• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Sunday


I'm Sheena. I write mostly angsty teen lesbian romantic dramedy, a few AUs, and sometimes porn.

Comments ( 8 )

too bad , i do like this story

Frankly, the fact that you removed the ratio bar is far more questionable than a 50/50 ratio in my opinion. Especially in a story that was released only yesterday, feedback does not appear in an instant.

Is it even possible to have a sense of "aggressive apathy"?

The author's reaction to this story's muted reception is more interesting than the actual story.

I think that there is an effort to mass downvote clopfics in general lately. If there is such a thing going on, I think that they're doing it to fight against the rep the fandom has for sexualising the characters.


Or it could be because it features EQG characters, a section of the fandom that remains staunchly unpopular.

I agree with the others. Canceling a fic over a 50/50 ratio before it even has a chance to truly exist is akin to adopting a puppy then getting rid of it the next day because it won't stop chewing the furniture, completely disregarding training. It's such a gross overreaction that I'm left wondering why you even bothered if you had such little faith in it. It's a shame too since there is so little SunDash on this site.

Comment posted by LordFlareon deleted Dec 5th, 2022

it’ll always exist as a one off clopfic. that’s all I intended it to be. if people liked it enough to express such, I would have made more for their benefit. but there wasn’t. why should I spend my limited time on a project I have no passion for continuing and no significant audience to read it? that’s a waste of not just my time but of yours as well. the content would have been subpar and joyless had I continued. it’s best to just take the L and move on to greener pastures. I’ve got almost 30 stories with fantastic reception, so I’m not upset about one having lukewarm at best. I wrote it for me. it has created as much joy for me as it can and will. I don’t hate it, I’m not scrubbing its existence away, I won’t delete it, I won’t whine and cry and throw a fit. I’ll just say hey you win some you lose some. and besides, it’s literally just porn. I can always just write more of that.

I don’t really see anything questionable about it myself. the site wouldn’t have given us the ability to remove the likes bar if they didn’t want us to use it. I’d say you’re reading too far into it, but it’s your prerogative to do so.
feedback literally appears in an instant though. you click dislike, and within seconds the server updates the story status and tells me hey someone hates it. that sounds pretty instant to me. and all of my stories have had the most significant feedback in the first 24 hours. in fact I posted this literally within minutes of another one that MASSIVELY overshadowed this one in terms of total feedback before I made the decision to axe this.
in fact hilariously enough these comments are proving my point. the story is so mediocre that me just saying I’m not writing anymore has generated more attention than the story itself. do you not see the irony there? I’m saying that I didn’t do as well as I could have, and I delivered a subpar product. I am acknowledging that I missed the mark. me just talking about the story is more interesting than the actual story itself, as 11440689 so eloquently put it. is that not a clear indication that maybe it’s a good decision for me to admit to that? I am taking it off of the bulletin board to make room for someone else. I’d like to think my ego isn’t so big that I’m gonna make a huge deal out of a situation as petty and minor as a like/dislike bar so I’ll turn it back on since it clearly irks you and everyone who liked your comment.
& the pairing of the word aggressive with the word apathy is purposeful literary dissonance. it’s like enjoyable boredom. or suicidal immortality. or orange juice flavored toothpaste.

nah this fic just isn’t great. mandopony hasn’t lead another white knight campaign in several years bc he gave up lmao

you realize that my equestria girls fics are really stupidly popular, right? and I’m not even the top of the list. oroboro, shortskirtsandexplosions, monochromatic, poisonclaw, radiantbeam, tumbleweed, mythrilmoth, sporktacles, dubs rewatcher, they are all fantastic writers who have made incredible fics that I love and have influenced me greatly. blaming this fic’s failure on “being less popular” is such a whiny copout. that’s like blaming my fic’s failure on having a ship that not as many people ship. what year is this? and what planet have I moved to where admitting to your own flaws in a piece of art that didn’t go so well is cringe now?

there are several flaws with your allegory, namely that this fic is not a living breathing creature that can feel the pain of abandonment, but aside from that, I haven’t returned the puppy to the dog store at all. me writing this fic is adopting the dog. me editing this fic is training it. me publishing the fic is buying it a leash to take it out for walkies. me wanting the story featured is entering it in a dog show. me seeing that it’s never gonna win one but loving it anyways is me keeping it published on my account. me removing the likes bar is me keeping the dog inside because when I took it out a hawk tried to sweep down and eat it. people can still see the dog if they want to, they can still pet it and scritch its ears and admire it. an overreaction would be me deleting it outright. a GROSS overreaction would be me writing a vent blog where I’d bawww about how this website’s userbase is lesbophobic or something.
I wrote this because I was horny. I wrote this because I love giving head. I wrote it for my own pleasure. I left it in google docs because it accomplished its purpose, and I didn’t have any particular drive or desire to publish it because my aim wasn’t clout, wasn’t likes, wasn’t comments, wasn’t a bid for the featured box. I wasn’t even gonna publish it in the first place. the only reason I even did was because I published the other fic about giving head and I remembered oh hey yeah I have that other smutfic, I might as well publish it too. fuck it, maybe someone might like it. and I thought it would be absolutely hilarious to post a fic about eating pussy and a fic about sucking dick concurrently to each other because I enjoy both activities equally. the faith I had in it was for MY amusement. for MY enjoyment. for ME. and I decided to share because I was feeling charitable. turns out people didn’t really want any. so rather than acting like karen at a bake sale with slices of watermelon topped with strawberry and calling it fruit pizza crying because nobody bought it, I just stuck it in a tupperware and took it home to stick in the fridge where if my husband or a houseguest wanted some then they could grab a slice. a better metaphor, if I do say.
and it’s not like I’m never gonna write sundash smut ever again. I kin both, I think both are hot, and I love writing both. and so I made some. I figured that if changing the completion notice to cancelled and putting cancelled in the title and making an author’s note chapter explaining that I cancelled it isn’t enough to drive the point home that I have no interest whatsoever in continuing this, I don’t know what else to say or do. I mean, come on, you’ve written a couple things too, can you honestly tell me that if nobody gave you a single comment on a side project you wrote off the cuff and decided “hey fuck it I might as well share it because there’s no reason why not to” and instead you got a dozen dislikes in just a matter of hours, can you really genuinely HONESTLY tell me you wouldn’t do the same? I don’t even know what ultraman is and I sincerely doubt it’s more popular and well known than sundash.

I wasn’t originally planning on continuing it regardless. I wrote it in OCTOBER and had zero desire to continue it. I think three months is long enough. and I’m not gonna wait around for a week biting my fingernails and staring at the likes bar hoping and praying that it goes up in a direction I want it to go. the emotional labor of waiting for updates is wholly on the backs of the readers, and I feel if anything people should be thankful that I made three glaringly obvious signs that they shouldn’t hold their breath or get their hopes up. I’ve been waiting for the ending of our year by ajtheraven for five years now, and I hate that feeling. so I wanted to be nice and indicate that I very definitively have no plans and no desire to continue, and to let people know that all that this fic is is sunset eating out rainbow.

so now this fic has generated MASSIVELY more negative feedback than positive, and it is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. if I wasn’t sure I made the right decision before, now I’m dead certain. people care more about me killing the fic then they do about the fic itself. and that’s fine with me. I just think it’s amusing that this exercise proved my point.

I’m still not gonna delete it. I just don’t care about the popularity metric because the other one won.

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