• Published 6th Nov 2022
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Equestria Ninja Girls What's the Sitch - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Ninjas are back again on the trail of Stockman who traveled all the way to Middleton to partner with an old colleague. Now the heroes must join forces with Kim Possible herself.

  • ...

Hyped up Pinkie Pie

After school, Kim, Ron, and their friends returned to Kim's place with the Rainbooms, April, Karai, and Shini looking dismal.

“I can't believe the nerve of that Bonnie just telling us we can't be part of the squad like that.” Rainbow huffed.

“I thought you didn't care about being on it?” Raph noted.

“It's not that I do. I just don't like being told what I can or can't do.” Rainbow explained still grumpily.

“And she had the gall to tell us to do laundry?” Rarity asked in outrage, “If I wasn't such a lady I'd destroy her!”

“Believe me, I think about it all the time.” Kim assured her.

“Well, there's nothing we can do about it now.” Applejack said sounding just as disappointed.

“And I was going to really cut loose!” Pinkie pouted.

As the Rainbooms were dismal, the CMC, snuck away before going to the room of Jim and Tim, “Jim? Tim?” Sweetie Belle asked.

The twins were messing with something they were working on, but stopped, as the trio peeked their heads in.

“Girls, what's up?” Jim asked, as he and Tim stood up.

“Are you busy?” Scootaloo asked.

“Not at all.” Tim answered, as they shoved their work aside.

“Come in.” Jim welcomed the three as they entered.

“So what's up?” Tim inquired.

“Well, first off you two know anything about Bonnie Rockwaller?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Yeah, she's always giving our sister a hard time,” Jim began, “Only we're allowed to do that.”

“Right,” Sweetie Belle said unsure, but continued, “Anyway, she said our sisters and our friends can't join the cheer squad because they're only temp students.”

“And told them they can do the cheerleaders laundry.” Scootaloo put in feeling disgusted.

“Ouch.” the twins replied.

“But we don't want Bonnie getting' away with something like that.” Apple Bloom said.

“We wanna teach her a lesson,” Sweetie Belle explained, “And were hoping you two might wanna help us?” she smiled sweetly at the boys.

The twins blushed at Sweetie Belle's flirtatious look, before answering, “We're in!” the CMC smiled seeing they were on board.

Soon, Mr. Possible returned home and saw the Rainbooms and ninja girls brooding, “Uh-oh, looks like someone's got a case of the blues.”

“Sorry, Dr. Possible, today just wasn't a good day.” Twilight said with a sigh.

“Kim's fellow cheerleader Bonnie said we couldn't be on the squad because we're temp students.” Fluttershy added while looking down.

“Bummer, well, you can't always make the team.” the dad said putting his cup of coffee down.

“Yeah, but she didn't need to be such a jerk about it.” April said.

“And the girls got sweet skills for it too.” Mikey added.

Pinkie walked over to the table in the kitchen still moody before seeing the coffee, “Well, Granny Pie always said a bit of cocoa helps lift your spirits,” she held the cup and took a sip, “Hey, wait a second, this isn't cocoa,” she took another sip, “But it tastes great!” she sipped again, “Really great!” And she drank the whole cup, “Ahh! I feel better already! But, there was something familiar about the taste, though. Just can't remember what it is?

Hey, has anyone seen my... cup...” The patriarch of the family saw Pinkie with it.

“Oh, sorry, Mr Possible. I drank your cocoa. I was just upset about not getting to be on the cheer squad I had to drink something.”

“Uh, it's alright, Pinkie, but that was my coffee you drank.”

“Oh, coffee, that's what I tasted-COFFEE?!” she dropped the cup, “Oh no oh no OH NO!!!” She raced out of the kitchen leaving Mr Possible standing in confusion.

“What was that about?” he asked himself.

Pinkie ran back to the living room, “Guys! Guys!”

“Pinkie, what is it?” Sunset asked.

“What's with you?” Ron asked.

“Well, you see I accidentally drank... COFFEE!” she panicked.

The others were confused, “Uh, coffee?” Donnie asked.

“The whole cup!”

“Who doesn't drink coffee these days, Pinkie?” Twilight asked rhetorically.

“Even I need a good cup when on the job during night shifts at the castle.” Blade admitted.

“You guys don't understand, the last time I drank coffee... it wasn't pretty!” Suddenly, she jerked to the side, "Oh no, it's happening!” Then she began jerking left and right before she stopped, her hair turning to static, then she shook and literally shot off into the sky like rocket.

Kim and Ron looked shocked, as Kim spoke to the ninjas, “Did anyone of you know she could do that?”

“Never.” they replied.

“Grab her!” Leo called, as they tried to jump Pinkie to hold her down, but the extra hyped up girl was bouncing all around the living room making it impossible for any of them to restrain her.

“She gives a new meaning to coffee being dangerous to some people.” Donnie said in shock.

Pinkie ended up bouncing out the door, “Come on we have to go after her!” Sunset ordered.

“Let's go!” Kim said, as they hurried out the door to follow her.

Pinkie was bouncing and flipping around Middleton crazily as the coffee's effect was still fresh. She laughed insanely while bouncing around others leaving them confused by her antics, until she saw a piece of candy on the ground.

“Ooh, a piece of candy,” she said still twitching before she picked it up and ate it. She then saw another, “Ooh, a piece of candy.” she picked the second one up and ate it before discovering a trail of candy that she kept picking up and repeating herself following the trail until she walked right into a containment unit that closed and sealed tight.

“Hey, what is this?!” Pinkie demanded as she bounced around inside of it.

She heard laughter as Dementor stepped out from behind a tree, “You are oh so gullible to fall for the whole candy trail.”

“Betrayed by candy!” Pinkie bawled, while still bouncing.

“You seem extra springy today, which means you have more energy in you. Perfect!” he motioned up as a chopped dropped a claw that grabbed the chamber containing Pinkie.

“Pinkie!” her friends called, as Dementor looked back seeing them.

“Dementor!” Kim frowned.

“How he'd get out of jail overnight?” Raph asked in confusion.

“Good behavior.” Dementor answered.

“I don't buy it.” Casey squinted.

“No matter. I got what I want. Time to go!” he grabbed onto the chamber that was lifted off the ground by the chopper.

“Pinkie!” the Rainbooms cried, as they watched their friend be made off with.

“We gotta go after her.” Blade said determinedly.

Kim nodded, before pulling up her Kimmunicator, “Wade, keep a GPS lock on Pinkie's phone. Don't let it out of your sight.”

“Done and done.” Wade answered.

Back at the Possible House, Kim and Ron were suiting up for the rescue mission as the ninjas armed themselves. Apple Bloom peeked out of the twins room, “Hey, what's going on?”

“Pinkie's been kidnapped sugarcube.” Applejack answered.

“Oh, no by who?” Apple Bloom asked.

“That Dementor creep.” Raph answered.

“We're going to rescue her, you better get ready.” Rainbow Dash instructed, as the other CMC poked their heads out.

“Actually, you can go on ahead without us.” Scootaloo requested.

“Huh?” the group looked surprised.

“We're kinda in the middle of something else here.” Sweetie Belle answered.

“Is that ok?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Well, it's fine. What about you guys?” Kim asked the others.

“If you don't wanna then it's ok. We can handle it.” Leo said.

“Thanks.” Apple Bloom said, as the three went back into the room where they and he boys were working on something.

“Passing off a mission?” Jim asked.

“We need to be here right now.” Sweetie Belle reminded him, as they got back to work.

Soon the group was heading off, as Kim spoke to Wade, “Still got Pinkie's phone pinged, Wade?”

“Yeah. She's in a building outside Middleton.”

“Then let's pick up the pace.” Leo instructed as they pressed on.

Meanwhile at Dementor's new lair, the chamber was being connected to some conduits and cables, as Pinkie was still bouncing around inside trying to get out.

“Struggle all you want, but you will not be escaping!” Dementor laughed.

“What do you even want with me?!” she demanded.

“Your unique stamina is abundant, especially with the way you are now. I dare say it's much more abundant than any power source I have seen. And I figured I could put it to good use by using you to power my newest weapon!” he revealed her changer was hooked up to a giant laser beam pouted out through an opening in the roof.

“Ooh, what is it?” Pinkie asked.

“With this laser I will hack all global satellites and steal all confidential information from all computers in the world. With this the world will be at my finger tips!” he laughed insanely as a light shined from below his head. It turns out he was holding a flashlight underneath his head.

“Love the laugh, but why the flashlight?” Pinkie asked, while still twitching.

“What you don't like it? It adds more to my evil charm.” Dementor explained sounding hurt.

“I still think it's unnecessary.” she replied.

Dementor pouted, before regaining his composure, “It is no matter! Start the machine!”

One of his guard started powering up the machine as Pinkie's chamber prison glowed, and suddenly found her stamina being harnessed for Dementor's weapon, “Ooh, I'm not feeling so good.” she groaned.

“Yes! Yes!” Dementor cheered, as she went to his weapons control board, “Now let's hack some files!” he pressed a button and pulled a switch powering up the laser that shot a beam into the sky going past the earth's atmosphere right into space where it hacked one of the satellites.

Back at his lair, Dementor cheered, “Yes! I am in!”

“And we're taking you out!” came a voice, as the villain turned seeing it came from Leo with Kim at his side and the others behind him.

“How did you all find me?!” Dementor asked in shock.

“We had Pinkie's phone tracked.” Kim answered.

“And you literally have a giant laser firing a beam through the roof.” Rainbow put in.

“Yeah, it's like you were sending us an invitation.” Ron added.

Dementor groaned, before turning to his guards, “Get them!”

The guards charged against Kim and the ninjas who engaged them once again, “These guys twice in a row?” Rainbow asked, as she tripped one guard up and jabbed another in the gut.

“Yeah, what a rerun.” Mikey chuckled, while whacking a guard with his chucks.

“We got to get to Pinkie!” Leo ordered.

“I'm on it!” Shini called, as she went to get to the chamber only for more of Dementor's guards to block her.

“Not so fast, girl. But you won't be messing up my plan this time.” Dementor warned her.

“Technically, you messed up your own plan last time.” Fluttershy pointed out.

“Yeah with your sparkle gel.” Casey joked, while knocking some guards out with his goalie stick.

“Nevertheless!” Dementor shouted, until he heard a warning sound. He looked over seeing the machine looked overloading along with the chamber containing Pinkie, “No! What is happening?!' he ran over and checked, “The girls stamina energy is too much for it to handle!”

“Take cover!” Kim called as Ron screamed, as they took cover as the chamber blew along with the laser that shut down.

Everyone peeked out from their hiding spots as Pinkie stumbled out still looking hyper and unharmed, “Wow! What a bang!”

Raph looked at Dementor before speaking in surprise, “Wow, two backfires in a day and a half.”

“Must be a new record.” Kim noted.

“In hindsight, I probably should've seen this coming,” Dementor said sheepishly, “Oh well, Auf wiedersehen!” he tried to run away, only to once again be stopped by Pinkie.

Pinkie announced still hyped up on coffee, “WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING, VON STRUDEL?!”


Pinkie tackled Dementor while everyone winced and flinched with every hit she gave him. Soon, Pinkie wrapped her chain all around Dementor and gave a yank, making him spin around the room like a human sized top, bouncing off things, and knocking over his henchmen, until he stopped and wobbled around, feeling incredibly dizzy with tiny Kim Possibles floating around his head.

He spoke in a woozy tone while looking at all the little Kim's dancing around her head, “I'll get you, Kim Possible! And you, Kim Possible the 2nd, und 3rd, un 4th...” he then collapsed.

Pinkie continued running around in a circle still hyper, “Awoooga awoooga awoogaaaaa... boy, I'm tired...” suddenly she dropped to the ground and fell asleep.

“Pinkie!” The turtles gasped, as Twilight ran over to the girl and inspected her.

“I think the coffee wore off.” the smart girl deduced.

Everyone sighed in relief, “Good. Could you imagine we'd have to deal with Pinkie like that 24/7?” Rainbow asked the group.

“That'd be even crazier than regular Pinkie Pie.” Donnie said.

“Well, at least we got through this mission in one piece.” Mikey said before leaning against a pillar, unintentionally activating a button.

Self-destruct sequence initiated. Enjoy your deaths

“MIKEY!” his bros called.

“Oops.” he said sheepishly.

“We got to get everyone out!” Kim called, as they gathered the guards and Demntor to get them outside. It helped when the girls and April used their powers to get them out faster with Mikey carrying Pinkie Pie.

Eventually the cops showed up and took Dementor and his guards away a second time. Luckily the turtles had hidden themselves from the police as Pinkie was sitting down holding an ice-pack to her head.

“How do you feel, Pinkie?” Sunset asked.

Pinkie groaned, “Drained. I got a headache the size of the Technodrome! Ugh! I haven’t had a headache this bad since Limestone’s violin recital. That's it. I'm off coffee forever.”

“Good idea.” Applejack agreed.

“It's gonna take days before my headache... Ok, I'm good now.” Pinkie smiled as she removed the ice-pack much to everyone's shock.

“I will never understand her.” Ron said in disbelief.

“Uh-huh.” Rufus agreed.

Later that night at Middleton high during the basketball game, the ninjas and Rainbooms were in the crowd watching the game with the CMC and even the tweebs joining them.

“Such an amazing game basketball.” Blade admitted.

“Bandit sure would love to see this.” Mikey added.

“Hey, here comes Kim and the squad.” Sweetie Belle noted, as half time approached, the cheerleaders stepped and and started to perform.

The Rainbooms, April, Karai, and Shini were still sore they were rejected to participate after they had fun trying out for cheerleading but watched it to support Kim. During the routine, Bonnie blew a kiss toward Leo, making the Turtle uncomfortable and Twilight growl in anger.

“She's still got it for you, Leo.” Raph smirked.

"Don't remind me," Leo frowned, "Now I know how you feel, Blade."

“Not so fun is it?” Blade asked rhetorically.

"And it looks like Twilight's all jelly now." Mikey pointed at the girl, who was gritting her teeth and staring daggers at Bonnie.

Meanwhile, in the audience, Apple Bloom turned to the Tweebs, "So when does our little surprise go off?" She asked the twins.

"In approximately about-" Jim began.

"Right now." Tim finished pointing.

Bonnie did a back-flip and landed with a split. But at that moment, a strange powdery substance exploded from her uniform and all over herself. Kim and the rest of the squad stopped the routine and looked at her in surprise.

"Ugh, what is this stuff?!" Bonnie said in disgust. Then she flinched as she suddenly felt very itchy and began scratching herself all over, "Aah! Ooo! Aaahh!"

"Bonnie, are you okay?" Kim asked in confusion.

"Do I look okay?!" Bonnie snapped. As she was scratching, she ended up getting the substance all over the other girls, minus Kim who got far away from her.

"Hey, watch it!" Marcella cried.

Then the rest of the squad started scratching. "Aah! Itchy! I'm all itchy!" Tara exclaimed.

The audience started laughing at the scene, including Ron and Mikey who were mostly laughing at Bonnie. There was a temporary pause as the cheerleaders headed back to the locker room.

The group watched looking confused, “What just happened down there?” Leo wondered.

“I don't know, but it was funny.” Mikey admitted.

“So I guess the cheer routine is cut short?” Fluttershy wondered.

“Hey, guys!” Ron called to the ninjas to come down.

Applejack turned to her sister, her friends, and the twins, “Ya'll stay here.”

“Sure thing sis.” Apple Bloom said, as they sat back totally calm.

They went down from the bleachers and met up with Ron with Kim, “What's up?” Karai asked.

“The girls are in no condition to continue the routine.” Kim explained.

“So it's cut?” Rarity asked in shock.

“Not yet.” Kim replied, while giving them squinted eyes.

“Wait, you're serious?” Sunset asked.

“But I thought we couldn't.” Rainbow recalled.

“Barkin's allowing it,” Ron explained, “He also decided to abolish that whole tempt students can't participate in extracurricular activity.”

“Yes!” Rarity cheered in excitement before noticing everyone giving her an odd look, “I mean. Wonderful.”

“But don't we need...” Twilight recalled.

“Already prepared!” Rarity pulled out the cheer uniforms.

“Did you know this was gonna happen?” Kim asked in surprise.

“No. But I always stay prepared for a fashion emergency.” Rarity explained.

“And boys, ready to be the Mad Dog pack?” Ron asked.

Leo, Raph, Casey, Donnie, and Blade were unsure before turning to Mikey who was giving them a pleading look. They sighed and smiled, as Leo spoke, “Get us our masks.”

“Yeah!” Mikey cheered.

Soon the lights shined back down and running onto the court was Kim, and the girls all dressed and pom-poms in hand. They began performing the routine Kim taught them earlier that day and they were really getting the fans pumped and excited. Watching from the locker room's door was Bonnie who frowned, but quickly resumed scratching her itchy body. The Rainbooms and ninja girls formed a pyramid with Kim landing up top, before Ron and the boys ran out onto the stage barking and howling while shaking their heads releasing the banana cream from their masks. To further add more hype Spike who was watching ran out onto the court and howled with them. The ladies in the crowd awed and gushed over Spike's cuteness The girls unformed the pyramid as Twilight picked up Spike, as the others waved their pompoms in the air.

Back on the bleachers, the CMC and the tweebs were proud of what happened.

“Hick-a-bick-a-boo." Tim began.

“Hoo-sha!” Both Tweebs announced as they high-fived with the CMC.

“Yeah!” The trio of girls cheered.

"Not exactly how we planned, but all in all..." Jim began.

"Mission accomplished." Tim finished.

"It sure was." Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, not only did we get back at Bonnie for being mean to our sisters, we gave them a chance to preform in the squad with Kim." Sweetie Belle stated.

"We did great, y'all!" Apple Bloom said.

"You did something alright..." came Applejack's stern voice.

The CMC and the Tweebs flinched and slowly turned around to find the Rainbooms, Turtles, and Kim giving them knowing frowns.

“Oops.” they said sheepishly.

Kim looked to her brothers, “I'll deal with you two when we get home.”

“In our defense it was for a good cause.” Jim explained.

Applejack turned to her sister and her friends, “You three are comin' with us.” the trio gulped.

Soon, Kim and the girls walked into the girl's locker room where the cheer squad were still itching.

"Hey, girls, you okay?" Kim asked.

"Do we look okay?!" Bonnie rebuked.

"We're fine," Hope said, "Itchy, but fine."

"But where did that inching powder come from?" Crystal asked.

"Oh, we found out exactly where, or rather who it came from." Applejack stated.

Rarity chimed in, "And speaking of which, isn't there something you'd like to say, girls?" She and the girls frowned at the CMC as they sheepishly stepped forward.

"Uh, the inching powder was from us." Sweetie Belle confessed shyly.

"What?!" The cheer squad gasped.

"That was you?!" Bonnie snapped.

"Yeah, it was." Apple Bloom nodded.

"We're sorry." the CMC apologized.

"You should be sorry, you little brats!" Bonnie spat.

"We're apologizing to the squad, not you, Bonnie!" Apple Bloom rebuffed.

“Excuse me?” Bonnie asked outraged.

"You're the reason we did it in the first place!" Scootaloo added, pointing at the mean girl.

"After you were rotten to our sisters, we decided to pull a prank on you as payback," Sweetie Belle explained, "So we got Kim's brothers to make an inching powder pack, then we slipped it into your outfit after they washed it."

Mikey poked his head into the room laughing still wearing the mad dog mask, "That was an awesome prank, girls!"

Ron poked in, covering his eyes, also laughing, "I'll say it was!"

Raph's hands appeared and grabbed them both before dragging them out.

After a moment of awkward stares, Applejack spoke, "Can't say I agree with what the girls did, but I say you got what you deserved, Bonnie!"

"Yeah!" Rainbow glared.

"Oh here here!" Rarity agreed.

"Can't argue with that," Sunset frowned.

"Yepper skipper!" Pinkie said.

"Mm hmm!" Fluttershy frowned.

"And it serves you right for flirting with Leo!" Twilight blurted out before she clamped her mouth shut and blushed in embarrassment, “I mean, you got what was coming.”

“Oh, I am so going too...” Bonnie tried to stomp closer only for the girls to block her path.

“You're not going to do anything, Bonnie.” Sunset replied with a frown.

Bonnie turned to the rest of the squad, “Hello, a little back up here?!”

“Actually, Bonnie, they're right.” Tara admitted.


“You knew they were good at cheerleading but you decided to keep them from participating just because you wanted them to feel bad.” Marcella added.

“And the only reason we got itchy is because you got to close to us. So that's on you.” Liz put in.

Bonnie growled, as she decided to hit the showers and try to wash off the itch. The rest of the squad looked down at the CMC still feeling guilty, “We really didn't mean to get you all involved in the prank on Bonnie girls.” Sweetie Belle apologized.

“Hey, don't worry about it.” Jessica said.

“You're not mad?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well, we can't blame you for what you did.” Hope understood.

“Even we know when Bonnie takes things too far.” Tara admitted.

“And your sisters and the others saved the half time show.” Crystal noted.

“So it all worked out in the end.” Marcella concluded.

Tara looked to the girls, “If you girls wanna practice with us, it's fine by us.”

“Hey, don't I have a say in this?!” Bonnie called from the shower.

“No!” The cheerleaders called back.

“Thanks, girls. We appreciate the chance.” April said gratefully.

After getting changed, the girls left the locker room where the boys were waiting, “They're still itching?” Leo asked.

“Unfortunastely.” Kim sighed.

“Don't worry it'll wear off soon.” Jim assured her.

Kim squinted, “Your prank put the squad out of commission,” her bros looked down guilty, before she smiled and spoke happier, “But since it was only meant for Bonnie, I can overlook it.”

“Really?” they asked hopefully.

“Just don't make a habit out of it.” Kim warned them.

“We'll try.” Tim said, as the two crossed their fingers behind their backs.

Mikey turned to the CMC, “And nice trick you three. I'm so proud.”

“Thanks, Mikey.” Apple Bloom said.

“Bright Eyes definitely would've loved to see that.” Blade added.

“We'll chalk it up as part of your ninja training,” Leo told them, “But don't let Mikey train you in more jokes like that. Your training to be ninjas, not pranksters.”

“Sure thing, Leo.” Scootaloo replied.

“Come on, everyone, it's Bueno Nacho time!” Ron cheered.

“Yum!” Rufus rubbed his belly.

“We've earned it.” Kim agreed, as they all headed out to celebrate.

Author's Note:

The idea of Pinkie being extra hyper and manic when doped up on coffee was suggested by Darth Wrex