• Published 28th Feb 2023
  • 293 Views, 60 Comments

Student Six against the Imperium - Alank2

Student Six are invited to a royal wedding in Vedina, but danger lurks as ancient evil threatens to fulfill its dark dream.

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... but they were not prepared for this

Gallus was looking outside the window, lost in thought, as the train made its way through the hills and plains of the Skyfall Federation. Unlike the more primitive vehicles used in Vedina, this one was actually coal-powered; one of many import from Equestria. It was a smooth journey from Vedina to Grefiwald, first by ship to Skyfall and then by train, but it felt like eternity to the griffon.

The wedding was, in the end, a resounding success for Vedina. Not only was the plot of Prince Ondska thwarted, they also gained a new, unexpected ally. Graf Meyer considered followers of Maar to be his personal enemies, and made it abundantly clear that every country threatened by this cult would be welcome to join him in his vendetta.

The word of Prince Ondska’s sudden turn towards Maar and the unnatural power the God of Death gave him spread quickly. Detractors who not long ago had doubts about the ability of Princesses to rule Vedina were much less willing to raise their concerns on face of a danger like this. Vedina was an old country with old traditions and faith, and they had no doubts that Maar was a much greater threat to them than anycreature else.

In the end, Vedina only became stronger thanks to the failed coup, but not everything was sunshine and rainbows. Ondska disappeared alongside those of his followers who were still loyal to him. And in the meantime, the six friends were sure this was not the end of Maar’s plots.

Haukland, Greneclyf, and now Vedina. That is, if the situation in Yakyakistan, Buffalo Nation and Chripterra also wasn’t influenced by the shadowy villain. With a plan of this scope, it was highly likely more countries were already infiltrated or in danger from the followers of Maar.

Students decided it was time to act, instead of waiting until enemy strikes again; they wanted to take the initiative. But this lead to a different problem. Where could they go?

There were no countries that worshipped Maar. In fact, it was strictly forbidden in almost every nation (with exception of most secular states), which wasn’t a surprise considering that he was literally the source of all evil in Griffonian mythology. Griffons who worshipped the God of Death had a reputation of being dangerous anarchists, insane supremacists, and generally embodiment of everything a specific country disliked the most.

Which meant that there was no obvious place to go. Surely, the necromancers in the north were a prime suspect, but Princess Twilight and her friends were already there. Places like Barrad Magocracy far south were not only far away, but also had no obvious connection to Maar.

They would probably have had to give up the idea, if not for one of the nobles remembering something unusual. Apparently, Prelate Ludwig Ebonwing, ruler of Greifwald, found ancient Griffonian ruins pre-dating even the First Griffonian Empire. It even caught the attention of multiple scholars from Yale Rectorate, and led to a big international excavation close to the capital.

And important part of these ruins was the only remaining temple to Maar. While some called for its destruction, the secular ponies of Yale scoffed at such absurd notions, and they were joined by historians and archeologists from other countries, as well.

While Prelate Ebonwing was hesitant to allow this in the beginning – being a very religious griffon himself – he reluctantly allowed it in the end. The state church was closely observing the researchers, making sure the ancient ruins (which also included many temples to Boreas, Eeyr and Artcurious) were treated with respect.

These news led the six friends to travel to Greifwald, with written document from Princesses and King Wingstrom asking to give them access to the ruins.

Although honestly, Gallus wasn’t sure if he was hoping more to get entry to the (without doubt creepy and dangerous) ruins, or to be denied it. As much as he was trying to hide it, he was scared. The revelation that Maar wasn’t just a fairy tale used to scare children, and was not only real but also dangerous and bent on starting a war, was unsettling to put it lightly.

“Hey.” He heard, and he turned around to look at Silverstream. “Why so gloomy?”

“Nah, it’s nothing. Really.” She obviously wasn’t buying it. “It’s just… Maar.” Gallus looked outside. The hills and plains of Skyfall were pleasant to look at, the air was clear and the sun was warm. But somehow, it didn’t dispel the feeling of dread. “I always thought he’s just a myth, you know? No one saw the old gods for so long, most griffons figured they never existed in the first place.”

“I know the feeling.” Sandbar joined the discussion, moving closer to them. “Most ponies in Equestria didn’t even believe that Nightmare Moon was real. Or Discord. Or Tirek.”

“That’s not reassuring, you know?” Gallus sighed. “When I heard about all those crazy monsters and magic in Equestria, I always thought that nothing like this can ever happen in my home. No ancient secrets, imprisoned horrors, nothing. And now I learn that no only we have necromancers trying to invade Gryphus, but Maar, the literal God of Death, is real? What else is hiding in my home?”

“I remember learning for the first time about the Storm King.” Silverstream said quietly. “He already conquered most of Zebrica by that time. We were forced to hide from the world, abandon Mount Aris. It was really scary. Some hippogriffs even tried to pray to ancient horrors beneath, to protect them.”

“Ancient horrors beneath? Really?” Gallus deadpanned. “How can any creature can pray to something like that?”

“Considering some griffons apparently pray to Maar?” Sandbar pointed out. “I’m afraid you will always find some who just want power. Or are simply too scared to think rationally.”

Gallus winced. He still couldn’t believe that anygriffon would do such a thing. But then, some obviously did. Even built him a temple!

“I really hope these ancient horrors aren’t real.” He changed topic. “And I really hope that Princess Twilight and her friends can deal with these necromancers. Maar is scary enough by himself, imagine also having undead invasion from the north and whatever ancient horrors even do in Zebrica.”

“Are you seriously worried about our teachers? Remember how many times they saved Equestria? They are probably already on their way home.” Sandbar hopefully said.

“And do not worry about these ancient hippogriff stories, Gallus!” Silverstream added. “They’re just a scary story, nothing else. Some hippogriffs tried to find them for centuries, and there is no sign of them. If they were real, we would know!” Silverstream said, smiling. “Even when some hippogriffs would worship them just to get any chance to strike back at Storm King, they still couldn’t find them. If they can ignore that occasion, I doubt they exist, or have any power.”

“Wait, you think hippogriffs would actually…?” The idea of happy, freedom-loving people of Mount Aris turning to evil was impossible to imagine.

“We were scared.” Silverstream simply answered. “You know, Gallus, I used to think we never could actually turn evil. That we were, by nature, good creatures. Before I saw Chiropterra.”

“Hard times give voice to evil.” Sandbar quoted. “You know, the more I think about it, the more I realize that the Founders of Equestria were really smart.”

“Funny, we have a saying like this. Only ours goes, ‘Hard times make stronger griffons’.” Gallus said scarstically. “Funny how it never made Griffonstone stronger.”

“I think that nothing good comes out of suffering.” Silverstream summed up, looking back. Behind them, Yona, Ocellus and Smolder were talking about something; the other two probably trying to cheer up the changeling, who was still a little shook after Vedina. “And I think the thousand years of suffering made Chriopterrans neither happy, or strong.”

Everyone could agree with that.

They soon reached the border between Skyfall and Greifwald. A few griffons - the Skyfall Federation border guards - entered the train, checking it for any contraband or anything suspicious. As the students had nothing to hide, and had a legitimate reason to go to Greifwald, they paid the guards little attention.

The same could not be said about the guards, who were definitely suspicious about the unusual group. Six foreigners, all but one not even griffons?

Fortunately, before the guards decided to detain them for interrogation, they were saved by one of the Skyfall guards. “Well, well, if it isn’t sir Gallus of Griffonstone.” She said, noticing the commotion and coming closer. “What brings a noble griffon like you here?”

“As I just said to this fine gentlegriffon,” For the fifth time, annoyed Gallus thought to himself, “Me and my friends are travelling to see the excavation in Greifwald. We have all the paperwork checked, and we were sent by the royal house of Vedina.” The young griffon was half annoyed at the paranoidal guards, and half worried Yona or Smolder will have enough and just throw somegriffon off the train. “If we could just go on our way?”

“I’m afraid there will be a delay. One of a passengers was smuggling some illegal goods, and the train needs to be searched. If you could follow me, please? I can get you some refreshments in the meantime.”

“Oh, do you have cookies?” Gallus facehoofed, hearing Silverstream happily ask. He cleared his throat. “Of course. As long as the train won’t accidentally leave without us.”

“I can assure you that it will take a while longer still. Follow me.” The griffon led them out of the train, and into a guardhouse next to the border train station. There was a small selection of food and drinks already prepared in it, and to everyone’s surprise they found themselves alone with the griffon. “Where are my manners? Nicolette Mountainclaw, at your service.”

“Sir Gallus of Griffonstone.” Gallus said, eyeing the food. It was definitely prepared for them before they were stopped here. There were even some gems, clearly prepared for a dragon. “And these are my friends…”

“Ocellus, Smolder, Silverstream, Yona and Sandbar.” The griffon finished. “Such esteemed guests today.” Everyone present tensed visibly. But there was no sign of cold, dark aura, so either that griffon was not one of Maar’s followers, or she was hiding it very well. “Please sit. I had limited time to prepare it, but I hope it’s good.”

Everyone hesitated, but most of them sat down. Smolder and Yona remained standing, ready for a fight, but to their surprise their host also sat down. “You are very nervous for just regular travelers.” Nicolette noticed, taking a piece of surprisingly fresh bread from a small basket. “Expecting trouble?”

“Hopefully not.” Sandbar answered, also partaking in the bread. “Do you?”

“Straight to the point, I see. You may relax. If I planned to arrest you, I would have it done already.” The older griffon looked at her guests. “What I want to know is; what is Equestria’s second most powerful special unit doing here?”

“Equestria’s… what?” Sandbar asked with disbelief.

“Yona not from Equestria!”


The Skyfall griffon just sat there and waited until they stopped protesting, before answering. “You’re not making the best case for yourselves. I know about your defeat of Cozy Glow, and your actions in Griffonstone, Haukland, and many others.”

“We’re not a special unit, whatever it is.” Smolder voiced everyone’s opinion.

“Could’ve fooled me. Wherever there is trouble, Equestria sends you there, and suddenly the problem is solved. Just like Princess Twilight and her advisors, but unlike those six, you tend to go abroad more. Not enough problems in Equestria these days?”

“You know, you remind me of how some of the Emperor’s advisors couldn’t believe me when I told them how we defeated Cozy Glow.” Gallus said, getting ready to stand up. “We’re not some kind of secret superweapon, we’re not part of an army or invasion, and we’re not spies. I’m kind of tired of griffons assuming those things. We’re literally just passing by. Are you going to arrest us now, or are we free to go?”

“Of course you’re free to go… but don’t you want to talk about Maar first?” This got everycreature’s attention. “Thought so.”

“What do you know about Maar?” Gallus asked, sitting back down.

“I know that somegriffon, if a griffon at all, is pretending to be Maar in order to achieve something. Whoever that creature is, it can use some kind of magic to drastically increase strength and combat prowess of its agents, although it can only do it on a small scale it seems, based on situation in Haukland and Vedina.” Nicolette listed off. “And last thing, it seems you are either incredibly lucky to always be in the right place to stop these agents, or you have some kind of insider information. Or some magical intel.” The griffon looked at her guests. “Anything I missed?”

“You know a lot.” Silverstream said, surprised.

“Skyfall is the trade center of Gryphus. We heard about those things before even the Empire’s intelligence.”

“Are you sure it’s not actual Maar?” Gallus asked.

“Please. Ancient God of Death appears and starts to give griffons demonic strength and power? What a fairy tale. It is probably some powerful necromancer, not first or last on Gryphus. Or maybe a Barradian plot, they have a lot of freaky dark magic there.”

“You never felt it.” The older griffon looked at Ocellus, who continued quietly. “I have. And trust me, as someone who saw Queen Chrysalis, Princesses of Equestria, and even Discord… it is Maar. Or, if not him, then some other creature of power strength then you can imagine.”

“A changeling thinks she knows our myths better than we do?” Nicolette answered, shaking her head. “Trust me, if it was really Maar… the one described in our holy text or whatever… we would be looking at Discord-level emergency. Whoever that is, they act quietly and in the shadows unless they have no other choice. Far from the powerful God of Death with legions of demons and his command.”

“You know, ponies used to think the same way about some of our legends.” Sandbar pointed out. “I don’t think another ancient god being real is impossible.”

“Well, whether it is Maar himself or some impostor, doesn’t change much, does it?” Nicolette looked outside. Guards kept searching the train, although Gallus had a sneaking suspicion they were just stalling now. “We have to be ready. Now, why are you really going to Greifwald? Are we looking at another of those… creatures? Are they trying to launch a coup, start a war?”

“We don’t know about anything like it.” Silverstream answered this time. “We just want to go to these ruins, learn something about Maar. What are his goals. How can we persuade him to stop.”

“Persaude him?” Nicolette laughed. “Good joke, miss. Do you have any idea who Maar is? If it truly is him, there is nothing you can say to persuade him. He is the evil incarnate. And if it’s an impostor, which is more likely, they’re going to play their part until they’re arrested and in prison, if not executed.”

“Well, worst case scenario, we just waste our time and that’s it.” Gallus said, having enough of this conversation. “And I don’t think you can arrest a God.”

“Maybe not. I’m still going to try if I catch wind of this creature being in Skyfall.” The older griffon got up. “If you find anything useful, I’d be glad if you shared it with me. Just leave me a message at the guard post here.”

“Why would we do that? No offense, but you don’t act like someone trustworthy.” Smolder commented, also getting up.

“I may or may not be trustworthy. But I am effective. If you find out where this ‘Maar’ is, and he’s anywhere close to Skyfall… let’s just say wars are bad for business.
And here, in Skyfall, bits are the only true God.”

As her guests left, and the train moved on, she turned to one of the ‘guards’, although in reality neither she nor her agents were a border patrol. “Contact General Parkunas. I have a hunch we’re going to need some commando divisions for an assassination operation soon.”

“You think they’ll find Maar there?”

“I’m sure they’ll find an impostor or one of their agents. This is just in case there was a sudden civil war in Greifwald, or some other problems of that nature. We will not be caught unprepared.”

After being finally let through the border – with Greifwaldian guards making no problems, in comparison to their Skyfall equivalents – the six friends made their way to the excavation site. The ruins were found next to the capital of Falcontown, close to the border with Griffonian Empire. While the train tracks did not run all the way there, it wasn’t far from the closest city, and they decided to just walk there.

But before they even reached the excavation site, the city of Falcontown made them shiver. The city looked abandoned, especially in comparison to the rich and lively cities of Skyfall. Only the absolute minimum of girffons were walking the streets, avoiding any eye contact with the fresh arrivals. It was a middle of a sunny day, but it felt more like it was moments before a storm, everygriffon hiding in their homes.

“You know, this feels very much like home.” Gallus tried to joke, as they walked through the half-abandoned city. “You just need some lost golden figure and Grampa Gruff shouting at everycreature, and it would be just like Griffonstone.”

“Yona does not like this place.” The yak looked around, moving closer to her friends. “It’s scary.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean.” Smolder shrugged. “Maybe they’re just scared of us?”

“Or scared of something else.” Ocellus quietly said, looking around nervously.

The atmosphere was downright oppressive, and they all sighed with relief as they left the city. A huge lake was situated right next to it, and the ruins were close by. In fact, it seemed part of the excavation was reinforcing the shore; the old building were right next to water, and there was a risk that water could drown all that was uncovered there.

There were also guards set up around the place. Griffonian knights patrolled the sky and land, and noticed the newcomers from far away. One of armored griffons landed in front of them, a sign of ebony gauntlet visible on his armor. “Halt! What brings you here, foreigners?”

“I am sir Gallus, of Griffonstone. These are my companions. We arrived with a mission from the royal house of Vedina.” Gallus took out the royal documents and passed the to the knight, who quickly read through them.

“I see. Please come with me, then.” The knight turned around, escorting them to the uncovered ruins. As they came closer, the six friends could see the remains of ancient buildings, white marble now dirty and broken. Few dozen griffons and even few ponies were carefully trotting around, talking about the finding, sketching or carefully cleaning parts of the what used to be external walls.

One of them, a griffon in black priestly robes, noticed them and walked towards them. “Welcome, honored guests! What brings you to this ancient place?”

“Sir Gallus, of Griffonstone, and his companions. They come with the blessing of Crown of Vedina, father Stormbreath.” The griffon knight answered, bowing gently before the black-clad griffon.

“Rise up, knight Ekhan. Thank you for bringing these people to my attention. Everyone feels safer, knowing the Knights of Ebony Gauntelt are here protecting us. You may return to your patrol.” The knight bowed and turned around, leaving them. Only then did the priest turn to his guests. “Welcome, sir Gallus, welcome! And your companions, as well. What news do you bring from Vedina?”

Seeing how his friends were prone to just say ‘We want to learn about Maar’, Gallus fortunately managed to answer first. “We heard it was an international undertaking, and the Crown decided, in their wisdom, that sending representatives would be appropriate. These are, after all, the oldest remaining temples to the Gods.”

The younger griffon smiled triumphantly inside. Alright, Gallus, you’ve got it. You can talk all high and ceremonial if they need it. The priest nodded his head. “Of course, of course. Please, come with me.” The griffon led them to the biggest building; while mostly turned to rubble, some walls were still standing, reinforced gently with wood as they were excavated to ensure they wouldn’t collapse. “In fact, this is not only the first one we’ve found, but also the only one found that predates the Schism. An amazing discovery to the faithful.

“Forgive me, father Stormbreath, but… Schism? I never heard of any schisms in the Griffon religion.” Sandbar asked.

“Nothing to forgive, son, you can ask me anything. And you are mostly correct. Until now, we barely had any records of the Schism. Some even thought it was a myth, but it seems it really happen. What happened was… Prelate!” The priests turned a corner, entering the ruined temple, and instantly bowed. “I did not expect you here!”

“Worry not, I just arrived here.” And old griffon with white feathers, contrasting with his black clothing, answered. “I see we have guests?”

Gallus bowed, guessing correctly who that was. Most of his friends bowed as well… although in case of Smolder, it was almost unnoticeable. “Yes, Your Highness. I am sir Gallus, of Griffonstone. I traveled here with my companions to learn about the earliest days of Girffonian religion.”

“Welcome, sir Gallus, welcome, to the heart of our faith. Stormbreath, please go back to your work. I will take care of our guests.”

“But, Prelate Ebonwing…”

“Now, now. I rarely have time to talk with people other than griffons these days.” Prelate Ludwig Ebonwing turned to his guests, inviting them inside.

The temple had no ceiling, and the walls were barely above Smolder’s head, or even shorter. If not for a lot of effort put into stabilizing and reinforcing them, they would probably collapse as well. It was a sunny day, but somehow, the inside of the temple felt old, dusty and cold. Everycreature shuddered, except for Prelate, who seemed immune to the chilling effect of the ruin.

“I heard you asking about the Schism before. I take it you haven’t heard about it?” As everycreature shook their heads, the Prelate pointed at one of the walls, with a mural on it. It was surprisingly readable, although the language was sparse, ancient and unreadable.

“In the beginning, there was the World. It was created by four Gods, who gave it to griffons, made in Their holy image, as a gift.” The mural showed four vaguely griffon-like creatures, hard to recognize with how the damaged the wall was. One of the figures was completely destroyed, with only one claw remaining.

“Boreas gave us our intellect, so we would be different then mindless animals and plants that populated the world. And thanks to this gift, Griffonkind prospered, creating mighty buildings, among them temples to worship the Four Creators.”

“Eyr made us close to His divine form, and embedded within us deep love for children, respect for elders, and the tradition of family. And so the Griffonkidn prospered, and multiplied.”

“Arturious gave us courage, and strength, so that we could fight the monsters that plagued the World. And so Griffonkind prospered, banishing monsters from their lands.”

Prelate stopped for a moment, looking at the mural, focusing on the last, destroyed figure on the mural. “But Maar… Maar was different.”

“He cursed us with fear and cowardice. But the other Gods, seeing this, multiplied their gifts towards us. And thanks to them, we still prosper, fighting Maar’s curse.” Gallus recited from memory.

“Marr sound like a horrible meanie.” Yona commented.

“Definitely is.” Smolder added.

“Ah, if only things were so easy.” Prelate answered, pointing at the destroyed figure. “Maar did not give us any gifts initially. It was His idea to create the World, and he gave the most out of Himself to create it.”

Everyone else looked in surprised silence, as Prelate pointed to the second mural. This one was showing griffons killing each other, piles of corpses so high they reached the top of the remaining wall. “But then, Griffonkind, while prosperous, had no other enemies. They we powerful, mighty, and fearless. But some of them found fighting to be their nature. Others fought for resources, for even with Gods being generous, they were limited.”

“But the worst were those who wanted to prove their strength in battle. They killed to prove their strength, their prowess in a fight.”

Prelate pointed further, at the next mural. The young friends, fascinated, followed and saw a mural showing a land of peace. Farmers, miners and builders stood there, working their crafts. “Angry that the griffons would waste the gifts bestowed upon them, Maar gave them His final blessing.”


The young friends could only look in shock at the old griffon in front of them. Smolder was first to break silence. “Wait, are you saying Maar, the one everygriffon hates… gave them souls?”

“Yes. With souls, came the realization of mortality, and a conscience. No longer were griffons killing each other for no reason, just to kill.”

“But that is not what I heard in church.” Gallus protested.

“And that’s not what books in Equestria say.” Sandbar added.

“Of course. You see, despite Maar’s best intentions, souls were not what he expected them to be. Griffons hated them, hated the feeling of their own mortality and fear of dying. Instead of eternal peace, the first true war started.” The Prelate pointed at the last mural.

It was burned. Not just damaged by time, but also by claws of those who wanted to destroy it. “Almost everygriffon hated Maar. They united in a great horde, and descended upon the Great Temples. The monuments created to praise Maar tumbled down, and the temples were burned, while priests and believers alike were slaughtered.”

“And since then, Girffonkind is at war with itself. Countries fought for resources, kings for titles, knights for glory.
Still today blood is being spilled, and it will continue to be spilled, until the End of Days come and Maar returns to remade the world again in His image.”

“What… happened to the other Gods?” Silverstream asked, fascinated, if a little scared. That really didn’t sound like the Maar she heard off, and one that would support someone like Prince Ondska in killing other girffons.

“Who knows? Some say they left us, disgusted by how we wasted their gifts. Others say that they always planned to leave, and left the world in our claws.”

“Well, whatever.” Everycreature looked at Smolder. “Look, everyone, this is clearly not the whole truth. Where is Discord? Who created ponies, or dragons? With all due respect, I see no sign of it being true.”

“Besides, why would Maar, after wanting to stop the bloodshed, want to start a war? It makes no sense.” Ocellus added, looking around nervously.

“Why not ask Him yourself?” The Prelate asked.

Suddenly, the darkness descended upon the desecrated temple.

All of them felt the touch of Maar before. But none ever felt it so strong. None of them could think, focus, act. They were standing among an endless darkness, each of them alone in the halls of Death.

There was nothing else.

But then, a small light of hope lit up.

“Ocellus. The coward, and the murderer.” Maar spoke to the changeling in His domain. “You brought even more pain and misery with your short existence.”

“N… No…” Ocellus said by instinct, but he couldn’t think. Focus. Do anything. The darkness was just too overwhelming.

“You made them resist me, Silverstream. And now they will have to suffer. I wanted to bring them peacefully into my folds. Now, it will be war, as they futilely resist the inevitable.”

“Your dragon fire cannot hope to defeat me, Smolder. It only prolongs the inevitable. Just like you forced your friend, Hermann, to suffer alone for years to come.”

“You thought your strength will be enough to save Vedina, Yona? You only brought more pain unto them.”

“Sandbar, you should have been wiser. Should have stayed in Equestria. Now, you will have to witness the consequences of your actions.”

“Gallus. Out of them all, you actions are the most hopeless. I gave you soul, young griffon. It is time for it to return to me.”

Light was shining in the darkness. Six points of light, infinitely distant, yet so close.

“Why do you resist the inevitable? None can live forever. But I am eternal.”

But the light refused to yield.

Each of them could feel it. The bond between them, the bonds of friendship.

“What is friendship against Death?”

Trust. They trusted each other. Even if one was to fall, others would continue. Each of them having their own friends, and these friends would have their own.

“You will all die regardless. And your friends as well.”

But something will remain. Friendship will leave a trace upon this world, a trace that will remain even after they are all dead.

The light shone brighter. The darkness could not take it, and escaped from the light.

Gallus snapped out of it, blinking in confusion. He was dead, moment ago. Or at least, it felt like death. But now he was back in the ruins, and he could think. He felt his friends around, they were all here. Alive.

“Once again, you choose suffering over peace.” Maar said, His voice sounding in the desecrated temple. Prelate stood there as well, surprised, but his God ignored him. “I wanted to give you peace in your last moments, but you chose to resist.”

Two knights stood in the doorway, swords drawn. A dozen more flew over the ruined temple, blocking that escape route. Gallus drew his weapon as well, while Smolder took a deep breath, a red-hot fire burning inside her, ready to burn her enemies. Ocellus, shaking off her fear, change into a huge bear, while Yona got ready to charge. Prelate Ebonwing moved out of the way of the upcoming combat, surprised at the sight of six friends resisting his master’s touch.

“Well, everyone, I think this is it.” Gallus said, eyeing the knights whose eyes were blood-red and demonic. “Unless you have some amazing ideas that will let us get out of here alive?”

Smolder didn’t answer, focusing on her fire. If she was going to die here, she would go out with a bang. Let Maar choke on her as she goes down his throat.

Ocellus just stood there, silent, forging her fear into anger. She would fight to the last.

“Yona not afraid of the meanie god! Come and figth Yona yourself!” The yak said fearlessly.

“What she said!” Sandbar said, ready to buck the first enemy who comes in range.

“I’m so sorry for you.” Silverstream said, looking at the temple with sadness.

Everycreature stopped. Gallus, who was already planning on some badass speech to proclaim in his last moments, instead turned to his friends. “What?”

“It’s so sad.” Silverstream said, pointing at the temple. “It used to be a place where griffons could come and thank him, for everything. He helped create the world, he gave them souls, conscience. And they burned it all, buried it, even changed their entire religion to erase him! Think about how he must feel.”

“Silverstream, not sure if you noticed, but he’s a villain! He wants to start a war, he steals the souls of dead griffons to… do whatever he does to them, and he’s going to kill us now!” Gallus protested.

“I wonder why. He wanted to save griffons, to make them stop killing each other. Why is he trying to start a war now?” Silverstream looked around. “Excuse me, mister Maar, but… why are you trying to kill so many griffons? I thought you wanted to stop all the killing?”

“I tried.” The answer was surprisingly quiet, although still overwhelming, as Maar spoke. “I tried for so long, but it was for nothing. My children do not understand peace. All they know is killing, raiding, pillaging, and destroying.
It is time for me to start anew. The world must be torn down and rebuilt, so that new, better creatures may inhabit it. Ones with stronger conscience and aversion to bloodshed, who will not squander the gifts I bestowed upon them.”

“I see.” Silverstream sighed. “I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine how much it has to hurt, knowing that the griffons just abandoned you when you tried to help them.”

“You know, Silverstream, I think you should feel more sorry for us then a villain. Snap out of it, he’s the bad guy here!” Gallus protested again.

“But he’s suffering. Have you seen his, his place?” Silverstream shivered. “It is so dark, and lonely. If this is how he feels, all the time, don’t you think we should feel sorry for him? I want to help him.”

There was a long moment of silence. The knights and Prelate stood there, unmoving, waiting for their God’s answer. The young friends all looked at Silverstream.

“Yona doesn’t understand.” Finally, a young yak broke the silence. “Should Yona smash Maar, or hug Maar?”

“Wha…?” Smolder tried to say, forgetting she was holding her breath, ready to breath fire. She choked and coughed for a moment, smoke flying out of her mouth. “What are you saying? Of course you should smash him! Don’t you all remember Vedina? Haukland? Greneclyf? Come on!”

“I know.” Silverstream quietly said. “But is he the only one? Nightmare Moon once plunged Equestria into eternal night and Gryphus into eternal day. We don’t even know what kind of damage she caused. But we still forgave her.”

“That’s different!”

“Is it, Gallus? What about Starlight? You all heard about her almost destroying Equestria, as well.”

“But she failed, and she didn’t kill anyone!”

“Leave.” The Voice said, silencing the discussion. It echoed off the wall and floor, filling in the desecrated temple. “Leave my temple.”

“Um, what?” Smolder asked, confused.

“Go north, leave my lands.” Maar said. “Live your lives until the bitter end, and see with your own eyes the folly of your dreams.”

“But, my Lord…” Prelate tried to protest.

“One day, you will see. You will realize that the World is broken, my gift tainted. On that day, you will come to me, and help me create it anew.” Maar said, drowning out the Prelate as if he didn’t hear him at all. Or didn’t care. “I have foreseen it. You are not the tools of Harmony anymore, and you are no longer my enemies. Leave my lands, and see where your hope leads you.”

The knights wordlessly moved away from the doors, and flew away from the temple. Prelate looked at the young six with sadness, and also left.
In moments, they were alone. Just a faint presence of Maar remained in His once great temple.

“I have no idea what just happened, but let’s get out of here before he changes his mind.” Smolder quickly said, pointing to the exit. “We’re not far from Empire’s border, are we?”

“Three days?” Gallus said, looking around the temple and shivering. “You know, actually, make it two. I can make it in two days. Just… let’s get out of here.”

All friends left the temple, emerging in now empty excavations. No griffon or pony was left. Once bustling with life, now the ruins were once again silent.
Silverstream looked at them with sadness in her eyes, before turning away and following her friends.

They walked in silence for a moment, before Gallus spoke. “Silverstream, please tell me you weren’t serious back there. That you aren’t actually feeling sorry for the worst villain on entire Gryphus.”

“But he is so sad and lonely.” Silverstream answered, looking back at the old ruins. “His temples destroyed, followers killed, all griffons taught for hundreds of years to hate him. And he only wanted to help.”

“His ‘help’ includes killing everygriffon, then probably everycreature else. Thanks, that’s very, very helpful.” Gallus said sarcastically, making Silverstream wince. “I’m sorry, but he’s not some misunderstood creature. He is a literal God of Death. He’s like Cozy Glow, but a hundred, no, thousand times worse! I can’t be the only one who sees this?” The griffon looked around, at his friends.

“I’m with you, Gallus. We need to find a way to stop that guy, before he actually starts a war.” Smolder voiced her opinion.

“Yona isn’t sure. One hoof, Maar is a meanie and should be smashed. Other hoof, Maar sad and hurt.” The yak shrugged, visibly confused. “Yona doesn’t know. Yona confused, and Yona doesn’t like it.”

“I’m not sure. Gallus, please don’t take it the wrong way, but… you’re not the most objective person right now.” Sandbar said hesitantly.

“What? Excuse me, did you expect me to just stand here, stoic and all, while Maar is planning a war next to my home?” Gallus turned to his friend, fuming. “And let’s not forget about a small fact that he also takes the souls of every dead griffon. How would you feel if you knew that everygriffon you cared about is still alive, imprisoned by some sadistic monster?”

“But we can still try to help him. Maybe if he feels better, he will stop?” Silverstream proposed weakly.

“Sorry, I don’t think this is happening. Gallus is right, Maar isn’t like Princess Luna.” Smolder said, supporting her friend. “He’s more like Cozy Glow. Or Chrysalis. No offense Ocellus, but that changeling is irredeemable.”

Ocellus didn’t answer. She was, in fact, just walking in silence. She changed back to her normal form after leaving the ruins, but hasn’t said a word since, apparently lost in her own thoughts even as a discussion around her got heated.

“You know who you remind me of right now? Star Swirl the Bearded. He told Starlight that once a villain, always a villain, and if not for her, Stygian would be banished to wherever they sent that darkness!”

“Please, friends, why are we arguing about this?”

“This is insane. Maar is too strong to play games with! Even Discord needed some good flank-kicking before he got better!”

“Yona is still more confused! Why are friends now arguing?”

“Princess and her friends always taught us the value of forgiveness. We can’t just turn around from someone if they need help.”

“Sometimes, you need to fight someone. Even Princess Twilight fought Tirek, because he was too dangerous and he would never reform!”

“But he wasn’t suffering!”

“What makes you think Maar is? He seems happy enough to kill griffons now, even start wars!”

“I can’t forgive him.”

That last voice, quieter than her friends, regardless managed to hold the argument. Everyone looked at Ocellus, who slowly lifted her head, tears in her eyes.

“I know we’re supposed to help, and forgive, but I just can’t. You didn’t see what I saw. Maar is suffering, but he’s also so old and powerful. I don’t think we can change his mind.” Ocellus took a shaky breath. “I’m sorry, everyone, but I can’t forgive him for what he did. And what he’s going to do.”

“Going to do?” Sandbar asked with concern.

“He finally got a country under his control, right? And I’d guess he had it for some time now. What do you think he’s going to do now?” Ocellus dried her tears with her hoof. “I hate feeling powerless. I hate not being to stop this.”

The discussion flamed out after this. Yona and Silverstream gave Ocellus a big hug, but it didn't provide much solace. The changeling was too focused on their failure.

They reached the border with the Empire in two days. Thankfully they had enough supplies with them to last that long, but the journey was far from pleasant. There was tension between them now. Gallus was angry, not at his friends of course, but it was still making it hard to talk to him. Ocellus was having an internal struggle that no hug could help with. Yona was confused and sad, Sandbar had no idea how to help, while Smolder stood by Gallus.
Silverstream was just sad.

When they reached the Griffonian Empire’s border, they were stopped by a patrol of armed griffons. Fortunately, this time Gallus did not have to once again repeat who he was… although unfortunately the person leading the patrol was not someone he wanted to see right now.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Gallus himself. And these must be your ‘friends’.” A commanding griffon said contemptuously. “What are you doing here? Trying to sow more dissent in the Empire, spread your Harmonist ways?”

“Generalfeldmarschall Bronzetail.” Gallus answered tiredly. He really had enough of stupid griffons right now. “What are you doing here? I thought you were too busy staring at the Republican border all day, dreaming of war.”

“Are you mocking me?” The older griffon asked, his soldiers putting their claws on their weapons. “If I were you, I would choose your next words very carefully. Whoever you think you are, you just illegally crossed the border into the Empire. I have every right to arrest you here and now.”

“You have bigger problems then that.” Smolder interrupted, pointing behind her. “Maar is controlling Greifwald, and planning to start a war. If I were you, I would focus on that, first.”

“Maar? Really. A likely story.” Elias Bronzetail, great war hero and unyielding defender of the Empire, looked at her with pity in his eyes. “Did you really think I would believe in something so…”

Then they felt it. The darkness. And the cold. Everycreature instinctively looked at the empty fields of Greifwald, shivering. Some Empire soldiers grabbed their weapons, unsure what to do. Others just stood there, paralyzed.

“On that note, we need to get to Griffenheim as fast as possible.” Gallus said nonchalantly, a stark contrast to the shaken soldiers in front of him. “We have information the Emperor needs to know. Preferably now.”

Far west from them, Nicolette Mountainclaw looked once again at the maps of Greifwald. It had been some time since the young Equestrian agents reached their goal; she expected news from their spies soon. In fact, they were already late.

“Still no trains?” She asked one of her guards, stationed outside the building.

“Nothing, ma’am.” The special forces griffon answered, looking at the tracks.

Nicolette went back to the map. What was going on? No train left that country since yesterday. She ordered all trains leaving Skyfall to halt, just in case. She didn’t want to even think about the colossal financial losses it would cause, but she decided it was better then risking sending those trains to whatever was going on in Greifwald.

“Ma’am!” One of the guards stationed a little further way entered the building. “A group of griffons is approaching fast from the other side of the border!”

“How many? Nicolette inquired.

“Around two dozen, ma’am.”

“Two dozen?” Not enough for a full-scale attack. Would be enough for a raid… if she didn’t have reinforcements hidden in the area. She smiled. If it was one of those agents of ‘Maar’, they would have a surprise. “Tell Parkunas to get ready for an ambush. If one of those creatures has some kind of augmented strength, pincushion them with arrows and try to capture alive if possible.”

“Yes ma’am.” The griffon saluted and left the building, alongside the other guards, leaving her alone. The griffon looked at the map one last time, this time with a sense of satisfaction. “A border raid, huh? Think we’re another band of barbarians like those Vedinans or Hauklanders? You’ll see.”

She was pondering her next move, arming herself and putting on some more armor. With this incursion on their territory stopped, they may demand explanation from the Prelate. Concessions. New trade policies. She could see it in her mind, she would bring much wealth to Skyfall with this. And being the country who swiftly dealt with this impostor will give them much respect in the eyes of other countries.

She shivered involuntarily, a chill running down her spine. Why was she feeling cold? It was a warm day outside. Must be nerves, she thought to herself. The battle would start any second now.

However, instead of a battle, she heard different sounds. Talking? And… weeping? What’s going on? She decided to go and check, when one of the griffons station at the border entered the building. “Message from the general, Ma’am.” He passed her a piece of paper.

“A message?” She took it, surprised. Why not just come to her himself? “I hope he has good reason to send… a written…” She stopped.

She knew that clawriting. She would recognize it anywhere. She turned to the griffon who brought the weird message. “Is this some kind of a joke? Where did you get this?!”

“There are two types of dangers in this world, Nicol.” The griffon said, his voice changing to one she knew so well. “There are those who want to attack us for our riches. They are easy to predict; just make sure that attacking us will cost them more then they gain, even if they loot entirety of Skyfall.”

“How… not, you cannot be…” She weakly said. Only one person ever called her Nicole. But it was impossible! And this voice…

“The second group is more annoying.” The ‘messenger’ continued. “These are those who want to conquer us because of ideological reasons, prestige, or other petty reasons. For countering them, the key is to make sure everygriffon else is opposed to that idea. Even if the Empire wants to attack us one day, they will not do that if they know that everygriffon else on the continent will defend us. That our strategic position, riches and trade cannot fall into the hands of the Empire.”

“You cannot know that. It’s a trick! A telepathic magic! Guards!” Nicolette drew her sword with a shaking claw. “Stop it this instant!”

“It seems I was wrong back then.” Wingmar Folkhe, the old Skyfall Federation’s head of internal security, continued. “There are powers that just cannot be stopped. That can just take what they want. And rightfully so, for we belong to Him.”

“You are not him. You are NOT!” The current Skyfall spymaster run out of the building, calling for soldiers to deal with this situation… but she stopped, frozen in her tracks, as she saw what was left of the commando division.

The air outside was unnatural. It was cold. It was hot. It hurt, but it was perfect. She could breathe freely, but the air felt too thick to move and too thin to fly.

One of her soldiers cut herself with her sword. It was just a small cut, tiny one. She bled purple blood, and she cried green tears, begging for something. She was speaking in reverse.

Most soldiers just stood there, or fell on the ground. The voices of the dead mocked them, asked for help, called to them to join them. Sometimes all at once. It was a cursed choir, poisoning the minds, tainting the air. Even the griffons in the stopped trains weren’t immune, some of them trying to run away.

General Parkunas was there, bravely resisting whatever madness it was. She shook one of the soldiers, snapping them out of the trance. A small group of griffons under her command was trying to prepare defensive perimeter. Seeing as Nicolette was also lucid, Parkunas run to her, cursing. The pony – one of the few non-griffon commanders in Skyfall – seemed much more resilient to those visions of madness.

“We need to fall back!” The general shouted, grabbing her. “We'll get slaughtered if we stay! Too many are incapacitated to fight. I’m having some of my soldiers try to get the trains operational…”

It was then that the demons in griffon form descended upon them. And the hordes of Maar begun their march through Skyfall, none able to oppose them.

Nicolette opened her eyes. Weird. She did not remember closing them. She was floating in endless darkness. “Hello?”

“I missed you.” Wingmar said, standing in front of her. “You did well, really well, Nicole.”

“Do… you really think so?” Nicole asked, her voice filled with a mix of confusion and happiness.. The old griffon rarely had any praise to say about anygriffon.

“Yes. It was not your fault that you lost this time. It was inevitable. None can stand against the Imperium of Maar.”

Suddenly, the younger griffon remembered why she was here. “No, you… you’re not…” She took a step back, yet it made no difference. The creature, impersonating her teacher, remained right in front of her. She tried to run, jump, fly. But he was always there.

“What are you running away from?” Wingmar asked calmly.

“It is your home, my child.” Maar said.

Nicolette screamed in fright, trying to run away.

But there was no running away from Death.

Author's Note:

And so, we conclude the middle part of the Student Six story. We will see them back again soon, do not worry. The next story in this series is already in the making, although I'd like to finish the Black Crusade first.

I decided to make a Patreon, to see if people would be interested in supporting my writing. The link is here: https://www.patreon.com/Alank2, if anyone is interested.

Comments ( 17 )

“I am sir Gallus, of Griffonfsone. These are my companions. We arrived with a mission from the royal house of Vedina.” Gallus took out the royal documents and passed the to the knight, who quickly read through them.


“Boreas gave us our intellect, so we would be different then mindless animals and plants that populated the world. And thanks to this gift, Griffonkind prospered, creating mighty buildings, among them temples to worship the Four Creators.”

Yeah we heard about that just a little bit in season 5

“Why not ask Him yourself?” The Prelate asked.

Suddenly, the darkness descended upon the desecrated temple.

All of them felt the touch of Maar before. But none ever felt it so strong. None of them could think, focus, act. They were standing among an endless darkness, each of them alone in the halls of Death.

“You know, Silverstream, I think you should feel more sorry for us then a villain. Snap out of it, he’s the bad guy here!” Gallus protested again.

I guess silver stream trying to be neutral about the situation just like what happened with Starlight sunset Gilda Trixie and so forth trying to give them the benefit of doubt but when it comes to genocide and everything this is when we had to draw the line somewhere

“Leave.” The Voice said, silencing the discussion. It echoed off the wall and floor, filling in the desecrated temple. “Leave my temple.”

Apparently silverstream hit the nerve in death it kind of reminds me of that scene from Naruto which it was a pretty powerful scene

She knew that clawriting. She would recognize it anywhere. She turned to the griffon who brought the weird message. “Is this some kind of a joke? Where did you get this?!”

That's one also kind of reminds me of the Batman series when the Scarecrow made his appearances and also give the living daylight out of me when I was a kid

Oh wow this is the most intense ever so it looks like the kids finally arrived to the destination but being stopped by one of the guards and telling them what was the business but trying to warn the other countries about the attack of death and The Invasion and the kids finally made it through they talk with the priests about the situation but unfortunately in their horror they realize that it was a trap that Maar was there technically and they were about to fight the way but silverstream thinks that this is a misunderstanding and maybe they can try to talk this out but Gallus thinks that she's out of her mind knowing to a fact that there is nothing really to talk about especially dealing with a psychopath like death especially try to genocide every creature but it looks like he let them go for now and here comes the bad part that now they're in a disagreement with each other about this whole situation but they also had to warn them about the invasion and what they're going to do but it looks like they're starting to attack I wonder how these kids are going to stop this whole situation but I guess that's another story this was a pretty good story here can't wait to see what's going to happen next but this was still pretty good keep up the good work

Typos fixed, thank you!

Every one of our six heroes has valid points, it's a matter of their experiences and perspectives; their points of view on Maar will be expanded in the next story, but suffice to say they do not agree on what should they do, as we can already see.

After all this time... I saw the "complete" icon.

Some time ago, even. I need to get back to writing on Fimfiction soon.

We look forward to your return

The sequel in process.

Welp, I lost my PC and was unable to write for a while. Good news is, I'm back! I just updated one of my other stories, and I will try to catch up to this one as well. Hopefully sequel soon?

Oh okay I was just wondering what happened you've been kind of quiet lately but okay nice to hear from you

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