• Published 15th Jan 2023
  • 201 Views, 1 Comments

Star Wars: The Dark Side of Everfree - sonicdash123

Having trouble getting over the dark past, Charming Thunder goes camping with his school of Canterlot High. A mysterious magical presence is also in the air during their trip.

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Chapter 4: Peter's Secret

​​The girls were working on rebuilding the dock. Rainbow carried a stack of wooden planks in her arms as she struggled to keep balance holding them. Applejack was trying to hammer in a nail without trying to over use her strength. Rainbow sighed before looking at Rarity, who was sitting and sewing a cloth. “Uh, you gonna give us a hand here, Rarity?” she asked.

“Oh, I'd love to, but I really need to get the stitching on this poncho done if it's going to make it into the camp fashion show,” Rarity said. “Though at the pace you two are moving, I don't know that the runway will ever be finished.”

“The dock is our gift to the camp, and it's gonna get finished,” Applejack said. “That is, if Rainbow Dash would hurry up and bring me more wood.”

“Oh, I can't go any faster!” Rainbow said. “I don't want to end up in the woods again.”

“Don’t be silly.”

“Really?” Rainbow began to gesture how Applejack was hammering a nail.

“I know I said we should try to forget all about this new magic business, but I can't. What if I hammer the board into splinters?” Applejack reached her hand into the box of nails which turned out to be empty. “Aw, shoot! I'm all out of nails.”

“Oh, here you go!” Pinkie said before tossing a box of nails.

“Pinkie, no!” Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash shouted in unison. Rarity puts up a barrier while the others take cover. Applejack took a peek and noticed that there was no explosion emitted and sighed with relief. She then looked at Pinkie.

“What?” Pinkie asked before realizing something. “Ohhh, did you think the nails would explode like the sprinkles? Wow! Glad that didn't happen, huh?” Rarity sighed before helping Rainbow and Fluttershy, who she pushed down with her diamonds when she used them to defend herself.

“Sorry, girls,” Rarity said. “I didn't mean to. I don't know how to control this.” Rainbow and Fluttershy accepted the hands.

“It’s okay,” Rainbow replied.

“Oh, none of us do,” Fluttershy added.

“Which is why we shouldn't pretend this isn't happening,” Sunset said as she approached the dock.

“Do you have them now too?” Rainbow asked.

“It started last night. When I touch people, it's like I can feel what they're feeling and see their memories.”

“Oooh, fancy!” Pinkie said, excitedly. “Try me, try me!” Pinkie grabbed Sunset’s arm and her eyes began to glow. They stopped as she released her from seeing what’s going on in her mind.

“That explains so much.”


“Does Charming have powers now too?” Rarity asked. “Or is it only the skills he learned from Spider-Man?”

“Just the same skills,” Sunset said. She then looked back to see Charming Thunder who was practicing his fighting skills with Peter. “I am worried about him though. But we can't just brush these powers aside because it doesn't seem like the ideal time to get them. What if it turns out that they could actually make things better?”

Sunset Shimmer

Oh the power we don’t understand
And the things we learn
We will soon understand in time
During the quest we have started
The answers will come to us later
And it will be us who will climb to the top
And stand on the peak of the mountain

Learn to control, what’s in us
Let your spirit set you free
Someday this mystery will be solved
Learn to control, the magic we bear

More students come to team up with Sunset and the others. Pinkie used her sprinkles to drop it on the spot to burn a hole on each piece of wooden planks. Rainbow had a hammer in hand ready to build a bench for the dock. She used her super speed to quickly build it in just five seconds flat. The two high five each other.

Though that there is no guide for us
No one to teach us
But with faith and understanding
We will journey from student to master

Learn to control, what’s in us
Let your spirit set you free
Someday this mystery will be solved
Learn to control, the magic we bear

Charming Thunder observed the work for a little bit and then decided to walk back to the aquamarine tent. Rarity noticed Derpy falling off of the boat. She used her magic to save her from falling in the water. Applejack used her super strength to carry a signpost with one arm while Flash pulled the rope to help Bulk and Valhallen raise the other one. Sunset sat next to Fluttershy who had a bird on her shoulder.

In learning we will then teach
In teaching we can also learn
You will find a place in the
Rankings on the board
Oh and all the things we have noticed
The visions that I have seen
The time is finally drawing near soon
It is our destiny alone

Learn to control, what’s in us
Let your spirit set you free
Someday this mystery will be solved
Learn to control, the magic we bear

Sunset and the others met up with each other after finishing the dock and admired their achievement.

Learn to control
Learn to control, what we are destined to wield

While the girls were working on the final adjustments on the dock, Sunset noticed Peter walking up to them and rushed to him. “How’s Charming?” she asked. “He hasn’t been himself since last night.” He sighed and looked back at where Charming Thunder was talking to Luna.

“You may be right about that,” Peter said. “He is probably going through what I went through before I became Spider-Man.”

“What do you mean? What’s wrong?” Peter lifted up his arm a tiny bit.

“It’s best that you see for yourself with your magic.”

“How did--”

“Charming told me.” Sunset sighed and gently grabbed Peter’s wrist and her eyes glowed.

Peter was walking to the meeting place where he was supposed to be picked up. He noticed people surrounding someone and decided to investigate. “Excuse me,” he said as he went through the crowd to get a closer look. When he got to the front, an officer stopped him as he struggled to get past her.

“Please stay back, sir,” the officer said. Peter’s eyes widened as he looked over her shoulder to see his uncle on the ground.

“THAT’S MY UNCLE!” Peter got past the cop and knelt down to his uncle. He looked back at the cop. “What happened to him?!”

“Carjacker. He’s been shot. We just called the paramedics. They’re on their way.” The cop continued to hold people back as Peter looked at his uncle.

“Uncle Ben?” Ben slowly opened his eyes and looked around. “Uncle Ben?” He then looked at Peter with relief.

“Peter,” Ben said, weakly.

“I’m here, Uncle Ben.” Peter held Ben’s hand as he smiled at his nephew.

“Peter.” Ben then slowly closed his eyes as Peter’s eyes widened when the unthinkable happened in front of him. His own uncle died in front of him. He closed his eyes and quietly cried. He then heard some cops talking.

“They got the shooter,” another cop reported. Peter’s eyes quickly opened as he listened. “He’s headed south. We got three cars in pursuit.” Peter, now filled with rage, decides to go after the shooter himself.

Peter rushed into an alley as he threw off his sweater that covered his first spider suit. He then puts on his gloves and then his mask. He climbed up to the top of the building and ran. He leapt from roof to roof until he reached the point where he saw the car his uncle owned driving away from cops. He then used his custom web shooter to fire at a wall and slowly stood up with the web in hand. He gulped as it was going to be his first time swinging down from a great height. He then jumps down with the rope and swings towards a building. He shuts his eyes and fires another web to continue his swinging to pursue the carjacker unseen by the cops. He lands on top of the car and slams his fist through the roof of the car in an attempt to grab the carjacker’s face. The car started to swerve back and forth which caused Peter to release him. He then jumps to the front of the windshield and smashes it with his fist. The carjacker then lost control of the vehicle as Peter turned to see where it was going to crash. He then leaps up in the air out of sight and the car crashes at the front door of an abandoned building. The carjacker recovered quickly and gathered his bag full of money he stole and rushed inside while the cops arrived.

Inside the building on the second floor, the carjacker had his pistol out and ready for anything as he slowly walked, cowering. A spotlight lit up through the window as a shadow of a man was crawling on the ceiling without him knowing. He quickly turned after hearing a noise. “Who’s there?!” he demanded before firing shots at the shadow. Peter then descended upside down from a web strand. He carefully jumps down and then runs towards the carjacker with a kick in the arm to disarm him. Peter then punches the man square in the jaw and takes off his mask. “Don’t hurt me! Just give me a chance. Just give me a chance!”

“What about my uncle?!” Peter asked. “Did you give him a chance? Did you?!” He then grabs the carjacker and lifts him off the ground. “Answer me!” The light from outside revealed the carjacker’s face to Peter as he recognized him. He remembered when after he was scammed after a wrestling match, he stepped aside to let the same man before him get away from robbing money. “No! Not you!” Peter then took a few steps back in shock as the robber aimed his gun at his face.

“See ya.” Peter then got blinded by rage and grabbed the man by the wrist holding the gun and twisted it hard to break it. The man then took a few steps back from Peter until he suddenly tripped backwards and fell out of a window. Peter tried to save him, but missed the chance as the man fell fifty feet down from the building. He looked down to see the murderer of his uncle now lying dead on the ground. A police chopper from above lights up the window with its spotlight he is standing in front of.

“FREEZE!” the cop on the speaker shouted. “WE HAVE THE PLACE COMPLETELY SURROUNDED!” Peter turned as he heard footsteps approaching. By the time the cops arrive, he was long gone.

Peter, who was still wearing the suit, sat on the roof of the diner with his head dropped in his hands alone. Tears ran down his face as he quietly wept before going home to tell the news to his aunt.

Sunset lets go of Peter’s wrist and stands back in shock after what she saw. “Peter,” Sunset said, worried. “I’m sorry.” She then hugged him really tight to comfort him.

“I got what I wanted, but it didn’t make things better for me, Sunset,” Peter explained. “I fear that Charming might get rageful like how I did to that man. Please, you need to help him.”

“You know that I will.” Sunset and Peter’s foreheads met each other softly as she smiled. “It’s what I do.” She then noticed Charming Thunder looking at the lake. “I think that I should tell Twilight about this and have her embrace the magic. If she has any.” She walked towards Charming Thunder and was about to get his attention until she heard Goriosa's muffled voice.

“I just wish you didn't tell them that ridiculous story!” Glosriosa said.

“Ah, this is all too much for you!” Timber said. “You have to let it go!” Sunset gasped.

“I knew it!” Sunset whispered. “He wants her to get rid of the camp!” The door slammed open on her as her presence wasn’t noticed by Gloriosa and then Timber who both stepped out. Charming Thunder turned to notice Sunset and rushed on over. He stopped when he saw her and Flash bump into each other.

“Sunset Shimmer?” Flash asked, confused. “What were you doing behind that door?” Charming Thunder hid without being noticed.

“What? Um, nothing. I, um, lost an earring.” Sunset then pretended to look around and then looked down. “There it is!” She then bent down and picked up a pebble and put it in her pocket.

“Hey, listen. I'm glad I ran into you. I really wanted to thank you.”

“For what?”

“For the tough love. Telling me I should get over Twilight. I needed to hear that.”

“Sure, no problem.” Sunset then began to look around as she was searching for something.

“Is something wrong?”

“What? No. Why?” Flash then had an unconvinced look.

“Come on, Sunset. We used to date. I know when something's bothering you.” Sunset then sighed in defeat.

“Two things actually. One is that my friend really likes someone, but I don't think that someone is who she thinks they are. I don't wanna upset my friend by telling her what I think, because I also want to protect her, because if what I think is happening is really happening, then she deserves to know. You know?” Charming Thunder’s mind was taking some time to process what Sunset was explaining to Flash.

“No. But what I do know is that your friend is lucky to have someone like you to look out for them.”


“Yeah. You know, you've changed a lot since we went out. You're so much....nicer.” Sunset blushed at the compliment.

“Thanks. I'm glad you noticed.”

“What’s the second thing?”

“It’s another friend. He seems troubled since he got here and just can’t get over what he has done in the past.”

“You mean Charming Thunder?”

“Yeah. How did you know?”

“I have been noticing it as well. When the time comes, he will get the second chance he deserves from the rest of the students of Canterlot High.” Charming Thunder quietly sighed at the thought and shook his head. “Is that it?” Sunset nodded. “Uh, look, I know that you are dating Peter and all, but maybe if you want, you and me, we could start over as....friends.” Sunset noticed Timber walking into the forest as she patted him on the back.

“Uh, uh, sounds great. I gotta go!” Charming Thunder got out of hiding as he approached.

“Cool, yeah! I want to start over later, too!” Flash then kicked a pebble.

“I’m sure she meant yes, Flash,” Charming Thunder reassured. Flash turned to look at him who was smiling. “What did you mean by that you used to date Sunset? What was her purpose?”

“She only dated me only to make herself more popular at Canterlot High.” Charming Thunder crossed his arms in thought. “But since the other Twilight came along, she changed her ways and became nice towards others.”

“If only that were me as well.” Flash then patted Charming Thunder’s shoulder to reassure him.

“It will take time. Trust me. It worked for Sunset.”

“Thanks for your vote of confidence, Flash.” Charming Thunder then walked to the direction where Sunset was going.