• Published 12th Nov 2022
  • 535 Views, 6 Comments

The Valencian - Maulet Paya

Ponyville have a new and weird resident and things are going to go of the rails . Intrige, humor, existencial drama, adventure ,tea parties,explosions and more await to the mane 6 and his new companion. Lets hope all end well

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This is familiar

Sun shines, grass grows and Fluttershy is late to her spa date with Rarity. She usually was the first to arrive at Lotus and Aloe parlor but this morning all the animals were in a frenzy. And she didn't know why. No one of her animal friends knows either.

She was trotting to Ponyville proper for the little road between one of Whitetail forest's arms when she saw something strange. The first building you see entering the town is a logger shed, that is, until today. On one side of the shed was a building that wasn't there the day before. A small one-plant yellow brick house with a solid rock porch with some weird chairs and a weird small balcony upon an old blue wooden door. The house seemed round down and old but some things like weird metal rods on the roof seemed new.

But the weirder thing was that that terrain was an empty plot the last time Fluttershy walked that path two days before. Then the door opened and the weirdest orangutan Fluttershy had ever seen sat in one of the chairs. It was fully clothed in long blue pajamas, and their feet were bare with a bit of fur, the same with their hands grabbing a pair of glasses.

The thing that more impacted Fluttershy was the face of the creature that she had first thought was an orangutan but was an unknown species of primate. The head was a bicolor ball of mane, the bottom reddish copper and the top light brown. Two small and watery eyes looked at nothing and their small nose sniffed. They signed and rubbed their eyes, then done their glasses and screamed

Fluttershy yelped and ran to hide behind a tree, her tail clearly visible and her shaking making leaves fall from the tree. The creature turned to her

“Qui va? Ostia es best pone!, i la asustat!” It murmured to itself and with slow steps approached the scared pegasus.

“Hola , perdona perdona per asustarte, mantens?Me entiendes? Did you understand me?”

Does it talk? thought Fluttershy, her curiosity slowly but surely defeating her fear and she showed her head from behind the tree, nodded, and bolted behind the trunk

“Good, sorry if I scared you, I had a very bad morning and I needed to unwind a little” his voice, now Fluttershy was sure it was a he, whispered in a conciliar tone. He had a very thick and alien accent and talked with difficulty like he hadn't talked equestrian in a long time and lacked practice. He seated on the ground in front of the tree and asked

“What is your name?”


“What a beautiful name” he beamed a smiled with his crooked teeth in the yellow pony direction” My name is Carlos, encantat of meeting you”
They stayed there in silence for a little.
Carlos turned to see around him and some ponies were watching fearfully between windows and alleys. In the sky, Carlos watched a blue and multicolored dot approaching at an alarming speed.

"Well Fluttershy, it was a pleasure to meet you " He sat up from the ground " But I have a lot of things to do, a house to clean, things to hide, and a plan to make. I hope I can see you soon" He started singing and whistling while walking to his house at a brisk pace "Alway look on the bright side of life, tada, tada, tada tada tada"

Fluttershy watched as the creature that called himself Carlos entered his house and closed the door, seconds later Rainbow Dash crashed into the door at full speed, bounced, and stopped at Fluttershy's hooves.

"Oh my…"

Inside the house, Carlos talked a profound breath and exhaled slowly.
"Ok, esto es malo pero no tan malo como creía.Ahora a trabajar" After starting a song on his smartphone and with purpose on his steps Carlos started cleaning his house for what he thought was a very probable visit from some kind of authority from this strange land.

First, the biggest room in the house, the dining hall /visitors lounge/ what was needed at the moment. Changing the pictures on the walls and in the big chimney was an easy and practiced movement for the young man after so many close calls with his parents and grandparents. Famous photos, murals, and paintings were replaced with landscapes and portraits. Carlos liked both sets of decorations but some visitors wouldn't like or understand why he had a painting of the taking of the Winter Palace or a panoramic of Beach City in his home. One thing that didn't change was the shield and sword on the wall and the multitude of family photos.

The second step was dusting, sweeping, and more normal cleaning duties. With the start of a new song on his phone, Carlos entered his small kitchen and took stocks of the food he had: four gaspatxo bottles, one lettuce, some bananas, tomatoes, a lot of mollusks and tuna in cans, and the most problematic of all, one fuet.

With a sigh of resignation, he took the delicious meat stick and launched it into the trash bin. By his early interaction with the locals, he was in a herbivore territory and better play it safe.

After a visit and a little tidying in the even smaller bathroom, the man danced pretty badly on the way to the studio room with the padded walls, the expensive microphone, and a little but functional computer. Seeing all was in order he continued dancing to the last room in the house and where the more dangerous stuff was stored, his room. But the dangerous stuff wasn't the posters, the majority of books not even the things stored in the secret storage box dug in the ground under the bed but in the computer.

After looking behind him, stopping the music, and securing he was alone he started to comb into the dozens of terabytes of information in his possession. After deleting some archives and securing others behind passwords and misnamed folders he extracted the most important and dangerous of all into a little pen drive.
Carlos looked at it in silence for minutes knowing he had in his hand the most important piece of knowledge on the planet
"Que collons faig amb tu?" He murmured to himself.

After a lot of thinking and a little bit of brickwork that little problem was passed down in the Worrying List and Carlos opened a notebook and started to write things when something hit him.
" Whaaaaait , how and why do I have electricity and current water? My home and I being isekaid into horseland is one thing but having it all connected to the local network is bullshit. A good thing but bullshit.And how my house ended on a road in a perfectly vacant building zone and not in a desert or in the middle of the sea? And and and…"
The sputtering and more and more angry questions continued for a while, recounting all the impossible things that were happening and building the second mental breakdown of the day. Trying to put it under control and do something productive at the same time the young adult started to write it down and form a plan because o hell he was to need one.

In the other point of town, a yellow pegasus recounted to her fashionista friend her tumultuous morning.
" Oh, darling that sounds terrible. Are you sure that beast didn't hurt you?"
Changing her posture a little in the aromatic bath they were submerged in, the shy pony responded.
" O no, he only scared me and he even apologized "
" It talked?"
" He, and he seemed sad and lost, like a little bear when he awoke in a different place where he started hibernation"
"That is a very specific comparison"
"Yes, last winter I found a little lost bear cub and…"
The conversation went to other things and the strange bipedal hairy thing was forgotten for now.

But for a cerulean mare hidden in a cloud, the creature was in the center of her mind. Her oldest friend Fluttershy stopped Rainbow Dash from charging again at the mysterious house that wasn't there yesterday but nothing stopped her to take guard in a cloud near the house. She had a plan, to spy the house for any movement and when the monster when out to terrorize Ponyville she would strike the beast and save everypony , maybe even the Wonderbolts would notice her and let her join. The only thing she needed to do was wait.

She was snoring 10 minutes later.

In the center of town, inside a secret basement, another pony was thinking of the human. She wasn't there that morning but she knows a new pony had entered the town, his very bones telling her that she was gonna need the party cannon, the big one.

Ignorant of all of this a muscular orange mare worked in the fields with her brother and a purple unicorn overworked herself in the library of the capital on the mountain. In the highest tower in the highest palace located in the highest part of the white and gold city, Celestia noted a flicker in the ether and looked to the sky.

"It is back, the day is upon us"