• Published 28th Dec 2022
  • 163 Views, 9 Comments

Kamen Rider Every - Carly Carmine

Twilight got fortune driver from NAGISA the DEMON of Emotion, Destiny and Life. But in this world has Meklord Prime Doctrine that Twilight must eliminate.

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Chapter 6 : Mekloid Virus

“They knew how to return the Mekloid into human!!”

“Relax, Sombra, even though they turn our Mekloid into human but still the Mekloid Virus are inside their body. It means let them die slowly. It’s better heh?”

“Hmp…If Chrys says so…”

Sombra shows his dissatisfaction about the Mekloid Virus but still if it is infected once, it remains all in the body and dies slowly. In this case he’s indisputable.

“They didn’t notice that I’m the mystery Kamen Rider. And so Cozy uses the same Driver as me, I’m pretty sure they can’t catch me.”

“You just say I’m a bite?”

Tirek says enough talking, Kamen Rider Every or whatever they call. They found the cure that turn Mekloid into human even Mekloid Virus remains in the body but they must make the Mekloid army more than before doesn’t it.

“I agree.”

Chrysalis says that it means more Mekloid, more secrets that she must hide from the citizens. She still says whatever but if eliminate that Kaman Rider she will do anything.

At the state of government, Chrysalis come out and declaration about the Kamen Rider, She says the three of them are danger of NEO-Cantelot, they cause many trouble even destroy building. If citizen saw those Kamen Rider, report to vice president immediately call 02-011-455-78.

“It’s me, I have information about the Meklord Virus.”

“Ok, let’s make it quick.”

“The Virus still inside the humans till they die, I’ll send an example to you, ok?”

“...Ok If the example arrives, I’ll find a way to eliminate the virus.”

At the coffee shop, Twilight listened to the government announcement and choked on the news that the government told. What in the world is going on, why does the government know the Kamen Rider and issue an arrest warrant?

“What is it Twilight, and why are you choking?”

“Nothing Pinkie.”

Pinkie Pie brings a handkerchief and wipe the Twilights’ face and body before bringing mop and wipe the mess around. Fluttershy that sits opposite the Twilight shock that how the government took photos of three Kamen Rider. And why did the Kamen Rider become dangerous?

“I’ll go back to the backstore to wash the mop brb ~ ~.”

Pinkie Pie went back to wash the mop after that she called someone and talked to them.

“It’s me, the doctrine is moving. I predict that the government is behind this. Our hope becomes their target sir. What do we do now? sir.”

“Keep silent and let the Kamen Rider show off ,you and the other try to not take action while the officer does the duties.”

“Yes sir.”

Pinkie Pie hung up the call and went back to the coffee shop. Twilight is gone, only Fluttershy is still here. Pinkie Pie comes and sits opposite Fluttershy and starts to talk about something important.

“Our head commands us to not move yet, keep silent and let Every fight those Mekloid with our officer. ”

“Is that so? Hmp…”

Fluttershy understands and gets out of the coffee shop, leaving Pinkie Pie alone, she knows that Fluttershy will tell the other member to be silent till the other command comes.

Twilight goes back to her house but before she gets in, she hears someone scream loudly at the small park, she runs as fast as she can to go to the small park, she sees two Mekloid are destroying the small park and trying to harm the people too.

“Destroy humans!!”

“What in the name of earth is going on!! It's not good now, Henshin!!”


*Operation Fiery!! I am Kamen Rider!!*

Fiery fly quickly and use long scythe to attack both of them but one of them can stop the attack and kick Fiery away. Fiery backup with fire boost and flip the long scythe turn into the long specter. Fiery aim the long specter and shoot fireball to them but they dodge the fireball quickly. Looks like it upgraded more and more to respond to combat.

Fiery use fortune change, change into Windy and use special move immediately. The wind gathered around Windy stronger and stronger.

*Typhoon storm tactical finish!!*

Windy slash the long specter, she wanders to gather those Mekloid together and use fortune change, turn back to Every and use a special move to turn them into human but no. Mystery Kamen Rider comes and uses wind just as Windy stops the special move. Suddenly, A.M.E.P. an officer comes and faces the mysterious Kamen Rider that declare themselves as Meklord Prime Doctrine’s member.

“They’re again?”

Doctrine’s Kamen Rider turns to Windy and comes to attack immediately. AppleJack and Rainbow Dash start to transform, turn to Rush Rhino and Jet Falcon. They focus on those Mekloid and attack immediately.

“It was just me or it’s stronger than last one”

“I dunno but keeping attacking them gives them no way to fight…I guess.”

Rush Rhino said it maybe stronger than before Jet Falcon said try to attack and make them have no way to fight, so they separate and pair each fight to delay and give Windy a chance to fight the Doctrine’s Kamen Rider, At Windy side, Windy Fight harder than she thought. Enemy uses sword and slash to Windy, Windy dodge almost hits. She roll away and use fortune change, change into Darky and flipe into scythe and slash them. But they catch and throw them away. They attack till Darky fling away.

“Done it already? I’m just warming up.”


At the Jet Falcon side. Both of them start to exhaust but the Mekloid never. Another thing they get injured badly if they are forced to fight again, it will be over the limit and knock out.

Doctrine’s Kamen Rider uses a storm wind to blow everything and suddenly everything, even the Mekloid, this a shame that can’t beat them and let the enemy flee away.

“They flee away again!! Ah!!”

“Leave those like this, they'll have a chance to upgrade themselves evenmore.”

Twilight says sorry about letting them flee away even though she nearly reaches her hand and turns into humans. But the doctrine intervened and they were stronger than yesterday.