• Published 25th Sep 2012
  • 871 Views, 82 Comments

What Lies Beneath - fic Write Off

Write-off - What Lies Beneath - Minific contest

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Orbiting Underneath The Disc

Day 1
Silently, he curved around the underside of the world. In retrospect falling off of the side of the world had not been his brightest idea to date, but what was there but 'retrospect' when you only had a little time filled with empty space before you came crashing back up like a Sixth Elephant upon the Disc?

Day 2
He had a wonderful view of the underside of the Discworld at this point. There, lit by the lights of a thousand distant stars, the four elephants stood on the back of the great A'Tuin, the giant turtle forever working his way through the vast emptiness of space. One wasn't about to doubt the facts, but he had to admit... he'd never been quite able to imagine just how massive A'Tuin was until this point.
He wondered why the elephants didn't have their own names.

Day 3
He'd named the closest elephant "Tiny". No word yet on the other four, but he had time. He had all the time he needed. Maybe only a half a week left, at the rate he was falling around A'Tuin.

Day 4
Why was he even circling the world turtle in the first place? He'd always fallen DOWN before, no need to go screwing with a perfectly good standard at this point. Technicalities, really.
Maybe he'd crash somewhere nice.

Day 5
Loneliness was his only company, now. Loneliness, and five beasts so massive that he couldn't even imagine what he must be to them. Less than a mote of dust.
What was a mote of dust, then, to them?
I'm hungry.

Day 6
He read somewhere that nopony was supposed to survive for more than three days without water. Then again, he'd read somewhere that nopony was supposed to survive under the Disc for more than 3 minutes of airlessness, either. Why was there air down here, anyway? Thought it was just up there. A'Tuin didn't breathe air like normal folk did. Just not feasible.

Day 7
He'd begun to rise again. Why? How? Didn't matter, he just had to focus on one thing: that means he'd be back in the world again. Maybe I'll land in water. I don't think I'll die, even if I don't. You go down, you speed up. You go up, therefore, you slow down. QED.

Day 8
He was almost up to the Disc again. Might have been his imagination, but he thought he was speeding up as he got nearer to the Disc again. Playing tricks on his mind, maybe.
Already over a week down here. He felt fine.

Day 9
Finally. HE was falling. Falling to the Disc. Falling to his family, his friends.
Well... his friends, at the very least.
...Acquaintances, perhaps.
He probably wouldn't survive.

Day 9.5
No one to say goodbye to. No one to care if he did. What was one more random traveler around the edge?
He'd heard rumors that if you got going fast enough, you'd break time or something. Why would that matter now? He was almost to the ground. Close to where he fell off, actually. How'd he fall, anyway?

Day 0
He didn't know why he came to the edge of the world. Made him feel... important, he supposed. Nothing that mattered but him, when he compared to the darkness out there. They always told him it was dangerous, but he wasn't buying it.
Suddenly, a massive impact behind him. Something had crashed into the ground. He turned. Lost his footing.
