• Published 25th Feb 2023
  • 479 Views, 15 Comments

What's next for Golly? - Golly4Ever

Given a second chance at life and liberty, Cozy Glow has trouble adjusting to a world now forigen to her.

  • ...


"There. That should do it!" said Cozy, emptying the bucket into the room. A heavy fog poured out, joining the rest of the cloud formation that covered the floor of the single-room dwelling. "She's gonna love it!"

The door opened and Astral stepped through.

"Astral! Quick! Close the door!! You're letting it out!!!" yelled Cozy.

Surprised, Astral quickly closed the door, looking around, "Cozy? What is this?"

"Do you like it? I thought that since you can't go up to the clouds, I could bring the clouds down to you!" beamed Cozy.

"Oh, Cozy... How, ...nice of you," replied Astral, lightly stepping around through the cloud. She was still standing on the floor while Cozy could now stand at Astral's height on top of the cloud.

Astral carefully made her way to the kitchen through the cloud, bumping her shins on the now-hidden furniture, "Ow! You didn't ow! Have to ow! Do this just for me."

"I know. I just wanted to!"

Astral finally made it to the kitchen. The fluffy whiteness was into everything. She waved her hoof around clearing a bit of cloud-covered counter space and began to unpack her saddlebags with her magic; groceries. She began to set out on the counter a selection of vegetables, and canned goods.

A carrot rolled off of the counter and disappeared through the cloud somewhere onto the floor. 'Oh. When will I see that one again?' thought Astral.

Cozy bound around the living room at the new height the cloud afforded her. "Isn't this great?"

"Um, yes, Cozy. ...Great." Astral tried her best to not let the filly down. Finished with unpacking the groceries, she released the strap on her saddlebags, and let them fall to the floor before realizing what she had just done. "Oh no. I lost them."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'd help you find them, but I can't really go any lower than the top of the cloud right now until it clears out some."

"That's ok, Cozy," said Astral as she made her way to her bed. "It's been a long ow! Day. I think I'm ow! Going to take a nap."

"I know you can't sleep ON the cloud, but being surrounded by it, you could pretend your bed is just as soft as one. ...even though it isn't," suggested Cozy.

"...Thank you, Cozy. Why don't you go out and play now? I'll start dinner when I wake up."

"Ok!" said Cozy as she went outside, careful not to let too much of the cloud out.

* * *

Astral opened her eyes. She was soaking wet. Her bed was soaking wet. The walls cried with condensation. On the plus side, the cloud was gone. She got up. The floor was wet. "...Oh, Cozy." Her hooves sopped through the carpet on the way to the kitchen. "Oh, there they are," she said as she magically picked up her saddlebags and hung them up on the rack by the door. The carrot was nowhere to be found. She used a hoof to brush drops of water off of her coat, "It's SO muggy in here!" She magically opened the windows and the door, feeling the fresh outside air rush in almost instantly.

Dinner was mostly uneventful. They ate their meals together while Cozy talked about the troubles of cloud collecting, and finding the perfect ones that weren't rainy, or at least too rainy. The chill of the night air had forced Astral to close the windows and door until the sun came back up. Most everything was dry-ish, at least the carpet didn't squish anymore.

* * *

"Astral, wake up!" said Cozy. It was morning already. "The house is really stinky! What's going on?"

Astral stirred from her rest as her senses came back to her. The house did indeed stink.

"It smells like when you don't dry the laundry fast enough!"

"Mildew, Cozy," said Astral, rolling her eyes at the new situation.

"Who's Mill Dew? Somepony should tell him to take a bath, and then dry quickly."

"No, Cozy. It's that smell. Everything is too wet. Open the windows and door. We need to air the house out. And Cozy?"

"Yes, Astral?"

"No more clouds in the house, please?"

Comments ( 3 )

That was a good story goodluck with whatever you write next.

Just finished reading this, and it is quite the adventure! You did very well! I do think you could add more details and descriptions of how the characters feel, ya know, really get us into that mood of the characters!
It was a fun read, and I loved every bit of it! I do wonder what will happen to Astral and Golly next!
Keep going :twilightsmile:

It takes a very special kind of monster... To not do it more than once!

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