• Published 7th Nov 2022
  • 212 Views, 5 Comments

The Lavapits - KenDoStudios

A story about a pony anthro trapped in a liminal space, a space between space, a place of a dark cathedral with a thousand rooms

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Room 1 E Lob

Daisy Chain woke up and looked around the room surrounding her; she was in a dark room with barely any lighting. The walls were made up of old wood that had been stripped down to its bareness, revealing layers of paint underneath. Daisy could barely make out what looked like an old wooden door at the far end of the room. She didn't know where she was or how she got here but she knew it wasn't good.

She did remember falling though, falling a long way from somewhere, somewhere sandy and wet like a beach…

The last thing she remembered before waking up was being chased by something on four legs. A deer maybe? It seemed so real even after the fact. There was something else as well; she felt like someone was watching her. That feeling came from deep within her mind, not just her imagination. She stood up and felt herself. Her body hurt everywhere and she couldn't feel anything below her waist. She felt below it as something was definitely poking up from her back. She reached down and pulled up a branch of a tree... Or fern... Wait, no, it was the tree from Everfree, she remembered! She remembered being sucked from the docks at the Everfree Camp!

She kept looking.

She was scared, but realized that screaming would likely draw attention… Unwanted attention. So instead she continued looking around to learn more about this place.

She noticed some shelves along the wall stacked high with various tools. She walked towards them slowly. Because they weren't locked, she figured she might be able to use them if need be. First, she noticed the saw, then the hammer, next the chisel, and finally the axe. Looking at all the moldy tools shook sense into Daisy, somehow recalling some memories of her past life. Daisy was a blacksmith's daughter who lived in Everfree Forest during the days when it still existed. She recalled many stories told to her by her father telling of his adventures while he worked hard forging iron for armor, weapons and other things needed by the people of Equestria. He often talked about how the world has changed since those times. How humans used to live together in harmony and now it seems we have forgotten our roots.

"Dad…," she whispered, "Why are you gone?"

She turned away from nobody trying to hide her tears. Adrenaline running, she picked up the ever familiar axe, as she'd seen her dad make so many times. What was she doing? She was holding the axe but really didn't know what to do in such a dark place. There were the locked books in front of her. But the other tools were also there. In hopes of a book bag in the shelf to carry the tools she collected, she used the axe and swung on the locked bookshelf in an attempt to break it.

It took several swings until the heavy oak panel fell onto the floor, breaking apart into splinters that flew through the air striking every single object that lay in her path and in the dim light tried to make out what she found. A few books, a small leather satchel, a picture frame and most importantly a large mirror.

The glass shattered under the weight of the axe, sending shards flying across the room and causing bits of dust to cover everything.

Daisy Chain woke up and looked around the room surrounding her; she was in a dark room with barely any lighting. The walls were made up of old wood that had been stripped down to its bareness revealing layers of paint underneath. She had seen this before. She looked around the same scenery again with disbelief, she was literally by the bookshelf. How was she waking up back where she started? Was she dreaming? She pinched herself. "Ouch!" she yelled.

Daisy Chain woke up and looked around the room surrounding her; she was in a dark room with barely any lighting. What the heck? She was just standing up when she was pinching herself; now she was on the floor waking up again?

She looked around the same scene once again with disbelief. She was literally by the bookshelf. How was she waking up back where she started? Was she dreaming? She had had this thought before. It was at this moment that she knew that she was enraged! The country was at war, and now this. Who gives a buck about rationality? This made no sense! So with no line of reason she located a nearby window and jumped out by using a nearby chair for balance. Looking out while she was jumping was a cathedral sized college that had miles and miles of floors. She was at the top floor and looking down at hundreds upon thousands of windows below her. Just below that, an ocean of large waves penetrated the windows of the floors below, and yet after the waves met the building kept going down forever.

Daisy was coming upon the waves fast. And she screamed as the ocean met her face with an astonishing speed. Every wave hit her harder than the previous ones, each one throwing her further downward. As she went deeper and deeper she began to wonder why she wasn't dead yet.

Daisy Chain woke up and looked around the room surrounding her, she was in a dark room with barely any lighting. Daisy Chain immediately went up on her feet and looked at the bookshelf. She shook herself, ignored the axe, and looked around the room again. To the left of her was another door leading off to what appeared to be a hallway. It seemed fairly long, so perhaps it could lead somewhere else. To the right was a closet, but she couldn't see anything inside because it was too dark. Behind her was the window she jumped out of. How did she remember that?
She took the path to the hallway with the open door. The room was wide open and every step she took echoed to what seemed like forever.

She walked along the hallways not knowing quite where to go. Until she saw in the darkened hallways that there was a single rope suspended in air. She reached out and grabbed it wondering if it would help her find her way.

She tried to examine every part of the rope. She hoped beyond hope that she wouldn't need it. It felt like silk, although it was probably cotton. She looked to where it led, which was hard to tell due to the amount of darkness in the room. She followed the rope anyway, hoping it might take her someplace safe. Her sight deceived her. It ended in the black void above. Superstitions run high in such situations like this. Her father taught her that. "It is customary that if you see a rope running down, you pull, young one!"

"I’m pulling," she muttered to herself.

This time she pulled hard enough to cause something to happen. Something struck against metal and a roar of fire illuminated from over the top of her head. She looked up and saw a humongous lantern that unfathomably filled the room with its glass pane. She stared upward, seeing a ladder that led up to the ceiling, then looked down towards the seemingly endless hallway that looked like it opened up into something. "Where am I?" she wondered aloud while looking down at the checkered floor beneath her.