• Published 25th Dec 2011
  • 11,446 Views, 242 Comments

Her Smile - Criticul

Luna and Fluttershy spend some time together at the Midnight Star Celebration

  • ...

Her Smile: Chapter 5

Fluttershy awoke the next morning to a soft, yet persistent nuzzling on her chest. Her eyes were to heavy to open fully, so everything around her was just a blur. She remembered the events from last night but threw them out as just a dream. Surely the Princess would never wish her to do something like that. As for the nuzzling, well she assumed that one of her animal friends got lonely last night and crawled into her bed. She decided to embrace the warm mass back. Fluttershy would have surely recognized the mare as Luna if her senses weren’t dampened from just waking up. She was still very tired, so she decided to just go back to sleep, still holding the warm ball of fuzz in her hooves.

The two continued to cuddle, still sleeping silently. It wasn’t until a small beam of the afternoon sunlight trickled in through the window that Luna finally woke. She smiled, a slight blush developing across her cheeks as she realized who the sets of hooves wrapped around her belonged to. She rolled over to look Fluttershy in the eyes, but was disappointed when she realized she was still sleeping. She leaned over to Fluttershy and kissed her softly on the forehead.

“I should have realized you would be to shy to tell me...so this is your way of showing it, huh?” she whispered before nuzzling up against her again. Fluttershy slowly began to wake up, the constant nuzzling tickling her.

“Wh-where am I...?” Fluttershy now realized that she was not back at home in her cottage. She also realized her chest was exceptionally warm. “Nonono, my dream from last night...that couldn’t all be true, could it?” she wondered.

“In my room...” Luna giggled. “Where else would you be?” Luna pressed her face in Fluttershy’s coat, inhaling the sweet scent of vanilla that she so adored.

Fluttershy glanced down to see the dark blue form of Luna snuggled deeply into her chest. “I-...wha....wh-!” Fluttershy clumsily bounced to the edge of the bed until she rolled completely out of it, pulling the bed sheets off with her.

“Fl-fluttershy! What’s wrong dear...?” Luna rolled to the edge of the bed and peered off of it to get a good look at Fluttershy, who was now rubbing the back of her head with her hoof.

“Pr-princess...? Wh...what happened last night...?” Fluttershy was once again blushing a deep shade of red. Luna didn’t understand why Fluttershy was blushing, she pondered this for a minute before suddenly realizing.

“Oh....oh! No we didn’t do anything like that... can you not remember last night?” Luna felt her spirits begin to decline as she came to realize that Fluttershy didn’t even realize what she was doing in bed. “She must have just mistaken me for somepony else...yeah that’s it...

“I...um...no, sorry. I’m sorry for whatever I did last night, I thought I was back in my house, and that you were one of my animal friends... I didn’t mean to put you in a situation like that...” Fluttershy regained her footing on her hooves and sat down on the end of the bed.

“I imagine you want me to leave now...right?” Luna happily laid down next to Fluttershy, looking deep into her turquoise eyes.

“Who says I didn’t enjoy it? You’re quite warm you know...” Luna giggled and rested her head on Fluttershy’s lap. She hated the idea of taking a risk like this if she wasn’t completely sure the other mare liked her, but she was tired of waiting.

“A-are you saying you...you liked being with me?” Fluttershy was becoming more and more nervous. She really liked Luna, but the idea of being with somepony as powerful as a Princess terrified her to no end.

“Of course I did Fluttershy...you’re amazing. You’re the most compassionate pony I think I’ve ever met...and I just...connect with you.”

“That’s not what I meant...I meant ea-” Luna put a hoof over Fluttershy’s muzzle, hushing her.

“I know...I like you Fluttershy...I mean really like you.” Luna, closed her eyes, preparing for whatever response she could dream up in her mind.

Fluttershy bit her lip. This was exactly what she wanted. She wanted to do what two lovers did in her fancy novels, to just break into a deep, passionate kiss. But there was something bothering her...something she didn’t quite understand.

“Why...why would you like someone like me? I mean...your a princess. You can have pretty much anyone in the entire kingdom...” Fluttershy’s voice broke a few times, as it normally did when she was nervous.

It was true, there wasn’t a person in the kingdom that wouldn’t give anything for the chance to be with Luna. Maybe it was the fact that Fluttershy wasn’t falling head over hooves for her...or maybe it was her past. She was able to connect with Fluttershy on a level she never had before. She stayed quiet for awhile, causing Fluttershy to worry a little.

“I guess...it’s because you’re like me. You remind me so much of myself... we’ve both had horrors in our past, and have been able to overcome them. I feel close to you...closer than I’ve ever been with anyone else.”

“R-really...? I felt that too...” She felt herself tear up as she remembered the way they connected during her story.

Luna sat up, carefully wiping the tears away from Fluttershy’s face. She smiled, a warm, soul peircing smile, and hugged her.

“Of course.” She pulled her head back to meet her gaze again. “Do you feel the same...perhaps?”

Fluttershy began to mentally plan her next move. “This is it Fluttershy...time for the cheesy romance novel moment...!

She leaned in towards the moon goddess, pursing her lips. Luna quickly picked up on what Fluttershy was trying to do, and met her halfway. They locked lips, both embracing the moment. Their worried faded away...

Fluttershy pulled away, taking a gasp of air. Luna grinned and nuzzled Fluttershy’s neck.

“I’ll take that as a yes?” Luna giggled, her warm breath tickling Fluttershy slightly.

Fluttershy simply nodded. Even she was stunned at what she had just done. It was so unlike her and yet...it exhilarated her. She didn’t want it to ever end, but unfortunately breathing is rather important.

Luna’s grin widened. She turned to look out the window. “It’s still pretty early... I won’t be needed in the throne room for several more hours. What do you say we...have some fun?”

Fluttershy raised her brow. “What do you mean by ‘fun’?” Luna’s grin only widened as she pounced on Fluttershy, pinning her to the bed.

“I...do you...do you mean what I think you mean?” Luna nodded, and then proceeded to run her tongue across Fluttershy’s neck. “U-um..eep!” Fluttershy squeaked as Luna began nibbling on her ear. Luna, being the Princess, was used to getting almost everything she wanted, and this was not going to be any exception.

(Aw yeah, I just did that. Went from d'aw, to sad, back to d'aw, to THIS. Hope you liked it xD Oh and sorry it's short, it's just for the next chapter, I felt this was a good stopping point...you'll see next chapter, okay? Geez...stop nagging me you guys...lol jk, love you all!)