• Published 17th Feb 2023
  • 2,762 Views, 209 Comments

M̸y̶ ̸L̴i̶t̸t̶l̴e̶ C̵o̸r̷r̴u̶p̶t̶e̷d̸-P̵o̴n̴y̷ - ScorchingFlamesInc

Equestria meets its darkest hours when an unexplained d̸a̶r̵k̶ entity c̷o̶r̶ru̸p̸t̶s̴ ̴ citizens into mindless monsters.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Discovery

After fleeing from the school and avoiding anyone that was after them, Chrysalis, Smolder, and Silverstream both returned to the forest.

Chrysalis barely felt remorse or the sense of loss. She barely even knew the Griffon! He was among the survivors that couldn't even do much against the enemies.

But she could tell that the opposite applied for the other two.

It was more visible for Silverstream, still recovering from all that had happened, and the loss of her friend. Smolder was clearly trying to hide it, being the dragon that she is, but Chrysalis knew that, deep down, Smolder was upset all the same.

Chrysalis didn't want to apologize, but she felt the slight inclination to speak up about it at the very least, remorse or none.

"It's a... shame, what happened to your friend," she said. "Truly."

"Yeah right," Smolder spat. "You don't even care."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. Why accept friendship and sympathy from others when those same others don't even accept the rare moment of sympathy she offered?

The Treehouse finally came back into sight, and the sudden realization hit that Spike and Pinkie were attacked while the others were gone.

Silverstream gasped. "The Treehouse!!!"

"What the heck happened here?!-" Smolder yelled in disbelief.

Chrysalis quickly flew inside to make sure Spike and Pinkie were still around. It was a mess. The inside was scratched up, and some books were knocked over, scattered on the ground. After searching the Treehouse, going up floor by floor, she found them. And they weren't alone. Right after, Smolder and Silverstream showed up.

"Professor Pinkie! Professor Fluttershy!" Silverstream squealed in relief.

"Would you care to explain what exactly happened while we were gone!?" Chrysalis asked, demanding to know.

"We were attacked by Fluttershy and an army of woodland animals," Spike explained. "We fought back the best we could, and after all was said and done, we... managed to save her."

"How'd you pull that off?" Smolder asked.

"We sung!" Pinkie answered.

"Yuck. Such an overused method of saving brainwashed fools..." said Chrysalis.

"It worked though!" Spike replied. "Hey... where's Gallus?"

They were silent for a moment before Smolder answered first.

"We... lost him. He got corrupted."

"Oh... that's... I'm... sorry that happened."

"How did it happen?" Pinkie asked.

"He got lost," Smolder continued. "One wrong turn and... that was it."

"Aawww... I'm sorry. But don't worry! We'll get him back once we beat this darkness!" Pinkie encouraged.

"I don't mean to change the subject considering to you all, it's a serious matter, but..." Chrysalis began. "Do you actually expect us to still stay here, even with all of this... damage?"

"Honestly..." Spike sighed. "No... look, I know we all get a sense of safety here, but... we were attacked here. We couldn't run. And not only that, but the Treehouse took a lot of damage, and I know all of us-... most of us... don't want to lose the Treehouse like we lost the Tree. And I guess, all-in-all, we're no safer here than we are out there."

"Hmph. Sad on how in the end, not even your precious treehouse can do much to keep you safe or be useful. Why even call it a 'Treehouse of Harmony' when all it truly is... is just a Treehouse grown from crystal. A downgrade, I must say, compared to the Tree of Harmony. At least that one had something useful."

Smolder flew in front of Chrysalis, pointing a claw directly in front of her face. "I'll have you know my friends and I know the Treehouse better than you do!"

"Yeah!" Silverstream piped. "We've even talked to it ourselves! And it talked back!"

Chrysalis erupted in laughter.

"I never knew Twilight Sparkle's students were so... laughable with their absurd mindsets!" Chrysalis paced around the group. "Let me make it clear to all of you that if the Treehouse proved to be much more in the past, or did anything for that matter, it would have done something useful by now!"

Chrysalis stepped on something and she looked. It was an open book, and in big letters, were the words "Anomaly Correction." She slowly picked the book up with her magic and read those words out loud for the others to hear.

"I... don't think that was there before," said Spike.

"Read it! Read it!" Pinkie bounced.

Chrysalis did so, continuing to read in silence this time. Her face changed to many different expressions. Confusion. Focus. Surprise.

"What is it?" Silverstream asked.

"... It's a spell. A spell for expelling anomalies from this world."

"Wait! Really?!" Smolder exclaimed, her interest piqued.

"Yes... yes it is... anything that never belonged in this world, with this spell, can be expelled. If it's true that this... corruption is an anomaly, we can eliminate it!"

"How?" Spike asked. "Do we need a relic, or-"

"Quite a few, actually." Chrysalis explained. "We'd need... a bloodstone to power it."

"I know where to get one, but I don't like where we have to get it..." Smolder groaned.

"And we'll need other smaller gems. Surprisingly not the Elements for once... about time we had a change in formula... Let's see, let's see... we are to also locate... a ruby hidden in Griffonstone... an emerald hidden in the… ‘Peaks of Peril’ ... and a Diamond the Ponies were to guard in Canterlot."

"Couldn't we just... I don't know... go down to a mine or somewhere else and get them?" Smolder shrugged.

"No we can't. They've been charged with a portion of the complete spell needed. We specifically need those three things, and no alternatives. Anyways, once we collect the needed items, there’s a shrine in a series of caverns underneath the forest where we take them. We put them in the designated spots, someone casts the starter spell, and if all goes well, the corruption would be successfully purged.”

"Well how should we do this?" Silverstream asked. "Split up into teams and meet back up?"

"In a situation like this, it's not worth it. We're bound to encounter challenges as we go," Chrysalis answered. "It will take longer but if we plan ahead and go as one, we're sure to make it out."

"If we rescued Fluttershy, we could rescue others!" suggested Spike.

"I suppose if... if we are able to... perhaps we can put in effort to uncorrupt anyone we come across."

"What are we even going to do about Professor Fluttershy anyway?" Smolder asked. "Wait for her to wake up? Take her with us? We gotta do something, because I don't think any of us know when she'll be up."

“Maybe Chryssy can wake her up!” suggested Silverstream.

Enough with the nicknames!!” Chrysalis hissed. “Besides, I’m no miracle worker!”

“But… you do have magic, right?” inquired Smolder.

“Of course.”

“And you are powerful.”

“I already know where you’re getting at, dragon…”

“Yep.” Smolder crossed her arms. “You can do it if you wanted to.”

Chrysalis growled. “Fine. Step aside and let’s get this over with.”

They all obeyed and got out of the way, and Chrysalis approached Fluttershy’s body. Chrysalis’ horn illuminated the area as it glowed. She closed her eyes for a moment, before they shot open.


Fluttershy suddenly sat up and gasped, gripping her chest as it puffed in and out rapidly. She looked around in panic, seeing two students, two friends, and one nasty enemy. In a brief panic she slightly scooted away.

“C-Chrysalis!” Fluttershy stammered. “What- what are you doing here with the others?!”

“It’s okay, Fluttershy! Deep breaths! Calm down,” encouraged Spike.

“She’s not going to hurt us!” Pinkie assured her. “She’s helping us!”

“How-how did I get here?…” the Pegasus squeaked. “I-I just remembered being in my cottage and then some… black yet colorful creature came in and-and then that’s where it ended! Everything else, it… felt like a fuzzy blur and… I didn’t know what I was doing or watching. I know I heard music and… there were so many thoughts and voices in my head like I was being told to not do anything but… I felt the need to resist and reach out, the need to not give up, and… and now I’m here.”

“You were corrupted,” said Spike. Not thinking, he accidentally gave a straight answer on what exactly happened. “You attacked us.”

Quickly he realized his mistake and covered his mouth, even though it was already too late.

“Oh my! I’m- I’m so sorry! I didn’t hurt anyone, did I? Oh, I hope not-“

“Nope! Don’t worry, you didn’t,” Pinkie replied. “All these injuries were from before!”

It was somewhat a lie. Spike and Pinkie definitely would have been in better shape if it weren’t for the attack, and the same applies for the Treehouse.

“So… what exactly is going on?” Fluttershy asked.

“We’re about to go on a journey!” Silverstream beamed. “We gotta find a Ruby, Diamond, Emerald, and a bloodstone that we’ll probably have to steal from the Dragon Lands!”

“Not looking forward to that one…” Smolder mumbled.

“Oh dear… is it dangerous?”

“Nearly everyone around us has been corrupted and turned against us, what do you think?” Chrysalis hissed with no regard to Fluttershy’s reception to that answer and it’s tone.

“BUT!…” Spike quickly cut in the conversation. “We’ve all made it this far! If we stick and work together, we’re going to win and save all of our friends! They’re corrupted, but if we could save you, then we could save them!”

Fluttershy’s confidence may have built up over the years but it was understandable as to why she was like this and needed a bit of more delicate treatment.

But luckily, Fluttershy seemed to have still kept her grown openness to adventure. She quietly exhaled. “I understand why we have to go… if it’s what we have to do then it must be done. I just know it will be scary…”

“I promise, Fluttershy, we won’t let anything happen to any of us,” Spike promised. “We’ll be at our best, fighting back with everything we got!

Pinkie Promise!” Pinkie nodded. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

“Okay… so… are we going to be leaving now?”

“Yes, we are,” Chrysalis answered. “Is there anything that any of you need to grab?”

Nearly everyone admitted they had nothing on hoof or claw. All they were taking with them was the book, with Pinkie also taking her bazooka and Chrysalis taking her crossbow. With the low amount of things they needed, they were outside in less than a couple minutes. They all stood together, taking one last look at the Treehouse.

Silverstream waved goodbye as they all finally turned and left. “Bye Treehouse! Get well soon!”

And they all vanished into the forest, their journey finally having reached the next level.

Author's Note:

((Yes, took an idea from Henry Stickmin and put it in here. Jewel Baron. Diamond, Ruby, and Emerald. Get it?))

Look on the bright side. Sticking together not only increases chances of survival. It may or may not make the story longer depending on how it's handled. Lots of characters are waiting to say hello...