• Published 1st Nov 2022
  • 167 Views, 2 Comments

Gale Watch - Grainne Ni Bhroin

A series of glimpses into the stormy life of Gale Force as they struggle to find their way though a sunless world

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Kindred Souls (15)

Gale and Haki sat together at a cafeteria table, one of the pegasus’ wings draped over the zebra’s back as they ate. A grey pegasus zony soon joined them at the table and slumped over her tray opposite the couple.

“Okay what’s eating at you Storm?” Gale set down his sandwich.

“You’ve been acting off all day, something happen?” asked Haki.

Storm Front looked up at the two. “It’s nothing guys, I’m fine.”

The two stallions shared a look and turned back to face her.

“Storm, I live with Gale. I can tell when someone’s not fine.” Gale slugged him on the shoulder at that and Haki chuckled. “Sorry, but it’s true.”

“I’m getting better,” Gale muttered. “But he’s right, we can tell you’re not okay. What’s going on, Storm?”

The zony pushed aside her tray and laid her head on the table. “It’s Pearl Necklace, that unicorn in our Equestrian Literature class, I tried to ask her out yesterday.” The mare covered her face with her hooves. “Said she ‘wouldn’t be seen dead with a mare, let alone with a half breed’.”

Gale and Haki quickly scooted around the table and laid a wing and a hoof over Storm’s back. “That bitch, she doesn’t deserve someone as sweet as you.”

Storm struggled to fight back tears. “I-if it was just the rejection I’d… I’d be fine but-” she burst out into sobs, “-she threatened to out me to everyone. It’s already bad enough being the only zony here but now they're all gonna know me as ‘that dyke hybrid’.”

Haki’s face hardened. “She did what? Come on, we’re gonna go talk to the vice principal about this”

“I already tried, they won’t do anything. Said it was my word against hers.” She drew her wings around herself. “Pearl says she won’t tell if I write her essay for her but I’m already struggling with my own. I can’t do two and she’ll tell and no one will speak to me ever again.”

Gale pulled Storm Front into a hug. “Hey, come on. If nothing else you’ll still have Haki and me. But it’s not going to come to that because we’re gonna fix this.”

“H-how,” she sobbed out. “I’ve only got two days. How am I gonna do both essays by then?”

“You’re not.” Gale stood up from the table. “We’re gonna get proof she’s blackmailing you. Then we can go to the vice principal.”

“We just need to get a recording of her talking about it,” said Haki

“How are you gonna get that?”

Gale Chuckled. “Haki can get any mare to talk.”

“Well, most mares,” Haki corrected, and after a moment added. “And a lot of stallions.”

Haki walked through the halls with his best swagger. Head held high, stepping with confidence and, most notably, without Gale. Heads turned as he passed and among them a pure white unicorn, Pearl Necklace.

The mare trotted after Haki and called out to him, “Haki, is Gale Force not around today?”

The zebra stopped and turned back to the mare. “Pearl right?” He brushed a hoof over the front of his jacket and set the phone in his pocket to record. “No, Gale is with Storm Front, though I suspect his advances won’t get him very far there,” he replied with a knowing grin. “But if you’d like to walk with me I’d be glad to have company.”

Pearl nodded and the two set off down the hallway as she replied, “Oh they definitely won’t, she tried to ask me out yesterday.”

“Oh? Well with a pretty mare like yourself I can’t exactly say I blame her. I take it that she didn’t get very far with you?”

“Of course not. I mean, me dating a mare? Do I look like a dyke?” Pearl gave Haki a smile. “After that, she got really scared that I’d tell folks.”

“Seeing as I haven’t heard any buzz about it I take it you’re not telling?

“Well, not just yet.” She grinned. “I’ve got her writing my essay in exchange for my silence.” She stopped to look at her phone and check the time. “I need to get over to my next class, I’d like to talk to you again sometime though. Maybe you could buy me lunch?”

Haki kept walking though. “Sorry, but I don’t date bigots.” After turning the corner he pulled out his phone and, confirming that it had caught everything, sent a text to Gale and Storm. “I have it.”

The trio gathered outside of the vice principal’s office. Gale had a wing draped over Storm’s back as Haki came down the hall to join them. He nudged Storm’s side with an elbow. “Ready?”

“I guess,” she replied. “Are you sure this will work? I mean, it’s Pearl and I’m… me.”

“The evidence is too solid for them to just ignore, and they know that if they do I’ll just put it out in the next student newsletter,” said Gale. “So come on, let’s do this.”

After a long talk with the vice principal and another hour waiting the PA system crackled to life with a loud “Pearl Necklace to the office please, Pearl Necklace to the office.” Gale and Haki shot each other grins and turned to Storm Front.

“Told you we could fix it,” Gale said with a proud smile. “She’ll be too busy cleaning up her reputation after this to start spreading rumors about you.”

Storm Front threw her legs around Gale and Haki and mumbled thank you after thank you between tears of gratitude.

Author's Note:

I was never fully satisfied with this chapter's pacing. It's needed to really lay out how the characters think and act and solve issues but I always felt like the conclusion was too rushed.