• Published 14th Dec 2022
  • 1,413 Views, 21 Comments

The Flying Yankees - M60A3 AOS

After a defeat at Canterlot, residents and the Main 6 start to prepare defenses along with the princesses regaining their strength to prepare for the battle. The fight against the Griffons changes when six flying War Machines swoop in out of nowhere

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Here Comes The Screaming Eagles

"BROKEN ARROW!" Screamed the Radioman as stray bullets landed around him.

A large firefight broke out between the U.S Soldiers and a mixture of Vietcong and PAVN troops. The American G.I's ducked into any cover they could find and started to shoot back. An M60 Machine Gunner and the Assistant loader hit the deck and positioned themselves in a small ditch overlooking the small valley. The M60 gunner threw the Bipods down and the assistant loader grabbed ammo belts and started to load them into the Machine gun. The M60 gunner then sprayed the bullets into the treeline that was in the small valley ahead of them.

Vietcong soldiers jumped into their small trenches and ran out of the tunnel. They fired their AK-47s and Type-59s at the Americans. A PAVN soldier popped up from his spider hole and held up his RPG-2 aiming it at the M60 Gunner. The PAVN soldier fired his RPG-2 and the warhead flew across the battlefield and landed in between the assistant loader and the M60 gunner. The warhead exploded and sent the two men flying and destroying the M60 in the process.

"I SAY AGAIN! BROKEN ARROW, VIETCONG FORCES PUSHING US FROM ALL SIDES! MARKING ENEMY POSITION WITH SMOKE!" The Radioman screamed for one of the men with a purple M18 smoke grenade to throw the smoke as far as he could toward the treeline.

The rifleman pulled the pin on the smoke grenade and ran up to get closer to the treeline ducking his head as the gunfire started to get heavier. He ran up towards a crater and dived into it getting his face full of mud. He then threw the smoke grenade as far as he could into the treeline and made a run for it back to the Radioman but was gunned down halfway there before he could make it back.

"Hot Rod here, I currently see purple smoke in the tree line, is that the enemies marked position?" The Pilot asked awaiting confirmation.

"Affirmative Hot Rod! Get some of that heat in here now before we get fucking overrun!" The Radioman yelled as gunfire was heard in the background.

Two F-105 Thunderchiefs rolled in and lined up with the targeted treeline. As they flew in, each jet dropped two Mark-47 Napalm bombs. Each of the Mark-47s landed across the treeline evenly and landed on their targets. The napalm exploded on impact and fire spread everywhere. The Vietcong and PAVN soldiers screamed in pain as fire engulfed their bodies. With their frontal assault weakened, the American infantrymen swept up the remaining Vietcong and PAVN soldiers.

"Requesting another bombing run on our left flank!" The Radioman yelled.

"Hot Rod coming around." The Pilot yoinked his stick to the left in a hard turn along with his wingman.

American Artillery and mortar fire started to fall on top of the right flank that was being assaulted with large numbers of Vietcong soldiers. An M60 machine gunner sprayed down multiple Vietcong troops charging toward them. Riflemen fired their M16A1s hoping that air support would arrive sooner. A Grenadier kneeled and fired a HE round at a piece of bark a Vietcong soldier was hiding behind. It destroyed the tree along with tearing apart the Vietcong soldier blowing off his right arm and part of his ears off his body which now lay limp on the tall grass.

The F-105s rolled in on the left flank and dropped four Mk-82 bombs. The bombs landed scattered across the jungle and the jets flew out of there. The five-second fuse gave the jets time to get out and avoid the shockwave and scaring the hell out of a Vietcong soldier who just happened to be laying next to a 500 lb bomb that landed right in front of him. He got up and tried to run but it was too late. The bomb exploded disintegrating everything within its blast radius. The shockwaves destroyed some of the PAVN and Vietcong soldiers' lungs who were near the bomb. With the Mk-82s destroying most of the force that was attacking the left flank, the right flank was all that was left to take care of.

"Smith! What the hell are the birds doing!" Corporal Parker asked.

"They are just loitering around the air, what the fuck are they doing?" Questioned Smith who just looked at the busy air space above them.

"Hey watch out!" Parker threw Smith's head down and fired his M14 at two Vietcong soldiers who popped out of a bush charging at them. He succeeded in killing them both but in return was shot in his stomach, left arm, and right shoulder. He fell back and screamed in pain. Smith yelled for a medic but to no avail.

"Hold on man, don't you dare die on me!" Smith yelled as he started to give medical treatment to Parker.

Quickly treating the man's wound he grabbed his M3 Grease gun and aimed it at the ridge that was above them. Loud screaming could be heard and it sounded like a legion was charging over the hill. They both realized that they were left behind to defend the frontmost position of the right flank. Parking grabbed his M1911 and aimed at the ridge groaning in pain as his left arm was spilling out blood.

"It was nice knowing you man," Smith said with a sad tone.

"Maybe next time we can see each other in hell," They both chuckled as the screaming got louder and closer.

They both hovered their fingers next to the trigger and prepared to fire at the charging PAVN and Vietcong soldiers.

Charging over the hill were multiple men armed with all kinds of weapons you would expect a communist country to have. AK-47s, Type-59s, SKS, Mat-49s, Moisin Nagant, and other weapons. Before they could fire though, A large spray of gunfire forced Smith and Parker to take cover inside their crater. Two UH-1B Gunships flew in firing M134 Miniguns and rocket pods. The minigun tore through the Vietcong soldiers as their bodies were ripped into two or more pieces. The rockets destroyed large groups of Vietcong soldiers. After the Gunships flew out, two F-4 Phantoms swooped in and dropped a combined mixture of Mk-82s and BLU-27 bombs. Effectively destroying the battalion that was charging over the hill.

Smith and Parker cheered as the Phantoms flew over. A group of Marines ran up to Smith and Parker and brought them back to the LZ for medical treatment.

Point Of View: American Aircraft

"Nice run on Charley!" Red Bird said.

"Never gets old," Replied Red Goose

"All aircraft return to base, ground troops said they have the situation under control," AWACS said.

After a few minutes of flight, there was a sudden yellow haze that would engulf six aircraft.

"AWACS, we got a situation here," Said Skipper.

"Same here, our entire aircraft is glowing gold!" Red Goose said in a panicked voice.

"This is War Pig, we also have our aircraft glowing in gold," Saul said as he pulled his Phantom away from his wingman

"Big Beth is also experiencing the same thing," Colin said as to be looked around his aircraft seeing it glow with a gold hue.

The Radio was filled with reports of strange occurrences in every one of the pilot's aircraft. Pilots screamed as they reported that the lights got brighter and brighter before radar and radio contact cut.

Point of View: Main 6

Twilight and her friends rushed through town preparing and setting up defenses around Ponyville. Stallions that could fight were given spears, swords, and bows. What remained of the Royal Guard had started to set up their defenses mostly on the outer parts of Ponyville while the reserve was just regular civilian defenses. The Main 6 came across Princess Celestia and Luna who were coordinating the Royal Guard's defenses.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight screamed.

"What is it Twilight?" She asked as she looked at the outer defenses.

"The Griffons are trying to surround the town and force us to surrender, Rainbow Dash said that she flew around and spotted many of the griffon armies gathering around Ponyville!" Twilight said with wide eyes as anxiety began to take over her.

"Fear not, if I must, I will teleport you six out of here in order to give Equestria a chance to fight back another day," Celestia said as she turned around and looked at her student, and gave her a small hug.

The Griffon army marched on the dirt path that led to Ponyville. The marching Griffons stopped as they came upon a camp of Griffon soldiers. The General that led the marching Griffons walked towards a tent to greet the other Generals. He swiped the cloth aside and stepped inside the tent hearing the five Griffon Generals argue over their plan of attack.

"This is going to be a long day," The General muttered as he greeted the others.

Point of View: The American Aircraft

The Gold haze disappeared, and the American jets all flew alongside each other even though they were miles apart headed to different locations. They all started to communicate their confusion and how the sky went from a bright afternoon to a dark morning. They all assessed their situation and decided it would be best if they flew all together considering they were lost. One of the pilots in the F-4 Phantom noted that their fuel meter was back all the way up even though they had not landed to refuel yet.

Other planes started to report the same thing and that some of their ammunition and armaments were somehow rearmed. In the confusion, the pilot of the A-1H Skyraider noted that he would follow the group of jets as best as he could since a mere propeller engine could not keep up with the new jet age that was slowly replacing propeller aircraft. After a few minutes of talking, the radio went silent. No words could describe the current situation the pilots were in and they decided it'd be best to fly South in hopes of finding an American Airfield.

Twilight awoke to horns sounding throughout the city and loud war cries that sounded through the air. She knew what was coming and woke up each of her friends. Twilight said to her friends to start getting the civilians inside their homes and regroup at the tent that had been set up as a command center after they finished getting everyone inside their homes. The main six all got into a group hug and everyone went down separate streets telling and yelling at ponies to get inside their homes and barricade their doors.

"Sir, the Griffons are preparing for an attack, what should we do!?" The Guard said as he looked into his Captain's eyes.

"Prepare for the attack and get the reserve units up here! Wake up the ones in the tents sleeping and get the wounded that can fight out here!" The Captain ordered as he stared at the treeline seeing shadows of what seemed to be griffons about to pop out.

"Incoming!" One of the Guards screamed as arrows flew down from the skies.

"Shields!" The Captain yelled as he put his forcefield up with his magic.

Those without horns put their shields up and those who did not have any took cover under rubble or buildings. The arrows rained down onto them and harmlessly bounced off the magic forcefield and some arrows that landed on the Earth ponies stuck into the shields that they held up. One of them was hit by an arrow and screamed in pain as he tried to duck into cover in an alley. The guards that were in the alley risked their lives and pulled the one who was hit into the alleyway and started medical treatment.

As soon as the barrage of arrows had started, it ended so quickly. The Captain yelled for everyone to get back into positions and prepare for the assault. In the clear skies Griffons with their recently developed weapon called the Musket flew up into the skies and flew towards the defensive positions. The guards fired arrows and magic bolts at them managing to shoot down a few but not most.

The Griffons fired their muskets which clouded the skies with white gunpowder blinding their view of Ponyville and the Royal Guards' view of them. The ball-shaped bullets flew short of the target with very inaccurate shots due to the distance and poorly built barrel. The griffons on the ground charged running across the field. The Pegasi units flew up and engaged the Griffons with the muskets with their swords. The outskirts of Ponyville was now a hellish battlefield with blood splattered all over the grass and bodies laying motionless. A cannon was pulled up across the field and aimed straight at the fortified walls.

Loaded with an experimental canister shell, the Griffons light the fuse and it fires multiple ball-sized shells about the same size as the bullets in the muskets the Griffons have. The Cannon fired with some of the shells flying into their own troops and others hit buildings, walls, and Royal Guard soldiers.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight yelled.

"Our troops are holding off but I don't think we're going to last long!" Twilight said with worry.

Celestia sighed and stood up from the seat and hugged Twilight trying to calm her down.

"Tia!" Yelled Luna from outside the tent.

"What is it, Luna!?" Celestia called back as she let go of Twilight and walked out.

"We're holding off the Griffons but we're losing too many of our own soldiers! At this rate, we won't have any more Mares and Stallions to fight back!" Luna turned around and looked at the sky full of Pegasi and Griffons.

"I think you and I know what we must do," Celestia said as she looked her sister straight in the eye both nodding.

"Twilight," Celestia turned around and bent down to eye level with Twilight.

"Gather your friends, I am afraid I must send-"

"No!" She screamed.

"I don't want to leave you and Luna behind!" She looked down in sadness.

"Is that a castle on a hill...?" The Phantom pilot said.

All the pilots thought they were in some deep shit, and they were.

As Celestia was about to speak she noticed the roars of Ponies and Griffons had gone silent. It was as if there was no battle going on at all. Both Luna and Twilight also noticed this and looked around. Everyone around them had their eyes trained on something. There was something approaching from over the mountains in the distance and as the sun slowly rose up, there were many dark outlines in front of the sun.

Then there was a faint noise that was heard. The noise rose up more and more with the dark outlines in the sun suddenly splitting up and going off in different directions but still coming towards Ponyville. One of these outlines seems to fly off toward the side and then appears to be flying directly toward the battlefield. The sound got louder and louder almost sounding like a dragon roaring but not.

Something that flew too fast even for any known birds/dragons in Equis swooped by with a loud sound resinating across the city.

Twilight could make out a strange tan and dark green color across this thing's body and the creature seemed to be built out of a smooth metallic body and a strange tail and wing. She also saw its teeth and eyes at the very front of its nose along with strange objects below its body. The noise produced by the flying creature was so deafening that everyone around had to hold their ears down due to the enhanced hearing Ponies and Griffons have.

"What the hell were those!?" The Radar Intercept Officer looked behind him trying to identify the flying tiny objects they flew past.

"Flock of birds?" The pilot said.

"I could hardly believe that! they had four legs and a strange body," Stated the Intercept Officer

Just then, the Radio came to life.

"Alright guys, you did a pass, what'd you see?" Questioned the pilot of the B-57 Canberra as he circled above the city at a high altitude.

"A bunch of birds and fighting going on," said the Radar Intercept Officer in the Phantom.

"Are they our boys?" Butted in one of the Pilots in the A4.

"Unsure, but there's combat going on down there and it looks like the ones coming out of the trees are on the offensive with a large army," said the Pilot in the F4.

"Finally made it here," The Skyraider pilot said as he flew towards the town.

"Hey Crop Duster, can you identify the guys on the ground? Were too fast to see what they are and they don't seem to be responding with radios," said the B-57 pilot.

"Crop Duster moving in," The Skyraider flew in low a few hundred feet above the treeline.

As Crop Duster moved towards the town he noticed that there were objects flying past him.

"What the hell-" Just as he flew over the open fields that led to the town an arrow flew right into the Canopy.

"Ah fuck!" Pulling up and out of the range of the arrows that were fired at him he relayed information that the enemy had bows and was firing at him with arrows.

"Your fucking kidding right?" All the other pilots expressed the same thing.

"Bloody VC is in the tree lines shooting arrows now! They run out of bullets or something?" The Radar Intercept Officer chuckled.

"Guys in the village aren't firing at us, one of ours, we gotta help and our fuel gauge is still fine," The A4 pilots reported.

"Let's light these bastards up!" The B-57 Canberra pulled out of its orbit around the town to get into position.

"Big Bess moving in to engage, stay clear of the bombing run boys!" The B-57 pilot relayed.

"Hit a bit farther behind those treelines, deny their reinforcements to give our guys in the village a chance to regroup!" The Radar Intercept Officer said to the Canberra that was about to drop its payload.

"Bomb voyage!"

A loud whistling resounded over the battlefield, some ignored it and continued fighting while others look around wondering where it was coming from. That was until small objects that fell from the sky by the flying machines landed in the trees. A Royal Guard soldier was watching as it fell a distance behind the treeline and nothing happened for a few seconds. Then a large explosion started going off from left to right, a delayed fuse for the bombs to explode.

(No Audio)

Now everyone was watching as the miniature mushroom clouds formed in the sky. Everyone was shaken by the vibration caused by the explosion and the explosions made some that were close to the explosion's ears bleed. The Griffons looked on in horror as their own comrades were killed in the blast. A wing from a random Griffon soldier landed right next to the Griffons who were reloading the cannon, one of them seeing it puked out his food from earlier.

Everything was in chaos now, captains were ordering their troops to just keep charging while the other ordered his unit to retreat. An A-1H Skyraider swooped in and dropped two 250 lb bombs on top of the crew who were manning the cannon. The Skyraider flew off and the bombs landed right next to the cannon. The Griffons ducked as the bombs landed but opened their eyes to see a dark green oval-shaped object in front of them. One of them looked at the bomb that was in front of him and then heard a click inside it.

The explosion disintegrated the Griffons and tore apart the cannon sending the blood and guts of the Griffons flying everywhere.

The two A4 Skyhawks flew alongside each other and dived in firing multiple rockets at the Griffons who were running away in fear. They would not make it very far before being hit by a barrage of rockets

(No Audio)

The Phantom flew over the tree lines dropping two Napalm bombs burning down the forest and Griffons that stood there.

(No Audio)

"General, we must fall back! We're taking too many losses!" One of the advisors said.

"Call the remaining troops to regroup and fall back to Point Castle," The General said with a stoic look while watching the American aircraft bomb and gun down his soldiers.

Twilight could not believe what she was seeing. Had some god sent down Angels to save them? Twilight had run up to one of the walls that were on the outskirts of the city and were watching as the flying Silver and dark green dragons kill off the Griffons. One of these Silver Dragons Twilight had spotted was circling around to wait for its next prey to attack. Twilight covered her ears as the noise from the Dragon was so loud.

The Silver Dragon had taken a sharp turn and was headed right toward the treeline where the Griffons were retreating. She watched as the Silver Dragon had flown in so low and noticed it dropped two large cylinder tubes onto the Griffons. To her horror, she watched as a large explosion of fire suddenly came out of nowhere and engulfed the Griffons. Watching the Silver Dragon fly away and then looking at the fire it had created. The Griffons were running out of the fire and screaming. The flying Dragons above drowned out all noise from the warcries produced by the Griffons.

(No audio)

Then she watched another come flying in dropping multiple things that she could not identify. The tree line suddenly exploded as another Silver Dragon flew away.

"I'm all out of ammunition here," Replied the pilot of the A-1 Skyraider.

"Same here," Someone said.

Most of the planes had already dispensed their guns, rockets, and bombs. Some of the aircraft's fuel meter was also halfway down. The American pilots had decided to try to return to base and let the rest of the ground troops finish the work.

"Come on guys, did nobody see flying horse-sized creatures down there?"

"I'm more worried about how the fuck there's a castle on the side of a mountain," Everyone on the Radio comms laughed.

Twilight watched as the Aircraft flew off into the skies and disappeared behind the clouds. The battlefield was now a massacre for the Griffons. Their army was reduced to rubble and now the Ponies were given a chance to strike back. Twilight walked up to the place where the Silver Dragon had dropped something that created a large explosion. She looked at the corpse as what used to be Griffons were now just blackened and burnt corpses that you would see on overcooked meat in an oven.

Twilight threw up and her friends came over to help her up. She hoped they would not come back at all.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, I'll probably work on something more based on ground units like Armored Vehicles such as tanks, IFVs, Helicopters, Infantry, armored cars, and such. Hoped you liked it, might have looked rushed in the end but I was getting bored of writing this story so, yea.

Comments ( 21 )

The End was a bit rushed, hoped you liked the story as a whole though

Trying something new with those small video clips. Hoped you readers liked it

Is this a separate story from the Vietnam-era US helicopters?

Twilight threw up and her friends came over to help her up. She hoped they would not come back at all.

Ungrateful pacifists.

They would have ended up as the Griffon's sex slaves/play things, or their own "meat".

IF it weren't for the American jets/planes saving your asses. They're still ungrateful from the Helicopter story too.

The story icon...is that from a eugen game? (warno/wargame series)

Not bad. Now the ponies have witnessed Air Mobility and Broken Arrow. What's next? Rolling Thunder, and then Armor Divisions in Desert Storm?

:twilightoops: Spike what are you doing?
:moustache: Want not waste not, That's some good eating here!
:raritywink: Mmmmm Just like Mother used to make
:twilightangry2: Are you kidding me?
:trollestia: Twilight, How do think Alicorns grow up to be big and strong? Magic? Mmmmm pass me some ribs
:pinkiehappy: Griffin Pot Pie? Griffin stew? Griffin Cherry Chunga?

Nope! It's from a game called War Thunder. Maybe I should use some Warno screenshots next time. Thanks for the image ideas

I'm over with the Vietnam Era for now. I'll probably do something more modern along with some World War 2 Stuff.


The Flying Yankee's what? That's not how you plural...

I'm looking forward to it.

Since you ain't using the thugs what about the crusaders 🤔🤔🤔

now we need some TONKS

If you really were sorry, you'd fix it. Maybe learn from the mistake. I dunno. :twilightsmile:

So is there going to be a sequel perhaps?

Zamn bro, tell me next time if ur gonna need a good War Thunder photo, I can do some stuff to help

WELP This is LITERALLY what happens when you hear Boss music but INSTEAD it's free bird and the only things you could see are are flying Jets in the medieval era and then suddenly they reduce the attackers to ashes and dust!:rainbowlaugh: Now we just need the 500 Black Haws and Little Birds to take control of everything and done lol:pinkiesmile:

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