• Published 17th Jan 2012
  • 3,908 Views, 34 Comments

Derpy's Album - Spot Light

How Sparkler and Dinky came into Derpy's Life

  • ...

My First Daughter

It was a late night in Ponyville and everpony was fast asleep. Well, not quite everypony. At the edge of town in a small house, light still shimmered into the cloak of darkness fallen on the world around it. Inside laid three ponies, a gray wall-eyed Pegasus mare, a young amethyst Unicorn mare and a little gray Unicorn filly. Both Unicorns were getting ready for bed when the Pegasus spoke up in a broken dialect,

"Ten moments bed time!"

"Okay mom!" the amethyst Unicorn called back, finishing up cleaning her teeth.

"I'll be right there mommy!" The filly replied in a high, cute voice.

"Come on Dinky let’s get you to bed,” the older Unicorn said, her little sister having finished brushing.

"Alright Sparkler," Dinky yawned contently.

Sparkler walked Dinky to her room, Derpy was waiting there.

"Little muffin set bed?"

"Yes mommy." Dinky climbed into her bed. Sparkler tucked her in as Derpy kissed her good night.

"Night little muffin." she said.

"Night mommy, night big sis."

"Good night Dinky." Sparkler replied as she shut the door. "That's my little sister. She's the best one I ever had."

"She only one." Derpy joked

"You do plan on telling her the truth one day?"

"When older. It get late sweetie,"

"I understand, good night mom." Sparkler she gave her a hug and headed down the hall to her room.

"When older." Derpy repeated to herself. She started thinking. She headed down to the living room and stood in front of the couch reached under it and pulled out a large book titled "My Daughters". It was a photo album. She sat down and opened it. The first page contained a photo of her and Sparkler playing outside on the streets of Mainhattan where Derpy used to live. She turned the page to reveal a photo that brought a tear to her derped eyes. It was a photo of Sparkler's first day with her, the day she became a mother.


Mainhattan where ponies are divided into three classes. The Rich snobs, the middle class and the homeless. Ditzy Backwater Doo was a police mare that patrolled the streets with her partner Deputy Six-Shooter a light brown earth pony. There had been several reports of break in's for the past couple of weeks. Ditzy and Six-Shooter were on patrol in their squad car.

"Ditzy, we have been through this part of town five times tonight I doubt the theft strike here." exclaimed Six-Shooter in his Brooklyn accent.

"That's the thing every time we get off duty the bandit strikes." Ditzy replied back. "So that's why we are going to stay up all night until we capture him or her."

"I doubt it's worth staying up all night, you remember what been stolen right?"

"Yes, a blanket, two pillows and several odds and ends from the refrigerators." She listed, "But stealing is stealing and that's final."

"Ditzy all I'm saying is if you try to pull another all-nighter and come up with nothing, Sheriff Night Stick is going to ask you to turn in your badge."

"But I feel like were so close, I can feel it at the tip of my hooves."

"Ditzy, you’re tired; why don't we put are badge away for tonight head back to the station check out and go home. My wife and kids are probably worried about me."

"That's my problem why?" she asked rudely.

"Oh come on have a heart."

She sighed "Your right Six-Shooter, I am tried, sorry I said that. I don't have any kids or a husband."

"I understand why don't we call it a night? We can search again in the morning."

"Fine." They drove back to the station. Once there they Greeted by Sheriff Night Stick, a large midnight blue unicorn, he didn't look amused.

He spoke in a deep Russian accent. "Trying to pull another all-nighter I see Officer Doo."

"Not tonight Sheriff." Six-Shooter stepped in.


"Yes, Shooter here talked me into taking the night off."

"That's a valuable piece of advice your taking." Night Stick pointed out. "Say I know how hard you have been working to solve the break in's. But there are bigger crimes to solve."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying you should take the next couple of days off. Don’t worry about any more break in's, I'll dispatch some other patrols to keep an eye out. Just go home and take some time off."

"All right Sheriff, I'll go punch out." With that she did as she was told and headed home to her apartment. It was a simple place she could afford with her income. But the moment she stepped hoof in her front door she could tell something wasn't right. It was though somepony was in her house. Still in uniform she drew her gun.

"OK, whoever in my house come on out, I know your still here." she called down the hall. She heard some scuffling coming from her kitchen. She proceeded down the hall gun in hoof down to her kitchen. Once there she saw that her Refrigerator was open.

"OK, I know you’re in here, I'm a cop so there is no point in hiding." That's when she heard a whimpering noise coming from her pantry. She approached carefully with her gun out and peeked into the pantry. There she saw something she didn't expect to see. Quivering in the corner of the pantry was a amethyst unicorn filly. Realizing she had nothing to threat she put her gun away. The two looked at each other. Ditzy spoke:

"OK, who are you?"

"Sp...Sp... Sparkler officer."

"I'm off duty right now so call me Ditzy. Anyway how did you get into my house?"

"You left the front door open."

"Wait I knew forgot to do something this morning before I left earlier. Anyway why are you in my house?"

"I was hungry."

"Don't you have food at your place?"

Sparkler looked down and a tear fell from her eye.

"You don't have a home do you."

Sparkler shook her head.

"What about your parents?"

"I don't have any."

"I see."

"So I started stealing food."

"So let me get this straight you've been stealing food. What about a blanket or pillows?"

"I lost those. Because you said you were a cop I'm guessing you’re going to turn me in aren't you?"

"Well I think I just solved the case I have been working on. Listen I do have to bring you in, but I'll make sure you don't go to jail. But I won't turn you in just yet. I'm off duty for the next few days. When I go back in I'll take you with me. Until then you’re welcome to stay here. But if somepony comes to the door, I'll answer it. If its Deputy Six-Shooter or Sheriff Night Stick, I want you to hide. I can't having them know I have somepony else living with me. Understood?"

"Yes Miss. Ditzy."

"Don't be afraid I won't hurt you come here." She knelt down and held her arms out. The scared filly didn't know what to do,
so she ran over and hugged Ditzy and started crying.

"There there, don't cry, you’re safe now. You seem hungry I'll make you something. You like muffins?"


"Yes, I kind of have a lust for them."

"A lust for them?"

"Every time I see muffins I home in on them with one word."

"What is that?"

"Muffin." They both giggled. She reached to the top shelf of the pantry and pulled down a basket of muffins. The two of them walked into the dining room Ditzy handed Sparkler a muffin. The little filly munched it down fast.

"Hungry are we?"

"Mhhm," Sparkler said with a mouth full of muffin.

"Now when I do take you in, you do know the charges you face?"

Sparkler gulped the muffin, "No." she said nervously.

"You'll be charged with Breaking and Entering, and Stealing." Ditzy explained, "But I'll be there to explain why you did this. It would kill me to see a young filly such as you go to jail. Like I said I'll make sure you don't."

"Yes Ditzy." at that moment she let out a loud yawn.

"Let me show you a place to sleep." She put Sparkler on her back and walked to her room. There she pulled out a bed from
under her bed. This was only used when she had a guest over, like a family member, but that was rare. She put Sparkler on the bed and tucked her in.

"Ditzy," the filly asked

"Yes little one?"

"You promise I won't go to jail?"

"I muffin promises," she answered, "Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a muffin in my eye."

Sparkler giggled. Ditzy couldn't believe how cute Sparkler sounded when she giggled.

"Get some sleep little one, we can have more fun tomorrow."

"OK, night Miss. Ditzy."

"Good night little one," she patted her on the head and walked down to the bathroom to change out of her uniform. She
remained quiet for most of the time to let her thoughts proses. She walked back to her room and saw the little filly asleep in the guest bed. That's when all her thoughts added up into three words that she said:

"I'm a mother."

The Next morning Ditzy woke up to find Sparkler wasn't in her bed.

"Don't tell me she left," She muttered to herself. But her thought was broken when she began to smell something cooking. She quickly rushed down to find out what was going on. She found Sparkler cooking eggs on the stove. "Smells good," she said.

"Oh! Miss. Ditzy, this was supposed to be a surprise breakfast for you."

"Well that's very sweet of you, but you didn't have to do that. And you don't have to call me Miss. just call me Ditzy."

"OK Ditzy, but I felt like it since your letting me stay here."

"It's not a problem."

Sparkler decided to come up with something to talk about.

"So, you live alone?"

"More or less, I don't have any stallion in my life, if that's what your getting at."

"Anypony you have your eye on?"

"Well you’re going to think it’s kind of stupid but I kind of have a crush on the Sheriff. But why are you asking?"

"Well since your letting me stay here I figured we should find things to talk about."

"Well OK,"

"Why don't you ask him to dinner?"

"Well I'll think about it." There was a sudden knock at the door. Ditzy ran to the window and looked. "Sparkler you need to hide, it's Sheriff Night Stick." Sparkler hid in the pantry as Ditzy answered the door. "Ah Sheriff, what brings you around my place?"

"Please I'm not on duty, so just call me Night Stick. I'm just here to check in on you."

"Oh is that all, well thank you, I'm just... going to... have... breakfast."

"Ditzy, what's going on? You seem jumpy."

"Jumpy? Whose jumpy? I feel fine,"

"OK, well I just want to tell you two things 1. We didn't receive any break in's last night so it’s a good thing that you didn't pull an all-nighter, I don't want you to leave the force just yet. 2. I want you back in by the end of the week."

"Oh, is that all? Well thanks for stopping by, I'll see you later."

"Yes you will." He started to turn and walk away.

Ditzy had a thought. "Wait Night Stick, when um... when do you get off duty today?"

"I have the day off today. Why?"

"Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?"

"Well OK, 7:00?"


"See you then." With that Night Stick left.

Ditzy closed the door. "You can come out now Sparkler."

She walked out of the kitchen.

"So inviting the Sheriff over for dinner tonight?"

"Yes, why?"

"Are you going to do that because you have a crush on him?"

"No sweetie it is strictly professional."

"And what about me?"

"Well just wait and see."

"But you promised to keep me safe."

"And I still plan on doing so."

"But what about me?"

"I'm going to tell him about you."

"But why?"

"I'm going to talk to him and try to convince him to prevent you from going to prison. He is a former guard that worked for the princess herself. He may seem like a tough guy, but inside he is a big softie."

"I hope you know what you’re doing Ditzy, because you could lose your badge."

"How do you know all this?"

"It's simple knowledge."

"I see, well listen why don't you and I go out and get stuff for tonight."

"But we haven't had breakfast yet."

"You left it on the stove didn't you?"

Sparkler ran and realized the eggs were burnt. She turned off the stove.

"Sorry Ditzy." She felt ashamed

Ditzy put her hoof on her shoulder. "It's Ok we'll go out and get breakfast."

So they went out, stopped at a local diner for breakfast, it's easy to guess what they had, Then went to the local market to
get supplies for tonight. During all this Ditzy kept an eye out just to make sure that they didn't run into Night Stick or Six-
Shooter. It took them several hours to get all the supplies. Finely they returned. Sparkler had dinner early so she wouldn't get hungry later on. Eventually 7:00 came around and Night Stick showed up and Sparkler hid in the pantry.

"Good evening Night Stick. You look nice"

"Thank you Miss. Doo, you look nice too."

"Come on in. Let me show you to the dining room."

"You know Ditzy I've known you for three years now and I've never seen inside of your apartment." Night Stick said, "Nice
place you have." he complemented.

"Thank you. For dinner tonight we will be having steamed vegetables and root beer. I know it's nothing fancy, but I'm not much of a cook."

Night Stick looked at the spread.

"I think it's wunderbar."

The two sat down ate in silence. It was like that for a while because Ditzy was trying to figure how to break the news to him.
She finely came to words.

"Sheriff Night Stick."

"Ditzy," He interrupted "You didn't invite me over just to have dinner did you?"


"Your hiding something Ditzy, if you are come out and say it."

"Fine. You know the case I've been working on right? Well I found the pony responsible."

"Then why haven't you turned him in yet?"

"One: he is a she and two well you will have to see for yourself."


"You can come in now Sparkler." She called, "Sheriff, this is Sparkler, she has been the one that has been doing the break ins but only because she is homeless and doesn't have any parents."

"Ditzy, did you plan on turning her in?"

"Yes, but I was planning to wait. Please don't arrest her she needs a home."

"I see you have good plans, but I could charge you for hiding a criminal, but seeing how young she is I won't arrest her. however, this case needs to be closed; so I'll pull a few strings and get some other thief to take the blame. I'm not supposed to do this, but I'll help out this once. But the only question that remains where is Sparkler going to stay?"

Ditzy looked at him then at Sparkler.

"I'll take her in. She needs a mother."

Sparkler's face lit up.

"I was going to suggest take her somewhere to get adopted, but are you sure Ditzy?"

"Yes, I've always wanted a daughter, but I can't bare the nine mouth wait. After all who would want this figure to get ruined?" She struck a pose and they all laughed.

"Well if you’re sure of yourself take her in, but you must do two things first."

"What’s that?"

"Fill out this form." he reached into his pocket and pulled a sheet of paper. "It's an adoption form, I always keep one handy just encase it is ever needed. I just thought I'd never use it."

Ditzy took the form and quickly filled it out and hoofed it back to him.

"What's the second thing?"

"You will have to tell Six-Shooter that the case is closed."

"Will do Sheriff,"

Night Stick looked at the time. It was almost 8:30.

"Well, it seems to be getting late. Dinner was amazing."

"Sparkler would kindly show our guest the door?" Ditzy asked.


The filly guided him the door.

"Sparkler," He spoke "Your dodging a huge bullet, but if you ever steal again you will go to jail."

She opened the door.

"Don't worry Sheriff, now that I have a home I have no need to steal."

"I'll keep you to that. Ditzy will do her best to take care of you."

"I know,"

"She's your mother now so treat her like one."

"Sir yes sir,"

He just smiled. "Dinner was amazing," he said again, "Ditzy; I'll see you back at the station at the end of the week. You two have a lovely evening, Dasvidanya." with that he left. Sparkler shut the door behind him and turned around. Ditzy was standing in the door way to the dining room looking at her. She was smiling and had a tear in her eye and held out her arms. "Mommy," Sparkler shouted as she ran to embrace her new mom. The two remained in the hug for a long time. Ditzy knew that things were going to get better.


Derpy set down the album and wiped a tear from her eye. She got up and headed down the hall to Sparkler's room and headed in. Sparkler, who was asleep, woke up.

"What is it mom?"

"No thing, I just look at photo book." She tried to say "Re mind mom first day met you."

Sparkler sat up in her bed.

"Mom come here," she held her arms. Derpy hugged her. "It's thanks to you I'm not stealing anymore. I couldn't have asked for a better parent. I bet Dinky will think the same when she is older."

Derpy pulled away, "You right, I tell when older. Night Sweetie."

She left Sparkler's room and peeked into Dinky's room, the little one was asleep. She then headed back down to the living room. She sat down and thought. "When Older,"