• Published 13th Dec 2022
  • 1,888 Views, 59 Comments

The Rainbow Plague - Prixy05

A strange infection has swept Equestria. What is it and how can Rainbow Dash and her friends stop it?

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Chapter 8

One day ago...

Fluttershy twisted her head as she shuddered in fear. She was still unable to move, the shadows around her binding her in place. The pegasus had been stuck in place for a long time now, her limbs stuck to her sides, not as if they would be any use if they were free, for her mind was fuzzy, things were unclear, and the voice, or whatever it was, was not any more understandable. It seemed to swirl around her, coming from all directions, from the rainbows that swirled around. Fluctuating patterns of light that filled her sight.

"Aren't you angry Fluttershy?" the voice snapped, "that your friends betrayed you? Betrayed the herd? Turned their backs on you?"

What the voice spoke of was unclear. Fluttershy, at least that's what the voiced called her, could remember some other faces. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Discord, but she wasn't angry at them. Distant memories of them replayed in her mind over and over.

"I don't why I should be angry at them!" Fluttershy whimpered up to the voice, "I don't why you're angry at me!"

"I have made it clear you coward," the voice hissed into her ear, "But no matter what you know, what I give you, you refuse to lash out."

That wasn't exactly true, emotions, aggressive ones at that, had flowed through Fluttershy before, but despite her lack of knowledge about whatever was happening, she felt that she could still give forgiveness. Forgiveness for her friends.

The voice spoke up again, bitter in tone with a hint of sympathy, "Your emotions make you pathetic, too difficult to deal with. I'm afraid I will have to take matters into my own claws."

As if in response to the voice, Fluttershy was suddenly jerked to the right, landing on her side on the ground.

"Thankfully for the herd, this is just the opportune moment for this," the voice said, ignoring Fluttershy's cry of pain, "You will be less useful than expected, but it would still be preferable to your current state."

A sudden jolt of pain went through Fluttershy's head. It felt like a needle had pierced through her brain. She cried at the sudden pain, clutching her hooves to her skull. Her hooves. She stared at the shaking limbs in astonishment; her hooves were finally free! With a bit of strain, her wings became loose as well, freely flapping once more.

However, whatever joy Fluttershy might have felt was short-lived as another burst of searing pain spread through her skull. She collapsed on the ground, her limbs shuddering as the light around her brightened. The rainbows swirled more violently than ever before, accompanied by a buzzing sound that became louder and louder.

Slowly but surely, Fluttershy lost feeling in her body. "You're a failure, an expected failure, but a failure nonetheless," the voice spat as her vision faded, "Neither of us are going to like it, but I must take complete control, for the good the herd."

In an instant, Fluttershy blacked out, becoming immobile once more, trapped within her own mind.


Like a dolphin through the waves, the insectoid queen swept through the earth of Equestria. It curved its body, its large claws rapidly displacing the dirt behind it. As it slid through the ground in a surprisingly smooth manner, it was almost graceful in a way, having been nearly inanimate before in its small pool of water.

Of course, Fluttershy didn't care. Her clouded mind made her barely capable of taking in her surroundings. Instead, the pegasus clutched her hooves onto the queen's back, riding along as the queen dug a tunnel to their destination much like it had done weeks prior. Fluttershy grunted, the rainbow dripping from her mouth on the black shell of the queen, hungrily eyeing the other ponies riding along with her.

Of course, Twilight was there, standing still, looking straight ahead, her form unchanging except for the twitching of her ears. Pinkie Pie was there as well, sinking her hooves in the fleshy abdomen of the queen as she excitedly watched the tunnels walls and exposed gems flash by. Lastly was Rarity, who had regrouped with them prior to departure. She stood still much like Twilight, but her expression was strained, and her horn flickered as her limited magic struggled to keep her bounty hoisted up in the air. This bounty was Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom had been shocked plenty of times that day. The zomponies, or bugs, or whatever they were had gotten to Twilight, who seemed to be a leader of some sort. That was soon followed by the sight of the queen, a large, bloated creature who dwarfed the ponies in size. And now they were riding it.

The filly had uselessly struggled in the infected Rarity's magic for what seemed like hours now. She stopped shouting a while ago, her voice having gone hoarse. Now, despite her terror with the situation, she had more or less been resigned to her fate, whatever the zomponies had planned with her.

She glanced down again, her eyes meeting the glassy glaze of Fluttershy once more. She winced and clenched her eyes shut. Fluttershy had been staring at her the entire trip, looking like a rabid dog with chunks of her pink mane having been pulled out and the rainbow goo being smeared across her snout. Fluttershy expectedly didn't react to the filly other than quick lick on the lips.

Apple Bloom wasn't the only one who was giving attention to Fluttershy, for a certain pink pony had turned her interest to the pegasus as well. Pinkie Pie had stopped watching the tunnel walls and instead turned her attention to Fluttershy. The fellow zompony piqued her interest.

She tilted her head in an inquisitive motion. The voice in her head said that Fluttershy was a fellow playmate of hers, another member of the group, but it didn't feel right. She didn't look right, she seemed broken.

'Of course not Pinkie Pie, there's nothing wrong with her,' the voice in her head seemed to say, 'You seem to be getting more and more distracted, distracted from us, our cause.'

Pinkie vigorously shook her head in denial. She was a valuable member of the party, at least she thought she was. Ever since she had helped Twilight join, things had begun to become odd. Certain things became clear, other's uncertain, but the voice had ignored any of this, continuing to egg her on.

'Your playmate Fluttershy is fine Pinkie Pie,' the voice said, 'Leave her alone.'

But, for the first time, Pinkie Pie didn't listen, she ignored the voice. Instead, the pink pony stepped a hoof forward, a hoof towards Fluttershy. Fluttershy reacted accordingly, snapping her head away from Apple Bloom and twisting towards Pinkie Pie, her mouth contorted in a snarl.

Pinkie moaned, one of her hooves spasming as it slowly reached up. Her eyes twitched, the rainbow spurted out in gurgles, but Pinkie continued. Continued until the hoof had been reached out and placed upon one of Fluttershy's own. Fluttershy stopped, her white eyes widening as she looked up into Pinkie's gaze.

Apple Bloom watched in intrigue as both of the infected former friends stood still. Even in the darkness of the rapidly burrowed tunnel, Apple Bloom could see their ears twitch, their bodies slightly shiver.

Suddenly, Fluttershy pounced; snarling as she leapt upon Pinkie Pie. Pinkie seemed to yelp in fear as the two ponies rolled along the fleshy sack of the queen. She fought back, bucking Fluttershy in the stomach, releasing a splurge of rainbow that covered Pinkie's face. Fluttershy growled and rammed a hoof into Pinkie's snout. She furiously flapped her wings, clutching Pinkie Pie as both of the infected ponies tussled and bounced off the queen's abdomen and rolling off into the darkness of the tunnel beyond.

Sweetie Belle blinked her eyes open to the view of tree canopies. Had she blacked out again? For she had passed out several times previously, mostly due to the pain of her ear wound. However, this time Sweetie noticed that she had been draped over a brown furry thing. A shoulder. She turned her head to the draconequus that was carrying her.

"Discord? What are you doing?"

Discord craned his head to look directly at the filly while he continued to jaunt forward, "Well look who finally decided to speak up, and for your information, I'm carrying you." A moment of silence passed, "Sorry, I have no experience with young ponies, I have zero ideas on how to care for you."

Sweetie smiled slightly, "I can walk Discord, you don't need to sling me over your back like a sack."

Discord obliged, placing the unicorn on the ground before placing a turtle on her back, "You can take Tank as well," he said, patting Tank on the head.

"So where are we?" asked Sweetie Belle as the two resumed their surprisingly peaceful walk through the forest.

Discord didn't even need to look down, "The Everfree."

"The Everfree forest?"

Discord sniffed, "Yes, that is what I said, the Everfree forest."

"Why would go here? You told Applejack you'd take me to the safest place in Equestria!"

"I did," Discord replied flatly, "At least, the nearest place I can go without teleportation. And I cannot be bothered with walking to Canterlot or that Tree of Harmony. And here it is." He stopped as he neared the tree line. The tree line that ended in a large open area. Rocks could be seen scattered around a large blue pool that was connected to a waterfall. Steam filled the area, giving it a serene feel. "Ah, the Everfree hot springs. I used to come here all the time when I was ruled my kingdom of chaos! So nice and warm, especially when it's filled with hot chocolate and beans!"

Sweetie Belle looked around the springs with astonishment. The place really was nice to look at. That is until she saw something in the distance. Some kind of array of rocks on the other side of the springs, and there was ponies inside.

Sweetie looked up at Discord, "You said this was the safest place in Equestria."

Discord shrugged, "Fine, that was an exaggeration, but no one else in Equestria knows about this place! I mean, you would have to live in the Everfree to know about it!"

"You mean like Zecora?"

Discord froze, coming to his realization. He opened an eye and looked out into the clearing, seeing a familiar striped zebra accompanied by two pegasus staring right at him. All three equines drooled rainbow. "Oh poo," he muttered.

Crouched behind a convenient rock and with the horde of zomponies sniffing at her hooves, Applejack reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a flint and steel, just the right tools needed for her molotovs. She held one in her mouth as the earth pony began to click the two tools together, creating small sparks that glowed in the darkness of the tunnel.

Rainbow Dash sat next to her, holding another one of the molotovs. She looked down at it with an uncertain expression. Was she really going to do this?

"You ready to do this Rainbow?" asked Applejack. Her molotov had been lit, a small flame flickered on its end, casting an orange light. Rainbow silently nodded in response.

Applejack jerked her body, pressing her back against the rock and giving a deep breath. With just about every other pony of Ponyville blocking their path, this was their only opportunity for escape. And it had to be done now for the light of the flame had attracted the attention of at least one of the zomponies.

The infected Cheerilee shuffled up to the rock and craned her head to examine it. Suddenly, Applejack leapt out from behind the rock.

"Eat this ya drooling varmits!" she screamed as she threw the lit bottle full force at Cheerilee's hooves. The infected earth pony hissed and recoiled from the flames as the dark pink fur around her hooves were lit ablaze. The other zomponies followed suite, yelping and backing away as the orange flames spread across the ground.

Applejack jumped up, "Now's our chance! Let's go!" Quickly she galloped, pressing through the flames and down the tunnel. Rainbow soon followed, flapping her wings with all her might as she hovered over the fire.

As they watched their prey flee down the tunnel, the Ponyville zomponies howled with anger as several began to pursue the duo. Most were held back by the flames, but multiple pegasi leaped over the fire while some other ponies bared the brunt, pushing their bodies through the flames.

Rainbow looked back as she ran, "They're still coming!"

"Toss yer flames!" Applejack yelled.

Rainbow listened, tossing her lit molotov behind her. The glass shattered, spreading another blaze of flame. Most of the pursuing zomponies halted in place, pressing their hooves into the ground as they skid to a halt. Only a few pegasi pressed forward, unrelenting in their assault.

Rainbow and Applejack continued to gallop forward as the tunnel curved. Both of the ponies stopped caught their breath as they looked behind them, the flames and zomponies were gone from sight. "We made it!" Rainbow exclaimed with bewilderment before she looked up, "oh wait." From the ceiling shone three sets of glowing eyes, three infected pegasi that had followed them.

Immediately the zomponies attacked, pouncing at Rainbow. An orange blur flew past as Applejack kicked away two of the pegasi, who rolled on the ground and quickly regained their footing. One snarled and bounded forward, but Applejack was prepared. She quickly dodged the attacking zompony and kicked her in the rear, catapulting the pegasus into the stone wall. The second zompony gargled and spit out a splurge of rainbow goo at Applejack's face, which she swiftly blocked with her hat. The orange earth pony bucked the pegasus in the stomach in response, making the zompony discharge multicolored spit as she was knocked away.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was pinned to the ground by the third pegasus. The cross-eyed zompony growled as Rainbow strained to hold her back. Rainbow clenched her mouth shut as rainbow spittle dripped down onto her face. In a swift motion, she kicked up a leg into the pony's stomach, knocking off the attacker. Slowly, Rainbow stood up and looked at her aggressor, who stared at her angrily. With one final attack, Rainbow breathed out and gave the pegasus a blow in the snout with her hoof. The white eyes of the zompony vanished as she was knocked unconscious and into the dirt.

Rainbow shook her hooves as she wiped the rainbow off her face, "That was Derpy." She turned her head as Applejack walked up, "And those other two pegasi, those were Cloud Kicker and Cloudchaser."

Applejack looked at her as she shook the goo off her hat, "I know Rainbow, all of those zombies back there were ponies we knew."

Rainbow sighed, "I know, but it still doesn't feel right."

"Thats exactly why we have to get to the end of this here tunnel. To find the cause and save everypony. Now come on, we have to hoof in case we're being followed."

"Yeah," Rainbow before turning away from the site of the skirmish "I just hope we didn't hurt anypony."

Applejack didn't answer, instead turning and continuing down the tunnel, leading the way to an end unseen.

Pinkie Pie shook her head, dizzily looking around the brilliantly colored expanse. That was one nasty fall, but that's what happens when you're attacked by Fluttershy. Though this Fluttershy was wrong. Pinkie was certain of that.

Though many things were unclear, memories had been flooding back into her head since leaving the castle of friendship. Almost like the whole thing with Twilight had somehow unlocked her mind. The voice, that cold, high-pitched thing, claimed no such thing, but even Pinkie could sense the increasingly detectable tone of desperation in its voice.

Almost like on cue the voice interrupted Pinkie's thought, "Look what you've done Pinkie Pie, you've lashed out, misbehaved, and now one of your playmates is hurt." The voice was speaking of Fluttershy. Though the area was small, and the shadows were numerous, Pinkie could clearly see Fluttershy's body, sprawled unconscious on the ground. However, Pinkie didn't listen to the voice, in fact, she almost doubted it.

"I don't believe you," Pinkie said after a moment of silence, "I was there you know, and I didn't lash out. It was probably an accident or something!"

"It was your fault," the voice answered coldly, "and you've led her, led us astray, away from our goal, our targets."

Yes, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, Pinkie remembered them. The two ponies that were her group's targets, but what if they weren't?

"Are you sure they're our targets? Because some of my memories say otherwise." She bounced in place as she continued to talk, "But it's probably just me, you said. Because I almost second-guessed you for second. Like with Twilight in the castle. Things almost made sense there. But then you did something."

"I didn't do anything," the voice stated, "I am merely here to help guide you for the betterment of all of us."

Pinkie Pie laughed, "It's funny really. How do I know that you didn't lie about that too? How do I know that you lied about everything?" She spread her hooves to sky, "How do I know that all this is real? What if you're lying about that? Huh?"

The voice didn't answer at first. Instead, a searing pain suddenly ran through Pinkie's skull. "I'm afraid you've misbehaved far too much," said the voice, "Neither of us are going to like it, but I must take complete control, for the good of all of us."

Pinkie grimaced, but she didn't back down, stamping her hoof on the ground. "No!" she yelled, "I won't let you do this!" She shuddered as more pain ran through her body, but she still stood firm blinking away the tears that stung her eyes.

The voice made a sound, like it was trying to imitate a laugh, "It's pitiful how you're attempting to resist."

Pinkie ignored it, looking around for a way to escape as the violently shifting rainbows filled her vision.


Fluttershy coughed up some rainbow as she blinked her white eyes open. She looked around and sniffed the air, she was in the middle of the tunnel. A dark, dirty place, with nothing of interest, except for one thing, one pony.

In the middle of the tunnel was Pinkie Pie, but she was behaving oddly. Her body spasmed on the ground like she was having a fit. Her ears twitched, her eyelids drooped, and bright spit spluttered out from her mouth.

This piqued the interest of Fluttershy, who had long redirected the singular goal in her mind. The infected pegasus stood up, flexed her wings, and growled at the pink pony.

But Pinkie Pie didn't react to the aggression, instead she began to roll around on the ground. Fluttershy watched with confusion as Pinkie, her own body fighting with itself, rolled on the ground until she collided with the wall. Then, her own limbs recoiling with distress, Pinkie grabbed a large loose rock and picked it up.

With a loud shout of fury, Pinkie jammed the rock into her stomach, making Fluttershy jump back with surprise. Again and again, Pinkie hit her stomach, pressing harder each time. A waterfall of rainbow poured from her mouth with each hit until a large bulge was caught in the pony's throat. Pinkie yelled with pain as she squeezed her throat, pressing out the bulge further and further up until, with a repulsive hack, she launched the oversized grub out of her mouth. The thing bounced on the ground, leaving a splatter of rainbow while it's four limbs helplessly waved in the air.

Pinkie coughed and gagged as everything suddenly became clearer. The fog seemed to suddenly lift from her mind as her memories of her life and the past several days mixed together. But even though she was shocked and confused, Pinkie Pie had no time to sit and recover. Instead, the party pony shook her head and leapt up, tackling the nearby Fluttershy, who had been watching with confusion the entire while.

Pinkie wrapped her hooves around the pegasus in a great big hug, "Don't you worry Flutterbutter! Lemme save you real quick!"

The feral Fluttershy clawed at Pinkie, snapping and howling with anger, but Pinkie didn't mind. She smiled brightly as she hugged her infected friend tighter and tighter until, with a sudden burst of applied pressure to Fluttershy's stomach, Pinkie Pie promptly propelled the plump pest out of the pony's paunch. The bloated grub squealed as it flew through the air and collided with the wall before rolling down into the dirt.

Fluttershy gasped for air as she spit out the rainbow slime and fell limply into Pinkie's hooves. Pinkie immediately embraced her friend with an actual hug as Fluttershy coughed, "Ugh, I feel terrible, what happened?"

Pinkie looked at her friend in confusion, "Don't you remember what happened? It was crazy!"

Fluttershy sat on the ground, brushing aside her dirty mane that hung in front of her eyes, "No, not a thing. Last thing I remember was being at home. And now we're in this- tunnel."

"Well, I remember everything!" Pinkie excitedly exclaimed, tapping a hoof on her head, "See, when you're a party planner like me, you gotta remember all the little things! And so, that's what I do, even when I'm a zompony!"

Taken aback, Fluttershy looked at Pinkie with alarm, "A zompony?"

"Well not technically a zompony, but I was infected by one of those things." She motioned to one of the grubs, who were still quietly squealing and stuck upside down, "And wow! It was super-duper messy! That rainbow stuff got everywhere!"

Fluttershy poked a hoof into the grub's fleshy abdomen, shuddering with disgust, "So what happened? Was I- sick?"

"Oh yeah! You were super sick!" said Pinkie, "It's a long story though. There was Twilight and AJ and Rainbow and Discord and this one guy named Claude and we were heading to Rainbow Falls before I somehow got unsick and saved you!"

"Rainbow Falls?"

"It's where the whole thing started. We were heading there to set a trap for Rainbow Dash and Applejack."

Fluttershy jumped up, all the signs of her weariness disappearing in an instant, "A trap? Well, what are we waiting for? We have to go save them!"

"Not so fast Fluttershy," Pinkie said with genuine concern, "I know that this whole thing was rough on you. It was rough on me too! I don't want you to get hurt."

"Nonsense Pinkie Pie! Our best friends need help!" Fluttershy stated with an affirmative hoof stomp, "And I feel great! I feel good enough that I can end this whole thing today! Or tonight."

"Well okay!" Pinkie chirped in response, hopping up into the air, "Let's do this!"

And with that, both ponies trotted down the tunnel in the direction of Rainbow Falls, leaving the two grubs to fruitlessly grasp the air in the darkness.