• Published 8th Oct 2022
  • 2,072 Views, 43 Comments

Language Barriers - Gay For Gadot

Unfortunately for Fluttershy, being able to talk to animals isn't all it's cracked up to be.

  • ...

Lost In Translation

"Thanks for meeting us at the pet store, Fluttershy," Sunset Shimmer said, holding the door for her as she entered.

Fluttershy's eyelid twitched. "No problem."

Though Sunset noticed this, any concern she may have raised was cast aside in favor of a bouncing, twirling cloud of green-and-brown sweater bursting through the door.

Her girlfriend, Wallflower Blush, stood in awe at the front of the shop. Her gorgeous copper eyes shone with unabashed joy as she looked over the aisles. "Wow, there's so many animals here!"

Wrapping an arm around Wallflower, Sunset replied, "Yes, and you can have any of them you want."

"Yay." Fluttershy trudged into the pet store after them.

"Now, do you want something fluffy or—"


"Fluffy it is." Sunset turned to their friend. "Alright, Fluttershy, what do you recommend?"

As the trio passed by some chirping birds, Fluttershy shot one a glare. "Oh no, I couldn't," she muttered, returning to the couple. "It shouldn't be my decision."

"But if you had to make a decision, which one would you choose?" Sunset asked.

After a moment, Fluttershy replied, "Pet rocks can be kind of cute."

Wallflower crossed her arms. "But I want something fluffy!"

"You could get one with moss."

"But I've always had pet rocks! And pet plants! And a pet pillow with lots of tear stains on it…" As she trailed off, Wallflower's eyes widened. "Wow, I used to be pretty lonely."

"And that's why we're here!" Giving her a reassuring smile, Sunset then pecked Wallflower's cheek. "We need to make sure you have good company while I'm at work."

Fluttershy shrugged. "Okay. What about a ladybug?"

"But that's not fluffy!" Wallflower's eyes sparkled with tears. "I want something I can hug when I get sad, which happens a lot!"

Sunset gave a reluctant sigh. "Yeah… it kinda does."

Fluttershy gestured towards the other side of the shop. "The mammals are over there."

"Oooh, mammals!" Without missing a beat, Wallflower ran across the store. "Do you think they have puppies?! I've always wanted a puppy!"

The other two girls followed after Wallflower, whose excited question was quickly answered. Under a banner reading "Adopt A New Friend!" was a small pen of puppies. Upon seeing the new faces, the puppies jumped at the barrier, barking and wagging their tails.

"Awww, look!" Wallflower reached down to take a puppy's paw in her hand. "This one's trying to shake! What a good boy! Or girl!"

"Awww, how adorable." Sunset joined her side. "I think he—or she—likes you, Wally."

Fluttershy shook her head. "I don't think that's a shake."

"What do you mean?" Wallflower asked, still playing with the puppy.

Slowly, Fluttershy leaned down until she was eye level with the puppy. "What are your thoughts on the Holocaust."

The puppy barked several times in succession, its tail wagging nonstop. It pushed its paw against Fluttershy's hand.

Fluttershy stood up. "Let's move on."

"Well, what did he say?" Wallflower asked.

"Let's move on."

Eyebrows raised, Wallflower followed after her—an even more confused Sunset in tow.

"What's the Holocaust?" Sunset asked.

Wallflower gaped. "Wha—didn't you take history classes?"

"I'm pretty sure I threatened some nerdy kids to do that homework for me."


"Here are some kittens."

The announcement was made with little fanfare. Fluttershy stepped aside to reveal a similar adoption setup for a litter of kittens. She stood by as Wallflower, valid concerns abruptly and thoroughly forgotten, rushed over to pet them all at once.

"Oh, I've always wanted a kitty too!" One of the kittens nuzzled Wallflower's shoe, making her giggle. When she scratched around its chin and ears, it made a series of inquisitive-sounding chirps. "Aww, I think he likes me, Fluttershy! Tell me what he's saying!"

A few steps later, Fluttershy was crouched near the kitten. She tilted her head as the little cat meowed and purred. Then, she answered, "He wants to know if you voted for Ron Paul in 2008."

"2008? I was a kid!" Wallflower sputtered. "I couldn't vote!"

Sunset tapped her chin. "I was a unicorn in 2008. I'm not sure if I would've voted for Ron Paul. Also, who's Ron Paul?"


Across from the puppies and kittens were several displays for smaller pets. Letting the question hang, Wallflower grabbed Sunset's hand. "Come on, there's gotta be a pet here for me! Right, Fluttershy?"

"Yay." Fluttershy trailed behind them, stopping to glare at the puppy with its paw out.

Though not fluffy, an ant farm soon attracted Wallflower's attention. "Ooh, look, Sunset! I always thought ants were cool." One of the ants waggled its antenna in her direction. "Aw, she's saying hi to me!"

"Yeah, they are pretty neat." Glancing at Fluttershy, Sunset asked, "Can you understand what the ant is trying to say?"

Squinting, Fluttershy stared intently at the little worker. "Hmm… 'Stalin'... 'was'... 'based.'"

Wallflower wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Eww, I don't want a tankie pet."

"Yeah!" Sunset steered Wallflower towards another aisle. "Let's keep looking."

Again, Fluttershy followed. "Yay."

Once they'd taken a few steps, Sunset halted. "Wait, based on what?"

"Uhhh—" A nearby aquarium served as a convenient distraction. "Oooh, look, fish," Wallflower said, steering Sunset away. "They're not exactly fluffy—more like scaly—but they're still fun." When Wallflower pressed her face against the glass of the fishtank, a black-and-yellow fish swam up to her. Its goofy eyes maintained the same expression as the fish slammed into the glass. "Aww, he's kinda dumb, just like me!"

"Don't talk about yourself that way." Sunset tapped on the glass. "More like, he's cute, just like you!"

Wallflower blushed. "Well, all animals are cute, but—" The fish swam back and forth in front of her. Eyes wide, she mumbled, "Whoa, he really is like me."

Fluttershy piped up from behind them. "Those are gills."

"Oh." Wallflower tugged at the sleeves of her sweater. "Gotcha."

"So!" Turning around, Sunset changed the subject. "What about fish, Fluttershy? Can you talk to fish? What's this little guy saying?"

The fish blew a series of tiny bubbles, which floated to the surface of the tank.

With her ear to the bubbles, Fluttershy translated, "'What'... 'if'... 'the child'... 'consents'."

Wallflower immediately stepped away from the fishtank. "Uhhhh—what the heck kinda fish is th—" She peered at a label on the corner of the tank. "Ohhhhh."

The label read: Carassius ancapitus.

Fluttershy shrugged. "Most fish are the same. They're lawless."

"Isn't that kinda, uhhhhhh…" Wallflower raised an eyebrow. "Um, species-ist?"

"Technically, it's classist."

Meanwhile, Sunset shook her head at the label. "I'm starting to think maybe I shouldn't have skipped all those classes."

"No, classist," Fluttershy droned. "At least you got your GED."

Grabbing her girlfriend's hand, Wallflower declared, "We'll sort that out later. For now, I want a pet! Something that preferably doesn't have…" She groaned. "Horrible political opinions, apparently."

Whisking Sunset away from the fish, Wallflower led them to a big cage full of white rats. "Rats get a bad rap, but I'm sure they're sweet!" Her confused frown morphed into a calm smile. "Aww, they look so happy."

Nodding, Sunset found herself smiling in turn. The large enclosure had more than enough space for all of the critters. Large trays of grain and sliced fruits were scattered about, along with colorful toys and nests made of soft bedding. Truly, a rat paradise. "How cute," Sunset mused, "the workers even made little clothes for the rats."

"Clothes?" Beside her, Sunset heard Fluttershy gasp. "Oh, no." She grabbed the girls' hands. "Let's move on. Don't look in the corner."

As Fluttershy yanked them away, Wallflower looked back. "Uhhhhhhh—"

"Don't look in the corner."

Too late. Sunset did.

In the corner was a single black rat—dead. Some of the white rats circled around its body, squeaking and dancing as their robes swayed in the gentle breeze of the pet store.

Sunset retched. "Oh, Galaxia!"

Wallflower glanced over. "What?"

Sunset quickly snapped back around. "Hey, Fluttershy? Are there any normal pets left in this store?!"

A thousand-yard stare looked back at her. "This is normal."

As Fluttershy released their hands, Sunset realized she had dragged them back to the front of the store. She was about to protest when Wallflower's attention was yanked in another direction.

"Guinea pigs!" Wallflower ran over to the fluffy creatures. "They're so cuuuuuute! And look at their little sniffy snoots!" The guinea pigs' noses began to sniff. "You can't tell me these adorable little angels are rotten, too!" She began to pet them, giggling as she did so.

Once she caught up to her girlfriend, Sunset squeezed Wallflower's hand tight. "I've heard guinea pigs are really sweet." The little piggies began chirping and squealing. A bright, happy noise. Sunset smirked over at Fluttershy. "Well? Do we finally have some candidates?"

Heaving a sigh, Fluttershy replied, "If you insist." She joined them at the side of the cage.

The guinea pigs were now unfathomably loud. Wallflower could only exclaim with glee, "What are they saying, Fluttershy? What are they saying?!"

"Um…" Fluttershy bit her lip. "They're saying, 'God hates fa—'"

Looking, from Wallflower's anticipatory grin, to Sunset's trepidatious frown, and back to the couple's joined hands, Fluttershy fell silent. Then, she asked, "Are you sure you don't want a rock?"

"Well, hey…" Sunset looked down at Wallflower's new pet. "At least the moss makes it fluffy."

Sniffling, Wallflower pet the rock. "It's not the same…" She frowned down at the rock, then pet it even faster.

"You're telling me." With a sigh, Sunset turned to Fluttershy. "Well, um, thanks for coming with us, I guess."

"You're welcome. Enjoy your new pet." Fluttershy's face fell. "Now I need to get home and… feed Angel Bunny." Without waiting for goodbyes, she sulked away.

Sunset swore she heard some mutterings about a "curse" as Fluttershy left, along with the words "crypto" and "twitter," neither of which made much sense.

"Hey, Sunset?"

Shaking out of her thoughts, Sunset smiled at her girlfriend. "Yes, Wally?"

"Have you ever asked Fluttershy to talk to your gecko?"

"...I think I'd rather not."

Author's Note:

Comments ( 43 )

It's worth remembering that birdsong carries the same two basic messages as gangsta rap: either "have :yay: with me" or "you came to the wrong neighborhood".

Scampy #2 · Oct 8th, 2022 · · 1 ·

Writing these dumb collabs with you is so fun lmao

My favorite thing in here is definitely Angel Bunny being a crypto bro (all credit to Gadot for that), I can so clearly see him trying to scam Fluttershy's other pets with NFTs <_<

Hahahahaha okay, I was gonna quote the parts that made me laugh and ended up with a transcript of the story. Poor Fluttershy, it's commendable that she still cares for them despite how they are. (you also have to wonder who the previous owners of these things were)

Don't worry Sunset, Ray is probably just too high to have bad thoughts.

I wonder what Wally would hear if she could talk to her plants?

Great job as always! Totally didn't expect another story to drop but it was great.

"But I've always had pet rocks! And pet plants! And a pet pillow with lots of tear stains on it…" As she trailed off, Wallflower's eyes widened. "Wow, I used to be pretty lonely."

pet pillow with lots of tear stains on it

pet pillow


Based animals.

I have to wonder what horrors capybara advocate. They seem like one of the most chill animals in existence based solely on their expression.

11388212 their thoughts are beyond mortal ken.

interesting... I suppose?

Scyphi #9 · Oct 8th, 2022 · · 1 ·

Sunset tapped her chin. "I was a unicorn in 2008. I'm not sure if I would've voted for Ron Paul. Also, who's Ron Paul?"

Considering I had to look him up real quick to refresh my memory as to who he even was as a politician...probably nobody important anymore anyway. :trollestia:

These animals clearly need Jeebus. :trixieshiftleft:

Oh dear, poor Fluttershy. I'm sure Sunset doesn't even want to know what horses are like. I'm not sure I want to know.

Ah another Exceltent colorization between the two author's who are Breast Friend's Scandy and Gay For Gadzooks.......... in this storey we see a Crossover with the Littlest Pet Shop series of show's which is like my little Pony if Rainbow Dash was a girl and also a member of the Atomwaffen, in this story we see the realistic outcome of a Pet Shop run by Horror's in which the outcome is......... the Pet's are Horror's, if only Fluttershy had the Assinstance ofmy Grandfather ROY STANDMORe in ruining the Shop, the Nazi Animal's would be too Cowing to be Nazi's and would instead be................. NOT NAZI'S.

A good Story even if it has not enough mention of Fighitng Drug's, even so I Seth Standmore would still Reconvene this Story to my Friend's and Family's.

Sincerely Seth Standmore

Sunset’s Gecko might try to sell her motorcycle insurance…

Heh, I remember that story, it was a fun one.

The story is quite nice, here are my thoughts:
She could get stuffed animals, they aren't loud or political, and they are cute and fluffy.

Nice touch with that Angel Bunny bit in the end. All pets may be evil, but I like that at least this one is smart enough to be a businessbunny rather than a dumb politician.

I, however, still don't get one thing. What is "based"? I heard about it a couple times but never knew what it means.

Also, how are animals better at history than I am?

:fluttershysad: "Please don't look at the amphibian section. You don't want to hear what the frogs think. It's about chemicals and water. And I'll leave it at that."

/pol/ Pet Shop

Remember to have your pets spayed or neutered.

This is why I have plushie pets. Wally should've bought a plushie; at least they're soft and huggable!

"Are you sure you don't want a rock?"

With the way things are going I wouldn't be surprised if the rock had thoughts too :rainbowlaugh:

Sunset tapped her chin. "I was a unicorn in 2008.

Ah, yes, the classic I-was-a-unicorn-in-an-alternate-pony-dimension-ruled-by-absolute-monarchy reason for not voting.

"They're saying, 'God hates fa—'"

Relax, maybe they're saying "facists" :unsuresweetie:

"Rats get a bad rap, but I'm sure they're sweet!"

It honestly would've been a great twist if the so-called ugly rat pets were the only ones in the shop with pleasant thoughts. Similar to the "May the Best Pet Win" episode where the super-slow turtle tortoise :flutterrage: ended up being the most dedicated to Rainbow Dash. Missed opportunity there for a deeper lesson about "true beauty inside". Otherwise it was a funny little story.

Also, can't Sunset also read animals' memories to some extent using her geode? She did once read the memory of a drop of water, after all.

Bird mating rituals, cheetahs hunting gazelle, polar bears hunting for fish, etc. At its most basic, nature documentaries are always about sex or violence. :trollestia:

At its most basic, nature is either sex or violence. Mother and children dining on mother and children, yet pony Fluttershy in the comics still sees So Many Wonders in it all.

I mean, they're animals. Of course they all have low IQ beliefs.

The future looks bright for her?
Why not birds?
Or non mammals!

thank you Seth very cool

It's a good thing they didn't bring Maud. They'd be crushed if they were able to hear the rock's opinions about the flat earth theory

wtf why didn't we include that it's genius

Now I wonder what thoughts Sunset's gecko has. Maybe he's the more anti-political type:rainbowlaugh:.

As another poster said, he probably just wants to save you up to 15% or more on car insurance.

He was the libertarian candidate of choice for years. Seemed like a decent chap.

His son's a twat, though.

And here I thought the joke would be that most nature sounds amount to either 'fuck off' or 'send nudes'.

"Yeah, they are pretty neat." Glancing at Fluttershy, Sunset asked, "Can you understand what the ant is trying to say?"

Squinting, Fluttershy stared intently at the little worker. "Hmm… 'Stalin'... 'was'... 'based.'"

Wallflower wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Eww, I don't want a tankie pet."

Well, what did you expect from an ant?:ajbemused:

Wallflower blushed. "Well, all animals are cute, but—" The fish swam back and forth in front of her. Eyes wide, she mumbled, "Whoa, he really is like me."

Fluttershy piped up from behind them. "Those are gills."

"Oh." Wallflower tugged at the sleeves of her sweater. "Gotcha."

..."Oh" indeed.:pinkiesad2:

this is genius

I ask for the sequel to elaborate on this. Maybe on Applejack's farm.

In this context, it means "based in facts" or "the opposite of biased". in some circles 'based' is the opposite of 'cringe'.

Ok, I don’t know how a person can be “based in facts” or be “the opposite of biased”. And I certainly don’t understand how can a historic person like Stalin be “the opposite of ‘cringe’” because my history books don’t say anything that makes him sound like these things.(also, is “cringe” really the best word to use when describing “based”? He is a monarch, not a high school student. And I still have trouble keeping up with the weird internet culture.)
Anyway, thanks for explaining that. I still don’t get why saying that is a bad idea, (doesn’t stop me from enjoying the story ) though. Ants are very organized workers, after all.

To explain further, while shamelessly quoting Wikipedia.

"Tankie" is a pejorative label for leftists, particularly Stalinists. who support the authoritarian tendencies of Marxism–Leninism, or more generally authoritarian states historically associated with Marxism–Leninism.
The term is also used to describe people who endorse, defend or deny the crimes committed by authoritarian left-wing leaders such as Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and Kim il-Sung. Members of the anti-Stalinist left use the word to describe those who are perceived to be biased in favor of authoritarian states (such as the People's Republic of China and Democratic People's Republic of Korea) that are currently ruled by communist parties.

tl;dr The Joke is the Ant colony is pro-communism, and feels that Stalin's communism is correct, and the most logical option, hence describing him as "Based".

Don’t know how to feel, because I am a Chinese and I love my country and our party just like you probably would.
Still, thanks for explaining again, politics is a very difficult course for us, I like that it makes running a country easier but I hate that it divides people in boxes and makes people hate each other.
Still, thanks to the authors for making politics fun with our beloved characters, even if I can’t help but think too much about it.

Perfectly Insane

My only complaint with this is that Angel didn’t show up. Otherwise, great time all around.

"One day old, and already looking for shit"
-George Carlin on kittens

The best thing about pets is that we can't understand what they are saying.

Lovely. I'm upvote 150.

Anyway, I'm some nobody from My Little Reviews that decided to review your short. I hope it's fair enough of an analysis.

Review: Language Barrier

Whew, this story really goes for a ride, and fast.

Wallflower blushed. "Well, all animals are cute, but—" The fish swam back and forth in front of her. Eyes wide, she mumbled, "Whoa, he really is like me."

Fluttershy piped up from behind them. "Those are gills."

"Oh." Wallflower tugged at the sleeves of her sweater. "Gotcha."

Why you gotta go there?!

Some excellent dark humor.

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