• Published 7th Nov 2022
  • 6,605 Views, 222 Comments

Stop asking QUESTIONS! (also, why are you acting so weird right now?) - Cxcd

Sunset is getting fed up with her friends asking questions about Equestria suddenly. It's almost like they're planning for something... like a vacation.

  • ...

12 - Through The Wardrobe

Sunset sat uncomfortably in one of the many chairs in the nurses office. Usually, these rooms would only be used for sports-related injuries, as the gym was less than a stone’s toss away from this room. Fortunately, the nurses were more than accommodating for anybody else who needed help. As it turned out, Fluttershy was wheeled in on what Sunset could only describe as a low-budget gurney, and ever since the nurse closed the door, she had been waiting nervously for her.

Sunset wasn’t nervous for Fluttershy, however. Oh, no. She was nervous for what she was about do to. On her lap, with the pages spread wide open, was the journal. The one that connected directly to Twilight Sparkle, and the one she was scared to write in. Of course, Twilight and Sunset had communicated in the past, sometimes even using the journal as an ancient form of text messenger with the speed and untidiness that they wrote back and forth with. But this time it wasn’t just friendly banter back and forth, this time, it was an issue.

Sunset tapped the page with her pen. Yes, she had decided. This- whatever this was, was a problem worth the Princess’s time. She looked around the warm waiting room, and saw it completely empty. So, she flipped the pen in her hand, and trying to clear her head, she began writing.

Dear Twilight Sparkle.
I hope you are doing well. I wish this matter was less urgent, as I do not wish to cut into your princess duties. I’m sure you are a very busy mare, but something has come up in the human world that I feel constitutes your attention. You see, earlier this mor

Sunset! I haven’t heard this book vibrate in such a long time! How have you been?

Sunset blinked, her eyebrows shooting up at the sudden response time. Twilight must’ve had the book nearby, or at the very least, not tucked away in a bookshelf somewhere. Not only that, but Twilight was an extremely fast writer, jotting down the entire sentence in a matter of seconds.

I apologize for the delay, as your Princess duties must be

Princess Duties? Trust me, being a Princess is mostly just smiling and waving. Nothing has really changed since I got my wings. Ponyville is the same, my friends, and the hayburgers are the same! I don’t want you to ever feel scared to approach me! And please, I know you didn’t, but never call me Princess directly. I hate all the drooling. “Oh, Princess Sparkle! Howdy, Princess Twilight!” It really gets on my nerves.

Sunset had the distinct impression that Twilight hadn’t had anypony to talk to in a long time about these things. And, once again, the entire paragraph was dictated in mere seconds, compared to how long it took Sunset to write a simple sentence. Sunset knew magic was faster than handwriting, but… she never got proficient enough at magic to have that kind of speed.

Twilight, the girls are acting weird. Really, really weird.

Oh, I hope they aren’t causing any trouble? I tried to tell them to be careful. I’ve smuggled some history books out of your world, I know how judgy humans can be to people not like them. I mean, the Rainbooms are doing fantastic, of course! Not at all judgy. I mean- I’m sorry, that came out badly. I mean, I was scared about how the other humans would react to them being ponies.

Sunset stared blankly at her journal, trying to decipher the near ineligible words appearing at break neck speeds on her journal. She blinked, looking up from the journal, and leaning forwards. She still couldn’t see Fluttershy, but knowing she was on the other side of the closed door was at least comforting, to a certain degree. Sunset nervously clicked her pen twice, and began writing again.

What do you mean them being ponies? The elements?

We aren’t elements anymore. We had to give them up to the tree! No, I mean my friends. Because they were ponies before coming through the portal.

Sunset took a moment to rub her eyes, pinching them aggressively. She took a deep breath, and started again.

Twilight, what are you talking about? The girls are acting weird, they are stumbling around, and I think Rainbow is like a good few inches shorter.

There was about a good thirty or so seconds of silence, where nothing was written. For Twilight to not immediately respond was slightly… off putting, to say the least. It was such a long period of time that Sunset looked up from her journal, looking around the nurses room for anything to do. Unfortunately, the only thing in the room worth nothing was the clock, ticking away. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the page began to write by itself once more.

Sunset, please tell me somebody told you.

Tell me what.

Yet more time passed. At this point, it had begun to get incredibly concerning., the gaps between each message getting longer and longer. She uncomfortably cleared her throat, just to create some kind of noise in the tense atmosphere.

Oh my Faust, nobody told you.

Sunset almost snapped her pen in half as she began writing once more, this time almost making the pen bleed ink into the page.

Twilight, my friend, amigo, pal, buddy, can you please for the love of all things good tell me what is going on. I’m sick of playing these games.

My friends and your friends swapped places.

And there it was. The boot dropped, as did Sunset’s pen onto the page, as she sighed exasperatedly, leaning back into her chair and pinching her temple. If she wasn’t in the middle of a nurses room, and maybe if she was at home, she would’ve let out an angry, earth shattering roar of rage. Unfortunately, the most she could muster was a muted ‘Eeerugh!’from the back of her throat.

I’m so, so sorry! I thought the Rainbooms would tell you what was happening, so I didn’t ask my friends to tell you! They probably thought you already knew! I didn’t know the Rainbooms would hide it from you! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to leave you in the dark like that, I promise! I’m sorry!

Sunset let out another sigh, angrily picking up the pen, and beginning to scrawl.

IIshcaoun'tld've asked for your

Sunset picked her pen up, making a disgruntled face as the two colors mixed and melded together. For the first time in owning the journal, they had both accidentally begun writing in the same spot.

Sorry, you go first.

The girls that I’ve been communicating with for the past day weren’t my friends… but they were your friends? They swapped places? For what reason? What possible reason could there be? Is there a new monster to beat back?

No. We did it for fun, really. I know how ponies react to becoming humans, but I was curious about the other way around. So far, they’ve been adapting really good! It only took them about fifteen or so minutes to start walking on all fours.

Twilight, this is bad. Really, really bad. The human world isn’t like the Equestrian world. It’s different in a lot, lot, lot of ways. When I had to adapt to the human world by myself, I can’t tell you how many times I messed up. It’s not like Equestria where everybody is welcoming to everybody, because

oh my god they ate meat.

They did WHAT.

Twilight, they all ate meat. I’m in the nurses office with Fluttershy because she passed out. Rainbow seemed pretty okay with it. Sweetie is taking Rarity home, and Applejack is somewhere fuming because of it. Oh my god they don’t know cows aren’t sentient. They think they just ate somebody.

Okay. So this has been a disaster. Maybe I should’ve just kept everypony in Equestria! I though it would be easier, because doubles are hard to

Then, the pen strokes stopped.

Twilight, are you there?

Hold on, somepony’s screaming.

That was, potentially, the most threatening and ominous message Sunset had ever been sent in her life. Well, it was the most threatening and ominous message, if it wasn’t immediately overshadowed by what came next.

Its coming from the portal room sun ill get back to you

Misty placed her palm on the statue. She wasn’t expecting anything, of course, but she couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed as the concrete surface did, quite literally, nothing. The surface was rough, bumpy, and old. Misty sighed, taking her hand off of the statue, and turning to look back at Pinkie.

“See? Maybe you’re just crazy.” Misty readjusted the backpack on her back to a more comfortable sitting position. “And now I’m late to my next class. Thanks, Pinkie, and never talk to me again.” Misty quickly walked past Pinkie, being sure to ‘accidentally’ brush past her. Pinkie, for the past ten or so minutes, had been desperately attempting to convince Misty that she actually was from another world, and this was her last desperate attempt at doing so.

“W-What?” Pinkie asked, quickly approaching the statue. “No! No, no! It was working last night, it has to-” She touched the statue. “Ah. There we go. Hey, Misty? Do you think ol’ Pinkie would lie to you?”

“What do you-” Misty turned around, and her jaw almost hit the floor. Misty watched in awe as the Statue’s surface rippled like a pond turned onto it’s side. “W-What? H-How-” Pinkie removed her hand from the statue, and it turned back to boring old concrete, loosing all of it’s properties almost immediately. Misty jumped back to the statue, rubbing her hand all along the surface. Once more, it was nothing more than a hunk of concrete. “D-Do it again!”

“I don’t know…” Pinkie rubbed her fuzzy pink hair. “I did it once… Do you believe me now? I’m not lying, I promise!”

“Yeah, yeah, do it again!” Misty asked. Pinkie made a concerned expression, and begrudgingly, she brushed the surface with her hand. In that small amount of time she made contact with it, the shimmering surface once again returned. And with it, Misty dove her entire hand inside.

It was just as she had expected, somehow. The concrete was still cool, and acted exactly like how someone would expect a pond to react, only stuck to the wall instead of being affected by gravity like a normal fluid. The stone rippled and splashed, completely identical to how water would. Then, Pinkie removed her hand, and it solidified once more.

“Alright, that’s enough. Twilight didn’t want me showing any humans-”

“Pinkie! Pinkie, my hand!” Misty shouted. The concrete had solidified around her hand, locking it in place. Misty tugged and pulled, but without a shadow of a doubt, the statue was indeed a statue.

“Oh, shoot! I’m sorry!” Pinkie plunged her hand in. The statue gave way for her, and once more, the sparkly surface returned.

But Misty didn’t pull her hand out.

She stared at it. Stared at the shimmering surface with, what looked like to Pinkie, morbid curiosity.

“Misty, get your hand out! Please!”

Misty put her other hand in.

“Misty, please, don’t do what I think you’re about to do!”

“Oh, come off it!” Misty rolled her eyes, looking up at Pinkie. “You seriously didn’t see this coming? You give a teenage girl with a problem making friends the chance to travel to a different world, and you think she’s not going to take it?” She looked at her own reflection in the statue’s portal. “This might be my only chance…”

Then, Misty dove in.

It was violent, all at once. Colors, wind, and inter dimensional light pushed against her body. Almost immediately, she regretted jumping in, as she felt the portal twist her around in a circle, herself getting immensely disorientated as she fought the urge to stay upright. It felt as if her ligaments were getting stretched the wrong way, the backpack she wore suddenly not fitting the same way. Oh, by the way, where did her pants go?

As quickly as it had started, Misty suddenly found herself on the ground once more.

Omph!” She said as she ungracefully pancaked onto the floor. Her backpack slid next to her, getting propelled out of the portal with as much force as she had come out of it with. “Oww…She grumbled, pushing herself up.

The floor was cold. Not just concrete-cold, but rather cold.And glassy. There was no longer the noise of cars passing by, birds in trees, and the sounds of students in the halls, but rather the sounds of mechanical machinery clicking together. Misty blearily blinked as the room came into focus.

All in all, the room she found herself in wasn’t very big floor-space wide, only being about the size of a classroom, but the ceiling went up for an eternity and a half. She was in some kind of… library, maybe? Books lined every inch of the walls around her, no windows at all, and only breaking for a double set of incredibly fancy blue doors.

Misty grunted again, looking at her backpack. Actually… that wasn’t her backpack, right? No longer was it a featureless black bundle of cloth, but rather, it had completely transformed into two separate bags, bound together by a piece of cloth. If she didn’t know any better, she would’ve thought they looked like saddlebags, for horses.

She had to figure out where she was. If this was truly another world like Pinkie had said, then she sure as hay wanted to see the outside world. Maybe the sky was pink? The ground made of cotton candy? Anything was possible, and just the thought excited Misty to the point of standing up, ready to explore this strange new world.

And then she fell over.

She grunted, trying again. Once more, she stood on her two legs-

And then fell over again.

“God, what the hell is wrong-” She gasped, grabbing at her throat. “Agh- my voice! I sound so squeaky!” She coughed, rubbing where her Adam's apple should be, generally. But… wait. That wasn’t the palm of her hand. It felt more like a large nail.

She looked down at her hand.

Only to find a butter yellow hoof.

Her eyes went wide, her breathing picking up the pace as she turned her hoof around, looking at it at all angles.

“W-What… What the…” She put her hoof back onto the ground, clopping loudly as she did so.

The floor was polished. Very polished. So polished, in fact, that she could see her own reflection. That of a little yellow horse staring right back at her.

“Woah- woah- Okay. That’s not… woah, that’s really-”

And then the doors opened. And in walked a creature straight out of a fantasy book. It was short and stout, but had sharp dagger-like teeth, eyeballs that took up half of it’s head, and purple scales that looked like they could cut. The creature stopped in the doorway, it’s mouth opening nastily. Then, it shouted.

“Uhh… Twilight?” It yelled. “Somepony is in the portal room!”

Then, Misty began screaming out of fear.