• Published 23rd Jan 2023
  • 261 Views, 12 Comments

Daring Do and the Mystery of Eternal Ruins - Khampostel

Daring Do re-explores some old ruins and gets told a spooky story.

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Act I

Daring Do carefully advanced through an extensive plain, illuminated by the moonlight. Devoid of trees and covered in abundant grass, the plain was caressed by the gentle night breeze, giving the landscape a magical air where the grass waved in silvery ripples under a starry sky.

The beauty and peace of the place were almost an irresistible resting trap that tempted any pony to gallop towards the horizon and immerse themselves in an eternal sea of tranquility. Although Daring Do, being a pony, also felt this temptation, she was on a personal mission and couldn't afford such liberties at the moment.

Unlike the quiet daily life of most other ponies, Daring Do was a passionate adventurer who risked her life in constant treasure hunts and exploration of unknown places. However, she also found solace in quieter pastimes, like her "field investigations," where she acted as an archaeologist and scientist, distancing herself from the image of the 'out-of-control adventurer' assigned by her critics.

Furthermore, she enjoyed writing, an art she had perfected as much as her combat skills. Her books, narrating her adventures and experiences, often became big hits that generated additional income, funding her personal expeditions.

Although her literary hobby brought financial benefits, it also brought setbacks, like the one she was experiencing now...

"Daring Do and the Fugitive of Crystalhaven," Daring Do suddenly thought, adjusting her hat.

Every time she returned from a long journey, she would write a new book, using the most epic adventure she had lived as a basis. However, this time, she was in a dilemma. She had been away for so long, on different extraordinary adventures, that now she had too many options to choose from.

So, she decided to use a new method: she would pick the adventure with the most catchy title to turn it into her new publication.

"...Crystalhaven, Crystalhaven," she murmured to herself. The impromptu solution she had imagined didn't seem to be working as well as she had initially supposed.

Then, Daring Do's thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the pony walking ahead of her.

"It's a wonderful night, isn't it? UWU," the pony said.

"Yes, it's a quite pleasant night," she replied dryly.

Her guide was a middle-aged pony named Meg Tree, whose name was fitting as his green mane was as lush and untidy as the tree's canopy. In addition to his striking hairstyle, trapped under a straw hat, he had a hoarse voice that almost seemed forced and an evidently fake accent. If he didn't carry a lantern with the title "official guide," whose light shone less than the moon itself, anyone would think he was a lost farmer rather than a travel guide.

If this individual was one of the many undercover agents trying to end her, he was undoubtedly one of the most mediocre she had seen. On the other hand, it could also be just a peculiar vagabond desperate for some money. Although everything indicated it was the latter, personally, she hoped for the former.

"It might be a quiet night, UWU, but these plains are wild lands where it's better to be accompanied. UWU... Giant eagles are known to hunt at night too, UWU, so a lady like you should tread carefully, UWU," Meg Tree said, looking suspiciously at the sky.

Daring Do rolled her eyes. She had already studied those territories. In the past, these lands south of Equestria had been the scene of wars between the minotaur, centaur, and lion gargoyle kingdoms. Those realms knew no harmony and constantly engaged in disputes over the slightest nonsense. It was believed that Tirek and Scorpan, two powerful creatures that had caused great trouble in the land of ponies long ago, originated from these lands.

Currently, however, those realms had isolated themselves and didn't allow entry to foreigners or changes in their cultures. War itself had become a taboo among them. She didn't believe it was the best solution for those societies to remain isolated and backward, but it was much better than an era of eternal conflict.

Daring Do stopped trotting and gazed thoughtfully at that beautiful plain. Her eyes slid across the river they had crossed and the forests of dwarf trees they had left behind. Finally, she halted at the distant lights of the village they had departed from.

What future awaited these lands? Daring Do couldn't even imagine. The arrival of Equestrian settlers in the last hundred years had brought improvements to the land, almost erasing the traces of past wars. It had also paved the way for improved trade with other species inhabiting the region. All of that was very positive, but it could also become a new source of conflicts in the future. Undoubtedly, the new princess would have a lot of work ahead...

"UwU! We're almost there!" neighed Meg Tree.

Both were approaching a solitary hill adorned with unusual rocks at its peak.

"Perfect, there's no need to..."


"... accompany me to the top," Daring Do finished, clearly uncomfortable.

Daring Do had been interrupted by Meg Tree's delayed 'UWU.' That catchphrase the pony repeated was becoming increasingly annoying for the adventurer.

"Of course, it's necessary, UWU. I've given you my word to take you to the top, and I intend to keep it, UWU," Meg Tree replied, taking off his hat as if making a solemn oath.

"Alright... fine," said Daring Do, looking away to avoid seeing the guide's untidy and unhygienic mane.

"Great, UWU!" Meg Tree responded cheerfully. He turned around and, with a skip, continued ahead with proud steps.

Daring Do sighed. She regretted accepting Meg Tree as a guide. She had passed through the town earlier that day to stock up, and while chatting in one of the stores, she casually mentioned that she was heading to the "hill of eternity." Suddenly, that pony appeared out of nowhere, begging her to allow him to be her guide. After creating a shameful and embarrassing scene in the middle of the square, she finally agreed in exchange for a few coins. That solved the immediate problem, but considering she was a pegasus and only needed to fly for less than an hour to reach the hill, having a guide became ridiculous.

The journey had taken HOURS since the afternoon. Surprisingly, Meg Tree had behaved quite well throughout the way. However, his boring and improvised talks became as uncomfortable as a bent horseshoe.

Daring Do looked up at the top of the hill.

Setting aside that annoying guide, Daring Do already had her trip's objective within reach. Taking a leap into the air and maintaining a light flight, with Meg Tree marching ahead, she continued on towards the summit.