• Published 11th Feb 2023
  • 775 Views, 22 Comments

Death, Sacrifice, and the man in blue - MrTyrannousaurusX

After a day out in the trailer goes horribly arwy, Levi Cronell and his honorary brother Alan Sizemore end up in Equestria after not seeing any for many moons. The two try to find each other through the chaos of this unknown world.

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Chapter 1: Where one life ends

He walked to the edge of the beach, ready for what came next, or what would come next. He fell to his knees at the edge, right where the tide came in and almost touched him but just barely missed him. He watched as the water receded back into the ocean and disappeared, leaving the sand a dark brown color. He wished there was another way, but there wasn’t, he was going to die and that was the end of it. He looked to his left and saw two horses, one with rainbow hair and another with blonde and a brown stetson hat.

Next to the blonde horse was his friend, Alan, who smiled at him and said “It’s time brother.”

The man nodded, turning to his left revealing more horses. He saw one with purple and black hair, pink curly hair, purple wavy hair, and pink straight hair. He smiled and with tired eyes stared out at the ocean, looking at the horizon which had the afternoon sun shining brightly, casting the beach in a gorgeous orange shade. “You ready?” A raspy voice asked him from his left.

He looked and saw the rainbow haired horse smiling up at him, he couldn’t help but let a smile form on his face from it. “Yeah..” He replied, looking back out at the ocean and admiring its beauty like it was the last time he was ever gonna see anything like it. “I love you Dash.” He said.

“I love you too.” The rainbow haired horse said.

He stared out at the horizon, admiring its beauty like it’s the last thing he’ll ever see. He felt a blissful feeling deep in his chest and his eyelids grew heavy, and he felt all of his pains and discomforts leave his body as he finally closed his eyes.

<i> Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! The alarm clock blared, awaking the man peacefully sleeping inches away from the clock. “Son of a bitch…” Levi Cronell groaned, reaching over and turning off the alarm clock that was screaming in his ear.

He sat up in bed and loudly stretched and groaned out of relief as his back cracked and popped after a good night's rest. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and hopped off onto the soft carpet of his bedroom, he grabbed a pair of black sweatpants from inside of his dresser and slipped into them. He also reached inside of his dresser and grabbed his favorite blue dress shirt along with a white t-shirt and gracefully slipped into the shirts as he walked into the bathroom. He walked in and turned the light on, immediately flinching at the bright light and holding his hand over his eyes for a few seconds.

When his eyes adjusted he looked intently at himself in the mirror and squinted at his reflection, he ran his hand over his chin and felt his stubble prickling his fingertips. “Damn, I gotta shave.” He thought aloud, grabbing his razor and switching it on. The buzz filled the small bathroom and he watched as his stubble left his face and fell into the sink,

As he looked in the mirror staring into his own green eyes, he couldn’t help but frown at his own reflection. This was because Levi held a terrible secret that nobody could know, he was a meth cook. He was not proud of it, not proud in the least bit, but he had to do it. If he didn’t he wouldn’t have had a house, a car, or even a life for that matter.

However, Levi led a relatively normal life in his small apartment in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. In order to hide his meth cooking side hustle from the rest of the world, he got a good paying job in landscaping. While he didn’t like his job, he had to in order to prevent him and his partner, and childhood best friend, Alan Sizemore from being arrested.

Alan had proposed the idea 5 years prior and Levi, while hesitant at first, ultimately decided to go through with the idea. As he was struggling to pay his bills and put food on the table, and to top it all off, he had a severe alcohol addiction which ate up a good portion of his paycheck every week.

“Dammit…” He sighed, putting his hands on the sides of the sink and hanging his head above the sink. He looked in the mirror but couldn’t bear to look at himself in the mirror, he was ashamed.

After brushing his teeth, he left the bathroom and walked into the living room while buttoning up his shirt and rolling up his sleeves to just below his elbow. His living room and kitchen were practically the same room, with his old and torn up couch being right next to the counter and oven. He walked in and like a robot opened the refrigerator door and grabbed a can of his favorite beer and slumped onto the couch, he grabbed the remote and aimed it at the T.V and pressed the power button but realized the batteries were dead. “Shit!” He growled angrily, slamming the remote back onto the couch. ‘I have to go out and buy more’ He thought to himself, annoying him even more.

On que, there was a loud knock on the door which surprised Levi considering it was 6:30 in the morning and no one should really be up yet. “Who is it?” He called out, walking towards the door.

“It’s your landlord! Open up!” He ordered.

Levi rolled his eyes and unlocked the door and slid chain lock and opened the door to reveal his landlord, Howard. He had a black sports coat on with a white polo shirt, tucked into black dress pants with a solid black cloth belt. He had on expensive dress shoes that clacked against the floor everywhere he walked, the sound made Levi’s blood boil. “You need somethin’ Howard?” Levi asked, aggravated.

“Actually yes I do Mr.Cronell, your rent is due. It’s that time of the month again.” He said, annoying Levi at his comment.

“Yeah you know I’m strapped for cash, you followin’ me? Just give me like a week man.” Levi replied, trying to end the conversation as soon as possible.



“Mr.Cronell!” Howard stated aggressively. “This is the 5th time this has happened since you’ve started living here. This doesn’t just affect you y’know? My higher ups aren’t gonna be too happy when I show up late with the payment for the 5th time.” Howard explained.

“Listen Howard, I got my own shit goin’ on and I know you know that. Just give me a few days alright? Can you do that for me?” Levi asked, attempting to close the door on his and end the conversation.

Howard placed his hand on the door preventing it from closing and said “I’m giving you three days, if you don’t come up with it then you’re outta here! You understand me?”

“Yes!” Levi sharply exclaimed, closing the door but making sure not to slam it so as to not wake the other residents. “Fuck!” He muttered to himself. The truth was he didn’t have the money to pay the $800 required for his rent, and his dead-end job was certainly not gonna provide $800 in 3 days. He sighed to himself and ignored the feelings of shame brewing in his heart as he walked into his bedroom, pulled his phone off the charger and called Alan.

“Hey,” He answered, his country accent making the word sound funny.

“Hey,Alan, we-uh-we gotta cook a few batches.” Levi said, grabbing his jeans and belt.

Levi walked outside of his apartment building and trudged towards Alan’s pickup truck parked outside for him, he adjusted his camo hat on top of his head before swinging open the truck door and hopping inside his best friend's car.

“W’sup brother!” He exclaimed happily, going in for a bro hug.

“Nothin’ much man! How ‘bout you?” Levi answered, a smile forming on his face. No matter what mood he was in or whatever illegal activities they were indulging in, Alan never failed to brighten Levi’s day.

His face quickly turned serious in a matter of seconds. “you ready for this?” He asked.

“Yeah, let’s go get the trailer.” Levi replied, his smile fading from his face. Alan put his dark green truck into drive and set off to their friend Mark’s house, to the man who was holding their mobile meth lab.

It’s been hours after Alan and Levi picked up there trailer and were now headed out to there usual cooking spot, as they were flying down the highway at 70 miles per hour Levi leaned his head against the window and looked out of the window as trees and other cars zoomed by them. Alan took notice of this and decided to break the silence between the pair by asking “Anythin’ on your mind Levi?”

Levi turned his head and looked at Alan with a somber expression and debated on whether he should really tell him what was on his mind, he was practically Levi’s brother after all. “Find a restaurant and we’ll stop there for a little. I’ll tell you everything.” Levi said in an unintentional demanding tone.

“I’ll see if I can find one.” Alan replied, giving Levi a confused look. That's what Levi was expecting. He looked out the window once more and thought about where he was at, what he was going to do, he thought about all of the promises he made to his Mom and Dad all those years ago when he said he would be a successful man. ‘Don’t let that boy turn you're like upside down now! I’m telling you Levi that boy is nothin’ but trouble!’ She would always say, and he never thought that she was right. She was. Levi loved Alan like a brother and he was his best friend, but Levi didn’t want this life.

This sorrowful life of cooking drugs for poor addicts that can’t do anything to help there addiction, it made him sick to his stomach thinking about it, but it was the only option and the only thing he could do.

Eventually, they arrived at a Golden Corral after Alan went off the highway due to Levi insisting they go to a restaurant and his mind couldn’t be changed. After they were seated and Alan got himself some food, Levi not, Alan felt that something was wrong with Levi.

“So…what did you wanna talk about?” Alan asked, forking mouthfuls of mashed potatoes into his mouth.

Levi sighed and leaned closer to the table as to keep there conversation as private as possible in a public place, “I feel like a piece of shit Al.” he stated bluntly.

Alan choked on his potatoes, caught off guard by Levi’s straightforward explanation. “Why?” He asked.

He felt a lump begin to form in his throat, all these months of pent up emotions coming to a boiling point. “It’s just-” He felt tears in his eyes and he tried as hard as he could not to cry and let it all out “I don’t wanna live like this anymore.” He said, a tear beginning to stream down his face.

“Whaddya mean Levi? You mean the cookin’?” Alan asked, placing his hand on Levi’s and attempting to comfort the man in front of him.

Levi nodded and added “I feel like a worthless piece of shit…I feel like a bastard…I mean i’m giving these…” he maintained his composure and lowered his voice down to a shaky whisper “Damn drugs to people and I’m making them worse man. I’m ruining their lives.”

“Levi..” Alan responded in a soothing voice “You can’t think about that, I know it sounds selfish but they made their choice and we gotta live.” He explained.

“Dammit.” He said, wiping away his tears. “But we’re destroying those people, there dying and it’s our fault!” He whispered.

Alan sighed, knowing good and well Levi was right. “Look think of it this way, we stop cooking and you know what’s gonna happen? We lose our house, I lose my truck and you lose your car, we lose everything.” Alan explained.

Levi turned his head around and looked out of the window and saw Levi’s truck, his pride and joy, and the metallic blue trailer that was used as a rolling meth lab by the two. He closed his eyes and sighed and turned back around and faced Levi and said “You're right, absolutely. I just wish you weren’t.”

“Yeah, I know.” Alan reassured with a smile, taking his hand off of Levi’s.

Alan looked at his watch and stood up and he told Levi “Come on, we’ve been here long enough.” Levi smiled, feeling better about his current situation but still feeling slightly guilty about the whole thing. However he shrugged those thoughts off and took his friends' words into consideration, about how they're in charge of their own situation.

“Let’s get outta here.” He said, pulling a $20 bill out of his wallet and laying it on the table. They both promptly left the restaurant and hopped into Alan’s and began to drive to their cooking spot.

<i> Click Alan unlocked the door for the trailer and the door opened and the familiar smell of methylamine struck their noses, “Hotdamn!” Levi exclaimed. They both walked in the trailer and inside was two white fold up tables covered by a blue tarp with glass beakers, jars, and tubes atop of the tarp which are the 3 main things you need for a cook. In the back is an oven, refrigerator, and multiple cabinets and cupboards. “So..” Alan said, closing and locking the trailer door behind him. “Ready?” “Ready.” “Good.” Alan responded, grabbing a yellow apron off the coat rack in the corner of the room.

Levi did the same and the two put on the aprons and tied it around their bodies. Also on the rack were two gas masks, which the duo also put on, but before they started cooking Alan suddenly announced “Almost forgot!”

Alan pulled the tarp away and pulled out a backpack hidden underneath the table with the cooking supplies. “The hell is that?” Levi asked, pointing at the large gray and orange backpack. “A new recipe.” Alan replied, unzipping the backpack and taking out its contents.

Alan put what looked like a can of kerosene, a blue bucket, and a silver pan with the top duct taped on securely. “What kind of recipe is it supposed to be?” Levi asked. “A good one.” Alan answered. He slid the backpack under the table once more and stood back up. “Who gave it to you, Mark?” Levi asked curiously.

“No. It was actually one of my buddies I’ve known for a few years, his names Big Ray” Levi explained, much to Levi’s confusion.

Levi blinked and paused for a few seconds and looked at the man in front of him, “I’m sorry what?” he managed to ask.

“Big Ray gave me a recipe man. He said it would make you high as a kite for days.” Alan said.

“We’re taking <b> meth cooking advice from some guy named ‘Big Ray’” Levi said, refusing to believe Alan wasn’t joking.

“Naw man Ray’s the real deal down in my neighborhood” He said.

“I’m just saying if this blows up in our face and kills us, I’m kicking your ass in Heaven.” Levi joked, putting on his yellow rubber gloves.

“We’ll see about that.” Alan responded, doing the same.

“Hell even is all this in the first place?” Levi asked, motioning his hand to the mystery chemicals on the table.

“Caustic soda, muriatic acid, and hydrochlo- somethin’ like that. It ain’t important.” Alan explained. Alan pulled a piece of paper out of his back pocket and said “Now he gave me a set of-”

“It’s not important!” Levi interjected. “You're starting to worry the hell outta me Al what if this kills us!”

“Now just slow down.” Alan said, holding up his hands to Levi. He unfolded the piece of paper and cleared his throat and said “Get the methylamine and all that shit too you’re gonna need it”

“Yes sir.” Levi said sarcastically, kneeling down to get the supplies out from under the table.

When all the jars and glasses were filled with the ingredients necessary to make a successful cook, Alan began to read the paper: “Cup and a half of caustic soda”. Levi grabbed the measuring cup and grabbed the rusty can of caustic soda and carefully poured it until the one cup line near the top. Almost immediately, the soda began to bubble and a sharp hissing sound was heard. “Al!” Levi called out as the soda continued to fizz and hiss like a knife across a chalkboard. “Put it in the damn-” Before he could finish his sentence the measuring cup gave out and the bottom melted, causing the soda to fall onto the table and Levi’s foot.

“AHHHH SON OF A BITCH!” Levi screamed, clutching his foot and dropping the soda causing it to spill soda over the carpeted floor.

“FUCK! LEVI!” Alan screamed, dashing over and grabbing the soda off the floor before it could cause anymore damage. A large hold was burned into the carpet and the metal flooring of the trailer could be seen.

Alan, without thinking, grabbed the soda and dumped a small portion of it into the bucket causing it to fizz and bubble. “DAMNIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” Levi screamed, clutching his foot and yelling with pain.

Alan fell over trying to get the paper but he grabbed it and stood up and began to look at the instructions. “Uh-uh-muriatic-” “AL!” Levi shouted, getting to his feet and hopping on one foot over to the table.

“We can’t turn back now Levi, we're in too deep!” Alan exclaimed, grabbing the acid and pouring a large portion in there. “STOP IT YOU’RE GONNA KILL US!” Levi yelled, attempting to take the acid out of Alan’s hands, but the men lost their balance and fell backwards. The acid splashed onto the wall and floor behind them, burning the carpet and staining the wall.

Alan stood up and without even looking at the paper, grabbed the last ingredient and tore the lid off and dumped its contents into the bucket.

This caused this bucket to make a loud gunshot popping sound, which startles Alan enough to where he jumped backwards and crashed into one of the counters behind him.

As Alan groaned in pain on the ground, Levi grabbed his hat and put it on once more and shouted to Alan over the loud noises the bucket was making “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!”

The bucket popped, sizzled, hissed, and shook. Some of it’s contents dropped onto the floor which burned a hole clean through the entire floor. A bright white ball of light began to rise from the bucket and brightened the entire room.

“LEVI!” Alan screamed, grabbing onto Levi’s forearm. “I’M SORRY BROTHER!” “DON’T LET GO AL!” Levi screamed back, gripping onto Alan’s forearm.

The light got brighter and the noises grew louder as a strong and violent wind came from the light. The wind blew them and pinned them to the wall and cupboard. The wind smelled strangely..inviting. The light continued to grow brighter and brighter.

“I LOVE YOU BROTHER!” Alan screamed over the deafening noise.



There was an explosion…and all Levi could see was a bright rainbow explosion and a white unicorn with long flowing pink and green hair along with other colors stuck her wings out. Levi could tell he was in for a long, long journey.

Author's Note:

Good Lord this chapter sucks lmao, I gotta rewrite this. If you're still here don't be dettered. Trust me it gets better.