• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 324 Views, 15 Comments

To Yield the Light - RoyalPonySisters

Celestia would do anything to make Luna happy. Right?

  • ...


“Beautiful, isn’t it?” I asked. I try not to be too arrogant, but the sunset I made was rather beautiful.

“I’ll grant you that, Celestia,” Discord said.

Occasionally I go on walks with him. He may be the Lord of Chaos, but he is also a fellow immortal with a very unique perspective. That’s one of the main reasons I had Twilight Sparkle and the others set him free. His powers are terrible, yes, but they also have tremendous potential. Potential that I enjoy having at the disposal of the Kingdom of Equestria.

“Do you keep me around just for the chaos, Celestia, or have you truly forgiven me?” Discord asked suddenly. Sometimes I think he can read minds.

“That’s a rather loaded question, Discord. May I ask what inspired it?” I asked calmly. After centuries of diplomatic negotiations, I am quite adept at directing conversations from potentially explosive topics to more safe ones. The key is to move carefully yet purposefully.

Discord gestured to the lush hills of Canterlot that surrounded us. “Well, we go on these walks out in nature to have deep philosophical debates on order and chaos and whatnot, not just silly small talk,” Discord said. “So I admit, I’m wondering. Here I am, walking with the most orderly creature of all making a beautiful orderly sunset, in a kingdom I tried to overturn- twice. So why give me another chance? I’m quite curious to hear your thinking on it.”

“Well, I told you, Discord,” I said. “I believe your powers, although chaotic, can be used for the good of Equestria. So I decided to give you another chance. So far you have proven yourself.”

“I see,” Discord said. He paused for a few moments too long, staring out at the setting Sun in the distance. “So it’s not true forgiveness, then.”

I don’t like this conversation. “Surely extending a hoof to a former foe in friendship qualifies as forgiveness, does it not?” I said lightly.

“You have a use for me. Had you not wanted access to my powers, I would still be trapped in stone. Not that I blame you for making those choices.”

I sighed. “You can’t expect me to just give an enemy a chance to redeem himself purely out of kindness. I rule a kingdom. Decisions are not made simply.”

“You did that for Luna,” he said pointedly.

I really don’t like where this is going. Sometimes I swear Discord is deliberately trying to upset me. Still, I force myself to answer. “Luna was originally good. By giving her another chance, I was simply fixing something that had been wrong from long ago. Besides, she’s my sister.”

“Oh, all good points, true, true,” Discord nodded. “But you sent Twilight Sparkle to save her while she actively wrought destruction, not after she had been defeated. And this was when you didn’t try to save her when she first went on a rampage. Surely that would have been a better time to redeem her.”

I grit my teeth. “I don’t know what gave you that impression, Discord, but it is patently false. I did everything in my power to save Luna when she first turned into Nightmare Moon. She was beyond reason. I did what I did as a last resort, and there was no alternative.”

A strange note entered Discord’s voice. “Of course there were alternatives, Celestia! For one, you could have let the world be destroyed.”

“I meant an alternative that didn’t end in disaster.”

“You’re still limiting your thinking too much; there were still other options. Your problem, Celestia, is that you think too orderly. To you, the only options that exist are total surrender or a blast with the Elements of Harmony. Think more chaotic!”

“Such as what?” I said flatly.

“You could have given her the Sun.”


“Oh, really, Celestia, just think about it,” Discord exclaimed. “Luna was jealous of the admiration you received by bringing the Sun and the Day, versus her Moon and Night. Nightmare Moon might have been sufficiently shocked by you offering her the Sun to call off the end of the world and accept the offer. After all, it’s what she really wanted in the first place.”

“I can’t give her the Sun, Discord. You know that!”

He smirked. “Why not?”

“Because it’s mine!” I don’t like how that came out. I rephrase it. “I mean, it isn’t mine, obviously, because it belongs to everypony. But it’s my job to control it. That’s what Harmony intended.” I said, furtively glancing over at my Sun-adorned flank.

“Oh, Harmony, of couuurse,” Discord drawled. “That’s why you get rule the land and bear the Sun, and not Luna or me or anypony else. Harmony. Convenient explanation, Celestia. I suppose it’s a stronger answer than, ‘I like being in charge and I’m selfish.’”

“You don’t even understand a fraction of the difficulties involved in ruling this kingdom, Discord, let alone sending Luna away.” I hiss, trying to keep my budding anger under control. Who does he think he is, to say this? I remind myself that he’s just trying to annoy me, and worse, he’s succeeding….

“Yes, yes,” he said impatiently. “So many hard decisions to be made. Like, ‘Should I save my sister or let her languish in the Moon for a thousand years? Ooh, I’m not sure!’”

“I couldn’t have saved her! Luna wouldn’t even want the Sun! She loves the night and was upset other ponies didn’t appreciate it. It had nothing to do with the Sun and she’s never expressed any interest in it at all!”

Discord grinned. “That’s what you want to think.”

I’ve had enough. “Discord, I go on these walks with you to have serious discussions, not fantasize about silly ideas like this. If you are going to act like this, then our talk is over.”

“Aww, too bad,” Discord said, starting to flap his wings and fly away. “I thought our conversation was pretty philosophical, but alas. Well, I’ll see you next week, then. And do think about what I told you!” He cackled.

“I won’t.” It’s true. I will not give Discord’s foolishness any more thought. Because it is clearly false and it’s only purpose was to upset me. I have important, real things to do, I remind myself as I return to Canterlot Castle.