• Published 1st Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 1 - BlueBioWolf

My version of Friendship is Magic that has nine Elements of Harmony and Spike being treated with more respect.

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Chapter 8: Look Before You Sleep (S1:E8)

My Little Pony: Nine Elements

Written by Brandon Nell and Blake Hawkins

Additional suggestions by Rachel Ravens

Chapter 8: Look Before You Sleep

It had been three days since the Razer incident. In that time, the Ponyville Weather Team had put up notices of a storm planned to make up for the scheduled sprinkle accidentally skipped a week prior. So, ponies were hard at work preparing for the storm. Pegasi were putting up clouds in the sky, while Earth ponies and unicorns had work making sure that branches didn’t fall on anyone. Fluttershy helped by herding animals to shelters where they’d be safe. Of all the ponies, Rarity was doing the least amount of work. She put the least amount of effort into pruning the branches and instead tried making beautiful creations.

"Ah, simply beautiful," she said to herself. "And whoever said nature couldn't be pretty?"

At that moment, however, Applejack came along and hoisted the branch down onto the ground. She looked at Rarity in annoyance. “Ah told ya ta prune them branches, not purty ‘em up, ya cotton-head!”

“Well!” Rarity huffed indignantly, clearly not happy with Applejack’s remark. “All of this ‘pruning’ would make a mess of the town square!”

“Ya think this is a big mess?!” Applejack said. “Y’all ain’t even SEEN a mess yet! ‘Cause ya were lollygaggin’, the storm’ll make an even bigger mess, leavin’ more fer Ponyville ta pick up after it dies down n’ everypony’ll hate ya ‘cause ya didn’t help with the prep work.”

Rarity considered Applejack’s words. Rarity didn’t like the way Applejack said them, but, she did know she was right. Though, she had difficulty admitting it. “I simply cannot imagine why the pegasi would schedule a dreadful downpour for this evening and ruin what could’ve been a glorious sunny day.”

“Think more practical-like,” Applejack said, annoyance still present in her voice. “‘Member when Rainbow said that the Pegasus Weather Team missed a scheduled sprinkle last week? They need a doozy o’ a downpour ta make up fer lost time. ‘Sides, no rain means no purty flowers fer inspiration.”

“I must’ve missed the memo,” Rarity said as Applejack rolled her eyes. “But, I’ve been very busy.”

“This ain’t no time fer excuses,” Applejack said, rolling her eyes again. “If’n ya want ta be useful, just use yer fancy shmancy magic ta prune them trees ‘stead o’ failin’ ta be the Element o’ Generosity again.”

Rarity sighed deeply. “Yes, yes,” she said. “I’ll get right on that.”

No sooner had Rarity started than a clap of thunder was heard. She yelped with fright. Applejack groaned. “Let me guess,” she said. “Ya didn’t bring no umbrella?”

“I would have,” Rarity objected. “But, I was hurried out of my home before I could grab one.”

Applejack looked at Rarity while raising her left eyebrow. “Do ah have ta use the Eyes o’ Truth on ya?”

“That is the truth!” Rarity said. “Rainbow Dash burst through my door and said, and I quote, ‘Get your marshmallow butt in gear and help prepare for the storm! Applejack will give you your job.’ She then proceeded to drag me by the tail.”

Applejack conceded and lowered her eyebrow. “That does sound like somethin’ Rainbow would do.” A lightning bolt suddenly struck the tree behind them, splitting it in two. “Ah reckon we find some shelter ‘fore continuin’ this here debate.”

“On that,” Rarity said with a shiver. “I can agree. And fast.”

Applejack and Rarity quickly made their way out of the park. They knew it wasn't much of a safe haven. They raced into town as the winds continued to pick up and the rain began to pour harder and harder. Applejack struggled to hold onto her stetson hat.

“Hello~” Applejack called. “Is anypony out n’ about?”

"Hey, Applejack, Rarity! Over here!" a voice shouted. Applejack and Rarity turned to look and saw that the voice was coming from Twilight Sparkle. She was standing at the entrance to Sugarcube Corner.

“Twilight,” Rarity said in a relieved manner. “Thank goodness you’re here!”

She and Applejack ran up to Twilight and inside Sugarcube Corner. Once they were in, Twilight promptly locked the saloon doors.

“Not fer nothin’, Twi,” Applejack said. “But, what're ya doin’ here at Sugarcube Corner? Shouldn’t ya be at the Golden Oak Library?”

“And where’s little Spike?” Rarity asked. “Did Fluttershy rally him to help with the animals?”

“No, actually,” Twilight explained. “Princess Celestia agreed to watch over him as he’s having his weekly therapy session with Princess Luna. Dr. Fauna is helping Fluttershy with the animals along with other volunteers.”

“Weekly therapy sessions?” Rarity asked.

“They’re relatively new after… you know what,” Twilight explained.

Rarity and Applejack had grim expressions, for they knew what that meant. “Every night for the last three days,” Twilight continued. “Spike said he’s been seeing Princess Luna in his dreams. He said she’s been telling him to consider counseling. Well, that’s what I managed to figure out. I won’t lie, Spike’s been repeating the princess’ outdated dialect and half the words are lost on me.”

“Ah see,” Applejack said. “N’, yer here at Sugarcube Corner, ‘cause…”

Before Twilight could answer, Pinkie Pie popped up from what seemed to be nowhere. "Oh, I'm so glad you two could come. I tried to pass out invitations, but, you weren't home. I'm so, so, so glad you were able to make it! We're going to have lots and lots of fun," she said in one breath.

“Whoa,” Applejack said. “Simmer down now.”

“Invitations to what, exactly?” Rarity asked.

“Twilight’s first slumber party,” Pinkie said.

“That’s right,” Twilight said. “While I did have sleepovers sometimes with my foalsitter when I was a filly, I had always dreamed of having a slumber party.” She levitated a book out of her saddlebag. "So, this morning, while I was cleaning the library, I stumbled across this book called Slumber 101: All You Ever Wanted To Know About Slumber Parties But Were Afraid To Ask. And it gave me the idea to host my own slumber party. I talked with Pinkie Pie and she decided we'd host it right here at Sugarcube Corner."

“Hmm,” Rarity said. “That is an intriguing idea. A slumber party would take our minds off of this dreadful downpour.”

“Long as ya don’t fuss ‘bout every li’l thing,” Applejack agreed.

Twilight cleared her throat. “I would appreciate it if you two put aside your vitriol for one night. I want to fondly remember my first slumber party.”

“It won’t be easy,” Rarity said. “But, we shall do what we can.”

“Ya won’t have ta worry 'bout us, Twi,” Applejack said.

“I certainly hope so,” Twilight said.

“So, Twilight,” Pinkie said. “What does the book say we do first?”

Twilight checked the book. “Let’s see. It says that we’re supposed to do makeovers.”

“Ooh!” Pinkie said. “I’ll ask Mrs. Cake if we can borrow her makeover stuff!” She dashed upstairs.

“This would be like my weekly spa treatment days with Fluttershy,” Rarity said. “I’ll make sure to help if you need it.”

Applejack looked a bit nervous. She wasn’t really the type to worry about looks. Twilight noticed this. “You know,” she said knowingly. “Makeovers might help get Caramel’s attention.”

Applejack seemed offended. “What kind o’ shallow stallion do ya take him fer?”

Twilight was taken aback by Applejack’s remark. “You’re right,” Twilight said. “I’m sorry.”

Though, thoughts of Caramel liking a newly rejuvenated Applejack did have a certain appeal to the farm mare. “Then again…”

Twilight heard this and she smiled. “I’ll need you to remove your hat.”

“Uh,” Applejack said. “Think ah can keep it on? Mah hat’s powerful important ta me.” Rarity, irritated, used her magic to levitate Applejack’s hat off, which the farm mare did NOT appreciate. “HEY!” She quickly slapped it back down. “THIS HERE WAS MAH PA’S HAT! HE GAVE IT TA ME ON HIS DEATHBED!”

“Rarity,” Twilight said. “I think we should consider Applejack’s feelings about this.” After the farm mare’s outburst, Rarity could only agree.

“Terribly sorry, Applejack,” Rarity said. “I should have been more considerate. Had I known the hat’s sentimental value, I would’ve given you more warning.”

Applejack heard Rarity’s apology and took a deep breath to calm herself down. “Alright,” Applejack said. “Ah can forgive ya fer that n’ ah can apologize fer mah outburst. But, please don’t try ta ask me ta take mah hat off.”

“It’d only be off for a few minutes while she curled your mane,” Pinkie said, bringing in the beauty supplies.

“If that’s the case,” Applejack said. “Ah would take it off on mah own.” She did so, clearly pained to do so. “Ah really hope y’all appreciate this.”

Pinkie carefully put the hair rollers in Applejack’s mane. When Pinkie got to work on putting rollers in Applejack’s tail, the farm mare put her hat back on. The things ah do fer mah coltfriend, Applejack internally complained. Rarity then put cucumber slices on Applejack’s eyes. “The Tartarus’re these fer?”

“They’re to reduce the puffiness around one’s eyes,” Rarity said. “I typically have them whenever I get a spa treatment.”

“At the farm, we eat cucumbers,” Applejack said.

“Well, I do, too,” Rarity said. “But, there are fruits and vegetables that have multiple uses aside from eating and drinking.”

Pinkie seemed to grow the tongue of a frog, which she used to eat the cucumber slices from Applejack’s face. “Mmm!” she said. “Nice and crisp!”

Twilight was weirded out. “Should I even bother asking how she managed to do that?”

Rarity and Applejack shook their heads no. “You’ll deplete your sanity trying to understand Pinkie Pie,” Rarity said.

“Yeah,” Applejack said. “We stopped askin’ questions ‘bout her long ago. Livin’ a purty content life, honestly.”

“Alright then,” Twilight said. “Well, I think we can… wait, we haven’t done Pinkie’s mane and tail yet!”

“Ah, I can do that,” Rarity said before muttering under her breath. “Hopefully, this’ll fair better than last time.”

“Last time?” Twilight asked.

“It’ll be easier ta just watch, Twi,” Applejack said. “From a safe distance.”

Twilight looked more confused than ever. Rarity then tried getting to work styling Pinkie’s frizzy mane. It was hard to manage, but, she was able to get a few curlers into Pinkie’s mane. Three seconds later, however, the volume of Pinkie’s mane caused the curlers to snap out, propelling through the bakery. The curlers ricocheted of the walls at the speed of bullets. Finally understanding, Twilight wore a mixing bowl as a makeshift helmet.

“That’s what Rarity and Applejack meant,” Twilight said, clearly in a state of shock. Her shock increased further as Pinkie casually stood still with the dopiest grin you could imagine.

“I can at least apply the mud mask,” Rarity said once she shook off the fright. “As soon as we’re in no danger of curler warfare.”

It wasn’t long until the curlers lost their momentum and landed harmlessly on the floor.

“Okay, for future reference, I recommend we not do that again,” Twilight said.

“Noted,” Rarity and Applejack said together before noticing they spoke in unison. “Whoa, that was weird. That was weird, too.”

Rarity shook this off and she applied the mud mask to Pinkie’s face. “There,” she said. “That should do it.”

“Thanks, Rarity,” Pinkie said. “I feel like a popstar already.”

“Well…” Rarity began. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

“So, now that makeovers are done,” Pinkie said. “What do we do next, Twilight?”

Twilight checked the book. “It says we tell each other ghost stories.”

“Oooh~” Pinkie said. “That should be fun! Anypony know a good one?”

Applejack stepped up. “Ah got one. Ah’d like ta tell y’all the tale o’ the prissy ghost. She was so focused on makin’ things pretty that she terrified everypony in a different way. OoOoOoOoh~! Don’t that sound familiar?”

Rarity’s expression was deadpan. In a somewhat sarcastic tone, she said, “Yes, that was terrifying.” She then cleared her throat. “Perhaps you have heard of this ghastly tale of the ghost who was so inconsiderate, that she drove everypony insane within a 100 mile radius with her stubbornness. OoOoOoOoh~! Perhaps that rings any bells?”

Applejack wasn’t amused. “Rarity, ya made that up.”

“It’s a ghost story,” Rarity argued. “They’re all made up.”

“Either way,” Pinkie said. “Both stories are pretty spooky. I don’t know any ghost stories myself, but, I do see that Twilight has one she wants to tell.” Pinkie turned off the lights.

“Thanks, Pinkie,” Twilight said as she lit a candle lantern. “This is one my brother once told me when we were foals. This one is called, the Legend of the Headless Horse.”

“Wait, how would a headless horse even see?” Pinkie asked.

“That’s not the point, Pinkie,” Twilight said through thinly-veiled annoyance. She then cleared her throat and began her story. “It was a dark and stormy night, just like this one. And four ponies were having a slumber party, just like this one.” She promptly used her magic to cram a donut in Pinkie’s mouth when sensing the party pony was about to comment on her story.

Some time later, Twilight continued her story. Rarity and Applejack gradually grew anxious to know how the story ended. Pinkie was given a few treats to distract her mind.

“And, just when the last pony thought she was safe,” Twilight said. “There… standing right behind her… just inches away was… THE HEADLESS HORSE!” A flash of lightning illuminated the silhouette of a pony without a head. Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie saw this and they screamed with terror. Rarity and Applejack even held onto each other. Suddenly, Pinkie and Twilight broke out in fits of giggles.

“Good one, Twilight!” Pinkie exclaimed amidst her laughter while turning the lights back on.

“Ghost story, check,” Twilight said as she looked over the guide after removing the blanket over her head.

Applejack and Rarity realized they were holding onto each other and let themselves go before anyone could comment on it. “We will never speak of this again,” Rarity said.

“Never speak o' what again?” Applejack said, pretending to forget the ordeal.

“Exactly,” Rarity said.

“Hmm~” Twilight said. “It says here that the next part on the list is making s’mores.”

“Let’s get started!” Pinkie cheered.

Since they were indeed in a bakery, Pinkie and Twilight helped to get the s’mores supplies together. Pinkie grabbed graham crackers and chocolate. Twilight grabbed the marshmallows, which were vegan. Applejack then skewered some marshmallows and began to toast them over the lit stovetop. “Too bad Spike isn’t here,” Twilight said. “He loves s’mores.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie said. “But, don’t worry. You can always make a special night to make s’mores with him some other time.”

Rarity neatly placed a perfectly square graham cracker on top of her nearly finished s’more.

“That’s Rarity for you,” Pinkie said. “Whether it be dressmaking or food, she knows how to make things look pretty.”

“Ta be frank,” Applejack said. “Ah don’t much see the point o’ makin’ food look purty. It’ll end up eaten, anyhow.” As if to emphasize her point, she shoved an entire s’more in her mouth.

“I can kind of see where Rarity’s coming from, though,” Twilight said. “You’ll want to eat food if it looks good. You wouldn’t want to eat an apple if it had a worm in it, would you?”

Applejack swallowed. “Well, ya may have a point there,” she admitted. “Though, appearance ain’t everythin’.”

“That is true,” Twilight said. “I mean, Spike’s a perfect example. You couldn’t tell what he’s been through just by looking at him.”

“Indeed,” Rarity said. “From what you’ve told us, the little fellow has endured a lot of heartache.”

“Yep,” Twilight said. “But, Spike has plenty of positive traits. Why, he could play the piano with considerable skill.”

“Really?” Pinkie asked. “I may have to perform with him at some point.”

“Funny how we never saw him play it,” Applejack commented.

“He doesn’t get many opportunities to,” Twilight admitted. “I’m partially to blame for that.”

“Hopefully someday,” Rarity said. “There will be a chance for Spike to shine.”

“Remember when Applejack tried to harvest all those apples herself?” Twilight asked.

“We sure do,” Pinkie said. “Why?”

“Well, I asked Spike to use a toy trumpet he got for his birthday last year to wake Applejack up,” Twilight explained. “The problem was that he didn’t have it.”

“Ah thought ah heard ya mumblin’ about somethin’,” Applejack said. “But, ah couldn’t hear why he didn't have it.”

Twilight blushed. “Well, he returned it about a month after getting it.”

“Oh,” Applejack said.

“I told him not to play it when I was around,” Twilight continued. “He figured that since I’d be around him most of his life anyway, there was no point in keeping it. Everytime he gets some kind of musical instrument for his birthday or Hearth’s Warming from my brother, I tell him not to play them when I’m around. So, he doesn’t hold onto them for any longer than a month.”

“Well,” Pinkie said. “You can always tell him that you changed your mind on that.”

“Believe me,” Twilight said. “After that day, I told him that any musical instrument he got, he could play whenever he asked permission. But, there’s another problem.”

“What’s that?” Rarity asked.

“Well, I found a few musical instruments in the library,” Twilight explained. “What they were doing there in the first place is beyond me. Anyway, I told Spike that he could try playing them, but, the second he faced me with the lute, he just… froze.”

“Hmm,” Applejack pondered. “Maybe it’s ‘cause o’ that rule ya gave him er could just be a case o' stage fright.”

“Maybe both,” Pinkie suggested. “Or, more specifically, when Twilight’s in the audience.”

“It would be better if you gave him some time,” Rarity said. “Who knows? He might overcome his fear on his own.”

“I think I might have an idea,” Pinkie said. “I could help him by teaching him music every now and then. I can play up to ten different instruments at once.”

“Spike and I would have to talk about this,” Twilight said. “But, if he’s up for it, then, I’ll allow it. If I’m being truthful, I often heard Spike playing the instruments he got whenever he thought I wasn’t listening. He really is quite talented. I kind of regret not giving him many opportunities to nurture that talent.”

“That’s alright, Sugarcube,” Applejack said. “We all make mistakes n’ we all learn from ‘em.” She then offered Twilight another s’more. “Here, why not enjoy this here s’more?”

“Thanks,” Twilight said as she ate the s’more gratefully.

Soon, all four mares had their fill of s’mores. In Pinkie’s case with her appetite and fondness for sweets, it was certainly more than the others combined. She was a bit rounder as a result. “I think we can check that off the list,” the party mare said.

“Alright,” Twilight said. She then looked through the guide. “Now, the next item of fun we have to do is Truth or Dare.”

“Ooh, that’s a good one!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“How do ya play?” Applejack asked.

Pinkie explained the rules. “You face the pony of your choice and ask ‘truth or dare.’ If they pick truth, they have to give an honest answer to a question you ask. If they pick dare, they have to do something you tell them to do. If they do either, it’s their turn. And it continues like that. Now, I have some house rules to add.”

“That’s understandable,” Twilight said. “What are your house rules?”

“You can’t choose the same pony twice in a row,” Pinkie explained. “Also, the oldest player gets the first pick. How old are you, Twilight?”

“I’m 16 years old,” Twilight answered.

“Huh,” Pinkie said. “You and Rarity are both a year older than me. Since Applejack’s the oldest of us at 18, she gets first pick.”

“Okie dokie,” Applejack said. “Well, then, Rarity. Truth er Dare?”

“Dare,” Rarity said. Applejack gave a rather sneaky grin.

“I dares ya ta stick yer head in the sink n’ let the water run onta yer mane~” Applejack smirked.

Rarity was less than amused. “Is this some twisted revenge for removing your hat?”

“Maybe it is, maybe it ain’t,” Applejack smirked. “Either way, ya can’t back out.” She then realized what she was saying before consulting Pinkie. “She can’t, can she?”

“Well, she could,” Pinkie admitted. “But, doing so would mean she forfeits her turn.”

“Hmmph~!” Rarity huffed. “Very well… fine!” She went into the kitchen, turned on the sink, and then after making sure the water wasn't too hot or too cold dunked her mane under the faucet. Applejack tried not to laugh. After she was certain she could take no more, Rarity lifted her mane up and turned off the water. Her entire mane was soaking wet and water dripped everywhere. "Can somepony give me a towel?" Rarity asked.

Pinkie gave Rarity a towel as Applejack’s laughter couldn’t be contained any longer. “Since Rarity did the dare, she gets to go next,” Pinkie said.

Rarity then walked over to Applejack, clearly vexed. "I dare Applejack to play dress up."

Pinkie winced. “Rarity, you didn’t ask her ‘truth or dare,’ so, that doesn’t count.”

“Yes,” Twilight said. “I’m new to this game myself, but, shouldn’t you ask Applejack ‘truth or dare’ first?”

Rarity groaned. “Fine. Applejack, truth or dare?”

“Truth,” Applejack said.

Rarity wasn’t happy with this choice. “Why do you insist on being so inconsiderate with others?”

“Ah’m not tryin’ ta,” Applejack said. “N’ that’s the pot callin’ the kettle black right there. Did ya consider ah don’t take kindly ta bein’ told ah’m doin’ somethin’ wrong all the time?”

Twilight could see that tensions were building between the two. “I think it’s safe to say that Applejack gave an honest answer, so, she can take her turn now,” she said.

“And remember,” Pinkie said. “You can’t pick the same pony twice in a row.”

Applejack and Rarity both took deep breaths and tried to calm down.

The truth or dare contest lasted for quite a while. Applejack and Rarity for reasons Pinkie Pie and Twilight couldn't figure kept attacking each other with dares at every opportunity and had to keep being reminded that they can’t automatically choose to dare somepony. At last Twilight decided to simply check off truth or dare and move on. "Hmm? What's this, pillow fight?" Twilight asked.

“Ooh,” Pinkie said. “This is a really exciting one!”

"Oh, there is no way I'm participating in that," Rarity said in an unamused tone of voice.

“Think fast,” Pinkie said as a pillow hit Rarity in the face.

“I just said–” Rarity began before Applejack hit her with another pillow. “Oof!” She suddenly became more determined. “It. Is. On!”

She then snagged one of the pillows that Applejack tossed at her and propelled it at the farm mare. Applejack caught some with her lasso before using her hindlegs to send more pillows flying at Rarity.

“Are we not going to question the fact that there’s an absurd amount of pillows in a bakery?” Twilight asked. No answer came. “No? Okay, then.”

The pillow fight/warfare continued with feathers littering the floor. One feather landed on Pinkie’s nose and she sneezed. Like in their trek through the Everfree Forest, Pinkie’s sneeze launched confetti. She was also propelled towards the ceiling.

“Are you alright, Pinkie?!” Twilight asked, clearly concerned.

“This isn’t the first time I hit the ceiling after sneezing and it won’t be the last,” Pinkie replied.

After she fell down, a bright red earth mare thinner than Mrs. Cake, but, chubbier than Mr. Cake with a white mane and tail, brown eyes, and a Cutie Mark depicting three bundt cakes entered wearing a simple white apron and chef’s hat. “What’s going on up here?” she asked.

When the mares saw her, the pillow fight came to a sudden halt.

“Oopsies!” Pinkie squeaked. “Sorry, Auntie Bundt Cake. We were having a pillow fight at our slumber party and we got carried away in the fun.”

The older mare looked around. “I see,” she said. “Tell you what, I’ll help you clean up. I don’t think we need my brother fainting over the mess in his bakery.”

“Thanks, Auntie Bundt Cake,” Pinkie smiled.

“I thought Pinkie was unrelated to the Cakes,” Twilight said.

“I am,” Pinkie said. “I just like calling her Auntie Bundt Cake since I see the Cakes as a second pair of parents.”

“Aww,” Twilight said with a smile. “That is sweet.”

The mares young and old began cleaning up the feathers strewn about the floor. Soon, the bakery was clean and good as new. “Good work, girls,” Bundt Cake said. “It’s getting late. You better hit the sack.”

“Why?” Pinkie asked. “What did the sack do to us?”

Bundt Cake giggled. “It’s an expression, sweetie,” she explained. “It means go to bed.”

“That’s a good idea,” Twilight said. “This is a slumber party after all and slumber does indeed mean sleep. Let’s get some sleep, girls.”

“We can all share my room,” Pinkie offered.

“Thanks, Pinkie,” Twilight said. “Good night, Bundt Cake.”

“Good night, girls,” Bundt Cake said as she went to a guest room.

As the four mares ascended the stairs, a thought crossed Twilight’s mind. “How come I’ve never seen Bundt Cake before?”

“Oh, she’s just here for a visit,” Pinkie explained. “She runs a bakery in Fillydelphia. She comes here once a month to spend a week with her brother, Mr. Cake.”

“Interesting,” Twilight said. “Wait, who runs her bakery while she’s gone?”

“Her apprentices, Chocolate Chip and Vanilla Milkshake,” Pinkie answered.

“Ah, that’s good,” Twilight said. She yawned. “Well, we better get to bed.”

"Follow me." Pinkie Pie said. She led Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity up to her room which happened to be at the very top of Sugarcube Corner.

“So, this is where you sleep,” Twilight said with a smile. “It’s so you, Pinkie.”

“I know,” Pinkie giggled. “This place was originally just an empty loft that the Cakes used for storage. Then, when I came along, they decided to convert this into my bedroom.”

“That’s so nice,” Twilight said.

“The Cakes’ve been known fer their kindness,” Applejack said. “Fer some reason, Mrs. Cake comes ta Sweet Apple Acres ta bake with Granny Smith each month.”

“That’s a lovely sounding ritual,” Rarity said. “Though, I only see one bed. I’m fairly certain we can’t all fit in it at the same time.”

“Don’t worry,” Pinkie said. “I have extra sleeping bags in case I have an impromptu slumber party or camping party to prep.” She gestured a hoof to five different sleeping bags. “Pick any one you want.”

Twilight spotted a sleeping bag in a night sky blue with silver stars. “I like the look of this one,” she said. “I’ll take it.”

“Good choice, Twilight,” Pinkie said.

Rarity saw a light blue sleeping bag with white diamond patterns. “That one is practically calling out to me~” she said. She levitated it to herself.

Applejack found a simple red and green sleeping bag. “The colors remind me o’ home,” Applejack said. “Ah’ll use that.”

Pinkie got into the bed while the other mares rolled out the sleeping bags.

“Nighty night, everypony,” Pinkie said.

“Good night, Pinkie,” the other mares said.

So, the ponies turned in for the night. Though, Rarity and Applejack were still sore with each other over the events that happened over the course of the day.

“Wait, ah just remembered somethin’,” Applejack said.

“What is it, Applejack?” Rarity said, though she was hoping it would be quick.

“There’s a big tree right outside,” Applejack said. “Stupid question, but, ya didn’t trim it, did ya?”

Rarity, hearing this, actually admitted. “Actually, I hadn’t been around this part, so, I hadn’t.”

“Well, it ain’t like it’d matter much anyhow,” Applejack said. “Seein’ as ya didn’t prune the trees in the parts ya were at.”

“Hmph~” Rarity said. “I was trying to spruce up the place.”

“What ya were doin’,” Applejack protested. “Was settin’ up more work fer the cleanup crew after the storm! It’s like ya don’t even care if the storm blows branches onta somepony, yerself included! Some o’ the branches might break somepony’s window! Yer window! Some Element o’ Generosity y’all turned out ta be!”

Rarity heard Applejack’s words and she knew she was right. Even so, the harshness did upset Rarity and she couldn’t hold back the tears streaming down her face.

“Very well!” Rarity said mournfully. “I’ll just go out and fix everything myself! If you think I don’t care, I’ll show you!”

So, Rarity got out of her sleeping bag and went downstairs. It was clear that she was making her way outside. However, Applejack grabbed Rarity’s tail with her mouth before pulling her back. “Don’t be stupid, Rarity,” Applejack said. “Ah know that’s a tall order, but, y’all know as well as ah do that the second ya get one hair out o’ place, ya call it quits!”

“Well,” Rarity said. “You are right, but, I still want to help!”

“Li’l late fer that!” Applejack shouted.

At this point, Twilight lost patience. “For the love of Celestia, shut up!”

Hearing this, Rarity and Applejack stopped their arguing. Twilight scowled disappointedly at the two. They were so caught up in their arguing that they practically ruined Twilight’s first slumber party.

“I hoped that you two could put aside your petty squabbles for one night,” the lavender unicorn reprimanded. “Clearly, I was wrong. You two have been acting like foals since you got here! Is this any way for two mares who helped defeat Nightmare Moon to act?”

Rarity and Applejack were clearly ashamed of themselves.

“Powerful sorry, Twilight,” Applejack said. “Ah was tryin’ mah best ta get along.”

“As was I,” Rarity said. “But, clearly, we still had our own feelings about what happened earlier.”

Pinkie stirred in her bed. “What’s going on, girls?”

“Oh, great,” Twilight said. “Now, on top of ruining my first official slumber party, you woke up Pinkie! What else could go wrong?!”

“Uh,” Pinkie said looking at a nearby window. “You probably shouldn’t have asked that, Twilight.”

“Why not?” Twilight asked when a sudden flash of lightning struck the tree outside.

“That’s why,” Pinkie answered. The other three mares went to the window.

“That tree is about to fall on that nearby roof!” Twilight exclaimed.

“See, Rarity?” Applejack snapped. “This is why we needed ta prune them trees!”

“Yes, I understand now,” Rarity said. “You were right.”

“That’s the first sensible thing ya said all day!” Applejack said, opening the window.

“Applejack, wait!” Rarity exclaimed, her eyes glimmering slightly.

“If’n ya want ta help now, kindly shut yer yap!” Applejack said, clearly annoyed by Rarity holding her up again.

“You don’t understand!” Rarity exclaimed.

But, Applejack ignored the fashionista. She pulled out her trusty lasso and threw it at the tree, which was actually a lot closer than it looked. She pulled as hard as she could and slowly the tree began to tilt away from falling onto a nearby house.

“Whoo-hoo!” Pinkie cheered. “Way to go, AJ!”

“Ya see that, Rarity,” Applejack said, cockily. “That’s what we call gettin’ ‘er done.”

However, the tree that Applejack lassoed crashed through Pinkie’s window after she pulled back, creating a mess in her bedroom.

“Well done, Applejack,” Rarity said sarcastically. “This is a fine mess you created.”

Applejack pushed aside some branches. “If ya’d done yer job prunin’ the trees,” she protested. “Ah wouldn’t’ve needed ta use mah lasso!”

“Well,” Rarity said. “If you hadn’t interrupted me, you would have known I was trying to warn you that this tree would end up in here!”


Rarity and Applejack were shocked with Twilight’s outburst. “Wow,” Pinkie said. “So, that’s where Spike gets it from.”

Rarity and Applejack finally realized what they had to do. Applejack began pushing the tree out with Twilight and Pinkie while Rarity began restocking a bookshelf that had books knocked out of it. “Really, Rarity? Really?” Twilight said. “I know this is rich coming from me, but, you’re putting book re-shelving over getting this tree out of here?! Fine! See if I ask you for help ever again!”

Applejack considered this and she did one of the bravest things that anypony could do at that point. “Rarity… Ah’m sorry.”

Rarity was stopped in her tracks. “What?”

“Ah said, ‘Ah’m sorry,’” Applejack said. “Ah should’ve been kinder ta y’all before. Ah should’ve explained the situation nicer instead o’ bein’ in a huff. N’ if ah’d listened ta y’all, we wouldn’t be in this mess. But, fer now, ya need ta put that job aside n’ help us with this one big job… please.”

Rarity hesitated. “But, I’ll get all icky…”

“And that’s preferable to having a bunch of branches filling the room and explaining this to the Cakes?” Twilight asked.

“Touche,” Rarity said. “I’ll help… I promise.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow and her eyes shimmered a bit. “Welp, better get in gear ‘stead o’ just standin’ there."

So, Rarity also put in the effort to get the giant tree out of the Sugarcube Corner upstairs window. It was hard work and tiring, but, eventually, all four of them managed to get the tree section out of the rooftop loft. Rarity then used her magic to repair the broken window and wall while Twilight used hers to lower the tree section harmlessly to the ground. Rarity wiped her brow. It wasn’t dressmaking, but, she was satisfied with her work. That changed when she noticed that she was covered in leaves, branches, and tree sap. “I look awful and I feel so itchy!”

“Ya look like ya did hard work n’ contributed ta society fer a change,” Applejack said. “‘Sides, ain’t nothin’ a li’l bath can’t fix.”

“And who knows,” Pinkie said. “That look could also inspire a fashion lineup!”

“Really?” Rarity asked.

“Sure,” Twilight said in a friendly tone before switching to a more blunt one. “You’ll still have to own up to the cleanup crew that you didn’t prune the trees like you were supposed to, though.”

“Yes, I will,” Rarity said with a sigh. “This has taught me a lot and after this, I’m going to put in the effort to prune rather than prettify. I owe it to all of you for helping me realize this. I apologize for not helping when I should have.”

“Fer good measure,” Applejack said. “Ya should help clean up yer mess ta prove ya mean it. Speakin’ from experience, actions speak louder n’ words.”

Rarity nodded and put a hoof to her heart as a way to say, “I promise.”

Soon, the four ponies put in the effort to clean things up inside Sugarcube Corner. The storm was slowly starting to die down. “I think this would make a good friendship lesson,” Pinkie said when they were done.

“This would, Pinkie,” Twilight said with a smile. “Given that Spike isn’t present, I’ll be okay with writing this one myself.” She reached into her saddle bag and pulled out an inkwell, a quill, and parchment. “Good thing I’m always prepared.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie said. “But, if you didn’t have that stuff, I wouldn’t have minded giving you some of my stationery. Do you think Princess Celestia would like a letter written in glitter gel pen?”

“I’m trying to show some professionalism, Pinkie,” Twilight said. “She’s one of two rulers of Equestria, not a schoolfilly.”

“Okie dokie lokie,” Pinkie said, shrugging it off. Twilight began drafting her letter.

“Dear Princess Celestia,
It’s hard to believe that two ponies that seem so different could ever get along. But, when you put your differences behind you, you might just find a way to become friends after all.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle.”

“Too bad Spike’s not here,” Pinkie said. “I wonder how he’s doing.”

Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Spike is enjoying a soothing cup of cocoa with Princess Luna, whose mane and tail were growing longer and beginning to move in a cascading wave motion. Canus was hugging Spike gently. “So, this guy’s a plush doll?” the dragon asked.

“Yes, young drake,” the night princess replied.

“But, he’s alive?” Spike observed.

“Thou art correct again, young drake,” she confirmed.

Spike grew slightly annoyed. “Okay, seriously,” he said. “Nopony talks like that anymore.”

“Ah, apologies,” Luna said. “It is going to take some time for me to adjust to this new developed way of speaking. I haven’t really had any proper conversations in 1,000 years.”

“Wait, didn’t you speak less archaic as Nightmare Moon?” Spike asked.

“Nightmare Moon has a will of her own,” Luna explained. “She manifested from my own negative emotions.”

“Wait,” Spike says. “Has? You mean she’s still out there?!”

“Yes,” Luna admitted. “She resides within my heart still. But, through the grace of the Elements of Harmony and the Magic of Friendship, she’s powerless to do any real harm for a good long while.”

“That’s good at least,” Spike said. “Though, wouldn’t it make sense to purge Nightmare Moon for good?”

“Alas,” Luna said. “Were it so simple, my exodus to the moon wouldn’t have occurred to begin with. Sadly, I cannot permanently rid myself of Nightmare Moon any more than you yourself can purge your own negative traits.”

“I see,” Spike said sadly.

Luna placed a gentle hoof on the young drake’s shoulder.

Back at Sugarcube Corner, Twilight responded to Pinkie’s comment. “I hope he’s doing well.”

Later, after the mares got a good night’s sleep, the storm clouds had rolled away and it was a beautiful sunny day once more. After breakfast, Rarity joined the clean-up crew.

By noon, Spike had returned on the train from Canterlot. On his way to the library, he saw the damage from the storm. “Whoa!” he said. “This is some mess! I better get a broom at the library.”

Spike hurried to the Golden Oak Library to find Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie enjoying some tea and cookies.

“Welcome back, Spike,” Twilight said with a smile. “Why don’t you join us for a tea break? You must be exhausted from your journey back.”

Spike was surprised. “Okay,” he said, unsure. “But, what about the mess outside?”

“Oh, it’s alright,” Rarity said. “My break’s over anyway. I’m getting back to work.” She then trotted off, leaving Spike to notice beads of sweat on her coat.

“Okay,” said the dragon as he took a seat. “What’d I miss?”

“Get comfy, Spike,” Pinkie said. “Because it’s a doozy of a story.”

“But, could you send Princess Celestia my newest friendship report, please?” Twilight asked.

“Of course,” Spike smiled.

Twilight gave Spike her finished letter and he sent it with his magic fire breath.

“Okay,” Spike said. “So, what’s the story?”

“Well,” Applejack said. “It’s a tale o’ prunin’ trees, clashin’ personalities, n’ a slumber party.”

So, Spike heard the tale that he was told.

End of Chapter.

Author's Note:

Here's another chapter.

In this one, I elaborated more on Spike's royal business in Canterlot.

This chapter marks the debut of Mr. Cake's sister, Bundt Cake.

While Applejack and Rarity still argue in this chapter like in canon, Twilight's more aware of the tension while Pinkie's oblivious. Additionally, Rarity gets told off for shirking her responsibilities she was rushed into having and subsequently gets more character development than in canon at this point.

If you're enjoying the story so far, contact me via private messages if you'd like to help make future chapters.