• Published 12th Dec 2022
  • 2,716 Views, 64 Comments

Forgiven - Admiral Producer

As Opaline prepares to launch her invasion, Misty attempts to apologize for her deception and mend her broken friendship with Izzy Moonbow, the only pony who ever believed in her, but fears that it may be too late to repair their shattered bond…

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Shattered Bonds/Impossible Dreams





Misty’s eyes snapped open as the loud voice shouting her name penetrated through her entire being and woke her up from deep slumber. Dreams of family and fantasies of belonging vanished from mind as she slowly came to be, gradually becoming nothing more than mere fading ghosts in the endless void that was her subconscious. The sound of her name echoed through her eardrums like a boomerang bouncing off walls.

As her brain willed her senses back into function, the first thing she felt was the surface she was laying on. She was no longer in the Crystal Brighthouse bedroom anymore, that much she could gather at first glance. Her comfy bed where she lay recovering was replaced by a cold, but familiar purple marble floor. The welcoming surroundings that lulled her to sleep the previous night had been replaced by a dark and omnipresent blue, yellow, and green background.

She knew this place.

She was back in Opaline’s Dark Castle, the place she had left weeks ago.

However, that was the least of her problems. When she looked up, Misty let out a cry of fear and alarm when she saw who was standing over her. It was none other than Opaline, the maniac who had betrayed her, and the alicorn who had acted for years as her mother and caretaker.

Opaline stood over her former henchpony with a cold and enraged expression, exactly how she had looked when Misty had left that very night. Why was she here?! She had run away! This wasn’t right. Misty’s thoughts ran like wildfire as she tried to understand what was happening. Perhaps her escape was all a dream and she had been hallucinating the entire time. The crushing possibility hit her like a mountain of bricks and she instantly felt the same claustrophobia and terror she had felt on the night she had escaped. No matter how bad the situation was however, she knew that now was her chance to rescue Sparky! Perhaps she had been sent back in time to get Sparky back.

The thought filled her with hope as her eyes refocused on her surroundings, and she searched around the room for the green baby dragon. However, there was no sign of him and Misty instantly feared the worst. Maybe Sparky was hiding somewhere! Maybe he had escaped the castle, or maybe…he was already home safe. That had to be it. Somepony had rescued him and that was why he was nowhere to be found.


“Don’t look at me like that, Misty,” Opaline spoke dismissively, “You know what I must do to you now that I don’t need you anymore.”

Misty attempted to stand up on her hooves, but something yanked her down. She looked behind her and saw that she was chained like a dog from her neck to the wall, stuck in the position she was in. She struggled helplessly all the while Opaline watched with a grin of satisfaction.

Finally, Misty gave up, accepting what was about to happen to her. She looked up at Opaline, tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she asked one simple question:


Opaline looked confused. “Why what? You should be more specific than that if you want ponies to listen to you. Not that it matters.”

“Why are you doing this…?” Misty asked, “Didn’t…didn’t you ever love me? Was that ever real?”

Opaline laughed. “You honestly still think I love you? How blind are you? Nopony could ever love you, Misty, and you know it. You’ve given me the means to finish what I started. And now you are no longer any use to me.”

“So…” Misty looked at the purple alicorn in the eyes as she registered her words, “I was just a tool for you to use the whole time…nothing was ever real…”

“Of course it wasn’t, Misty,” Opaline explained, pacing around the throne room, “When I found you as a filly, you were so desperate for love that you were willing to do anything for me! I tried getting rid of you, dumping you in an alleyway, in a trash can, nothing worked! That was when I figured…I could use you. I could use this filly’s nonstop adoration to my advantage. So I asked you what you wanted most of all and I would grant it in exchange for your undying loyalty and servitude.”

Tears leaked down her face as Misty remembered that one thing.

“A cutie mark…”

“Precisely,” Opaline continued. “I’m still surprised you stuck with me this long. I mean, any rational pony would leave once they experienced how cruel I would be to them. But you stayed. Have you ever asked yourself why?”

“I know why,” Misty replied sadly, “Because you were my only family, my only true parent. What else was I to do?! I knew nothing of the outside world, I’m awkward around other ponies, what else could I have done but stay?! You were mean to me, but I stuck it out because I figured that was your way of showing your love! I figured…that if I was to get my cutie mark, I would finally be normal! I would finally…I would finally be accepted…”

“Acceptance is a fruitless thing,” Opaline growled, turning back towards her, “You won’t get it from anypony. Nopony intervened when I was a young mare to deliver me from Twilight Sparkle’s barrage of complaints!! ‘Oh you can’t talk to other ponies, Opaline? Shame, Luster’s far more advanced in her friendship studies than you.’ Or, ‘You can’t keep failing, Opaline! I’m doing what I can, but I can’t teach you the same damn thing every day!’ She never accepted me for who I was and neither will anypony accept you. If there was anything that whiny Princess showed me however, it was that alicorns are meant to rule all of Equestria. That was the only lesson I ever understood. I couldn’t do anything right, and neither can you!!”

“I’m sorry…” Misty could not believe what she was hearing. Opaline was just like her at one point. It made Misty see her time spent with the alicorn in a whole new light. “Maybe that Princess wasn’t a good teacher to you…but you can be better. Don’t…make a mistake you can’t take back…please…I can introduce you to Izzy and the other ponies. They’ll accept you.”

“Have they accepted you, Misty?”

Misty lay there, stunned by the question. She thought she knew the answer, but she really did not. Did the Sunny and her friends really accept her? Sure, they gave her a chance to do good, but did they really trust her?

“I’ll ask you again: have they accepted you, Misty?”

Misty sighed deeply, shaking her head. “No…I don’t think so…”

“Then what makes you think they’ll accept me?!” Opaline demanded, “Tell me, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THEY’LL ACCEPT ME?!!”

Misty trembled as she struggled to come up with a response. “I-I-I-I j-just t-think-“

“FACE IT, MISTY!!!” Opaline yelled, “You can’t get other ponies to accept me anymore than you can get them to accept you!!” She took a few deep breaths to calm herself. “I know my place, my destiny, unlike you. I was meant to rule everything. Twilight may have not been able to teach me friendship, but she did teach me power!!!! And I must look towards the future and claim it. She couldn’t be proud of me in life…” She smiled. “But perhaps in death…”

Misty wiped her tears away as she looked up at her once more. “Just…give me Sparky…”

“You want him?” Opaline asked, holding up the green baby dragon with her magic. “COME AND TAKE HIM FROM ME!!!” With no further hesitation, she opened her mouth and a torrent of dragon fire shot straight from Sparky and into her. Sparky screamed and wailed as his very life essence was sucked out from him. His color became a pale and lifeless gray and his shrieks were soon drowned out by the sound of the dragon fire entering Opaline’s mouth.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!” Misty shrieked at the top of her lungs, fighting desperately against the chains restraining her. She had to save him! “PLEASE!!! LET HIM GO!!!!!!”

However, it was too late. Opaline dropped the unconscious Sparky onto the ground where he landed headfirst with a sickening crunch. All at once, her eyes become a pupiless red and her entire being became encased in fire. “POWER!!!!!!!! UNLIMITED POWWWWWEEEEEEEEERRR!!!!!!!!!”

Misty sobbed relentlessly on the floor. She couldn’t save him. She was a failure.

She was worthless.

With a massive jolt, Misty finally sprang awake, sweat and tears on every inch of her face. She looked around frantically every which way and breathed a massive sigh of relief. She was back in the recovery bed. It had been just a dream.

Or was it?

Standing next to her worriedly was Hitch Trailblazer, who sporting a massive bruise on his left cheek. He rubbed it hurriedly.

“I’m fine! I’m fine!” Hitch assured her quickly, “Totally not something you did upon waking up. It’s completely and totally fine.”

Misty sighed. “You don’t have to hide it. I’m sorry…”

“It’s alright. It’s alright. I just need a bandage,” Hitch looked around the bedroom for a first aid kit, not finding one anywhere. “Just stay there, stay there, I’ll unstrap you in a minute. I think you’re recovered. Medical professional came by earlier today and called your recovery a miracle.”

“That’s good…” Misty looked down at her free hoof and saw a drop of blood on it. She sighed again. It was clear that she had inadvertently smacked him upon waking up from her vision. Why couldn’t she do anything right?

Finally, Hitch got the medical supplies and applied a band aid to his left cheek before proceeding to remove the restraints keeping Misty on the bed. “Rough night, huh? Heard you screaming and immediately ran upstairs.”

“What were you doing?”

“Drawing up battle plans,” Hitch replied, “That’s in fact the fifth draft I’ve created last night. Perhaps you could help me, I mean, you know the place better than I do.”

“Oh great…” Misty’s heart sank to the bottom of the ocean at the thought of returning to Opaline’s castle. The idea terrified her and the prospect of facing her former mistress scared her even further. If she was able to reform her though…

“…so that’s the story of how we just got back from stopping Izzy from almost getting killed by a maniacal chimera thing,” Hitch finished. “You were out for five days straight, so you wouldn’t know. She just got back yesterday.”

Misty nodded absentmindedly as the last of the straps were removed. Carefully, she got off the bed, wobbling as she did so. Hitch came by her side to support her as they walked down the ramp to the sight of an ecstatic Sunny, Zipp, and Pipp. They all wore a mix of elated and relieved smiles as they saw her emerge. The only pony who didn’t seem to be in a good mood was Izzy, who upon seeing that Misty was okay, gave a small smile of relief and walked away quickly.

Sunny noticed this. “Oh no you don’t. Izzy, come back here and greet Misty! She’s recovered. I know you’re having problems with her, but-“

“Leave me alone!” Izzy shouted from the opposite corner, “I’m happy she’s okay, isn’t that enough?!”

Sunny shook her head in disappointment. “I guess it is. Fine then.” She faced Misty and Hitch and her smile instantly returned. “Good morning, you two! Made some cookies!”

“Let me tell you,” Zipp added, “She’s been up since dawn studying the recipe.”

Hitch chuckled. “Sunny, did you do all of this for us?”

Sunny nodded enthusiastically. “Yep!! I thought we’d try something new this morning and I just had to try this after spending time at Grandma Figgy’s!”

“Loving the idea, Sunny!” Pipp complimented her, “I’m going to Mane Melody later today to get some well deserved spa treatment. Hey, Izzy! Wanna come?”

There was no answer.

“She’s in the closet, isn’t she?” Zipp deadpanned.

Misty walked over to the closet to check for Izzy. Of course she knew that the closet was a great hiding place. She had hidden Sparky in there after all one time. As soon as she opened the door though, a pile of items came spilling out, almost crushing her to death. Thankfully, Zipp flew right in time to save her.

That was when Izzy came tumbling out of the closet and sprang up immediately. “Sure! I’d love to come!” She then looked over at Zipp, who was still latching onto Misty, and her mood immediately soured. “On a different day though. I’m going to bed.”

“Izzy, no,” Zipp came over to her, “Look, can’t you even say one word to Misty, please?”

Izzy glanced at the blue unicorn and shook her head. “I’ll talk to her when I feel like it. See you guys tonight…” She walked away from them and up the ramp.

Sunny watched Izzy go with a sad expression on her face. It was clear why Izzy was feeling the way she did, but she and the others thought that the latter would be more forgiving. She glanced over angrily at Misty, who instantly noticed her gaze.

“I’m sorry…” Misty apologized, “I’m the reason why she’s like this. Please don’t be mad at me as well, I-“

“We know,” Sunny interrupted her bitterly. “We know all too well. At least know this. If Hitch didn’t welcome you in like he did, I would’ve-“

“Sunny!” Hitch admonished, “What’s gotten into you just now?! Before you were welcoming of her!”

“Yeah?!” Sunny shot back, “Well it’s hard to stay positive when one of your best friends literally cannot handle Misty’s presence without getting depressed! I hope you know what you’re doing, Hitch.”

“I do, Sunny,” Hitch reasoned, “I have faith that she’ll help us. Don’t you, Sunny? You’re always the one with the most faith out of all of us.”

Sunny didn’t answer that, instead turning her gaze to the others. “I’m going to the town square. I’m hoping that pitching my latest idea will help cheer me up.”

“I’m sure it will,” Zipp promised her, “Promoting your causes always makes you happy, regardless if they work or not.”

“Go get ‘em, Sunny!” Pipp encouraged her.

Sunny smiled warmly again. “Thanks, guys. You always know what to say to make me feel better. Today I’m going to unveil my latest idea: solar energy!!”

“Is…that more ridiculous than no more junk food?” Hitch inquired.

Sunny giggled. “We’ll see.”

Later that day, Misty walked aimlessly around the main living room of the Brighthouse, completely and utterly alone. Zipp, Pipp, Hitch, and Sunny were all off doing their own things around town and the only other pony in the house was Izzy, who was currently holed up in her room and refusing to come out.

As she paced back and forth, she thought about the nature of the vision she had the previous night. It had felt so real, so it couldn’t have been simply a dream, right? The truth was that she didn’t know and she wasn’t sure how to process any of it. Izzy and Sunny were both mad at her, Opaline had seemingly murdered Sparky after taking his dragon fire magic…it was all too much to bear. She longed to talk to somepony, anypony, about how she was feeling.

Don’t long for others’ company. She mentally told herself. You’re not worth that. Just accept that you have a roof over your head and do whatever they say or they’ll kick you out. Repeating that degrading advice over and over made tears come to her eyes again. She felt like she wasn’t worth the chance that she had been given.

To her, it all would’ve been better if they instead threw her out on the streets to starve and die. She felt like she owed them everything and she knew deep down that she could never accomplish whatever they needed her to. So why was she still here? Why was she still freeloading on their generous hospitality?! The least she could do was get a job, even though she knew that nopony in their right state of mind would ever hire a blank flank unicorn with no experience whatsoever and no real quality of life.

How could she ever stop Opaline, let alone possibly reform her? She couldn’t even save Sparky in her own nightmare, let alone in real life. All she wanted to do was tell Hitch that this was a mistake, that he should give up on her before she messed up again and possibly caused something catastrophic to happen.

Her ears perked up upon hearing the sound of hoofsteps and she turned around to her left to see Izzy walking down the ramp, humming softly to herself. Quickly, Misty hid in the first corner she could find. She didn’t want to upset Izzy further by her presence. If she could just find a good spot to hide-

“I know you’re there, Misty,” came Izzy’s voice. “You’re the only one who didn’t leave the Brighthouse earlier.”

Misty huddled up in the corner, trying to make herself invisible to Izzy’s wandering gaze. She instantly knew her idea was foiled when she and Izzy locked eyes.

Izzy walked over with a bitter and angry expression on her face. Instantly, Misty started shaking from fear once again, flashbacks of Opaline walking toward her with the very same demeanor raced through her brain as all her senses went into a panic. She began to hyperventilate, feelings of terror overtaking her entire being. Izzy was coming to chew her out for what she did, she just knew it. She would scream at her and tell her how much of a bad friend she was before beating her and throwing her out of the Brighthouse.

As the other unicorn approached her slowly, Misty instinctively cried out: “Please don’t hurt me, Izzy!! I’m sorry for betraying your trust, I just wanted my stupid cutie mark!!!!!!” She curled up into a tight ball, bracing for the worst as she always did.

Instead, she felt…nothing. No yelling in her ears, no spanking or whipping, no demands…no nothing. Izzy simply stood there, her previous look of anger now replaced with one of confusion and worry.

“You think I’m going to hurt you…?” Izzy asked softly.

Misty nodded quickly. “I hurt your feelings, betrayed your trust, I lied about everything…what isn’t there to hate about me?! I don’t belong here with you ponies! I hurt all of you so bad!! Just…kick me out already!! That’ll more than make up for what I did to you!!”

“I don’t hate you, Misty…” Izzy said gently, “I don’t…”

Misty looked up at her. “You…you don’t…?”

Izzy shook her head. “Misty, I…I don’t hate you. If anything, I’m just…heartbroken, I mean…my first real unicorn friend from Bridlewood…isn’t even from…it doesn’t matter. I understand why you did it…why you lied…why you did everything…”

Misty nodded again. “I told you…”

“Your cutie mark…” Izzy looked at her own flank sadly, “You know, I can only begin to imagine what must’ve been going through your head all these years…to be so scared of the world around you and being spoon-fed lies from those close to you…to be afraid no one will accept you because you feel like you’re not normal, like you don’t belong anywhere…like if you tell anypony the truth, they’ll reject you and refuse to understand you…how does one go through that…?”

“Wait, how do you know all that?” Misty asked her.

“You don’t know?” Izzy looked back at her, “Oftentimes…I don’t feel like I belong here either, Misty…Maretime Bay is so…different from Bridlewood. I never tell Sunny because she’s already gone above and beyond in providing for me, Pipp, and Zipp. But…if it wasn’t for that mini touch of Bridlewood in my room…I’d…just run away too. I feel trapped a lot of the time, unable to tell anyone how difficult it is to adapt to a new home that I’m still not fully used to…”

“You could’ve told me a while ago…” Misty replied, “Not like I would’ve been able to respond being under sleep medication and all, but…why were you constantly avoiding me if you don’t hate me…?”

“Because talking to you out in the open with everyone else around would mean I’d have to relay my fears…” Izzy admitted, “I didn’t want to start anything and I was still processing what you said that day myself, so…I guess I just didn’t know what to say to you. Sorry for being a downer.”

“It’s okay.”

“I guess I normally act so positive all the time to try and drown out my other emotions to be honest. Sunny and the others love it when I’m happy, so I try to be. I know it can be annoying, but-“

“Izzy, who ever said it was annoying?” Misty asked her, “I mean, look at you. You provide so much to the group from your nonstop enthusiasm alone! Your stories of Bridlewood, your nonstop creativity and innovative ideas…I wish I had half of what you have. You’re so positive about everything and that’s perfect! I’m the way I am because I have no one. But you have Sunny and the other ponies. Don’t throw it away…like I did…”

Izzy looked back at her, tears falling from her eyes. “But how can I tell them, Misty? How? Sunny will be so mad at me for this.”

“No she won’t,” Misty promised her, “You won’t have to worry about that anymore, I promise.”

“What do you mean?”

“Because…I’m here.”

Izzy blinked back fresh tears, staring at her in shock. “You’d…you’d really be there for me if I told them?”

Misty nodded. “Always…I know that I couldn’t save Sparky, but…if I could do this for you…that would be more than enough…”

Taking a massive shaky breath to calm down, Izzy reached out with her hooves. “Come here, Misty…”

Misty came towards her and before she knew it, she was wrapped up in a massive hug from Izzy. The two of them embraced one another, holding onto each other tightly and refusing to let go.

“I forgive you, Misty…” Izzy told her through shaky breaths, “I forgive you…know that…You’re a great friend…”

“So are you…”

The moment seemed to last forever and both of them were okay with that, letting the warmness of each other’s embrace penetrate the deep dark abyss that they were in and at last pull them out towards the light.

When they were both done, they let each other go and smiled at one another, the holes in their hearts finally closed up by each other’s company.

“So…” Izzy said, blushing momentarily from embarrassment. “Do you know where Sunny and Hitch are at?”
The marketplace in Maretime Bay was particularly busy at this time of day with every single pony in town either out to buy something or talk to one of their friends. The sky was clear from any clouds and the Sun shone brightly upon the townsponies.

Hitch walked leisurely through the densely populated streets and waved to anyone he passed, as well as occasionally stopping to pick up some stray litter. How those ponies still refused to understand that he despised any and all litter was a mystery that even Zipp would never be able to solve on her own.

As he strolled through, he began to hear shouting and chanting in the distance. Curious, he trotted towards one of the alleyways that led to the local hardware store and saw Sunny huddled on the floor, crying out for help as a mob of ponies continuously pelted objects at her and beat her. A bunch of ponies in the back were egging their friends on. Sunny was covered in cuts, bruises and tomato stains as she sobbed helplessly.

Hitch gasped at the sight of this. With no hesitation, he grabbed his megaphone in hood and yelled at the top of his lungs: “BACK AWAY FROM SUNNY NOW!!!!”

The townsponies were all startled. They whirled around and looked fearfully at Hitch, who looked angry behind all recognition. This wasn’t just the anger the ponies had seen when he had lost Sparky that one time, this was a massive amount of anger that was only barely contained by his own discretion.

“Who is responsible for this?!!” Hitch demanded, “Come on out with your hooves up!!!”

The crowd parted to reveal none other than Sugar Moonlight and the other Filly Four, all staring at the ground in shame.

“I’m taking you four down to the station to await your trial,” Hitch told them furiously, “Come here this instant.” As soon as they did, he wasted no time in hoofcuffing their hooves behind their backs and forcing them to sit on the sidewalk after reading them their rights.

The rest of the crowd instantly fled in opposite directions, not wishing to get arrested as Sugar Moonlight and her clique were. He approached Sunny, who was shaking with fear, but relaxed slightly upon seeing Hitch.

“Sunny, what the hay is going on here?!” demanded Hitch, “What happened to you?!” When he saw her curl up once more, he instantly softened his tone. “Sorry. Just…can you please tell me what happened there?”

Sunny stood up slowly, her eyes filled with tears. “Hitch…I’m so sorry!”

“Sunny, what are you talking about?” Hitch inquired, “Sunny, what did you do?”

“I-I t-tried p-pitching th-them m-my idea a-and t-they all started attacking me!!” Sunny sobbed, “All I wanted to do was help them and they started beating me and throwing stuff…the townsponies told me they had enough…”

Hitch sighed, understanding the situation. “Sunny, I warned you. Years ago when you started doing this…I told you one day it would backfire. Look at you! Are your causes worth getting beaten over?!”

Sunny whimpered.

“Look,” Hitch deduced, wiping Sunny’s tears, “I can guess that those brats over there were behind this,” He indicated to Sugar and her clique who were trying to escape their cuffs, “due to you telling them that you didn’t want to play along with their materialism last time you became an alicorn, but I knew someday the town would do this. Ponies can only take getting preached to for so long before they start attacking, no matter how much in good faith yours was.”

“Why didn’t you tell me the town would attack me, Hitch…?” Sunny asked, “All you did was warn me when I was about 14 that things would get out of hoof…”

“Because you seemed so happy doing it!” Hitch cried out, “And you will not believe how many loopholes I had to find in order to let you off the hook with what you were doing. You broke all kinds of laws while trying to preach unity and friendship to the town, but…I didn’t do anything because you’re my best friend, Sunny. I know that your desire to help ponies comes from your Dad.”

Tearfully, Sunny nodded slowly. “He…always encouraged me to fight for what I believed was right…told me to never give up on my aspirations…I’m sorry if I caused you so much stress though…”

“You broke into schools and a number of other things I can’t even remember because they’re extremely numerous.” Hitch responded, “Not to mention, you broke into Canterlogic that fateful year. I warned you that this would happen, Sunny. But after so many years and it didn’t happen…I was beginning to think that you were actually safe…”

“Then arrest me, Hitch…” Sunny told him.

“Why?” Hitch asked.

“Because like you said, I broke so many laws,” Sunny answered sadly, “I give up, Hitch. This isn’t worth it. You can take me in now, like you should’ve done a while ago…” She hung her head low.

Hitch sighed deeply. “Sunny, we’ve accomplished…so much together and we’re as close of friends as one can get. You really think I’m going to take you in now and end it all?”

“But I deserve it-“

“Those are in the past,” Hitch told her, “And mind you, I did find a lot of legal loopholes to pull from, so you weren’t really committing any crimes if we take technicalities into account. Seriously, who wrote that rulebook? The point is, I don’t want you to give up, Sunny, because promoting these causes makes you happy.”

“How do you know-“

“I know because see you on that podium pouring your heart out with every single cause you involve yourself in,” Hitch explained, “And you’re so…I don’t know how to describe it, you’re so…passionate! And when no one listens, I really feel bad for you, Sunny. You said helping ponies is your best self. I know how you feel. Argyle was a great stallion and he would’ve wanted you to continue what you love. Don’t let this deter you off that path. You know that’s not what he would’ve wanted for you.”

“Dad is gone…” Sunny shook her head, “It’s about time I carve my own path anyway and not be a carbon copy of him. Tell the townsponies that this is it. I already brought ponies together. I don’t need to do anything else. You won’t have to worry about me anymore, Hitch…”

“Sunny…” Hitch was flailing for the right thing to say. This was it. Sunny was finally giving up her nonstop activism, something he had secretly wanted her do for the longest time. So why did this moment feel so…wrong? Why did the moment he had constantly written about in his journal entries feel so…unsatisfying? That was when it finally occurred to him that he liked seeing Sunny express herself so positively and open herself up to the community, as much as he wouldn’t’ve liked to admit. He liked seeing her so exuberant and excited to show off her latest ideas to the ponies of Maretime Bay. Simply put, that was who Sunny was. She was a kind, helpful, considerate, passionate, and determined pony who would do anything, risk anything to make the world a better place. As much as a ‘better world’ seemed so childish and like fantasy, Sunny was a pony who normally didn’t let what others thought of her determine how she perceived herself and who she wanted to be.

Yet, here she now was at her lowest point, finally giving up on everything she believed in. All of the years that ponies mocked her and belittled her opinions and viewpoints had finally reached a breaking point. And after being attacked by the townsponies themselves, Sunny didn’t want to deal with any of it anymore and Hitch didn’t know what to say in response. He never expected this moment to come at all, and now that it finally did, he was at a loss for words.

“Opaline played on my vulnerability…” Sunny continued, “She told me that…only through her could I be special. I just…I just wanted to help ponies, but…this isn’t the way to do it. If I keep doing this, I’ll just be manipulated again…I’ll become like her. And I don’t want that…”

Hitch blinked back tears of his own. “Sunny, you’ll never become like Opaline. You know you’re better than her, right?”

“No I don’t!” Sunny cried, “Hitch, I was manipulated by her, I was groomed! Just like Misty was. If I actually continued listening to her, then…who knows what I could’ve became? You have no idea how horrible it was for me, Hitch…for years, ponies constantly bullied me and belittled my views and I couldn’t tell anypony about it, not even you. I internalized all the mean things ponies said to me and I even thought about suicide on more than one occasion, only having the memories of my Dad to keep me going every single day. I had to promote a belief that only I believed in for years and couldn’t share in with anypony at all. You think I ever enjoyed breaking into Canterlogic that day?”

For a brief moment, Hitch hesitated. “Well I…” He then shook his head to clear his mind of any doubts, knowing full well in his heart that Sunny never reveled in the crimes she unwittingly ended up committing, “No, I don’t think you enjoyed it. You’re not like that.”

“So imagine how happy I was when I could finally share my ridiculous causes with somepony else,” finished Sunny glumly, “Finally somepony was telling me to seize the opportunity and not constantly putting me down…this isn’t good for me. If I continue to be passionate about my activism, I’ll just be manipulated again. You understand…don’t you, Hitch?”

Hitch nodded reluctantly. “I understand, Sunny. You don’t have to believe me, but…I understand what you’re going through. I’m just sorry for contributing to all of that. If I knew…if I understood for a second the emotional pain you were going through every single day, I would’ve…I would’ve helped you a long time ago. I would’ve risked my job, everything. Just to help you accomplish that dream…long before I actually did…”

Sunny looked him in the eyes, the two of them sharing a momentary silent understanding of all they had been through for the past decade of their lives before she responded: “I know. Just…let me go, Hitch. My decision is final…I need to go get washed up…”

Hitch once again nodded in turn, his expression one of great resignation as he finally realized that there was no talking Sunny out of her decision.

“Well…if that’s what you want. I only want you to be happy, Sunny. Whatever you want to do, I’ll support you in it 100%.” He faced his four suspects. “I have to take them down to the station. I’ll talk to the local court so we can schedule something. Meet you back at 3?”

Sunny nodded, giving him a weak, but sincere smile. “Yeah. Thank you, Hitch. And trust me. It’s time to see what other things I can do. This is for my own good…”

The two of them walked in opposite directions, forever feeling like a part of them had been shattered permanently with no hope of repair.
Misty and Izzy were in their bedroom when the sound of the doors to the Crystal Brighthouse echoed through the space they were in. Their friends were home!

The two of them hurried downstairs to see Sunny limp through the polished red doors all covered in cuts and bruises.

Izzy gasped and ran over to her. “Sunny!! Are you okay?! You’re all cut and bruised! Who did this to you?”

Sunny shook her head lightly. “It doesn’t matter, Izzy. I’m okay.” She noticed Misty, “I see you two have made up?”

Misty nodded. “We have, Sunny…I finally know where I belong. Izzy has something to tell you though. You want to tell her now or should I?”

“I will,” Izzy told her bravely, facing the orange earth pony in spite of how much her hooves were trembling, “Sunny…I’m…I’m still homesick. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, I’m sorry you guys wasted all that time trying to make me that-“

“Izzy,” Sunny cut her off gently, laying a comforting hoof around her, “It’s okay, I mean…I’m glad you told me. If you miss Bridlewood so much, how come you didn’t go visit more often? Did you think…” she trailed off, not wanting to share what had happened to her earlier.

Izzy nodded her head slowly. “I was afraid you all would think that I was abandoning you guys constantly…I only go in emergency circumstances.”

“Izzy, if it’s gnawing at you so much,” Sunny advised her, “then you should go visit. We would…never think you were abandoning us at all. In fact, why don’t we go pay Bridlewood a visit now? It’ll take my mind off of…well, it’s not important.”

Izzy brightened up instantly. “Really? We can do that?!”

“Of course. Whenever you’d like to, we can go there. In fact, I think fun visits to our homes should be a routine thing we do during the course of the coming weeks. It’ll keep the rest of us from developing homesickness too.”

“Thank you, Sunny! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!” Izzy was practically bouncing with regained spirit and energy, her hope and optimism renewed, and her excitement at immeasurable levels. But her wide and cheerful grin instantly faded the moment her eyes lingered on Sunny’s mass bodily injuries once more, her concern once again overtaking her joy as she asked in a worried tone: “What happened today?”

Sunny sighed in frustration, knowing that she couldn’t keep the secret from her friend, “I was hurt today, Izzy…I was beaten up…by the ponies I normally share my causes with.”

Izzy gasped in horror. “You were beaten up by…Sunny, I’m so sorry! Do you need to go to the hospital?”

“No,” Sunny assured her, “No, I’m okay. I’m forging a new path for myself…I can’t help ponies the way I currently am, I see that now. I have to find another way, one that is less destructive and doesn’t get the whole town mad at you…”

“Well,” Izzy told her, “We’re here to help. Right, Misty?”

Misty nodded again, this time enthusiastically. “After all, Sunny…it’s like you always say: no matter what challenges come our way…”

“…we’ll face them together,” Sunny finished, smiling happily now. “You’re right. And as long as I have all of you, I know that I can get through anything. I’m not alone anymore…”

“You’re not,” Misty affirmed, “We’ll save Sparky. And we’ll save Equestria…”

“Together…” The three of them promised. That was a promise that they knew they would carry all the way to their graves. After all, it wasn’t just a mere promise in their eyes.

It was an oath bound by blood.

Author's Note:

TADA!!!! I bet you guys weren’t expecting this. Actually, you guys were as I’ve literally been advertising it on my blog posts for a while now. This was an emotional rollercoaster, wasn’t it? I teared up while writing both conversations. And yes, I kept the Sunny and Hitch part a secret due to me not able to write the sypnosis properly in a way that would accommodate it, so that might come as a surprise. Sunny’s decision will continue to have an impact on the saga going forward and it will be addressed again in the next installment, though I won’t spoil how. So…yeah, prior reading of “I’m Looking Out For You” is recommended due to this being a semi-sequel to that story, but not exactly required. You’ll still get off easy from not reading it, though the nature of Sunny’s antics will undeniably leave those not in the know baffled. As for Misty, she’s now finally accepted her place among the Mane Five with her actions forgiven and her trauma now officially behind her. The next entry will finally see the epic showdown that the Misty Saga has been building up to and the ultimate test of Misty’s allegiances. This is going to be a fun week of writing.

Speaking of which, who’s super duper excited for Avatar: The Way of Water? Because I sure am! May or may not get inspiration from it for the stories going forward, we’ll see. With that being said, I will see you very soon for the four-chapter epic trilogy closer currently under the title of: “Redeemed.” Stay tuned!! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 64 )

This story is okay, I especially liked the reconciliation between Izzy and Misty along with Izzy stating that she misses Bridlewood. As for the town ponies ganging up on Sunny and straight up attacking her just because they find her pitching her "lost causes" to them, to be honest that seems a bit much. They could just ignore her and keep going about their day. Plus if it weren't for her and the other mane five they wouldn't even have magic and would still be living in mortal fear of the unicorns and pegasi.

Overall, a nice story and I look forward to reading the next addition to this saga.

Thanks for your feedback. Perhaps Sunny’s part would’ve worked as a separate story, which was the original intention. However, I thought the two conversations would go well together. As for the ponies ganging up on Sunny being a bit much, yeah I can completely see where you’re coming from. Obviously, the way I set up the situation was to convey shock value, but there actually is some added context if you read “I’m Looking Out For You.” Being a semi-sequel, this story is set in firm canon with that story and if you read that story, Sunny’s actions and Hitch’s dialogue will make more sense. Plus, the town always seems exasperated with Sunny’s “lost causes” in canon and I wanted to present a scenario as to what would happen if the townsponies one day simply got…fed up. People in real life can be cruel and the situation here is no different. Just look at what happens now in our current climate. But I completely understand the hangup with it as the thematic context and parallels can be lost on some readers.

Again, thanks for reading and giving your feedback, I really appreciate it. :twilightsmile:

“Acceptance is a fruitless thing,” Opaline growled, turning back towards her, “You won’t get it from anypony. Nopony intervened when I was a young mare to deliver me from Twilight Sparkle’s barrage of complaints!! ‘Oh you can’t talk to other ponies, Opaline? Shame, Luster’s far more advanced in her friendship studies than you.’ Or, ‘You can’t keep failing, Opaline! I’m doing what I can, but I can’t teach you the same damn thing every day!’ She never accepted me for who I was and neither will anypony accept you. If there was anything that whiny Princess showed me however, it was that alicorns are meant to rule all of Equestria. That was the only lesson I ever understood. I couldn’t do anything right, and neither can you!!”

That's a lie Opaline Twilight did everything she could to help you but you pushed her away and you've been consumed with power like cozy glow

“Leave me alone!” Izzy shouted from the opposite corner, “I’m happy she’s okay, isn’t that enough?!”

Okay Izzy I get you're upset believe me I probably feel the same way too but you got to calm down and we had to think about Sparky safety

“You don’t know?” Izzy looked back at her, “Oftentimes…I don’t feel like I belong here either, Misty…Maretime Bay is so…different from Bridlewood. I never tell Sunny because she’s already gone above and beyond in providing for me, Pipp, and Zipp. But…if it wasn’t for that mini touch of Bridlewood in my room…I’d…just run away too. I feel trapped a lot of the time, unable to tell anyone how difficult it is to adapt to a new home that I’m still not fully used to…”

Oh izzy 😢 she still feels like an outcast

“I-I t-tried p-pitching th-them m-my idea a-and t-they all started attacking me!!” Sunny sobbed, “All I wanted to do was help them and they started beating me and throwing stuff…the townsponies told me they had enough…”

What the heck ponies I felt like that was so kind of out of character with some of the town's ponies sure they get annoyed by her but they never like this

Personally, I don’t see it as out of character. Is it shocking? Yes, but Sunny’s been doing this for years and you can imagine that after a while, they had enough and just took it out on her. Plus, Sugar Moonlight and her Filly Four clique were being real manipulative to Sunny in “Ali-Conned,” so it makes sense that they would orchestrate this. I see the ponies of Maretime Bay in my story canon like the people of our world and the world can be a pretty unforgiving place, especially to young idealists/activists like Sunny. This ain’t the fantasy times of G4, G5 is clearly meant to reflect our world, so I treat it as such.

That's the thing I'm always afraid of despite how positive I can be there will always people out there try to bring you down just because they don't believe in you and how people will go against each other and I always ask myself this

I know all too well what that feels like. It can be a real downer and there’s no real fix for that. I feel that the only things we can do is ignore those people and move on, or accept the fact that such cruel detractors exist and prove them wrong through our actions going forward.

Yeah I guess that's why I've always told myself so many times throughout my years and it's not getting any easier but I just push on

“Of course. Whenever you’d like to, we can go there. In fact, I think fun visits to our homes should be a routine thing we do during the course of the coming weeks. It’ll keep the rest of us from developing homesickness too.”

And besides you guys have the flying vehicle so you can travel easier without walking which I still think that's pretty cool

Well I would say this was a pretty emotional story so apparently Misty still having some doubts about herself ever since she admitted her crime to sunny and the others but hitch really did want to give her a chance despite how the others are feeling especially Izzy but later we found out that Izzy's not really that upset with her she was heartbroken that she was lied to but because she felt homesick but at the same time she didn't want to tell her friends because they will think she's abandoning them which that's not the case everybody feels home sick it's natural but it looks like Misty and Izzy forgive each other meanwhile apparently things really escalated so quickly when hitch saw Sunny getting beating up and he had to break up the fight and save her after that it felt like Sunny was starting to give up this whole thing but hitch really wanted to reassure her she just needs another way to spread the words without forcing it too much some people won't get too annoyed and starting to attack and he felt guilty for not helping her throughout her years but she said she will do a different way but it looks like they need to figure this thing out another time she went back home and talked with Izzy and Misty how they patch up and everything which that's pretty cool and Izzy admitted how homesick she was which Sunny actually understand her feelings that they can just visit there or even just stay there for a couple days even Zephyr Heights if the two princesses are also feeling homesick for right now all of them make a promise they will save Sparky from Opaline again this was a pretty good one here can't wait to see your next story till then keep up the good work

Thank you so much for your thoughts and feedback (and the promotion too). I’m so happy you enjoyed this story and I look forward to your thoughts on the next one.

Geez this story had a lot.

Misty’s inner fears was definitely heart breaking to read. No doubt Opaline’s words still made her feel worthless (pun not intended) and she has trust issues with everyone. Honestly, I’m expecting this to happen somehow during the show, whether if it is before or after reveal.

And then there’s Sunny’s part. Holy ####! I never expected ponies to be that fed up with her that they resort to assault! Even though with the Filly Four being the cause that a lot might have been mob mentality or in the moment BS. And in some cruel irony, as Misty is accepting her new role, Sunny is now doubting hers and now is as lost as Misty was. I’m expecting this to come into play next part and probably be the reason why it’s a four part saga and not three.

All this self doubt actually reminds me of a story idea I had for Zipp where she would be doubting her skills as a detective and lots of angst and sisterly comforts would have followed. Then WW came out and had a scene that would’ve made the whole story feel off, or could’ve provided a good ending point.

Finally, there’s Misty’s dream and what Opaline said in it. I have no reason to believe Opaline is lying about Twilight to some extent. Obviously she left out or didn’t know some details, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Twilight did have some part in creating Opaline.

Overall, great story.

Your story idea sounds very intriguing. I also once had a similar idea focusing on Zipp’s self-doubt of her purpose and that eventually became the story “Sunny’s Promise.” And as for the Filly Four’s involvement in assaulting Sunny, I’ll confirm right here and there that was actually true and not just mob mentality or BS. The last time we saw them was when Sunny refused to play along with their materialistic “we only like you when you’re an alicorn” mentality, telling them that wasn’t what she wanted at all. Afterwards, Sugar Moonlight wanted a bit of petty revenge, so during Sunny’s speech about solar energy in the town square, the Filly Four orchestrated the riot on her by riling up the crowd’s dissatisfaction with Sunny’s “lost causes.”

And don’t worry, Sunny’s self-doubt and subsequent decision will come up again in “Redeemed” and it will be addressed, as well as Opaline’s backstory in very special ways that I won’t spoil. Thank you so much for your feedback and I really appreciate it. I’m so glad you enjoyed it.

No prob. Especially after just finding out about “Ahem!” Events from yesterday regarding this saga.

I’ll say that I am grateful for your stories as G5 needs more content on this site. If we want the show to expand, we need to show our love for the story.

And, yeah, I guess Sunny’s Promise is unconsciously similar to that idea I had. I have been thinking of writing a pony story on this site, but I’ve just been occupied with my other story and RL.

Thanks. I love G5 and this is how I express my love for it. Well, aside from the massive defense video I have planned that is taking FOREVER to make. I’ll tell you this much though, you can do it. Just pick a good idea, run with it, and the feedback you get will help your stories and imagination grow. You’ll never know if you don’t try. :raritywink:

What news?? What events?? Are your referring to stories/fanfiction or actual news??

This was a great story!!

Great development and pacing in my opinion.

I hope you do a sprout story, and I'm glad you're doing g5. I love it a lot as well

Thank you so much. I might do a Sprout story at some point if I feel like it. I have a couple ideas.

Is it wrong that I was more interested in Sunny's character arc in this than Misty's? Her optimism has taken a hit but in my opinion that was necessary. Blind activism can only get you so far and she needed to learn that. Honestly 'Ali-Conned' really made me hate the ponies of Maretime Bay and this story added to that, but Hitch is right, ponies can only take being preached to for so long.

Did you just entertain the possibility of Opaline's reformation? Now that would be interesting! And I see wnat you did with that Star Wars reference.

Overall, a good continuation of "Worthless". Really looking forward to the last piece! :twilightsmile:

No, he made a blog announcement the day before posting this and I just wanted to give some positive reinforcement because I literally just read it before seeing his reply to me.

And I tried to keep it subtle to not draw too much attention to it.

No, you’re not wrong for thinking that in any way. I guess I did in fact unintentionally have Sunny’s arc upstage Misty’s a little bit, but what can I say? Sunny’s my favorite character, so my brain was probably doing that without me knowing, lol. Yeah there is compelling drama on both sides, but Sunny’s arc was built up since my first G5 story on this site “I’m Looking Out For You,” so I can see why it feels stronger. After watching “Ali-Conned,” I found Sunny’s insecurities to be fascinating to explore further and upon jotting down notes, thought of a way to have that brought up again in this story because as much as I absolutely love the heartwarming resolution in the episode, years of having your opinions and views mocked and ridiculed and then being manipulated by someone who acts like they care when they really don’t doesn’t just disappear overnight with one friend-to-friend conversation and I like to believe that those events stuck with Sunny, especially now with the knowledge that it was Opaline all along, which I’m sure must’ve crushed her further. Nonetheless, she still goes out there and passionately promotes her causes because that’s what she loves to do, until it all finally came to a head here and she was beaten up by the ponies of Maretime Bay. Honestly, that was one of the hardest resolutions to write as a large part of myself was telling me, “No! Make it end happy! No, don’t make Sunny give up! Wait, she’s injured?!! She’s quitting?! WHAT?!!” Ultimately deep down in my heart though, I felt like that was the most realistic outcome there could be in a scenario like this and as Flamewarrior02 so beautifully pointed out, creates some juicy cruel irony and sweet thematic parallels for further analysis.

And also yes, the Star Wars reference was 100% intentional. Opaline’s reformation? Hmm, we shall see.

I’m really happy you enjoyed this. :twilightsmile:

Speaking of which, who’s super duper excited for Avatar: The Way of Water? Because I sure am!

I’m going to see it on Saturday and I’m going to see it in 3D.

You’re seeing it in 3D too?! Awesome!! I’m going to see it opening night on the 15th. My hype has surpassed maximum levels here, I’m so excited! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I love Avatar so much, I am so pumped for this.

I hope that mob gets their consequence.

Gentlemen we must prepare the weapons that an epic battle is approaching.

“Acceptance is a fruitless thing,” Opaline growled, turning back towards her, “You won’t get it from anypony. Nopony intervened when I was a young mare to deliver me from Twilight Sparkle’s barrage of complaints!! ‘Oh you can’t talk to other ponies, Opaline? Shame, Luster’s far more advanced in her friendship studies than you.’ Or, ‘You can’t keep failing, Opaline! I’m doing what I can, but I can’t teach you the same damn thing every day!’ She never accepted me for who I was and neither will anypony accept you. If there was anything that whiny Princess showed me however, it was that alicorns are meant to rule all of Equestria. That was the only lesson I ever understood. I couldn’t do anything right, and neither can you!!”

You are wrong

“FACE IT, MISTY!!!” Opaline yelled, “You can’t get other ponies to accept me anymore than you can get them to accept you!!” She took a few deep breaths to calm herself. “I know my place, my destiny, unlike you. I was meant to rule everything. Twilight may have not been able to teach me friendship, but she did teach me power!!!! And I must look towards the future and claim it. She couldn’t be proud of me in life…” She smiled. “But perhaps in death…”


“…so that’s the story of how we just got back from stopping Izzy from almost getting killed by a maniacal chimera thing,” Hitch finished. “You were out for five days straight, so you wouldn’t know. She just got back yesterday.”


“Yeah?!” Sunny shot back, “Well it’s hard to stay positive when one of your best friends literally cannot handle Misty’s presence without getting depressed! I hope you know what you’re doing, Hitch.”


thats not Sunny at all

Izzy walked over with a bitter and angry expression on her face. Instantly, Misty started shaking from fear once again, flashbacks of Opaline walking toward her with the very same demeanor raced through her brain as all her senses went into a panic. She began to hyperventilate, feelings of terror overtaking her entire being. Izzy was coming to chew her out for what she did, she just knew it. She would scream at her and tell her how much of a bad friend she was before beating her and throwing her out of the Brighthouse.

Ok listen. I understand that you all feel betrayed and mad, but plz give her a chance to explain herself and her life.

Misty came towards her and before she knew it, she was wrapped up in a massive hug from Izzy. The two of them embraced one another, holding onto each other tightly and refusing to let go.

“I forgive you, Misty…” Izzy told her through shaky breaths, “I forgive you…know that…You’re a great friend…”

:pinkiesad2: This is what Opaline failed to understand.

As he strolled through, he began to hear shouting and chanting in the distance. Curious, he trotted towards one of the alleyways that led to the local hardware store and saw Sunny huddled on the floor, crying out for help as a mob of ponies continuously pelted objects at her and beat her. A bunch of ponies in the back were egging their friends on. Sunny was covered in cuts, bruises and tomato stains as she sobbed helplessly.


The crowd parted to reveal none other Sugar Moonlight and the other Filly Four, all staring at the ground in shame.


The crowd parted to reveal none other Sugar Moonlight and the other Filly Four, all staring at the ground in shame.

And Sunset

Hitch sighed, understanding the situation. “Sunny, I warned you. Years ago when you started doing this…I told you one day it would backfire. Look at you! Are your causes worth getting beaten over?!”

HITCH!!! Not helping!

“Because you seemed so happy doing it!” Hitch cried out, “And you will not believe how many loopholes I had to find in order to let you off the hook with what you were doing. You broke all kinds of laws while trying to preach unity and friendship to the town, but…I didn’t do anything because you’re my best friend, Sunny. I know that your desire to help ponies comes from your Dad.”

Oh great. How many secrets and lies do you ALL have?

You broke into schools and a number of other things I can’t even remember because they’re extremely numerous.” Hitch responded, “Not to mention, you broke into Canterlogic that fateful year. I warned you that this would happen, Sunny. But after so many years and it didn’t happen…I was beginning to think that you were actually safe…”

Wow Sunny. You were way too OBSESSED.

“Because like you said, I broke so many laws,” Sunny answered sadly, “I give up, Hitch. This isn’t worth it. You can take me in now, like you should’ve done a while ago…” She hung her head low.

WHAT!? Now that is just Horse apples!! You can't just give up like that and throw away everything you worked hard for!

“Dad is gone…” Sunny shook her head, “It’s about time I carve my own path anyway and not be a carbon copy of him. Tell the townsponies that this is it. I already brought ponies together. I don’t need to do anything else. You won’t have to worry about me anymore, Hitch…”

You aren't being a copy of him!! You are just continueing what he left for you to do/finish.
Just because you succeeded in bringing ponies together doesn't mean its OVER, there are a lot more things left to do.

Maretime bay and EQUESTRIA needs a leader. And that leader is YOU! I saw the potential in you to be the leader Equestria needed. Where is the Sunny Starscout we all know?

“No I don’t!” Sunny cried, “Hitch, I was manipulated by her, I was groomed! Just like Misty was. If I actually continued listening to her, then…who knows what I could’ve became? You have no idea how horrible it was for me, Hitch…for years, ponies constantly bullied me and belittled my views and I couldn’t tell anypony about it, not even you. I internalized all the mean things ponies said to me and I even thought about suicide on more than one occasion, only having the memories of my Dad to keep me going every single day. I had to promote a belief that only I believed in for years and couldn’t share in with anypony at all. You think I ever enjoyed breaking into Canterlogic that day?”

“So imagine how happy I was when I could finally share my ridiculous causes with somepony else,” finished Sunny glumly, “Finally somepony was telling me to seize the opportunity and not constantly putting me down…this isn’t good for me. If I continue to be passionate about my activism, I’ll just be manipulated again. You understand…don’t you, Hitch?”

Sunny looked him in the eyes, the two of them sharing a momentary silent understanding of all they had been through for the past decade of their lives before she responded: “I know. Just…let me go, Hitch. My decision is final…I need to go get washed up…”

but what about your friends? Are you just going to give up on them too?

Sunny nodded, giving him a weak, but sincere smile. “Yeah. Thank you, Hitch. And trust me. It’s time to see what other things I can do. This is for my own good…”



Discord. Read “Izzy Moonbow Across The Multiverse of Randomness” and you’ll understand the events right before this story.

I don’t even know. Way too many if you ask me.

Hm, implications, implications…canon? Maybe…

That’s the point. She’s lost her way due to this traumatic incident and everything building up to it. This will be brought up again in “Redeemed” and hopefully given a satisfying resolution.

My explanation is in a couple of the comments below.

Tell me about it.

Hitch can’t arrest everypony, unfortunately. There would be no one to govern then and not to mention that single cell in the back of his office would get too overcrowded and would most definitely be subject to some violations of “humane” prisoner treatment codes.

Oh yeah! An epic battle indeed.


Hitch can’t arrest everypony, unfortunately. There would be no one to govern then and not to mention that single cell in the back of his office would get too overcrowded and would most definitely be subject to some violations of “humane” prisoner treatment codes.

MGR Raiden: Bullshit!

After seeing Misty struggling with her guilt and Izzy coming clean about her own personal issues, it was so nice to finally see them talk things out and make amends.

I kinda agree with littleman001. While the story was probably meant to focus on Misty, I think Sunny's part stands out more. With that said, I'm shocked at the town's behaviour! I can understand that Sunny pushed them to their limits, but I figured the worst they would do is start throwing things and verbally abusing her. But physically attacking her?? Even if the Filly Four orchestrated it, I would've thought the townponies would've had enough standard to not go that far! I just hope Sunny will be able to recover from this

Overall, I really enjoyed this! I can't wait to see what comes next!

Great story!
I enjoyed reading it.

I really cried here. The moment between Misty and Izzy or Hitch and Sunny made me emotional.

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