• Published 21st Jan 2023
  • 825 Views, 102 Comments

The Amphibious Hope - TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Heroes of Equestria make an alliance with the Heroes of Amphibia to defeat The Core and save Equestria.

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Chapter 6: A Heartfelt Reunion

The group teleported in the middle of Los Angeles. As they looked around, Spike gazed at the tall buildings by which they were surrounded. “Whoa…this is Anne’s world? It almost looks like…Sunset’s world!”

“We’re back on Earth now. I never thought I would see this place again,” sighed Hop Pop.

“Earth? Huh, that’s new to me.”

“Trust me, Spike, you’re gonna love this city! After we meet Anne, we’ll show you everything LA has! It’s just amazing!” Sprig exclaimed, stars beaming in his eyes.

“I’m not sure if we have enough time for—,”

“Oh, come, come, now, Spike. No need to ruin the fun,” Discord interrupted. “I’m sure this Anne will show the wonders of this dimension! Oh, I can already feel the chaotic energy around us!”

“Shh! Watch out! Humans are approaching!” Sprig alerted.

They all hid behind the bushes before they could be noticed by the locals. As the human civilians casually passed by, the group peeked through the bushes.

“Man, that was a close call. We almost got caught!” Sprig sighed in relief, wiping sweat off his head.

“Why can’t we ask those…uh…humans…about this Anne?” Spike asked.

“Dude, those people have really bad reactions to things they don’t understand. The moment they see us, they’ll be like, ‘OMG, talking frogs!!’ ‘AHH, a talking dragon! THEY’RE GONNA KILL US!!’ Y’know what I mean?” Polly informed, mimicking their screams.

Spike arched his eyebrow. “Really? They’re that scared??”

“Pretty much,” replied Polly, shrugging.

“Hmm, I guess that makes sense. Guess we’ll have to keep a low profile for now,” Spike said.

“So, Sprig, to whence shall I resume our road trip?”

“There’s a house a few miles outside the city. We know her parents live there…if they still live there. It’s been so long since we’ve seen them. I hope they’re doing alright,” Sprig replied.

“I can imagine how old they’ve gotten by now. I can’t wait to see their faces once more…especially Mr. Boonchuy! I always admired his sense of humor!” Hop Pop chuckled.

“Well then, a nostalgic family reunion, here we come!” Discord announced, putting on his sunglasses.

“Wait! How can we get there without getting any unwanted attention?” Spike reminded.

“Hmm, I have a…funny solution for that,” Discord said, mischievously giggling.

Spike widened his eyes before he scooted backwards. “Oooohhh no! No, no, no, we’re not doing this again!”

“Do what again?” Sprig wondered.

“You’ll see…” Discord smirked.

“I dunno what it is, but I’m all for it!” Polly spoke, wickedly narrowing her eyes in excitement.

A few minutes later, the frogs and Discord were disguised as humans whereas Spike’s body was turned into a dragon-like motor vehicle. His head remained intact on top of the hood.

“Woo-hoo! Now this is fun!!” Polly shouted.

“Told you it’ll be amusing! Hahaha!! Right, Spike?” Discord laughed.

“You guys are freaking insane!! WHY DOES THE UNIVERSE HATE ME?!” Spike cried.

Anne took her work shirt off and put on her normal T-shirt before she went back into the kitchen. There, her parents—wearing slightly gray hairs—were having a conversation in the living room.

“How many more classics will they remake? Haven’t they done enough already?” Mrs. Boonchuy complained.

“Tell me about it! They’re even planning to remake another animated film that isn’t even a decade old!” said Mr. Boonchuy. “They’re just getting desperate at this point!”

“If they ever—I mean ever—remake The Soft Heart, *cracks knuckles* they’ll have another thing coming for them,” she added, typing furiously on her laptop.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it,” Anne said.

Once she opened the door, her jaw nearly dropped and her eyes widened in absolute shock. The Plantars, especially Sprig, smiled at seeing their old friend once again.

“Hey, Anne…” Sprig softly greeted, fighting back tears.

Anne’s pupils shrunk as she gazed back at him, standing in awe. “S-Sprig? Hop Pop? Polly? You’re—you’re here?! Am I…dreaming?!”

Polly jumped up and slapped her in the face.

“Okay, definitely not a dream. Also, ow!” Anne casually replied. Once she shook the pain off, she gave them a tight hug. “I can’t believe it!! You guys are actually here!! This is amazing!!”

“I missed you so much!! Every night, I dreamt of this moment!!” Sprig sobbed, hugging her back.

“I missed you too, dude!!” Then she looked back at Hop Pop. “Wow, you look like you haven’t aged at all!”

“Hehe, guess that’s the benefit of being a farmer,” Hop Pop grinned. “Still, I never thought I would see your young face again. Seems like you’ve gotten a little…tall now.”

“Yeah, I have,” she chuckled, wiping off her tear drop.

“What’s up, girl?!” Polly shouted, giving her a high five.

“Hey, hey, sis! Look at you getting taller now! It feels like yesterday you were this small!” Anne remarked.

“Yep! And I’m still kicking butt to this very day!” Polly replied, flexing her muscles.

“I’m so glad to see you guys again. But…HOW?? How did you get here?! Weren’t the stones supposed to be used one last time so that Sasha, Marcy, and I can go back home?”

“Well, they did fulfill their purpose, and yes—they no longer exist…” Hop Pop began.

“Buuuuutt, we did get some help!” Sprig added.

“And we didn’t come alone!” Polly finished.

“Why are you guys emphasizing ‘did’?”

“I dunno. Why not?”

“Anyway, there’s some folks we’d like you to meet!” Hop Pop introduced.

Once the Plantars stepped aside, Anne saw Spike and Discord just behind them. The dragon nervously waved his hand while Discord awkwardly kicked a rock.

“Whoaaa! Who are these guys? New friends of yours?”

“You could say that,” Sprig replied.

“Hi…uh, Anne? I’m Spike. It’s a pleasure to meet you!”

“HELLO THERE!” Discord greeted in a form of a ringmaster. “I am Discord, Lord of Chaos! Master of Disharmony! Do you crave for mischief? Well, look no further ‘cause I’m here to put a smile on your face! Hahaha!!”

Spike face-palmed himself whereas Anne stood back both confused and surprised. Polly however gazed at Discord and randomly took a picture of him.

“Uhhh…what did I just witness?”

“Don’t ask. That’s just his thing,” Spike replied.

Anne shook off her confusion. “Alright, so now there’s a talking dragon and a weird-looking…lizard…snake thing who can do magic…now I’ve seen everything!”

“So…can we come in?” Spike asked.

“Yeah, come inside! My parents will LOVE this!” Anne squealed.

As they entered the house, Spike and Discord curiously looked around. “Hmm, these humans have quite a humble taste in home decoration. Not suitable for Rarity’s sense of fashion, I’ll tell you that,” the draconequus observed. “Although this is still inferior to Fluttershy’s exquisite housekeeping.”

“Alright, listen, we ask Anne to help us out, go back to Equestria, defeat the Core, rescue Twilight, and—,”

“…and then we get back to our happy little lives! Yeah, yeah, Spike, we get it,” Discord interrupted, turning into a dragon. “‘This is a serious mission! No fun and games until we complete our duty! No distractions!’” he mocked.

Spike groaned in frustration. Then he proceeded to angrily whisper to Discord saying, “Ever since we left Equestria, you barely took this mission seriously. The more we goof around, the more lives will be in danger!”

While the Plantars reunited with Anne’s parents with joy and tears, she noticed the two Equestrians whispering to each other.

“I’m most definitely taking this mission seriously, Spike. But there’s nothing wrong with having some fun during harsh times, you know.”

“Can you just—?!”

“Hey, uh…sorry to interrupt your conversation, but…is everything alright?” Anne politely asked.

The duo then stood upright and cleared their throats. “Why, of course, my dear. We’re…just new to this whole…environment of yours. That’s all. No need to worry!”

“Yeah, uh…I like your, um, home!” Spike added.

“Okay! Come meet my parents! They’ll be thrilled to meet you two!” Anne invited.

As they walked into the living room, the frogs were chatting with her parents in a rapid heartbeat.

“And then we soared high in the sky! It was the first air sport we’ve ever done!” said Sprig.

“That’s amazing, Sprig! That takes a lot of courage to do that! I would never because I’m afraid of heights,” Mr. Boonchuy complimented.

“Ha, wait till you see me skydiving. It’ll make you tremble…in fear,” Mrs. Boonchuy said, grinning mischievously.

The dad nervously gulped. “Wow…hehe…pretty intriguing…”

“Mom, Dad, these are the Plantars’ new friends: Spike and Discord!” Anne introduced.

“Great…more introductions…” Spike sighed, rolling his eyes.

“*Gasp* A big talking dragon?! I didn’t know Amphibia has one of those!” exclaimed Mr. Boonchuy.

“We’re from Equestria, actually.”

Anne’s parents looked at each other amazed. “My goodness…there is more to the multiverse we know very little about,” the mom remarked.

“Aaaaand what are you supposed to be?” the dad asked Discord.

Before Discord could reply, Spike opened his wings in front of everyone. “Guys, listen!!” he yelled.

The others silently stood by with widened, startled eyes.

“Thank you. I know this is a heartwarming moment for all of you and especially for you, Anne. However, there are urgent matters that brought us here.”

“Urgent matters?” Anne asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Yes,” replied Spike. He took a deep breath before he could explain. “We’re here because Equestria is in utter danger. An evil creature has taken our kingdom, enslaved my best friend, and has slaughtered many innocent creatures!”

“Plus, the Core has ruled Equestria with an iron hoof for seven years now. It won’t be long until it has fulfilled its destiny,” Discord added.

Anne gasped in horror.

“The Core?! Uh….I’m sorry. What’s this ‘Core’ you’re speaking of?” the mom asked.

“Anne, are you familiar with the name?” her dad asked.

Shaking her head in disbelief, Anne cleared her ears and rubbed her eyes. “Please tell me you’re making this up. You’re not talking about…THE Core, right?”

Spike and Discord looked at each other awkwardly.


Then Discord looked at her sadly. “Perhaps you should see this for yourself.” He waved his lion arm across the room, creating a panoramic flashback before their eyes. They saw a darkened Equestria below them while an armored alicorn wickedly laughed at the mere sight of it.

Anne then gasped at witnessing the return of her past archenemy: the Core. Blinking its bright orange eyes, Gloam Fall activated their horn and sent a large blast toward the cowering non-ponies beneath the Canterlot Castle. The blast wiped them all out, leaving nothing but burnt skulls and scorched flesh on the ground.

Multiple frobots and ponies erected flags with the imprinted Core insignia. All the other ponies bowed before Gloam Fall and worshipped them.

The flashback ended with Gloam Fall evilly laughing once more.

Anne fell backwards as if she had a heart attack. Her parents and the Plantars rushed to her aid. “Sweetie, are you alright?”

“What’s wrong, Anne?”

Anne then burst into tears. “This…this can’t be happening! This can’t be true! I know I destroyed the Core! I know it! There’s no way it survived!”

“Huh? Anne, you never told us about it! When did you first confront it?” her mother asked.

“Back when Andrias invaded LA. When we rescued Marcy and briefly returned to Amphibia, the Core took over its own moon and used it as a weapon for a final resort. That’s when I used the stones to destroy it along with its moon…in space.”

“Really? So the Core was behind the invasion ten years ago?!” her dad realized.

“Yes. Andrias used to serve the Core for over a thousand years,” Anne explained.

“Ahh, so that would explain that mental breakdown he displayed on top of that building,” her dad said, rubbing his chin.

“So…you defeated the Core…by destroying their moon?? How did you even breathe?” her mom asked.

“Hehe, it’s a long story,” Anne nervously giggled.

Her mother sternly glared at her. “Anne…”

“Well…I died.”

Her parents gasped in shock.

“But then I came back to life! Some angelic guardian talked with me, learned a valuable lesson, and then decided to give me a second chance. Pretty wild, huh?”

Her parents rushed to hug her tightly. “Guys, come on, it’s not—,”

“Anne! You realize we could’ve lost you forever?! Don’t you have any idea how it would have affected us?! Knowing our daughter lost her life at a young age?!” her mom shouted, shedding tears.

“It’s a miracle you’re alive!” her dad added, kissing Anne on the forehead.

Anne hugged her parents. “I know. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you both at the time. I just didn’t want you guys to be hurt with the knowledge of my death. Plus, I felt like it wasn’t necessary since it was all over…” then she stopped smiling. “…or so I thought.”

Spike then held her shoulder. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out. I really am.”

“No, you don’t have to be sorry about it. It feels like my sacrifice was all for nothing now that the Core is back—possibly for revenge. And without my powers, I have no way of defending myself.”

Spike looked at Discord who winked back at him. Then the former turned back to her. “We can fix that. It would mean so much to us if you help us destroy the Core once and for all. You seem to know it more than anypony.”

Anne looked at him flabbergasted. “Really?”

“Yeah! Your friends believe in you, and so do we,” affirmed Spike.

Anne looked back at her parents. While still sad, they smiled in approval.

“Normally, I would say ‘absolutely not!’, but…you’re not a little girl anymore. You’ve already shown your bravery and true strength while facing that monster,” her mom said.

“Also, that thing may come for us anyway, so they will need all the help they can get,” her dad added.

“Wow…so we’re doing this all over again, eh? Ha, of the things you let go, you’d be surprised what makes its way back to you,” Anne muttered, slightly grinning.

“Alright, you two, you found the right person for a little…pest control!” Anne accepted.

Discord snickered at her reply.


“Oh, nothing! It’s such a cheesy line, I love it! Hahahahaha!”

“Hey, saying cheesy lines is part of my nature! Cut me some slack!”