• Published 28th Dec 2022
  • 838 Views, 19 Comments

Displaced: The Traitorous Gunslinger - 2themax

A man dressed up as MGS3 Ocelot goes to a con, met the merchant and is now in Equestria. Lies, Manipulation and secrets are tool of the trade, combine with a Colt SAA, who knows what will happen in the world of Tactical Espionage Action,

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Boss Encounter

Morning has finally arrived, slowly opening my eyes as I let out a yawn, stretching out as I let out a loud groaning yell as I felt my joints pop and my bones cracking. I was hoping that yesterday was just a weird ass fever dream but no, I’m still here, trapped in Equestria as Revolver Ocelot. I smack my lips as I'm definitely dealing with morning dry mouth as I grabbed my gear, taking out the Colt SAA that fired all of its rounds as I started to drop the spent rounds onto the floor.

As i start loading in the new rounds, my heart races, maybe ocelot was right, there’s nothing more satisfying than slamming a long silver bullet into a well greased chamber…I just now realized that it was a sex joke the whole time. “Kojima you sneaky little rat…” I muttered as I spun the chamber and lowered the hammer.

I placed both the bandoleer and holsters back on as I cracked my neck, still a bit stiff from the shot I received. My stomach rumbled in hunger as I placed a hand on my belly. “Guess I better hunt down breakfast.” as I exit out of the old bedroom.

Once back out of the castle I crossed the old bridge again, hearing one of the wood boards splitting as I pulled my foot away from it. ‘Okay, the bridge is slowly giving out on me here. Gotta move fast now.’ I thought as I quickly crossed it in a hurry. I let out a sigh of relief as I made it to the other side again as I took out my revolver as a precaution of an ambush.

I waited for a minute or two and nothing showed up to attack me. I kept my guard up as I started to slowly walk down through the forest, looking for something to hunt down and eat. After a minute or two of wandering I spotted a few fruits hanging in the tree, i took a chance i aim my revolver shot the fruit down.

Once the fruit hit the floor it immediately turned into a ration item. I shoot down another fruit as another ration item spawn before I put the revolver away, walking over to the two new items and picking them up. Everfree Fruit A.R text appeared like always before fading away. I popped open the survival viewer as I went to the food option and saw the two fruits. Strangely enough these fruits look like a hybridization between a mango and a melon. I selected the fruit as it appeared in my hand and I took a bite out of it. The flesh of the fruit has a bit of a crisp crunch to it, sweet with a bit of tang to it. I eat away until I reach the core and toss it away.

“Good Stamina Recovery” text appeared as I finished eating. “This is pretty alright…” I said as my stamina recovered two third of the way as the feeling of hunger went away.

With breakfast solved I think now is a good time to leave the forest and head back to civilization. Took me an hour to follow the trail out of the forest and finally exit out of the creepy forest. “Now what’s next on the agenda.” I muttered as I scratched my chin, thinking.

On cue my codec started to ring. I placed two fingers on my ear as the UI popped up.“I see you finally left the forest Ocelot.” the voice of Lore Master said through the static.

“Was wondering when you’ll call, I was able to meet up with Drebin and get my Nanomachines working again, hopefully there’s no other surprises he gave me with that shot.” I remarked as I rubbed my neck.

“Relax, he didn’t give you a strain of FOXDIE inside you. If that was your concern, why kill off his only customer in this world?” he responded as I let out a small sigh of relief.

“So, how long until Nightmare Moon makes her reappearance?” I asked.

“If i got the time of day correct, this should be the night of the thousandth year, meaning she’ll make her grand appearance tonight. We both know that Celestia won’t show up at the town hall as she too is expecting her return.” Lore said.

“Any suggestions on how to handle this?” I asked.

“At this time, let the girls continue on through their daily routine, we don’t want them to be alerted to our presence yet. Also I was able to pull a few favors with Drebin, head towards Sweet Apple Acres Farm, it’s to the south of your location and go behind the red barn, you’ll find your new equipment there, not only that but a way to receive new items and weapons from the gun launderer himself.” Lore explained.

“Apple Acres? The same farm where Applejack and her family lives? Isn’t that a little risky being spotted by someone there?” I asked, raising a brow at the static.

“So long as you keep that Stealth Camo active and at hand you won’t have a risk of being spotted, plus with how close her farm is towards the Everfree forest, you can use the woods as a means of covering your movement.” Lore advised as I nodded my head.

“Got it, will the new items be secured at a hidden location?” I asked.

“Correct, it’ll be contained behind a few old wooden barrels there. Now, head to Apple Acres and receive your gear.” Lore commanded before the call ended, booting me out of the UI.

I took Lore Master’s advice and followed south down through the woods, using the treelines as cover as I headed my way towards the targeted location. After over half an hour of running down and taking a quick minute to eat the other fruit to regain more of my stamina, I finally made it to the apple orchard. With a quick press of a button I turned on the stealth camo as I made my way through the farm.

I gotta say with how many apple trees there are, I'm surprised that her family can handle this many work hours with just three ponies alone. Hell, I'm tempted to steal an apple or two but that’ll just leave evidence of someone sneaking through their farm, right now this is a sneaking mission. They may be apple farmers but they would definitely know if someone was stealing from their hard earned crops, they’d probably have the math of how many apple orchards are planted around here but I digress, I gotta reach the barn.

After a solid few minutes walking through the orchard I spotted the red barn, gotta say, looks bigger than in the show online. I headed right where Lore told me to go and checked behind it, and there the old barrels were right there alright, I carefully pushed them aside as I found a gun case waiting for me in there. I popped open the case. Inside was a handgun with several magazines with what seemed to be modified rounds and a suppressor, then it hit me, this was a Tranquilizer gun. ‘A non-lethal option for sneaking around huh, I'll keep that in mind.’ as i reached out and took the handgun and the mags inside. Mk.22 Mod 0text showed up as I let out a small scoff as I placed the handgun away in my pocket.

‘Normally this is snake’s schtick, using tranqs and CQC for his missions but guessing how this world is treating this, anything he can do I can do. I mean Ocelot did match Snake in terms of CQC prowise and accuracy.’ I thought before I heard a small buzzing from my stealth camo as it deactivated. “Shit,it must have run out of juice.” I said before I turned to see and spotted a yellow filly with a red mane and a red bow on it several yards away, staring at me as I just “appeared” out of nowhere. ‘Ah shit..’ I thought as I spotted a red exclamation mark pop over her head. “No, no wait!” I yelled out as she immediately booked it to find one of her siblings.

“Not good.” I muttered as I quickly ran from the spot and looked around for a hiding spot. There I found a rotted out old log on the field as I quickly prone and crawled into the old log opening. Several seconds later my soliton radar picked up three dots with a yellow cone of vision, being alerted by Applebloom ratting on me. From my location I can see Applejack with her older brother, a larger Red looking stallion with blonde short mane, Big Macintosh was his name i think.

I can barely hear out what they're saying, being several yards away but my guess is that Applebloom insisted she saw someone while the siblings were doubting her. Hoping they would just walk away my soliton radar changed and entered the Caution mode as the two siblings started to patrol around the barn. ‘Damn it, this makes this a lot harder. I haven’t finished getting everything.’ I thought as I peek out and in the hoof of Big Mac was a familiar looking little robot.

'Wait, that’s Otacon’s mark II!’ shocked on seeing the little mobile robot being in the hands or rather hoofs of the farmers as that means they got evidence of something fishy going on in the farm. ‘I need that damn robot before they leave with it.

I crawled out of the log as I took out the mark 22 tranq gun and carefully threaded the suppressor on as I slowly crouched walk my way towards the lone Applejack, still looking around and patrolling around the barn as I quickly aimed up a shot at the cowgirl mare.

If my thinking was correct, in most MGS games a tranq to the head means instant knockout, so i looked down the sight and fired a quiet shot at her. The dart hit her on the side of her head as the Orange mare went down like a sack of potatoes. I hear her quietly snoring away as a couple Z Z Z floated above her head.

‘One down, one to go.’ as I slowly made my way around the barn as I spotted the big red stallion himself, trying to make his way to the house. ‘No you don’t’ as I cocked the gun with a new round as I lined up a shot and hit him in the back of the head, the big stallion stumbles befores hitting the dirt asleep. I slowly walked over to the sleeping stallion as I took the robot out of his hoof Metal Gear MK II . I smirked as I turned to see Applebloom walking to the sleeping Applejack.

‘Sorry bloom, but snitch goes night night.’ I thought as I aimed down to the filly as she was about to kick Applejack awake before the dart hit her on the forehead. She crossed her eyes up seeing her new dart horn before slowly falling asleep. “Sweet dreams Apple family, no hard feelings.” I said as I carefully snuck through the orchard, hearing a beep from the stealth camo as it was fully charged again. I popped the stealth camo on and booked it to the woods.

Once back behind the tree lines, I placed the Mark II down onto the floor and booted up the machine. The machine shook a bit before looking up to me, jumping in surprise before turning invisible to hide. “You know I can still barely see you right, plus you’re showing up on my radar.” as I tapped the side of my head. The Mark II uncloaks before tilting his head camera to me, like a confused dog. “Yeah it’s the nanomachines that’s giving me the radar and such, plus I think you know why I'm here right?” I asked the little robot as it nodded its head as its little cable arm came out as it popped open its top compartment and pulled out a pair of aviator shades.

“Shades? What does it do?” I asked as I took the shades out as I placed them on. With its little cable arm it places the little claw on his lens and does a twisting motion “So it zooms in like a pair of binoculars?” I asked as I noticed a little switch on the side, flicking it as it started to zoom in onto a tree. “Sweet, anything else these bad boys do?” I asked as I zoomed back to normal vision. It jumps a bit as it reaches up and flips the switch again, showing off a night-vision mix with thermal imaging. “Oh damn, thermal night-vision too, it’s like the solid eye but fancier.” I said as I turned off the night-vision.

“Thanks little man.” as I patted the robot head as it does a little zoomie spin around before falling onto its side before getting back up. “Oh, do you know how I can access Drebin’s inventory?” I asked for the Mark II. It popped open the side monitor as a screen popped up, showing a large menu with the same revolver logo with 893 as I heard a small monkey hoot. “Alright, now we’re talking. How about we do some browsing.” I said as I started pressing through the menu.

From what I'm seeing Drebin had a good selection of weapons here, plenty of automatics weapons, sniper rifles, shotguns, handguns, explosives, weapon modifications and even support items.

As I scroll through I spot an interesting pair of items: “Fake Death Pill with Revival Pill.” costing around 5 bits per pill. For curiosity sake I bought the item as I heard the monkey let out a happy hoot.

The Mark II top compartment opened up as I placed the bits inside and closed up. After a few seconds it popped out as I saw the two pills inside. “Convenient.” I remarked as I installed the new revival pill into my tooth, adjusting my jaw and took the fake death pill into my inventory. I continued to do a little bit of shopping as I bought LIFE medicine for 10 bits each and a stock for 20 bits for my revolvers.

Noticing I don't have much coins left I hopped off the store as I looked down to the Mark II “Mind staying invis while I do my thing?” I asked as it nodded and turned invisible.

I knelt down and decided to ring up Lore Master. The UI popped up as I looked at the static image.

“I was able to retrieve the items you left me, though there were some minor complications.” I said.

“Were you spotted?” he asked as I nodded

“Unfortunately the Stealth camo ran out of charge in the worst time, Applebloom was the one to spot me, but thankfully I was able to recover the Tranq but not the Mark II. Had to hide real quick.`` I replied.

“Who found the Mark II?” they asked.

“It was the other two apple siblings, from what I'm guessing they doubted bloom about me but still decided to patrol their farm. I had to use the tranq gun to reacquire my gear and book it.`` I said.

“Any lasting damages?” they asked.

“None, the only thing they’ll feel is just being groggy.” I replied.

“I’ll try to see if I get a more updated stealth camo that lasts longer in the field.” he muttered before clearing their throat. “Ocelot, your new goal is to intercept Nightmare at town hall at night of the Summer Solstice Celebration, I’ll be sending the blueprint of the building to the Mark II, find another way to enter the building and await her arrive, be there before the sun sets.” he said before the codec UI closed as I was back to standing in the woods.

‘Now’s a good time to save before going out.’ I thought as I rang up Mei Ling. The UI popped up again as I saw the data analyst “Want to save your progress Ocelot?” she asked as the prompt showed up as I hit yes. “Alright, done. What kind of proverb do you wanna hear today?” She asked.

I thought about it for a bit. “How about something you know, hit me with a classic.” I said to Mei ling.

She hums for a bit before smiling “You must cross the river before you tell the crocodile he has bad breath.” she says as I scratch at my chin. “That mean?” I asked , raising a brow.

She replied saying “It means a wise man avoids danger first. Gotta use your head and think about the dangers that could be around you and avoid potential enemies.” I nod my head as I smile at her.

“Got it, I'll keep an eye and ear out, gotta go now, got a villain to meet.” I said before ending the call and closing down the codec UI.

I went over to the nearly invisible outline of the Mark II as I knelt down to it. “Alright little buddy, time to check this blueprint out.” I said to it as it decloaks, opening its side panel to reveal the map. From the look of the design, it appears to be the town hall, slightly bigger than the show has shown it but either way I spot a back door exit behind the building, a possible entry point for this building. I tapped at the screen as it zoomed in closer to the map, showing off inner layers and the numbers of floors in it and conveniently enough the back door leads up stairs to the back inside the building. “Guess I'll make my grand entrance there to her.” I said before closing up the map and standing back up.

I looked up to the sky and saw that it’s still bright and sunny out. I decided now will be the time to kill some time in the forest. Doing some small bit of fruit foraging, some game hunting and reloading my weapons.

This took me a few hours of my time, discovering some new fruits, taking out a cockatrice or two for the protein and cataloging some of the wild life. A strange looking beetle, a sleeping manticore, a crag-odile, and an odd looking avian creature. Things to either hunt or avoid in the future.

Once I saw that sunset was approaching. Now was the perfect time to head out to Ponyville as I swap out my phantom pain outfit for the darker major outfit from snake eater, helping me blend in more to the night. With a new outfit on I made a quick dash into town.

It only took me around ten minutes to reach the Town hall as the streets were mostly empty because of the approaching Summer Sun Solstice Celebration. Makes my life a lot easier by sneaking to the back of the door as I reach for the door knob and twist it, only to find it locked.

“Damn. Should have known, if only I had a pair of lockpicks to open it.`` I muttered before I heard the Mark II decloak as it reached its little cable hand up to the door’s lock, jimming it a bit before I heard a click.

“Well, aren't you full of surprises?” I said to the Mark II as it did a little hop before turning invisible. I opened the door as I slowly peek around before stepping inside the hallway, shutting the door quietly. I slowly ascended up the stairs until I made it to the balcony area and if I remember right this is where Nightmare Moon will make her grand appearance. ‘And now we play the waiting game.’ as I snuck behind the curtains, using the shadows to remain hidden as I waited.

It felt like an eternity waiting but finally I hear the mayor of pony giving out her grand speech of the festival, not really caring about what she has to say until she calls out for Princess Celestia. I looked to where the spotlight shined and to the ponies surprised but not me that the Princess Isn’t there. ‘In Three...two…one…’ I counted down mentally as the room darkens, an evil maniacal laughter echoed throughout the room and as I heard ponies murmured in fear and confusion.

Forming from the shadowy mist was the villain of the hour, her fur black as the void, her purple mane flowing like ethereal tendrils, her green cat-like eyes ever so glowing in the night as Nightmare Moon appears in front of the ponies. I hear her do her evil monologue, doing her evil spiel of bringing in eternal night to Equestria, declaring herself as the eternal ruler of the new dark ages. She lets out her evil laughter as I can see all the ponies starting to panic in fear. ‘And now, to make my grand reveal.’ I smirked.

I start to do the slow sarcastic clapping after Nightmare Moon finished her laughter, this made her and all of the other ponies confused as they don’t know who and why someone is clapping. “Wow, that is by far the most stereotypical evil villain speech I've heard in a long while.” I said as I continued clapping.

“Who dares mock the Night! Reveal thyself!” Nightmare commands. I continue to do my slow clap as I start to walk out of the shadow of the curtains, my boots clanging on the floor as Nightmare stares me down.

“Well, well, well, look who finally got out of the moon, I gotta say did you come up with that speech while you’re up there? Surely you could have gone with something more threatening.” I said as I stopped clapping, staring down the alicorn mare as she glared daggers at me.

“And Wherefore is a peasant of a minotaur such as you down in a horrific town.” She asked as she eyed me carefully.

I let out a scoff, looking at the alicorn with a bit of disdain. “Peasant? That’s MAJOR to you.” I said turning away from her before doing a little theatrical spin “And don’t you forget it!” as I pointed at her.

She let out a bark of laughter before revealing her sharp teeth in a smile. “Thou, a Major? Thou art a comedic one, please, tell us thine name before we smite thee as an example.” she asked as her dark horn glowed with a dark blue hue.

I gave her a small smirk of my own as I swiftly took out my revolver and started spinning it. “Special Operation Foxhound and Commander of an elite spetsnaz unit, Major…Revolver...” I tossed the gun up before catching it, cocking the hammer back and aiming it at Nightmare Moon. “Ocelot.” I finished as I stared at her.

The tension in the air was thick before she lost her composure and started laughing. “T-thou’s name is that of a jungle feline!” she said as she continued to laugh for a bit. She catches her breath before letting out a small sigh. “Thou would maketh an excellent jester, perhaps we shall spare thee for now.” her horns stopped glowing before she looked over the rest of the ponies to the crowd. “See, thy Eternal Night queen can be merciful, submit to us and thou’s life shall be spared.” she addressed as some of the ponies were shaking in their hooves, a couple even bowed to her in fear of their lives.

“No!” A purple unicorn shouted back, I looked over and it was Twilight Sparkle that defied Nightmare Moon. “Oh, doth thou protest against your queen? Brave, yet foolish.” She eyed the young unicorn mare as her horn glowed, ready to deliver a fatal shot. With a quick pull of a trigger I fired my revolver, the loud gunshot made a lot of the ponies scream in fear. My bullet flew and hit a thick part of her armor, denting it heavily as she let out a yell of pain. “THOU DARE!” she yelled in her Canterlot voice as she whipped around and fired a deadly beam of magic at me.

I quickly rolled out of the way as I fired another shot, this time grazing one of her legs. She yelled in pain as her leg bleed from the wound. “Thou hasn’t seen the last of me!” She yelled as she quickly formed into a dark purple mist as her shadowy mist flew out of the window. I ran over to the balcony and looked over to Twilight. “Don’t just stand there! Find the damn Elements!” I yelled to the purple unicorn before running down the stairs. As I quickly opened the back door and slammed through it, I saw the purple mist flying over to the Everfree forest. “Got to get to her before they do.” as I book it to the forest.

I quickly took the shades out and put them on, turning on the night vision mode as I quickly ran through the woods, panting as I ran through a low hanging branch, jumping over small stones in the way as I quickly made it to the bridge. With caution and haste I made it over to the other side, turning around to see a dark blue aura on it as it pulled the bridge off the dirt and let the one side fall. “No turning back now.” as I made my way towards the castle.

Once I made it to the castle, I walked past the old castle doors as I entered the main entrance hall. ‘I know where she is.’ I thought as I started walking down the hallway, carefully with revolvers in my hands as I cleared my corners. I made it to the room that held the Elements of Harmony as I quickly looked around for the threat. The door closed behind me as I heard Nightmare Moon’s evil chuckle.

“So, thou knoweth wh’re the Elements art. Clev’r little knave but this beest thy fatal mistaketh!” she yelled out as she reformed ahead of me, standing near the pedestal that held the Elements.

“T's been ov'r a thousand years since i lasteth did see mine own owneth blood being spilled, i wilt maketh thee payeth with thy owneth.” she said as a her horn glowed brightly, i shielded my eyes from the bright flash before we were teleported to the same area that Twilight had her own duel with Nightmare Moon.

“Enough of the Shakespearean dramatics, if it’s a fight you want, I’ll gladly give you one!” I yelled at her and took a gunslinger stance. The two of us stared each other down “FEAR THE NIGHT!” She yelled out as a small flash of light appeared and the fight began.

I quickly ran towards a pillar as a dark blue beam was shot at me, small chunks of the marble pillar flew off as I saw from the corner of my eyes, just under my LIFE bar was Nightmare Moon’s LIFE and Stamina gauge. This was a boss fight. ‘If this is like any metal gear solid boss fight, you’d get something special for going for a non-lethal take down.’ I thought as I reached back and pulled out the Mark 22 tranq gun.

She quickly blasted a beam of magic onto the pillar i was hiding behind, cracking the marble pillar before I peek out shot the tranq gun at her, hitting her on the exposed part of her armor as she let out a small grunt as her stamina gauge went down a bit. ‘Alright, got a good hit in.’ I thought as I quickly chamber another shot and fired another one, hitting her again before she cast up a dark blue shield around her.
‘Shit, she can cast a shield on herself.’ I thought as I took cover again. “Thou shalln’t penetrate through our shield.” She boasted as she slowly approached my cover. This time a powerful blast exploded the pillar I was behind and sent me flying, taking some minor damage as my LIFE dropped a bit “Ow…” I groaned as I slowly pushed myself back onto my feet.

“Ah there you are!” she called out as she fired quicker smaller beams of magic towards me, hitting me as small grunts of pain, slowly chipping at my LIFE before I retaliated with a few more shots of my own, strafing towards another pillar before reloading the tranq gun.

I took a quick look at both our LIFE and stamina. My health dropped quite a bit, already losing 1/5th of the bar as her stamina was down 1/3rds the way. ‘Can’t really tank all this damage, if this keeps up i might actually die here..’ I thought as I heard Nightmare Moon’s laughter as she approached and started firing her magic at the pillar.

This time I quickly moved away from the cover, quickly sneaking around to another pillar as I watched her destroy it, looking confused. “Where are thoust hiding!?” she screamed out as she patrolled around the area. ‘Now I have my strategy to beat her now.’ I thought, smirking as I fired the suppressed tranq gun at her, hitting her in the neck as it drained her stamina heavily. A few more hits before she popped her shield up.

“Coward! Hiding in the shadows like a common thief!” she yelled out as she spotted me firing a quick beam before I ducked back behind covers.

“Says the mare who’s been living in her sister’s shadow all these years!” I yelled back, running from the cover as it exploded violently as she screamed in anger.

A sharp piece of marble shrapnel flew and hit me in the leg, imbedding in it as my LIFE gauge now has a red bar in it. “Shit!” I yelled out as I grabbed at my leg. I hissed in pain as I heard the codec ringing in my ear. ‘Really?! Now is the time for a call?! Hang on, time freezes when I'm in a codec call or menu.’ a break really would help.

I answered the call as time froze around me and the codec UI popped up, the codec number that is calling me 145.73 ‘i recognize that number..’ I thought as another young woman’s face popped up, an American woman with brunette hair, a scarf around her neck and a camo jacket around her beige blouse. “Ocelot you are suffering from a shrapnel wound.” she said as I remembered who she was now.

“Paramedic, is that you?!” I called out in disbelief.

“Now’s not the time for that, right now, you’re suffering from an injury and it’s reducing your maximum LIFE. First head to the survival viewer and go to the CURE menu, there you’ll have to treat the wound. First you need to dislodge it, use a knife or something to pry out that shrapnel, next you need to apply a styptic to stop the blood loss, then apply disinfectant to the wound, after that wrap it with a clean bandage and the wound should be healed.” She instructed.

“Got it, you owe me an explanation after this fight.” I said to Paramedic.

“Only if you get out of it alive, don’t you die on us Ocelot.” she replied before the call ended.

Once the call ended, I hit that imaginary start button and entered the survival viewer. I saw the CURE tab and entered it, I then saw myself in a third person view as a line was pointing to my injured leg. On the right tab was surgical and the left tab was medical. ‘Right now, this is a surgical emergency.’ I use my mental controller to open the surgical tab, seeing the tools I have and the quantity I have left in them.

All the items except the survival knife have 5/20 uses so i have to make the most out of them. I followed the instructions that Paramedic told me, gritting my teeth as I dug the shrapnel out and poured the disinfectant on my wound. After that, I applied the styptic to stop the blood loss and quickly wrapped the bandage around it. Once I fully dressed the wound the red bar went away and my max LIFE increased by a bit.

‘Ah, much better… Now I have to be careful from now on. I don't have much supplies, unless I can buy it from the Mark II. Right now, I have a dark evil princess to fight.’ I thought as I ‘Unpaused’ from the survival viewer and back into the fight.

The fighting resumed as Nightmare Moon cackled like the crazed mare she was as she fired a large blast of magic, hitting me in the back as I was sent flying. “Gah!” I yelled out as I rolled on the floor for a bit, hearing that dreaded beeping of low health. ‘This ain’t looking good, one more hit like that and I’m dead…Wait I have the fake death pill. Maybe this might work on her.’ I thought as I took out the fake death pill. ‘Hope this works…if not, biggest mistake I made in life.’

I took the fake death pill, already feeling the effects as I let out an echoing death cry, hand reaching out before “dying” in front of Nightmare moon. As I lay motionless on the floor, having this out of body feeling as a text prompt popped up typing OCELOT IS DEAD with the words Continue and Exit below it. Nightmare moon walked over to my “corpse.” looking over at me as she lets out a triumphant laughter “Foolish Knave, t’was a mistake facing the queen of the night.” she boasted as she turned away from me.

‘Now’s my chance.’ I thought as I bit down on the revival pill, playing my death animation in reverse before staying prone on the floor. I quietly took out the LIFE medicine and injected that good stuff into me, restoring a large portion of my health. ‘Oh yeah, back into the fight.’ I grinned as I stood back up and lined a shot at her right in the flank.

The dart flew and struck her right in the flank, hearing her let out a loud gasp as she turned around, gazing at me angrily. “Oops, dart in your the butt!” I gave her a smug grin before firing one last shot, hitting her right in her angry face as she flew backward ,letting out a scream of pain, draining the last of her stamina.

An item box flew from her body and hit the floor. I carefully walked over to it, gun pointed at her as i picked it up “Nightmare.Camo” .

‘Neat, new camo.’ I thought as Nightmare Moon slowly stood back up onto her legs, panting.

I quickly duck behind a pillar. “You’re pretty good, just what I expected from the little sister of Princess Celestia. As much as I wanna continue, I think you have company coming in around fifteen or so minutes, best you entertain them, cause they’ll also have the same goal of retrieving the Elements of Harmony.`` I said as I looked to my right and saw a window. “I must take my leave now, take care, Princess Luna.” I said as I rushed to the window, jumping through it as I was just a few feet up in the air.

I rolled to soften the landing as I quickly ran from the scene. After a couple of minutes later I catch my breath, putting the Mark 22 tranq away as I smack my face a bit and yell out “WHOOOO! Yeah baby, that’s what I'm talking about. Fought the immortal corrupted moon princess, outwitted her with a fake death and beat her ass. I’m the goddamn best!” I cheered loudly before the codex rang.

I answered the call as I saw Drebin's revolver logo. “Way to handle that corrupted princess there ocelot, I'm surprised you can handle an alicorn in a fight.” said Drebin.

“Drebin, you were watching the fight?” I asked.

“I was nearby, and saw the whole thing. With you fighting Nightmare Moon, I think you make things a bit easier for the Mane 6.” he said.

“The Mane 6, you mean Twilight and her new friends right?” I asked.

“The very same, with Nightmare’s strength weakened, Twilight won’t have to worry that much about being turned into dust by the alicorn. Best part is you got yourself some new digs too.” he said.

“Oh yeah, I did get something from her, it’s called Nightmare camo.” I replied.

“Nightmare Camo eh? Well with that thing on, you’ll be as quiet as the night, very hard to spot in the dark and your stamina will decrease at a slower rate. You got yourself a keeper.” Drebin said.

“Sweet, gotta jump off the call for now, I have a Paramedic to call.” I said as I ended the call with Drebin and called the new codec frequency I received. It rang for a bit before the call was answered and I saw ParaMedic in the UI.

“What’s up Ocelot?” she asked as she raised a brow.

“Sup, calling in to say thanks for giving me the information on how to treat my wound. Kinda owe you one there.`` I said.

“I was just doing my job Ocelot, you’re vital for the mission at hand.” she replied.

“You also said you’d explain why you’re also here. Care to explain?” I asked.

“Well I was asked to join in the operation here in Equestria, and with the new guide I was given and with my years of medical knowledge, I joined in. Hearing that it was going to be you in the Mission, at first I was hesitant but I gathered my nerves and accepted to help you out. Someone is gonna need someone to watch out for them.” She replied.

‘“That’s...very kind of you Paramedic, thanks. I’ll do my best to stay alive during my time here. If I need help for an injury I'll call you up or I need help with a new food option I find in the wild.”

“Alright, and please don’t end up like Snake, always asking me if something that shouldn’t be edible is edible.” she pleaded.

“No promises.” I replied with a smirk.

She let out a small sigh and shook her head. I just let out a small chuckle as I gave her a smirk. “You have my codec number, so call me anytime when needed.” she said before the call ended. With that done I looked back over to the castle, scratching at my chin and thinking what to do next. ‘Better check on Twilight and gang to see if they made it at least.’ I thought as I walked back towards the castle.

From the castle a massive bright light shot through the windows, shielding my eyes from the sudden light. After a few seconds the light dies down as I quickly snuck back inside the castle.
I slowly approached the same room I was once in as I saw Twilight and her friends with their elements of harmony relics on them, on the ground was a small blue looking alicorn mare with shattered metal armor around her lying body. ‘And there she is, purified and back to her old self.’ I thought as I looked at Luna. Another bright light filled the room as Princess Celestia appeared in front of Twilight and her friends. From the look of things they all bowed to Celestia as the sun princess looked around the room, seeing her prized pupil, her new friends and her little sister.

She saw me way in the back of the room, I gave her a small smirk and the signature ocelot finger point before slinking away from the scene. This was their show, I just helped move things along. I left the old castle, walking away for several yards before I heard a small ‘pop’ and a small flash of light behind me. “So, was my method correct? Did it save your little sister, Princess Celestia.” I said as I turned around, facing a nice smiling Celestia as a small trail of tears were seen on her cheek.

“Yes… You were right…and for that...you have my eternal gratitude for not only helping me bring back my beloved little sister but also with bringing the elements back to power.” She said as she bowed her head down. After giving me a bow she raised her head back up and looked over to me. “As Princess of Equestria, I wish to reward you for your effort in rescuing my sister Luna. I wish to ask you if you would like to join me in Canterlot. From what I remember from our last talk, you did say you were a Major, meaning you are in the military correct?” she asked.

“Correct, I am a Major. Though from where I originally was, I was an acting Major for a military branch from another nation.” I replied as I crossed my arms, raising a brow. “ Why, are you telling me you have a position for me in your army?” I asked.

“Very astute of you Ocelot, yes I am asking if you like to join our Equestrian military. Even from your youthful appearance you have the knowledge and experience. I can see it in your eyes.” She says as she looks at me, eyeing me over, giving me a small smile.

“Well they do say eyes are the windows to the soul. And when I first met you, I saw the tiny hint of desperation for your sister. Thought I could help with that. If I am going to join your military, I want my role to be more…active. I already have soldiers at my command so you can keep your soldiers to their pony commanders. I’m guessing the pay is good as well for being a high ranking official?” I asked as Celestia nodded her head.

“All military officers are paid a high wage since they’re already proved their worth for not only Equestria but also the entire lands of Equis.” she said.

“I see… Alright I’ll gladly accept your position, but under one condition.” I said, raising a pointer finger.

“Name it, and it will be done.” She said, ears perked up and at attention.

“Can I get a Medium rare steak, light on sauce and some white wine. It’s a good time to celebrate and why not bring out the good stuff.” I said with a smirk as Celestia let out a small chuckle and smiled.

“I think that can be easily done.” She replied as she raised a hoof for a shake.

“I’m gonna tell you this, eating some actual dining would beat eating out here in the woods.” I said as I grabbed her hoof, shaking it firmly. Her horn glows a soft yellow color as we both blinked out of the woods, teleporting us back to Canterlot.