• Member Since 10th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 28 minutes ago


I left for eight years. Now I've returned, a changed beast.

Comments ( 102 )

Can you add facesitting in the next part.

Celestia grabbed the plate in her magic and gave it a funny voice as she waved it in front of Luna. "Oh, Luna, you know you can tell Mr. Pancakes anything. He won't judge you!"

Luna pushed the plate away. "Go away, Mr. Pancakes..."

"But Luna, you know Mr. Pancakes is your friend!"

"Not right now."

"C'mon, please?! Please, Luna!"

As Mr. Pancakes edged closer, he spilled a mouthful of Luna's coffee. She immediately grabbed a butter knife and drove it between Mr. Pancakes's eyes.

"Now that was uncalled for, Luna," scoffed Celestia, putting Mr. Pancakes back on the table and dressing his knife wound with raspberry jam. "He's only trying to help."

"He can help by letting me drink my coffee."

"He wouldn't bug you if you just ate him."

This triggered a memory in Luna's head, calling back several nights to when she'd used her mouth on the colt that was bugging her, and still he was pestering her. "That doesn't work."

"Sure it does," said Celestia, holding up her own plate. "His brother's nice and quiet."

Unimpressed, Luna cast her own spell on her sister's pancakes, making them scream profanities at her for eating them. "We're still alive, you gluttonous bitch!"

Celestia put her hooves up. "Fine, fine, truce."

With a nod, Luna called off her spell and took a sip of her drink. It was good. She was really regretting that it had spilled.


No. There is no facesitting in this story.

I'm glad you liked Mr. Pancakes. When I was writing his character, I told a friend about him, and he thought the story was meant to be a comedy. It's actually just a moment of levity. There's a few more, but none so humourous as Mr. Pancakes.

I'm liking this story quite a bit! Though I'm a bit surprised that Celestia would continue joking when her sister told her "I think I was sexually assaulted." That's not really something you can "lighten the mood" over; of course, if Celestia could read a room, she wouldn't suck so much at acting. :twilightsheepish:

While I'm looking forward to reading it, I can't help but be curious as to how gay group sex factors into this since Pip seems to be sexually attracted to Luna. I thought for sure his dreams were the result of him trying to suppress that part of himself.

That'll actually be near the end. I won't particularly say how, but it's not happening for a while, yet.

Suddenly, it all made perfect sense. The reason he was having dreams about her, the reason those dreams turned sexual, and the reason that it was constant; he was sexually attracted to her.

For crying out loud, Luna, this kid has been fucking you in his dreams for what sounds like a little while, and you're just now figuring out that it's because he has carnal desire toward you? How was that not a priori on your part?

Time to teach pip the right way to fuck a mare

Maybe she should just give him better non-cheesy porn material.

Something tells me Luna is gonna have to come up with some sort of overwrite spell for dreams so whenever she starts to feel this pull she can choose to take control instead of letting the dream control her...

He was masturbating. He wasn't doing a great job of it, either, patting his hoof along his dick, smacking it between his hoof and his belly.

This reminds me of when I started, I had no clue about how to do it either.

If he was an adult he would probably end up in the castle dungeon for what he did to dream-Luna.

I'm really beginning to get irritated with Luna's take on what's happening. Like this, for instance:

She'd be more forceful this time, and make sure that he understood that this wasn't okay.

"This wasn't okay"? Luna, he can't control what he dreams about! He doesn't even know he has dream-based powers, which means he has no idea what he's doing to you! All he knows is that he's going through his sexual awakening and you're shaming him for it! Don't even get me started on the whole "you're too young for this" angle she's trying to push; he clearly isn't too young for this if he's having recurring sex dreams! He's an early bloomer, in other words, and Luna is essentially telling him to repress his sexuality, which is one of the worst things you can do to a kid!

I honestly don't understand why Luna's being such a moron about this. I mean, I suppose if we're meant to understand that she has no clue how to deal with children, this makes sense, but otherwise this is her carrying the idiot ball. Why doesn't she say "Pip, you're a dreamwalker like me, and an exceptionally powerful one. You need training so that you can learn to control your power" instead of "stop thinking about sex."

Apparently, Luna doesn't realize that abstinence-only education doesn't work, and just like every other instance of an adult pushing that message on a kid, it's doing more harm than good.

This. Luna has some warped ideas about sex indeed; she equates her forcing a subordinate to have sex with her with Pip dreaming about making love to her. Pip has zero idea he's forcing anyone to do anything at all. And as long as he doesn't get training in oneiromancy, he may not ever know he's doing it.

What's more likely, depending on what Luna does next, is Pip will internalise it and/or work through it in, what else, his dreams. Meaning this can backfire spectacularly on our Princess of the Night.

And everypony made the right decisions and the final night we were building to never happened.

If Luna knows the correct way of handling the situation from the beginning, she won't learn anything, because she already knows how to handle this. Sure, Pip can still learn from this if Luna knows everything, but if Luna just did the right thing on the first night, there would be no story.

Furthermore, this is not an "abstinance-only" school of thought. She is only telling him to wait until his age at least has a second digit. That's still very early, and she's even willing to help him learn if he can put forth a good effort. If he were having these dreams at age eleven and was unable to force others to join him, this wouldn't be a problem. It'd just be a normal night for an early bloomer. But that's not what this is.

As for why she doesn't outright tell him he's also a Dreamweaver is because A) he's more powerful than she can manage and B) that's a power he can easily abuse. Temperance and self-control are what she needs from him.

That said, yes, she's going about this the wrong way. That was intentional, because she has to go a little bit mad for the ending to add up. She's treading ground that is wildly abnormal and has a lot of skin in the game. Like a lawyer representing themselves, she's unable to see the situation from an outside perspective because she's directly involved. There is a correct way of doing this. But that's not the path Luna is taking, here.

Hmm... Luna seriously doesn't realize she's just making it worse, does she? She showed up, the target of Pipsqueak's dreams, and kissed him on the forehead. She's essentially trying to stop a fire by adding more fuel.


And everypony made the right decisions and the final night we were building to never happened.

I don't think I explained where I was coming from very well before, so let me try again:

There's absolutely nothing wrong with a story whose premise is centered around a character doing something dumb; quite the contrary, that's a tried-but-true method of introducing conflict (and drama, etc.) into a story. The issue is that we have to know why the character is doing something dumb, so that we buy into the premise being presented, and that's not happening here.

Now, normally this wouldn't be too much of an issue with regard to Luna, because the popular conception of her is that she's the proverbial fish out of water, i.e. she's still suffering from culture shock after her thousand-year banishment in the moon. While that's primarily the case in her (re)introductory episode Luna Eclipsed (season two, episode four), even as late as Between Dark and Dawn (season nine, episode thirteen) we still see her lacking knowledge about common things such as sunblock. So you might think that it's taken as a given that Luna is simply acting on outdated (and bad) information when it comes to how children in general (and colts in particular) go through puberty.

But this runs into a problem of its own, which is that the show (i.e. the source material this fic draws upon) is near-totally silent on all issues of sexuality in Equestria. So we can't really presume what Luna doesn't know, because it's an area where the show hasn't established any sort of baseline for her to deviate from. Worse, the fic offers a (very, very subtle) clue that suggests that she has contemporary, updated knowledge of sexual morals, in that she tells Celestia that she thinks she was "sexually assaulted," which is taken to be a modern term. If she'd said "raped," that would have been less indicative of a contemporary understanding of the issues surrounding sex in Equestria, and if she's used an old-fashioned term like "had unlawful carnal knowledge of me," that would have suggested the opposite: that she's still operating on an outdated understanding of sexual propriety.

And really, there are plenty of other ways in which this story could have – and should have – indicated that this is a case of the blind leading the blind. We could have had a flashback of Luna's own education on proper sexual behavior as a filly, where she was told that good little ponies didn't touch themselves at all until they were sixteen. Or there could have been a conversation between her and Celestia in this regard. Or even a short segment of exposition (which isn't nearly the literary sin so many people think it is, so long as it isn't a huge info-dump) to make that clear.

The point is, if the story is working off of the premise that Luna is the worst pony in Equestria to educate a budding young colt on how to handle his sexuality, then it has to actually demonstrate that. Which is to say, it has to make it clear (not necessarily explicit, but clearly understood to the readers), and right now it doesn't. It presents Luna's advice with no contextual commentary, either subtle or overt, that she's telling him all the wrong things, nor why she's so bad at this.

She is only telling him to wait until his age at least has a second digit.

Which is another demonstration of why she's being an idiot, since she's acting like his sexual awakening is something he can control, when his dreams make it clear that he can't. Even if he denied his urges, stops masturbating, and berates himself for how he feels, that won't do a thing about the fact that he feels that way to begin with, and it certainly won't let him control his dreams. That she wants him to wait until he's older to masturbate ignores the fact that if he's already started doing so, then he's already old enough to do so, even if he's younger than most other colts who do. That's not something that a change of behavior, or mindset, can alter.

Again, if we're supposed to understand that Luna's being a moron, then the story needs to point that out to us somehow. Because right now, it's presented without any sort of contextual indicators as to whether her advice is good or bad, and so it looks like it's trying to present something awful as being sensible, if not laudable.

Temperance and self-control are what she needs from him.

Leaving aside that no one in their right mind expects that from a nine-year-old, that's not an issue of his dreams. I can understand her not wanting to teach him to use his power for fear that he might abuse it, but her current course of action (i.e. adjust his conscious behavior) is also destined to fail with regard to altering his unintentional use of his power (i.e. it won't adjust his unconscious behavior). Which is ironic, since if he gained conscious control over his dreams and his dream-based powers, then it would be an issue of his conscious behavior.

In closing, I'll say one more time that the problem isn't that Luna's being stupid. It's that the fic needs to embrace and expound on the fact that she's being stupid in a way that it's not doing now.

That is a much clearer and more directed argument.

There is a reason I've neglected to put forward that Luna is making the wrong choices, here, and to make her decisions seem almost sensible. It's because the story is told from her perspective, and to her, this all makes sense. Even when she turns violent further in, she still thinks she's doing what is best, and will try to frame it in her mind as being correct. And since we, the audience, are reading her thoughts, that's how it's going to come across.

Now, if this were told in a different perspective, one where we see the relevant thoughts of others, it would be a spectacular place to let Celestia look into all of this and tell Luna that she's doing this wrong. In fact, there's an upcoming chapter that is, as I type this, written, but not edited, where Celestia offers to join Luna for one of the dreams. If Luna were to accept this and let Celestia tag along, the outside perspective would reframe Luna's actions so far and make this much easier to do properly.

But that's not what happens. Instead, Luna refuses Celestia's offer because of how embarrassing it is that a colt as young as Pip was able to overpower her at her own game. It is her stubborn pride that is her downfall, here.

There are also going to be several instances where Luna sees that her methods are not working. She believes she is right, but will be proven wrong. This is all going to backfire in her face.
The story isn't over yet; there's a lot more that's going to happen before the end. Give it time to play out. Try to enjoy the ride if you can, and let the characters learn from their mistakes.

I'm liking where this is going and it's been a fun journey so far.

:twilightoops: Well, that dream sequence was certainly . . . disturbing. Looks like Pip also likes watching his parents have sex.

Unimpressed, Luna cast her own spell on her sister's pancakes, making them scream profanities at her for eating them. "We're still alive, you gluttonous bitch!"

You Celestia are never alive but always delicious

"I certainly hope that our relationship is a healthy one moving forward. I'd hate for us to be foes."

Okay, I know he's excited but that sounded really ominous

From what I've been reading, this is a case of why the victim should never try to solve their own case. When a police officer is victimized by a criminal accidentally or not, they are removed from the case or they're supposed to be removed. Because most people cannot think rationally or equally about their attacker. But in the case of all of this there's only one police officer and that is Luna. He is the police officer, the captain, the therapist she the victim.

Good night

Pip's dream shows he's more confused than anything. He's discovering things that feel good physically and things that feel good emotionally, but he doesn't yet quite know how they connect. So his subconscious is trying to work things out while he's asleep and dreaming.

I do wonder why Luna is acting as she is. She's not truly ashamed of the sexual aspect, so what could it be that keeps her from being honest with Pip? Maybe she's in denial over being scared at one so young having power over her. So she, in turn, tries everything except being open and honest with him.

ok, I admit this was not what I expected, with the introduction I thought that this would be of the humiliation, slavery, etc.
type I hate them, I wanted to give him a 'dislike', but the truth is that the boy is not an idiot he is just naive and it shows that he has no bad intentions, it's even nice to see how his relationship with Luna progresses

Mixed signals much, princess?

I mean, if he next dreams about spanking you, that's totally your fault. Because you told him that's how ponies forgive each other and that he has to forgive you for what you did to him.

Comment posted by Sharpel deleted Apr 16th, 2023

"Pipsqueak, this goes beyond your parents. I have cause to have you brought to the Canterlot dungeons. Celestia has even offered to have you executed for what you've been doing in your dreams. I want to believe that your intentions are not malicious, but you keep doing this, knowing that it hurts me."

I guess this is what happens with Luna. Doesn't get her coffee in the morning. All jokes aside, it's obviously she's losing it. See cannot tell ponyville from the upper Free Forest at she point. There was a runoff joke in the comic books that Celestia got hit with a restraining order by a pony pacifically. He was a baker. I don't know if that's a joke or is that comparable to a real law system, but either way that means the princesses can be held comparable for crimes. But that doesn't have to exist in this story. But it would be interesting to see biscuit brought up in the grand jury defendant pipsqueak versus the crown of equestria

Pip was in tears. "I'm sorry, Princess. I don't mean to be bad," he sobbed. "I can be better! I know I can, just, please, please, don't send me to the dungeons! I'll do anything!"

I've always been confused why ponies are scared of the dungeon. Celestia says it's never used. That means almost no pony goes there. Plus they have police officers so I have to assume there's a prison or jail around to me that would be more scarier. Unless things like torture exist in the course to you or how dungeons used to be used, why are ponies even scared of it.

She took a deep breath. She didn't like what she was about to do, but she had to do something. "Have your parents ever spanked you, Pip?"

Me I would have personally said yes. I'm into that. But I'm a chronic asshole.

"I'm sorry!!!" he bawled, his face running with fluids. "I'll never do it again, I promise!"

Don't make promises. You can't keep

Celestia scooted closer and rubbed her back. "As far as the courts of Equestria are concerned, you did the right thing. As far as your big sister is concerned, you did the wrong thing, but it's not the end of the world." She stopped. "He did survive, right?"

The only saving grace in this statement from Celestia is that he's missing contents. But there's no way in hell. Any real courtroom would take this case and pip with lose. At best they may be might give him a therapist. And even then that will be an extreme. At best I think Celestia thinks whoever this stallion is. They're doing it on purpose so that's the only way that makes the statements. He said acceptable because if she really means what she says that's on the lines of dictatorship. Definitely in the dream world as well. We don't need dream police which could be a real thing and equestria.

>My mom told me

Being a pedant here, Pip has a canonically British accent, "mum" would make more sense for his character over the Americanised "mum".

"I know what you need," she smiled. She picked him up and bent him over her knee, swatting his butt with her hoof, and occasionally squeezing and rubbing. This went beyond a simple spanking. He was enjoying it. Still, she supposed the situation could have been worse.

I saw it coming from a mile away.

"To my darling sister, sleep well, Tia."

Awwwwwww... :twilightsmile:

I'll just watch from the side and only interfere if I have to."

A shame she won't be joining in. We could've had a bisexual princest threesome going on here!

She picked him up and bent him over her knee, swatting his butt with her hoof, and occasionally squeezing and rubbing. This went beyond a simple spanking. He was enjoying it.

Good to know he's discovering how pleasurable it can feel getting spanked. :pinkiehappy:


A shame she won't be joining in. We could've had a bisexual princest threesome going on here!

While I share your appreciation for bisexual princest, that's not going to happen in this one. A shame, I know, but perhaps it will happen in the future.

If you like, I helped out with something princest-y recently that you may enjoy:

[Adult story embed hidden]

Somehow, I feel like this *isn't* going to help.

I'm sorry. Do we have to give me a little talk?

Me thinks this is going to get even worse for Pip, something tells me he'll re-enact that in the dreamscape. :P


Me thinks this is going to get even worse for Pip, something tells me he'll re-enact that in the dreamscape. :P

^^ This, all of this^^

Yup, here it is. He took it to the extreme of extremes. Luna gave you so many chances Pip...

....yeah I'm out if Luna's gonna lobotomize a foal because of her initial overreaction and not talking to Celestis

:flutterrage: Hell, no! Uh-uh! I don't think so! After what he just did, report his ass to his parents, let them know what he's been doing, and let then have at him!

11567107 He literally just raped her. How is she overreacting?

He doesn't know that it's actually her or that he's physically forcing her to do anything. It's not like dreams are a thing he can control.

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