• Published 20th Feb 2023
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Ed-Venturous - ShaggyBoi23

After a spell gone awry, Twilight Sparkle comes face to face with three very special people: the Eds! What fate befalls our three Eds in Equestria, will they able to coop with the Main 6 to their Edventures?

  • ...

Return of Edarmony (Part 2)

Meanwhile, Applejack raced through the maze, running toward where the center was supposed to be. She was going at a good pace when something caught her eye, and she backtracked to one of the other pathways to find three red apples. She stepped toward them and blinked when the apples suddenly rolled away by themselves.

"What in tarnation?" She asked, chasing after the apples.

Applejack followed the apples to an open space that had a pond and apple trees. She promptly came to a stop.

"Where am I?" She wondered and winced when she was bonked on the head by an apple. She became confused when more apples fell out of the trees and rolled around her before forming three piles of dark red apples, light red apples, and green apples, which all began laughing. "Who are y'all?" She asked. The pile of dark red apples rose up, forming eyes and a mouth.

"The keepers of the grove of truth,” it informed her. "You may ask us…" It then deflated.

The pile of light-red apples rose up next to speak. "…one question…" And then it deflated.

The green apples rose up next. "…past, future or present."

"But be warned…"

"…that the truth…"

"…may not always be pleasant.” Applejack didn’t look comfortable at all.

"All right then." She decided. "I don't trust this place worth a hill of beans, but I've got a really bad feelin' about this feller Discord. What's gonna come of this mission we're on?" she finally asked.

The Red apples rose up and guided her over to the pond, where they were joined by the Light-red and Green apples. "For the answer, you seek…" it began.

"…go ahead, take a peek." The Light-red apples said.

Applejack peered into the water, which rippled, and a scene showed her and almost all her friends and the Eds, all of which were arguing except Ed.

"I hope I never see you again!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "And those three monkey freaks!"

"Me too!" Fluttershy shouted.

"I wish I was never friends with you big lumpy sockhead horses!" Eddy shouted! "Come on Double D, let's find someplace else back home!"

"Says the one who keeps scamming the neighborhood sac for your failed scams, Eddy!" Double D grumbled as he was arguing with Eddy.


"OH THAT SETTLES IT EDDY!" Double D trotted back.

“Oh, if shorty hot-headed Eddy hates parties and doesn't like ponies... Fine!” Pinkie shouted.

"Fine indeed you brutes!” Rarity shouted.

"What is going on, Eddy?" Ed said, confused by the way to see everyone arguing, "Why is everyone arguing at each other?"

"It's settled then." Twilight Sparkle agreed coldly, and the six ponies parted ways Double D and Eddy argued with each other over their differences while Ed was confused at first. Applejack stared in horror as the scene faded away, refusing to believe what she'd seen.

"No! Our friendship? Over?!" She exclaimed distraughtly. In her dismay, she was unaware of Discord hovering high above her, directing the apple piles while chuckling evilly. "It can't be true. It just can't!" she protested, taking off her hat to cover her face with, refusing to believe it. "That just can't be the truth."

The Light-red apples began speaking and the orange pony looked at them. “When all the truth does…"

"…is make your heart ache…" The Green apples said. Applejack looked at it, and Discord’s face and voice began to overlap it, with the hypnotic influence of his eyes spreading to hers.. "…sometimes a lie is easier to take." Discord let out a laugh as he and Applejack’s color faded to a greyed hue.

A section of the maze wall lowered as Twilight ran past. Twilight stopped and backtracked, seeing Applejack staring into space.

"Applejack! Thank goodness!" She said with relief as she trotted over to the apple pony, unaware that there was something very off. "I thought I heard voices over here. Who were you talking to?"

Applejack’s eyes were back to normal before she answered.

"I was talking to… uh… nopony! Nopony whatsoever!" She lied.

"What?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"Nothing." Applejack repeated, walking past her friend and still lying. "Come on, uh, we best be going."

"Did Applejack just…?" Twilight started before, chuckling. "Nah... Come on, Twilight! Applejack wouldn't lie."

Meanwhile to the Eds, Eddy was still jogging to keep up his pace. As he jogged, he looked back at the Jar of Quarters. He was goated to see his big change of quarters for the jawbreakers but must not try open the jar or not break it by accident as he was kinda smart enough to not fall on Discord's trickery.

“There’s no way I'm opening this jar of quarters,” Eddy asked, as he was struggling but managed to carry this heavy jar of quarters on his own. "But, I must not open it till we finish Discord's game."

As he asked that, he came across a courtyard. Eddy stopped, looked at the courtyard, and saw one of Discord's Guardian Rabbids. This was Serguei, a giant Gorilla-like-Rabbid (as for hit nickname, Kong Bunny), who was one of Discrord's First Guardian Rabbid and the strongest member of the Rabbids. Eddy was afraid at first due to Serguei's appearance, but apparently, he was greeted by Serguei and he challenged him to one of their games exclusive to them. He pointed at a sign to show Eddy the challenge and it's called 'Bunnies don't know what to do with cows.'

The premise of the challenge is to swing a cow to a far distance to reach a record. This made Eddy grumpy about this as he would've been overwhelmed to swing a Cow in the far distances to reach a record. But luckily for him, Discord didn't mention Eddy taking off from that jar of quarters which made Eddy relieved to do these challenges for himself to complete.

“Ugh... I may not have Ed's strength to participate in this challenge, but I must swing Rolf's lumpy cow off to the longest range.” Eddy said. As soon as he said that, the way back and the alternate path were closed off with hedges, forcing him to take the challenge by Serguei and Discord. Eddy sighed and walked into the courtyard to the chains and prepared to swing the cow.

“Who doesn’t love a good world record when my first ever Guardian Rabbid Creation starts the challenge off with a Swing-ma-jiggy Cow?” Discord’s voice said.

Eddy’s ear twitched as he glared at Discord's voice around his surroundings, as he gritted his teeth to not be a laughing stock, but he continued to push his strength to the chains.

“Oh... we'll see about that snake freak!” Eddy smirked.

Eddy eyed the cow and began to swing the cow as fast as he continued on at a minimum speed to level 5. He was swinging it as fast as Rainbow Dash but not enough when I has to reach the limit speed of 10.

“I'm impressed you took on this challenge Eddy.” Discord’s voice began. “But you better release it at you're might or else your strength would be down like a bird.”

Discord looked at Eddy as he spawned in and was impressed to see Eddy was doing the challenge. However, he's expecting Eddy to lose to give him a strike.

“Are they truly worth being a hero for? Like you think money is your all-time cling? And do you even idolize your brother for being your protector?" Discord asked him. Eddy didn't pay attention to Discord as he was swinging the cow at this mightiness. “Would you really all the neighborhood kids trust you and the Eds? They seem to poke fun at you guys for being less special.”

Eddy thought about it but ignored him and threw the cow in the distance. Surprisingly, it was very far and Eddy won his first challenge, but Discord smirked deviously as he tasked him with another one.

“Well, Well, Well... You have completed your first challenge, Eddy. I'm impressed” Discord said before turning to keep walking. As he walked towards Eddy, he snapped his fingers to spawn a Pig and the area for the challenge was a junkyard. There at the distance is a female pig wearing a wig bouncing to see the pig that Eddy is holding. "But you have another challenge by me this time."

“This challenge here is called 'Bunnies Are Heartless With Pigs'” Discord asked Eddy, as he gets into the gist of the challenge. “Here's the gist of it: You must hold a pig, and walk a short distance through a junkyard where the piglet's mother stands at the other side as quickly as possible."

"However, there are Rabbids armed with flamethrowers hiding underground, and there are many obstacles they will have to move around, so you'll have to listen to the piglet squeal if it thinks that they are close to a Rabbid." Discord cheekily said as he points out to Eddy the gist of this challenge.

"If you come too close, the Rabbid will ambush you and burn you and the pig with the flamethrower, losing the game. If you manage to reunite the pig with the mother, you'll eventually win, Eddy." Discord chuckled as he snapped his fingers to spawn a Popcorn bag to watch Eddy's next challenge. "Good luck on the pig and you're surroundings, Eddy!

“Sheesh... Let's get this over with the pig challenge...” Eddy told Discord as he does his next challenge.

Eddy decided to walk slowly as listened to the pig to know where that Rabbid is. But because Eddy was too arrogant to know where when a Rabbid ambushed him and used a flamethrower to burn Eddy and the pig alive in a cartoon fashion. Eddy was burned up with black puff around him and the Pig was fried up to be turned into a chicken. Now Eddy was at his boiling point and glared at Discord.

“BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!” Discord laughed as he rubbed his claws together and brought in a bucket of water to wash Eddy up. "You lost, Eddy! Now it's time for me to steal your quarters so I can buy myself some popcorn! Don't worry, Serguei here would patch up you're injuries by the way. This is a cartoon we're talking about here Eddy."

"I'll show you drag-o-snake freak!!!" Eddy yelled as he was grabbed by Serguei, struggling to get off his grabby hands as Discord opened the jar of coins to snag half of it, "AND YOU BETTER BRING MY QUARTERS BACK, SNAKE FREAK!!!"

Double D was passing through a maze to figure out where he was going until he stumbled across Professor Barranco III, a normal Rabbid who has one blue left eye and a red right eye. He serves to be Discord's commander and semi-leader of the Rabbids. To add to Barranco III's backstory, he was just like the other Rabbids, created through cloning thanks to an unknown mix of chemicals. He spawned from the first Barranco and most likely got his intelligence along with another unknown Barranco, causing him to become only a little bit smarter than the others, while Barranco III used his intelligence to dominate his race and start his own obsession with controlling by taking over everything and everyone in sight. When he sees Double D, he greets him and shows no worry that he'll command him.

He tasked Double D with a challenge that made Double D mysophobia on this challenge called, 'Bunnies don't use Toothpaste'. Barraco III uses a stick and made Double D read through the game.

"In this challenge, a Rabbid is at the dentist's office and has worms popping in and out of four of its rotting teeth. The aim of this challenge is to pull the worms out of the cavities each one has made in the teeth for as long as possible." Double D said, but looked disgusted that he'll have to wear gloves, "Each time a worm goes back in, it makes the tooth rot even more, and a second time will destroy it. As time goes on, the worms will pop in and out at a faster rate. The challenge ends when one tooth is completely destroyed."

"Oh, dear... It's lucky I have brought in gloves for this challenge." Double D said in relief as he grabbed his gloves and prepared for the Rabbid who opened his mouth to show his teeth which had holes with a worm coming out from the teeth, "You Rabbids always remember if you don't brush your teeth, bad things would happen with your teeth such as cavities or decaying tooth. It's good this mother and father told me why it's important to take good care of my teeth."

Thus, Double D was feeling confident to start 'Bunnies don't use toothpaste' for the challenge.

Meanwhile, Pinkie was bouncing along the route she was taking through the maze. She was cheerful despite the grim situation, which seemed perfectly normal to her. She whistled as she moved before coming across an opening, which made her jaw drop in amazement when she saw some Rabbids roaming around and planters filled with balloons of all kinds of shapes and colors, and they were laughing. Delighted by her discovery, Pinkie entered the area, admiring the laughing balloons.

"This is the greatest balloon garden I've ever seen!" she declared. "It's the first balloon garden I've ever seen, but still! Wah!" She exclaimed as she suddenly faceplanted into the mud, she looks up to see what happened. A pink balloon tied her back leg up to make her fall and a Rabbid threw a pie at Pinkie's face.

“Hey! What gives?” She exclaimed as she licked the pie from her face. Discord appeared before her a few seconds later.

“What’s the matter, Pinkie Pie? I thought you appreciated a good laugh.” He asked, pretending to be confused.

"It's different," Pinkie answered, her smile no longer on her face. "They're all laughing at me."

"It's hardly different," Discord said as he moved his head behind a balloon, when he moved it back, then his head was no longer there, yet the balloon had a face. "Your friends laugh at you all the time."

Pinkie stood up and shook off the mud. "My friends laugh with me. Not at me." She said with a smile.

“Oh really?” The green balloon floated down. He then began spinning around her at a very fast pace, laughing at her. As he laughed, more laughter could be heard. Pinkie’s eyes spun to keep up, but the laughing was getting to her.

“No! Stop it!” She begged. They didn’t oblige her request and continued laughing. As she looked back up, the balloons were turning into her friends and three Rabbids dressed as the Eds. The other 6 mares and three Ed Rabbids of their group.

“Stop laughing at me!” She exclaimed. The discord balloon floated down to her.

“Oh, poor Pinkie Pie. And here I thought laughter made you happy.” He mocked sadness before stopping in front of her. Using his eyes to hypnotize her as he did Applejack.

“Happy?” She asked before standing up and becoming greyed out. “I don’t think so.” She said with a very angry attitude.

The balloons around her popped and the Rabbids ran off to different paths, revealing a pathway that Double D walked through seconds later, though he was very disgusted as his first challenge from 'Bunnies don't use toothpaste' as the game was taking out worms from a Rabbid's teeth to pass the time. He managed to pass the time and didn't get a strike, which made him relieved and noticed Pinkie Pie at the corner.

“Pinkie!” Double D called. "I am glad to see you her-” He took a few steps and then stopped, looking confused. “Pinkie, are you okay? You don’t look so good...”

"Glad to see me, DD? Why? Need a good laugh?!" She said, walking past. Double D looked very confused as she did so.

“Why do you look… a bit grey?” He asked. She zipped into his face.

“Was that supposed to be a joke, DD?!” She exclaimed.

“Um….No. It was a concern considering you're very joyish and entertaining.” He said. She rolled her eyes and started walking. “Uh….Pinkie, it’s this way.”

“I know that, DD!” She exclaimed as she walked back towards and past him. Double D scratched his head and began going back to following the scent.

"Something tells me that this must be Discord's doing..." Double D thought in his mind.

Rarity was walking through a different section of the maze in search of the center. "I was expecting an audience with the Princess, not outdoor sport." She said before walking into a wall "Agh.” Then she noticed the three diamonds in the wall she just walked into. “Oh my..." Images of Discord appeared on the surface of the three diamonds, laughing cruelly.

"Welcome to your lucky day, Rarity." He taunted, weaving his spell. "You've found the one thing in Equestria that could rival my face for sheer beauty. What do you think? You like?" The diamonds began glowing hypnotically.

"Yes…" Rarity said, falling under the spell and she moved toward the diamonds. "I like very much…" She stopped and shook her head violently, to clear herself of the hypnosis. "No! No, I shan't succumb to such fabulousness." She turned and walked away, struggling with every step she took.

"Must… get to the center… to meet… the others." She encouraged herself.

"Mine!" She turned back around, her color fading as well. She began digging to get to the diamonds.

After some time, Rarity had dug a path through the wall and was satisfied with herself.

“Well, Rarity. It took forever, but it was worth it!” She said. Before her, was a very large diamond. She shook the dirt off and ran over to it.

“Who knew three little gemstones would turn out to be this handsome hunk of a diamond?” She said with a happy gasp to be added to the end. “Now to get you home.”

Ducking as low as she could, she got enough of her back underneath the monster gem to allow her to hoist it up. As it was now on her back, she began to trek away. It was at that moment when the wall she dug at collapsed, revealing Twilight and Applejack.

"Rarity! Are we glad to see…” She began to canter over, only to stop when she saw that Rarity didn’t have a diamond, but a humongous boulder on her back with a painting of Eddy being shirtless and doing a post as if he was a strong brute. “Why are you carrying a humongous boulder with a painting of Eddy being shirtless?" Twilight asked.

Rarity flipped the boulder off her back. "What do you mean, ‘boulder’? and a painting of Eddy?" She demanded. "This big beautiful bedazzling rock is a diamond! And it's all mine. Keep your envious little eyes off it! I found it and it's mine fair and square!" She got the 'diamond' onto her back again and struggled to carry it while being followed by Applejack. Twilight couldn’t help but look on in complete shock and concern before following them.

Ed was running along the maze walls as he was riding a flying creature to catch the pigs. The challenge from one of the Guardian Rabbids offered him a fuzzy way to complete it as the challenge is called "Bunnies don't like Bats". To catch 3 pigs and bring them back to their mother.

"Go flying bat! Catch the piggies to it, mother!" Ed shouted happily as he was riding the creature chasing the pigs to catch them.

Discord was going to mess him up, but considering Ed passed through multiple challenges, he decide to let him do his chaos and break the rules due to Ed's randomness as he was up to reach his last two ponies to manipulate. Not to mention, he was impressed how Ed managed to pass 4 challenges and failed around 9 of them, yet get decided to play fair for Ed since he pretty much adore his random nature.

In another part of the maze, Fluttershy was slowly edging her way through the maze, using her hoof to follow along the side like Double D previously told her to. "Okay, I can do this. I can..."

A few butterflies flew by and two Rabbids were walking through, startling her. As she yelped and dove into a hedge wall, she went in and stuck her head out. “Oh, wait a minute.” She saw what startled her. “Butterflies? Rabbids?”

The butterflies take a turn and the Rabbids followed them, and Fluttershy began chasing them.

“Wait! Don’t leave me here!”

The butterflies continue their flight as well as the Rabbids chasing them, and Fluttershy hurries to catch up. She skidded to a stop and saw multiple paths before her. That was until the butterflies and two Rabbids came behind her, prompting her to turn around and see that the butterflies had the mismatched antlers of Discord.

“Fluttershy…” One of the butterflies began, turning out to be a high-pitched discord. “…looks like you’ve been left behind by your so-called friends, huh?”

“Oh no.” She turned with a smile while shaking her head. “I’m certain they’re doing their best to find me.”

They started to circle her while the two Rabbids watched the commotion.

“Well, it must be so upsetting to know how weak and helpless they think you are.” Butterfly Discord tried again. It didn’t work. "Besides, wouldn't you be running away from these terrible Rabbids who ruled Equestria by Discord?"

“Not at all. I am weak and helpless, and I appreciate their understanding.” She said with a smile.

"Yes, well, surely it burns you up, I mean—" Discord's real voice came out before he went back to his high-pitched voice."—that they’re always pointing out your flaws, right?"

"Not really. I think I'm awfully lucky to have friends who want me to be the best I can be. Besides these Rabbids aren't crude, they're just as cute as those bunnies around Equestria." That was what did it. Discord turned into himself out of frustration.

"Oh, for goodness’ sake!" He exclaimed before he called the duo Rabbids. "You two, tackle her!"

The two Rabbids commanded by Disocrd tackled Fluttershy and held her captive, catching her off guard.

"You've been kind for far too long, my dear. And my Rabbids aren't CUTE, to begin with!!!" He said as jabbed her with a talon to hypnotize her. "They're supposed to be mischievous, destructive, and chaotic! Time to be cruel. Arrivederci!"

A hedge wall dropped, revealing Double D and Pinkie. Double D heard everything from Discord, which explains Pinkie being a bit grey, as he managed to spot her and attempted to jog toward her. He saw Discord with two Rabbids standing there, smirking at Double D as he was shocked to see Flutteryshy dazing before shaking her head off to sense her surroundings.

“Fluttershy!” He called as he moved, but knew she was under Discord's influence. “Oh for crying out loud, why does this have to happen-” He slid to a stop. “Flutteryshy, are you okay?”

“I was okay.” She turned around and glared at Double D. “Then you showed up.”

“Oh my... did Discord do this to you?” He asked as he looked at her.

“Who's Discord? Did you get a problem with that? Then take that curved horn and make everything alright!” She growled at him. Double D was in shock. “Oh that’s right, I forgot.” You can’t.”

She turned and tried to flick him with her tail. He dodged it by jerking his head back. He dodged the tail but hit his head on the snake statue he was carrying.

He rubbed his head as he watched Fluttershy walk on, hip-checking Pinkie and knocking her to the ground.

“Discord. What in sam hill is the meaning of this!!! Why are you doing this the ponies?!” Double D exclaimed as he glared at Discord. "Aren't you supposed to play fair on your game?!"

"How so, Edward." Discord chuckled, and snaps his fingers to have two Rabbids to be dressed as Eddy and Ed and imitated their progress of challenge to show Double D how his friends are doing, "Besides, I saw Eddy completing one of his challenges by swinging a cow in a far distance, but managed to fail one challenge, as he got the flames by a Rabbid because he didn't listen to the pig to know where they're detective as he was so close to complete it. And Ed... well, I'd let him break the rules considering I just witness him flying a wing creature to capture the pigs and yet he decide to chase them outside from the maze and cause major damage outside them."

"Oh for heaven's sake, is Eddy okay after being fried by that Rabbid?" Double D nervously said. "You know that Eddy is going to strangle you for your payback."

"Nah... Don't worry, Kong Bunny is patching him up right now, so Eddy should be fine," Discord smirked. "And I already took his jar of coins just to buy more popcorn. I'm sure he's super hotheaded when I brought only a half jar of coins for him."

"And you know you could've punished Ed if he's breaking the rules..." Double D muttered, wanting to know why Discord led Ed to break the rules from those challenges.

"Oh, don't worry Double D... I'm sure your Ed friends are alright there." Discord said, looking at Double D and having one more task to do, "And I'm gonna get some popcorn to see what Eddy and Ed are up to along with a certain pegasus."

With that, Discord disappeared and Double D sprinted through to catch up with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was racing through the maze trying to get to the center as fast as she could, making good time. She then stopped when she heard thunder and began to look around. She saw something that looked like her cutie mark. A mini cloud that fired rainbow lightning occasionally.

"I've got you now, element.” She said as she began to chase after it.

Rainbow Dash ran through an opening and skidded to a halt when she saw Discord reclining on a white cloud hammock between two apple trees and he was wearing sunglasses.

"Oh." He said with a relaxed tone, stretching. "I can see why you like these clouds so much. Very plush."

"Get off there and put 'em up!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she raised her forelegs and stood like a boxer, punching her hooves. "Come on! Let's go!"

"Hey, I'm here to deliver a message," Discord informed her as he sat up.

"I've got a message for you too!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, ready to fight. "Where are girls and the Eds!"

"Listen closely, this is important." Discord started as he moved over to her.

"A weighty choice is yours to make:
a right selection or a big mistake.
If a wrong choice you choose to pursue,
the foundations of home will crumble without you."

He snapped his fingers and summoned a white cloud, setting it spinning, starting to hypnotize and show her, her home Cloudsdale collapsing.

"Cloudsdale?" Rainbow Dash gasped fearfully, falling under his spell. "Crumble… without me?

Cloudsdale is shown to collapse and the pegasus escaped from the collapse.

"No!" Rainbow shrieked.

Discord made a present appear before her, and stepped next to her, placing a clawed hand on her shoulder as her skin tone faded.

"That box contains your wings.” He told her. "You can take them and leave the game, or you can carry on aimlessly wandering this maze. Your choice."

Meanwhile, the three Eds came together as they passed through their challenges with the Discorded Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Double D was feeling light-hearted on his first challenge but never spoke about it to his friends due to being disgusting, Eddy was back to normal (clean and fresh) but super hotheaded because his jar of coins was half and would give Discord a payback for it, and Ed was happy that he completed all them, with... breaking the rules for sure, but Discord let him pass for it. The Eds found himself in the courtyard where he saw the Elements, laying there at peace.

“Finally,” Eddy grumbled as he took a step into the courtyard. "Let's get those stupid Elements so that the girls can get my justice to Discord. He's gonna repay me with my quarters."

"Let's get them, Eddy!" Ed exclaimed as he grabbed Eddy and marched to get the Elements. But... things would go for a turn when Double D knew something was wrong.

A very loud thunderclap got his attention. Double D and the Eds looked around on high alert, only to see Rainbow Dash flying into the sky, disappearing behind a cloud.

“Oh no!” Doulbe D said as his pupils shrank. The maze walls began to sink, leaving nothing but a crater and revealing the location of the other group. "Discord got Rainbow Dash!"

“Double D!? Eddy?! Ed?!” Twilight was heard calling. The Eds turned to see her running over.

“Twilight! Did you Rainbow Dash flying away!?” Eddy asked. She stopped before them. "She lost us the game!"

“I was gonna ask you that, Eddy.” She grumbled. The laughter of Discord was soon heard. All heads turned their way.

“Well well well.” He started. "Somepony broke the “no wings, no magic” rule." He snapped his fingers and gave everyone back their wings and horns, but he didn't fill the half jar of coins for Eddy since he was hotheaded. “Games over my little ponies! And you too Ed-Boys! You didn’t find your precious Elements. Looks like we might be due for a big old storm of chaos. And a rise of a Rabbid army!”

He spawned an army of Rabbids to run to Ponyville as they laughed at their mayhem and an umbrella and began laughing heavily. As Twilight looked at him shocked, with Eddy and Double D looking at him angrily to know he screwed them over, Ed was confused but happy for some reason.

"So does this mean we won Eddy?" Ed questioned, which made Twilight and Eddy glared at him.

"No Ed... We lost the game from Discord." Double D assured him that they lost.

"Oh... so that means... WE'RE DOOMED EDDY!!!" Ed exclaimed in a worrying tone.

Author's Note:

Oh dear, looks like it's up to Twilight and the Eds to figure out their way to restore Equestria back!