• Member Since 14th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


A Graduate of the Don Bluth School of Making the Protagonist Suffer.

Comments ( 83 )

Very nice story, it's good to see a really good engaging cyberpunk story setting. I especially like the story cover art, which is what made it caught my eye. Keep up the good work dude.

Interesting. JUst so I get this right, you got this inspiration from 2077 right? Or is it from one of the other games?

The 2077 game is a big influence for this, yes.

very nice, I always wondered about a mlp story inspired by it. Your cover made me think of it. I actually had a story idea of my own but that never went behind the concept stage

I was just wondering if a 2077 fic would be made that I'd like a lot. Then this popped up in my feed. I'm very excited to join this wild ride, great first chapter!

Awesome cant wait for more

Nice first chapter I can't wait to see what this job is and why she's getting paid so much

nicely done! ploved the cyperchyscho reference too

Great chapter loving it please tell me that you'll finish this fic

Lol, oh yeah, it's definitely getting finished. It's already half written :P

Edit: Going to clarify this: I've got about half the story written, but only about 10% of it is currently posted. This'll be somewhere in the realm of a ~120k word story.

Well, this gonna escalate fast, question is will our mare lack out, she still got that pistol from the apartment. :pinkiecrazy:

Its never easy.

Kinda had to think of the trauma Team here and i found the chapter lenght ironic/amusing

Also, this chapter got me thinking/made me wonder about something

Oh? What does it have you wondering about?

Well, i got a Pegasus oc with crippled wing and your chapter made me wonder: In a universe like yours, would be the wing replaced or agumented with cybernetics?

And what I meant with the lenght, the number mirrors your Story title

Cant say why, but loved how Jenny told her guys to quiet down

I love these depictions. Very kickass.

Amazing chapter :heart::ajsmug::heart: More please~

Didn't this story used to have more chapters?

I can promise you it didn't; I've only recently started it. Are you confusing it with another story?

Nicely done!

Say, do you mind answering my question about the Pegasus?

Sure, what would you like to know?

As i said a few weeks back, i got a Pegasus oc with crippled wing and your chapter made me wonder: In a universe like yours, would be the wing replaced or agumented with cybernetics?

So, in this universe, there's no question that a genuinely crippled wing would be completely replaced with cybernetics. It's an objectively better option in every way.

The only reason to want to keep as much of their "meat" intact as possible would be due to personal biases or ludite tendencies.

Ah, yes. The good old question, where does the cyborg stop and start

that with the forced sleep, is actually not a bad idea as soloution

Ah, Silver hand lost inter dimensional twin sister. I take glimmer tech would be the corresponding mega corp of militech.

Soooo will we have a mega spell unleashed at aerasaka tower. Don't say you don't want it either. :pinkiecrazy:

One complain, moar please :derpytongue2:

had to laugh at the company names and the rareness of fresh vegetables, kinda frightening. You kinda had me with the pegasus for a moment

Uhhhh, an accountant, these thugs got away easy I feel, I mean after a lawyer, an accountant is right up there 😄

Amazing chapter!

Should have stayed in the green room.

the cherry thing got me chuckling and te file at the end too. although...i shouldnt

Awesome chilaxing chapter. Can't wait for more hehe. Also Rouge alternative reality counterpart is a Theoretical. Sweeeeeeetnesss :pinkiehappy:

*stock up on snacks for next chapter*:pinkiehappy:

Fine, I guess you can have it a little early; wouldn't want those snacks to go stale :P


This'll be somewhere in the realm of a ~120k word story.

I'm a big, fat, dirty liar who is bad at pacing -.-
I might be able to keep it under 200k...

oh dear:rainbowlaugh: but cant blame her for action, sometimes, its better to do it quick then quietly

*truck noises getting louder, then reverse alarm followed by unloading sounds* welp, the snack is delivered, ready for next chapter :pinkiehappy:

lovely and always a chuckle to bringing back the zipping it.

Her not knowing much about history, I got a friend with a similar experience, so i can understand it

Te turtle, that a reference to that NCPD cop side mission?

Also, 2 meatakes i noticed

“Move you flank, filly,” I heard Jenny all but snarl just before she headbutted me on my backside, nearly sending me toppling down the stairs. I managed to recover from my stumble and made it the rest of the way to the van without further annoying the donkey.

and 2, intended by you that you wrote -Max Tac with a k?

Glad you liked it!

Yes, there was a reference to the CP:2077 "turtle mission"; couldn't resist, hehe.

Thanks also for pointing out the spelling mistake; but, yes, "tack" was intentional, as "tack" is the term for the gear you outfit a horse with. So, a great opportunity for a pun there with Max-Tack teams being outfitted with the Maximum-Tack ;P

very nice and okay.

No offense but the Protgist's name and physical description keeps slipping me

Hehe, yeah that's a fair point. Telling a story from first-person means that there's rarely moments when she's describing herself and what she looks like :/ There were those two scenes early on with mirrors and her looking over her injuries/prosthetics, but other than that...It has been a while, yeah. On the other hand, while it's been, like, 3-4 months since those scenes were posted, anyone reading it fresh would have read them just a few hours-ish ago by this point, so maybe it's okay? (That being said, I do have a character ref page I look at frequently to make sure I'm not randomly changing anyone's coat/eye/mane color as time goes on because sometimes it's been weeks since I wrote about a character in a scene :P)

Similarly, I haven't put her in a lot of dialogue situations where her name needs to be used. It's been a lot of one-on-one stuff where who she's talking to using her name feels forced and awkward :/

I'll see what I can do about sprinkling more stuff like that into the story!

well, i just thought to make addressing her easier and such

Awsom chapter ps. How many more are there?

Glad you liked it!

Assuming I can keep to the current pacing (a BIG "if", it turns out...), there are 3 4 more chapters.

I think you did rather well. Now an ambulance, hope they kept the Siren.

And pel is her name? A lovely name!

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