• Published 22nd Oct 2022
  • 409 Views, 4 Comments

Misty eyes her future - Hillbe

Misty finds out Dragons are a pain

  • ...

You're lucky he likes you

Misty finally did it, Sparky was babbling and cooing at his new plaything drooling and running the turtle across the floor.
Ding ding went the imaginary conductor as the turtle came to a stop it looked up covered in drool and wondered if it was going to get blisters on its feet from Sparkys fun time on the railroad.

Misty waited in anticipation pronking and tapping her hooves. "I finally did it" She said quietly watching the peaceful little guy at play.
The castles smooth cool floors and dark halls made for a cozy place to wait as Sparkys little cable car ran one way and another.
From the high ceilings and dank corners she wondered why Opaline didn't splurge on things like lamps and common household furnishings after all a baby dragon had its needs even an evil villain and future henchponys hideout has to be livable between raids and plans to take over the world as they knew it.

Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled around the castle its influence showing through the windows after all what villain worth her salt lick would enter without the trappings of a Miss Baddy coming home from the hair dressers and a quick stop on the way home for a sour blackberry and grapefruit smoothie.

The door creaked open as the thunder rolled and the lightning flashed Misty was yeeted into the here and now Opaline screeching "You finally did one thing right this week Misty, You delivered the dragon, Bring that dragon to me!"
Misty scooped up the baby dragon conductor and his cable car tortoise raising them up to offer the duo as the Evil Opal demanded. Grasping Sparky in her alicorn magic and leaving the tortoise behind the little dragon began to growl and squirm in the magical field. "You're not going to hurt him are you?" Misty asked as the magic holding Sparky also pinned her to the wall. "Hurt him? No Misty I'm only going to drain his magic and what ever happens, Happens"
The tortoise looking up at the sight put on his war face and screamed his battle cry charging the evil that held his boss.
"But you said nothing would happen to him, He's just a baby" Misty cried out as the turtle continued screaming and advancing on the enemy he so vowed to vanquish.

"You will always be a failure Misty, You don't have what it takes to be a leader" Sparky began to hack a ball of fire at Opaline as the tortoise continued the trek of destruction "GrrrrrooooonnnnnnkkkkK" His battle cry for the century.

Fire and magic battled and Sparky found himself bound claw and muzzle. Growling and squirming he was helpless as the tortoise crossed the threshold of the front lines his jaw opened showing his single chopper, truly a lettuces nightmare in full attack mode.
The lightning cracked the castle rumbled as Sparky felt his life force began to drain. Misty saw the little dragon whimper and reach out to her pleading with his eyes. Please.

Misty tried to break free but Opalines magic was too strong focusing on both the dragon and her. The war cry filled the quiet between the thunders rumble a quiet little "Grrrrrroooooooooonnnnnnnkkkkkk!"
Opaline basked in her soon to be victory until a "CruncH" echoed below and a searing pain erupted in her tender frog.
"AAAAAHHHHH" the surprise attack was almost deadly. The attack was precise. The attack just peeved off the evil master of the universe.

Opaline screamed and she hopped and she hopped some more, Her magic grip loosened and Sparky broke loose and ran to Misty who crumpled to the floor. Cable Car released his grip and rolled free across the stone floor ending near the claw studded foot his buddy.

All eyes were watching Opaline after she regained control, One pair crying, Another glairing with dragon rage and the last pair watching the whole world up side down. "What evil trick was this?" Cable Car thought as his feet clawed empty air.
Opaline hissed as she resumed her draining of the baby dragons magic the lightning crashed and the castle rumbled and it rumbled some more. Opaline paused for dramatic effect cackling "I'll be the most powerful Alicorn of then all, Ha ha ha ha ha."
Sparky closed his eyes awaiting his doom when the castle rumbled and a stone wall exploded with fire fangs and claws. The rubble rained down as the lightning flashed above shadowing a lone smoking figure.
"Discord said I'd find Junior here" He said as he dusted his arms off entering through the new door or was it an archway?
"Junior? You have the wrong baby dragon" Opaline charged her horn and flared her wings "And you'll pay for damages after I drain your magic too!"
"Wrong dragon? When have you ever seen a dragon with pony ears?" Spike smiled "He has his moms ears".
The magic swirled and Opaline cackled as Spike crossed his arms his one brow raised in disbelief.
"You got to be kidding me".
Covered in mist the dragon strolled to where Misty and Junior stood the magic losing its power as
Opaline raged on.
"What's happening where's my magic, What are you doing?" Shrieked Opaline "You can't do this!"
Spike walked up to the raging alicorn grabbed her horn and screwed a glossy black stone ring down to its base.
"Twilight says Hello" Spike held his chin in contemplation "Rarity was right, Your hair style is atrocious".
"My powers! What have you done!" Cried Opaline "I'll have my vengeance!" Try as she could all Opaling got was a set of blood shot bugged out eyeballs and a migraine large enough for a whole heard of hung over ponies.
Spike tapped Opaline between the eyes "Changeling crystals, Colt Scouts? Twi always said be prepared".
Spike reached down picking up Junior and the tortoise with the blistered feet "What's your name missy?"
"It's Misty and how do you know Opaline"
"Well Miss Misty your Second lesson in friendship is how to pick better friends, Opaline Princess Twilight we go way back".
Misty pondered for a moment "What's my first lesson?"
"Your first lesion is helping me find Discord so we can get back home to Canterlot his mom's going to be peeved as it is".

Comments ( 4 )

Hmm, this was a little confusing with the tortoise (or turtle) bit in there, but other than that it just feels...very blunt.

:fluttercry: turtle - :pinkiehappy: tortious :twilightsheepish: turtle :ajbemused: tortious :raritywink: turtle :rainbowderp: tortious :moustache: turtle :rainbowhuh: tortious :flutterrage: turtle :rainbowlaugh: Tank

:trollestia: The battle rages on

:derpytongue2: Blunt it is

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