• Published 23rd Jan 2023
  • 397 Views, 15 Comments

Midnight Station - Part 01: Twilight faces the Dark Martial March - Khampostel

Three years after Twilight's coronation, the Mane 6 face a new challenge. On how much depends the fate of a world.

  • ...

The old friendship train II

Author's Note:

This chapter has direct links to the story Rainbow Dash goes to The Averages Tower read on for more information.

In one of the carriages of the train bound for Canterlot, a young pony shivered in the oppressive darkness of the carriage he was in. He had barely slept the night before and had not tasted any food in over 24 hours. Despite that, the strength of his spirit kept him focused and awake. However, the anxiety he felt was not something he could ignore. Aware that the moment was approaching, he opened the bottle of cider he had been given as a prize. He had never drunk cider before in his life, so the taste of the drink only managed to make his throat burn and increase his discomfort. Still, he continued to drink, finishing about a third of the bottle before setting it aside. Soon, the effects of the drink dissipated his tremors and further cleared his mind. He was ready, but there was still some time left, so he turned on the music player he carried with him and put on his headphones.

Those hearing aids were so new that they still had their box next to her, another gift she had not wanted, but could not refuse either. It was probably the only chance he would ever have in his life to wear hearing aids.

Intrigued by the modern gadget, the young pony checked the box and read to himself, "Silent Gamma Headphones - Averages C."

"...And that's what happened," Dash said with confidence all her own.

"Wooo! That was amazing, you fought off a giant crocodile, saved Daring Do from being eaten by a swarm of ant-lobsters and brought peace back to a kingdom of hippos. You're amazing, Dashi!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie excitedly bouncing in her seat.

"Yes, it really is an 'unbelievable' story, Rainbow," Applejack said with a skeptical tone.

"And after all that, Daring Do gave you the original draft of his latest book. Wow..." said Fluttershy thoughtfully.

"Yes, that's right," Dash confirmed.

The four ponies looked at the pile of messy and battered documents Dash had left on one of the seats.

"It really is a very valuable document, my dear. But since you brought it, I guess this is the surprise you have in store for Twilight, isn't it?" asked Rarity.

"Of course! Knowing her, she may have already read the book up to ten times. But I'm one hundred percent sure she'll be surprised when I give this to her," Dash replied brimming with excitement. The rainbow pegasus had already prepared herself for questions and compliments from her friends. However, none of that happened. Instead, the ponies looked at each other worriedly.

"What's the matter...don't you think he's surprised?" asked Dash.

"Of course you'll be surprised," Applejack replied. "It's just that your story doesn't explain anything that happened a moment ago."

"Explain what?" replied Dash with mock naiveté.

"Who was the suspicious pony earlier?" asked Applejack with a serious tone.

"Ah, that, it's not important. She's just a fan who wants me to sign a contract to become her star model. Can you believe it?" replied Dash.

The other ponies looked quizzical, Applejack's gaze narrowed and even Rarity raised an eyebrow.

"So a fan...," Applejack replied inquisitively.

"Well, you should talk to her. She shouldn't be stalking you like that. It'll cause you trouble and you'll end up more stressed out than you already are," Pinkie said eating some muffins she pulled from somewhere. The other ponies gave her a brief reproachful look, it was a bit cheeky advice, considering her pink friend had acted that way on numerous occasions in the past.

"Stressed? What are you talking about, Pinkie? I'm perfectly fine."

"Pinkie's right, dear. You look terrible, have you seen yourself in a mirror?" said Rarity.

Dash frowned. She didn't trust Rarity when it came to image opinions, she tended to exaggerate. But doubt had already been sown, so she consulted the pony who she knew wouldn't lie to her.

"Fluttershy, do I really look that bad?"

"Well... yes, you don't look so bad, but when you came I really got worried. Well, we all did," Fluttershy replied handing him a mirror.

Dash soon saw his own image. Fluttershy was right. Her mane was messier than other times, her irritated eyes were accompanied by slight dark circles under her eyes. She still looked stunning, but not as much as on other occasions.

"Well I think you should talk to your 'fan'. We're supposed to have a special day with Twilight today, and it wouldn't be right to bring that kind of trouble on her," Applejack chided.

"You worry too much, Applejack - everything's fine!" snapped Dash back sharply.

It was then that the bell rang at the entrance door of the carriage. A moment later, a train employee entered accompanied by a large group of foals. Soon, the carriage was filled with a hubbub of praise and shouts of excitement.

"Ah, excuse me, but is Miss Rainbow Dash in? These young people would like to meet her," asked the clerk.

Applejack and the rest of her friends turned to where Rainbow Dash was sitting. But the pegasus was not there, she was sticking her head out of the window she had just opened.

"Ha ha... it's really hot today," Dash said to her friends feigning calmness after re-entering the rest of her body back on the train.

"IT'S RAINBOW DASH!", "SHE'S AMAZING!", "YES!". Chorused with joy the foals who had entered. Their friends watched them with smiles, except Applejack, who kept her gaze narrow.

"Okay, I got this," Dash said more cheerfully, pushing Applejack aside and leaving her friends behind. "Wow, I guess everyone came for an autograph, didn't they?"

"SIIIIIIIIII!" the young ponies whinnied. Some were jumping and others were already stomping on the ground.

"Now, now, calm down, line up and give me where to sign." Dash flew over to a seat and pulled a pen from somewhere in his mane. "Okay, who's first?"

Without receiving any further orders, the colts and fillies had already formed into a line. The first was a filly in a pink hat and ribbon, carrying a book that appeared to be a cookbook. With overflowing joy, she handed it to Dash.

"Ha, are you sure you want me to sign here? Fine by me." Quickly, Dash swiped his helmet over the open book.

"Yesssssssss, of course! Your recipe for Blackberry Pie is just like my grandmother's," said the filly before stepping out of line.

"Huh?" said Dash in confusion. Behind her, Pinkie Pie could be heard choking on one of the muffins she was eating. "Ok ... , next!"

"Yo! Yo! Here, here," was a colt with blue fur and white slippers. He handed Dash a brochure of slippers for travel and exploration.

"That's better! Here you go." Quickly, Dash ran his helmet over the brochure.

"Great! Now my parents will have to buy me the same sneakers you wear, yay!" said the colt before running out of the wagon.

Behind Dash, the murmurs of her friends could be heard. Dash did not turn around, her face already reflected the feeling that something was not right.

"Okay, you!" Dash stopped the next young filly who had stickers on her face. "Where do you wish me to sign?"

"In my fashion magazine," the filly replied cheerfully.

"And that's because...?" questioned the worried pegasus.

"Because I love your makeup so much! Your glitter and stickers you use are divine! Yiiip!" the filly whinnied excitedly.

Rainbow Dash had a frightened expression on her face.

"Okay, here's your signature," the pegasus said, abruptly dismissing the filly. "THANKS FOR COMING, BUT THAT'S ALL FOR NOW!"

Words of confusion and disappointment were heard among the foals.


Perhaps they were very polite or trusted a promise from their idol Rainbow Dash, but the vast majority decided to obey even though they were very unhappy. So, with the help of the train attendant, Rainbow Dash managed to quickly get all the young ponies out of the carriage.

Dash sighed wearily as she closed the carriage door after the last of the foals had crossed it. One problem had been solved, but now there was a bigger one at her back.

"Wow Rainbow, I didn't know you liked to wear sneakers," said Pinkie Pie checking a brochure dropped by one of the foals.

Before a second had passed since Pinkie had finished speaking, Dash, at considerable speed, picked up the brochure Pinkie and everyone else had on the floor. And threw them out of one of the train windows.

"Whew, wow. Those kids should take better care of where they leave their trash. Cleanliness is so important! Right?" said Dash agitated closing the window.

Her bewildered friends looked at her for a moment, then exchanged glances with each other with the intention of letting the matter drop, however, Applejack would not let it go.

"Okay, that's it! What are you hiding, Rainbow Dash?" the farm pony said in a stern tone approaching the pegasus.

"Hiding something? What could he be hiding?" said Dash with a slightly strained laugh.

"Ever since you arrived I have sensed that something ISN'T RIGHT, and when something ISN'T RIGHT, I can't keep quiet. I ask you again, WHAT ARE YOU HIDING, RAINBOW DASH?"

"Hey, calm down Applejack. It's all good. I'm not hiding anything, aren't I, girls?" said Dash looking for support from her other friends. The rest of her friends didn't respond.

That silence filled the carriage they were in with tension.

Sensing which side her friends were on, Dash felt she had had enough of that situation and, in an annoyed tone, told them, "I just remembered I need to buy something, I'll go ahead. See you in Canterlot.

"You-!" said Applejack, now really annoyed, but she was interrupted by someone else.

"Thinking of leaving already, Rainbow Dash? I thought you might want to spend more time with your friends?" an unfamiliar voice was heard asking from the other side of the carriage.

They all looked to the back of the carriage, where Magazine Doublereport herself was sitting comfortably sipping a soft drink.

The train began to move more slowly through the meadow, and in the special guest car, a more active situation was beginning to develop. The red-haired, black-striped pegasus stood up and advanced toward the group of friends with a mischievous look on her face. She had a radiant, confident smile befitting a successful businessman. He certainly was, and the yellow tie he was wearing bore that out. Magazine Doublereport didn't need anyone to introduce her; her own image said everything about her. However, she couldn't skip the formalities, especially when these performances were so much fun for her.

And at that moment, nothing amused him more than the fear he sensed in Rainbow Dash.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you! I'm Magazine Doublereport, owner and chief executive of the Averages consortium. You can call me MAGI. It's a pleasure for me to meet Princess Twilight Sparkle's so heroic and acclaimed friends," Magi quickly said with an exclamation that almost sounded like a whinny.

One by one, she began to greet Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, while handing them some promotional brochures.

"Hey, you're not the pony from a moment ago..." said Applejack.

"And you must be Applejack, Mucho gusto!" said Magi, effusively waving Applejack's right helmet in a salute and then dropping it to the side.

Thus, Magi finished greeting everyone and approached Rainbow Dash.

"Really, all your friends look as cool as you mentioned. By the way, do you have a moment? I need you to sign some additional documents to include the Crystal Empire within the target market of the marketing campaign. Dash... are you there?"

Dash did not answer. In her terrified eyes one could only slowly see the reflection of the scene that was happening in front of her.

Pinkie Pie was holding her laughter in her seat as she looked at a pajama brochure featuring Dash wearing bunny ears. Rarity was standing dumbfounded as she looked at the fashion brochure in which Dash was wearing a stylish spring dress. Fluttershy, on the other hand, didn't seem to react at all, or rather, she was probably paralyzed by the contents of the stuffed animal brochure she was still holding between her hooves.

Without waiting to hear any words from her friends, Dash shot like blue lightning out of one of the windows.

Her friends were left behind, surprised by the sudden abandonment of their loyal friend.

"Great! There she goes again... Is she always like this?" asked Magi somewhat annoyed at the rest of the ponies.

"Who did you say you were?" replied Applejack still disoriented by the earlier greeting.

"Excuse our friend's behavior, Miss Magi," Rarity said pulling Applejack aside. The unicorn had understood the position Magi was in. "But tell us, what is your relationship to our friend Rainbow Dash?"

"I am currently his legal representative and manager," Magi replied.

"Rainbow Dash has a manager?" asked Pinkie, puzzled. She wasn't the only one, they all, including Applejack, looked at each other.

"I didn't know that," said Fluttershy, who seemed to be trying to remember something.

"I think I've heard of the Averages Consortium before..." said Rarity, who seemed to sense what was going on. "Miss Magi, you just mentioned that you are our friend's legal representative, could you elaborate on that point?".

"Of course, you see, your friend Rainbow Dash recently signed an actual binding contract with the Averages Consortium for us to make use of her image, given her importance as a client. I assumed responsibility for handling all legal aspects involving the use of her image. This is all done with the goal of making her the newest and biggest celebrity in all of Equestria," Magi said with a big smile.

Rarity was stunned after hearing that statement, as was everyone else.

Applejack, however, showed little emotion. She was already expecting something bad from that executive-looking pony. The farm pony knew that an 'actual binding contract' was bad no matter where it was taken from. She wasn't a legal expert like Twilight, but her grandmother had told her enough stories about that infamous document to know what kind of trouble it could cause.

"So he did that...," Applejack said, already piecing things together in her mind. "So that's why he's been stalking our friend, right, Magi?"

Magi, who sensed Applejack's hostility and what she might be thinking, was quick to respond.

"I would like there to be no misunderstandings between us, but Miss Rainbow Dash received a fair deal and was fully informed of the scope of the document she signed with my organization. Consequently, I am making sure that she complies with what was agreed upon," Magi said with a smile, but with a tone of seriousness.

"With the agreed-upon? And what does that refer to?"

"Well, if I may briefly explain..." At that point, Magi proceeded to explain to the ponies how, after Dash signed an actual binding contract several days before, she and her associates began doing commercial advertisements using her image. Magi clarified the detail that Dash was not the pony that appeared in the brochures, but rather models using her same colors. It had been a complicated and tedious process of make-up, but one that in the end had met with Rainbow Dash's face-to-face approval. However, she did not mention that the latter had been achieved by lies and deception.

As he finished, a doubt hung in the air.

"But why would Rainbow Dash want to be a commercial celebrity? She doesn't want that kind of fame," Fluttershy asked innocently.

"True, Miss Rainbow Dash wasn't interested at first with my initial proposal, but she changed her mind when I included in my offer the opportunity to acquire the original drafts of the latest Daring Do book," Magi said quietly, sipping her soda. "She was very excited to get them. I think she mentioned something about 'winning a very special competition.' I could be wrong, though."

The four pony friends looked at each other and then looked at the pile of documents on one of the seats. It was all starting to fit together.

"This is all very shocking, Miss Magi, but could you give us more details about our friend's situation and her contract, if you don't mind?" stated Rarity.

"It does not bother me at all. However, I do not have the time to make a detailed explanation. I have a meeting with the directors of the consortium today, and Rainbow Dash must be present. I am under obligation to take her to the offices in Manehattan, or else your friend could be in serious legal trouble. I do not wish this to happen. If I may..." said Magi as she prepared to leave.

"You don't have to worry about that, I'll go get her," Applejack interrupted.

"Do you know where he is?" asked Rarity in surprise. Applejack nodded her head in response. Seeing her so sure, she and the rest of her friends didn't ask any more questions. Magi noticed that detail as well.

"Can you really bring it?" asked Magi.

"That's right," confirmed Applejack, who appeared to have no interest in negotiating.

"That's okay, I really appreciate it. Then, I'll stay here until you come back. But no more than 30 minutes," Magi said accepting Applejack's proposal with some mistrust.

"I won't be that long, I'll be right back," Applejack said adjusting her hat before quickly exiting through the back door of the carriage.

The rest of her friends watched her leave in concern. They all wondered what was happening to their friend Rainbow Dash and wished with all their hearts that Applejack would bring her back. On the other hand, Magi...

"I have samples of the new ginger flavored Jumy Cookies - anyone?"

Pinkie Pai waved her right hoof high.

Applejack advanced through the train until she reached the last car, which was closed. She was not surprised, as it was a freight car. However, she was struck by the fact that it was so tightly secured, even with the windows sealed. The farm pony thought nothing more of it and climbed up some ladders to the roof of the wagon. Soon she spotted her rainbow-haired pegasus friend sitting at the far end.

Without a word, Applejack advanced to Rainbow and sat down next to her. Rainbow did not move. Her mane had lost its luster and even her wings seemed to droop to the sides. She had her gaze lost somewhere on the path left behind by the train.

"Wow...you came," Rainbow said.


"How did you know I'd be here?"

"You like to see things in motion."

"Yes, that's true," Dash said turning his eyes back to the train tracks.

"Magi already told us part of what happened. But I'd like to hear the rest from you."

"Like that, huh? How nice...", Dash said without looking at her again.

Applejack waited for him to continue, but nothing happened. "Well then, will you tell me what happened?"

"It's not your problem."


"No, really, it's not your problem, nor the others. It's just that I... I did something really stupid."

"And that's why you don't want to talk about it. You plan to solve it on your own."


Applejack sighed and, with a quick hoof motion, smacked Rainbow in the head. "Ouch! HEY!" The annoyed pegasus turned to look at her friend. The farm pony now stood in front of her with a stern look befitting her family.

"Tell me, Rainbow, at what point did my BRAVE BEST FRIEND turn into a COWARDLY HEN?"

Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up in anger and part of her mane seemed to regain its luster. Applejack was inwardly glad to see that reaction, but she hid her emotions. If she wanted to succeed in bringing Rainbow back to the others, she had to be more careful than a cat in boots.


"IS IT REALLY THAT IMPORTANT TO SIDE WITH OUR FRIENDSHIP?" retorted Applejack, but Dash didn't respond. Getting no response, Applejack turned around and started to walk away.

Rainbow Dash hesitated for a moment, but seeing her friend flying away, she quickly flew to catch up with her.

"HEY, HEY, WAIT! I'm not blowing them off, I just don't want them to get into this thing," Dash said reaching for her.

"IT'S THE SAME," stated Applejack.


"THEN EXPLAIN YOURSELF... PLEASE," Applejack pleaded.

"It's just... I'm really embarrassed," Dash said dropping down.

Applejack watched her in confusion. "Just that?"

"It's a lot more than 'just that,'" Dash replied with a look of fury.

"Is it that bad?"

"Yes," Dash was silent for a moment, but before Applejack asked again, he continued. "After I signed that stupid contract, they called me back. That's when I found out they'd been doing cooking promotions with my image."

Applejack looked at her in confusion. "It doesn't sound so bad, Rainbow. Magi said..."

"They also did beauty promotions."

"Okay, but..."

"Also of special mare clothes for Warm Hearts Day," Dash said covering her face full of embarrassment.

Applejack was silent for a moment and then continued. "There's more?"

"Yes... much more," Dash replied with a distressed expression.

There was a long pause between the two. There was only the sound of the train moving forward. Applejack began to ponder to understand her overwhelmed friend. In the past, similar situations had occurred due to unfounded rumors in a school newspaper, and Rainbow Dash had not taken it well back then. Now, on the other hand, her friend was in a real mess that she herself had willingly gotten into. Considering her friend's big ego, she could only imagine an equally big embarrassment that was crushing her inside.

Applejack sighed. "Looks like you're up to your neck in mud this time. And how many ponies do Magi's magazines reach?"

"According to what you told me, everyone in Equestria will have a magazine by the end of next week. By then, my public image will be ruined," Dash replied.

"And how were you planning to solve it?"

"Something will occur to me. As always," Dash said with a confident smile, but then turned his gaze away. Applejack knew that gesture was a lie.

The train continued to move slowly across the prairie. Flocks of sheep could be seen grazing quietly on the horizon and other groups were crossing the path of the train. An interval of silence passed between the two ponies, until Applejack interrupted.

"And all for a book?"

"Yes... It's pretty silly now that I think about it. I really could have thought of something else. Like going on a field trip or some kind of competition between us. But NO, I WANTED TO DO 'SOMETHING AWESOME!" said Dash extending her front hooves into the air and then pitifully dropping them. "I think, deep down, I wanted to do something better than what you did."

"Rainbow, we promised we wouldn't compete with each other. Not for this," admonished Applejack.

"YES I KNOW! ... I know," Dash sighed exhaustedly.

"The others need to hear it from you."

"Yeah, but... the faces they made. I won't stand for it, Applejack. I..."

"I'll be there, they won't laugh," Applejack said placing her helmet on her friend's shoulder.

Dash looked at Applejack touched, like a child receiving forgiveness from her mother. However, she then lowered her gaze and went back to her usual self. "It's okay, Applejack. I'll tell you all about it, but after that, I'll have to leave with Magi. She has a meeting, reunion, whatever, and I have to be present. I think it'll be short...I hope."

The farm pony was silent for a moment and then averted her gaze.

"If that's what you want, we'll take it," Applejack said with part of her face hidden by her hat.

"Umph, thanks..." Dash seemed suspicious of Applejack's words, but continued, "Okay, let's go."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack nimbly climbed down from the roof of the carriage and returned inside the train. On their way back, they met Magi and the rest of their friends. After a brief greeting, Dash began to explain to them everything that had happened. Although she omitted several details of her trip to the Averages Tower, she was quite clear on how she had been treated and under what circumstances she had signed the binding contract with Magi. She also recounted what happened next, her return to Average's offices and how she had been evading Magi so that he would not advertise her image any further. Thus he continued his story until his arrival on the train that day.

"And that's what really happened," Rainbow Dash finished saying.

"Oh dear! But why did you do all that?" asked Fluttershy.

"I just wanted to give Twilight an amazing day, better than the one you had prepared. But when things started to go wrong, I got desperate and... I ended up getting myself into this mess," a dejected Rainbow Dash replied to her friends.

Her friends watched her in silence. Those mixed looks of concern and pity were too much for Dash, who quickly turned her back on them. "Anyway, now I have to go fulfill Magi's contract if I don't want to end up in prison or worse. Tell Twilight I'll see her..."

"Hold on there, Rainbow Dash," Rarity interrupted. "You don't think we're going to let you off that easy, do you?"

"Ah, what..." the pegasus didn't finish her reply to Rarity, Applejack's lasso quickly wrapped around the pegasus, pinning her down and pinning her to the ground. Applejack got on top of her, making sure she didn't move.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE...!" Rainbow Dash's mouth was covered by a box of muffins.

"We're helping a friend keep a promise. That's what we're doing," Pinkie said cheerfully, and sat down next to her securing her flank. Fluttershy also did the same on the other side, but she looked more apologetic.

Dash could only watch as Rarity turned to Magi.

"Magi, my dear, would you be interested in listening to a proposal to allow Dash to stay with us this day?" said Rarity with determination.

"I hear you," the executive pegasus replied impassively.

"As you may know, I own several dress stores spread throughout Equestria. As a young entrepreneur, I am looking to broaden my horizons and joining your Consortium would be a great opportunity for my business. Of course, I would have to study beforehand the benefits offered by your organization, but you can consider that as of today I have a great interest in being part of your community," Rarity concluded. Meanwhile, Rainbow, who was imprisoned, was shaking with all her might, her eyes full of despair.

"It is a very interesting proposal, unfortunately as I mentioned before your friend returned, Rainbow Dash's situation is beyond my direct control, the consortium board will not accept that your friend has refused to be present at today's meeting just because..." said Magi seriously, but she stopped when she saw the dejected faces of the group of ponies that were in front of her. The pony named Pinkie in particular caught her attention, she had a sign with 'PLEASE' written on it plus a sad face. He began to doubt. After watching them for a few seconds, Magi finally sighed in surrender.

"However... I can tell you that I failed to find her." immediately joy burst out in the train carriage, then Magi raised her voice "Instead I met the other extraordinary friends of the princess and they were very enthusiastic about visiting the main offices of the Average consortium. What do you think? Do you agree?

Rarity looked at her friends and none of them were against it, except Dash who was still imprisoned by Applejack, the pegasus kept shaking her head.

"Yes, we totally agree." said Rarity nonchalantly.

"Excellent, I'll expect them then." said Magi with a satisfied smile.

Applejack finally let Dash go. The rainbow-haired pegasus immediately snapped, "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, DID YOU NOT HEAR EVERYTHING I SAID ABOUT HER?"

"We understand perfectly, Rainbow Dash. But this isn't the first time we've dealt with traders of that ilk. No offense," Rarity quickly turned to Magi.

"Don't worry," replied Magi, who was relaxedly sipping a soft drink from one of the seats.

"Rainbow, we've taken much worse risks in the past, have you forgotten that?" questioned Applejack.

"But this is different, it's not a monster or some weird menace that wants to wipe out Equestria. It's MY STUPID MISTAKE. You're not supposed to have to carry that too." said Dash annoyed but with a few small tears welling up in her eyes.

"There, there, it's okay Dashi, it's not that bad. We all make mistakes. Besides it's just a visit to a shady company where they could probably brainwash us." said Pinkie Pai leaning on Dash. Behind them Magi raised an eyebrow.

"You can always count on us. And don't forget Twilight, she could help you fix your legal problem." said Fluttershy approaching her other side.

"Right she could help, wait Twilight .... WE STILL HAVE NOT DRAWN WHO WILL BE IN CHARGE OF TODAY'S SURPRISE!" exclaimed Dash worriedly.

"Don't worry about it silly, I give up my place," Pinkie said without a hint of regret.

"Me too" added Fluttershy.

"Girls... you..." Dash no longer held back her tears and soon they all gave each other a group hug as they had done so many times before.

Outside the sun was still shining as usual and the train, now moving at full speed, was moving steadily forward across the prairie.

As the pony friends gave each other a team hug, Magi watched them thoughtfully. "Was this the magic of friendship she had heard so much about?" Something inside the executive pegasus began to stir. Finally she stood up.

"Sorry to interrupt, but is it really okay for them to be so far apart?" said Magi standing in the middle of the hallway. Applejack and the rest turned to look at her. At this point, Magi still maintained a pleasant and understanding countenance, but there was a slight tinge of annoyance in her voice.

"What do you mean dear?" asked Rarity.

"You girls all make an amazing team and have accomplished so much together. Many earth ponies, pegasus and unicorns look up to you all over Equestria. So why don't you all remain a team and rule directly next to the princess throne?"

The quintet of friends looked at each other. After a few seconds of silence, Applejack was the one who responded by approaching Magi.

"Listen, Magi, it's true that each of us has great talent and it's also true that we've accomplished many incredible things together with Twilight. However, ruling Equestria that way with her would not be the right thing to do," Applejack sentenced.

"Wouldn't that be the right thing to do? How can that be?" replied Magi almost indignantly.

"When we first met Twilight, she was on a mission to learn about the magic of friendship in our home, Ponyville. From that moment on, Twilight began to learn many lessons of friendship from us. But we also learned from her. And one of the first lessons we learned was that everything has its place and time. Certainly, we would all like to spend more time with her. But if that were the case, over time we would become a burden and that would most likely not allow her to grow into the great princess she can be. We want the best for our friend. That's why in this case we're stepping aside," Applejack concluded solemnly as the rest of her friends nodded silently, confirming what she had said.

Magi wore an expression of disbelief at what she had heard.

"Besides, none of us would know how to properly behave like royalty..." behind Applejack was heard Rarity's throat clearing voice "...well, some of us would."

Laughter again flooded the carriage as Rarity chided the others. "But it's true!"

Magi watched the group of friends laughing together as one mare. It seemed as if the conflict that had occurred a moment before had never existed.

"Really I..." said Magi still in disbelief, but immediately restrained herself. "...Truth be told, I still can't figure it out."

"It's not that hard, it's like they say, if you love something, let it go," Applejack replied eloquently.

"NEVER!" replied Magi coldly. "Uh, I mean... I've never quite understood that saying, give up what you love? Ha ha, it really does sound kind of silly, ha ha ha." Magi had awkwardly altered her temper. Applejack's words had unexpectedly struck a chord in her, and without realizing it, she had shown her true colors.

Applejack and the rest of the ponies looked at her quizzically.

The executive pegasus began to back away nervously.

"Hey, are you okay?" asked Applejack.

"No... I mean, yes, yes, I just remembered I have another meeting. Wow how late is it!" quickly Magi deflected the conversation and began putting away all her presentation materials. Out of the corner of her eye, she briefly glanced at the other ponies. It was not good. They were beginning to look at her suspiciously. She chided herself. This was not how things were supposed to go. She had planned to divide them as her main objective, and if that proved too difficult, she should at least gain their trust. But she hadn't achieved any of her goals, and now the image she had projected of herself was in jeopardy. She had to retreat and rethink her strategy immediately.

"Oh my goodness, I can't find my travel brochures. I can't find my travel brochures, could someone open the windows? It's kind of dark and I can't see well," Magi said falsely worried as she finished checking her suitcase. At the same time she was already thinking about her escape, she looked confidently at the hatch on the roof of the carriage.

"The windows are already open," Pinkie Pie said quizzically.

Magi and the other ponies noticed it too.

It was strange. It was barely past noon, and yet it was already as dark outside as if night was about to fall.

It was at that moment that the intense whistle of the train was heard in the carriage, startling everyone. A moment later, chaos broke out.

Abruptly, the train had slowed down.

Without any chance to react and driven by inertia, the six ponies were pushed against one end of the carriage and collided with each other. The lights went out and all that could be heard was the shrill brake of the train coming to a halt. It continued like this for several more seconds, until it finally stopped.

Inside the dark cars of the stopped train, confusion and fear reigned among the passengers. Outside there was also darkness.

In the pony friends' carriage, the situation was the same.

"Girls, are you all right? Oh, my wing!"

"Can you get off me?"

"I can't feel my tail!"

"Muuu hu ... I have ... a ... hoof ... agg ... in my mouth!"

"Mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmm mmm."

Dash was the first to react, pushed whoever was on top of her and, without any light, groped for the train's emergency switch. Soon, the carriage was filled with a reddish light, revealing the chaotic state of the ponies.

Just as she had assumed, on top of her had been Fluttershy. Whom she had pushed and who now lay, still dazed, on one of the seats. Further back were the rest of her friends, who were in a tangled state of limbs and manes.

"This is no time to rest, Fluttershy!" admonished the rainbow pegasus. "Let's help the rest - now!"

"Yes, yes..." said Fluttershy, still in a daze. She immediately shook her head and, somewhat recovered, helped Dash untangle her pony friends.

They soon brought the rest of their friends to their feet.

"Cof cof cof, Thank heavens!" said Rarity gratefully to the two pegasus. She was the first to stand up and had pulled Applejack's left lower hoof out of her mouth."

"Thank you Fluttershy! But I still can't feel my tail...", Pinkie Pie said sorrowfully, as she stood up with Fluttershy's help. Indeed, her fluffy tail had lost much of its volume. Dash paid no attention to her as she helped Applejack.

"What a lunge, are you all right?" said Applejack quickly recovered. Although she had been underneath them all, it didn't seem to have affected her much, nor had she lost her hat. In part, Pinkie Pie's tail had cushioned the impact of the train's braking.

"Well, I'm complete. The rest...", Dash replied, looking behind her. There were her friends, who had gathered around Rarity. The unicorn had turned on her horn and was now the only visible light. The emergency lights had failed at some point, making the situation difficult for her friends. So the rest of the carriage was in darkness.

"Don't worry, Applejack. We're just a little stunned by this terrible accident," Rarity said, examining her friends and the remains of the luggage on the floor with the light of her horn. "However, our luggage... Look at this mess! Wait... where's my suitcase! My imported beauty items!"

"Okay, everyone's fine, now we must..." interrupted Applejack, ignoring the growing panic in Rarity.

"Wait, all of them? Isn't someone missing?" suddenly said Pinkie Pie.

Then, the five ponies noticed that Magi was not with them. After quickly looking around, Fluttershy was the first to notice. "Look at that," said the frightened pegasus, pointing her hoof at a huge yellow sphere located above the seats at the other end of the wagon.

Surprised by the unexpected discovery, the frightened ponies looked at each other. However, Dash and Applejack were the first to take the initiative. With just a couple of glances, they seemed to enter into an agreement, and both began to advance together towards the mysterious object, followed by the others.

Slowly they approached. It was a rather unusual object, more like a giant egg than a sphere, so large that a pony could easily fit inside. Applejack, who had gotten close enough, noticed that it had a message written on its surface and began to read it aloud, "High Intensity Impact Protection Capsule - Average C, huh?" the farm pony expressed in confusion.

At that moment, as if it were a deflating balloon, a hissing sound came out of the giant egg and soon it began to lose volume. The figure of a pony slowly emerged from the skin of the deflated egg. Then, one of the ends ripped and a grumpy pegasus emerged from it.

"Aghh! Yuck! Those incompetent tech guys. Cof! I told them to include aromatizers inside the capsule. Cof!" said Magi gravely complaining, as he walked away from the remains of the capsule from which a stinky smell of rotten eggs was emanating. "Never mind... What the heck was that?"

Magi exchanged glances with the other ponies. They were very surprised. The executive pegasus had irritated eyes and a look so furious that it overshadowed any memory of the kind and understanding image she had shown until a few moments ago. After looking at each other for a few seconds, Magi turned quickly and then turned her gaze back.

"What a relief, they're all safe!" said Magi with a useless smile that tried to hide the obvious irritation she felt.

Dash was the first to speak.

"Don't force yourself to keep acting, Magi. We don't need that now," the pegasus said seriously. Magi quickly scanned the others. The stern looks on their faces reflected that they were on the same page as the rainbow pegasus.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Magi sighed and returned to a serious, cool expression that seemed more natural on her. "Okay, what did I miss, what's going on?"

No one answered. A creaking sound was heard from the back door of the wagon, drawing everyone's attention. Soon, the door was engulfed by bright pink magic, from which emerged the figure of a pony. Barely visible in the intense light, they soon realized that this was no ordinary pony.

The light faded and before them stood an enigmatic and unknown pony. That stern looking pony had short pink hair the same color as his eyes, but divided by thick brown bangs. He was wearing a polished black alicorn armor that seemed to glow with its own light. On the chest of his dark armor were the reliefs of a silver tree surrounded by six stars, and embedded in his neck was a shining pink gem. He was a steed, no doubt, but he looked younger than any of those present. With an imposing gait, this young steed advanced toward the dumbfounded group of ponies.

"GREETINGS, BEARERS OF THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY. PLEASE, JOIN ME IN AWAITING THE CONCLUSION OF YOUR DESTINIES," said Badwhiz Starheart with a voice that made everyone, including Magi, feel fear in their skin.