• Published 3rd Dec 2022
  • 1,104 Views, 27 Comments

Froppy in Equestria - Crossover_Addict

Tsuyu Asui from My Hero Academia gets sent to Equestria!

  • ...

Meeting The Princesses

Overall, Pinkie Pie's "Welcome to Ponyville" party was a success despite the chandelier incident. The music was memorable, the snacks were abundant and the party goers were more than satisfied. But most importantly, the ponies of Ponyville have grown quite fond of Tsuyu Asui thanks to her heroic action. Even as she was leaving the town hall after the party had ended, with Twilight and Spike by her side, the ponies were still praising and cheering for Tsuyu. They would have also continued to follow her if Applejack and Rainbow Dash had not intervened.

"Alright ya'll, party's over. Give Tsuyu some space now" said Applejack as she stood on her hind legs and spread out her forelegs in order to block the path that would lead the ponies straight to Tsuyu.

"Yeah, you had your time with Tsuyu and the party is over! Now go home" said Rainbow Dash assertively as she flew up and barred a group of pegasi from making their way to Tsuyu via flying. "But if you still wanna fan over somepony then I'm your pony" added Rainbow Dash with a prideful smirk.

The pegasi gave Rainbow Dash an unamused look before finally deciding to leave Tsuyu alone and go their separate ways. The ponies who were blocked by Applejack have also decided to leave and head to their houses.


"Wow, what a party" said an exhausted Spike once he along with Tsuyu and Twilight entered The Golden Oak Library. "See you two in the morning" added Spike with a loud yawn.

"Wait, Spike!" said Twilight. "Before you go to bed, I want you to send a letter to Princess Celestia."

"Oh, right. The letter" said Spike before heading towards the nearest shelf and pulling out a quill and parchment. He then walked over to Twilight and Tsuyu.

"Ehem" Twilight cleared her throat. "Dear Princess Celestia….."


Princess Celestia was in her royal bedroom, taking off her crown, necklace and hoof shoes and placing them on top of her dresser. As she was about to go to bed, a stream of smoke entered her bedroom through an opening near the fireplace and materialized into a parchment right in front of her. The princess picked up the letter via telekinesis and let out a soft chuckle.

"Ah Twilight, my faithful student. What is it that you wish to tell me at this late hour" said Princess Celestia with a smile.

The content of Twilight's letter made her mentor go through a series of emotions. At first she was intrigued, then worried and then puzzled. After she read a bit more she became saddened by the reported events. Realizing there's still more unread parts in the letter, Princess Celestia decided to continue reading while hoping that things do get better by the end.

Luckily for Princess Celestia, things do get better. As she continued reading the letter, she felt relieved, then satisfied and then elated.

"I too can't wait to meet her, Twilight" said Princess Celestia as she placed the letter on top of her dresser.


A few minutes earlier.

"Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle" concluded Twilight.

Once Spike was done writing down Twilight's words, he opened the library's window, rolled up the parchment and incinerated it with his greenish fire breath. The parchment turned into a trail of smoke and flew far away into the air.

Tsuyu was clearly taken aback by this. "W… why did you burn it?" asked the perplexed Tsuyu.

Spike then looked at Tsuyu as if she asked him why he eats, drink and sleep. "Um, to send it to the princess" answered Spike with a slightly confused look on his face.

"Oh Spike" said Twilight with a chuckle. "Don't forget that Tsuyu isn't from our world. What seems normal to us, might be strange to her and vice versa" added Twilight.

"Huh, I see" said Spike. After he pondered for a while, he turned to face Tsuyu. "Then how do you send letters in your world?" asked the little drake.

"Well…. " said Tsuyu while placing her index finger under her lip. "We send our letters through the post office."

"We have post offices too" said Spike.

"However, we also have another and much faster way of sending letters" added Tsuyu.

Twilight perked up after she heard what Tsuyu just said. "You mean your world has developed a faster way to send letters WITHOUT MAGIC?" Twilight said the last two words with as much excitement as possible.

"Yes" answered Tsuyu.

The inquisitive Twilight then pulled out a quill and parchment via her magic and trotted closer to Tsuyu. "Please, you must tell me everything!" pleaded Twilight with a gleaming smile.

Despite feeling a bit fatigued after the party and after answering Lyra's many questions, Tsuyu managed to muster up the strength to explain to Twilight what an electronic mail is. And that explanation lead Tsuyu into also explaining what laptops, smartphones and tablets are. Tsuyu was a smart and perceptive girl, but she was not tech-savvy. So her explanations were a bit lacking in technical depths and details. However, Twilight eventually understood that Tsuyu is not what a pony would call an intellectual or a scholar, so she took what she can get from Tsuyu's imprecise explanation about the functions of her world's modern technologies.

"Well…. it's still better than nothing" said a slightly disappointed Twilight as she finished writing down the last couple of words of Tsuyu's account on her parchment.

"Twilight, can I go to bed now?" said an exhausted Tsuyu. She was struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Oh… of course you can Tsuyu" said Twilight after putting her quill and parchment away. "It must have been a very long day for you."

"I wonder what gave that away" said Spike with sarcasm before heading upstairs to catch some shuteye.

Tsuyu was also about to go catch some shuteye herself. However, unlike Spike, she wasn't heading upstairs and instead she was heading towards the basement. After all, it had the first bed she had ever laid on since she entered this magical world.

"Tsuyu, wait!" said Twilight. "You don't have to sleep in the basement. You can sleep upstairs with me and Spike. I'll go get your bed and…. "

"It's okay, Twilight" interrupted Tsuyu. "I'm used to sleeping alone in my school's dormitory."

"Are you sure?" asked Twilight.

Tsuyu replied with a nod.

"Okay, but if you change your mind let me know" said Twilight. "Good night, Tsuyu" added Twilight before heading upstairs to finally get some well-deserved shuteye.


Tsuyu entered the basement and made her way down the stairs to her bed. She took off the dress that Rarity made for her and put on her turtleneck bodysuit, but without putting on the foot wear, gloves and belts. She then laid on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Aizawa taught us a lot of things, but he never said anything about what to do if you ever find yourself in a completely different world" thought Tsuyu to herself. "I guess it's because something like this has never happened to anyone before."

"Mom, dad, samidare and Satsuki" thought Tsuyu. "I hope you're all doing okay….. I'm not sure when I'll come back or if I can even come back."

"I miss everyone" thought Tsuyu to herself with some tears in her eyes. She kept on thinking about her family members and friends until she eventually drifted to sleep.


Elsewhere, a dark blue equine with a horn, a pair of wings and a sparkly blue mane and tail was traversing through an ethereal space like world that was filled with twinkling stars and orbs. Lots and lots of orbs.

"Resuming my duties by Watching over their dreams is the least I can do after the terror I caused them as Nightmare Moon" said Princess Luna with remorse as she observed the many orbs floating around her. "I hope this will be enough to atone for my misdeeds."

As Princess Luna continued to observe the many dreams of ponies through the orbs, hoping to detect and dispose of as many nightmares as possible for her pony subjects, she noticed something quite peculiar inside one of the orbs.

"What…. is this?" said Princess Luna as she used her telekinesis to pull the orb that caught her attention a bit closer to her.

"What….. is this creature?" said Princess Luna with slightly squinted eyes. She saw in the orb what appears to be a biped creature with light skin and a long dark green hair that only covered its head. The biped was also wearing a grey suit jacket and a miniskirt. It was just standing in what appears to be a common area of some kind. "All of these orbs are from Ponyville, which means that whatever this creature is, it must be sleeping somewhere in Ponyville." concluded Princess Luna.

Princess Luna continued to look at this strange creature. "I don't know what this creature is, but I feel as if I have seen it before somewhere. But where?" pondered the princess of the knight. Luna then squinted her eyes more than before as she looked at the strange biped, trying as hard as she can to remember. Then finally, she let out a gasp as soon as she remembered!

"SHOSHINE'S NIGHTMARE!" said Princess Luna in shock. "Yesterday Shoeshine was dreaming of being chased by a monster" Luna then looked at the biped in the orb again. "This creature looks eerily similar to that monster, although in a much less ghastly manner."

"Is this monster planning on terrorizing my subjects in Ponyville like it did with Shoeshine?" wondered Luna.


Tsuyu Asui was inside her school's dormitory, standing in front of a double door. She was also wearing her U.A. High's school uniform. The double door slowly started to open, revealing…..

"Big sis!" cried a young child.

"S… Satsuki?" said a perplexed Tsuyu.

Satsuki ran up to her older sister and wrapped her arms around her waist, giving her a very big hug.

"I missed you so much!" said Satsuki.

At first, Tsuyu looked at her younger sibling with bewilderment, but then her expression became blank and then slowly started to become more somber.

"This is just a dream, but I'll still make the most of it" said Tsuyu as she returned the hug. While the two sisters were hugging each other, the double door started to open once again, revealing……

A dark blue equine?

"….. Ribbit?" was all what Tsuyu could utter while looking at the equine with a quizzical tilt.

The equine entered the building and took a few trots forward. Her head was slightly lowered and her eyes were closed.

Tsuyu looked down and noticed that her little sister is no longer here. She then looked to her left and then to her right, there is no one there but herself and this mysterious equine standing in front of her.

Without warning, the blue equine raised its head and opened its white glowing eyes! "THOU DARES FRIGHTEN OUR SUBJECTS!" said the equine with an extremely booming, boisterous and intimidating voice.

Tsuyu grimaced, closed her eyes and covered her ears with both hands. This was her first time hearing The Royal Canterlot voice. After that, she heard a series of thunderclaps and she felt a violent gust of wind enter the dormatory. The wind flipped over the tables, tossed away the chairs and catapulted the couches. The room was reduced to ruins.

"WHAT IS THOU'S BUSINESS IN PONYVILLE? SPEAK NOW!" said Princess Luna in a commanding voice.

Tsuyu then opened her right eye and looked at the alicorn mare. "C… Celestia?" said Tsuyu as she tried to maintain her composure.

Princess Luna had a brief puzzled look on her face for a moment after she heard what Tsuyu said. She then brought back her stern look and said in her royal canterlot voice "THOU IS MISTAKEN, CREATURE! WE ARE NOT PRINCESS CELESTIA! WE ARE PRINCESS LUNA!!!"

At this point, Tsuyu has completely gained her composure and quickly grew accustomed to this booming voice. She no longer needed to cover her ears. "I'm sorry if I scared your subjects in Ponyville, I really didn't mean to do that" responded Tsuyu in a calm voice. "I was injured and I really needed help."

"THOU WAS… injured?" said Princess Luna while looking a bit surprised, the intensity of her royal Canterlot voice has slightly decreased.

"Yes, but then I was saved by Twilight Sparkle and her friends" added Tsuyu.

"Y.. you know Twilight Sparkle?" said Princess Luna as she completely abandoned her royal Canterlot voice and as her eyes changed back to their normal state.


After some time has passed in the dream world.

"I am truly sorry, Tsuyu Asui" said Princess Luna after the froggy heroine explained everything to her. "I thought you were a monster who was terrorizing the ponies in Ponyville, but it turned out that you are a true heroine with a noble heart."

"It's okay, no harm was done" replied Tsuyu with a smile. "But if you don't mind me asking, how did you find me and enter my dream?"

"As the princess of the night, my magic allows me to observe and enter the dreams of anypony and any creature depending on the area of my choosing" explained Luna.

"So, you found me because you happened to be observing the dreams in Ponyville?" asked Tsuyu.

"That is correct" said Princess Luna. The night princess then remembered something she wanted to ask Tsuyu when the latter told her a bit about her world during her lengthy explanation about what happened to her when she found herself in Equestria.

"Now if you don't mind, Tsuyu. I also have a question of my own. Are there individuals in your world who possess the power to enter dreams?" asked Princess Luna.

Tsuyu placed her index finger slightly below her mouth and looked upward. "Well, I have read that there are quirks that allows its users to enter peoples' dreams, but in my world entering someone's dream without their consent is a form of trespassing and can be punishable by the law" explained Tsuyu with honesty.

"Oh!" said a shocked Princess Luna. "I see. It seems your species have fundamentally different views from ours when it comes to entering dreams."

Tsuyu simply gave the night princess a nod.

Before Luna could say anything else, she and Tsuyu heard a faint voice. The voice was uttering Tsuyu's name over and over again, becoming a bit louder and louder after each time. The room started to wobble and shake, and the broken chairs, sofas and tables started to move further and further away from the center of the room.

"What's going on?" asked Tsuyu.

"It seems somepony is trying to wake you up" answered Princess Luna before flying away. "Farewell, Tsuyu. I hope you find your way back to your world."


"Tsuyu, Tsuyu, TSUYU!" was all what Tsuyu could hear as she struggled to open her eyes for a bit. Once she opened her eyes, she was met with the face of a purple alicorn just a few inches away from her face.

"Wake up, Tsuyu. Wake up!" said a frantic Twilight as she shook the froggy heroine in training with her forelegs.

"W… what's going on?" said a slightly shocked Tsuyu with concern. It must be a pretty big emergency if Twilight is acting like this, is what Tsuyu thought.

"Princess Celestia just sent a letter saying that she'll be here in just a few minutes" shrieked Twilight while latching on Tsuyu's shoulders. "There's no time, we have to hurry." Twilight then used her telekinesis to lift a startled Tsuyu into the air and then she immediately took her to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Twilight used her magic to turn on the faucet, grab a hoofful of water and splash it against Tsuyu's face multiple times.

"Twilight, stop. I can wash my face by myself" said an irritated Tsuyu.

"Sorry Tsuyu, but there's no time" replied an anxious Twilight. "I can make you presentable for Princess Celestia much quicker if I use my spells." Twilight then zapped Tsuyu's unkempt hair with a hair grooming spell. The spell made Tsuyu's hair look similar to Twilight Sparkle's mane, but only in shape and not in color.

All what Tsuyu could do was stare at the bathroom's mirror in shock after she saw the current state of her hair. Twilight then hurriedly lifted Tsuyu up with her telekinesis and proceeded to take her out of the bathroom and into the main reading room, but not before Tsuyu could whip out her tongue and use it to grab a nearby hair brush and some hair pins.


In the main reading room, Tsuyu used the hair brush and hair pins to restore her trademark hairstyle, but not before frowning at Twilight for a bit. However, Twilight did not notice Tsuyu's frown because she was too busy tidying up the library that was littered with books and parchments, parchments that contained a lot of information about Tsuyu's body.

Spike, Twilight's number one assistant, approached Tsuyu while holding a plate that had a couple of pancakes on top of it and a glass of orange juice. "Here you go, Tsuyu. I made you some breakfast" said Spike.

"Thanks, Spike" said Tsuyu as she took her breakfast and placed it on top of a center table located in the middle of the Golden Oaks Library's main reading room. Spike then noticed Tsuyu frowning at Twilight for a bit.

"Hey, ummm, listen, I know that Twilight can be a bit too much sometimes" said Spike. "But she is a very kind and caring pony. So please don't be too hard on her."

"I'll try cutting her some slack, but she shouldn't have dragged me like that" replied Tsuyu before taking a bite out of the pancake, and when she did, her sour mood changed for the better.

"It tastes….. really good!" said a blissful Tsuyu. "I've never had pancakes this good in my world."

"I'm glad you liked it" said Spike with pride. "Not to brag, but if I wasn't too busy being Twilight's number one assistant, I'd probably be winning cooking contests left and right."

"Okay… okay. Everything seems to be in order" said an anxious and exhausted Twilight after she finished removing all the mountains of books and parchments that littered the library's floor. The princess of friendship then looked at Tsuyu and saw that she was taking her time eating the pancakes.

"Tsuyu, there's no time for breakfast! Princess Celestia will be here in any minute" said Twilight while jittering. The lavender alicorn then shot a beam of magic from her horn at the luscious breakfast, resulting in its swift disappearance from Tsuyu's sight.

"Now everything is in order" said Twilight after sighing in relief.

Tsuyu stared blankly at her empty plate and glass, while Spike gave Twilight a disapproving look. Tsuyu wanted to savor, from her perspective, the tastiest pancakes she had ever eaten in her entire life. But alas, it is gone now. Now Tsuyu wanted nothing more than to walk up to Twilight and give her a piece of her mind, but fortunately for Twilight, a knock was heard from the library's door.

"She's here!" exclaimed Twilight. She quickly used her telekinesis to open the door, revealing……. Derpy Hooves?

Derpy rummaged through her bag and picked out of it an envelope with her mouth. The mailpony presented the envelope to Twilight whom grabbed it with her magic. Twilight opened the envelope and after reading its content said in an annoyed tone of voice "Augh, junkmail."

Derpy tipped her hat to Twilight and then proceeded to fly away into the clear blue sky.

Twilight closed the door, but before she could start trotting away from it, she heard another knock. She let out an annoyed sigh before turning around and opening it, revealing…… PRINCESS CELESTIA!

"P.. P… Princess Celestia!" stuttered Twilight for a bit, not expecting it to be her mentor and princess this time. She trotted backwards to allow Princess Celestia to enter the library. Once the monarch was inside, Twilight and Spike bowed down for their princess.

"I'm so glad you came" said Twilight.

"And I am glad to be here" responded Princess Celestia. Her eyes then became set on the biped. "You must be Tsuyu Asui."

Tsuyu Asui was completely enthralled by the princess's appearance. Her multicolored flowing mane, her white coat and her golden attires were really entrancing Tsuyu. She couldn't help but stare at the majestic alicorn. Last time Tsuyu felt something like this was when she first saw All Might on TV.

"I take it that you're still not used to alicorns" commented Princess Celestia on the heroine's reaction before chuckling.

Tsuyu finally awakened from her trance like state. She gave the princess an apologetic bow. "Sorry about that" apologized Tsuyu. "You look so beautiful and different from your sister."

"Wait, what?" said a startled Twilight after she quickly got up from her bow.

Celestia couldn't help but chuckle at what Tsuyu just said. "An honest one aren't you?"

"Yeah, I tend to say what's on my mind no matter what" replied Tsuyu bluntly.

"Wait, wait, wait" interrupted Twilight before focusing her gaze at Tsuyu. "You know Princess Luna?"

"Yep, she came to me in my dream" said Tsuyu.

"And she told me all what I need to know about you before I left Canterlot" said Princess Celestia. "Tsuyu Asui, I would like to thank you for saving the life of one of my ponies. You truly are a hero."

"Ribbit" said Tsuyu with a smile.

"Twilight Sparkle has told me about your situation in her letter" said Celestia with a concerned look on her face. "I will do everything in my power to find a way to send you back to your world. It is the least I can do to repay you for saving one of my subjects."

"Thanks Princess Celestia" said a grateful and happy Tsuyu. The froggy heroine felt that her chances of returning to her home are less slim, now that the ruler of this land is on her side.

"In the meantime" said Princess Celestia while looking at Twilight with a smile. "I'm sure my faithful student and her friends will be more than happy to help you adjust to living in Ponyville."

"The ponies here seem really nice" replied Tsuyu while holding her index finger against her mouth. "I don't think fitting in would be too much of a problem."

"Especially after you saved that pony at the party last night" added Spike.

"My friends and I will do our best to look after Tsuyu, Princess Celestia" said Twilight Sparkle with a confident smile :twilightsmile:.

Author's Note:

Writing fanfics is harder than I thought:twilightblush:

Anyway, enjoy:scootangel:

Comments ( 3 )

The episode I've beeen waiting for! (*^▽^)/★*☆♪

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