• Published 13th Oct 2022
  • 615 Views, 9 Comments

You'll Sing "Vita Bella" - kleia

Alphabittle had always considered himself a romantic at heart, but has never actually romanced anypony. That is, until Queen Haven came along...

  • ...

Ch 1: That's Amore

Cleaning up Maretime Bay after the "Sprout Incident'', as everypony was dubbing it, was hard work. But, it was work Alphabittle was willing to put in. He felt partly responsible for what happened, and quite frankly, felt like it was the least he could do. Nothing could make up for the loss of Sunny's home, but they still rebuilt it into an even better lighthouse, which they had started to call the "Brighthouse''. Every kind of pony stuck around, some even decided after being in the bay long enough to move in.

The warm glow of joy and harmony brought Alphabittle to a smile as he looked out at the bay, the sun starting to set beyond the horizon. Today was a well deserved day off from repairing the town, enjoying his time at the beach with his new found pony kind friends. One friend in particular caught his interest. Queen Haven, pegasus of Zephyr Heights. She was an older mare, with two daughters. Alphabittle found himself fascinated by her, the things she liked, her love of glitz and glamor, the holidays she invented for her kingdom.

It was obvious to everypony but Alphabittle and the Queen that there was at least a little romance brewing. In the weeks they'd spent so far helping rebuild the town, they had found themselves working on the same projects, hammering the same wood, etc. It allowed the two to get to know each other, retelling tales of their lives, what they liked and disliked, and they grew relatively close. Most importantly, though, it threw their biases against each other completely out the window.

The view was truly spectacular. Haven's light pink coat, purple and blue mane, the crows feet that led his eyes to hers... Their eyes met, the remaining light of the sunset reflecting off her eyes, making them all the more beautiful. They looked at each other and held their gaze for a moment, peering into each other's souls. They both blinked, cleared their throats and looked away.

"Sunny was right, the sunset here is gorgeous," Alphabittle started, trying to make a save from the prolonged eye contact. Haven was intent at moving on from the awkward moment as well.

"Yes, it truly is, isn't it," she said, a hint of relief in her tone.

"I've never seen anything quite like it," Alphabittle added, watching the distant birds fly by.

"Zephyr Heights has some wonderful views, but nothing quite like this," Haven said as a gentle cool breeze blew through.

Haven shivered, wanting to shift closer. Apparently, she had made some sort of sound when she shivered. "Are you cold?" Alphabittle met her eyes again, a look of concern bent his facial features. Haven nodded. "I've got a blanket here big enough for the two of us," he said, levitating it over, "But you gotta cuddle in close," he winked, a cheeky grin on his face. Haven chuckled, gratefully scooting in as he lowered the blanket over them.

The Queen could just barely feel his body up against hers. They were just barely touching sides in a few spots, but it sat at the back of her mind. She tried to focus on the sun and the sky as it lowered itself beyond the horizon. But her mind kept tracing back to his warmth where their sides had touched. She felt like a foal with a crush, noticing every little touch and detail in this moment.

Queen Haven, however, was not the only one to notice every little detail. Alphabittle felt a little like a foal with a crush too, but didn't want to admit it by any means. While he felt like a romantic at heart, he truly had no idea where to even begin with anypony. Especially not somepony as wonderful as Queen Haven. He had friends and family he cared for, but quite honestly, this was the first time anypony had made him feel this way. Hell, Haven was a queen! Would a stallion like him even stand a chance? He sighed to himself. He wanted to scooch in closer, to feel all of Haven's warmth, but didn't want to make the mare uncomfortable.She deserved his best.

Haven seemed to have the same thought though, as she subconsciously made her way closer to the larger stallion, feeling more of his warmth against her side. She had a kingdom to return to and rule! What in Equestria was she doing!? She rolled her eyes at her thoughts and settled in next to Alpha, enjoying the company and warmth. Maybe it would be worth entertaining the idea of a suitor?

Oh hoof it! She'd add time for Alphabittle to her busy, royal schedule, but she had to be crafty in making excuses to see him. She didn't want to seem desperate, but she still wanted to spend time with the sweet stallion she'd gotten to know. Oh! Maybe she'd entice him with some of his favorite things, some games, challenges and bets. The prizes would be something flirtatious. Maybe on occasion she could make a few other excuses, maybe Cloudpuff would get into trouble in the palace, or she'd need to travel to Bridlewood for something only he can solve!

Lost in thought, Queen Haven didn't realize she had shuffled even closer, her front legs resting over top of one of Alphabittle's. Alphabittle didn't want to look, but smiled when Haven shifted ever closer to him, her head resting on his chest. He hoped she couldn't hear how intense his heart had begun to beat. He could feel his face was an intense, heated red, and kept his eyes forward, on the sunset. The moment was all too perfect.

Maybe he would pursue her after all. But, he was no romantic! He had only ever listened to romance music and watched Ponywood flicks from his time as a colt, artists such as Ricky Neighlson, Louis Armsteed, Dean Maretin. Maybe old fashioned romance was something Haven would like? He figured it was worth a shot. Maybe she'd enjoy some quieter moments too, take her to teahouse in Bridlewood for a quiet cup of tea and a game, show her his vulnerable side.

Alphabittle had always felt he had to be the strong, brawny one, emotionally and physically. But with Haven, he felt as though he didn't need to be. He could relax around the pegasus queen. He leaned into her a little more, resting his head on top of hers, letting out a gentle, warm sigh.

"I suppose we should turn in," Haven began, after a long, pregnant silence. "We do have to return to our cities tomorrow, now that Maretime Bay has been repaired." she finished. There was a sorrowful undertone in her voice. Alphabittle didn't have to look at her face to know she drew her lips down in a frown, her brows pulled together in a furrow. After another brief silent moment, Alphabittle had a thought.

"What if I walked with you as far as I could? At least up until our paths split," he suggested, lifting his head to look at her. He really just wanted to spend more time with her. She met his eyes. She looked as though she had a thousand things to say, but kept her gaze on him and simply nodded. Alphabittle understood, and smiled at her, allowing them to return to their cozy, quiet moment on the beach ...

Author's Note:

And that's a wrap on the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed!
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As always, feedback is always appreciated so long as it is constructive!

As always times two, thank you to Schwabauer for pre-reading and suggesting edits!

For anyone wondering, the fic's title and this chapter's title are both from this lovely song by Dean Martin.