• Published 27th Dec 2022
  • 1,030 Views, 11 Comments

Taking Things Seriously - EndlessPossibilities58

When Rainbow Dash starts screwing around on Hearths Warming, Starlight Glimmer accidentally casts a spell that makes her far more serious and profound.

  • ...

Taking Things Seriously

A soft blanket of snow drifted down lazily over the sleepy town of Ponyville. Despite being freezing outside, there was a warm and joyous air that everypony could feel. Hearths Warming was nearly upon them, and the residents of this quaint little village were more than eager to show their excitement.

The streets were covered in rows upon rows of multicolored lights, giving the town a festive glow that would persist throughout the evening. Carolers went from home to home, sharing their favorite holiday songs with all who would listen. Children were out playing in the snow, fillies, and colts making snow angels and building snow ponies. Groups of ponies - some lovers, some families, others just friends - made a habit of walking through Ponyville, taking in all the beautiful decorations and enjoying each other's presence.

Anywhere one went, one would feel the love and joy in the air as everypony celebrated the holiday season. This was also true over at the Castle of Friendship, a towering structure made of crystal that stood higher than anything in Ponyville. Within its walls, a group of friends was having some Hearths Warming fun of their own.

Starlight Glimmer cantered down the sparkling halls of the crystal castle, garland and streamers adorning the walls and giving the place a festive touch. She was currently on her way to meet Twilight, who had requested her presence.

As she made her way through the Castle of Friendship, she gazed in admiration at all the dazzling decorations. This was only her second Hearths Warming with Twilight and her friends, but she had a much greater appreciation for it than she did before. She felt a warmth inside her chest as she took everything in, it was all so sparkling and beautiful. The decorations as they glistened in the light, the soft scent of cinnamon on the air, the smiles on everyone's faces, it was just perfect.

Suddenly, a Rainbow streak blasted in front of her from an adjacent hall, catching Starlight off guard and making her fall backward onto her flank.

Almost Perfect.

"Ugh, Rainbow Dash!" Starlight cried out in frustration as the speedster pegasus bolted away down the hall, laughing out loud the whole way.

Dusting herself off, Starlight got back to her hooves and continued on her way. Starlight would be lying if she said Dash's impulsive and reckless behaviors didn't get on her nerves; She liked Rainbow just fine, but sometimes her brash moves were just too much for the unicorn to handle. Whether it was jumping headfirst into a conflict without thinking, pulling a prank on somepony, or just careening uncontrollably down a hallway, the pegasus often didn't take into account the consequences of her actions.

Making her way through the castle, Starlight eventually arrived at Twilight's study. Pushing the large doors open with her magic, she was greeted by the sight of a room cluttered with all kinds of equipment. Stacks of books were scattered haphazardly around the space, ready for quick access should they be needed. Notes of all kinds were stuck to the walls, recordings of ongoing experiments. Scientific apparatuses and machinery of all kinds littered the study, their purpose lost on Starlight.

But what really drew her attention was what Twilight was doing in the center of the room. The lavender alicorn was currently leafing through a book held in her telekineses, looking through the tome for any info that could pertain to her situation. And if anypony was wondering what she was researching, it wouldn't be hard to guess when they spotted the mesmerizing object situated next to her.

It was one of the most beautiful things Starlight had ever seen in her life, so stunning it threatened to steal her breath away. It was akin to a star one would place upon a Hearths Warming tree, shining brilliantly with no apparent power source. It was housed within a small glass dome, to ensure nopony could damage it, and placed upon a small table.

"Hey Twilight," Starlight greeted as she entered the study and closed the door behind her.

Hearing Starlight speak, Twilight pulled her snout out of the book and turned to face the unicorn. "Starlight, there you are," she replied excitedly, closing the book and setting it aside. With a swift movement, Twilight waved Starlight over with a hoof, motioning her toward the strange star.

"Come look at this," Twilight said eagerly, a fascination in her eyes.

Starlight shared that same fascination as she approached, her gaze locked on the object. "What is it?" she asked, unable to look away.

"It's called the Hearths Warming Miracle," Twilight said. "Legend has it, that on the first Hearths Warming, a shooting star fell to Earth. The story goes that the magic of Equestria reached out to it, and transformed it from a plain old chunk of space debris, into what you see before you. It's been said to channel the spirit of the holiday, with Hearths Warming magic flowing through it."

Starlight stared at the object as Twilight explained what it was. It glowed vibrantly, wisps of light arching off the artifact like the Aroura Borealis. And listening closely, she could swear she heard humming, it was rich and beautiful - a soft, opulent singing that put her at ease.

Starlight lit up her horn, attempting to probe the star with her magic; Upon interacting with it, she discovered it was extremely powerful, sending a tingling feeling through her entire body as it sensed her. Finally, she pulled back, severing the link between her and the artifact.

Starlight gasped. "Whoa, the energy output coming from this thing is insane!"

"It's said that it can grant wishes, and the closer it gets to Hearths Warming, the stronger its magic gets. It's been missing for centuries and was only recently rediscovered. Princess Celestia sent it to me to study, in the hopes I might be able to uncover more about it and learn the true scope of its capabilities."

"Do you need any help?" Starlight offered.

"Thanks, but I've got it. I mainly just wanted you here so I could show you what I'm working on," Twilight replied.

"Are you sure," Starlight asked again, looking at all the notes and open books that were strewn across the study. "You really look like you could use an extra hoof."

"It's actually not as bad as it might look at first glance," Twilight said, taking a look at the state of the study. "But... if I need help later I'll call you, how's that?"

"Alright, I guess," Starlight relinquished.

Twilight smiled. "Great, now you go and have fun with the others. I'll be down with you all shortly.

"Okay, if you insist."

Giving Twilight one last farewell, Starlight Glimmer left the room and let the doors shut behind her. Moving through the castle's maze-like system of halls and corridors, she made her way to the grand hall where the festivities were making place.

Arriving at her destination, she found herself in a large open space the size of a hoofball stadium. It was decorated nicely for the holiday, just like the rest of the castle, but with the added inclusion of a massive Hearths Warming tree. Staring at the towering spruce in awe, Starlight couldn't help but admire all the dazzling lights and ornaments that adorned its branches.

Drawing her gaze away from the tree, she soon saw Twilight's friends hanging around the area, chatting amicably amongst themselves.

Applejack was the first to notice her, waving her over with a warm smile on her lips.

"Howdy there Starlight," Applejack greeted as the unicorn approached the farmpony. "Merry Hearths Warming."

"Merry Hearths Warming Applejack," she replied with a smile of her own. "How's everyone doing?"

"Well, I can't speak for everypony else, but I'm doing just dandy, so thanks for asking."

Starlight gave her a simple nod in response.

Standing there beside the farmer, she took the opportunity to further survey the area and see what her friends were doing. Fluttershy and Rarity were both standing next to a table filled with snacks and beverages. Across from them, she could see Spike inspecting a large pile of presents that rested below the tree. And Pinkie Pie was... well...being Pinkie as she sneaked around the place like a ninja, hiding behind pillars and whatever else could conceal her. There was currently no sign of Rainbow.

After standing next to Applejack for a few moments, Starlight decided it was time to go speak to the others. "I'm gonna go catch up with Rarity and Fluttershy, alright?" she said as she began to make her leave.

Applejack tipped her hat in farewell. "That sounds mighty fine, you enjoy yerself ya here?"

Starlight nodded. "I will," she smiled.

Leaving the farmpony behind, she crossed the room and made her way over to greet the fashionista and meek pegasus.

"Hey girls," she greeted as she approached. "How're you doing?"

"Starlight," Rarity trilled. "It's absolutely wonderful to see you, darling. You simply must try some of these hors 'doeuvres, they are absolutely divine!"

Fluttershy nodded, her face hidden behind her mane as always. "Mhm, they're yummy."

Starlight gave the table a quick glance, it was filled with all kinds of delectable treats that made her mouth water. There were mozzarella sticks, mini fruit tarts, fried mushrooms, cheese and crackers, and so much more. There were also big bowls filled with punch and apple juice, that last one no doubt provided by Applejack.

"Are you having a good time?" Starlight asked the pair.

Rarity spoke up for both of them. "Oh, we most certainly are, I always enjoy a chance to hang out with my friends. Though, I wish Twilight and Rainbow would hurry up and join the festivities." The fashionista finished with a pout.

Starlight was quick to speak up on that topic. "I just saw Twilight, she was in her study doing some research on something princess Celestia sent her. She said she would be down to join us shortly," she paused, pursing her lips in thought. "I saw Rainbow too, but only for a second; she was barreling through the halls and made me fall on my flank, I have no idea where she is now."

"Well, obsessing about when they'll get here won't do us any good, stress does nightmares on one's complexion." Said Rarity.

Starlight levitated a fruit tart over to her from the table, taking a bite. "So-" she began once she had swallowed. "-What are you two up to?"

Rarity was the one to speak, her face and eyes gaining an excited look. "Ohh, I was just telling Fluttershy about the presents I'd whipped up for all of you for Hearths Warming; I can't wait for you to see them, they're some of my finest works if I may be so bold.

"Knowing your talents with thread and fabric, I'd expect nothing less Rarity," Starlight said with a smile.

Stepping away from the two, Starlight approached the far end of the table and began to ladle herself some punch into a cup. She took a sip of the drink, it was nice and refreshing; its fruity flavor assaulted her tongue as the cool liquid went down her throat.

She took a deep breath, letting herself relax as she stood there in contentment. Starlight looked out over the grand hall, watching her friends as they mingled and had fun together. She loved this feeling that was in the air, she could feel the magic of Hearths Warming in her heart, and she was grateful she had friends to share it with.

As she stood there, drinking her punch, she didn't notice as a figure began to approach from behind her. The figure moved slowly, sticking to the shadows as they stalked up on the unsuspecting unicorn. They continued to creep up to Starlight, stepping silently to avoid detection, they're ill intent for her clear. Finally, when they were just mere inches away from her, it reared up menacingly and pounced.


Starlight choked on her drink, her heart practically shutting down as a voice cried out from behind her. She wheeled about on her hoofs in terror, coming face to face with a cackling Rainbow Dash. Starlight did her best to steady herself, taking deep breaths as she held a hoof to her chest to calm herself.

After she'd had a moment to compose herself, she turned on Rainbow Dash, an unbridled fury in her eyes. "That was not funny Rainbow!" she seethed. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"Geeze, don't get so worked up," Rainbow spoke with a carefree voice, looking at Starlight like she was getting upset over nothing. "I was just messing around."

Starlight's eye twitched as Rainbow went to join the others, struggling to fathom how dense that pegasus could be. She was just about to go and give the speedster a piece of her mind. Marching up to Dash, Starlight opened her mouth and prepared to lay into her ruthlessly, but when the time came, the voice she heard was not her own."

"Merry Hearths Warming everypony." Someone new to the party spoke.

Turning to the voice, Starlight discovered it to be none other than Twilight as she entered the hall. Seeing their alicorn friend, the others quickly went up to greet her - Rainbow amongst them. Starlight huffed in defeat, her chance to verbally tear into the pegasus lost.

"Hey everypony, I'm glad to see that you're all enjoying yourselves," Twilight said as she greeted her friends.

"You've thrown a nice party," Fluttershy smiled softly. "We've been having a good time."

"And it's only going to get better now that you're here," Applejack said.

"Well, then what are we waiting for, let's get started," Twilight said eagerly. She pushed past her friends and walked deeper into the grand hall, however, it wasn't long till she paused in her tracks. "Spike, what do you think you're doing?" she asked with a slight disapproving frown on her muzzle, having noticed what the young drake was up to.

Spike bolted upright, a nervous expression on his face. Well, I... well...you see..." he stammered, trying to explain himself.

"You get to open those on Hearths Warming, you know you're not supposed to be snooping."

"I- I wasn't, I was just looking at them, honest," he replied, fidgeting in place.

"If you say so," Twilight said, shooting him a look that was playful, yet skeptical.

"Hey, Twilight," Starlight said as she approached her friend.

"Hey there Starlight," she replied. "You enjoying the party?"

Starlight nodded. "Yeah, aside from Rainbow Dash giving me a heart attack, it's been fun."

Twilight frowned. "What did she do?" she asked with a sigh.

'She came up from behind and surprised me, I practically jumped out of my skin." Starlight complained.

Twilight sighed again. "I'll talk to her alright, for now just try to enjoy yourself."

She nodded. "I will."

And that was something Starlight absolutely meant, however, what followed next put a dent in that plan.

Rainbow Dash groaned, fluttering in mid-air with a bored look on her face. "Ugghh, this party needs more excitement, right now it's just a snooze fest!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity craned her neck up at the pegasus, a disapproving scowl on her muzzle. "Twilight went to great efforts to set up this get-together for us, the least you can do is show some appreciation!"

Rainbow looked down at Rarity combatively. "Appreciation for what? A boring party?"

She received another glare from Rarity, and one from Twilight as well.

Rainbow huffed. "Oh come on, no need to be like that, we just need to find something to liven things up is all." she began to look around for anything to make the party more fun, and her eyes lit up when she found the perfect answer. With a big grin on her face, she flew up to the tree and plucked a large red ornament from the branches. "That'll work," she said as she bounced it around in her hooves.

"Rainbow Dash! Put that back this instant!" Twilight demanded, speaking down to Rainbow like she was a misbehaving child. "That is a decoration, not a toy!"

Rainbow waved her off. "It'll be fine, don't get your mane in a twist. Hey Pinkie! Go long!" she shouted out, winding up her arm as she threw the ornament towards the pink party pony.

Tracking the ball in the air, Pinkie leaped up and caught it in her hooves, a smile on her face. "Great throw Rainbow Dash, coming back at you," she said as she prepared to throw it back.

What followed was the two ponies repeatedly throwing the ornament back and forth between them, much to the chagrin of the others. The throws kept getting longer and more reckless, demands to stop falling on deaf ears.

"This one's going long, get ready to catch it Dashie!" Pinkie said excitedly as she prepared to wind up her arm for her biggest throw yet.

Dash followed the ball closely as it soured through the air, determined not to miss it. But as she reached out for it, she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and ended up crashing into the tree. Shocked gasps echoed throughout the room as the massive spruce shook, ornaments falling from the branches and smashing upon the ground. The tree began to tip from the impact, gravity taking its hold on it as it lost its balance.

"Spike! Watch out!" Twilight cried out in fear, having spotted him right in the path of the falling giant. The baby dragon looked up, his eyes widening in terror as he beheld the tree coming down right on top of him.

Starlight moved as fast as she could, her heart beating madly in her chest as she rushed into action. Approaching Spike, she dove for the little drake, tackling him out of the way. The tree impacted just moments later, sending ornaments and broken branches flying.

Starlight and Spike went tumbling over the ground, the former holding the latter close to her body to protect him. When they finally came to a stop, Starlight loosened her grip on the dragon so that she could check on him. He clung to her, his entire body having gone ridged from the scare he'd just been put through, but it didn't seem as though he'd been hurt.

As the two lay there, Twilight wasted no time rushing over, urgency in her every step. "Spike, are you okay?" she asked worriedly as she took him from Starlight's grasp and looked him over.

"I think he's mostly just in shock," Starlight said as she got to her hooves. "I image nearly having a tree fall on you would do that to anypony."

Spike nodded along with her assessment. "Y-yeah, I'm-I'm okay," he said, beginning to break from his stupor. "Thanks to Starlight," he turned his gaze to the light purple unicorn.

Twilight sighed. "I'm really relieved to hear that," she said softly as she pulled him into a hug.

"Well, looks like everything turned out okay," Rainbow said as she watched the scene unfold before them.

At those words, Starlight found something within her snapping; Her patience with Rainbow had finally hit its breaking point.

"No! You don't get to say that!" She snapped, turning on Dash in an instant. "Can't you take anything seriously, Rainbow, is everything a joke to you?"

Rainbow took a step backward from the suddenly irate Starlight, looking completely innocent. "What did I do?"

Starlight stifled a laugh. "What did you do? What did you do?" she echoed Rainbow mockingly. Her thoughts flashed to everything the pegasus had done that night. "What didn't you do? You've been goofing off all night, not giving any thought about what effect your actions might have on others!"

"What are you talking about?" Rainbow defended. "I haven't done anything."

"Oh, really?" Starlight said skeptically. "Well, how about we look at the most recent example then!" she shouted, pointing a hoof at the fallen tree. "Does that look like nothing?" She turned towards the others. "What about all of you, does that look like nothing?"

Rainbow sighed, seemly taking Starlight's point. "Okay, I'll admit, the tree falling over was...bad. But... it's not like anypony was hurt."

Starlight froze, struggling to come to terms with what she just heard. She looked at Twilight, who still had Spike in her arms, and she could see the disapproving look on her face. Slowly, she turned back toward Rainbow, a seething rage building in her chest.

"It's not like any pony was hurt?" she echoed the pegasus again, a mocking laugh in her voice. "It's not like any pony was- Spike was nearly crushed!!" she screamed in Rainbow's face. "Get that through you're thick skull, you nearly crushed Spike! How does that translate to nopony getting hurt?"

"He didn't get crushed though," Rainbow objected to Starlight's claim.

Starlight shook her head in fury. "No, he didn't, because I saved him, but if I had been just a second too late..." Starlight trailed off, letting the picture paint itself in Rainbow's head. "Spike could have been hurt, don't you care about that?" she began again after a moment, her voice growing softer.

Rainbow looked as if she had just been attacked. "O-of course I do, he's my friend."

"Then why can't you take responsibility?" Starlight said again. "Why can't you admit that what you were doing was wrong? why? That's all I'm asking, just take responsibility for what you did; admit it was stupid, admit that you weren't thinking, or just apologize to Spike, anything!" she began to plead with a desperateness in her voice.

But Rainbow couldn't do even that, she opened her mouth to try to speak, but nothing came out except strangled gasps.

"Come on, just say something!" Starlight pleaded again. But just like last time, no words escaped the pegasus. Finally, she turned her head away from the others as her ears drooped down.

It was Twilight who finally spoke, stepping forward as she put a hoof on Starlight's shoulder. "Maybe we should put this on hold for now," she said comfortingly.

Starlight looked towards Rainbow, who was slowly walking away, her ears still down. "Yeah," she said, turning to face Twilight. "That sounds like a good idea.

After all the excitement with the tree, and Starlight confronting Rainbow, things had settled down a bit. They managed to get the tree back into its correct position and put all the ornaments back on. The party continued for a little while after that, but the events from earlier had certainly put a dampener on the mood.

Now, hours after all the excitement, Starlight was back with Twilight in the study, spilling her suppressed feelings to the alicorn.

"I-I just can't take it with her!" Starlight complained. "She treats everything like a joke, and won't take anything seriously."

Twilight nodded. "I hear you," she said. "I know that Rainbow can be a bit... brash, but I feel like your statement might be a bit unfair. Yes, she often goofs around, but as long as I've known her she's always come through in the end."

"That's well and good Twilight, but how's that supposed to help me with this Rainbow problem?" Starlight asked, slightly annoyed.

"My point is, although she may be hotheaded sometimes, she's not without reason; while I'm sure she more than deserved the thrashing you gave her earlier, I don't believe that was the correct approach," Twilight explained. "If you want her to understand how she's making you feel, you should sit her down and calmly talk with her; you need to relay to her what she's doing, and that she needs to be more aware of her surroundings. Who knows, she might surprise you," Twilight smiled, giving the unicorn a wink.

"Okay, but what if she doesn't?" Starlight asked, not entirely sold by Twilight's proposition.

Twilight sighed, rubbing a hoof at her eyes. "Look, just, give her a chance alright, that's all I'm asking," she paused, letting out a yawn as she stretched. "Um, I think I'm going to go to bed now, okay," she said as she turned to leave. Just as she was about to exit the door, she stopped and gave Starlight one last glance. "Look, at least consider what I suggested okay, just do that for me, please," she said before she left the room.

As the door closed behind Twilight, Starlight was left alone in the study, with no one to accompany her except her own thoughts. Try talking to her? Starlight echoed inside her head, struggling to understand the idea. Twilight had met Rainbow, right, did she honestly think that would work?

Starlight paced around the room, mulling over what Twilight had said. Talk to her? She had trouble believing Dash would even stay in one place for more than a few moments at a time, let alone sit down for a talk. She respected Twilight, she really did, but in this situation, she felt that the alicorn might be a bit out of bounds on this one.

"Ugh!" she groaned out in exasperation. "What am I supposed to do, Rainbow won't stop goofing off, Twilights idea is garbage, how am I supposed to fix this?"

As Starlight ranted to herself, she failed to notice how the Hearths Warming Miracle seemed to glow brighter in the background.

"You know what I want for Hearths Warming?" Starlight said to the empty room. "I want Rainbow to stop goofing off so much, and be more responsible, is that too much to ask?" she cried out. "For my one Hearths Warming wish, I wish for Rainbow Dash to start taking things seriously for once in her life!"

As soon as she said that, she became of the Hearths Warming Miracle growing brighter and brighter. She turned to face the ancient artifact, completely perplexed as the light coming from it grew in intensity. And then finally, when she could barely withstand the brightness, there was a massive flash, and everything went dark.

Rainbow climbed out of her warm bed, feeling nice and rested. Stretching out her muscles, she exercised her tired limbs as she prepared to start a new day. She retreated to the bathroom, to freshen up before she made to head downstairs. She was about to quickly soar down the steps, before she suddenly thought against it, walking calmly down them instead.

Something felt... different, She thought to herself as she entered the kitchen and poured herself a bowl of cereal. Like as if something about her had changed in the middle of the night, something that would have huge ramifications on her life.

As she took bites of her breakfast, she looked around her cloud home and at all her possessions; she saw all of her Wonderbolts posters and memorabilia, as well as trophies and medals from competitions she had won. Normally, seeing all these things would get her pumped up and remind her how awesome she was, but right now she just wasn't feeling it; She usually loved to go fast and pretty much be the best at everything, but it just wasn't in her today. For some reason, she didn't feel like speeding off through the clouds or goofing off, but rather felt like slowing down.

She suddenly felt like she had to start being productive and stop slacking off- the world wasn't a joke, it was time she stopped treating it as such. Rainbow Dash looked around at the state of her home and herself, and decided it was time to do something about it.

It was time to clean up her act.

It was a normal day at Sweet Apple Acres, and Applejack was busing herself with setting up crates to ship out inside the barn. After stacking multiple containers filled with apple juice by the entrance, she used her forearm to wipe away a layer of sweat that had built up on her brow.

Taking a short break, she went up and leaned against the barns doorframe. Letting herself relax for a moment, she watched as a light shower of snow came down on the farm she called home. It was so beautiful, she thought to herself as she observed the white powder turn Sweet Apple Acres into a winter wonderland.

As she rested there, taking in the view of snow-covered apple trees, she soon became aware of a multicolored streak making its way to the farm. Standing up straight, she righted her stetson upon her head and strode out to meet the incoming pegasus.

"Good morning Rainbow Dash" Applejack tipped her hat in greeting.

"Hey there, AJ," Rainbow replied. She looked around at the farm, an inquisitive expression on her face. "Ya know, it's a good morning," she said. "It's just so...peaceful and serene. With snow so white and pure, like a gift from the angels, and the sun's pristine rays shining down upon it, banishing the shadows like a divine god," she finished wistfully.

Applejack just blinked her eyes in confusion at what she just heard. "...Uh...What? Are ya feeling okay Rainbow Dash?" The farm pony couldn't help but ask.

Rainbow gave Applejack a curious look. "What do you mean?"

Applejack struggled for a response, finally just shaking her head. "Never mind Rainbow."

It was business as usual at the carrousel boutique, and Rarity fought to keep up with the demand of the holiday season. She had just finished dealing with a picky customer who had just placed a huge order and insisted on micromanaging everything about it. She sighed in relief when they were finally finished, thanking them for their patronage as she escorted them out the door.

She slumped down in front of the entrance to her store, gratefully to finally be rid of another demanding customer. It was hard running a business, all the stress building up on one's shoulders, it was enough to drive a pony insane. She wished she could just close up shop early, and just laze around the shop all day without a care in the world.

NO! She thought suddenly as she bolted upright, abandoning her position by the door. That was quitter talk, and she was no quitter; she was determined to see this endeavor through or she was no business pony. Returning to her previous attitude, she went to attend to the store as she waited for her next customer to arrive.

In the meantime, she opted to head to her sewing room and organize the fabrics and gems she had in there. She was working on sorting through her stuff when she heard a knock at the front door. Rushing downstairs, she approached the entrance to her boutique and found the pony standing outside to be none other than Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, Rainbow darling, do come in dear," she said with a smile as she ushered her friend in.

"Thanks, Rarity," Rainbow said in gratitude.

"So what are you doing here?" Rarity asked as she made her way back to the sewing room, the pegasus right behind her.

"Just stopping by to say hello, nothing wrong with that is there?"

Rarity waved a hoof in dismissal. "Of course not darling, I always love a visit from one of my friends."

"So whatcha up to?" Rainbow asked as Rarity went back to work.

The fashionista sighed. "Oh, nothing glamorous I'm afraid, just the mundane day-to-day life of running a store. Oh, could you be a dear and hand me that sapphire next to you please." Rarity asked, pointing a hoof to a table beside Rainbow, on top of which sat a sparkling gem. Rarity patiently held her hoof out for the sapphire, but when she didn't receive it, she looked to find Rainbow staring at it.

"You ever look at these, and think you could get lost in them?" Rainbow asked without taking her eyes off the jewel in her grasp. "It's like an ocean...a deep, endless ocean, with tides and currents threatening to drag you down in its depths," she said in a trance. "You try to fight it, but it always proves too strong; you can never beat it, its majesty reeling you in, unable to escape."

"That's...one way to look at it," Rarity mustered out, slightly unnerved.

Pinkie was working at Suger Cube Corner, happily humming to herself as she wiped down the tables. She danced around from booth to booth, as if she was at a party and not on the clock. She cleaned up all the crumbs and grime she came across, not letting a single spot evade her reckoning.

After cleaning down all the tables, she took the dirty rags she held and retreated behind the counter. As she put the supplies away, her attention was taken by a customer approaching the front. Turning to face them, she was greeted by the Rainbow maned visage of her friend.

"Oh hey Rainbow," Pinkie said energetically as she draped an arm over the counter. "Can I get you anything?"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah, I just wanted to get a cupcake, please," she said, placing a couple of bits down.

Pinkie nodded enthusiastically. "You got it! Any particular craving today?"

Rainbow shrugged. "Just surprise me."

Pinkie winked. "Okie doki loki."

Before long, she came back to Rainbow with a cupcake made with birthday cake batter and topped with yellow icing, little glittery bits atop it.

"Thanks, Pinkie," she said as she took the treat from her friend.

"No problem," Pinkie replied.

After Pinkie Pie delivered the cupcake, she went back to her work as Rainbow continued to sit at the counter. She sat there, looking at the confectionary in front of her, opting to play with it instead of taking a bite.

"You think this is all there is," Rainbow asked disheartened, messing with the frosting on the cupcake. "That the only reason we were put on this Earth, was to toil away endlessly. Taking up our time with merger activities and distracting ourselves until the sweet, sweet release of death?" she finished nonchalantly.

Pinkie Pie stopped what she was doing, the bounce in her step all but gone after hearing what Rainbow said. "Gee, you really know how to bring down the mood don't ya," Pikie said unamused, her mane deflating slightly.

It was a nice new day in Ponyville, the sun was out and not a single snowflake could be seen falling from the heavens. Ponies of all kinds walked the streets, all of them attending to their own business: some were running errands, some were shopping for presents, and others were just enjoying a day out on the town.

Starlight fell firmly into the middle of the three categories.

She trotted down the roads of the town, her hooves crunching under the snow as her breath crystallized in the frigid air. Held in her magical arura, a collection of bags filled with gifts trailed behind her. She had already acquired presents for several of her friends: for Rarity, she'd purchased a lovely little broach she spotted in a jewelry store. For Pinkie, she'd gotten a new baking set. For Fluttershy, she had found a nice little bird call whistle that she believed the timid pegasus would love. And last but not least, she found a large pack of rock candy for Spike that would last months - but knowing the little drake, she wouldn't be surprised if he ate it all within a day.

That was four of her friends down, all she had left now were Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. Already knowing what to get the egghead alicorn she made her way to the Quills and Sofas store. Entering the building, she was embraced by the warm interior as she browsed the collection of quills they had. They had a large variety, certainly far larger than Starlight had been expecting. Eventually, she settled on a set of phoenix quills that seemed to glow as if they were on fire. Taking them up to the register, she paid for the item and was promptly on her way.

Having acquired Twilight's gift, she made her way back outside into the cold air. Walking down the bustling streets of Ponyville, she went over the mental checklist in her head; the only friends she had left to shop for now, were Rainbow and Applejack. She had thought about getting the farmpony a new set of pie tins, seeing as working with apples was her life. When it came to Rainbow Dash, however, she wasn't sure what to get the pegasus. She had considered to try and get her some Wonderbolts memorabilia, but it was unlikely there was anything she could get that Dash didn't already have.

As she pondered what to do, she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and ended up slamming into the side of another pony. Falling backward, she impacted on the ground in a daze; rubbing a hoof against her face, she tried to clear the stars from her eyes.

"Starlight?" Came a familiar voice.

Blinking blearily, Starlight gazed up to see Twilight turning to face her. She gazed in bewilderment at the unicorn that had just collided with her flank, a look of concern on her face.

"Starlight, are you okay?" she asked, holding a hoof to help get her back on her legs.

"yeah," she replied, taking the offered hoof gratefully. "It was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going."

Twilight smiled. "I'm glad that you're alright..." she frowned, looking past Starlight at something the unicorn couldn't see. "What's all that?"

Following her gaze, Starlight let out a small yelp when she realized all of her bags had scattered over the ground. Quickly, she gathered them all up in her magic, being extra careful to ensure her friend didn't see her gift. 'Nothing!" she replied rather forcefully. Then easing her tone. "Nothing to concern yourself with, just doing some shopping."

"Ahh," Twilight said, giving an understanding nod. "Say no more, I won't pry."

"So..." Starlight began, trying to steer the conversation away from herself. "What are you up to?"

"Ohh, me?" Twilight asked, putting a hoof on her chest. "Well, I was just on my way to the post office to pick up a present I ordered for Spike," she said, an excited look on her face.

"What'd you get him?" Starlight asked.

At the unicorns prompting, Twilight scanned her eyes left to right to make sure nopony was near, before sidling up to Starlight. "Okay, don't repeat this to Spike-" Twilight said, whispering into her ears. "-But I got him a limited edition Mane-iac figurine from the Power Ponies!" she squealed excitedly.

Starlight gave an approving nod. "That sounds perfect for him, I'm sure he'll love it."

"Yeah, it wasn't easy to get either; I had to fork over a lot of bits to get this. But my assistant is worth it, I can't wait to see the look on his face when he opens it," she smiled

Starlight smiled back.

"Well, I should get going," Twilight said as she turned to leave. "That package won't pick itself up."

"See you Twilight?" Starlight replied in farewell as the alicorn went in the direction of the post office.

Now on her own once again, Starlight put her encounter with Twilight behind her and continued on her way. Stopping at the store, she ran inside and picked out the nicest pie tins she could find for Applejack. And after a quick purchase, she was back out on the streets again.

She now had a gift for all of her friends except Rainbow Dash...but what was she to get her? She racked her brain for ideas and was having a tough time coming up with stuff. What could she get that the pegasus would think would be an awesome enough gift? Anything for the Wonderbolts was out, as was Daring Do, as she had all the books. What else could she get?

As she pondered on what to do, she broke out of her musings when her stomach started to growl. She touched a hoof to her belly as she felt the onset of hunger coming on. Deciding that a break could do her some good, she chose to break off from her hunt and go get something to eat.

Seeing as it was relatively close to where she was, she made her way toward The Hay Burger. Approaching the establishment, she stepped inside and was immediately confronted with a pleasant aroma that made her mouth water. Stepping up to the counter, she placed her order with the cashier and waited for her food to be delivered.

After a few minutes, a pony came over carrying a tray and gave it to her, after which she thanked him and made her way to a table. Sitting down, she placed her bags to the side as she looked at the meal she had ordered, it was just a simple burger with fries and a drink, but she would enjoy it all the same.

Picking up the hayburger, she took a bite and sighed in bliss as the food came into contact with her tongue, igniting an explosion of flavors. Swallowing what was in her mouth, she used a napkin to wipe away some ketchup that had gotten on her muzzle.

As she ate her food, she stared out the window at the beautiful day outside. Light from the sun came down on the snow, illuminating the tiny ice crystals and giving them a warm glow.

She popped one of her fries in her mouth, the salt on it making her parched. Picking up her cup, she just took a sip from her drink when someone called out to her.

"Hey Starlight." Came the raspy voice of Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, hey Rainbow," she said as she set her cup down and turned to face her friend. "How are you doing?" Starlight asked nervously, unsure of how the pegasus would respond - the last time they saw each other they didn't leave on the best of terms.

"I'm doing good," Rainbow replied cheerily, taking a seat across from her.

Starlight sighed in relief, a light laugh escaping her lips. "Oh, good, I was worried you might be upset over how I spoke to you the other day..." she paused, looking down in shame. "...I'm sorry for that, by the way, I shouldn't have treated you the way I did."

Rainbow Dash waved her off. "Eh, don't sweat it. You didn't say anything that didn't need to be said," she took on an abashed expression. "You were right, I shouldn't have been acting so recklessly, it took that thrashing you gave me to see that clearly. It's like a fierce storm, deadly and unrelenting. You try to fight against the winds and the sleet, but no matter how hard you push you just can't win. It's not until you step back and look at the bigger picture that you see the error of your ways," she gave a weak smile.

Starlight raised an eye at Rainbow's last comment, before shrugging it off as she blew out a puff of air. "Well, I still think I could have handled that better, but I'm grateful that you're being so understanding."

Rainbow nodded in acknowledgment.

"So..." Starlight began as the two sat there. "Want some fries?" she asked as she pushed the carton of potato wedges towards her friend to share.

Rainbow Dash smiled as she took a fry from the box.

The next day, everyone - minus Rainbow - had gathered around the friendship map. They were all seated in their respective chairs, with Starlight sitting where Dash normally would.

Twilight was the first to speak, being the one who ordered this meeting in the first place. "I'm sure you all know why I called you here, correct?"

Everyone else nodded.

"Ya mean about Rainbow Dash's strange behaviors as of late? Yeah, we know," replied Applejack.

"Something strange is going on with that pegasus," Rarity said. "When she came to the boutique, she described my sapphires in a way I would never imagine her capable of."

Fluttershy was the next to speak. "Yeah, and when she was at my cottage, she recited a poem to me..." she trailed off, her eyes growing soft as she looked at the floor. "It was actually really beautiful... but that's not the point," she finished, adding to the pile.

Twilight nodded. "I know, when I was lecturing her about the importance of proper weather patrol formations, she sat through the whole thing without whining or complaining once!" she concluded incredulously.

"I had my own encounter with Rainbow," Starlight said, putting forth her own experiences. "I saw her at the Hay Burger, and while we were there she started talking about storms, and how they relate to our everyday lives. I didn't know how to react at that, so I just brushed it off at the time, but it was a bit weird for her."

"I must say, I do wonder what in the world has gotten into Rainbow Dash?" Rarity pondered.

"Are you all talking about me?' Came the raspy voice of the pegasus in question.

Starlight and every other pony there turned their attention to Dash as she entered the room, only to quickly regret it; their eyes bulging out of their skulls as they saw how she looked.

While normally, she had her Rainbow mane dirty and unkempt, today it was anything but; she had tied her mane up into a tight bun. She also had a pair of thick glasses perched upon her snout, giving her the appearance of an individual with high scholars.

"Salutations, everypony," she said as she strode up to the friendship map with an elegant gait, her posture perfect and completely unlike the brash pegasus, they knew. She walked up to her seat and looked kindly at Starlight, a warm smile on her face. "Greetings Starlight, would you be kind enough to let me have my chair, please?" she asked.

"Um... yeah." The lilac unicorn said simply as she got up and stood off to the side.

"You have my deepest gratitude, Starlight, I really appreciate it," she said as she sat down at her spot.

As Rainbow got herself comfortable, all everypony else could do was gawk at the pegasus in shock. None of them knew what to make of her strange new appearance, their brains struggling to process what they were seeing.

It didn't take Rainbow long to notice their stares, looking up at all the eyes pointed at her. "Um... is everything alright?" she asked, becoming aware that she was the center of attention.

It took a few moments for anyone to break from their stupor, but once they did, Rarity was the one to banish the silence.

"Rainbow, darling," she began tentatively. "I-is everything all right?" she asked, her voice and face edged with concern.

"What do you mean?" Rainbow asked in response, completely oblivious to what they were talking about.

Applejack was the next to speak, elaborating on what Rarity said. "What she means is that you've been acting a bit... odd," she says, looking for the right word.

"-And we're worried about you is all." Finished Rarity.

Rainbow gives them a strange look. "I'm fine," she said like it was obvious.

"Then what's all of this then," Starlight adds in, pointing a hoof at Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash simply shrugged. "I felt it was time for a change, is that a dilemma?"

All the others shook their heads wildly in objection.

"There's nothing wrong with deciding to change something about yourself if you feel like it Rainbow Dash," Twilight spoke. "But we just want to make sure that this is something you really want."

Dash nodded her head firmly. "It is," she said. "Does nature stay the same all year long? It changes, like the ebb and flow of the wind as the seasons turn. We're no different. As we grow older, we become wiser and start to view our past in new light; as we grow, so do our attitudes and interests. I have seen the error of my ways, the old me was brash and reckless, and cared only for herself. And so I've elected to bury that pony behind me and never look back!" she finished, a resolute expression on her face.

The others all wore concerned expressions on their faces, all of them worried about their friend.

Later, Starlight and Twilight were back in the study. After the talk they had all had with Rainbow, they decided to take a break and circle back to it later.

Twilight stood in front of the Hearths Warming Miracle, studying the strange artifact. As she did that, Starlight paced nervously back and forth through the room; she had a frazzled look on her face, practically gouging a trench in the floor as she spoke with worry.

"Do you think this could be my fault?" she asked with concern, her eyes set firm. "Could this be about what I said?"

"I highly doubt that Starlight," Twilight replied, never once peeling her eyes away from the artifact. "What you told her wouldn't have been enough to drive her to this; while your words may have indeed had an influence, I don't believe it's the source of her new attitude."

Starlight stopped, turning to face the alicorn. "Than what do you think it is?"

Twilight paused, letting out a sigh. "Honestly, I think it's just a phase. I'm not entirely sure what brought it on, but I don't think it's going to last," she said. "Just give it a few days and everything will probably be back to normal."

"But what if it doesn't? What if it doesn't stop, what do we do then?" Starlight asked, approaching the alicorn.

"I know it's scary to think about," Twilight said sympathetically, draping a hoof over Starlight's shoulder. "But all we can do right now is trust that everything will be alright."

Starlight sighed. "If you say so," she said, not entirely convinced.

Twilight gave a soft smile. "Why don't you come help me take notes on the Hearths Warming Miracle? Come take your mind off Rainbow," she offered, letting Starlight join her at her side. "It's been glowing brighter, you know; the intensity of its magic gets stronger as we get closer to Hearths Warming, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember," Starlight said as she stood next to Twilight. She did her best to aid the alicorn and put the thoughts about Rainbow out of her mind, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't seem to shake them.

As the days went on, Hearths Warming drew ever closer, and Twilight's prediction about Rainbow Dash had yet to come true. The pegasus had only begun to lean further into this new personality she had adopted, becoming a pony that was almost nothing like the Dash they once knew.

Fluttershy's cottage was usually calm and peaceful, but today it was anything but. There had been a dispute between a pair of gopher brothers, and the meek pegasus was doing all she could to ease the tension

As she tried speaking to them and getting them to apologize to one another, she was distracted when there was a knock at the door.

"Just a minute!" she called to the door, before turning back to the gophers. "I need to get this okay, I'll be back in just a moment."

Approaching the door to her cottage, she opened it to reveal none other than Rainbow Dash standing there. The once speedy pegasus was still how she was a few days ago, with her mane in a bun, and glasses on her face.

"Greetings Fluttershy," Rainbow said as she walked past her and entered the small home.

"Oh, hello Rainbow," Fluttershy said, unsure how to react to her just barging into her home. "How are you doing today?"

"Splendid, I was just coming over to see how you were doing," she casts a stink eye at the two arguing gophers. "Not very well, I see."

Fluttershy saw what Rainbow was talking about and was quick to correct her. "Oh, that's not a problem," she said, waving a hoof. "Those two just had a slight disagreement, I'm working on helping them through it."

"You sure you've got it handled?" Rainbow Dash asked with skepticism.

Fluttershy raised an eye at Rainbow's words, before quickly nodding. "Yes, I can handle it."

Unfortunately, despite her reassurance, Dash didn't seem convinced. "You know what, why don't I lend you a hoof, it's clear you need it desperately," she said as she pushed past Fluttershy and made her way toward the gophers.

"Excuse me!" Fluttershy turned on her friend, feeling like her she had crossed a line. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Rainbow stopped in her advance on the gophers and turned back towards the shy pegasus. "Nothing, it's just that I want to ensure that the proper method is used when dealing with this situation."

Fluttershy stared Rainbow down, an unamused expression on her face. "Why wouldn't I know how to deal with this, I work with animals every day."

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean you're doing it accurately, anypony could do this if they actually understood how to do it."

At that Fluttershy lost it, her blood boiling as she snapped. "I you think you're so smart than you try!" she cried, her normally quiet voice rising in volume. "You try caring for the animals or tell me what other saying!"

Rainbow scoffed as if Fluttershy had just told a joke. "Please, I know exactly what they'd say. I'm an animal and I bite my own heinie. I've got a small cranial capacity. I eat with my face. I sweat through my tongue. I'm a furry flea-bitten loser. Like any other animal on this planet!"

"Get out!" Fluttershy roared, her face flushed red with anger. "You're not welcome in my home right now."

Rainbow stuck up her nose at the yellow pony. "Fine, be that way," she said as Fluttershy escorted her out.

Spike was in the castle of friendship dutifully wrapping presents to give to his friends on Hearths Warming. Miles of colorful paper were scattered all around him, and pieces of tape were stuck all over the place.

He had just finished wrapping Twilight's present - a crystal carving he had made of her cutie mark - when Rainbow came sauntering into the room. When he saw the pegasus, he instinctively dived to conceal see her present, but quickly sighed in relief when he recalled he had already wrapped it.

"Hello there Spike," she spoke as she came over to him. "What are you doing?"

"Just wrapping some gifts," he replied as he got to looking for a piece of tape he'd had, eventually finding it on his top frill.

Rainbow frowned at that statement, looking at the little drake with pity. "Are you sure you got this handled, it's a big responsibility for someone of your stature. Why don't you let me take over for you?"

Spike looked up at Rainbow in confusion. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"You're just a child, is all" Rainbow said as she pushed him aside, preparing to take over his work. "You shouldn't have to worry about doing this kind of stuff."

Spike puffed up his chest in indignation, feeling insulted. "I may be young but I'm not a child; I can handle all kinds of responsibilities."

Rainbow chuckled, softly ruffling Spike's frills. "Sure you can kiddo. Now, why don't you run off and play, I'll take care of this alright."

"I'm telling Twilight," Spike said in a huff as he stomped out of the room.

Once again, everypony was gathered around the friendship map, an angry air about them as they tried to figure out what to do.

"What are we gonna do about Rainbow, she's getting out of control." Fumed Applejack.

"I agree," Rarity put forth. "This new Rainbow wasn't that bad at first, but now she's becoming quite nasty and pompous. When I was putting the final touches on a dress, Rainbow came along and rather rudely started second-guessing my work on it," she finished with a humph.

"Yeah, and she called my parties barbaric!" Pinkie complained in fury, swinging her arms in the air.

Spike folded his arms, a grumpy look on his face. "She won't stop treating me like a baby; she doesn't think I can do anything on my own."

Twilight reached over and comfortingly stroked the frills on Spike's head. "Don't worry everypony," she said as she addressed all her friends. "I don't know what's gotten into Rainbow Dash recently, but I promise I'm going to fix it."

Starlight stepped up to the table, a perplexed look on her face as she spoke to Twilight. "Not that I don't agree with you, but what happened to your assessment that this was just a phase?" Starlight asked.

Twilight turned on Starlight, her eyes twitching slightly. "My opinion on that matter changed when Rainbow Dash started using bigger words than me!" she declared, irritation in her voice.

Starlight shook her head. "Ugh, why is Rainbow acting like this," she groaned aloud. She quickly looked back at Twilight, a worried expression on her face. "Twilight, are you sure this couldn't have been my fault, she didn't change until after I spoke to her the way I did," she finished, desperately hoping that she wasn't responsible for this whole mess.

Twilight shook her own head. "I already told you, Starlight, I don't think this is your fault."

Starlight groaned again. "I just wish we knew why she's acting like this!"

At Starlight's words, Twilight seemed to perk up, becoming alert as she turned toward the lilac unicorn. "Hold on, go back a bit," Twilight said with seriousness.

Starlight tilted her head in confusion. "What?"

"The other day, after the incident with Rainbow. You were in the study with me ranting about your feelings-"

"Yeah, what about it?" Starlight asked, not understanding where the alicorn was going.

"Well, after I left, did anything weird happen?" she asked.

Starlight put a hoof to her chin in contemplation, thinking back to that night. "... Uh, yeah," she said at last. "Once you were gone, I kept on ranting to myself about Rainbow. And then all of a sudden the Hearths Warming Miracle started glowing brighter and brighter before it let off a flash that nearly blinded me," Starlight answered.

"Okay, now think clearly," Twilight spoke, clearly fully enraptured with Starlight's story. "Before it started glowing, did you happen to say the word wish in front of it?" she asked seriously.

Starlight focused on what Twilight asked, recalling what led up to the Miracle flashing as it did. After a few moments of thinking, her face slowly paled as she nodded her head in confirmation.

Wordlessly and without warning, Twilight's magic erupted from her horn as she popped out of existence. The group waited there in stunned silence for several moments, before Twilight soon reappeared, with a large book in tow. She slammed it down on the friendship map, creating a huge thud as it came into contact with the table.

"Okay," Twilight began as she opened the book and started leafing through it. "Thanks to the information Starlight just provided, I think I've figured out what's going on with Rainbow."

"And what's that?" Asked said unicorn.

Twilight turned to face Starlight. "You kept asking if this could be your fault, well after taking this new information into account, I think it's safe to say you are... to an extent, that is," Twilight, said, before continuing to elaborate. "I think what happened, is that you accidentally made a wish for Rainbow to take things more seriously, and the Heaths Warming Miracle granted it."

"So that's why this is happening?" Starlight asked as she stepped up to inspect the book. "Because I made a wish?"

Twilight nodded.

"Well... is there a way to undo it?" she asked, hoping to reverse her mistake.

Twilight smiled. "luckily, there is," she said as she flipped to another page. "Just like how you made the first wish, you just need to wish for the Miracle to take it back, and everything will go back to normal."

Upon Twilight saying that everyone present grew big smiles on their faces when they learned they could get their Rainbow back.

"However," Twilight continued, bringing everyone to pause. "There's a catch: if we can't undo the wish by midnight on Hearths Warming Eve then it becomes permanent."

"That's only a couple of hours away!" Stressed Fluttershy with worry.

"Then we better do this now!" Starlight declared as she started running in the direction of the study, the others right on her tail.

What they didn't know, however, was that while they'd been talking, Rainbow Dash had been just outside the room and had heard everything they'd said about her. She heard the comments they'd been making about her, and found herself feeling betrayed.

Is this what her friends thought of the new her, that she was out of control? She changed for them, and this was how they repaid her. She felt rage building up within her chest, not only did her friends despise her, but they were now supposedly on their way to try to make her how she used to be again.

They wanted her to be something she no longer was. They didn't appreciate the pony she was now, and didn't even bother checking with her if she wanted to change back. She grit her teeth, looking in the direction her friends had gone. She narrowed her eyes, they weren't going to make her go back, not if she had anything to say about it!

Starlight sprinted towards the study, desperate to get her friend back to normal and bring this nightmare to an end. She understood now that this wasn't directly her fault, but she still felt responsible; she felt guilt eating away at her heart, and was determined to fix her mistake.

The sound of their hooves impacting upon the ground echoed through the crystal halls, reverberating through the castle. She panted for air as she turned a corner, moving so fast she nearly wiped out. Soon, the study came within sight, a large double door at the end of the corridor; seeing her destination coming near, she felt hope and relief blossom within her chest, she could set things right.

Just as she was nearing the study, however, the attention of both her and her friends was brought upward when a Rainbow streak bolted past them. The pegasus made straight for the study, and Starlight didn't know why, but she just knew Dash didn't have good intentions.

Now worried about Rainbow Dash doing something extreme, she and the others continued on toward the study, running harder than they were before. When they finally arrived, they skidded to a stop, gasping in surprise at what they saw.

Rainbow hovered a few feet off the ground, a scowl on her muzzle she held the Hearths Warming Miracle in her grasp.

"Not one more step!" she growled, her eyes glaring daggers at them. "Come any closer and I'll smash it!" she threatened, ready to throw it upon the floor.

Twilight inched slightly forward, a pleading look on her face. "Rainbow, why are you doing this, what's gotten into you?" she asked with concern.

Rainbow scoffed. "Don't act all innocent, you know exactly what you were about to do before I showed up; I was outside the room when you were talking, and I heard everything you said about me!" Rainbow cried, her voice portraying a sense of heartbreak. "You don't like the new me, so you were going to force me to change against my will!"

"Rainbow, please," Starlight begged. "We just want to help."

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes at them. "Help yourselves you mean!" she snapped. "I did this for you. I changed everything about myself for you; I became a new pony because it was what you wanted. And yet you turned around and stabbed me in the flank, trying to turn me into something I no longer am! Without even asking if I wanted to go back!"

Starlight's ears folded down, regret piling on her conscience. "I'm sorry," She choked out, tears starting to leak from her eyes. "I never meant to make you feel like you weren't appreciated, none of us did. You're right, we didn't ask, but this isn't you, not the real you!"

The look on Rainbow Dash's face began to soften, her muscles visibly loosening as Starlight continued to speak.

"We want our friend back. We know that the old Rainbow can be brash, but that's part of the reason why we love her; we want the Dash we know and love, not this new one that's taken her place."

Rainbow began to lower to the ground, her eyes misting. "Y-you really mean that?" she asked, her voice wavering. "You're not just saying things?"

Starlight shook her head, approaching the pegasus as she settled upon the ground. Gently, she reached over and pulled her into a hug, being careful not to damage the artifact that Rainbow still had her hooves on. "We just want you back," Starlight sobbed lightly, tears coming from both of them. "We just want you back, the most awesome flyer Equestria has ever seen."

Looking down through teary eyes, Starlight saw the Hearths Warming Miracle, shining magnificently in Rainbow's grasp. Fighting through sobs, she spoke as she saw her chance. "I just wish for everything to go back to normal..."

Once she said that, they all watched as the Miracle started to glow brighter. Pulsing rhythmically as it started to hum, putting off more and more light, before finally letting off a large flash.




Once the light started to die down, everypony started rubbing at their eyes as their vision began coming back; they all looked around in a daze trying to gather their bearings.

Starlight stood up, shaking her head as she surveyed the room. The others were all getting to their hooves, looking just as discombobulated as she was. "Everypony okay?" Starlight asked, she knew how disoriented she was the first time, so she knew what her friends were dealing with.

"We're fine Starlight," Twilight spoke, easing the unicorn's thoughts.

"Ugh, what happened?" Came the raspy voice of Rainbow Dash.

Turning around, Starlight found Rainbow sitting on the floor rubbing her head in confusion. Starlight knelt down next to the pegasus, putting a hoof on her should as she looked at her friend with worry. "How are you feeling, Rainbow?"

Rainbow groaned. "Fine I guess," she paused, narrowing her eyes in confusion as she stared at the spectacles perched on her snout. "Why am I wearing glasses? Those are what eggheads wear... no offense Twilight."

The Alicorn sighed. "None taken. Welcome back Rainbow," she finished, a smile creeping onto her face.

Rainbow looked at Twilight with a perplexed expression. "Welcome back? Did I go somewhere? And why is my mane in a bun?"

Starlight chuckled lightly. "I'll explain it all soon, but for now, I'm just happy that you're back," she said as she embraced Rainbow Dash again.

"And I'm happy to be back... I guess," Rainbow said as she returned the hug. "Seriously though, why is my mane in a bun?"

Hearths Warming had come at last, families gathering together in their homes to celebrate this wonderful holiday. A feeling of joy and love filled the air, bringing happiness to all.

And for a certain group of ponies and a dragon, it also marked an end to a frustrating problem they'd been dealing with as of late.

After getting Rainbow Dash back to normal, Starlight set to explain what had happened to her the last couple of days. While the pegasus didn't recall the events described to her at first, her memories began to come back after a few hours. And after reverting back to her default personality, she did her best to make amends to those she had wronged as false Rainbow.

Putting the stress of the past few days behind them, the friends had gathered back in the main hall where they could exchange gifts. So far, only a few of them had arrived, so they made to talking amongst each other when they waited.

"So-" Twilight said as she bite into a cookie. "After making some final notes, I sent the Hearths Warming Miracle back to Princess Celestia with a full assessment of its capabilities. I also recommended she watch what she says around it, and keep it in a secure location so there's not a repeat of the Rainbow situation."

Starlight nodded her head in agreement. "Good call, the last thing we need is for some unsuspecting pony to accidentally make a wish," she added as she sipped at a cup of cider she had.

"I'm here!" Came the sing-song voice of Rarity as she sauntered into the room, several gift bags in her magic. Trailing behind her were also Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, leaving only Rainbow Dash still absent.

"Merry Hearths Warming!" Rarity said gleefully as she approached her friends, a warm smile on her face.

"Merry Hearths Warming Rarity," Twilight replied.

"Are we all here?" Rarity asked as she craned her neck around the room.

"I'm afraid not," said Twilight. "We're still waiting on Rainbow Dash."

Rarity pouted. "Well that won't do, I was wanting us all together when I pass out your gifts. I hope she doesn't take long."

"Salutations, everypony!" As in on queue, Rainbow Dash chose that exact moment to join the festivities. Upon hearing her voice, they turned in her direction and gasped in horror when they saw her. She was back to being like she was the other day, her mane in a bun and glasses on her face.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no. No!" Starlight said in worry when she saw Rainbow. "I don't get it, it should have worked! Rainbow should be back to normal, how-"

Starlight was brought out of her panicked rambling when Rainbow began bowing over and cackling like a mad pony. "Relax!" Rainbow said in between breaths. She seamlessly took the glasses off and undid the bun, letting her mane fall free. "I was just messing with you!"

Pinkie started suppressing a laugh of her own, while the others glared at Rainbow in annoyance.

"That's not funny Rainbow," Applejack said, her tone unamused.

Rainbow paused, looking down at the costume props in her hooves. "Yeah, that might have been in bad taste. Sorry guys," she said in apology.

"It's all right Rainbow," Twilight told her.

Next, it was Rarity's turn to speak. "Okay, now that everypony is here-" she passed out the bags she had brought with her, each one going to the pony whose coat they matched. "I think it's a perfect time to give these out, let me know what you think."

The group of friends all opened their bags at the same time. Inside they each found a set of scarves, hats, and booties that matched their colors and had their cutie marks emblazed upon them.

"Oh, Rarity they're beautiful," Twilight said as she admired her gift.

Applejack nodded. "I agree with Twilight. These here garments look mighty warm."

"It makes me so happy to hear you say that, darlings," she beamed at them. Next, she took one last bag and wandered over to where Spike stood. "And don't you dare think I forgot about my favorite Spiky-wiki," she said as she gave him the bag.

With a big smile on his face, Spike took the bag from her and opened it up to find a scarf just like the others, only his matched the color of his scales.

'Thank you Rarity!" Spike said as he wrapped his arms around her in a hug. "I love it!"

Rarity wrapped a hoof around him, returning the hug. "It's my pleasure, Spike."

Once Rarity gave out her gifts, the others got around to giving out their own as well. Spike gave Twilight a crystal carving of her cutie mark, which she adored. With a smile on her face, she gave him his gift, his eyes lighting up as he unwrapped the Power Ponys action figure. Starlight passed out her gifts as well, her friends showing appreciation for what she got them.

Starlight smiled as she watched the interactions her friends had with each other; whether they were exchanging gifts, laughing over a joke, or simply just talking, it made her happy.

However, her smile faltered a bit when she spotted Rainbow standing away from the others. Her demeanor seemed detached, her eyes staring at something in the distance; Following her gaze, Starlight found her to be looking at Spike. After a moment, the pegasus began moving toward the little drake, a clear hesitancy in her step. Feeling that she knew what was about to happen, Starlight followed.

"Hey Spike," Rainbow said in a small voice, her ears folding down in what appeared to be shame. "Can we talk?"

Spike looked up at Rainbow, the scarf from Rarity wrapped around his neck. "Sure Rainbow, what's up?"

Rainbow sat down in front of him, her head staring at the floor, seemingly unable to look him in the eye. It was several moments before she spoke, leaving both Starlight and Spike wondering in anticipation of what she had to say.

"I'm sorry, Spike," she finally managed to choke out.

Spike blinked. "What?" he asked, not following.

Rainbow sniffed. "Back at that party, I was goofing off and nearly made that tree fall on you! I'm sorry Spike! I'm so, so sorry!" she sobbed, tears leaking from her eyes.

Spike stood there for a moment, processing all her words. Then with a small smile, he placed a comforting claw on her shoulder.

"It's okay Rainbow," he said softly.

But she only shook her head. "No! It's not okay, Spike. You almost got hurt because I was being stupid!"

At this point, their talk had begun to draw the attention of the others, who had come over to see what was going on.

"Yeah, but, it's not like you meant for that to happen," Spike said. "I know that you'd never mean for me to get hurt."

Rainbow sniffed. "That's not the point though," she said, looking at him with red eyes. "It's the fact that I couldn't even own up to my mistake. It's the fact that I couldn't bring myself to apologize to you after what happened. I'm a terrible friend!"

"Well... you're apologizing to me now," Spike said after a moment. "That shows that you're sorry about what happened the other day - it shows that you're a good friend." Wordlessly, he stepped forward and wrapped Rainbow in a hug. "I accept your apology, Rainbow Dash."

Letting out a happy sob, she returned the hug, enveloping the young drake.

As Starlight and the others watched, they couldn't help but smile at this heartwarming sight. She couldn't help but feel a warm feeling bloom in her chest as she watched the scene before her.

"Thank you, Spike," Rainbow sniffed again as she broke the hug, still keeping him at arm's length. "You don't know how much that means to me."

Rainbow then looked towards Starlight, a remorseful look on her face. "And I promise that I'll start being more aware of my surroundings - I'll start taking things more seriously."

"That sounds good, just don't forget to be you," Starlight smiled softly.

Rainbow smiled back. "I won't."

Starlight rubbed her hoof in shame as she stood before the pegasus. "...Um, listen, Rainbow, I'm really sorry, but I wasn't able to get you a Hearths Warming present. You see, I got preoccupied with the last couple of days. Things were hectic, and by the time they finally settled down, shopping was the last thing on my mind," she said, her head drooping. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, cheer up!" Rainbow said, punching her on the shoulder playfully. "It's Hearths Warming, you shouldn't be feeling bad about yourself."

Starlight looked up. "You mean you're not mad?"

Rainbow waved a hoof in dismissal. "Of course not, it wasn't your fault; you said it yourself, the last couple of days were hectic. Besides, Hearths Warming isn't about presents, it's about spending time with your friends and family."

"Still," Starlight said. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to get you anything."

"It's okay, don't sweat it," Rainbow replied.

"I promise I'll make it up to you, I'll find you a gift you'll love," Starlight vowed.

Rainbow chuckled lightly. "Alright, I'll hold you to that. For now, how about we go enjoy the party," she said, laying her arm across Starlight's neck.

Starlight smiled, mimicking Rainbow as she draped her own arm over the pegasus. "That sounds great."

After that exchange of words, the group of friends went back to enjoying the festivities. Though the last several days had been tough for them, they had triumphed over yet another challenge. And through it all, through the hardship and strife, their friendships had emerged unscathed, and stronger than ever.

- The End.

Author's Note:

This story was written for Penguifyer for Jinglemas 2022.

The artwork used was created by the talented user kleia, be sure to check them out.


Okay, so, I did not mean for this fic to run so long, but it started taking on a life of its own, and one thing led to another, and here we are. luckily, I checked with Shakespearicls beforehand on what the word limit was and he said I could write as much as I wanted. So, no real harm done. :pinkiecrazy::twilightsheepish:

The prompt I received was

I'd like a story with Rainbow Dash being surprisingly profound to her friends.

So I ran with that idea and brainstormed how to make it my own, eventually coming up with this. What I came up with was, what if Starlight cast a spell on Rainbow, and because of that she becomes more serious, adopting the attitude of an intellectual who has no need for Dash's old demeanor.

One aspect of her change I wanted to have to happen was that she becomes snobbish as the story progressed, and while I certainly tried, I'm not sure I pulled that part of the story off quite as I had wanted, I guess I'll leave that up to you all to decide.

Back during the parts where it showed Rainbow being snobbish to her friends, I had intended to include three small segments just like I did earlier in the story. What I had in mind, was that Twilight and Rainbow would be in the same place, and Rainbow would keep trying to one-up Twilight by using bigger words than her. Unfortunately, I had to cut that part due to time constraints

Well, anyway, what did you think Penguifyer? Did you enjoy the story I made for you, is it anything like what you were hoping for? Personally, I think I did a job here, and I really hope you like it too.

Also, I slipped in a reference while writing this story, did anyone catch it?

And with all that out of the way, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!


Comments ( 11 )

Very good story, I really enjoyed the dramatic parts as it was very well written.

Looking down through teary eyes, Starlight saw the Hearths Warming Miracle, shining magnificently in Rainbow's grasp. Fighting through sobs, she spoke as she saw her chance. "I just wish for everything to go back to normal..."

This section bothers me. Starlight intentionally alters rainbow without her consent. This portion is portrayed as the right thing to do. I feel that this is morally problematic.

Serious Dash clearly has reservations about being altered.

One could make the argument that since the change is reverting another one the alteration is justified. However, Starlight still violently alters Dash's mind.

I feel that imposing violence directly on one's mind neccesitates greater justification than Starlight has..

The culminating issue is that the story portrays this action as morally correct. Because of this, I feel uncomftorable with this narrative.

This was fun. The premise is wack but it actually pulled together to mean something at the end. When I make these prompts, I generally have an idea of how I would write the stories. But to be honest, I’m also really curious what other people come up with since they’re not simple prompts.

This was far more than I was hoping for and I almost feel like I don't deserve it. You did good and I’m thankful for it.

Thanks, it took me most of my allotted time to write this out, so I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed it.

That's not how I was trying to portray that scene, the way I had intended it to be interpreted was as Starlight fixing her mistake and setting things right. The reason Rainbow was against it, was because she thought her friends were betraying her after she had changed herself for them. So she tries to stop them, but then the others get to explaining that wasn't the case. Rainbow thought that her changing was what they wanted, which was why she felt so hurt when they began trying to make her go back. But when they tell her that they miss the old rainbow, and how they hadn't wanted her to go away, it started changing her outlook on the situation.

You said that Rainbow didn't give her consent to being charged back, but in my headcanon, that isn't true. When the others begin saying how they want the old Rainbow back, and how they miss her. She begins to realize how much they loved her, and how they appreciated her. she begins to see it less like them betraying her, and more how they were just trying to help. That scene where they embrace, that was where Rainbow gave her consent to being changed back.

That's how I viewed it at least.

I can see what you are going for now. It makes sense. And your headcannon is basically the story.

I guess I was hopeing that the consent and acceptance would be carried out with more explicit communication between the characters. Since that interaction is (what I assume to be) the climax of the story's conflict.

It just feels wrong. If I were to try and rationalize it, I would likely say something about undue escalation of violence. But really it just feels off. I'm not totally sure why, but as the story is written: Starlight's second (third?) wish feels horrid.

When I read that section, my brain raised alarm bells rather than the relief that I assume you intended.

I would also like to say. I don't dislike the story. I enjoyed the rising tension part! And the apology at the end is good.

It also looks like that part didn't bother other readers, so I might be reading more deeply than I should. Perhaps I should lay off the horror genre for a bit :rainbowlaugh:.

Anyways, thank you for sharing this wonderful story with everyone!

I hope to read more from you in the future Endless!

I'm glad you found it enjoyable, despite any misgivings you may have had with it.

Okay since someone else was already brutally honest here.

I liked it, but I'm not sure how being serious necessary leads to spouting rhymes.

The whole Rainbow feels the need to take over is a good concept, but I wish we had gotten the reasoning behind it. Is she turning into a perfectionist?

Is it just the magic, or is she worried about her friends hurting themselves somehow? That sort of thing. I feel like there's some interesting ideas here, but I'm not entirely sure where they were meant to be going.

Nice little vinaigrette all around though. A enjoyable diversion while battling the never ending summit of insomnia. Thanks for writing!

You're welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed it. And I'm sorry if some parts seemed confusing to you.

It was less confusing and more disjointed honestly.

But I did honestly enjoy it, so thanks for writing!

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