has."

"I guess..." Trixie simply shrugged.

After saying goodnight to her closest friend, Trixie trotted downstairs, and listened closely, until she found Twilight's voice in the distance. Trixie had followed the voice, until she finally spotted one of the castle's doors with some stained glass.

Trixie was about to open the door, but she saw that Twilight was quickly sorting through books and books in the library.

She must be busy. Trixie thought to herself. Since she was occupied, Trixie just shrugged and started to walk away. She would probably try again tomorrow. The last thing she needed was to interrupt the princess with a stupid apology.

"Come on, Twilight, its getting late!" Trixie heard Spike exclaim in the distance. "At this rate, I don't think you'll ever find that spell!"

The moment he said the word "spell", Trixie suddenly stopped, and looked behind her and looked at the stained door curiously. Was he talking about Goodness Forgetness? Are they looking for a way to revert the spell?

Once again, Trixie didn't like to eavesdrop, but she could help but do it when Spike continued.

"Twilight, relax, please!" she heard Spike pleading. "What has gotten into you lately? You've been quiet and a nervous wreck since Starlight returned you to normal, according to her."

"Found it!" Trixie heard Twilight exclaim, completely ignoring what Spike had just said. Trixie then heard a book land on a table. She heard the book's pages flip, until Twilight gasped. "Goodness Forgetness! The spell is in this book!"

"Ok...?" Spike was confused by what she was saying. "What about it? We know it exists now."

"No! Starlight told me that the spell would be casted by accident." Twilight explained. "Then it says right here in the next page, 'one of the most mishandled spells in the ancient times, with only reading an ancient text would make the spell appear.'"

"Ok." Spike said, trying to follow.

"Then I look on top, and it says this weird text in some squiggly font." Twilight said while pointing at the words at the top of the page. "And... this is where I came in."

"Huh?" Spike and Trixie said at the same time, while Trixie's was more hushed.

"You know I have a habit of saying things aloud when I don't know how to read them clearly?" Twilight asked Spike nervously.

Spike didn't seem to get it, until he finally got the hint. "Are you saying that..."

"...I cast the spell on them by accident." Twilight finished more solemnly.

Trixie almost gasped loudly, almost giving her away. Twilight was behind all of our pain and suffering this whole time?

Trixie shook her head. Then she immediately listened in anger. She didn't even want to apologize to her anymore. How can she?

"Twilight..." Spike was about to say something, but his voice trailed away.

Twilight closed the book forcefully. "Why else was I so tense?" she asked the dragon sadly. "The moment Starlight told me that spell, I remembered reading about it just a few days ago."

Two days after my magic show. Trixie thought, assuming that was when the spell started.

"Twilight, the book said that this spell itself was mishandled." Spike told her. "None of this is your fault."

"It is! Now they are about to go to war with the princesses because of it." Twilight sighed, before rubbing her forehead with her hoof. "Oh Spike, I don't know what to do. When do I tell them?"

Trixie couldn't bear to hear anymore. She decided to make her presence known by slamming the door open. She didn't even care if it made the loudest noise in the castle.

"How about now?" she demanded.

"Trixie!" Twilight gasped. "How long have you been listening?"

"Long enough to know that you were behind all of this!" Trixie said while waving her hoof angrily.

"Trixie, Trixie, Trixie." Spike waved his claws, trying to calm her down. "This may seem bad but-"

Just then they heard the running steps of Discord, who appeared with a teddy bear tugged in his arms.

"You better have a good explanation for waking up the Lord of Chaos." Discord hissed, before turning and seeing the guilty faces of Twilight and Spike. "Actually, nevermind."

Just then, moments later, Starlight came down the stairs, clearly panting.

"Don't scare me like that!" Starlight told Trixie fiercely. "I thought something happened I-"

She immediately stopped when she saw Twilight and Spike, grinning nervously. While peeking beside Twilight and looked at the book that was titled "Ancient Magic from the Starswirl Days."

She looked towards the alicorn and the dragon, and narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "What's going on?"

Author's Note:

*Cue the dramatic music*